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Peter & Paul Middle School Math

Mrs. Carlson’s Syllabus
Hello everyone! Yes, it is that time of year again- back to school, and I am very excited to
begin my eleventh year of teaching! Some of you may know who I am but many of you may not. My
name is Ashley Carlson. I am married to Scott Carlson and we have three beautiful girls, Kennedy (8)
and Kamryn (5) and Reese (1). My maiden name was Ashley Glissman. Scott and I both grew up in
Seneca and knew we wanted to move back after college. Our faith is very important to us and I am
excited to be a part of God’s word. I am a very active person who enjoys many sports, running, and
spending time with family.
I attended the University of Kansas for 2 years, transferred and earned my Bachelor’s degree
from Washburn University in Elementary and Middle School Mathematics Education. I also earned my
Master’s degree from Washburn University in Building Leadership and Administration. I hope that my
love for teaching shows in each and every lesson. I enjoy having fun in the classroom and always try
to incorporate as much technology, movement, and music into my classes!

Contact Info:
Phone @ school: 336-2727
Email @ school:

Teaching Schedule:
8:00-8:50- 7th Religion
8:50-9:55- 8th Math
9:55-11:00- 7th Math
11:00-12:00- 6th Math
12:00-12:30- Lunch
12:30-2:30- Tech Support/Plan
2:30-3:00- MTSS
3:00-3:10- 7th Homeroom

Supplies Needed Each Day:

Pencil and Pen (for grading)
Lined Paper for homework and Spiral Notebook for notes

Math Notes:
Students should take notes during class in order to grasp new information. Notes will be kept in a
Spiral Notebook. This notebook should be used only for this class. I will double-check these spiral
notebooks from time to time to ensure that students are taking notes and may give points for doing

Math Homework:
Homework will be given on a daily basis. All work must be shown even if you are allowed to
use a calculator. Each assignment will be worth 10 points. Think of homework as your “workout”. It
is necessary to help prepare for the “big game” or in our case quiz/test.

Quizzes will be given approximately every 1-2 weeks. Quizzes will usually be announced and students
will be allowed to use their notes or homework to help them. Each quiz will be worth approximately
20 points. No retakes.

A chapter test will be given at the end of each chapter. Retakes are given at the discretion of the
teacher. If you scored above a 74%, you will not get to redo. I will likely require a redo if the score is
below a 68%. The maximum score I will give for a retake is a 75%. Thus, studying will be necessary! I
will give at least one review day before each test. Each test will be worth approximately 50 points.

There may be a time when we do activities or projects in class in which I feel are deserving of a score
even if it’s just participation.
Here is a more precise breakdown.
A+ 100%
Grading Scale: A 96-99
The archdiocesan grading scale A- 94-95
applies. B+ 92-93
A 94-100 B 89-91
B 87-93 B- 87-88
C 75-86 C+ 84-86
D 68-74 C 78-83
F 67 or less C- 75-77
D+ 73-74
D 70-72
D- 68-69
F 67 or below

* I do weight my grades as homework is not always independent. Homework is

worth 10 points, Quizzes around 20 points, and Tests are always worth 50 points.

Late/Missing Assignments:
It is the student’s responsibility to have homework completed before coming to
class the day it is due. If it is not turned in on time, the student is still required to
do it. Late work will only receive 80% of the earned score. All late work for the
chapter must be turned in before the chapter test, or it will be a 0.

When students are absent they are responsible for making up their work. Missing
assignments can be acquired from the teacher, while missing notes need to be
made up with a trustworthy friend. Students have 2 school days for each day
absent to make up missing work. After the given days, missing work is defined as
late. If a student misses a test, they will take it the day they get back unless
discussed with the teacher. When students are aware of expected absences,
please notify the teacher to receive work before missing school.

Students need to take care of their textbooks. The math textbooks are still very
new. In the event of a lost or ruined book, the student will have some
responsibility to pay for it. The math series is called “Big Ideas”. The coolest part
is that it is 100% online! You and your child can access everything and more on
their website. Whether you forgot your book at school, want to do some extra
practice before an upcoming test, or need to watch a video lesson from class, log
on to this website…

Classroom Website:
For schedules, athletics, contact information, online textbooks, and daily
assignments, check out my classroom website. Please “bookmark” it so you can
check it often! I will also email you the link from time to time!
Parents please leave a comment on the blog post I made to
indicate you read the syllabus. Simply go to the Blog Tab on my website
and find the post that begins… Parents!
Even this syllabus will be posted there as well as course descriptions and

Google Classroom:
This may be used from time to time. There will be a folder set up for your class.

Study Island:
This website is a great tool to assess specific standards through practice and
games. It is broken down by standard and indicator and can pinpoint deficiencies.
Students will be given assignments through this website as well.
Other Testing:
Students will take the STAR Math Test three or four times- beginning, middle, and
end of year in order to progress monitor their achievements and flag anyone
falling behind.

CHILD’S GRADES (get a log-in and password from the school office)

Classroom rules/expectations:
We will follow the Trojan Code, our schoolwide behavior plan, as well as my
personal classroom behavior plan- PRIDE.

Class Reward System:

Students will participate in a “Beat the Teach” game each day. If they “beat the
teach” they get to color in a square for the reward they want as a class.
Examples include Gum Day, Seat Swap, Music Day, Snack Day, Free time, etc.
When they’ve colored in all the squares they get the class reward!

Behavior Forms:
Each student will get 3 warnings a week among all teachers in the junior high. If
you get your fourth, you will serve a detention with either a teacher or the
principal. Parents will also be notified.

I almost always send out emails about upcoming tests or projects in each
class, so be looking for those! I am also very good about checking my email
throughout the day and it is probably much easier to reach me that way if you
have a simple question. However, I truly would rather talk with you in person or
over the phone. My planning period varies each day but you can typically reach
me from 12:30-2:30. I hope this is a great year and look forward to working with
your child.
Now… what do you need to do?
 Parents
o detach and return the bottom portion of this form.
o Go to my website under the “blog” tab and comment under the
“Parents” heading (this way I know you have found it and you can
check here for the assignments for the week.)
 Students
o Keep this syllabus somewhere so you can refer back to it.
o Go to google classroom and answer the prompt under your class

Please cut here and return slip for 10 pts. by Aug. 22.

Parent Signature: ______________________________

Parent Phone: _______________________ (Work? Cell? Home?)

Parent Email: _______________________(I will email about upcoming tests, etc.)

PRINT Student Name(s): ___________________________

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