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List of Urinary Structures to identify

1. Renal capsule
2. Renal pelvis
3. Major calyx
4. Minor calyx
5. Renal pyramid
6. Renal medulla
7. Renal column
8. Renal artery
9. Renal Vein
10. Ureter
11. Urinary Bladder
12. Renal Tubule
13. Glomerulus
14. Glomerular Capsule
15. Kidney
16. Renal Cortex
17. Prostatic Urethra
18. Membranous Urethra
19. Penile Urethra
20. External urethral orifice
21. Internal Urethral Sphincter
22. External Urethral Sphincter
23. Detrusor Muscle
24. Female Urethra
25. Transitional epithelium of urinary bladder
26. Simple cuboidal epithelium of renal tubule
34. lumen

(I know there are numbers missing on the list, it’s ok. Just go with it).

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