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Brain Structures to identify

You must be able to identify the following anatomical structures/spaces in

lab and/or via the lab images of sheep and
cadaver brains posted on the site. Each image posted on the site is labeled with
numbers that correspond to the items
listed below.

1. Dura Mater
2. Falx Cerebri
3. Falx cerebelli
4. Tentorium cerebelli
5. Arachnoid Mater
6. Pia Mater
7. Longitudinal Fissure
8. Left cerebral hemisphere
9. Right cerebral hemisphere
10. Cerebral Cortex
11. Olfactory Lobes
12. Frontal Lobes
13. Pre-Central Gyrus
14. Parietal Lobes
15. Post-Central Gyrus
16. Temporal Lobes
17. Occipital Lobe
18. Central Sulcus (fissure of Rolando)
19. Lateral Sulcus (fissure of Sylvius)
20. Olfactory tracts
21. Olfactory bulbs
22. Optic Nerves
23. Optic Tracts
24. Optic Chiasm
25. Anterior Commisure
26. Choroid plexus
27. Cerebellum
28. Left hemisphere of cerebellum
29. Right hemisphere of cerebellum
30. arbor vitae
31. vermis
32. Body of the Corpus Collosum
33. Genu of the corpus callosum
34. Splenium of the corpus callosum
35. Fornix
36. Septum Pellucidum
37. Brainstem
38. Medulla Oblongata
39. Pyramids of the medulla oblongata
40. Pons
41. Midbrain
42. Corpora quadrigemina
43. superior colliculi
44. inferior colliculi
45. Cerebral Peduncles
46. Pineal Gland
47. Hypothalamus
48. Mamillary Bodies
49. Infundibulum
50. Median eminence
51. Thalamus
52. Intermediate mass of the thalamus
53. Ventricles
54. Lateral ventricle
55. Third ventricle
56. Fourth ventricle
57. Pituitary Gland (hypophysis)
58. Cingulate gyrus
59. Subdural space
60. Superior sagittal sinus
61. Insular lobe (insula)
62. Globus pallidus
63. Putamen
64. Internal capsule
65. Hippocampus
66. Caudate nucleus

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