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Table of Contents
Table of Contents 1

It’s Not Woo-Woo. It’s Science 2

We’re Magnificent Beings with Superpowers 3

Intend it 6

Don’t Worry, You Can’t Kill Your Loved Ones 7

Leave Your Problems in Space 8

Unclog Your Pipes 10

What are Chakras? 12

The Root Chakra 13

Sink Your Roots In 19

The Sacral Chakra 20

Save the Boxes for Gift Giving 27

Solar Plexus Chakra 34

How Lucky You are to be Just a Person 37

Protective Mirror 40

Heart Chakra 43

Throat Chakra 51

Third Eye Chakra 58

Crown Chakra 65

More Ways of Clearing Blocks 73

Cleanse/Detox 74

Reiki 76

Meditation 76

Eat Correctly 76

Sunlight 77

Feng Shui 78

Yoga 78

Unplug 78

Breathe 79

Mindset 79

A Rainbow Meditation 80

It’s Not Woo-Woo. It’s Science

”If you want to find the secrets to the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and
-Nikola Tesla

Tesla was way ahead of his time. Or, behind, depending on how you look at it. Since the
civilizations of old knew about these sorts of things before the world forgot them. Though they
were never completely abandoned, for good reason, and are now beginning to slowly come
back and become common knowledge again. Which is why I hate it when people call this sort of
stuff “New Age” because it’s really been around for thousands of years.

Maybe what’s new about it is the depth of our understanding that has come with the
breakthroughs in science the past couple of hundred of years.

When you understand that everything is energy and vibrating at a certain frequency, you
understand that everything can be manipulated.

It’s all about positive and negative ions. Since energy is neither created nor destroyed, but
instead continuously transferred from one place to another, the goal is to intercept as much
energy as you can and direct it toward the thing or goal you have in mind.

Everything is vibrating at a certain frequency. Since everything is made up of the same type of
energy, it’s the frequency of their vibrations that set them apart. It’s what makes you a human
and a chair a chair.

Think of it like this, if you have a hot piece of pizza, you blow on it. The heat is energy which is
slowly seeping away from the pizza naturally. You're blowing on it is energy which you’re using
to push away the energy from the pizza faster, thus, creating the desired outcome to manifest
sooner. The heat and your air are two different frequencies and since like attracts like, what you
put forth magnifies.

This works with everything. It’s not just isolated to pizza and your breath. Nor is it isolated to
simply changing the temperature of something. It works with everything. If you can imagine it,
you can create a vibration and frequency to attract it.

We’re Magnificent Beings with Superpowers
Since we’re conscious beings, we have the unique ability to change the frequency at which we
vibrate. This is how we utilize the law of Attraction. By matching the frequency of that which we
wish to manifest.

We can decide what we wish to attract, attune our frequency to it and put forth our own energy
to manipulate the world around us so that we may manifest any desired outcome. The more
energy and focus we put toward a specific manifestation, the sooner it will appear in our lives.

The key is to know exactly what it is that you wish to manifest. The clearer you are on this, the
better you can focus on it. The better you can focus on it, the sooner and easier it will manifest.

What is it that you wish to manifest? Things? A certain job or way of life? Money? We are very
good at knowing exactly what it is we don’t want to happen. This is bad because the law of
attraction works no matter what sort of vibrations you’re sending out. But more on that in a
moment. Right now we want to know what we’re manifesting.

Think it through though. Is it really money in itself that you want? Or is it the time, freedom and
things money will buy you? Bypass the money and focus on the outcome you’re hoping on
receiving with the money.

Use the box below to describe your ideal day. Be as detailed as

What are some things you would like to have?

What are some things you would like to do?

Intend it
Creating intentions are important in keeping our minds and actions focused on what we wish to
manifest. They help us stay on track with clarity and not get side tracked. When we’re super
clear about what we want to happen, the universe can respond by bringing exactly that to us.

Don’t worry about “how”. The universe will conspire perfectly to bring us what we wish.
Sometimes in the least likely of ways. We can’t predict how we’ll get what we want. Only that we

When setting intentions, feel free to add in deadlines and details! The limits are your
imagination! I set intentions daily and put big ones up on my whiteboard for me to see often.
They keep me aligned and raise my vibrations everytime I make them. It’s best to set them

Don’t Worry, You Can’t Kill Your Loved Ones
Now, getting back to the worrying and negative vibrations, the law of attraction is going to work
no matter what you’re sending out into the universe. The universe is on your side and wants you
to have everything that you want, but it thinks that you want everything you think of. This makes
worrying go from simply making you sick from stress all the way to being seriously dangerous to
your well being, fast.

Luckily, we can’t effect other’s manifestations with our own negative worries. Which means we
can’t accidently cause our loved ones harm from imagining bad things we don’t want happening
to them. Phew! That’s a load off! Right? I would have already killed everyone in my life if that
were the case.

Manifesting negative outcomes and situations in your own life can have an effect on our loved
ones though. Which is in itself a good reason to get your worry and vibrations in order.

I’m not saying if you never have a negative vibration nothing negative will ever occur in your life.
Sometimes the universe either needs to teach us a lesson so that we may manifest what it is we

desire, or it may need to get rid of something so that we can be where it is we need to be to
receive it. We can’t pretend to know what path is laid in front of us so that we may reach what
we are seeking to gain. We can only have faith that we are on the correct path and that we
WILL reach it.

Negative vibrations are going to stand in your way though. They are going to manifest
unnecessary obstacles in your path and make gaining what you are after harder and more time
consuming. Especially since, chances are, what you’re after has high vibrations and you can’t
manifest it until you match it’s vibrations.

Just so we’re clear and on the same page, Positive, happy thoughts = high vibrations.
Negative, sad, worrisome thoughts = low vibrations.

Leave Your Problems in Space

There’s a meditation I like to do. I learned it from Christie Sheldon. (If you dunno who she is, I
highly recommend a youtube video-a-thon. She’ll change your life.)

Imagine your energy expanding out to encompass the entire room. Now expand it further to
encompass the whole building. Now farther to encompass the whole Earth. Keep expanding it
passed all of the planets and passed our Milky Way Galaxy. Expand it out as far as you can
imagine going until you feel it connect with source energy. Now you feel warm, bright light. It
encompasses your entire being as it intertwines with your energy filling you up with an
overwhelming feeling of love, wholeness, safety and joy.

Now imagine your problems, worries and all negativities there. (I like to imagine mine as
something physical that represents them. For example, a bag of trash or if your problems are
school related it could be a stack of books. Whatever works for you is perfect.) Take your
negative representation and drop it there. In the outskirts of space. Keep dropping problems and
worries until you have no more left inside of you. And with a smile on your face, a load off of
your shoulders, feel the calm envelope you as you return to Earth, to the place where you are.
Leaving all of the negativities out there to exist in nothingness. Away from you and your
amazingly beautiful and abundant life.


Don’t worry. I’ll wait right here until you’re finished.

Use the box below to write down everything you worry about. By
writing them down, you’re releasing them from the captivity of your
body and allowing them to flow out into the universe to disperse into
nothingness. They are no longer trapped within you.

Unclog Your Pipes
Energy powers more than just your drive to get up and do something. It drives your creativity,
your ambition, your happiness. ​Energy flows to every aspect of who you are and powers
your ability to feel, think and act upon it all.

When you encounter any problem in your life, such as low physical energy, depression or even
lack of money, it’s because your flow of energy has encountered a block and needs to be
cleared in order to continue to flow properly and get to where it’s suppose to be. To create
success and positivity in your life, you need to heal energy blocks in your body that are
hindering you from being great.

There are several things that can block your flow of energy. Since being a whole person means
you’re not just a body but also a mind and a soul, there are three aspects of yourself that need
analyzing, upkeep and healing.

You can’t have one part of you working perfectly without the other two parts of you. Your body
needs to be functioning perfectly for your mind and soul to function perfectly. (Keep in mind that
perfection is a figment of our imagination which means there will always be aspects of ourselves
that need improvement and growth. Perfect means we are finished and we are infinite therefore
we are never finished.)

We’re going to surpass the body aspect for the most part in this book since it in itself can be
such a vast subject and in this one will focus on mostly the mind and spirit. We’ll start with the

Take a moment to reflect on the book so far and anything you’ve

What spoke to you? What insights did you have? Did you learn
anything about yourself and/or your world? Is there anything that you
would like to take on from here and incorporate into your life?

Make Some Intentions

What are Chakras?

Many people use the chakra system to heal energy flow.

The chakra system is a system throughout your body where energy whirlpools as it flows
through the body.

They are connected to our endocrine system which deals in hormones and the regulation of
them. Therefore, each chakra relates to certain parts of the body and certain functions. When a
chakra encounters a block which leaves the energy unable to flow, you see the results manifest
in physical and mental ailments as well as problems in your quality of life.

There are 114 chakras in the body but for simplicity’s sake we’ll focus on the main seven
everyone else pretty well acknowledges. Start small!

● The first chakra (Muladhara)​ is known as the root chakra. It’s associated with survival
and instincts and is located at the base of the spine. I also call this the money chakra.
● The second chakra (Svadisthana)​ is known as the sacral chakra. It’s associated with
emotion and creativity and is located in the lower abdomen.
● The third (Manipura)​ is called the solar plexus chakra. It’s associated with confidence
and self worth. It’s location is the upper stomach area.
● The fourth (Anahata)​ is the heart chakra, located at the, you guessed it, heart! It controls
love, happiness and inner peace.
● The fifth (Visuddha)​ is the throat chakra, located at so and has to do with truth and self
● The sixth chakra (Ajna)​ is the all seeing third eye and is located in the center of the
forehead. Intuition, wisdom and imagination stem from it.
● The seventh chakra (Sahasrara)​ is the crown chakra, located at the top of the head.
Connection and spirituality is what it majors in.

We start at the bottom and travel up because the flow of energy is so. It comes from the earth
up into you and flows out in every direction from your crown.

When the chakras are all aligned and in tune with one another, you find yourself thriving and
able to accomplish anything in your path. When they are not all aligned, you will have physical
and emotional manifestations not only within yourself, but also within your world. You have to
heal your energy blocks to restore flow.

The Root Chakra

Sanskrit name: Muladhara Mul(Root)adhara(Support)

Location: Base of the spine
Color: Red
Element: Earth

Our root chakra is what grounds us. It keeps us tethered to our connection with earth. It’s the
foundation on which we build ourselves upon. It supports our confidence, our strength and our
overall sense of well being.

The root chakra is where all of our core functions are stored. The genetic memories of our
ancestors, our survival instincts and the raw essential needs we all have as humans.

It is tied to our sense of security, meaning it can make us feel safe or unsafe. It also has the
ability to make us feel as though we live in abundance or scarcity, which means it is also tied to
​ our root chakra has the ability to
our quality of life and financial situations. That’s right, y
influence the amount of money you have.

Since our life force energy flows upward, from the earth, it’s important for our base chakra to be
clear. This allows energy to flow onward to the following six.

You have to start somewhere, and making sure you have a solid foundation on which to stand
paves the way for the rest of you and the remarkable things you can accomplish as a whole.

When our root chakra is blocked or out of alignment with us, it can cause all sorts of negative
manifestations both physically and mentally.

Physical Manifestations Include:

● Pain or problems in the Lower Body (feet, knees, legs hips)
● Sciatica
● Digestive Issues
● Prostate Problems
● Immune System Problems

Mental Manifestations Include:

● Depression
● Anxiety
● Low Self Esteem
● Feeling of Not Belonging
● Jealousy
● Co-Dependency
● Indecisiveness
● Phobias
● Addictions
● Eating Disorders

Quality of Life Manifestations Include:

● Financial Stability
● Hunger
● Shelter
● Strain on Relationships

Are there any Root Chakra ailments you see in your life?

The stability and strength of your root chakra is linked to how secure you felt as a child. If you
felt safe, well fed and as if you had everything you needed, your root chakra became strong and
doesn’t need much upkeep. If you didn’t feel safe and well provided for, you could see some of
these issues being common or repeating themselves in your life.

This doesn’t mean you were starved, malnourished, beaten or abandoned necessarily. Maybe
you grew up watching your parents struggle with bills or not have much money for food. Maybe
they did everything they possibly could to make sure you were well taken care of but sometimes
you had to live off of potted meat and Ramen noodles.

When I was growing up we didn’t have much. My mom had a lot of medical issues and was
always bed ridden or in the hospital which means she was unable to work. My dad worked all of
the time to make up the difference. My sister and I had food, plenty of Ramen, tuna and
crackers and sandwich stuff. We had clothes to wear. Not the most fashionable clothes, mostly
bought from thrift stores and yard sales, but we were warm in the winter. We had a roof over our
heads, even if pots and pans sat everywhere, catching the water that leaked in when it rained.

Growing up like this led me to feel like every penny I came across was sacred and to be
cherished. When I became grown and married, even though we made more and had more than
most people in our lives, I would agonize over every money decision that crossed my path.
Spending months debating on a twenty dollar decision. This was a kink in my root chakra that I
consistently battled with.

Any number of things can cause your chakras to become blocked and cause negative
manifestations in your body and life.

What is your Root Chakra story that causes your blocks?

There are many ways to clear energy blocks. I would recommend exploring all of the ways of
clearing blocks and using the ones that speak to you. Your intuition (another superpower of
yours) will tell you which ways you will see the most results.

Mantras which aid in training your belief systems to believe differently than they did before can
help in when repeated daily. Root chakra specific mantras can to address your specific

● I am safe.
● I am confident.
● I am abundant.
● I am healthy.
● I am wealthy.
● I have everything I need.
● I am balanced.
● I am grounded.
● I am powerful.
● I belong.
● I am worthy.
● I am strong.

Can you formulate any affirmations to help your particular situation?

Since food is a source of energy for our bodies, you can heal your chakras with food. Eat
yourself toward a healthy, unblocked root chakra with:

● Apples
● Cherries
● Red Peppers
● Red Onions
● Red Grapes
● Beets
● Radishes
● Red Potatoes
● Raspberries
● Pomegranates
● Watermelon
● Tomatoes
● Strawberries
● Cranberries
Or pretty much any other red, natural food.

Are there any diet changes you can make to aid your Root Chakra?

If Healing crystals are your thing, to be either carried in your pocket or used with meditation or

● Bloodstone
● Red Jasper
● Garnet
● Black Tourmaline

The sense linked to the root chakra is smell. So Earthy smells are going to please the instincts.
Some smells or better yet, essential oils for this are:

● Cedarwood
● Cypress
● Sandalwood
● Patchouli

Or you could use colour therapy and wear some red. Paint a room red (following the colour
rules of feng shui of course) and spend some time in said room. Or just get some sort of red in
your life, a painting, a candle, a Corvette. You know, whatever steers your wagon.

Getting outside and spending time with nature can also be very theraputic for your root chakra
as it grounds us.

Sink Your Roots In

Since we get our energy from the Earth, it is very important to stay grounded. When we become
less grounded, we experience problems with our Root Chakra. Being ungrounded can leave us
feeling anxious, untethered and rather floaty. As if we’re having a hard time holding onto reality
and stability.

When I become ungrounded (I have to focus to stay grounded often because I stay in my head
so much) I have a hard time functioning. I feel as though I might pass out, my vision blurs, my
breathing feels forced, my anxiety rises and I feel like I can’t concentrate on anything.

This can happen during energy shifts, like when you’re transitioning from a lower vibration
lifestyle into a higher one. When big life events happen or if you’re particularly stressed and
overworked. Many things can cause you to become ungrounded.

Working on your Root Chakra can help. I have a grounding ritual I practice which helps me. I
imagine myself inside a protective 3D purple pyramid. It completely encompasses me, the
bottom of the pyramid extends just below the surface of the Earth, keeping me tethered to it and
the point of the pyramid is just above my head. It focuses my energy and helps me keep myself
in check. Nothing negative can penetrate my pyramid and the inside is supercharged with
positive energy that fuels me and powers me to be my best.

Use this area to reflect on everything that spoke to you in this section.
What are you taking away? What will you put into practice? Did you
learn anything about yourself?

The Sacral Chakra
Sanskrit name: Svadhisthana (one’s abode)
Location: Lower Abdomen
Color: Orange
Element: Water

Our Sacral Chakra is the center of our creativity, passion and feelings.

In the society we live in today, we are all expected to follow the crowd. To conform to what you
are “suppose to do” instead of what you dream to do. We are brought up to believe we should
be more “practical” and “realistic” and get our “heads out of the clouds”.

By conforming to what is expected of us, we suppress who we are and what we are passionate
about. We hide the creativity and uniqueness of ourselves in an effort to “fit in”.

Did you have a dream as a child that someone told you was unrealistic or impractical? Did you
give up on said dream to pursue “acceptable” career paths instead? Does that dream still ache
to be experienced within your whole body?

What dreams are you suppressing?

I was a very artsy child that loved to write and draw. I was pretty good, if I do say so myself.
Especially for my age. Everyone who saw or read my creations told me so as well. My
grandmother even had a few works of art framed and hung in her house. I was voted most
artistic in the elementary and high school yearbooks. Being creative was what I was known for.

But I was told that becoming an artist or a writer was ridiculous because such people didn’t
become successful or famous until after they were dead.

So instead of knowing my path in life, I wondered aimlessly for years in search of the “practical”
path that was right for me. Only to eventually fall right back into what had always been the
obvious path I should have followed in the first place.

You have to do what you know in your gut to be the right decision for you.​ Not what others
feel is the right path for you. Doing what is not in your heart will leave you lost and depressed
with how your life is.

Be honest with yourself. Are there any paths in your life that you have
settled for because someone else thought what you wanted wasn’t

We are also made to believe that our feelings are taboo and signs of weakness. We suppress
these feelings or hide them from others, faking smiles when we have no desire to live and
​ hen did lying about how we
pretending our feelings aren’t hurt when they very much are. W
feel become commonplace?

Not embracing your feelings and letting them be known causes stress and makes us more
prone to outburst and strained relationships. Relationships don’t need any extra unnecessary
strain. Talk about your feelings.

What feelings are you feeling right now in life? What feelings have
you been suppressing?

Does your Sacral Chakra have a story?

Your sacral chakra strives to be exercised in creativity and acted upon by following your
passions and being joyful. Suppressing it can cause all sorts of negative manifestations.

Physical symptoms include:

● Menstrual Problems
● Urinary Problems
● Infertility

● Gynaecological Problems
● Lower Back Pain
● Spleen Issues
● Kidney Issues
● Gallbladder Issues

Mental Problems include:

● Unbalanced Emotions
● Guilt
● Co-dependence
● Creative Blocks
● Apathy
● Detachment
● Overly Sensitive
● Emotional Outbursts
● Overeating
● Manipulative

Quality of life manifestations:

● Unhealthy Intimate Relationships
● A Sense of Purpose or Lack Thereof

Are you experiencing any negative Sacral Chakra manifestations?

Your sacral chakra is connected to your inner child. No matter your age, you should nourish this
inner self. Let yourself play, have fun and do something creative.

Daily mantras for the creative chakra:

● I am inspired.
● I am creative.
● I am joyful.
● I am in control.
● I am unique.
● I am special.
● You is kind.
● You is Important.

● I Feel.
Come up with your own Sacral Chakra mantras.

The sense associated with this one is taste, which is why many people with sacral blocks turn to
food for the intimacy they require. Sacral healing foods are going to be orange ones such as:
● Pumpkin
● Peaches
● Oranges (no way)
● Carrots
● Mango
● Apricots
● Sweet Potatoes
● Orange Peppers
● Cantaloupe
● Tangerines
● Honey

Are there any Sacral Chakra foods you can work into your diet?

Healing crystals that aid the sacral chakra are:

● Citrine
● Moonstone
● Carnelian
● Sunstone
● Tangerine Quartz
● Amber

Then there’s that good old colour therapy where you engulf yourself in orangeness from time to
time. Wear some orange, hang an orange painting, plant some orange flowers.

Save the Boxes for Gift Giving

In a world where we’re all judging everything and everyone constantly, it’s hard to find
acceptance in our hearts. Acceptance for others, circumstances and above all, ourselves. It’s

not our faults. It’s the way our brains are programed. We want to place things into categories so
that we may better understand them. Not everything though, especially people, fit into a box.

If we can let go of all the beliefs we’ve been conditioned to believe about X equalling Y, we can
better learn to live with things simply as they are instead of how we think they should be. When
we can stop having expectations or justifications for things, people and outcomes, we can learn
to be more at peace and find happiness.

Stripes don’t always equal zebras. Tiger’s have stripes. Both cheetahs and dalmatians have
spots. No two people are the same and no two situations are the same. Which means
judgements are ill founded. They don’t make sense. They only serve to lower our vibrations and
hold us back. To have the highest of vibrations, we must love and accept everyone and
everything around us. Ourselves included.

We are all doing the best we can with what we have available to us at any given moment. Find
acceptance in your heart for yourself. Do the best you can and always seek to grow and

Find acceptance in others. They are on their own path that is perfect for them and where they
need to be to learn what this life needs to teach them. Accept them as they are and provide
guidance where they wish for it. Allow them to make their own mistakes, form opinions for
themselves and learn what life needs to teach them.

Find acceptance for situations and circumstances. Trust that everything happens for a reason
and is there to provide lessons and shifts in the world that need to occur for growth. We can’t
improve if nothing bad ever happens.

All we can seek to do is be the best us we can. To lead by example in growing and improving
ourselves so that we may empower others to be positive influences as well.

What are some judgements you have about yourself right now?

How can you find more acceptance for yourself?

How can you improve?

What are some judgements you have about others?

How can you find acceptance for others?

How can you help and guide others without interfering with the

What are some situations or circumstances in your life that need to be

Make some Intentions.

Use this area to reflect on everything that spoke to you in this section.
What are you taking away? What will you put into practice? Did you
learn anything about yourself?

Solar Plexus Chakra
Sanskrit name: Manipura (Lustrous Gem)
Location: Upper Abdomen
Color: Yellow
Element: Fire

I absolutely love this chakra. It’s the center of your confidence and ambition. It controls your will
power, energy and gives you the ability to accomplish anything you desire.

With a strong solar plexus you can conquer all that you wish.​ Everything you need to be great
is already inside of you. ​You need only to figure out how to access and harness it.

This chakra may be damaged with self doubt or emotional abuse. If you were ever told you
weren’t good enough, pretty enough or smart enough to do something. Anything that brings
down your confidence and self respect rather than builds it up.

Instead of allowing your failures to conquer you, use them to redirect you toward a different path
to the same goal.

If you are travelling down a path in the forest and come across a fallen tree blocking your way,
do you stop and sit there, defeated? Turn around and go back? Or do you go around it or over it
and continue on your journey?

So many people these days feel as though they are limited. They feel as though they have to
fall into line with other folks, working mediocre nine to fives that they don’t enjoy and throwing
any dreams of doing this or that to the wayside because they aren’t “special” enough to
accomplish anything great.

I struggled with this for years. I had weight problems and a mother and sister who were both
barely a hundred pounds that I felt I needed to compete with. My self image was horrible.

I was bullied and picked on all throughout elementary, middle and high school. Kids destroyed
my things and called me names everyday. As a result, I became quiet and anxious. My
confidence was non-existent and my insecurity great.

I inadvertently healed after a couple of years in college when I found friends through serving at
a restaurant. These people thought I was great. Which changed my opinion of myself.

When you go to school with the same one hundred people your entire life and these are the only
people you know, no one feels like they have to get to know you because they already “know”
you. When people meet you in the “real world” they have to take the time get to know you.

If you experience bullying, just know that what they say and do has no true reflection upon who
you truly are. It is merely what they perceive you as because they don’t know you and reflects
more about themselves than it does you. Stay above it all. Feel love and compassion for them
because they act this way because they have not received love and kindness in their lives and
that is unfortunate

Showing this love and compassion towards especially those who seem least deserving of
makes a powerful impact on the world. It shows them a different way of acting and shows those
who see your reaction a way of acceptance not often seen. Just smile, be kind and follow your
heart, always.

Can you recall a moment or person who has damaged your

confidence and self image?

Clear and transmute this experience from existence in your universe. Close your eyes and
imagine the person or people standing in front of you.

Tell them, “I forgive you for hurting me. I’m sorry the world has shown you cruelty and non
acceptance for yourself and others. I’m sorry you have not received the love and kindness you
deserve and I hope deeply that your wounds are healed as mine have been.”

It may take doing this a few times to really feel sincerity in it and feel the scars release and
disperse. These things take practice. Trust that you are beautifully unique and magnificent. You
are worthy of all that you desire and deserve to feel whole, loved and cherished. Take comfort in
your own kindness and compassion. Show it unconditionally to others and you will receive it in

How Lucky You are to be Just a Person

Everyone and anyone who has ever done anything great is or was just a person. Everyone is
just a person. No one is any different than anyone else in their abilities to accomplish anything.
It’s just a matter of mindset and confidence.

It helped me to realize that mostly everyone has the same fears as me. Mostly everyone has
self esteem issues. Mostly everyone is afraid of public speaking. Mostly everyone is afraid of
being a leader. When you realize these things, it makes it easier to take a stand and find the
confidence it takes to do great things.

Whether you have the confidence to start working toward your goals is what gives you that
“special” quality. The ability to accomplish anything great is just a matter of you deciding that
you can and taking steps to do so.

A damaged solar plexus chakra will have you feeling unremarkable. As though you have no
purpose and it doesn’t even matter. A strong, healthy solar plexus chakra will have you feeling
like you can take on the world! (It’s also sometimes referred to as the source of your warrior
energy. How awesome does that sound!?)

You can also have an unbalanced solar plexus chakra. It can spin with too much energy,
causing forceful, controlling and aggressive tendencies or slow and sluggishly with stressed,
restless and confused tendencies.

If you feel like you don’t have what it takes, then you should do some things to strengthen your
success chakra. Try some of the foods or crystals listed below. Wear some yellow. B ​ right like
the energy of the sun!

Repeat the mantras every day. Do all of these things and go out and accomplish everything
you’ve ever dreamed of!

This chakra’s message is choice and that you have one in everything you do. You can choose
to be great and go out and accomplish everything you dream of, or you can choose not to and
sit on the sidelines watching everyone else.

What do you choose to accomplish?

Physical Symptoms include:

● Low Metabolism

● Poor Digestion
● Glycemic Issues (blood sugar problems)
● Fatigue
● Liver problems
● Ulcers

Mental Problems include:

● Low Self Esteem
● Low Confidence
● No sense of Purpose
● Decision making Problems
● Anger
● Unmotivated
● Addiction
● Depression or Apathy
● Insecurity

Quality of life manifestations:

● “Stuck” feeling at job.
● Unable to imagine a better future for yourself.
● Abundance Problems. (Feeling as if you don’t have everything you want)

What Solar Plexus Chakra Manifestations do you see in your life?

Daily mantras:
● I am great.
● I am confident.
● I can do anything.
● I can accomplish anything.
● I have a purpose.
● I am capable.
● I do.
● I am ambitious.
● I am intelligent.
● I am powerful.

Make your own Mantras:

Foods for healing:

● Bananas
● Yellow Peppers
● Lemons
● Corn
● Squash
● Chickpeas
● Pineapple
● Spaghetti Squash
● Peaches
● Mango
● Yellow Pears

Are there any foods you could work into your diet to aid healing?

Crystals for healing:

● Tiger’s Eye
● Amber
● Yellow Jasper
● Citrine

May the ambitious force be with you.

Protective Mirror
It’s important to be your own sanctuary. You want to be so strong and secure with yourself that
no one and nothing can damage that perspective. Which can be super hard.

The goal is that whenever someone reacts negatively about you, your instant response should
not be “What’s wrong with me?” or “I’m flawed.”

Evaluate the situation. Did you react negatively that caused them to lash back? If so, apologize
and grow. If not, react with kindness and compassion. Think, “Are they hurting?” or “Can I help

Practice imagining yourself in a mirrored bubble. Nothing negative can penetrate the bubble and
reach you. Everything is a reflection of the person it is coming from. Not you. You’re on the
other side of the mirror which means none of it is a reflection of you as long as you’re acting
with love and kindness.

Practice walking around with your mirrored bubble surrounding you. You are safe. Other’s
words and judgements are coming from their own wounds that need healing. They need help,
guidance and positivity in their lives. How lucky you are to have found all of that.

Use this area to reflect on everything that spoke to you in this section.
What are you taking away? What will you put into practice? Did you
learn anything about yourself?

Heart Chakra
Sanskrit Name: Anahata (Unhurt, unbeaten)
Location: Center of the chest
Color: Green
Element: Air

The heart chakra is the center of exactly what you would expect, love and compassion. It’s what
connects you to other people and those you love. It is your center of self and the tether between
physical and spiritual, with three chakras above and three below it.

The heart has amazing abilities, including the ability to think and predict. They’ve done whole
studies on it that produced some pretty remarkable results with people’s hearts fluttering,
speeding or slowing in accordance to certain things BEFORE the things occurred. It’s pretty
amazing stuff.

They’re saying you can literally think with your heart and it’s more accurate in most cases than
your brain. Gives way more solid meaning behind following your heart.

When your heart chakra is strong, you find yourself in a peaceful, content and happy place.
Surrounded by loving, caring relationships and acceptance of yourself and others. Able to guide
you through life effortlessly and smoothly.

When your heart chakra is weak, you may feel lost, in a sea of despair and loneliness. Physical
symptoms may manifest around your chest area and circulatory system. Negative side effects
may appear in your quality of life.

Damage occurs to our love chakra when we experience heartbreak, betrayal or emotional pain
in life. Everyone’s had some sort of heartbreak. Maybe a close friend betrayed your trust in one
of the worst ways possible, which took you completely off guard and shattered your inner self.
Maybe you lost a child that you never got to hold in your arms and it ripped your soul out.

Do you have a heartbreak story you’re holding onto?

Feeling this pain is normal and helps you grow. Holding onto it causes damage. You can literally
mourn yourself to death. I’ve heard of cases where a couple that has been together for years
will both die, weeks apart because one could literally not live without the other.

What you do with that pain is your choice. You can allow it to consume you. Or you can feel it
and then let it go. Easier said than done, I know. It may take some time. Each scar has it’s own
healing time that can’t be rushed. Just work towards letting it go. You have to want it and when
you do finally release it, it is the greatest feeling. Letting go feels so much better than hanging

on. I promise. Take comfort in knowing that everything happens for a reason. Everything is in
alignment with the universe and it’s plan for you. It all has a purpose, even the really hard

Can you find purpose in it? A lesson or a cause and effect?

You also have to forgive in order to live the life you deserve to live. To be healthy and happy
you can’t be angry or resentful.

Most people are doing their best to come from a place of compassion. Even when people break
your trust or scorn you, most sincerely have the best of intentions at heart. You can’t hold onto
the anger you have toward them without holding yourself back from living.

The best way to receive love and compassion is to give it out. You get what you put in. Smile at
people and be kind to them. Even the bullies and the rude folks. When people act in unkind
ways to others they are only acting out of pain. Something has happened to them that has
harmed their heart chakra and they are trying to deal with the emotional trauma.

You never know other people’s struggles. The closest people to you generally won’t tell you all
of their problems, much less a stranger. So when someone is rude or hateful, always remember
that they are hurting and need compassion and love more than those who are smiling and kind.

Is there someone that you need to forgive so that you can let go and
move on?

Imagine them standing in front of you. Out loud, speak the words to them “I forgive you.” It may
take a few times to feel the sincerity and release the pain. Keep practicing.

Physical Symptoms of a damaged heart chakra:

● Chest Pain
● Poor Circulation
● Blood Pressure Issues
● Respiratory Issues

Mental Symptoms:
● Grief
● Jealousy
● Hatred
● Despair
● Greed
● Manipulative
● Judgemental
● Over Critical

Quality of Life Manifestations:

● Poor Relationships
● Poor Self Love
● Poor Decision Making

Do you see any negative heart chakra manifestations in your life?

Daily Mantras for Improvement:
● I love.
● I am kind.
● I am loved.
● I am cherished.
● I am needed.
● I forgive.
● I am compassionate.
● I accept myself.
● I accept others.

Create your own heart centered mantras:

Healing Foods:
● Kiwi
● Leafy Greens
● Green Peppers
● Pears
● Limes
● Asparagus
● Celery
● Broccoli
● Cucumbers
● Green Beans
● Peas
● Green Apples
● Green Grapes

Are there any healing heart foods you can incorporate into your diet?

Crystals that Mend and aid:
● Emerald
● Jade
● Rose Quartz
● Green Tourmaline

Essential Oils to help open and heal:

● Lavender
● Rose
● Chamomile
● Jasmine
● Frankincense

And then, of course, your good ole color therapy with the wearing of the green and what not.

Use this area to reflect on everything that spoke to you in this section.
What are you taking away? What will you put into practice? Did you
learn anything about yourself?

Throat Chakra
Sanskrit Name: Vishuddha (especially pure)
Location: Throat
Color: blue
Element: Ether

The throat chakra is our center of truth and self expression. It governs our ability to express
ourselves through our opinions and voice.

This was my most blocked chakra for most of my life. There are people I have known my entire
life that have never heard me speak.

I’ve always had a problem with believing that no one cared about what I had to say. We’ve all
been there. You’re in a group of people and try to tell a story and no one pays attention. People
talk over you as though your opinion on whatever subject isn’t important.

I found myself stumbling over words because I tried to make it as brief as possible for people.

Do you have a story of your opinions or voice being suppressed?

Especially as kids, most of us run into problems with this. Adults don’t find what you’re saying as
relevant, so they blatantly stop listening. We generally handle this in one of two ways.

Either we adjust our tone and volume, becoming loud and obnoxious, demanding to be heard.
Or we shut down completely and become quiet and shy.

I definitely took the latter route and have only in the past couple of years learned how to mend
the damage. The progress I’ve made is phenomenal. I mean, just look at this book as a golden
trophy of my conquering these issues! My whole business relies on my being able to fully
express myself thoroughly.

I’ve come from sweating and shaking everytime I make a video, audio or speak to anyone, to
being able to do it like it’s nothing. Bit by bit, though continued effort and refusal to give up, I’ve
conquered everything that once held me back and will continue to conquer myself.

Be easy on yourself and know it’s possible for you to conquer your limitations as
well.Everything’s a work in progress as so few of us are truly masters in anything.

Do you have any issues like this that need conquering?

Since I always had such a hard time with this, it’s always been important to me to show others
that their voice matters. Therefore, in that group of people where you’re trying to tell a story and
no one seems to be listening, I make a point to stop what I’m doing and be the one to listen. No
one should have to feel embarrassed because no one seems to care about what they are trying
to say.

There’s a quote I saw one time that said something along the lines of, ” When a child speaks,
always listen. And when they grow up, they’ll tell you the important things. Because to them,
they have always been important things.”

It really stuck with me because of how true it is.

I’m incredibly close to my grandmother (my Meme) because she has always taken the time to
listen to everything I’ve had to say my entire life. No matter if she understood or not. No matter if
she agreed or not. She always listened attentively and conversated with me about whatever it

Nothing warms a child’s heart more than an adult truly listening to them and taking into account
what they are saying.

Is there someone in your life who deserves more of your attention
when they speak?

Always remember, you are whoever you want to be. This means you can transform yourself into
whatever you like. You don’t have to settle for how things are now. You can grow and evolve.

If who you are currently isn’t working for you, start changing aspects of yourself until you’re
happy and content. The only way you’ll be being “fake” is if you don’t own it and accept it as
your truth.
It’s almost like fake it until you make it. Do it until it becomes part of you. If it truly aligns with
your inner being, it’s not being fake at all. It’s finding your way.

Physical manifestations:
● Sore Throat
● Laryngitis
● Swollen Glands
● Thyroid Problems
● Voice Problems
● Gum or Tooth Issues

Mental Manifestations:
● Addiction
● Quiet
● Problems with Decision Making
● No Authority
● Dishonest Tendencies
● Confused about Self
● Problems Expressing One’s Self
● Trouble Finding Words

Quality of life Manifestations:

● Being taken advantage of.
● Not progressing in life, work or relationships.

● Unable to get what you want.
What throat chakra manifestations do you see in your life?

Daily Mantras:
● I speak my truth.
● My voice matters.
● I express myself.
● I speak with kindness.
● I speak with love.
● My voice is strong.
● My voice is clear.
● My voice is steady.
● I have an opinion.
● I have the words I need.
● I take up for myself.

Create your own mantras:

Healing Foods:
● Blueberries
● Blackberries
● Eggplant
● Elderberries
● Purple Cabbage
● Prunes
● Black Currants
● Figs
● Purple Grapes
● Plums
● Dragon Fruit

Are there any healing throat chakra foods you can sneak into your

Healing Crystals:
● Turquoise
● Aquamarine
● Blue Opal
● Blue Agate
● Lapis
● Sapphire
● Blue Topaz

Essential Oils:
● Tea Tree
● Rosemary
● Sage
● Breathe

Never forget that good ole faithful color therapy! Immerse yourself in the color blue. Let it engulf
you and feel it’s energy and vibrations and accept them as your own. Breathe them in from the
universe and let them heal you.

Use this area to reflect on everything that spoke to you in this section.
What are you taking away? What will you put into practice? Did you
learn anything about yourself?

Third Eye Chakra
Sanskrit Name: Ajna (command)
Location: Forehead (generally speaking)
Color: Indigo
Element: All

Our third eye chakra is our sixth sense, if you will. It is the center of our intuition and wisdom.

Just like animals can sense changes in the environment that we can’t, such as earthquakes and
weather changes, we have the ability to sense things that are not apparent or obvious.

In the past, we needed this intuition to be aware of our surroundings and predict potential
threats to survive. As we’ve become more of a technological and developed world, centered
around science and concrete evidence, we’ve lost touch with our intuition.

A healthy third eye chakra is a balance between the left “logical” brain and the right “creative”
brain. Together, both sides of your brain can bring you to a place of trusting your intuition and in
turn, thriving and flowing through your life gracefully and successfully.

The third eye chakra is multidimensional, allowing us to see into ourselves as well as the world
around us, physical or otherwise. Which means it’s considered the center of psychic abilities.
Interesting stuff, in my opinion.

Many people are skeptical in such claims because we have lost touch with the nonphysical in
our science driven world. We seem to believe that if we can’t see it and feel it, it isn’t real.
Though there is a whole universe beyond our simple senses. Just because we cannot perceive
it easily, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Science is proving that things are more complicated than
we could ever imagine, every day.

For thousands of years, claims of people with abilities have flooded our stories and histories.
It’s not as far fetched as you might think. Many people will find themselves carrying around an
ability or two if they practice mindfulness in themselves and their world to notice.

Some of these abilities include:

● Aura reading (being able to perceive energy surrounding a person, place or object)
● Astral projection (also called out of body experiences)
● Clairvoyance (perceiving something in another location)
● Mediumship (or channelling which is basically communicating with spirits)
● Telepathy (perceiving others thoughts)
● Precognition (knowing the future or past)
● Empathy (ability to feel others emotions)
● + Many more

Do you see any of these abilities within yourself?

We’ve become accustomed to trusting what we can see and feel to be true and in turn lost
touch with our instincts and the magic we hold inside of us.

You can become more in tune with this side of you by meditating, practising mindfulness and
allowing yourself to trust what your body tells you to be true. If you have a “hunch”, thought, idea

or feeling about something automatically, it’s probably your intuition trying to tell you something.
Try just going with it and see what happens.

People tend to shy away from this sort of thing because of fear of being considered crazy. I
know I have always avoided it and only conversated about such things in privacy with my
closest friends and relatives.

We’re so afraid of being outcasts and shunned from the groups of society by mentioning such
things. How unfortunate it is that we have to hide anything we believe or are interested in to be
accepted in this world.

My grandmother will willingly admit to anyone that she has seen spirits. This is one of the many
things I admire about her. Her two children, my mother and uncle, have both always had
dreams that literally come true, accurately predicting the future.

Aside from being an empath, I’m hesitant to claim any abilities of my own. Maybe something
else is there, maybe not. I’ll let you know in a few years when I truly figure it out.

Do you have a third eye chakra story that is keeping you from
embracing your gifts?

Physical ailments of a damaged or blocked third eye chakra:

● Headaches
● Vision Problems
● Insomnia
● Sinus Issues
● Stress
● Hearing Problems

● Nausea
● Dizziness
● Ear Problems

Mental ailments of a damaged or blocked third eye:

● Poor decision making
● Anxiety
● Overwhelm
● Self Doubt
● Memory Issues
● Learning Problems
● Mental Fog
● Hallucinations
● Paranoia
● Delusions

Quality of Life Manifestations:

● Poor life choices
● Relationship struggles
● Struggling through life

Do you see any of these manifestations in your life?

Daily mantras to improve this chakra:

● I see clearly.
● I think clearly.
● I trust my intuition.
● I trust my decisions.
● I know the answer.
● I create my reality.
● I trust in myself.
● I trust in my abilities.

Create your own mantras:

Healing foods:
● Plums
● Eggplants
● Purple Grapes
● Prunes
● Blackberries
● Elderberries
● Black Currants
● Figs
● Purple Potatoes
● Purple Asparagus
● Purple Peppers
● Purple Cabbage

Are there any third eye chakra healing foods you can incorporate
more of into your diet?

Healing crystals for the third eye chakra:

● Amethyst
● Azurite
● Lapis Lazuli
● Quartz
● Sodalite

Essential Oils:
● Clary Sage
● Cypress

● Frankincense
● Sandalwood
● Vetiver

And then, of course, last but not least, don’t forget about your color therapy. Wearing some
indigo or putting some up where you will see it often will help you heal your “psychic” chakra.

Use this area to reflect on everything that spoke to you in this section.
What are you taking away? What will you put into practice? Did you
learn anything about yourself?

Crown Chakra
Sanskrit Name: Sahasrara (Thousand petalled)
Location: Top of the head
Color: Violet or white
Element: None

The crown chakra is our center of knowledge as well as our connection to divinity, spirituality
and everything in the universe, physical or otherwise.

Being spiritual is not necessarily being religious and religious people aren’t necessarily spiritual.
Spirituality is knowing in your heart and soul that there is a higher power and that we are
connected to it and everything around us.

Spirituality is pure love and radiates to every aspect of one's life. It’s the understanding that you
can grow within yourself and your world. That you have the power to change and that no one

will ever reach perfection in our earthly form but that we are all perfect in our divine form, both
infinite and magnificent.

It’s continuously coming from a place of peace, love and acceptance. Spirituality is the true
essence of freedom.

Religion is structured with rules and titles. It puts everyone on different levels of importance
where in spirituality we are all equal.

There are hundreds of religions, each with their own structures and truths. There is just one

I didn’t come here to lecture on the differences between spirituality and religion though. They
can be completely separate or thoroughly intertwined depending on the individual in question.

But this all comes from our crown chakra. Our spiritual chakra.

I grew up in a church of christ, which is one of the stricter forms of Christianity. My family was
church of christ. We went to church every Sunday morning and sometimes the other days too.
Women and girls wore dresses and didn’t speak. Men led everything. Music wasn’t allowed and
neither were questions (from my experience).

Even though I was born and raised into this environment, I felt incredibly disconnected from it.
The stories didn’t make sense to me, not so much the walking on water or the giant flood. These
I could understand through my child’s eyes. But my big question was, “Where did the dinosaurs
fit in?” haha.

I noticed that everyone at my church listened to the preacher say one thing and agreed with
him, but then went out and did other things. I felt like people treated church like a social event.
Something they did only to become respected in the community.

The adults always seemed to prefer to stand around gossiping and speaking ill of people rather
than embracing and practising what they were being taught.

As I grew older I started going with my friends to their churches and found the same things.
I then decided that organized religion wasn’t for me. But living in Alabama, there was no where
else to turn. So I pretty well drifted around in spirituality limbo.

I felt stuck. I didn’t know what religion I was. I didn’t know where I belonged. I didn’t think there
was a name for what I believed.

Somewhere along the line, somewhere in my early twenties I was filling out a form of some sort
and there was an option under religion that read “spiritual not religious” and wow did it hit me
like a stack of bricks.

“Spiritual not religious” I didn’t know that was a thing. It felt so correct! So I started researching
and here we are today. And let me tell you, it has made all of the difference in the world. Finally
knowing where I fit in has allowed me to stop drifting around lost and firmly plant myself

It’s allowed me to grow myself and build everything I need in life and see what about myself
needs improving. Spirituality, to me, is about finally feeling complete and knowing my place in
the universe. And I couldn’t recommend it more!

Whatever you connect with, do so often. Whatever you believe in, don’t stop your journey until
you feel at peace with it. When you have that figured out, doors to endless possibilities will open
for you.

How do you define your beliefs?

How do you connect daily to these beliefs?

Is there anything you wish to improve upon?

Make the intentions to do so:

Physical Ailments associated with a blocked crown chakra:

● Neurological Problems
● Headaches
● Nerve Pain
● Psychological disorders
● Alzheimers
● Insomnia

Mental Ailments:
● Loneliness
● Inability to connect with others
● Feeling of being lost
● Confusion about one's direction
● Frustration
● Discontent
● Depression
● Spiritually Disconnected

Quality of Life manifestations:
● Poor Relationships
● Poor life choices
● Self Destructive Behavior

Do you see any of these manifestations in your life?

Mantras for the crown chakra:

● I am.
● I trust.
● I am at ease.
● I am at peace.
● I am enlightened.
● I know.
● I am connected.
● I understand.
● I am light.
● I am divine.

Create your own mantras:

Healing foods for the crown chakra:

● Purple Potatoes
● Figs
● Plums
● Purple Grapes
● Blueberries
● Purple Cabbage
● Purple Asparagus

● Purple Carrots
● Prunes
● Eggplants
● Elderberries
● Purple Peppers

Can you sneak any of these healing foods into your diet?

Crystals to align and clear this chakra:

● Selenite
● Amethyst
● Clear Quartz

Essential Oils to open and clear blocks in this chakra:

● Lavender
● Frankincense
● Sage

The color to wear for this chakra is purple.

Use this area to reflect on everything that spoke to you in this section.
What are you taking away? What will you put into practice? Did you
learn anything about yourself?

More Ways of Clearing Blocks

Energy blocks continuously come and go. None of us are perfect. We are continuously
changing, growing and evolving. Doing the best that we can do with what we have available to
us at any given time. There is no one way to clear blocks, but many ways. No block is
unclearable though some are more established and stubborn than others.

You have to be stubborn in your effort to get rid of them. They do not control or define you and
have no right to take up space within you and your world.

Here are some more ways of clearing blocks. Feel free to stack them all and try all of the
clearing techniques! Do what you must to conquer all that stands in between you and everything
you’ve ever wished.

Our world these days is such a toxic one. There are harmful chemicals in nearly everything we
touch and use on a daily basis.

Regardless of what sort of block you are dealing with, a cleanse or a detox might be a good way
to go. These work best with digestion or nutritional issues. If you are prone to colds or general
sickness it could mean you have some clogs from toxins or a poor diet.

They can also help with mental blocks too, though. Chemicals can manipulate hormones which
can have you all out of whack. It’s that mind body connection everyone talks about. If your
hormones aren’t balanced, physical and mental blocks alike can be effected.

Cleaning out all the piping will do you some good and fix many issues you may be having. We
should all do this routinely every couple of months or so to make sure everything’s clean and
flowing properly.

What are some things you can do to eliminate toxins in your self care

What are some diet changes you can make to eliminate toxins in your

Reiki is a healing technique used by reiki masters to channel energy through the body to clear
blocks and restore flow. They can aid the natural healing process and do wonders for both
physical and mental ailments.

This is a great way to heal energy blocks.

Meditating on your blocks will help you clear them, as the body is naturally meant to do. You
can focus on one chakra at a time by imagining a swirling pool of light or water. See it swirling
effortlessly and smoothly.

Do this with each chakra, starting at the root and moving upward from one to the next. You can
hold your right hand over each chakra and move it in a circular motion, helping it along if you

Since each chakra controls and influences certain aspects of you, both your thoughts and
actions, keeping them clear is very important to well rounded physical and mental health.

You can meditate on a thought or ailment you would like to clear. You can imagine the word or
phrase and see it dissipate from existence.

Practice makes perfect. If you’re new to meditation, it may seem silly at first. Just stick with it
though. Trust me, you’ll have good results, and it’ll get easier as you get use to it.

Eat Correctly
I wish I could tell you the one specific diet you should eat to have the best results in everything
you wish to accomplish. However, the truth of the matter is that everyone is different. What
affects one person negatively may not affect another in the least.

It all stems back to your particular ancestors and what they were use to eating. Therefore,
evolving your body to process that particular diet efficiently.

The best way to figure out your ideal diet is to experiment with your body. Try eliminating one or
several things at a time. After a week or so, all of it that was in your body should have more or
less processed out. Take a note on how you feel.

Introduce one thing at a time back into your diet and take note of how you feel after eating each

Do you feel bad after eating some dairy? Are you bloated and gassy after eating bread? Did that
sugar make you feel anxious?

Keep a journal of everything you eat and everything you feel so that you can begin to see
connections. Adjust your diet appropriately because that’s legitimately the only way to do it.
Your perfect diet is unique to only you.

Sunlight naturally clears blocks and recharges your energy. Everyone should be getting at least
a little sun everyday.

I know it’s harder in the winter. Try opening up all of your curtains to let as much natural light in
as possible. It will help.

Feng Shui
This is one of my absolute favourite things to do! I feng shui everything!

Feng shui is an ancient art of a science that arranges things in specific colors, orders and
patterns to allow for optimal qi (energy) flow.

It’s super detailed and intricate and deals with the five elements: Earth, water, wood, fire and
metal. Your house and workplace should follow the laws of Feng Shui. Any where you spend a
lot of time.

Start small. The most important places to start with are your workplace and your bedroom since
that’s generally where you spend the most time.

You know me. I couldn’t possibly offer you a list of solutions that didn’t include yoga, now could
Yoga helps energy flow by working out the muscles and ligaments. By strengthening the
channels through which energy flows through the body, said energy can flow more efficiently.

Being around electronics all of the time really messes with our natural energy. The energy from
the machines intertwines with our own and causes disruptions.

If we’re constantly plugged in, which most of us are, it can manifest in all sorts of problems;
mentally and physically.

Taking just thirty minutes or so to get away from our technological world will help you in
restoring flow. The more time you take away, the more benefits you’ll see.

Make some intentions to unplug:

I saw something once that said something along the lines of, we have forgotten how to breathe
in the energy of the universe, and thus, forgotten in large how to heal, live and be.

There are tons of breathing techniques out there all aimed at one specific thing or another. I like
to just focus on breathing deeply and often.

Breathing will help you heal, detox, focus and clear any block you need to clear efficiently.

Mindset is everything. The way you think and speak directly relates to your actions and the
energy you put out into the world.

You get back what you put in right? If you only put out negative energy, you will only receive
negative in return. Likewise, if you put out positive, you will receive positive. Very simple math.
Pay attention to how you speak. Instead of “I don’t have any money.” try, “I’m going to find me
some money.” You speak your truth. No matter what your truth is. You decide.

A Rainbow Meditation
There is also a color meditation I like to do. When you get comfortable and still, focus on your
breathing. Start with the root chakra. Breathe in it’s red color and see it fill your entire body. Feel
it’s comfort, security and safety. Breathe out and allow all the stress, anxiety or fear you may be
holding onto leave you with the breath.

Next, the sacral chakra. As you breathe in the orange, it too, fills your body. As it encompasses
your entire being, you can feel yourself open to the creativity you are capable of and any
emotions you have balance out to leave only peace and happiness. Breathe out, releasing any
negativity and stuckness you may have had.

Breathe in with the Yellow of the solar plexus chakra. Warm and vibrant like the sun. You are
capable of anything that your heart desires. You can find a way to everything you dream of if
you choose to do so. Breathe out any thoughts or feelings of self doubt or defeat. You are

Green fills you next with the chakra of the heart. It develops you in a cocoon of love. You feel an
overwhelming amount of love. It feels amazing and warm. You are loved from every direction.
You feel all of the love in the world. All that everyone has and that you yourself have for others
and things. You allow this love in and to fill you. It’s all you’ve ever wanted. You feel how lovable
you are and love yourself for it. breathe out any negative feelings you may have had for yourself
and others. There is only room for love here.

Blue starts to fill you as you breathe in with thoughts of the throat chakra. You know who you
are and what you love. You will express yourself and your desires. You will allow all that you

wish for to come into being because you are brilliant and unique and deserve all that life has to
offer. Breathe out any suppressed feelings. You are free to be you. You have nothing to prove
to anyone. You are good enough.

You breathe in indigo now. It fills your entire being, strengthening your third eye chakra. You are
now more connected to your intuition. You trust what it has to tell you and you trust its guidance.
It will lead you to exactly where you need to be at all times. It has your best interest at heart and
you now allow it to guide you. Exhale any struggle, doubt or distrust you have in yourself. You
are now one with your thoughts and feelings.

Last, we inhale violet. A beautiful Purple that overflows and encapsulates us through the chakra
above our crown. It connects us to our higher self. The higher power and our purpose in this life.
We are one with it, ourselves and our universe. We are all connected to it and to each other. We
allow it’s satisfying energy to come into us and we allow our own to give to it. We know we have
a calling to help our world by whatever means we have available to us. Exhale any stress, fear,
doubt or negativities you may still have. You are whole and you are magnificent.

Use this area to reflect on everything that spoke to you in this section.
What are you taking away? What will you put into practice? Did you
learn anything about yourself?

About the Author
My name’s Savannah Shea Blake.

I help ambitious soul-seekers balance and

uplift their energy so they can manifest the life
they have always dreamed about through
intuitive coaching. Together we can conquer
all of your limitations and blocks so that
nothing ever stands in your way again!

Wanna work with me? Go here:


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