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The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice

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Morphometry of the cranial base and the

cranial–cervical–mandibular system in young
patients with type II, division 1 malocclusion, using
tomographic cone beam

Antonio Bedoya, Zury Landa Nieto, Liliana L. Zuluaga & Mariano Rocabado

To cite this article: Antonio Bedoya, Zury Landa Nieto, Liliana L. Zuluaga & Mariano Rocabado
(2014) Morphometry of the cranial base and the cranial–cervical–mandibular system in young
patients with type II, division 1 malocclusion, using tomographic cone beam, CRANIO®, 32:3,
199-207, DOI: 10.1179/0886963413Z.00000000019

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Published online: 24 Jan 2014.

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Morphometry of the cranial base and the
cranial–cervical–mandibular system in young
patients with type II, division 1 malocclusion,
using tomographic cone beam
Antonio Bedoya1, Zury Landa Nieto2, Liliana L. Zuluaga2, Mariano Rocabado3
University Colleges of Colombia (UNICOC), Orthodontist. Sc.D. Specialization in Orthodontics and Maxillary
Orthopedics. Institución Universitaria Colegios de Colombia (Unicoc) at Cali. Colombia, Colegio Odontológico
Colombiano, Cali, Colombia, 2Orthodontics and Maxillary Orthopedics Graduate Program, University Colleges of
Colombia (UNICOC), Orthodontist. Sc.D. Specialization in Orthodontics and Maxillary Orthopedics. Institución
Universitaria Colegios de Colombia (Unicoc) at Cali. Colegio Odontológico Colombiano, Cali, Colombia,
University Andrés Bello, Chile

Aims: Traditionally, diagnosis and treatment planning of structural and three-dimensional anomalies have
been performed using two-dimensional X-rays. Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), the technology
utilized in this study, allows creation of specialized images from the craniofacial region that provide more
precise and reliable results. The growth of the cranial base, position and size of the cervical system, and
the hyoid bone has an influence upon the morphogenesis and the growth of the maxillofacial complex. The
data obtained through this current study offer a better understanding of the origin and manifestation of
malocclusions, and will, therefore, offer a better therapeutic approach. The objective of the current study is
to describe the measurements of the cranial base and the cranial–cervical–mandibular system in young
patients with type II, division 1 malocclusion, using CBCT.
Methodology: Twenty-four CBCT images were obtained for young patients with type II, division 1
malocclusion. The i-CAT Vision (Imaging Sciences International, Hatfield, PA, USA) was used to view the
images. Linear and angular measurements were obtained in the mid-sagittal plane. Univariate and bivariate
analyses, as well as a multivariate analysis of principal components, were conducted.
Results: The only metric with a statistically significant difference regarding gender was S–N major in the
male participants. The metrics SNA–SNB and SNPg are positively related and inversely proportional to the
angles BA–S–N and PO–P McGregor. The inclination of the upper incisor showed an inverse relationship
with the angles SNA–SNB and SNpg. The craniovertebral angle was diminished in the entire sample, and
the variable that vertically relates the hyoid was independent of the other variables.
Conclusions: After evaluating 24 images of young patients with type II, division 1 malocclusion using helical
spiral CBCT, it was concluded that relationships exist between the cranial base structures, the structures
that determine the sagittal position of the maxilla, mandible and chin, and the cervical vertebrae complex
and hyoid bone.
Keywords: Cephalometry, Class II division 1 malocclusion, Cone beam computed tomography, Craniomandibular system

Introduction is subdivided into the cranial base (chondrocranium)

The craniofacial skeleton is composed of the neurocra- and calvaria, which develop by endochondral ossifica-
nium, which surrounds the brain, and the viscerocra- tion and intramembranous ossification, respectively.
nium, which covers the facial bones. The neurocranium Defects in the cranial base growth and development
contribute to the formation of different alterations in
Correspondence to: Bedoya Antonio, University Colleges of Colombia the craniofacial level.1 The relationship between dental
(UNICOC), Institucion Universitaria Colegiosde Colombia, nbedoya@unicoc. occlusion and craniofacial morphology has been a and Colegio Odontológico
Colombiano, Cali, Colombia. Email: popular topic of interest among researchers in the field
ß W. S. Maney & Son Ltd 2014
DOI 10.1179/0886963413Z.00000000019 CRANIOH: The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice 2014 VOL. 32 NO. 3 199
Bedoya et al. Morphometry in patients with type II, division 1 malocclusion

of orthodontics, orthopedics and maxillofacial growth respectively. The rotatory movement of the sphenoid
and development.2 bone is transmitted to the mandible through the
The cranial base is composed of the occipital bone, vomer, which results in anterior–inferior thrust of
the inferior face of the petrous and squamous parts of the maxilla. This anterior–inferior push explains
the temporal bone, parts of the body and wings of the how the movement of the cranial bone affects
sphenoid bone, the ethmoid bone, the pterygoid the maxilla and offers an explanation for the
process, the vomer, the horizontal plates of the development of characteristics that lead to bone
palatine, and the palatine processes of the maxilla.3 It and dental malocclusions.
has been determined that cranial base growth has an To adequately diagnose and treat the morphologic
influence on morphogenesis of the maxillofacial and functional alterations of the stomatognathic
complex, relating the superior maxilla to the prior system and the adjacent structures, it is necessary to
cranial base and the posterior mandible.4,5 The understand the complex existing relationships
cranial base changes dramatically during human between the diverse components of the cranial–
evolution. In primates, the connection of the occipital cervical–mandibular system. An important element
and sphenoid bones, vomer, and maxilla shows a to include is a study of the cervical vertebrae in
larger anterior–posterior dimension, and the max- patients with malocclusion, as this shows the
illary region has a prognathic position. In humans, vertebrae’s association with head position and their
the viscerocranium is significantly small. Humans relationship with craniofacial morphology and hyoid
show a retrognathic appearance of the lower and position. The cervical vertebral spine supports the
middle third of the face, which adopts a more vertical head and is composed of seven vertebrae. The first
position, and the cranial base is angled. The posterior and second cervical vertebrae, the Atlas and Axis,
cranium fossa also undergoes changes in its shape, form a sub-occipital functional segment that connects
becoming wider and deeper.6 the spine to the cranium. The occipital muscles
The sphenoid bone plays an important role in determine the position of the head by controlling
craniofacial morphology. It is united to the occipital, flexion and extension, as well as lateral flexion and
ethmoid and frontal bones, and is considered an rotation. The Atlas dimensions, along with the
essential component of the midsagittal part of the position of the neck and head, are associated with
cranial base. The connection between the basilar craniofacial morphology, including the cranial base
portion of the occipital and sphenoid bones is and superior airways, and with occlusion and
considered the most important suture in the facial temporomandibular disorders. Additionally, the
skeleton. It is made of thick fibrous cartilage used to position of the head is related to the development
absorb impact like a buffer, and at the same time, it and function of the dentofacial structures. Cervical
allows growth, allowing for adjustments to external posture has been associated with mandible longitude,
tensions. The vomer transmits the dynamic forces of and this association also shows a direct correlation
the maxillary complex to the cranial base. The with the alignment of the cervical spine (straight
dynamic mechanism of the craniofacial skeleton, the inverted or in lordosis).8 Ishida et al. suggests that
temporal bone, also plays a leading role due to its hyoid displacement is related to events in the oral
anatomic position. Its influence is crucial because cavity and pharyngeal area. Functionally, phonation
many muscles affect its movement, including two of is related to the hyoid, the tongue and the mandible.
the primary muscles for mastication: the temporal These discoveries suggest that anatomic variations in
and the masseter.7 craniofacial morphology, as well as variations in
The direction of superior maxillary displacement position and size of the mandible could affect the
is influenced by the dynamic states of the occipital– movement of the tongue during deglutition, possibly
sphenoethmoid connection of the cranial base. generating alterations in the movement pattern of the
Watanabe et al.8 described three types of maxillary hyoid, due to its close connection with the tongue.9
growth: translation of the frontal bone, vertical The World Health Organization considers mal-
elongation, and anterior rotation. Each of these occlusion the third leading cause of dental disease.10
maxillary growth types gives origin to different Class II malocclusion was identified by Angle,11 and
malocclusions. The rotational movement of the is defined as the distal relationship of the inferior
cranial base takes place in the sphenoid–occipital dental arch to the superior one. The characteristics of
articulation. The rotatory axes of sphenoid and division 1 include a tight and long superior arcade,
occipital bones are part of the sella turcica and the and facial imbalance commonly associated with a
frontal part of the principal occipital foramen, dolichofacial pattern. Maxillary prognathism and

200 CRANIOH: The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice 2014 VOL . 32 NO . 3
Bedoya et al. Morphometry in patients with type II, division 1 malocclusion

mandibular retrognathism impose a tendency toward The most recent technology is three-dimensional
facial convexity. Similarly, dental protrusion stops cephalometry. Its preciseness has been evaluated and
labial sealing, and the upper incisors rest on the lower compared to metrics done physically. Results show
lip,2 which may be related to a variety of occlusal metrics with high precision and without significant
situations that affect dentition in three planes. The discrepancies. However, relatively high doses of
vertical relationship may range from a deep overbite radiation, cost and limited availability have pre-
to an open bite, depending on the etiologic factors vented it from becoming a routine diagnostic tool.
associated with the problem. Cephalometrically, the Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) has
prevailing characteristic is the intermaxillary skeletal recently emerged as a promising technology with
relationship, type II, resulting from maxillary protru- the potential for replacing three-dimensional cepha-
sion, mandibular retrusion, or a combination of both lometry.15 CBCT provides tomographic views and
alterations. Vertical alterations of the inferior facial volumetric reconstructions with lower doses of
third may also affect this relationship. The capacity radiation and reduced costs. Because of this, it has
and characteristics of growth are genetically codified, become the imaging modality frequently used in
and are related to racial aspects. Additionally, orthodontics, implant planning, and maxillofacial
environmental factors may have a great influence.2 surgery.16,17
Nobuyuki et al.12 reported the following discov- Steiner’s classification of SNA, SNB and ANB
eries in a population of Japanese patients with measured in two-dimensional X-rays are used to
malocclusion type II, division 1: slightly obtuse evaluate the relationship of maxillomandibular posi-
cranial base angle; slight forward position of the tion in orthodontics; however, in recent studies that
superior maxilla; significantly short mandibular evaluate skeletal discrepancies, angular indicators
ramus; mandibular retrognathia; slightly obtuse have shown errors regarding the sagittal position of
gonial angle; high facial angle pattern; and an the maxilla and mandible, since these variables do not
association between relatively diminished posterior represent the morphology and size of the maxillo-
facial height and ramus shortness. Many studies have mandibular bones. Additionally, the visualization of
tried to characterize type II, division 1 malocclusion some reference points is not clear using conventional
with common traits at the skeletal level. However, the cephalometry, which necessitates a three-dimensional
influence of some of these characteristics has not been image that allows for detailed measurement.17 Since
fully evaluated in Colombian population. the introduction of cone beam imaging dedicated to
Imaging is an important component in the clinical the maxillofacial region is causing a true shift in the
evaluation of orthodontic patients. Broadbent in the paradigm of two- and three-dimensional imaging,
United States and Hofrath in Germany introduced metrics in this study will be evaluated using helical
cephalometric radiology to orthodontics in 1931 and spiral CBCT.18
developed standardized methods to obtain X-rays The general objective of the current study is to
using a cephalostat.13 The analysis of craniofacial describe cranial base metrics of the midline sagittal
structures through lateral images has been used to plane and cranial–cervical–mandibular system in
predict growth, diagnosis and planning for many young Colombian patients with type II, division 1
years. Standard cephalometrics are an important malocclusion, using CBCT imaging. Specific objec-
reference for orthodontic diagnosis; however, factors tives are to determine if there are common para-
such as age, gender and ethnicity must be accounted meters in the examined population that allow
for since these factors influence cranial morphology.14 morphometric results to be characterized and asso-
For many years, the diagnosis and planning of ciated with malocclusion type II, division 1, and to
treatments for three-dimensional malocclusions have evaluate whether gender affects metric variation.
been based on two-dimensional images due to their
validity, efficiency, and low cost. However, issues Materials and Methods
with distortion, magnification and superposition of A transversal cut descriptive study was done, and data
the right and left structures, as well as difficulty were obtained from a database in a Cali, Colombia
identifying and registering the anatomic structures, radiological center. Sixty CBCT images of young
have been widely documented. This has resulted in patients between the ages of 8 and 12 years old, who
the development of other diagnostic alternatives to presented with malocclusion type II, division 1, were
evaluate craniofacial form and size, including com- selected. From this group, 24 images met the following
puterized tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, inclusion criteria: overjet equal to or greater than
and optical reading surface. 5 mm; ANB greater than 4 degrees; and a diagnosis of

CRANIOH: The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice 2014 VOL . 32 NO . 3 201
Bedoya et al. Morphometry in patients with type II, division 1 malocclusion

Figure 1 Cephalometric landmarks to measure the variables.

malocclusion type II, division 1. The images were inferior point of the occipital bone, was taken into
taken using i-CAT VisionH technology,17–19 featuring account during the measurement process. The line
a tube potential of 120 kV and a 160 mA current. To passing through the most anterior–inferior point of
take the images, the following technique was used: The C2 and the most superior point of the odontoid
patient was placed in a resting position after inhaling process, the odontoid plane, was also drawn in order
and exhaling three times. Following the last exhala- to relate the McGregor and odontoid planes, and
tion, the machine was adjusted to the patient’s head obtain the craniocervical angle (Fig. 4).
and chin, keeping the Frankfort plane parallel to the
ground and the midsagittal line perpendicular to the Statistical analysis
floor. Reference points taken by Björk and Solow The metrics were tabulated in an Excel database, and
were taken into account. Additionally, other reference the statistical analysis was done using SPSS Inc.,
points determined by the researchers were included version 17. Central tendency metrics and dispersion
(Table 1 and Fig. 1). Lineal and angular measure- metrics were evaluated. Once the data were obtained,
ments were done on the midsagittal plane of the a univariate analysis was performed to determine the
cranial base and the cranial–cervical–mandibular socio-demographic characteristics of the population
system. (Tables 2 and 3, Figs. 2 and 3) evaluating the independent variables age and gender.
The McGregor plane, defined by the distance The analysis and a description of the dependent
between the posterior nasal spine and the most variables (metrics taken in the sagittal medium and

Table 1 Reference points to measure the variables

Point Definition

Basion (Ba) Most posterior–inferior point of the clivus

Nasion (Na) Most anterior point of the frontal–nasal suture
Sella (S) Geometric center of the sella turcica
(A) Most posterior point of the curvature that is formed between the anterior nasal spine and prosthion
(B) Most posterior point of the curvature that is formed between the alveolar process and pogonion
Pogonion (Pg) Craniometric point localized in the most anterior part of the mandibular symphysis contour
Upper incisor (ls) Intersection between the upper incisor axis with its incise border
Inferior Incisor (li) Intersection of the inferior incisor axis with its incisor border
C3 Most anterior inferior point of the third cervical vertebrate
Hyoid (H) Most superior and anterior point of the hyoid bone body
Apophysis Geni (AG) Most posterior–inferior point of the mandible symphysis
*AA Most anterior point of the Atlas vertebral body
Superior Clivus (Cs) Point situated in the superior third of the clivus
Inferior Clivus (Ci) Point situated in the inferior third of the clivus
Posterior nasal spine (ENP) Most posterior point of the union of the palatine bones
*CIA Most inferior point of the Atlas contour
*CSA Most superior point of the Axis contour
Odontoid (Od) Most superior point of the odontoid process
*CAA Most anterior point of the Atlas in coronal line
*COP Most posterior point of the Atlas in coronal line

202 CRANIOH: The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice 2014 VOL . 32 NO . 3
Bedoya et al. Morphometry in patients with type II, division 1 malocclusion

Table 2 Linear measurements definitions in sagittal and coronal sections

Variable Definition

S–N Distance in mm from sella turcica to nasion

Cls–Cli Distance in mm between these two points
Od–Ba Vertical measurement in mm between both points
Od–ENP Sagittal distance between these points
AA–ENP Sagittal distance between these points
ENP–H Vertical distance between these two points
Alt. P McGregor–Od Vertical distance between these two points
*CIA–CSA Distance between the inferior contour of the C1 and the superior of the C2
C3–H Distance between C3 and point H
Height of the Hyoid triangle Height of the triangle formed by the points C3–H–AG
*CAA–ENP Distance between the anterior contour of the Atlas to ENP
*CPA–ENP Distance between the posterior contour of the atlas to ENP

coronal cuts) appear in Tables 3 and 4. For the deviation of 1.167 years. The minimum age of the
bivariate analysis, the non-parametric Mann– subjects was 8, and the maximum age was 12.
Whitney test was used to determine if significant After independently analyzing metric variability by
differences exist between these variables due to gender, it was observed that the variables with lower
gender (Table 5). To observe how these variables variation coefficients (between 2.9 and 14.6) were the
relate and how the variation percentage is explained, variables that measure the anterior cranial base
a multivariate analysis of principal components was longitude and the variables relating to the cranial
performed. Since the first two principle components base: the superior maxillary, mandible and symphy-
explain 51.639% of the variation, these principles sis (S–N/Ba–S–N/S–N–A/S–N–B/S–N–Pg). The most
were analyzed graphically using a rotated compo- homogeneous variable was Ba–S–N. The measure-
nents analysis (Fig. 5). ment of the craniocervical angle (Po–PMcG) was also
very consistent among the male subjects evaluated. In
Results the female participants, results show homogeneity in
Characterization of the study population according the same variables, as well as in the inter-incisor angle
to gender is as follows: In a 24-patient sample, 14 metric, which had a variation coefficient of 5.3.
participants, or 58.3% were male, and 10 participants, In contrast, metrics with larger variations for both
or 41.7%, were female. The average age of the genders related to the cervical vertebrae structures:
subjects studied was 9.83 years with a standard the odontoid and hyoid triangle, which comprised the

Table 3 Descriptive results (average, standard deviation and variation coefficients of the variables by gender (male)

Confidence interval 95%

Coefficient % Coefficient
Variable Average Standard deviation Lower limit Upper limit of variation of variation

Ba–S–N (angle) 131.45 3.90 124.84 138.05 0.03 2.97

S–N–A (angle) 80.75 3.80 74.12 87.37 0.05 4.71
S–N–B (angle) 74.70 2.80 71.88 77.51 0.04 3.75
S–N–Pg (angle) 76.00 3.20 71.84 80.15 0.04 4.21
Ii (angle) 108.27 7.41 96.49 120.06 0.07 6.84
N–Pg–Is (angle) 35.30 3.71 29.38 41.21 0.11 10.51
N–Pg–Ii (angle) 38.55 2.24 34.97 42.12 0.06 5.81
Cls–Cli(mm) 31.82 1.67 29.15 34.49 0.05 5.25
S–N (mm) 66.65 2.54 62.61 70.69 0.04 3.81
O–Ba (mm) 4.07 1.60 1.56 6.58 0.39 39.31
Ba–ENP (mm) 41.23 2.50 37.24 45.21 0.06 6.07
H–ENP (mm) 49.90 5.90 41.04 58.75 0.12 11.82
AA–ENP (mm) 30.02 2.19 26.53 33.51 0.07 7.30
Alt.O–PMcG (mm) 3.92 3.00 20.78 8.63 0.77 76.53
CIA–CSA (mm) 2.97 0.97 1.43 4.53 0.33 32.66
C3–H (mm) 31.20 8.61 18.00 45.39 0.28 27.59
C3–AG (mm) 62.40 4.57 55.11 69.63 0.07 7.32
H–AG (mm) 34.50 3.65 28.73 40.36 0.11 10.58
Alt–ÙH (mm) 2.41 0.49 1.62 3.18 0.20 20.46
PO–PMcG (angle) 95.30 13.95 73.06 117.48 0.15 14.64
ENP–CPO (mm) 36.30 2.82 31.81 40.78 0.08 7.77
ENP–CPA (mm) 32.07 1.51 29.67 34.47 0.05 4.71

CRANIOH: The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice 2014 VOL . 32 NO . 3 203
Bedoya et al. Morphometry in patients with type II, division 1 malocclusion

Figure 2 Graphic drawing of linear measurements in mid sagittal and axial tomography sections.

height of the McGregor Plane, the distance between the cranial base with the maxilla, mandible and chin are
first and second cervical vertebrae (CIA–CSA), and the S–N–A/S–N–B and S–N–Pg. These variables have an
height of the hyoid triangle, which was the most inversely proportional relationship with angles Ba–S–N
heterogeneous in both groups, with a 95.7 coefficient in and P, Odontoid–P and McGregor. When the angle
males and 70.8 in females. In the bivariate analysis, that determines cranial flexion (Ba–S–N) and/or the
with the objective of determining if statistically longitude of the anterior base (S–N) increases, the
significant differences exist between the variables angles SNA–SNB and SNPg decrease. The inclination
comparing both genders, the non-parametric Mann– of the upper incisor is inversely related with variables
Whitney statistic test showed the following results: AA–ENP/H–AG and H–C3. A decrease in the
Differences in the average variables C3–AG/SNA and cranial–vertebral angle, with averages of 95.2 and
C3H were larger in the females. The inclination of the 95.9 degrees for males and females, was consistently
upper incisor compared to the vertical that passes observed in sample subjects. The variable that relates
through N–Pg and the S–N distance were larger in the position of the hyoid in a vertical sense behaves
males. The S–N distance was the only variable with a independently, which means it does not relate to any
significant difference: P50.004 (Table 5). other variable. The nasion–pogonion (N–Pg–Is) ver-
tical and the longitude of the anterior cranial base
Multivariet analysis (S–N) are inversely proportional to C3–AG, O–Ba, the
Rotated components matrix anterior and posterior contour of the Atlas, superior-
According to components one and two, the following clivus distance – inferior clivus, H–AG, and inter-
relationships between the variables that relate the incisor angle, AA–ENP.

Figure 3 Graphic drawing of angular measurements in midsagittal tomographic sections.

204 CRANIOH: The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice 2014 VOL . 32 NO . 3
Bedoya et al. Morphometry in patients with type II, division 1 malocclusion

will create a functional and esthetic imbalance,

including postural, muscular and functional adap-
tations that manifest as signs of malocclusion. The
cranial base is relatively stable; however, great varia-
tions are observed at an individual level. As previously
shown, any change in flexion, form or size of the
superior maxilla or mandible may alter the sagittal
relationship, and influence the development of
The results of the present study determined existing
relationships between the structures of the anterior
and posterior cranial base, the structures that
determine the sagittal position of the superior
maxilla, mandible and symphysis, the cervical ver-
Figure 4 Angle formed by McGregor plane and odontoid tebrae complex and hyoid bone. Watanabe et al.8
plane. reported that the size and morphology of the cervical
vertebral system, along with the position of the head
The height of the hyoid bone relates negatively and neck, relate with craniofacial morphology and
with the inclination of the superior and inferior incise with type II, division 1 malocclusion. In the current
(Ii). As the inter-incisor angle decreases, the distance study, postural adaptations are observed as conse-
between H–AG and Ce–AG decreases. The posterior quences of the inadequate relationships between the
nasal hyoid–spine variable is completely independent. maxillaries.
Imaging is a very important tool for diagnosis and
Discussion treatment planning. Given the widely studied limita-
The existing relationship between the size and tions of the conventional lateral X-ray, other
morphology of the cranial base and the growth technologies have been developed. With the arrival
and development of the maxillofacial complex is of the CBCT specific for craniofacial images, it is
widely accepted. When morphogenesis and special possible to gather volumetric information in three
positioning of these structures does not occur planes of space with a one-to-one relationship. In
correctly, they may cause adverse conditions that 2010, Grauer et al.20 established that the identifica-

Table 4 Descriptive results (average, standard deviation and variation coefficients of the variables by gender (female)

Confidence interval 95%

Standard Lower Upper Coefficient % Coefficient

Variable Average deviation limit limit of variation of variation

Ba–S–N (angle) 128.91 3.90 125.12 132.71 0.03 3.03

S–N–A (angle) 85.55 3.40 81.93 89.17 0.04 3.97
S–N–B (angle) 78.97 4.20 74.60 83.33 0.05 5.32
S–N–Pg (angle) 79.45 3.50 75.95 82.96 0.04 4.41
Ii (angle) 114.52 4.95 109.94 119.11 0.04 4.32
N–Pg–Is (angle) 27.98 2.76 25.42 30.54 0.10 9.86
N–Pg–Ii (angle) 38.01 3.59 34.68 41.34 0.09 9.44
Cls–Cli (mm) 34.27 2.10 32.22 36.31 0.06 6.13
S–N (mm) 62.08 2.39 59.87 64.29 0.04 3.85
O–Ba (mm) 5.88 1.34 4.64 7.12 0.23 22.79
Ba–ENP (mm) 41.16 3.19 38.21 44.11 0.08 7.75
H–ENP (mm) 49.78 4.30 45.77 53.79 0.09 8.64
AA–ENP (mm) 33.98 1.71 32.40 35.56 0.05 5.03
Alt.O–PMcG (mm) 2.57 1.03 1.61 3.52 0.40 40.08
CIA–CSA (mm) 5.28 2.34 3.12 7.45 0.44 44.32
C3–H (mm) 33.30 2.75 30.75 35.84 0.08 8.26
C3–AG (mm) 68.48 4.34 64.47 72.50 0.06 6.34
H–AG (mm) 35.60 2.46 33.32 37.87 0.07 6.91
Alt–ÙH (mm) 2.97 2.15 0.98 4.96 0.72 72.37
PO–PMcG (angle) 95.98 3.60 92.64 99.32 0.04 3.75
ENP–CPO (mm) 38.10 3.69 34.68 41.51 0.10 9.69
ENP–CPA (mm) 34.35 3.84 30.79 37.91 0.11 11.18

CRANIOH: The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice 2014 VOL . 32 NO . 3 205
Bedoya et al. Morphometry in patients with type II, division 1 malocclusion

In the current study, the size of the anterior cranial

base distance (S–N) is related to the maxillary
position, which coincides with what Hayashi reported
in a 2003 article.22 The data gathered in the authors’
sample population show a constant increase in the
angle of the cranial base (Ba–S–N), coinciding with
findings reported by Kasai et al.5
Rocabado et al.23,24 reported that the craniover-
tebral angle is, on average, 101u, with a range of 65u.
He related posterior rotation of the cranium with
angles ,96u and related anterior rotation with angles
.106u. In the current study, the authors found this
Figure 5 Principal Components rotational graph. angle diminished in males and females, with an
average of 95.2u for males and 95.9u for women,
tion of reference points is easier and more precise which coincides with the typical characteristics of
using tomography. Kobayashi et al.21 reported that patients with type II, division 1 malocclusion. In an
cephalograms extracted from tomographic images article about the hyoid triangle, Bibby and Preston25
are more precise than those extracted from conven- found great variability regarding the affect of hyoid
tional radiography. bone position on head position, even with light
The angle that determines flexion of the cranial movements. In this study, the variable that measures
base (Ba–S–N) has an inversely proportional beha- the position of the hyoid bone was very stable and
vior to the angles SNA–SNB and SNPg. When the behaved independently; i.e. it was not related to any
longitude S–N increments in points A, B and Pg are other variable.
posteriorly displaced, the angles SNA–SNB and
SNPg close. The inclination of the upper incisor is Conclusions
inversely proportional to the distance AA–ENP, as After evaluating 24 images of young patients with
its inclination increases an hourly rotation in the type II, division 1 malocclusion using helical spiral
mandible, reducing the distance between the points CBCT, it was concluded that relationships exist
apophysis genio-hyoid and C3–hyoid. In this way, between the cranial base structures, the structures
the patient tries to compensate for the airway that determine the sagittal position of the maxilla,
decrease by adopting oral respiration. The variable mandible and chin, and the cervical vertebrae
ENP–H is totally independent (Figs. 2 and 3). complex and hyoid bone.

Table 5 Comparison of average values between genders

Gender Average P value Gender Average P value

Ba–S–N (angle) Male 131.45 0.464 H–ENP (mm) Male 49.90 0.884
Female 128.91 Female 49.78
S–N–A (angle) Male 80.75 0.143 AA–ENP(mm) Male 30.02 0.334
Female 85.55 Female 33.98
S–N–B (angle) Male 74.70 0.218 Alt.O–PMcG (mm) Male 3.92 0.705
Female 78.97 Female 2.57
S–N–Pg (angle) Male 76.00 0.598 CIA–CSA (mm) Male 2.97 0.325
Female 79.45 Female 5.28
Ii (angle) Male 108.27 0.77 C3–H (mm) Male 31.20 0.154
Female 114.52 Female 33.30
N–Pg–Is (angle) Male 35.30 0.128 C3–AG (mm) Male 62.40 0.067
Female 27.98 Female 68.48
N–Pg–Ii (angle) Male 38.55 0.292 H–AG(mm) Male 34.50 0.226
Female 38.01 Female 35.60
Cls–Cli (mm) Male 31.82 0.953 Alt–ÙH (mm) Male 2.41 0.555
Female 34.27 Female 2.97
S–N (mm) Male 66.65 0.004 PO–PMcG (angle) Male 95.30 0.85
Female 62.08 Female 95.98
O–Ba (mm) Male 4.07 0.482 ENP–CPO (mm) Male 36.30 0.578
Females 5.88 Female 38.10
Ba–ENP (mm) Male 41.23 0.292 ENP–CPA(mm) Male 32.07 0.747
Female 41.16 Female 34.35

206 CRANIOH: The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice 2014 VOL . 32 NO . 3
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