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Female vs.

Male Brain

Produced by the Clinical

Neuroelectrophysiology and
Cognitive Research Laboratory
at The Royal's Institute of
Mental Health Research,
affiliated with the University
of Ottawa 

Research in
Research Tower Are Sex
1145 Carling Avenue

Ottawa, ON K1Z 7K4

in the Brain
613.722.6521 Ext.6843
as it pertains to sex differences

should be considered when
making decisions about what
mental health interventions may
be more appropriate for males
versus females. What research in
neuroscience and mental
health can tell us
For more information:
Why study Historically, sex or Why is There are many What are some
sex gender differences have depression psychosocial factors that examples of brain
differences not been extensively more likely contribute to
differences between
studied in psychiatric or higher rates of
in the psychological research.
common in depression in females. the sexes?
brain? females? For instance, females
•  Glutamate activity – an
However, increased tend to experience
higher rates of violence, important chemical in the brain –
understanding of
potential brain interpersonal stressors, appears to be increased in females
differences in males and as well as childhood vs. males, particularly during
females may give us sexual abuse. Certain middle adulthood. It is possible
greater insight into biological traits (i.e. the that changes in this chemical may
disorders that have a fact that most males and play some role in the sex
sex/gender bias. This is females have different differences underlying certain
especially true in mental chromosomes and mental health issues.
illness. Importantly, generally different levels
increased understanding of certain hormones)
• When the brain activity of males
of potential brain may also contribute to
and females are studied “at rest”,
differences between increased depression
males and females could among females.  there are subtle sex differences.
lead to more effective These differences could play a role
interventions and in increasing/decreasing the
prevention approaches. Do the Generally, females have possibility of developing certain
greater fluctuations in
brains of what are called “sex
mental health disorders.
Sex and gender
differences in the
males hormones” than males. • Differences in brain
prevalence and and These hormones can
architecture/activity between the
manifestation of mental females modify/interact with
genders do likely underlie some
disorders are rather actually various brain chemicals,
cognitive and emotional processes.
which in turn, can
consistent findings in differ? change brain structure In one large study, males were
psychiatry. For example,
women have a higher and function. Altered found to outperform females on
lifetime prevalence of brain function and motor and spatial tasks, while
mood and anxiety structure can therefore females were faster on tasks of
disorders than men. influence cognition and emotion identification and
behavioural processes .  nonverbal reasoning. 

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