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D a i l y B i o t e c h U p d a t e s . . . w w w. g e n e n g n e w s . c o m
Volume 24, Number 2
January 15, 2004

Pathway Engineering through Rational Design
Tutorial: Designing Figure 1.
1,3-propanediol production from glucose
and Building Cell
Factories for Biobased
Karl Sanford, Ph.D., Fernando
Valle, and Roopa Ghirnikar

he multidisciplinary field of path-

T way engineering is exploiting life in

unprecedented ways, essentially
forcing microbial cells to bypass processes
resulting from billions of years of evolu-
tion and allowing them to be exploited for
human use. The concept is simple: using a
set of enabling technologies, researchers
manipulate a microorganism to use any thermore, the manufacture of biofuels, deletion, and/or modification of metabol-
carbon source to produce a range of such as ethanol and hydrogen, is also ic pathways or regulatory functions of a
desired biomolecules. possible, making this discipline a new cell. The rational design is based on an
The single substrate glucose, for exam- paradigm for more efficient production understanding of the cellular physiology
ple, can be converted into a wide range of of desired bioproducts. under conditions identical or close to
products including enzymes, therapeutic those that will be used in the commercial
Rational Design
proteins, peptides, antibiotics, vitamins, manufacturing process. This requires col-
In technical terms, pathway engineering
amino acids like lysine and phenylala- laborative input from scientists from a
encompasses directed modification of cel-
nine, and organic acids, like citric, glu- variety of disciplines, such as biochemistry,
lular physiology through the introduction,
conic, ascorbic, succinic, and lactic. Fur- molecular biology, chemical engineering,
Figure 2. some of the routine tricks used to
1,3-Propanediol production in engineered E. coli enhance product yield.
While molecular biologists and bio-
chemists work on the organism, chemical
engineers simultaneously work to optimize
the production process. The goals are
always the same: to maximize the conver-
sion of the substrate into the desired prod-
uct, in a process capable of fulfilling all
requirements for commercialization. These
requirements will depend on the product
being made, scale, regulatory and environ-
mental regulations, application, etc.

Case 1: Polyester Monomer from

Recently a significant pathway-engi-
and computational sciences. include overproduction of industrially
neering project was accomplished—the
Researches use numerous techniques useful bioproducts. Thus the challenge is
engineering of an E. coli strain to pro-
to study and modify cells. For example, to convert microorganisms into “pro-
duce 1, 3-propanediol (PDO) from glu-
global analyses of the transcriptome and duction hosts,” that is, organisms with a
cose—that highlighted the coordination
proteome provide information of the single purpose: to convert substrate to
of scientific disciplines and technical
cells’ behavior during production. product with maximum efficiency, in a
efforts. PDO is a monomer utilized for
Improved strains are being made by site- manufacturing process that is economi-
the production of polyester fibers such
directed modifications, directed evolu- cally feasible.
as Sorona™1 by DuPont (Wilmington,
tion, and protein engineering, while Pathway-Engineering Project DE).
mathematical models predict and/or
The first step is establishing the best Although scientists at Genencor Inter-
explain cellular responses. Knowledge
pathway from a substrate to a given national (Palo Alto, CA) and DuPont
then gained about the physiology of the
product. With that accomplished, the sci- knew of certain chemical and biological
microorganism enables scientists to
ence then becomes more complex. approaches to make PDO, these
make improvements to a process, obtain
The initial process involves cloning the approaches were not well suited for
new products, or solve unexpected prob-
genes of interest into the production industrial-scale production because they
lems that may arise during process scale-
host, to eliminate or diminish those that were energy-intensive and required
up or transfer.
are detrimental. The amount or rate of expensive starting materials. Thus, there
Biocatalysts and bioprocesses are
production of the molecule is optimized was a need to develop a new process that
used for manufacturing several con-
by fine-tuning the expression of a gene or would use one microorganism with the
sumer and industrial products. Their
genes, or eliminating transcriptional ability to convert the basic carbon source
ability to deliver sustainable systems, by
and/or allosteric regulatory mechanisms. into the desired PDO end product.
diminishing dependence on fossil fuels,
Understanding the regulation of genes The choice of a wild-type strain of E.
lowering greenhouse-gas emissions, and
(in particular, the interaction of promot- coli to build a pathway from glucose to
decreasing hazardous waste streams, is
ers and regulatory proteins) is also essen- PDO came after an initial phase where
well recognized.
tial. Furthermore, enhancing committed several production microorganisms were
Microbes, however, have evolved over
steps from central metabolism or branch compared. The fact that E. coli is a highly
the years to sustain their propagation
points, identifying and relieving rate- studied organism with a rich set of genet-
within the confines of their environ-
limiting steps, and preventing carbon ic tools also strengthened the decision.
ment—a process never intended to
loss to competing pathways, are just Since E. coli normally does not pro-
duce 1,3-propanediol, not Figure 3.
only did the the metabolism
acid production
of E. coli have to be modified, in Pantoea citrea

but relevant genes from other

organisms had to be import-
ed. The combination in a sin-
gle host of a natural biological
pathway present in yeast for
the production of glycerol
from dihydroxyacetone (a
n o r m a l
E. coli metabolite), and a path-
way present in the bacteria
Klebsiella pneumoniae to con-
vert glycerol into PDO, creat-
ed a novel and unique process the intermediate, dihydroxyacetone was developed by using Pantoea citrea, a
(Figure 1). phosphate, into PDO. gram-negative bacteria capable of produc-
Assembly of Genes and Pathways With the PDO-production pathway in ing keto sugars.
place, scientists turned to the fine-tuning Using multiple approaches that includ-
The assembly process required state-
of the host to maximize product forma- ed the sequencing of the P. citrea genome
of-the-art technology as well as the
tion. Modifications were made to more and the elimination of competing reac-
development of several new molecular
than 70 E. coli genes. Intensive analysis of tions, strains capable of converting 97%
biology tools that enabled the fine-tun-
various combinations of the modified of the glucose into product were devel-
ing of critical pathways, elimination of
genes resulted in a production organism oped (Figure 3). Importantly, along the
undesired enzymes, and careful deregu-
that had direct modifications to 18 genes. way, strains capable of overproducing
lation of ancillary systems of the E. coli-
Some of these modifications, however, other commercially relevant products,
based cell factory.
were made to regulatory systems that like gluconic acid, 2-keto-gluconate, and
The genetic modifications necessary
indirectly affected the function of hun- 2,5 di-keto-gluconate, were also obtained.
in E. coli were initially defined using
dreds of other genes. All this led to the
mathematical models that provided a Integrated Biotech Approach
development of a strain of E. coli that
road map for the process. Enzymology Although successful pathway-engineer-
produced 135 g/L of PDO at 3.5 g/L/h
techniques helped in establishing the ing applications have been around for the
and 51% yield (Figure 2), which repre-
pathway components for the conversion last two decades, previous strategies relied
sents a significant bioprocessing yield.
of glycerol to PDO. Microarray-based mainly on experimentation and a trial-
The assimilation of these diverse
transcriptome analyses aided in the and-error approach. With advances in
improvements resulted in a biobased
characterization of some of the regulato- gene-sequencing technologies and the
process that has enabled the manufacture
ry pathways, as well as the identification ability to characterize gene expression and
of PDO.
of stress responses that occurred during protein interactions on a whole-cell basis,
the cultivation of microbes. Case 2: Vitamin C Intermediate it is now possible to use a directed and
Proteomics, which studies the charac- from Glucose
rational approach to modify the physiolo-
teristics, function, localization, and inter- An equally aggressive approach was gy of a microorganism.
actions of proteins was used to identify taken to develop a commercial process to Technological advances in the areas of
isozymes. Information gained from these produce 2-keto-L-gulonic acid, an inter- metabolic reconstruction, metabolic-flux
studies resulted in the introduction of mediate in the production of vitamin C. In modeling, predictive modeling, and path-
eight new genes into a plasmid to convert this example, a new production platform way design are assisting scientists in nar-
rowing the possible pathways to be con- By engineering a microbe, however,
sidered for modification and allow them scientists limit its growth, streamline the
to identify precisely key genes that need to carbon flow, and focus energy into the
be modified in order to achieve the production of a single product. In short,
desired change. This has tremendously they build nanocell factories that can
shortened the time required to do these replicate under defined conditions, with
manipulations and develop the optimal an “operating system” and “software”
strain. The result is an approach that inte- defined by the metabolic engineer. The
grates strain development with product result is a new paradigm for the manu-
yield and process optimization and allows facture of chemicals and materials con-
for simple and efficient downstream sistent with the demands for improved
recovery of the product. sustainability. GEN
The amalgamation of biology, chem-
istry, engineering, metabolomics, phys- Karl Sanford, Ph.D., is vp of technology development, Fer-
nando Valle is staff scientist for process science, and
iomics, and bioinformatics to produce Roopa Ghirnikar is scientific writer, at Genencor Interna-
tional (Palo Alto, CA). Phone: (650) 846-7500. Fax: (650)
biomolecules efficiently is the key com- 845-6500. Website:
ponent that allows this versatile NOTES
approach to compete on a global scale. 1. Sorona™ is a trademark of EI DuPont de Nemours &
Co., a DuPont company.
The fundamental nature of engineered
life is to grow, reproduce, and produce

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