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“Function As Models”

Reflection by: Auselio Adriel Delos Santos

I am a typical student who is not good at math,

I would always thrive hard for math because I feel pressured by it.

Math is the only subject that always makes me pressured.

But somehow ma’am Reyes made me realize that math isn’t bad at all.

That if you want to learn something,

You just need to give your attention to it then.

I enjoy our topic like the other student did,

Maybe because it is really easy,

Or because of the way how ma’am Reyes approach

“Evaluating Function”
Compare to other lessons it is somehow easy to understand

Maybe because it is already been tackled when we are in junior high

The flow of the discussion is very calm. The aura of every one is very light

I understand the lesson with ease as if I am good at math.

the quiz we have taken is quite easy but somehow I manage to get

confuse because I still relate it to our last topic but the thing

I need to do is substitute it.

“Addition Subtraction and Composite of Functions”
For me it is one of the very hard lesson because,

I have difficulties in understanding the step by step process of the topic,

And I can’t get the process as if I didn’t know what to do.

As a result my quiz got an average score.

“Multiplication and Division of function”

Compare to the last lesson

I find it more challenging because

It is all about multiplying and dividing function

In the previous lesson I didn’t get it completely

So if youre expecting me to get it.

Sorry to disappoint you.

“Rational Functions, Equations, and Inequalities.”

For me it is the hardest lesson but unlike to the previous lesson

I did quite get the point but yet,

Rational equation are much more harder than the Rational Inequalities,

because for me I struggle a bit in this situation and the type

I have to have the exact answer.

Anyways for me the Rational Inequality is much more understandable and alright and in my

I think it’s more enjoyable than other lessons

“Solving rational equation”
this topic for me is very complicated and very hard,

and I admit that I am not good in math

I am just a student who want to graduate and become successful

But for me I need to learn this in order for me to pass this subject.

In general I have learned this lesson but it takes long time and patients

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