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 Animated
 Amiable
 Articulate
 Agitated
 Aggressive
 Ardent
 Have a flair
 Austere
 Aggravating
 Avaricious
 Appalling
 Arrogant
 Absentminded
 Antagonistic
 Aloof
 Baffling
 puzzling
 biased
 airing
 belittling
 benevolent
 broad-minded
 boisterous
 congenial
 composed
 cooperative
 commendable
 coercive
 conscientious
 detached
 distracted
 dejected
 disillusioned
 determined
 desperate
 eloquent
 enterprising
 exuberant
 erratic
 enchanting
 efficient
 farsighted
 frugal
 frustrated
 foolhardy
 frank
 fickle
 so-called
Having or showing the attitude of people who think
 Snobbish ADJ. they are better than other people: of or relating to
people who are snobs.
 Give off V. Emit, show, let people know about this.
a selfish desire to have more of something (especially
 Greed N.
 Composure N. calmness especially of mind, manner, or appearance.
 High-strung ADJ. Very nervous and easily upset.
very quiet and usually shy : not talking much to other
 Withdrawn ADJ.
 Sass N. impudent speech
 gullible ADJ.
 gloomy
 gracious
 genial
 gregarious
 generous
 heedless
 hesitant
 humiliated
 helpless
 humble
 hopeless
 ignorant
 intolerant
 impertinent
feeling or showing anger because of something that is
 indignant Adj.
unfair or wrong : very angry.
acting or done quickly and without thought : controlled
 impetuous Adj.
by emotion rather than thought.
 irksome Adj. annoying or irritating and tedious.
 Jovial Adj. full of happiness and joy
 Juvenile Adj. unpleasantly childish
relaxed in way that shows you are not concerned
 Breezy Adj.
about or interested in something
 Gloomy Adj. causing feelings of sadness : not hopeful or promising
 Jubilant Adj. feeling or expressing great joy : very happy
 Judicious Adj. having or showing good judgment
 Kindhearted Adj. having or showing a kind and gentle nature
having information, understanding, or skill that comes
 Knowledgeable Adj.
from experience or education : having knowledge
having or showing an ability to think clearly and to
 Keen Adj. understand what is not obvious or simple about
 Keen Adj. very strong and sensitive : highly developed.
 Keyed-up Adj. excited or nervous
 Knowing Adj. showing that you have special knowledge
- believing that government should be active in
supporting social and political change :
 Liberal Adj. relating to or supporting political liberalism.
- not opposed to new ideas or ways of behaving
that are not traditional or widely accepted
 Lucid Adj. - very clear and easy to understand
- able to think clearly
a man or woman who speaks for or represents
 Spokesperson n.
someone or something
- able to read and write
 Literate Adj. - having or showing knowledge about a
particular subject
allowing a lot of freedom and not punishing bad
 Lenient Adj.
behavior in a strong way : not harsh, severe, or strict.
 Laudable Adj. deserving praise.
- not very large in size or amount
- not too proud or confident about yourself or
your abilities : not showing or feeling great or
 Modest Adj.
excessive pride
- of clothing : not showing too much of a
person's body
 Mediocre Adj. not very good.
having or showing a desire to cause harm to another
 Malicious Adj.
person : having or showing malice.
in a good position or situation
 Well off Adj.
having a lot of something
a way of thinking that gives too much importance to
 Materialistic Adj. material possessions rather than to spiritual or
intellectual things.
 Magnanimous Adj. having or showing a generous and kind nature.
 Maternal Adj. Relating to a mother or a woman having a baby.

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