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Wireless Broadband Communications

Course Outline
Komunikasi Nirkabel Pitalebar - 2017
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Ir. Uke Kurniawan Usman, MT, IPM.

 Office : FEK, N Building 2rd floor, Room : N.211

 WA & Line : 0838-2186-2917
 Call & SMS : 0822-1922-3069
 E-mail :
 Blog :
General Information

• The target of the course is to give a general overview on

basic concepts, design criteria, technologies and standards
related to modern broadband transmission systems.
• A student should have an overall understanding on the
existing major wireless standards as well as current state-
of-the art in global R&D on wireless.
The Goal for this Course

• To gain understanding on the basic broadband

transmission schemes.
• To understand the challenges of the propagation
environment in wireless broadband system design.
• To understand differences between wireless standards, and
to have an idea on future broadband technology directions.
Course Learning Outcomes

1. Student can distinguish the basic transmission technologies

used in the broadband wireless communication systems.
2. The student can differentiate and compare the key points
behind these technologies, why they are used and what are
their advantages and disadvantages.
3. Student can explain how the wireless channel impacts the
design of the overall system.
4. The most relevant standards are introduced and explained, so
that student can attain information from past and especially
the forthcoming wireless standards.
Text Books and Recommended Books
Deskripsi Singkat Mata Kuliah
Melalui kuliah ini mahasiswa memahami berbagai faktor yang
berpengaruh terhadap kapasitas kanal nirkabel, tantangan,
teknik dan pengembangan broadband wireless
communications. Kemudian dibahas juga bagaimana cara
meningkatkan kapasitas komunikasi wireless melalui teknik
MIMO dan Multicarrier Modulation (OFDM). Berbagai teknik
terkini pada komunikasi wireless juga dikenalkan seperti
Cognitive Radio dan Machine Typed Communications (MTC)
dan perkembangan ke depan.
Capaian Matakuliah KomNirPitLebar
Perkenalan Komunikasi Nirkabel Pita Lebar ( Bobot : 30 % )
1.[C5] Mampu menjelaskan, menganalisis dan mengevaluasi karakteristik kanal nirkabel pita lebar.

OFDM ( Bobot : 20 % )
2.[C5] Mampu menjelaskan, merancang, menganalisis dan mengevaluasi sistem modulasi
pembawa jamak (OFDM)

MIMO ( Bobot : 30 % )
3.[C5] Mampu menjelaskan, merancang, menganalisis dan mengevaluasi sistem MIMO

Cognitive Radio ( Bobot : 20 % )

4.[C3] Mampu menjelaskan dan menganalisis sistem Cognitive Radio dan Milimeter Wave

Future Developments
4.[C3] Mampu menjelaskan dan menganalisis sistem Machine Typed Communications (MTC)
Bahan UTS & UAS
Materi UTS :
CLO 1: Introduction to Wireless Broadband Communications ( Minggu 1)
Transmission Media ( Minggu 2 – 4 )
CLO 2 : OFDM ( Minggu 5 – 6 ).

Materi UAS :
CLO 3 : MIMO ( Minggu 8 – 10 ).
CLO 4 : Cognitive Radio ( Minggu 11 – 12 ).
Cooperative Communication ( Minggu 13 ).
Milimeter Wave ( Minggu 14 ).
Course Syllabus
• [Week 1] Introduction to Wireless Broadband Communications ( CLO 1 ).
• [Week 2,3,4] Transmission Media ( CLO 1 ).
• Technical challenges of wireless communications, noise- and interference- limited systems,
• Classification of transmission media, technical challenges of wireless communications, noise- and interference- limited systems,
characteristics of mobile radio channels, NB vs. WB fading models, impact of radio channels on the system design, mm-wave
• Capacity of Wireless Channels .
• [Week 5,6] OFDM ( CLO 2 ).
• Basic Features, Signal Generation, Modulation and Coding, OFDM in Multipath Channels, Design Aspects of OFDM Systems –
Cyclic Prefix, Carrier Spacing, Signal Spectrum and Spectrum Limitation Advantages and Disadvantages of OFDM.
• Frequency and Timing Synchronization Schemes, Channel Estimation Principles, Peak Power Problem.
• Variants of OFDM.
• [Week 7] == MID-TERM ( UTS ).
• [Week 8, 9, 10] MIMO ( CLO 3 ).
• Narrowband MIMO model, Parallel Decomposition of MIMO channel, MIMO Channel Capacity, Diversity-Multiplexing Trade-Offs.
• [Week 11 - 12] Cognitive Radio ( CLO 4 ).
• Principles of CR, Cognitive transceiver architecture, Principle of Interweaving, Spectrum Sensing, Spectrum Management,
Spectrum Sharing.
• [Week 13] Cooperative Communication ( CLO 4 ).
Device to Device Communication , Machine to Machine Communication, Milimeter Wave
• [Week 14] == FINAL TEST ( UAS ).
Komponen Penilaian
Setiap CLO ( 1 – 4 ) memiliki bobot yg sama = 25 %.
Nilai Minimum setiap CLO = 51, jika CLO < 51 = Remedial.
Max Pelaksanaan Remedial = 2 kali per CLO (setiap Mhs)
Max CLO < 51 setiap Mhs sebanyak 2 CLO.
CLO < 51 = 3 CLO dinyatakan TIDAK LULUS (E).
• Ujian Tengah Semester
• Ujian Akhir Semester
• Quiz / Tugas Mandiri / PR
Tugas Mandiri : Membuat Makalah, Latihan Soal, PR

Kehadiran: > 75 %, Absen < 75 % tidak diperkenankan ikut UTS & UAS
Nilai Standar

A = 100 – 80.01
AB = 79.99 (80) – 70.01
B = 69.99 (70) – 65.01
BC = 64.99 (65) – 60.01
C = 59.99 (60) – 50.01
D = 49.99 (50) – 40.01
E = 39.99 (50) – 0
• Course Learning Outcome (CLO).
• Persiapkan diri untuk jadi mahasiswa yang aktif menggali
dan menguasai kompetensi setiap mata kuliah.
• Diskusi bersama.

 PBL (Problem Based Learning), mahasiswa berbasis
sebagai subjek perkuliahan yang
diperoleh untuk menjawab ‘problem besar’ yang didefinisikan
Persiapkan diri untuk jadi mahasiswa yang aktif menggali dan
menguasai kompetensi setiap mata kuliah, sehingga siap
menghadapi dunia kerja
Diskusi bersama.
Membiasakan mahasiswa mengatasi “problem” dan mencari “jalan
• Berseragam (atasan kemeja putih, bawahan warna biru tua, bukan jeans).
• Bersepatu ( BUKAN Sepatu Sendal ).
• Tidak terlambat masuk kelas, kalau telat maka tidak dipernankan masuk
• Mengikuti UTS & UAS.
• Tidak ada Ujian Susulan ; Ujian Khusus ; Ujian Perbaikan setelah nilai
akhir keluar ; tidak ada tugas tambahan untuk menambah nilai akhir

Kalender Akademik
Semester Ganjil 2018-2019
 Awal Kuliah : 20 Agustus 2018.
 UTS : 08 – 18 Oktober 2018.
 UTS Susulan : 23 – 25 Oktober 2018.
 Libur Persiapan UAS : 06 – 09 Desember 2018.
 UAS : 10 – 19 Desember 2018.
 UAS Susulan : 27 – 28 Desember 2018.
 Tenggat Unggah DNA : 27 & 31 Desember 2018.
Materi Wireless Broadband Communication

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