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School : SMPN 12 Medan

Subject : English

Class :X

Standard Competence : Listening

1. Understanding the meaning in the conversation transactional and interpersonal in the context of everyday.

Time Tools and

Basic Competence Learning Material Study Activities Indicators Evaluation
Allocation Sources
1.1. Respond the  Introduce/  Listening conversation  Identified meaning the way of Quiz 4 x 45’ Marker
mean of meeting, leaving interpersonal/ introducing.
transactional taking. transactional through  Respond the way of Test Whiteboard
conversation (to Example : tape. introducing.
get things done)  Discussion and respond  Identified meaning the way to Assignment Cassette and
and interpersonal A: pleased to meet the conversation that is agree invitation. CD/lab.
formal and you! listened by group.  Respond meaning the way to performance
informal that  Role play in pair. agree invitation. Text book
using variation of B: pleased to meet  Doing tourist hunting  Identified meaning the way to
simple spoken you too! and record the cancel the promises.
language conversation  Using the way of introduce.
accurately in the  Agree / disagree  Doing interpersonal
context of invitation. conversation.
everyday such as Example :  Using the way of inviting.
 Using the way to agree
meeting, leaving, A: come to my invitation in the conversation.
Agree / disagree party.  Using the way of promising.
accepting/  Using the way of Using the way
B: thanks for
Refusing invitation of canceling promises.
promises .
1.2. Giving  Accepting
expression of promises
meaning in the Example :
transactional A: it gets you the
conversation (to book.
get things done)
and interpersonal B: it’s very kind of
formal and you.
informal that
using variation of  Refusing promises
simple spoken Example :
language A: I am sorry I can’t
accurately in the make it.
context of
everyday such as B: that’s ok we’ll
Introduce/ do it some other
meeting, leaving, time.
Agree / disagree

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