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Behavior Management Plan

My goal is to help all students have a successful school year. In order to do so, I will work hard to support my
students and provide a positive educational climate. I know that together we can make it happen. The plan
below outlines our classroom rules, positive recognition for appropriate behavior, and consequences for
inappropriate behavior.


1. Respect the people, equipment, and furnishings in the room.

2. Adjust your voice level to suit the activity.
3. Follow directions the first time they are given.
4. Observe all rules in the student handbook.

Positive Recognition: ​To encourage students to follow the rules, I will recognize appropriate behavior with
praise and positive notes home.

Consequences: ​If a student chooses to not follow a rule, the following steps will be taken:

● First time: Non verbal (the look)

● Second time: Walk by and/or stand near
● Third time: Verbal redirection (“Right now you’re blurting, a better choice would be to raise
your hand.”)
● Fourth time: Refocus Form in the Classroom
● Fifth time: Refocus Form in Room 226/Options Room
● Sixth time: Removal to the office

*** Severe behavior such as fighting or insubordination will result in immediate removal from class.

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and reviewed these rules with my child.

Parent Signature: ______________________________

Behavior Management Plan
Student Refocus Questions

Name:___________________________ Date ____________ Time _______________

What is my behavior?

I am _______________________________________________________________________

I behaved this way because I ____________________________________________________


How does this make my teacher and classmates feel?

My teacher probably felt________________________________________________________.

My classmates probably felt_____________________________________________________.

What problem (s) does my behavior cause for

(1) me? ____________________________________________________________________

(2) my classmates? ____________________________________________________________

(3) my teacher? _______________________________________________________________

How do I plan to change my behavior in the future?

I will________________________________________________________________________

To change my behavior, I need help from (circle as many as needed):

Parent Principal Counselor Social Worker Teacher.

I am ready to be focused again in class. Circle one: YES NO


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