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Project Management

The project management phase in the final preparation phase aims to organize everything for this
research to be resolved. At this stage the project manager ensures that the system can be integrated
between parts, end-users get satisfaction with the system, and the existence of quality testing on Odoo
ERP system on CV. Kembar mekar


At this stage is the last stage of training or training conducted by researchers. At this stage the
researcher wants to know whether a training is working well or produce something as expected or not.
Researchers answered the curiosity by using indicators of training effectiveness given to employees CV.
Kembar Mekar as follows.

1. There is additional knowledge or ability of CV employee. Twin Bloom

2. The ability of employees CV. kembar Mekar in remembering the contents of the training

3. The ability of employees CV. kembar Mekar practice training materials skillfully

System Management

At this stage is the last stage of training or training conducted by researchers. At this stage the
researcher wants to know whether a training is working well or produce something as expected or not.
Researchers answered the curiosity by using indicators of training effectiveness given to employees CV.
Twin Blooms as follows.

1. There is additional knowledge or ability of CV employee. Twin Bloom

2. The ability of employees CV. kembar Mekar in remembering the contents of the training

3. The ability of employees CV. kembar Mekar practice training materials skillfully.

The detailed project planning

The detailed project planning stage includes three things: project justification, project outcomes, and
project outputs.

1. Project justification

This research can overcome and provide solutions to the problems on the CV. Kembar mekar.

2. Project outcomes

Changes related to the organizational structure and business processes companies provided by the
researchers are expected to be guided by the CV. Kembar mekar.

3. Project outputs
Output from research on CV. Kembar mekar can be felt directly by the company in the form of proposed
business processes for companies and products ERP system Odoo.

Final Integration Test

In the final stage of integration testing this is the stage where the researcher examines whether the
combination of the existing part (function) or module of an ERP Odoo system can work together


After the final integration testing, the next is to test UAT (User Acceptance Testing). UAT is a series of
tests conducted to measure the appropriateness between applications with end-user needs. At this time
the application testing involves the company's CV. Kembar Mekar against the Odos ERP system.

Quality check

At this quality check stage, researchers control the quality of one involving integration testing. With the
testing first, then the researchers will easily perform a quality check whether customer satisfaction has
been obtained by the company CV. Kembar Mekar or not.

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