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Shock Therapy Mod for Red Alert 3

~made by TheWorms

This is just a simple mod whose main goal is to make the Tesla Tank buildable.
Also implements some graphical improvements and slight balance changes, bug fixes.

Thanks to these people for their contributions:

Acid_Crash, TX1138, FRISH, EvilConker, nanotaz, jonwil, TechN9ne, Dibelius and

Also to the Shock Therapy Team:

Com-Link, NRedAlert, V.Metalic, Jason_Zombolt and R3ven

~and to others whom I forgot but have their source codes used in this mod

Found bugs or glitches, or just want to give a creative feedback?

Visit our Shock Therapy forum

Or the Mod Page forum

Version 1.011

-Reaper, Javelin, and GKO missile weapons had their scatter radius properties
Missiles will now follow the target again.
-Pacifier ammo size increased from 4 to 6, and so is the ammo reload time from 4 to
5 seconds.
Removed clip size from the autocannon and changed firing intervals from 0.05 to
-Harbinger autocannon damage dealt to structures and aircraft down from 25% to 10%
-Mortar cycle molotov explosion changed to match regular conscript fx.
Damage radius decreased from 30 to 15 (5 more than the conscript equivalent.)
Damage decrease from 24 to 20.
Clip size increased to 3, and throws all at once, with a scatter radius of 5,
reload at 1.75s.
Mortar explosion replaced with the previous molotov explosion.
-Desolator stream placeholder given with green trails. Resized from 0.7 to 0.9
Splattershot damage over time effect increased from 1.0 to 3.0. Infantry killed by
a splattershot will melt.
-Legionnaire death weapon damage interval removed. This weapon no longer affects
other legionnaires.
-Twinblade attack animation added to match the new missile trajectory.
Damage decreased from 75 to 60. Autocannon range adjusted to match rocket range.
-Future Tank cost decreased to $2650. Instead of damage, ammo reload time decreased
from 2.6 to 1.1.
Combined with the pre-attack time of 2.4, we have a total of 3 seconds per shot
instead of 5.
-Giga-Fortress siege mode (head) laser reload time decreased from 5 to 3.
Node explosion set to instant as the laser sweeps the path.
Landing speed when going into fortress mode increased to fix splash fx problem.
Take-off speed into head mode decreased.
-Dreadnought rocket damage increased from 600 to 750 (250 per v4 volley)
-Increased Yari kamikaze ability range to 350 from 300.
Accelerates to the target, added new fx.
-Allied walls rescaled to fix hub-to-segment gaps.
-Soviet flak weapons now have projectile models.
-Bullfrogs can attack land, but only useful for infantry suppression.
-Tesla weapons no longer needs line of sight, passes through walls and structures.
-Soviet Armory reskinned.

Version 1.01c - Uprising

Global Changes:
~Bibber's Upheaval Source now encoded in the mod
-Uprising units available
-Uprising specific maps now available
~Tank shells have their respective models and trails
~Camera shake for more awe inspiring explosions
~All aircraft death fx slightly improved
~Directional Armor for Vehicles and Ships Updated
-Light Vehicles take 50% side damage and 100% rear
-Tanks and Heavy Vehicles take 40% side damage and 95% rear
-Advanced Tanks and Vehicles take 35% side damage and 85% rear
-Miners take 25% side damage and 75% rear
-Small vessels take 50% side damage
-Large vessels take 40% side damage
-Capital ships take 35% side damage
~Special Armors:
-King and Greater Onis take only 150% and 125% rear damage respectively
-Apocalypse Tanks take 25% side damage and 100% rear aside from added
resistance to all damage types
-Destroyers take 35% side damage aside from added resistance to all damage
~Skirmish AI now uses all new units
~New smoke trails, unique for each faction.

Soviet Updates:
~Special Weapon: Tsar Ballistic Missile now available
~Desolator available in multiplayer
-Fixed secondary attack animation from Bibber's old source
-Added fx for secondary attack
-Scaled for infantry size
~Reaper available in multiplayer
-New fx for grenade launchers
-Clipsize for each grenade gun decreased to 1, decreased reload time, increased
damage, no longer collides with friendlies
-Grenades unguided for all enemy types
-Rockets now unguided for both land and air, increased area damage and radius
-Slightly bigger
-Added voiceclips when deployed
~Grinder re-enabled from multiplayer
-Armor takes only 250% damage from rear
~Mortar Cycle available for multiplayer
-Scaled for infantry size (it should be)
~MiG Fighter
-Added damage skin. -Clip size halved, but now carries two of the anti-air weapon.
-Missile clip size halved to 4, increased damaged to 50 per missile.

Empire Updates:
~Special Weapon: Disabled for updates...
~Archer Maiden enabled for multiplayer
-Scaled for infantry size
~Steel Ronin enabled for multiplayer
-Armor takes 100% rear damage
~Giga Fortress enabled for multiplayer
-Ship cannon clip size decreased to 2 per gun
-Missile clip size decreased to 3 per mounted launchers
-Laser Cannon fire bone now properly located on the cannon instead on the chin
-Laser Cannon reload time increased to 3 seconds, added 1 second prefire time and
sound/particle fx

Allied Changes:
~Speciel Weapon: Undergoing Testing
~Cryo Legionnaire enabled for multiplayer
-Scaled for infantry size
~Pacifier FAV enabled for multiplayer
-Grand Cannon clip size decreased from 4, increased reload time and time per shot
-Chaingun clip size 16, 1.5 second reload time,
~Harbinger Gunship re-enabled
-current changes from Upheaval
-chaingun can now target aircraft
~Future Tank X-1 enabled for multiplayer
-Fixed normal and veteran scramble orbs having switched light colors
-Neutron Scramblers now unguided
~Chrono Tank available for multiplayer
-New model from ChinaRepublicCyC
-New weapon: Proton Cannon - crossing of streams are preferred
-Chronoshift ability coding updated, works properly now
~Multigunner Turret/IFV
-Javelin component creates a MRLS system. Unguided.
~Javelin Soldier
-Missile no longer follows the target unless using the lock-on mode.
~Aircraft Carrier
-EMP missile flight curve redone the same trajectory as v4's

Version 1.01b - Empire and Allies

Global Changes:
~10 new multiplayer colors added.
~Infantry rescaled, now smaller. (except war bear and tesla trooper)
~Renamed Super Weapon Power names. (not the structures)
~AI Renamed to their respective strategy.
~AI now uses new units, and updated strategy for Giles,Lisette,Kenji,Naomi,Moskvin,
and Zhana (under testing)
~Maximum Camera Zoom in and out increased.
~Added button to enable classic army warfare. (Currently, it just disables
~Added camera shake to all scale-worthy explosions.
~Fixed various bugs from last update.
~Replaced beacon flare with a beacon light to Singularity, Collider, and Imploder
weapon powers.
~Radar is now attached to Construction Yards.

Empire Changes:

~Tank Buster
-Updated burrow fx, updated normal beam laser from the 3.1 version.
-Added muzzle fx when firing.
-Ambush Support Power delay time decreased from 10 to 5, new burrow out fx
-Slightly modified model skin
-Uprising psionic blast fx and psionic crush matter fx
-Commando Decal added
~Rocket Angel
-Updated Photon Rocket fx
-Dogfight locomotor enabled.
-New tracer textures
-Added VTOL unit distortion fx when in mecha form.
~Tsunami Tank
-Modified energized armor fx
-updated projectile detonation fx
~VX Unit
-Updated Rocket exhausts, modified weapon systems to match model.
-Chopper dust fx added.
~Waveforce Artillery
-Added preattack charge fx, camera shake on fire.
~King Oni
-Slightly reskinned
-Added melee attack weapon
-Bull Rush ability limited activation range to use it's full capacity.
~Greater King Oni
-Emperor Mecha now buildable in multiplayer
-Slightly Slower than the King Oni, but better damage and anti-air systems. Also
has melee attacks.
-Raging Bull Rush special ability now does damage properly on enemy units and
-Improved armor compared to others.
~Wing Unit
-Seawing weapon now has rocket models, modified to match unit model.
-Skywing gun weapon now fires 2 shots at the same time, each damage halved to
match original weapon damage.
~Shogun Battleship
-Updated shell detonation fx, and projectile trails.
~Waveforce Tower
-Egg build time now constant with other eggs (4 seconds)
-Added prefire charge fx.
~Defender VX
-New tracer textures, rocket exhausts and modified rocket weapon systems.
-power capacity increased to 125

Allied Changes:

-now has Uprising healing aura
-Reskinned, removed house color from pants
-Outpost deploy delay halved from 30 to 15.
-Updated projectile detonation fx
~Mirage Tank
-Cloaking Field bubble removed temporarily, added cloaking field decal.
-New fx for cloaking units (on and off)
-Spectrum weapon one-shots infantry
~Athena Cannon
-Satellite beam now fades after attack
-slightly downsized
~Assault Destroyer
-Improved weapon fire sound, updated projectile detonation fx.
-Improved armor compared to others.
~Aircraft Carrier
-Drones can now change targets in flight.
-Added EMP missile detonation fx, new target cursor.
-Drones change engine glow and trail with Aeronautics upgrade.
-Fixed landing state, no longer has the exhaust model.
-Added Jet FX when using Return ability
-VTOL distortion seen when taking off, landing, and mid-air.
~Power Plant
-Added Power capacity upgrade, +50 to power.
~Spectrum Tower
-Now has its own stronger scatter beam weapon template instead of using the Mirage
-Power requirement down to 50
~Cryo Satellite
-Beam now fades after use

Soviet Updates:

-New skin, to match original art.
-Heroic tracer fixed to match normal ones.
~Grinder Tank
-currently removed, for now.
~Hammer Tank
-changed leech beam color to red (suggested)
-Now leeches Tesla Tank and Great Oni weapons
-Stingray weapon and Tesla Tank weapon differentiated. (Tank has surge)
-Coil weapons and Apoc cannon clip reduced to 1
~Apocalypse Tank
-changed leech beam color to red (suggested)
-removed shake effect in rocket detonation.
-added damaged skin
-VTOL distortion seen when taking off, landing, and mid-air.
-New skin, some house colors removed, resembling beta counterpart.
-Heroic V4 Rocket exhaust modified to match warhead template.
~Vacuum Imploder
-Updated detonation fx.
version 1.01a - Soviet

Faction Changes:

~Tesla Tank
-Buildable in Multiplayer
-New EMP Disruptor FX, slightly bigger radius*
-Lighting weapon scatters, short range
-Has its own Armor Template
-New sound FX, attack FX
~Grinder Tank
-All changes from the Uprising equivalent
-Takes more directional armor damage that other units
~Tesla Coil
-Slight weapon range bonus when charged
-Able to charge other coils
-Improved Pre-attack FX, pre attack time reduced
-New sound FX
~Apocalypse Tank
-Unique Tank Shell detonation FX (to match Heroic High Explosive shells)
-Fires both barrels to inflict maximum damage
-Unique Armor Template, slight changes
-Magnetic Harpoon color FX changed
-Slight reskinning (blue tesla reactor hubs)
~Hammer Tank
-Unique Tank Shell detonation FX (both normal and heroic)
-Improved Attack FX
-New weapon sound
-Slight damage increase
-Beta unit skin scheme
-Beta Unit skin scheme
~Flak Trooper
-Slight skin details
-Molotov throw speed slightly increased
~Tesla Trooper
-Fixed weapon attack animation
-Bomber call time reduced, but target lock-on removed
-Bomber now has bomb detonation FX, slight increase on damage radius
-Bomber swoop curve improved for detail
-Missiles now have a model
-Autocannons now used against infantry only
-Dust/Wake FX while airborne
~MiG Fighter
-Afterburner glows fixed in unit states (airborne, moving, docked)
-Added FX when using Evasive Actions
-Improved Rocket Exhaust FX
-Dogfight locomotor implemented
~Kirov Airship
-Beta unit skin scheme (removed house colors on rings)
-Tesla Bombs when heroic, also FX
-Fixed lift speed for unit practicality
-Death weapon damage and radius increased, improved FX
-Smoke Stack FX to match FMV equivalents
-V4 Toxic Warheads when heroic, also FX*
-Overcharge Ability (100% bonus power, in expense of structure destruction)
~Super Reactor
-Toxic leaks when critically damaged, lays a field when destroyed
~Construction Yard
-Bunkers now buildable at the sub structures tab
-Price decreased to 250
~Magnetic Sattelite/Singularity
-Unique beacon FX*
~Desolator Airstrike
-Bomber swoop curve improved for detail
-Slight delay reduction
~Vacuum Imploder
-Improved Detonation FX
-Sucked unit rotation speed increased
-Structure name changed for practicality
~Iron Curtain
-Power name changed for practicality

General Changes:
~Camera shake added to everything explosive (rate depends on explosion size)
Currently for Soviets
~Submarine units no longer instantly submerge when going out of the naval yards
~Naval and Amphibious units water locomotor slightly improved to prevent units
being stuck at beaches


For XP:
Extract to C:\My Documents\Red Alert 3\Mods
For Vista/7:
C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Red Alert 3\Mods
*If the Mods folder does not exist, create one.

Launch the RA3 Control Center -> Game Browser -> Mods -> ShockTherapy
OR right click ur ra3 shortcut, click on properties, and add "-ui" at the end of
the target.
eg: "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Red Alert 3\RA3.exe" -ui

Enjoy playing!

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