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Running JKSimBlast from a network dongle


(In these notes ..\ refers to the folder [CD]:\install\Hardlock\ where

[CD] is the drive where the JKSimBlast installation CD is placed.)

1. Install JKSimBlast on the client computers. This will install the

Hardlock drivers at the same time, but under some circumstances
(usually related to Administrator rights) this is not successful. If
not, run the manual installation program ..\hldrv32.exe.
The TimeHEx program has a different version for running across a
network - copy the file TimeHEx_NET.exe from the folder
JKSimBlast\Analysis\Timing to the same folder in the installation
program folder, and modify any shortcuts.

2. Plug in the dongle and install HL-Server on the service computer -

this provides the service for the client computers to access the
dongle. The dongle and service can be placed on any computer in the
network - it does not have to be a server, but should be always
connected and running. Run ..\other_files\hlsw32.exe to install the

3. To monitor dongle usage, install Aladdin Monitor on any computer in

the network - run ..\other_files\aksmon32.exe.

4. Start HL-Server on the service computer, either from one of the

batch files or from the Aladdin Monitor.

� Place the supplied batch files in the same folder as the

HL-Server software, and run either batch file to start the service:
hls-24hr.bat will set a 24 hour timeout on inactive logins;
hls-7day.bat will set a 7 day timeout. Copy and modify the files for
different timeouts (in seconds) if desired.
� The Aladdin Monitor can only be used to start the service if the
dongle is on the same computer, with only 15 minutes of timeout for an
inactive login. To start the service from Aladdin Monitor, select
/Services-Hardlock-Install, then /Services-Hardlock-Start.

5. Run ..\tests\HL_NET-R.exe from any client computer to check access

to the dongle.

To monitor the dongle from another computer, start the Aladdin Monitor
and scan the network (this should happen automatically). Select the
computer with the network dongle, and enter the dongle�s module
address (17317) on the right and click [Add]. Expand the branch for
the computer on the tree, and select the dongle. You can now observe
the logins on the right.

It is possible to use a network dongle to run JKSimBlast on a single

computer, but the computer must be connected to a network. Follow the
steps above with the client and server computers as the one computer.

All of the principal JKSimBlast modules (2DBench, 2DRing, 2DFace,

JKBMS, 2DView) operate as both local and network versions, except
TimeHEx. Replace the TimeHEx program on the client�s computer with
[CD]:\JKSimBlast\Analysis\Timing\TimeHEx_NET.exe. Rename the program
to TimeHEx.exe or modify shortcuts to suit.

The modules JKBMS, 2DBench, 2DRing, 2DFace and 2DView require a vacant
login in order to operate. TimeHEx requires a vacant login only to
start. If a login has been terminated by timeout, it can be
reactivated without starting the program again if a vacant login is

For additional information, refer to the Hardlock End User�s Manual


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