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C) He’s used to

________________________every year.
Student’s name : __________________.
Class: _________ a) fly
b) flew
c) flies
Used to d) flying

Extra Exercises

1.Complete the sentences with USED TO, BE

USED TO or GET USED TO. D) They got used
to________________________ healthier
a) Susy ___________________ (have) very long food.
hair when she was fifteen years old.
a) eat
b) ate
b) _______ you ______________ (eat) a lot of c) eating
sweets when you were a child ? d) eats

3 ) Complete the dialogue with the correct form

c) I’ m not _____________________ (spend) a of used to, be used to and get used to. Then
lot of Money on clothes.
listen and check.

d) I didn’t get ___________________(live) A:

alone. So,What1______________you______________do
before you became a teacher?
B: I 2________________________work as a
e) She isn’t ____________________ (live) banker in the City, in London.
A: Why did you decide to become a teacher?
f) My sister loves to travel ! She is B: My working life3____________________be
____________ very stressful. I4_________________working ten
___________(go) away two or three times a or twelve hours a day and under a lot of
year. pressure. It was very tiring and I decided it was
time for a change.
g) We ________________________ (live) in a
small village, but now we live in London. A: Was it difficult to5
____________________your new lifestyle?
B: Well, I6 _______________________earning a
2) Choose the correct alternative that lot more money, so it took me a bit of time
complete the sentences below. to7_______________________living on a
teacher’s salary! And I8________________(not)
A) We’re used to _________________ up working with kids, but now I’m
early every day. slowly9___________________the role of teacher
and I’m loving every minute of it – well, almost!
a) wake
b) waking A: And what about your new working routine?
c) wakes B: I10_______________________the shorter
d) woke working hours and the longer holidays very
quickly! I only11_____________________take ten
B) I used to ________________out every or fifteen days’holiday a year when I was a
weekend, but now I prefer to stay at banker. Now I have six weeks’holiday in the
home. summer alone.That’s great!

a) go
b) going
c) went
d) goes

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