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UNIT 1: BACK TO SCHOOL 5th Primary Education

DATE: 10/09/2013-25/09/2013 (see appendix I, school calendar) No. of Sessions: 7

KEY COMPETENCES 1. Linguistic Communication  5. Social and civic competence. 
INTEGRATED 2. Mathematical Competence-  6. Initiative and entrepreneurship. 
CURRICULUM (CLIL): Science-Technology
Art, Maths 3. Digital Comptence  7. Cultural Awareness and Expression 
4. Learning to Learn 
MAIN AIM: Set a context for OBJECTIVES OF STAGE: a, b, c, g, i, l
learning, ensuring English is (R.D. 126/2014, 28th February BOE 01/03/2014)
the tool for our classes TRANSVERSAL CONT (Art. 10 R.D. 126/2014)
Moral and civic education, coexistence and intercultural
1. ORAL TEXTS (listening) 2. ORAL TEXTS
(speaking & interaction, plus
SUBSIDIARY AIMS:  Understanding and using basic Grammar:
 Initial evaluation of the classroom language. A/an.
students’ competence in  Telling the time. Plural form of nouns
the Foreign Language.  Number and letters dictation. Word order
 Letting the students get in  Giving and getting basic personal Present simple (Implicitly)
contact with English again. information. Vocabulary:
 Promoting their 3. WRITTEN TEXTS (reading) Cardinal and Ordinal numbers
participation in classroom  Understanding a questionnaire with Colours
interaction. Classroom objects & language
personal information.
 Revising already known  Reading an introduction about a
Days of the week and months of the year
vocabulary and grammar Telling the time
structures. Phonetics:
4. WRITTEN TEXTS (writing) Alphabet
 Making them become
aware of the importance of Learning awareness:
 Calendar arrangement in the UK. Self-correction and peer correction
work organization.
 Use of ordinal numbers for dates. Predict words from context
 Important celebrations in English- Vocabulary organization
speaking countries.
LAW 2/2006, 3RD MAY, ARTICLES Blackboard, interactive whiteboard,  Recognise basic phrases concerning
71-79, AS ESTABLISHED BY recording (conversation), notebook, dates, times and classroom language.
Extension work: extended
laptops, cardboards and crayons,  Fill in forms with personal details, for
moodle (extension and reinforcement). example a youth club entry form.
work and mates’ assistance.
(appendix 2)
Lower level: reinforcement
and closer monitoring.
(appendix 2)
CLASSROOM PROCEDURE (Resources available in Appendix 2)

DAY 1 SKILLS: L, S, I, R, W K.C: 1, 3, 6, 7 DAY 2 SKILLS: L, S, I, R, W K.C: 1, 3, 5, 6

Stage 1. Teacher’s Introduction of the course. Stage 1. Warm up. In pairs, think of some classroom
Stage 2. Warm up. Complete the table. Then write a language and expressions you may need in class.
short introduction of yourself. (Initial evaluation of Stage 2. Pronunciation. Visit the website and practice
their written competence) the pronunciation.
Stage 3. Speaking task. In pairs, read what you’ve Stage 3. Listening/Writing task. Dictation.
written to your partner. Then, change roles. Stage 4. Speaking/Interaction task. Share your ideas
with the rest of the group.

Stage 4. Speaking/Interaction task. Introduce your Stage 5. Project work. In small groups, produce a
partners to the rest of the class. (Initial evaluation of poster containing these expressions and some picture
their spoken). showing their meaning.
Stage 5. Interaction task. Ask questions to the teacher Stage 6. Post-task. Put your poster on the wall.
to find out information about him/her.
Stage 6. Post-task. Take notes of key words.
DAY 3 SKILLS: L, S, I, R, W K.C: 1,2,3,6,7 DAY 4 SKILLS: L,S,I,R,W K.C: 1,2,3,4, 5,6,7
Stage 1. Warm up. Question chain. Stage 1. Warm up: Revise days and months.
Stage 2. Vocabulary revision. Bingo game (1-100). Sate 2. Research and writing task: What are the
Stage 3. Writing task. Worksheet on mathematical different parts of a date? Find the dates of these days.
operations (+,-,x,٪). Write the answers using letters. Stage 3. Post task. In small groups, check your work.
Stage 4. Evaluation task. Peer correction. Stage 4. Main task. In pairs, revise telling the time.
Stage 5. Presentation of ordinal numbers. Research Stage 5. Post task/self-assessment. Using a marking
work: why 1st, 2nd, 3rd have different endings. scheme, students assess their own work.
Stage 6. Writing/Interaction task: In pairs, write Stage 6. Extra task: In pairs, look for an English
ordinal numbers from 1st to 31st using letters. calendar to find out that weeks start on Sunday.
Stage 7. Post-task. In small groups, check your work. Stage 7. Home task/project work: English calendar.
DAY 5 SKILLS: L, S, I, R, W K.C: 1,2,3,6,7 DAY 6 SKILLS: L, S, I, R, W K.C: 1,2,4,6,7
Stage 1. Warm up. What is this? Spell your answer. Stage 1. Warm up. Look at the picture, what is it?
Stage 2. Vocabulary and alphabet revision. Write the Stage 2. Predicting words by context. In pairs, read a
alphabet and find a classroom object for each letter text and find out the hidden words.
Stage 3. Cooperative correction. Stage 3. Reading task. In pairs, read three short texts.
Stage 4. Grammar Presentation. a/an and word order. Discuss and decide who wrote the letter in the bottle.
A/An + Adjective (colour) + noun. Stage 4. Grammar task. Identify plural words and do
Stage 5. Grammar Practice/Speaking. Practise the their singular. Then, find the plural of these words.
structure What is this? a/an+adjective+noun. Stage 5. Complete plural formation rules.
Stage 6. Grammar Practice/Writing. Worksheet on Stage 6. Post reading task. Individually students write
classroom objects and a/an. answers to the questions included in the letter (stage 3).
Stage 7. Post task. Peer correction using a marking Stage 7. Final task/interaction. In pairs, students ask
scheme provided by the teacher. and answer the questions to each other.
DAY 7 SKILLS: L, S, I, R, W K. C: 1,3,6,7 DAY 8 SKILLS: L, S, I, R, W K.C: 1,2,7
Stage 1. Warm up. Predicting the content of a Stage 1. Initial Evaluation Test. This test evaluates
conversation from key words. the contents revised in this lesson as well as some
Stage 2. Identifying vocabulary. Find these phrases in others that students must be familiar with from
the text and guess their meaning. previous years with the aim of doing an initial
Stage 3. Listening task. Complete the questionnaire evaluation.
Stage 4. Cooperative correction. Stage 2. Test Correction. Self-assessment using a
Stage 5. Speaking task. In pairs, prepare a new marking scheme. The teacher checks exercise 11.
conversation using the model given in stages 3 and 4. Stage 3. Portfolio/Reflection on learning. Complete
Stage 6. Post task. Students act out their dialogues. the questionnaire.
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA & ASSESSMENT TOOLS (Resources available in Appendix 8)
 Listening to a conversation and identifying Test 30% 40% 50%
general information.
 Reading a text scanning for detail.
 Writing a text containing personal info.
 Dealing with vocabulary and grammar.
 Speaking. Introducing someone. Observation 25% 25% 25%
 Self-correction/self-assessment/reflection (ongoing assessment)
 Attitude (effort,participation,homework…) Portfolio & Classwork 45% 35% 25%


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