Anda di halaman 1dari 7

Generation and crystallisation of magmas.

Discuss the factors that control melting

temperature in igneous rocks. How magmas of
different composition evolve ?

What are the main characteristics of primary basaltic magma? How is it generated in the

Enumerate the generation and evolution of different magmas

Crystal fractionation in magmas
Binary magma crystallization
Nature and composition of Magmas
JUGS classification of igneous rocks

Role of trace element in petrogenesis of Basalt

magmas on: the basis of reaction

Discuss with the help of neat diagram the lUGS classification of phaneritic
ultrabasic rocks.
How and where 1s the magma generated? Illustrate with neatly labelled diagram, the plate
tectonics and various magma generation sites on the Earth.
Give an account of the classification of igneous rocks.
Write on the evolution of igneous rocks from fractionation of a basaltic magma

Crystallisation of albite—anorthite, diopside—anorthite and diopside— wollastonite—

silica systems.

Using crystallization behaviour of basic magma with the help of albiteanorthite

system, explain normal and oscillatory zoning in plagioclase

Describe the crystallization of two-component system of Anorthite-Albite with solid

1. Describe textures related to equilibrium and factional crystallization process in
albite-anorthite system.
2. Crystallization of albite-anorthite system
3. If a melt in the Albite-Anorthite system has composition An 40, describe its
4. crystallization path when crystals maintain perfect equilibrium with melt.
solid solution & exsolution; and
If Calcite-Wollastonite-Forsterite assemblage occurs at the contact between a
gabbro and a marble, name and describe two assemblages progressively away
from the contact.

Diopside-anorthite system

Draw the diagram of Mg2Si04 - Fe2Si04 -

Si02 and write its implication in the crystallization
of basic magma.

Bowen's Reaction Principle;

Discuss the Bowen's reaction principle and explain its mineral series of
chemical composition

Discuss Bowen's Reaction Series. What is it-s significance m the process of

crystalli za tion of magma ?
Using reaction prinCiple, discuss about crystallization of basaltic magma.

Explain the crystallisation of silicate

Describe the course of crystallisation of Common Basaltic Magma with the help of neat

Magmatic differentiation and assimilation.

1. Describe magmatic differentiation and epithermal mineral characters.

2. Explain the magmatic differentiation during crystallisation of magma
3. and its petrogenetic significance.
4. Discuss the processes of Magmatic differentiation. Cite suitable examples
5. Differentiate between magmatic differentiation and assimilation.

Petrogenetic significance of the textures and structures of igneous rocks

5. Write notes on porphyritic and poikilitic texture of igneous rocks (with suitable
6. labelled sketches). Comment on their petrogenetic significance.
8. Describe (with neat sketches) the following structures of igneous rocks 10
9. (i) Pillow structure
10. (ii) Rapakivi stiucture
11. With the help of neat sketches, bring
12. out the difference between porphyritic
13. and poikilitic type of textures in igneous
14. rocks.
15. Give an account of petrogenetic significance of important inequigranular textures of
16. igneous rocks with suitable examples and neat sketches
17. Crystallization of Anorthite-Diopside system mentioning the common textures
18. developed by the resultant rocks with suitable example
19. Petrogenetic significance of any five textures of igneous rocks
20. What is ophitic and subophitic texture bring out their petrological significance
21. Briefly describe textures found in Igneous Rocks.
22. Describe sequence of Crystallization in Diopside-Anorthite binary system. Give the
23. resultant characteristic textures of the rocks.
24. Elucidate petrogenetic significance of following:· ·
25. · (i) porphyntic teXture (ii) perthitic エセクオイ・@ and (iii) cerona structure
26. Igneous structures citing suitable examples
27. What role do gases play in 'volcanism ? What
28. does "Pillow Structures" indicate about the ' ' environment of volcanism ? What
29. the viscosity of a lava ? Why are extrusive
30. ,:ocks fine grained ?
31. Distinguish perthites and antiperthites and conditions of their formation
. Petrography and petrogenesis of granite, syenite, diorite, basic and ultrabasic groups

Petrogenesis of Granites
Distinguish petrographically between a granite and a syenite
Write an essay on ‘Granites’

, charnockite


Petrography and Petrogenesis of Charnockites of South India

Essential and accessory minerals of Charnockite and Carbonalite
What are chamockites and how do they originate? Give salient features of Indian

anorthosite and

Anorthosite, its origin and Indian examples

Discuss the migin of anorthosites

alkaline rocks.

Explain four rocks belonging to peridotites. Explain in detail petrological significance of one
of them.

Essential and accessory minerals of Charnockite and Carbonalite
Carbonatities; their mode of occurrence, petrography and petrogenesis
Discuss the mineralogy, chemical characters and origin of carbonatites. Give
suitable Indian examples.
How do you explain carbonatites? Describe in detail its petrological character. Add a
detailed account of its petrogenesis. Draw figures.

Deccan volcanic province.

"Deccan volcanism marks an important event in Indian Geology"- eクーャセゥョNエィウ@

statement with

Give a petrological account of Deccan Basalts and add a note on their origin.

What are rare earth elements ? Describe their

significance in understanding the genesis of
igneous rocks.

Ophiolite complexes

What is eutectic crystallization

Forms and structures of Igneous rocks

Criteria used for igneous rock classification

Phase Rule
Classify the ultramafic rocks on the basis of mineralogy and other features

Describe the processes of magmatic crystallization and assimilation. Illustrate your

answer with examples from ultrabasic rocks and alkaline rocks

Describe any three of the following rock types:

a. Diorite
b. Gabbro
c. Granulite
d. Chert

Binary systems

Discuss the problem of ‘granites and granites’

ii. What are pressure shadows and how are they formed?

Anatexis and the genesis of granitic rocks

Petrography and Petrogenesis of Alkaline rocks. Give suitable Indian examples (30).

Define the Gibbs phase rule and calculate the variance of the assemblage containing
forsterite + Mg-spinel + Mg-cordierite + corundum in the appropriate chemical system.

Explain why in any igneous rock, primary forsterite and quartz cannot stably coexist.

Thin sections ofthree basaltic rocks contain (i) phenocrysts of Ca-rich plagiociase in
matrix, (ii) phenocrysts of diopside inCa-rich plagioclase matrix, and (iii) coexisting
phenocrysts of
both Ca-rich plagio clase and diopside. On the basis of phase d iagram in the diopside-
system, describe the initial melt composition and temperatures, along with crystallization
ofthe above rocks.

By suitable reactions, discuss various mineralogical and mineral-chemical changes that

take place
during metamorphism of a basaltic rock at the greenschist-amphibolite facies transition.

In aP-T diagram show the domains of various metamorphic facies and briefly explain these

Crystallization and differentiation of

basaltic magma with reference to
Bowen's reaction ·series

Classification of alkaine rocks, and age

and duration of Deccan volcanism

Give various types of granitoids and discuss the classification based on

tectonic settings. Add a note on the role of mantle in the genesis of granitoids

Distinguish between 'concordant' and 'discordant' bodies of igneous rocks. Illustrate the.
following with block diagrams (i) laccolith and (ii) lopolith.

Describe with a diagram the approximate

limits of solid solution in the felspar group of

Dispersion of axial angle in brookite

Granulose structure and its origin

(iv) Trachytic and graphic texture

v What is chemical equilibrium ? With suitable

example, explain the consequence . of
disturbance. of the equilibrium state in rocks.

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