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Rome G8+5 Legislators

th th
Italian Chamber of Deputies, 12 - 13 June 2009

Club of Rome Presentation:

Concerted Strategies to meet the
Environmental, Economic and Development
Challenges of the 21st Century

Background paper 1

Strategic Challenges and Critical Issues:

Identifying the Root Causes of the Environmental, Economic
29th May 2009
and Development Crisis

R. Martin Lees
Secretary General, The Club of Rome


I. The Global Context: Strategic Challenges of the 21st


II. Critical Issues which will determine the Future

1. Environmental Challenges: Climate, Ecosystems, Energy,

Oceans and Fresh Water.
2. Development Challenges

III. Economic Challenges: Rethinking the Path of Human


1. Root Causes of the Economic, Environmental and

Development Crises
2. Rethinking Globalisation and World Development.
3. Redefining Growth: New Models and Strategies for
Sustainable Economic and Social Progress.

29 May 2009

This Background Paper focuses on the

diagnosis of the challenges facing
humanity in three key areas – Environment
and Climate; World Development; and
Economics and Finance. It demonstrates
that the crises emerging in each of these
areas have common roots. The elements
of an integrated approach in response to
these three connected crises are outlined
in Background Paper 2, (GLF3,) including
an outline of a number of Lines of Action.
As these two Papers cover such an
extensive range of issues and are
therefore relatively long, they are
complemented by a Policy Overview,

The background papers are based on the

interim results after one year of research
and consultation in the programme on A
New Path of World Development. They
reflect the broad views of the Club of
Rome but do not engage its individual

Introduction in his capacity as Chairman of the meeting of
the G20 held on 2nd April.
Over the past forty years, the Club of Rome
has been concerned to understand and to It is within this context that the Club of Rome
evaluate longer term challenges and convened a high level conference in Vienna
opportunities and to take account of their on 16th and 17th April, under the patronage of
inter-relationships, within a systemic view of H. E. Dr. Heinz Fischer, Federal President of
the realities of today and of the prospects for Austria on the topic: “Concerted Strategies to
future generations. In a new phase of its meet the Environmental and Economic
activities, approved at its 40th Anniversary Challenges of the 21st Century.”
assembly in Rome in June 2008, the Club
has launched a three year, international Drawing on this preparatory work, the Club
programme of collaborative research and of Rome has the privilege to present its
consultation to define the elements of “A conclusions and proposals to the Annual
New Path for World Development.” Assembly of the G8 + 5 Legislators Forum in
Rome on 12th June.
The NPWD programme takes account of the
complexity and interconnectedness of critical
global challenges by focusing its analysis on
five manageable “clusters” of interconnected I. The Global Context: Strategic
issues within a coherent systems framework: Challenges of the 21st Century.
Environment and Resources; Globalisation,
Economics and Finance; International 1. In 1972, the report commissioned
Development; Social Transformation; and from MIT by the Club of Rome, “Limits to
Peace and Security. (For further information Growth”, outlined a number of scenarios for
see website: the longer-term future of humanity and the
planet and suggested how effective policies
As the first step in its new programme, the and cooperative action could contain the
Club convened a small, high-level expert threats to the future. Today, the issues
conference on “Managing the Interconnected raised by the Club are more urgent and
Challenges of Climate Change, Energy threatening than they were some 40 years
Security, Ecosystems and Water” in ago.
Winterthur on 6th and 7th November 2008,
drawing on its independent status, its 2. It is increasingly clear that, for a
worldwide networks and the expertise of its number of identifiable reasons, the current
international and interdisciplinary path of world development is generating
membership. such dangerous imbalances, inequities and
environmental consequences that the
The analysis and proposals developed at the prospects for peace and progress are now in
Winterthur Conference were then used as question.
inputs into a Policy Dialogue convened by
GLOBE International and the Club of Rome • In the opinion of scientists across the
in the Palace of Westminster, London, on world, the threat of catastrophic
26th and 27th January. Adding an economic climate change is real and only early
dimension, the Dialogue focused on the and concerted action by the world
topic: “Framing 2009`s Global Challenges in community will avert the risk of
the Context of Global Economic Crisis: massive impacts.
Developing a Response to the • Humanity is overusing the ecological
Interconnected Challenges of Climate capacities of the planet by around
Change, Energy Security, Ecosystems and 35%: we are living not only off our
Water.” The Chairman`s Summary was biological revenue but off our capital.
presented to Prime Minister Gordon Brown The ecosystems on which humanity
depends are in decline, particularly

forests, oceans and productive land. the elements of A New Path for World
Just as we will leave financial debts Development.
we will also leave vast biological 5. The scale of these challenges is not
deficits to be managed by future only recognised by governments and civil
generations. society, but also increasingly by the business
• The era of cheap oil is coming to an community. A recent global survey by
end. Competition for resources of all PricewaterhouseCoopers concludes: “In the
kinds, particularly energy, water and long term, half of CEO’s do not believe that
productive soils will increase. governments and businesses will be able to
• The needs of a growing world mitigate the risks created by global trends.
population, compounded by the rising CEO’s see worldwide political and religious
consumption and waste of a growing tensions increasing, the gap between rich
middle class, will put added strain on and poor growing and a new set of countries
the resources of the planet already emerging to challenge the group of eight
under intense stress. industrial nations. Added to these
• Rising inequalities in income and challenges are the scarcity of key skills,
wealth, coupled with poverty, hunger climate change, the depletion of natural
and exclusion, if not resolved, will resources and the potential for over-
trigger migration, unrest and conflict regulation by government.”
across the world.
6. It is in this context that we now face a
3. We face an array of interconnected financial crisis and a deepening recession.
challenges on an unprecedented scale. If Two issues arise. Can we recover so as to
the current path of world development return to the previous path of economic
continues, then a “business as usual” growth? And should we return to the
scenario can be summarised as follows: if, previous path?
after recovery from the present recession,
the material consumption, resource use and 7. It seems clear now that the major,
emissions of the developed countries radical changes which have taken place in
continue to increase as anticipated; if the the world systems of finance, economics and
poverty, deprivation and exclusion of the production will not be easily reversed. As
more than 2 billion people with less than $2 expressed by Mukesh Ambani, Chairman of
per day are not ameliorated; if 2.3 billion Reliance Industries, India, “The last
additional people are to be added to world downturn was a cyclical downturn. This is a
population by 2050; if an additional 2 billion structural downturn. When you have cyclical
people from emerging economies will join events, things go up and come down. When
the middle class with the corresponding you have a structural event, something
patterns of consumption and waste, then the fundamental changes. Our own view is that
ecological and environmental systems of the this is going to shake up fundamentals in a
planet will break down under the increasing whole host of global economic areas.” The
impacts of human activity. There will be little extent of the financial crash was made clear
prospect for stability, progress and peace. by Lawrence Lindsey, former Director of the
US National Economic Council, on 11th
4. Humanity has the capacities to March who pointed out that some $23 Trillion
manage these challenges successfully – if in wealth had been destroyed through the
concerted and early action is taken. But this declines in stock markets alone. Further, the
will require a positive, motivating vision for productive system is now facing wrenching
the future, new ideas, effective leadership, change throughout the world: “Auto
new patterns of partnership and cooperation production is down by two thirds compared
and a radical reordering of the economic to 2005 and, in China, 20 million migrant
system. This was the central message of workers have so far lost their jobs.” (IHT
“Limits to Growth” in 1972. Recognising that 11/3/09). ILO estimated, in March 2009, that
a radical change of direction is now urgent, job losses in 2009 worldwide will approach
the Club of Rome has launched a three year 52 million. The depth of these structural
programme of international research and changes is such that it is therefore unrealistic
consultation which, in late 2010, will propose

to expect that we can return to the previous with development. This will not, however,
path of growth. provide a lasting solution in practice
because these issues in the real world
8. Also, we should not commit our are essentially connected.
efforts instinctively to achieve recovery to the
previous path of world development as this (iii) Or we could – and we must –
path was headed into major dangers and recognise the systemic nature and
would have proved in any case to be interconnectedness of the problems we
unsustainable, even in the short or in the face and try to develop integrated
medium term. In effect, the scale of the approaches which recognise the critical
current financial and economic crises offers importance of the links between them.
a unique opportunity to reorient our This is a central purpose of the work of
economies onto a path which is less the Club of Rome.
environmentally devastating, more inclusive
and equitable and which can deliver real 10. The Chairman of GLOBE
improvement in human welfare on a International, in his summary of the Joint
substantial scale. Such a transformation is GLOBE-Club of Rome Dialogue in London in
not an option but a necessity if we are to January 2009, made the following key points,
salvage the future. based on the broad consensus of the
legislators, scientists and experts from
9. In facing the major crises of climate across the world who participated:
and environment, poverty and development
and finance and economic growth, we have • We face five parallel crises – financial,
three possible options: economic, climate, energy and
ecosystems – all caused by the
(i) We could delay action on fundamental unsustainable use of
climate and development and give resources, whether in the economy
priority to resolving the financial and or in nature; combined with the real
economic crises. But the scale and threat of peak oil
urgency of the climate and development • The political response to the financial
issues is such that action cannot be crisis and the outcome of the UN
delayed. Whereas the financial and negotiations in Copenhagen will
economic crises are to a degree determine whether we continue on
reversible, the threats of catastrophic the path of unsustainable
climate change and ecosystem consumption and environmental
breakdown are not. Realistically, it is degradation or begin the move to a
highly likely at this stage that the need to new economic model with more
stabilise the financial system and to efficient use of energy and resources,
arrest the decline in production and transformational investment in clean
employment will dictate that financial energy, and incorporating a real
issues will in fact be given priority. economic value for natural capital
However, once the economic situation is and ecosystem services.
stabilised, the opportunity should be • The political will for economic reforms,
seized to reconsider and reorient triggered by the financial crisis,
economic activity onto a more equitable, represents a unique window for
stable and sustainable path. coordinated governmental action
across the major economies; we may
(ii) Alternatively, we could not get such an opportunity again
consider that the issues of economics • As leaders consider public spending
and environment can be treated packages to stimulate our economies
separately, in parallel. This is the classic at the G20 Summit in April, we urge
response, driven by disciplinary, sectoral, them not to deal with the financial
institutional and ministerial divisions: crisis in isolation, but to take into
finance ministers will deal with the account the underlying challenges of
financial crisis; environment ministers climate change, energy security,
with climate; and development ministers ecosystems decline and equitable

world development; otherwise, our objective. The direction and the “quality” of
efforts will ultimately fail growth and of technological progress are not
• We believe that climate, energy and predetermined by market forces or by
ecosystems objectives are not only technological progress. They are social
consistent with, but fundamental to, choices – a function of the values, culture
sustainable economic recovery and aspirations of each society. We have
therefore the opportunity to choose among
11. At this time of major transformation, many alternative futures to improve the lives
the challenge to societies and enterprises is of both present and future generations. To
to embrace the need for change and achieve such a reorientation of growth we
innovation so as to revitalise their economies must have the vision and courage to
and provide an improved quality of life and conceive a new path of progress, to confront
stable employment within the constraints of the problems of transition and to generate
the natural environment. If the massive the public support needed to overcome the
stimulus programmes now being launched inevitable resistance to change.
across the world simply reinforce established
financial and economic activities, often
energy intensive and polluting, they will be II. Critical Issues which will
far less effective than if the resources are determine the Future
used to promote innovation and green
growth and to put the world economy onto a 1. Climate, Ecosystems, Energy,
sustainable path. Oceans and Fresh Water.

12. We have understood that “business 15. Climate change is only one of the
as usual” is not a viable option in the field of intensifying environmental challenges which
climate change. We must now recognise threaten the future, driven by the scale and
that this is also true in respect of the impacts of human activities through
destructive impacts of humanity on the consumption, waste and pollution and the
natural world and also to the path of the overuse of the biological resources of the
global economy and world development. planet – as anticipated by the Club of Rome
The strategic dilemma can be seen as some forty years ago. We confront a
follows. systemic crisis not only in regard to climate
change but, more broadly, across the fields
of climate, ecosystems, energy and water: a
13. As reported in the IHT on March 12th, crisis of the sustainability of human welfare
Prime Minister Gordon Brown delivered a and progress on a fragile planet. It is
resounding message in his address to a joint important to note that such broad, global,
session of Congress, “a message of faith in systemic crises do not respond to ad hoc,
a future beyond protectionism, in a world partial, or national measures, as we have
economy that will double in size over the seen so clearly in the evolving response to
next two decades as billions of people move the financial crisis.
from being simply producers of their goods
to being consumers of our goods, not least 16. In November 2008, The Club of
those produced by new green technologies. Rome convened the high-level expert
So we must educate our way out of the conference in Winterthur on the topic
downturn, invest and invent our way out of “Managing the Interconnected Challenges of
the downturn and re-skill our way out of the Climate Change, Energy Security,
downturn.” Ecosystems and Water.” These issues
constitute the first “cluster” of issues to be
14. The critical question is whether it is analysed in the Club of Rome Programme
feasible that the world economy can in reality on A New Path for World Development. (See
double in size over the coming two decades, For a more extensive
recognising the ecological, environmental presentation of these issues, see the policy
and social implications of such an expansion. notes of the Winterthur and London
If this is not possible, then we must find a Conferences.)
new path of development. This is a feasible

(a) Climate Change increase the risk of catastrophic climate
change. Thus, the urgent imperative to limit
17. Physical evidence and analysis from the concentration of greenhouse gases in
all over the world demonstrate that climate the atmosphere to a safe level is dictated by
change is moving faster than anticipated the absolute need to avert the risk of
while emissions continue to increase in spite catastrophic climate change. Decisions on
of all efforts and negotiations to date. the costs and benefits of intervention must
Concern is rising in the scientific and expert be seen in this perspective.
communities - which are aware of the
evidence and have developed a deeper 21. Through the scale of its impacts on
understanding of the science and the the environment, humanity is, for the first
systems dynamics of climate change - that time, putting at risk the prospects of future
we are approaching a tipping point beyond generations on a global scale: legislation and
which the positive feedbacks set in motion policies must therefore focus on the
by human-originated emissions, (which management of risk and the prevention of
stimulate further rises in temperature), will catastrophic outcomes, not only on the
become more damaging than the impact of potential costs and benefits of alternative
the emissions themselves and will lines of action.
overwhelm our ability to avert potentially
catastrophic climate change. 22. We have less time to act than we
have assumed. Besides the extended
18. In spite of inevitable uncertainties and process of negotiation, ratification, resource
disagreements, the case is clear that climate allocation and implementation, radical and
change does represent an existential threat urgent action must therefore be taken in
to our civilisation and this within, at best, parallel to mobilise the vast potential of
several decades. According to a growing knowledge, technology and resources which
body of scientific opinion, the current target is available now so as to counter the
of international negotiations, to contain emerging threats to human, national and
greenhouse gas concentrations in the international security.
atmosphere to 450 parts per million is too
high. In any case, it offers only a 50% 23. Climate change is not a problem for
probability of containing the global average the future alone: the impacts are being felt
temperature rise to 2oC, which implies today across the world, especially by the
double this rise in many regions of the world, poor and deprived. They have not caused
for example, at the Greenland ice sheet - the problem but they do suffer the
with major implications for sea level rise. consequences. This raises profound ethical
and humanitarian issues around the concept
19. In the light of new evidence and of climate justice. Through its impacts on
improved understanding of the systems rainfall patterns, extended water stress and
dynamics of climate change, scientific and ecosystems degradation, climate change will
expert opinion is increasingly convinced that compound the consequences of population
the target must be no more than 350 ppm if growth and of the emerging food and water
we are to be assured that catastrophic crises in fragile environmental conditions,
climate change will be averted. (This would preventing the attainment of the Millennium
imply that, over a period of time, not only Development Goals for hundreds of millions
must emissions be cut drastically but also, of people. Besides mitigation, strengthened
CO2 would have to be removed from the and immediate efforts in support of
atmosphere.) adaptation are vital, but these must be part
of a wider effort to improve human security,
20. Policy makers must recognise that to eradicate poverty and to accelerate
climate change will not be a gradual, linear sustainable development.
process: sudden and dramatic changes are
probable and have occurred in the past. (b) Ecosystems
Denial and delay will not only increase the
costs of mitigation and abatement as shown 24. Humanity is overusing the biological
by the Stern Review but will crucially resources of the planet each year by around

35%, which is clearly unsustainable, and this energy will again rise and the poor across
excessive use is increasing. Ecological the world will be increasingly excluded from
systems, both terrestrial and ocean, access to the energy resources which are
constitute vital carbon sinks, absorbing some vital to survival and development, unless
40% of human generated emissions. As special measures are implemented. This will
these ecological systems, such as forests, put added pressure on biological sources of
degrade through rising temperature and fuel, further aggravating the pressures on
water stress, they absorb less carbon, fragile land, forests and ecosystems.
aggravating global warming. Also, the speed
of temperature increase is of profound 29. A further consideration is that policies
importance to the survival of ecosystems: a to improve energy security may well be
0.1°C rise in one decade puts 15% of the inconsistent with the energy policies which
affected species at risk. are essential to move towards low carbon
economies. This has been demonstrated by
25. Deforestation also has massive the debates on biofuels and tar sands. Thus,
impacts on biodiversity. And it is responsible energy security and climate change must be
for around 20% of global carbon emissions, considered together.
more than all the cars, boats and planes in
the world, (The Economist). Around 13 (d) Oceans and Fresh Water
million hectares of forest are destroyed each
year. 30. The number of dead zones in the
oceans has doubled every ten years since
(c) Energy 1960 as a result of nitrogen runoff from
fertilizers and other pollutants, (Science.)
26. We are approaching the end of the Sea temperatures have risen on average
era of cheap oil on which Western civilisation 0.5°C over the past 40 years while the
and economic activity are based: additional acidity of oceans has risen 30% since the
reserves are not being found at a rate Industrial Revolution and is now reaching
sufficient to compensate for depletion. dangerous levels. Fish provide protein to
Projected growth in demand is unlikely to be hundreds of millions of people but stocks
matched by comparable growth in supply, for have declined to an alarming and in some
a variety of reasons - technical, geological cases, irreversible extent.
and political. In addition, population growth
and the rising aspirations of a growing world 31. Fresh water is under stress all over
middle class are rapidly increasing demand the world. Climate change will aggravate the
for limited resources, raising profound issues problems in several ways: for example,
of both energy security and national security changes in rainfall patterns, droughts and
as the competition for vital resources floods will impact on food and human
intensifies. security; temperature rise will eventually
reduce water run-off from glaciers and will
27. Energy consumption has risen 47% increase water stress in many regions. And
in the last 20 years, (USDOE). It is rising sea level will contaminate aquifers in
estimated that, based on current trends, coastal regions.
world demand for oil could reach around 140
million barrels per day, (bpd) in 2030, while 32. Global water consumption is doubling
the IEA and USDEA view is that production every 20 years, an unsustainable rate. (The
of around 118 million bpd may be feasible. Economist). IPCC expects by 2020 an
An industry view is that 100 million bpd is increase of about 75-250 million people
optimistic. The present level is around 85-90 suffering from climate-induced water
million bpd. shortages in Africa alone, with a potential
falloff in rain fed agriculture of up to 50%. In
28. One consequence of the financial South America, the water resources of Lima
and economic crisis has been a falling-off of depend over 80% on the glaciers of the
investment in all sectors of energy, including Andes which have lost a third of their volume
new and renewable. Once world economic between 1970 and 1997 and may disappear
activity recovers therefore, the price of in the coming decades. (DIE).

2. Development Challenges suffering from hunger – that is before the
impacts of the financial and economic crises
33. Humanity has made remarkable affected the flows of investment into
progress to achieve a better world and to developing countries. The Institute of
improve living standards and opportunities International Finance reckons that net
for many. Additional hundreds of millions of private-capital inflows into emerging
people are joining the middle class and the economies fell from $929 billion in 2007 to
number of people living in abject poverty – $466 billion in 2008. And 2009 will see only
until recently – was in decline. The world’s $165 billion flow to emerging economies.
average life expectancy is increasing (from This shows a clear and immediate
48 years in 1955 to an anticipated 73 for connection between the financial crisis and
those to be born in 2025, WHO) and illiteracy the prospects for development.
has fallen from around 37% in 1970 to
around 18% today, (UNESCO). And we are 37. The US Center for Global
living in a time of explosive growth of Development in a recent study concluded
knowledge and of the capability to that the climate change impacts on food
disseminate it cheaply and effectively. production arising from changing rainfall
patterns, desertification, sea level rise and
34. But we live in a world of extreme weather events could result in a fall
contradictions: over 1 billion people live on in food production in Africa of 28% and of
$1 per day or less, the benchmark of 38% in India by 2050, over a period when
absolute poverty; around 1.5-2 billion people the Indian population is expected to increase
live on an income of $1-$2 per day (The by 400 million. The underlying causes of the
Economist) – in a $66 Trillion (ppp) food crisis demonstrate the profound
economy! And we live in a world of rising importance of the linkages between the
inequality: 2% of the world’s richest people critical issues of climate change, energy,
own some 50% of the world’s wealth while ecosystems and water and their connections
the poorest 50% own around 1%. And the to population, poverty, finance, credit,
economic and social progress which is investment and trade.
unprecedented in human history has been
achieved at enormous cost to the 38. A recent report presents the ethical
environment as outlined above. issues well: “Present climate change is
caused mainly by greenhouse gas emissions
35. Looking ahead, the single most from industrialised countries ...average CO2
important fact is that an anticipated 2.3 emissions from fossil fuel burning in the
billion additional people will come to live on period 1950 to 2003 were 5.2 tons per
this small and fragile planet over the coming person per year in the USA, 0.4 tons in
forty years. Almost all this increase will take China and less than 0.2 tons in India.
place in developing countries where the However, developing countries are
stresses on biodiversity, ecosystems, water disproportionately affected by the
and resources are already intense. And consequences of climate change. Due to
perhaps an additional 2 Billion people will high exposure to climate risks and limited
aspire to the living standards of the present adaptive capacity, they are projected to feel
middle class by 2050. Enormous efforts will the bulk of the impacts. Unmitigated climate
be needed if these trends in population change will further increase global
increase and rising living standards are not inequalities.”
to have devastating and irreversible impacts
on the ecosystems and environment of the 39. As Pamela Cox, Vice President of the
planet. World Bank made clear in reference to Latin
America: “The region is only producing about
36. We are already now facing a food 6% of global greenhouse gas emissions and
crisis which is not only local, national or just over 10% if we include deforestation.
regional as in the past but is truly global. In However, it is already suffering huge
the view of the World Food Programme, “We economic losses due to climate change. It is
are facing a silent tsunami.” In December cruel and ironic that those people who are
2008, around 930 million people were least responsible for causing the problem,

particularly the extreme poor, are also the 43. It is important to recognize that
most vulnerable and the ones with least different societies manage their economies
resources to adapt.” in very different ways and that the models of
business management are also widely
diverse. In Japan for example, longer-term
III. Rethinking the Path of Human prospects and profitability are given priority
Progress over short term results, and employees,
suppliers and customers are viewed as
1. Root Causes of the Economic, partners in a common enterprise, together
Environmental and Development with shareholders. Thus the pursuit of short
Crises term profits and the concentration on
increasing shareholder value are not the
40. The massive and sudden financial central priorities of business activity.
crisis, now coupled with a deep economic
recession, has destroyed confidence in long- 44. It is the “Anglo-Saxon” model of free
established policies, power relationships and market capitalism which lies at the heart of
institutional arrangements. An international the present crises. And this model, together
debate is now raging to identify the causes with the values on which it is based, has
of and responsibility for the crises and also been disseminated throughout the world, in
to establish the conclusions to be drawn for large part through the education of élites
the future. For those who reject the capitalist from emerging economies and by the strong
model, the crises demonstrate its predicted pressures of the international financial
failure. For those committed to free market institutions. The analysis which follows is
capitalism, the system must be reformed and focused primarily therefore on the values,
adapted to function better. The radical concepts and consequences of the Anglo-
divergence of opinions can be indicated as Saxon model which has dominated global
follows. economic thinking for almost thirty years.
41. First, the Economist: “Over the past
century and a half, capitalism has proved its 45. In this perspective, some of the
worth for billions of people. The parts of the underlying causes of the crises we face can
world where it has flourished have be summarised as follows:
prospered; the parts where it has shriveled
have suffered. Capitalism has always (i) Excessive belief in the
engendered crises, and always will. The “magic of the marketplace”.
world should use the latest one, devastating (ii) Determination to cut back
though it is, to learn how to manage it the role of government.
better.” (iii) A damaging concept of
economic growth.
42. An extreme contrast comes from (iv) Counterproductive values
Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Director of the and assumptions.
Social Studies Center at the University of
Coimbra, Portugal: “Latin America remains (i) Excessive belief in the “magic of
a key piece in the economic strategy of the the marketplace”.
transnational companies and the
governments of the North. One must 46. It had long been understood that a
remember that the capitalist system always prosperous and stable society requires a
needs new spaces for generating economic proper balance between the role of the
profits…In effect, neoliberal restructuring market to stimulate innovation and the
tries to replace existing concepts of effective use of resources and the role of
development and democracy with concepts government as the custodian of the common
of control and security due to its incapacity interest. Governments should provide a
for generating solid popular support. This is clear and predictable framework of law, of
a consequence of deepening social supervision and of regulation within which
exclusion, misery and inequality under the market could operate so as to achieve a
neoliberal capitalism…” balance between private rights and benefits
and the prosperity of the community. With

the arrival of Prime Minister Thatcher and in factors in business decisions. Only 31%
1980 of President Reagan, a new ideology believe that the “public good” is a strong
dominated international economic thinking. motivating factor… However, three quarters
This confidently asserted that, through of Americans think that business can be both
liberalization, privatization and deregulation, successful and ethical.”
market prices should be released from the
interference and control of government and 50. The principal consequences of this
the energies of the market would then excessive free market approach are:
assure the optimum use of resources to
achieve social welfare. 1. A focus on material
consumption. Humans have
47. Encapsulated in the phrase “greed is come to be defined principally as
good”, this strong and confident market consumers and growth in material
dogma encouraged individuals to pursue consumption is equated with
their own benefit regardless of the social progress. How this has occurred is
implications. This philosophy is now well put by Richard Tomkins: “In the
discredited. It is painfully clear that it has early postwar years, the idea of
failed on critical points both morally and in consumer choice was relatively
practice. It has failed to assure a fair undeveloped. There was not enough
distribution of benefits, of wealth and income manufacturing capacity to meet
within countries and between countries. It consumer demand so manufacturers
has failed to provide a sound and stable or governments decided what
basis for economic progress and world products should be available and
development. And it has failed to recognize consumers were grateful for what
the fundamental need to preserve a decent they could get….As economic growth
and healthy environment. accelerated, incomes rose but
productivity rose faster still until finally,
48. According to a review by Incomes in the 1950s, manufacturing capacity
Data Services in the UK, the earnings of the outstripped consumption turning the
FTSE 100 Chief Executives rose 167% relationship between manufacturers
between 2000 and 2008 while the median and consumers on its head….The
national average pay rise over the same baby boomers were the first
period for the country’s 28 million workers generation to be born into an era
was 32.2%. The Financial times made the where consumers were placed on a
diverging fortunes of rich and poor even pedestal and companies set out to
more stark: “Merrill Lynch recently paid its satisfy their every whim…they define
employees $4 billion in publicly subsidized themselves by making their selection
bonuses amid a $15 billion quarterly loss. from the ever-increasing proliferation
This government-financed bonus pool at one of goods and services on offer:
single firm was on its own nearly equal to the whatever they want, the market will
entire US bilateral aid budget to Sub- provide.”
Saharan Africa, roughly $5 billion in 2008.
And it roughly matched the sum of all OECD Where consumers fail to consume
countries’ support to agriculture in all sufficiently, governments and
developing countries.” (4th February 2009). companies strive to stimulate a
desired rate of economic growth
49. In some countries, these excesses through fiscal and monetary policies
have triggered a profound shift in public and advertising to create demand. In
attitudes to business, for example in the USA. this way, economic growth, instead of
According to a recent MARIS poll, “Among being an instrument to achieve the
the American public, 76% believe that higher goals of humanity, becomes
America’s moral compass is pointed in the an end in itself, the goal and purpose
wrong direction… More than 90% believe of human activity: societies become
that career advancement, personal financial addicted to growth in material
gain, increasing profits or gaining consumption. However, as the Club
competitive advantage are the primary of Rome emphasised some forty

years ago, it will not be possible to world. By failing to take account in
sustain exponential growth in market prices of “externalities” –
consumption of a growing world factors which, however important, are
population, together with the difficult to quantify and do not fit
associated waste and pollution, easily into economic calculus, such
indefinitely on a finite planet. as the value of natural capital or
The current economic recession, public goods – markets have also
which started in the financial sector failed to limit the impacts of human
has now extended and is deepening activities on the environment. As
in the productive sector of the Lord Nicholas Stern pointed out, the
economy. The crisis has extended climate change crisis represents the
from Wall Street to Main Street. The largest market failure in history.
excessive consumption which was
fueling the growth of the world 3. Dominance of economics
economy, driven by borrowing and and finance. Overconfidence in the
stimulated by advertising and magic of the market place and the
incentives, has now declined effective role of prices has led to the
dramatically, leaving manufacturing dominance of the economic and
capacities underutilized across the financial aspects of policy in national
world with a consequent rise in policy making. Critically important
unemployment. It is not clear, that, issues, such as climate change,
when recovery comes as it will, the environmental degradation, resource
structure and scale of demand will security, social stability and the
again reach the previous levels to eradication of poverty are pushed
match potential output. This implies aside by powerful economic forces
that a vast overhang of excess and interests. This dominance of
production capacity and labour will financial analysis and considerations
have to be absorbed, over many in the formulation of policy must be
years. And it underlines the corrected if societies are to take
fundamental importance of proper account of the issues which
accelerating investment and are critical to longer term survival and
innovation in new economic activities to move towards sustainable
to generate employment and to lay development.
the foundations for a new energy-
efficient economy. A further consequence of the
dominance of financial and economic
A headline from the Economist for an considerations is that, at a time when
article on the fiscal policies adopted public institutions must become more
by China to stimulate economic innovative, coherent and adaptable to
growth may serve as the last word: manage the rapidly evolving
“Behave like a Westerner: buy systemic challenges and risks of the
something you can’t afford.” modern world, their programmes
remain dominated by budgetary
2. Reliance on market prices. considerations, aggravating the
Central to the free market dogma is procedural and bureaucratic
the firm belief that market prices, if constraints which stifle innovation
freed from the interference of and renewal.
government, will assure the optimum
use of resources to achieve social
and economic objectives. However, (ii) Determination to cut back the role
this has proved not to be the case. of government.
As supervision and regulation have
been weakened, markets have failed 51. The Thatcher/Reagan market
to reduce poverty and have indeed ideology was based not on one but on two
aggravated disparities in income and powerful ideas: to release the energy of the
wealth within societies and across the private sector and, in parallel, to diminish the

role of government in the state. The action are essential to the resolution of truly
sustained effort to discredit government was global problems. A strengthened framework
best expressed by President Reagan: “The of international cooperation is by no means
most frightening words in the English an alternative to effective national policy and
language are: “I’m from the government and action. The challenge to international
I’m here to help.” Through liberalization, governance is to define a new balance and
privatization and deregulation, the influence relationship between international
of government was to be cut back wherever cooperation and national action to meet the
possible. The current economic and challenges of the dynamic, interdependent
financial crises are, in large part, the world of the 21st Century.
consequence of the weakening of
supervision and effective regulation within 55. The world is visibly entering a period
key countries. Supervisory and regulatory of transformation in the structure of power
agencies of government in many fields, such and influence which have been established
as the Federal Reserve, the SEC and the since the Second World War, and in the
EPA in the United States, have proved either underlying concepts, relationships and
unmotivated for ideological reasons or mechanisms which drive the world economy.
unable, due to limitations of budget and staff, This opens up many opportunities for new
to fulfill their responsibilities with the ideas and approaches to global governance
damaging results which we see today. and to the management of critical global
issues. This transformation emerged clearly
52. This commitment to diminish the role at the Davos meeting of the World Economic
of government has had its parallel in a Forum in January 2009. Premier Wen
sustained effort to reduce the scope and Jiabao and Prime Minister Putin argued that
effectiveness of international cooperation. the two rising powers must play a bigger role
As a result, the capabilities and effectiveness in a new economic order. “Mr. Wen made
of the main international organisations have scathing comments about the inappropriate
been diminished over the past thirty years. macroeconomic policies of some unnamed
But on these institutions depend the countries and about the unsustainable model
management of global issues, the proper of development characterized by prolonged
functioning of the world economy and low savings and high consumption. He also
improvement in the prospects and living attacked financial institutions and their blind
standards of the billions in the developing pursuit of profit and their lack of self
countries. Thus financial and economic discipline.” (FT 29/1/09).
forces and transnational corporations and
banks can operate on a global scale without
a corresponding international capacity and 56. The excessive belief in the efficiency
framework of regulation and supervision. of market prices coupled with the calculated
diminution of the capabilities of government
53. For some thirty years, attitudes to have together led not only to the current
international cooperation and to the role of crises with their massive human and
international cooperation and governance economic consequences but also to deep
have been heavily influenced by the imbalances and vulnerabilities in the world
skeptical views of a limited number of economy and in the environmental,
powerful Western countries. They ecological and development systems.
confidently advocated the market dominated
approach to development enshrined in the
Washington Consensus. The credibility of (iii) A damaging concept of economic
international action and of international law growth.
has suffered in consequence.
57. From the above brief review, it can be
54. The pressures of reality, in particular concluded that the models and strategies
the global and systemic nature of the crises which drive the present path of economic
we face, have now demonstrated growth are deeply flawed. This lies at the
unambiguously, even to the most powerful roots of the financial, economic,
countries, that international cooperation and environmental and development crises which

today destroy the lives of millions and resource use.” (Declaration of the
threaten the prospects of future generations. Lindau Group, 31/10/08.)
The key weaknesses can be summarised as
follows: 2. The failure to account for
public goods. Clean water
1. The failure to take proper and air, ecosystems services,
account of externalities. The unpolluted oceans rivers and
discipline of economics is strong and atmosphere are all public goods on
confident in its methodology and which we together depend. But these
judgments as to what can be properly have no simple market price and are
included in an economic analysis and not generally included in economic
how the analysis should be analysis. Thus emissions can be
formulated and carried out. Issues pumped into the atmosphere and
for which data is weak and cannot be pollution into rivers and lakes at no
readily quantified or where market cost to the individual polluter.
prices do not exist are generally not Enormous efforts are being made to
included in the analysis. In correct this anomaly, for example
consequence, issues of the most through a tax on carbon emissions,
profound importance have been and strengthened national and
neglected. For example, the international regulation.
ecosystems services and the natural
capital on which humanity depends 3. The failure to account for
have no simple market price and the interests of future generations.
have been largely ignored. This is For conceptual and methodological
also the case in regard to the impacts reasons, classical economic analysis
of economic activity, waste and puts a higher value on early rather
pollution on health and to the real than longer-term benefits, favoring
value of the energy and material projects and investments which offer
resources on which economic activity early returns and discounting future
depends. In these circumstances, costs and benefits. However, as time
what are considered to be social or goes by, massive longer term costs
environmental externalities may can accumulate, driven by issues
prove to be profoundly more which have been neglected such as
important than the issues actually the accumulation of greenhouse
included in an economic analysis but gases in the atmosphere, overuse of
as they have no market price, they the biological resources of the planet
can be ignored. or the rising levels of inequality and
Another dimension is the failure to
take account of efficiency in the use Thus, future generations will be
of increasingly scarce resources. As required not only to pay down
phrased by Dr. Schmidt-Bleek, massive financial debts and to
“Already natural thresholds for restore neglected infrastructure but
ecological security have been also to pay for the restoration of a
exceeded in respect especially of functioning environment, presuming
greenhouse gas emissions, the that the damage and losses have not
extinction of species and the become irreversible and to invest in
depletion of renewable resources the development of an equitable and
such as water, forests and fish. For peaceful world.
these reasons, the most fundamental
requirement for moving towards a 4. The failure to achieve social
sustainable human economy is to inclusion and fairness. Poverty,
“de-materialise” human economic deprivation and exclusion continue to
activities and reduce as far as exist in spite of the accumulating
possible the environmental impacts of wealth of a growing world economy.
In effect, the established model of

growth, if uncorrected, has proved to shop, that sent the best and the brightest to
aggravate social and economic Wall Street to concoct toxic securities, that
disparities and divisions. Poor, said there was no need to balance individual
deprived and unemployed people do rights and community needs…Goodbye to all
not participate effectively in the that.”
market. Models and strategies for
economic progress must therefore be 59. Associated with this distorted value
adapted and complemented by public system, a number of implicit assumptions
action to reduce inequity and poverty have become enshrined in the public
throughout the world. consciousness, at every level. It is widely
assumed for example that:
5. The failure to recognize the
systemic nature of global and • living standards and personal wealth
domestic problems. The critical will continue to rise in Western
issues confronting the world today countries indefinitely, based on
are interconnected and systemic in never-ending economic growth.
their nature. They cannot be • rising economic growth will somehow
resolved by ad hoc, partial and resolve the problems of abject
sectoral measures. But the rigorous poverty and deprivation within
methodology of economic analysis nations and in the world community
which has been largely derived from as a whole and also, the poor and
a different tradition, finds it difficult to excluded will wait patiently until this
adapt to the new interdisciplinary, occurs.
systemic approaches which are now • the paths of economic growth and of
vital to understand and act on the technological progress are objectively
critical issues of the modern world. It determined and cannot therefore be
is therefore of first importance that changed: whereas they are in fact
the teaching of economics should driven by social values and choice.
adapt to produce a generation of • the anticipated increase in world
new-style economists familiar with population of around 2.3 billion
and open to the behaviour and people in the next forty years will
properties of systems and committed somehow be safely absorbed.
to take proper account of social and • the degradation of ecosystems and
environmental dimensions in analysis deepening environmental threats can
and in the formulation of policy. be mastered in due course as
societies become more wealthy.
(iv) Counterproductive values and • global warming will prove to be a
assumptions. slow and linear process which can be
resolved when it becomes politically
58. Concepts, strategies and behaviour and economically feasible for
are, of course, driven by the fundamental governments to take effective action.
values, culture, assumptions and aspirations • the price mechanism and
of individuals, groups and societies. The technological innovation will ensure
beliefs, values and behaviour which have that energy and resources will
brought the world to the present crisis will continue to be available.
have to change if a new more equitable and
• local and national problems, which
environmentally sustainable path for human
are politically more immediate,
progress is to be found. Roger Cohen
should be given priority over the
defines the crisis in values most directly:
international issues which now
“....there is a surfacing of shame about the
threaten the future of humanity as a
extent of our spend-spend-spend excesses.
whole in an interdependent world.
The check on this spending spree stands at
$2.6 trillion in American personal debt – a
60. All these assumptions will have to
staggering sum…As Bill Clinton might have
change if humanity is to surmount the risks
said, “It’s the culture stupid.” The culture
and threats ahead. And in this perspective,
that said that the most patriotic act was to
the role of education and public information

of every kind and at every level is critically process to be driven by the interests of the
important. The financial, economic and strong: it must work to the benefit of all or it
climate crises are already having significant can tear this world apart…. We need a
impacts on behaviour and attitudes in many policy to achieve order and development for
countries, particularly in regard to personal the whole planet. It is, simply stated: one
consumption and the acceptance of the huge world or no world. We cannot continue
inequalities in wealth and income as being indefinitely on the present path. Humanity is
normal. If this evolution in values becomes using the resources of the planet as if we
permanent – which is by no means sure – it had another one in reserve. It has
will help greatly to reorient social and unfortunately taken many years for the
economic progress onto a new path. message of the Club of Rome to be
recognized. We do need international
61. From this brief analysis, one key cooperation in research, technology and
question emerges. What in fact constitutes policy to protect the environment and the
economic growth if so many critical aspects climate. But we need more than this, a
are not properly included in its transformation in our lifestyles. Would it not
measurement? The financial crisis has be good to know that our restraint can
demonstrated clearly that the appearance of provide more for the disadvantaged and for
growth over many years may be a mirage, a future generations?”
bubble without substance, if it is based on
the soaring accumulation of domestic and 66. Millions have undoubtedly benefited
international debt. The apparent gains in from globalization, but millions in both
wealth have now evaporated. developing and developed countries have
not. Benefit for many has come at a cost for
62. In effect the fundamental question is: others while many are altogether excluded
“Is the growth in GDP real if it ignores from the process. The perception in large
environmental degradation, the growing parts of society and public opinion that the
threats of climate change, rising levels of benefits of globalization are not fairly shared,
pollution and their effects on health, the drives a strong backlash against
destruction of natural capital, the depletion of globalization in many countries. This is
non-renewable resources, the depreciation reinforced by evident and growing disparities
of infrastructure and the aggravation of in wealth and income. Newsweek reported
poverty and exclusion?” on 12/11/2007 that “The often grotesque
proportions of income inequality are giving
63. In this perspective, efforts are in pause to even some of the most ardent
progress across the world to reconsider the believers in the international trading system”
calculation of growth and particularly of GDP, quoting former federal Reserve chairman
to include such aspects which are vital to Alan Greenspan: “The issue of the
humanity but not properly included in the presumed justice of the rewards of
economic calculus on which strategies and capitalism has created angst in all people
policies are largely based. involved in market economies.”
67. A further reason for the deep concern
2. Rethinking Globalisation and
about globalization is the apprehension that,
World Development
if the present consumer-driven patterns of
economic growth continue unchanged and
64. In November 2007, H. E. Dr. Horst
are further extended to vast numbers of
Köhler, Federal President of Germany and
additional consumers, the environmental,
former Managing Director of the IMF, invited
ecological and social consequences will be
the Club of Rome convened an international
conference in Schloss Bellevue, Berlin, on
the topic “Policy Challenges in the Next 68. While globalisation has stimulated a
Phase of Globalisation.” President Köhler sustained period of growth of the world
phrased the issue, in summary, as follows: economy through the global integration of
the movement of goods, capital and jobs, the
65. “Globalisation has indeed provided financial and economic crises have starkly
many benefits but we cannot allow the demonstrated the downside of this rising

level of interdependence. As the Economist one of the central ideas behind that
phrased the issues: “The downturn has been consensus – the idea that international
sharpest in countries that opened up most to economic integration provides a path to
world trade….Can one be too dependent on steadily rising prosperity. Instead, at the
trade? How far should one liberalise moment, the globalisation of the economy
banking? Is there a trade-off between taking appears to have done the opposite –
advantage of good times and providing spreading a dangerous economic virus
shock absorbers for bad ones?” (21/2/09). around the world and creating the threat of
another global depression.”
69. The profound debate now in progress
on globalisation reflects the diverse values, 72. The strong market-oriented
concepts, opinions and aspirations of the philosophy of the past thirty years has
similar debate on national economic strategy impacted in similar ways at the international
outlined above. The intensity of this debate level as at the national level. The same
can be seen from an analysis by Walden concepts, methodology and assumptions
Bello of the Philippines. He characterises as have driven globalisation and have
a move towards what he terms Global Social undoubtedly stimulated trade, financial flows
Democracy, GSD, a proposal made by and investment, leading to a period of
Gordon Brown when Chancellor that there is sustained economic growth at a faster rate
a need for “alliance capitalism” between overall in emerging economies than in
market and state institutions which would developed economies. But this neoliberal
“secure the benefits of the market while approach has also generated fundamental
taming its excesses” and which “captures the problems at the international level:
full benefits of global markets and capital
flows, minimizes the risk of disruption, • The reduction of barriers through
maximises opportunity for all and lifts up the liberalization, deregulation and
most vulnerable.” privatization which has freed the
forces of the market has created
70. He then continues: “Even before the dangerous vulnerabilities. It has left
full unfolding of the financial crisis, partisans national economies victims of forces
of GSD had already been positioning it as an beyond their control. It has
alternative to neoliberal globalisation…but aggravated the instability of the
GSD shares neoliberalism’s bias for integrated, global economic system,
globalisation… promising to promote it better generating the synchronized
than the neoliberals. This amounts to slowdown in both rich and poor
saying…that an inherently socially and countries together and increasing the
ecologically destructive process can be scale of the global recession. The
made palatable and acceptable. GSD idea that developed and the
assumes that people really want to be part of emerging economies were “de-
a functionally integrated global economy linking” has proved false.
where the barriers between national and
international have disappeared. But would • It has led to an over-dependence on
they not in fact prefer to be part of export led growth, ignoring the needs
economies that are subject to local control of those not engaged in industries
and are buffered from the vagaries of the which are connected to world trade
international economy?” and investment. The combination of
expert and élite focus on the role of
71. The critique of globalisation is now foreign direct investment, combined
extending into the area of mainstream with the aim of “export at all costs”
business and economics. Writing in the has led to the neglect of investment
Financial Times, Gideon Rachman presents in agriculture and poverty reduction.
the issue thus: “The 2009 meeting of the Spending on farming as a share of
World Economic Forum is taking place at a public spending in developing
time when the “globalisation consensus” is countries fell by half between 1980
under strain as never before. The and 2004 (The Economist.) In
international financial crisis has undermined parallel, assistance to poor countries

to improve farming practices and to stressed that the trends in the world
build up agricultural infrastructure financial system were clearly
such as transport networks, irrigation unsustainable: the depth of the
systems, dams and extension banking and credit crisis has been
services fell from around 18.7% of greatly worsened by these
ODA in 1979 to 5.2% in fundamental imbalances and
2006,(OECD). vulnerabilities.

• The process of globalisation has • The deep and rapid changes

been accompanied by rising levels of accompanying globalisation have put
inequality as, according to Robert immense stress on the social
Reich, former US Labor Secretary, structures, relationships and cultural
“the top 10 or 20 percent is pulling foundations of many societies,
away from the rest because of leading to identity crisis, polarization
education, job skills and and radicalization of those who reject
connections.” The integration of the norms and values of the modern
China and India into the global capitalist world. The exclusion of
trading system has effectively added hundreds of millions of people from
more than a billion workers to the the processes and benefits of
world’s labour force, thus placing globalisation has provoked a
downward pressure on real wages. backlash, a broadly-based
At the same time, intensifying countermovement around the
competition, rapid adoption of new rejection of globalisation, or, in the
technologies and freer capital flows phrase of Walden Bello of the
are diminishing labour’s bargaining Philippines, the call for
power. According to ADB, the rich- “deglobalisation”, not only in
poor divide in China, as measured developing countries but in
by the Gini coefficient, now developed countries also where
resembles Latin America and is protectionist feelings are growing.
thought to be above that of the
United States. And, while the rapid • Just as the institutions and
growth of international information- responsibilities of government have
based activities in Bangalore has been curtailed in many nations, so a
attracted world attention, according sustained effort has been made over
to a World Bank survey, some 45% the past thirty years to diminish the
of Indian children are malnourished. role of international institutions and
of the international supervision and
• Globalisation on a “Washington regulation of the vast financial flows
Consensus” basis has also led to across the world. This has allowed
instability and to the generation of transnational corporations and
enormous financial imbalances financial institutions to operate
which have caused periodic financial worldwide without effective
crises in the global economy. The supervision or regulation of their
current account deficit of the USA activities. The global financial crisis
which exceeded $700 billion per year, which originated in East Asia in the
the accumulation of around $4 late Nineties triggered an urgent call
Trillion in assets by the Asian for a “new institutional architecture”
economies, $2 trillion by China alone, to improve the governance of the
and the flows of financial resources world economy. Once the crisis was
from oil consuming nations to oil contained, the pressure for change
producers which attained $1.7 dissipated, with the results that we
Trillion in 2007 indicate the scale of see today.
the imbalances and vulnerabilities in
the international financial system. 73. In considering the future path of
Many commentators, including Paul globalisation, another set of factors related to
Volcker three years ago, have energy, resources and the environment must

be taken into account. The international action of governments, business and civil
structure of investment and production, the society can be mutually reinforcing.
organisation of international supply chains
and the flow of resources across the world 77. The challenge of establishing a
are a function of the cost of energy and of sound framework of international
other factors of production. As the era of governance and effective cooperation to
cheap oil is nearing its end and as a price meet the issues of the 21st Century and to
will be put on the emission of CO2 into the guide the processes of globalisation onto the
atmosphere, the costs of transporting goods most constructive path will not be met by
across the world will rise. In addition, the marginal adjustment to the existing
security aspects of the provision of energy framework. The existing institutional
and other vital resources will become of first framework was conceived for a simpler age
importance as competition for vital but some 60 years ago. Its redesign will be
scarce resources intensifies. critical to success and should be the focus of
intensive and urgent international attention.
74. For these and other reasons, the Accountability, legitimacy, flexibility,
distribution of investment, production and resilience, coherence, anticipation and
employment between developing and innovation will be vital factors in the
industrialised countries and the related successful management of the systemic
patterns of trade are likely to be very issues of an interdependent, rapidly
different as the world emerges from the changing world. We are far from this today.
current crises: another demonstration of the
real links of environmental, economic and 78. Just as new strategies are needed to
development factors in the real world. reorient economic growth at the national
level, so major transformations will be
Global governance needed at the international level to assure
equitable, stable and sustainable
75. The massive financial crisis which development. “The world needs a
has now emerged will undoubtedly lead to rebalancing of trade to end US deficits and
significant change in the global governance Asia manufacturing surpluses. But the
of the world economy but at an immense burden of rebalancing is falling increasingly
financial and human cost which could have on developing countries – commodity
been averted if action had been taken a exporters and those reliant on income from
decade ago following the East Asian workers overseas and labour-intensive
financial crisis. As new institutional manufactures. …Credit demands from the
arrangements are considered it will be West are sucking money out of even the
important to take account in their design of most developed East Asian economies
key factors in the modern world: a new …and forcing less developed ones to pay
balance of power and influence; the double-digit rates to borrow in international
enormous scale of the flows of resources in markets. These borrowing costs are
the international financial system; the unsustainable and threaten a developing
complexity and opaqueness of the world of world crisis that will provide another hit to
finance; the speed of change; and the need, western banks and further curtail trade.”
as at the national level, to take proper (Philip Bowring, IHT, 11/3/09. This view was
account of the systemic links between the echoed by the former Japanese vice-minister
issues of economics and finance, climate of finance, Dr. Sakakibura, “The US has to
and environment and equitable world live within its means and China and Japan
development. cannot continue to export to the rest of the
world as they have done. The world will look
76. As noted above, humanity has the completely different once this crisis is over.”
vast capabilities needed to resolve the (FT 28/1/09)
threats to the future: whether it will achieve
this depends substantially on its ability to 79. The reorientation of the global
agree on and implement the essential action economy which is coming must be seen in
in good time through an effective framework the context of the major transformation of
of international institutions within which the international relations now in progress. The

latest forecast of the US National Intelligence overwhelmed by externalities. A revolution
Council broke new ground with its Global in economic thinking is needed if we are to
Trends 2025. “By 2025, the international surmount the economic and environmental
system will be a global multipolar one with crises we face.”
gaps in national power continuing to narrow
between developing and developed 83. He then listed a number of key issues
countries. The international system as to be resolved. “First, the economic
constructed following the Second World War framework must be re-thought to internalize
will be almost unrecognizable…owing to the externalities. This is an issue more profound
rise of emerging powers, a globalizing than trying to ensure that prices reflect true
economy, an historic transfer of relative costs and implies the need to re-think
wealth and economic power from west to business models. Second, how we measure
east, and the growing influence of non-state wealth must be reconsidered. We need an
actors…” honest balance sheet which reflects our
plundering of natural resources and assigns
80. As Roger Altman, former US Deputy a real price to ecosystem services. Third,
Treasury Secretary, put it clearly, “The science and education are not conceived to
financial and economic crash of 2008, the understand the essential inter-relationships
worst in over 75 years, is a major geopolitical and should seek to promote a holistic
setback for the US and Europe…Over the understanding of issues. Fourth, a crash
medium term, they will have neither the programme of research and development on
resources nor the economic credibility to energy is urgently needed. Finally, the
play the role in global affairs that they institutions of global governance are
otherwise would have played.” inadequate to meet the new challenges and
must be strengthened and reformed.”

3. Redefining Growth: New Models 84. Most recently, President Sarcozy has
and Strategies for Sustainable initiated an International Commission,
Economic and Social Progress chaired by Nobel Laureates Amartya Sen
and Joseph Stiglitz, with the aim to “render
81. The previous sections have economic data more comprehensive, more
diagnosed the conceptual, ethical and intelligible to the public and more relevant for
practical inadequacies in the current models policy makers by taking into account such
and strategies for economic growth and factors as environmental degradation and
globalisation. And they have suggested the quality of life.” In announcing this
disastrous consequences if these continue Commission, President Sarcozy recognized
unchanged. Background Paper 2 suggests that “the threat of catastrophic climate
how an integrated approach can be change should also force policymakers to
developed to the economic, environmental recalibrate the broader environmental impact
and development crises so as to achieve of economic growth.” (FT 28/1/09).
low-carbon, sustainable growth and
employment within the wider purposes of 85. We must move from a concept which
equitable world development. This section equates growth with an exponential increase
briefly outlines some of the key issues. in material consumption to a concept of
progress based on improving the quality of
82. In his remarkable book, “The Bridge life and real welfare. And we must move
at the End of the World”, Gus Speth defines from a concept which accepts that growth
the challenge as “to bring the reigning inevitably implies vast increases in the
paradigm of neoclassical economics into line wealth of a few combined with exclusion and
with environmental realities and needs.” At stagnation of the livelihoods of the many to a
the Club of Rome Berlin Conference on the concept which favors fairness and inclusion.
Challenges of Globalisation in November
2007, Ambassador Anders Wijkman posed 86. It is essential and urgent for the
the issues as: “the present economic model reasons outlined earlier in this Note, that the
is no longer relevant as it is almost totally present strategies and policies for economic
separate from the natural world and growth be radically changed. Such radical

change in the content and direction of implications far beyond the methodology of
economic progress is essential if we are to the calculus of GDP, although this must be
avert the threats of catastrophic climate substantially revised. Additional systems of
change and ecosystems collapse, to indicators will be needed to value
manage equitably and peacefully the dimensions of progress beyond the
intensifying competition for vital resources, economic, such as natural capital and
and to create a sound and equitable basis ecosystems services or human well being.
for longer term world development. To The UNDP Human Development Index is
achieve such radical change will require: one valuable approach which ensures that
the human dimensions of development are
• a new vision and ethical framework to the focus of development policies. Another
give new meaning to the concept of positive approach has proved to be the
economic and social progress; Social Indicators developed at OECD in the
• a new balance and partnership Seventies which have added social
between the public and private dimensions to economic analysis.
sectors and civil society;
• new models and methodology to The way towards sustainable growth
analyse and guide decisions on the
choices and risks ahead; 90. To achieve sustainable growth
• coherent new strategies and policies requires that the failures of the present
to achieve economic, environmental models of growth outlined earlier must be
and development objectives; corrected.
• revitalized institutions to anticipate
and act effectively on the systemic
issues of the modern world. • The analysis of choices, risks and
• Revised curricula and methodology opportunities which prepares
for education to produce the skills decisions on policy and
and open-minded, interdisciplinary implementation must take proper
thinking which are now essential to account of externalities, such as the
understand, anticipate and manage value of natural capital, the real cost
the systemic, connected issues of the of resources etc. This requires not
modern world. simply an adjustment to existing
techniques and methodology so as to
87. Jean Pierre Cotis, a member of the integrate such externalities into
Sen-Stiglitz Commission and the head of existing economic models but a
INSEE, the Statistics Agency of France, serious reconsideration of the whole
considers that the task is to narrow the gaps approach.
between objective measures of economic • Through the introduction of pricing,
production and subjective measures of well regulation, incentives and
being. “GDP was originally intended as a disincentives, the real value of public
measure of production and economic activity. goods must be integrated into policy
It was never meant to measure well being. analysis.
That is beyond the statistician’s remit.” • The interests of future generations
and the longer-term consequences of
88. In 2008, the Club of Rome, together policies must be integrated into the
with the European Commission and OECD, consideration of policy options.
convened a conference in Brussels on the • The human and social issues of
topic “Beyond GDP” to explore these issues. fairness in the distribution of costs
And work is in progress throughout the world and benefits, of income and
to develop new concepts in various opportunity must be properly
formulations such as “Green GDP”, “Green reflected in the consideration and
Growth” and most recently, UNEP’s execution of policy. This applies both
proposed “Global Green New Deal”. within societies and at the
international level.
89. However, to redefine the models and
strategies for economic growth has

91. Besides a revision of the which responds to the environmental,
methodology of economic analysis and the economic and development imperatives of
addition of complementary indicators, today and tomorrow. The “creative
changes will be needed in the processes of destruction” now in progress as economies
analysis and decision- making to make them transform to meet the new conditions has
more participatory and to ensure that immediate costs for individuals, corporations
opinions, concerns and aspirations from and societies but it also creates enormous
society at large are properly respected and opportunities for innovation and for the
considered and more effectively integrated creation of whole new industries.
into the formulation of policy. The dominance
of economic thinking must be corrected so 95. One important, practical example is
that the environmental, social and human the commitment of the Government of China
dimensions of policy can be given proper to a gradual reorientation of the Chinese
attention. And, such rethinking must not only economy onto a path which should be less
be introduced in the public sector but also in environmentally damaging, more socially
the private sector, in both finance and equitable and more regionally balanced.
96. This programme, known as the “all
92. Companies will have to focus more around Xiao Kang Programme,” is a key
on longer term performance and on the priority in the 11th Five Year Plan. As a first
broader interests of all the partners in the step, a framework of 40 indicators is being
productive process. They will have to take defined to make it possible to assess
proper account of the efficiency with which progress toward a “harmonious society”. A
they use energy and resources and of the series of policies to achieve this
environmental impacts of their activities at transformation is aimed at innovation and
every stage. A strong movement is under education to create the foundations of a new
way to integrate the concepts of Corporate approach to the “scientific development” of
Social Responsibility into mainstream the economy which will create employment
business strategy. And many companies and output in new high value-added areas
across the world are committed to reduction with greatly reduced impact on the
of emissions, to efficiency in the use of environment.
energy and resources, to the minimizing of
environmental impacts, and to social and 97. As new values, new concepts and
community responsibility. It is clear that methodologies emerge, the main themes of
these attitudes and policies are not negative a new strategy for economic progress will
to growth and profitability but are indeed take shape. Among these will be:
“good for the bottom line.”
• Restructuring of the economy onto a
93. Another key challenge to the low-carbon and environmentally
corporate community is that, under the new sustainable basis.
economic and social conditions which are • Improved efficiency in the use of
emerging in a transformed economy and resources and energy.
with changing public attitudes, companies • Greater fairness and inclusion in the
will have to reconsider whether the strategic benefits of progress and in the
objectives of permanent expansion and emerging opportunities for the
increasing market share will prove a viable improvement of welfare, both within
and socially acceptable basis for corporate countries and on a global scale.
success in the longer term. • The reduction or elimination of
perverse subsidies which aggravate
94. New thinking and new policies are the environmental and development
emerging across the world and there are problems which must be urgently
many examples where energy efficiency, resolved.
environmental responsibility and social • A sustained focus on the generation
concern have improved economic of employment as the central means
performance and public recognition. A new to reduce poverty, hunger and
path of economic progress can be found exclusion.

• A renewed focus on the social and values and assumptions which drive
human resource dimensions of attitudes and behaviour.
development, and on education and
capacity building. 100. It follows that the three critical issues
of environment, economics and international
98. If these and other such forward development are essentially interconnected.
looking policies can be implemented then the They cannot be resolved separately. They
world could be at beginning of a new must be understood and managed together.
transformation, based on values, concepts As President Obama said on 21st February,
goals and relationships adapted to the “We cannot successfully address any of our
challenges of the 21st Century. problems without addressing all of them.”
And the fundamental values, attitudes and
99. From the cursory analysis above, it is concepts which are driving the present path
clear that the three major crises confronting of world development must change so as to
humanity, the financial and economic crisis, establish the foundations of a new coherent,
the development crisis and the integrated strategy to manage the systemic
environmental and climate crisis have issues of the 21st Century.
common roots: excessive confidence in the
role of the market; the rejection and
weakening of the role of government;
weaknesses in the underlying concepts and
strategies for economic growth and
globalisation; and, most profoundly, the

A detailed documentation of this briefing session will be

available on


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