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Process Capability Analysis

5.1 Introduction :
Process Capability Analysis
When the process is operating under control, we are often required to obtain some information about the
performance or capability of the process.
Basis of Control Charts
The basis of control charts is to checking whether the variation in the magnitude of a given characteristic of a
manufactured product is arising due to random variation or assignable variation.
Random variation: Natural variation or allowable variation, small magnitude
Assignable variation: Non-random variation or preventable variation, relatively high magnitude.
If the variation is arising due to random variation, the process is said to be under control. But, if the variation
is arising due to assignable variation then the process is said to be out of control.
Process capability refers to the uniformity of the process. The variability in the process is a measure of
uniformity of the output. There are two ways to think about this variability.
(1) Natural or inherent variability at a specified time,
(2) Variability over time.
Let us investigate and assess both aspects of process capability.
Natural Tolerance Limits
The six-sigma spread in the distribution of product quality characteristic is customarily taken as a measure of
process capability. Then the upper and lower natural tolerance limits are
Upper natural tolerance limit = μ + 3σ
Lowe natural tolerance limit = μ - 3σ
Under the assumption of normal distribution, the natural tolerance limits include 99.73% of the process output
falls inside the natural tolerance limits, that is, 0.27% (2700 parts per million) falls outside the natural tolerance
5. Process Capability Analysis
5.2 Techniques for Process Capability Analysis :
Techniques for Process Capability Analysis


Probability Plot

Control Charts

It gives an immediate visual impression of process performance. It may also immediately show the reason for poor

Example: Yarn Strength (cN.tex-1) Dataset

Frequency Distribution

Probability Plot
Probability plot can determine the shape, center, and spread of the distribution. It often produces reasonable results
for moderately small samples (which the histogram will not).
Generally, a probability plot is a graph of the ordered data (ascending order) versus the sample cumulative frequency
on special paper with a vertical scale chosen so that the cumulative frequency distribution of the assumed type (say
normal distribution) is a straight line.
The procedure to obtain a probability plot is as follows.
The sample data x1,x2,......,xn is arranged as x(1), x(2), ...., x(n) where x(1) is the smallest observation, x(2) is the second
smallest observation, and x(n)is the largest observation, and so forth.
The ordered observations x(j) are then plotted again their observed cumulative frequency (j-0.5)/n on the appropriate
probability paper.
If the hypothesized distribution adequately describes the data, the plotted points will fall approximately along a
straight line.
Example: Yarn Strength (cN.tex-1) Dataset
Copyright IIT Delhi © 2009-2011. All rights reserved.
5. Process Capability Analysis
5.3 Measures of Process Capability Analysis :
Measure of Process Capability: Cp
Measure of Process Capability: Cpu and Cpl
The earlier expression of Cp assumes that the process has both upper and lower specification limits. However, many
practical situations can give only one specification limit. In that case, the one-sided Cp is defined by

Process Capability Ratio Versus Process Fallout [1]

(1) The quality characteristic is normally distributed.

(2) The process is in statistical control.
(3) The process mean is centered between USL and LSL.
Measure of Process Capability: Cpk
We observed that Cp measures the capability of a centered process. But, all process are not necessarily be always
centered at the nominal dimension, that is, processes may also run off-center, then the actual capability of non-
centered processes will be less than that indicated by Cp. In the case when the process is running off-center, the
capability of a process is measured by the following ratio
(1) When Cpk=Cp then the process is centered at the midpoint of the specifications.
(2) When Cpk < Cp then the process is running off center.
(3) When Cpk=0, the process mean is exactly equal to one of the specification limits.
(4) When Cpk<0 then the process mean lies outside the specification limit.
(5) When Cpk <-1 then the entire process lies outside the specification limits.
Inadequacy of Cpk
Measure of Process Capability: Cpm
Measure of Process Capability: Cpmk
Take the example of process A and process B. Here T=50 cN. Then,
Note to Non-normal Process Output
An important assumption underlying the earlier expressions and interpretations of process capability ratio are based
on a normal distribution of process output. If the underlying distribution is non-normal then
1) Use suitable transformation to see if the data can be reasonably regarded as taken from a population following
normal distribution.
2) For non-normal data, find out the standard capability index

3) For non-normal data, use quantile based process capability ratio

Copyright IIT Delhi © 2009-2011. All rights reserved.

5. Process Capability Analysis
5.4 Inferential Properties of Process Capability Ratios :
Confidence Interval on Cp
Confidence Interval on Cpk

Test of Hypothesis about Cp
Many a times the suppliers are required to demonstrate the process capability as a part of contractual
agreement. It is then necessary that Cp exceeds a particular target value say Cp0. Then the statements of
hypotheses are formulated as follows.
H: Cp=Cpo (The process is not capable.)
HA: Cp>Cpo (The process is capable.)

The Cp(high) is defined as a process capability that is accepted with probability 1-α and Cp(low) is defined as
a process capability that is likely to be rejected with probability 1-β.
A fabric producer has instructed a yarn supplier that, in order to qualify for business with his company, the
supplier must demonstrate that his process capability exceeds Cp=1.33. Thus, the supplier is interested in
establishing a procedure to test the hypothesis
H: Cp=1.33
HA: Cp>1.33
The supplier wants to be sure that if the process capability is below 1.33 there will be a high probability of
detecting this (say, 0.90), whereas if the process capability exceeds 1.66 there will be a high probability of
judging the process capable (again, say 0.90).
Then, Cp(low)=1.33, Cp(high)=1.66, and α=β=0.10.
Let us first find out the sample size n and the critical value C.
Then, from table, we get, n=70 and

To demonstrate capability, the supplier must take a sample of n=70 and the sample process capability ratio
Cp must exceed C=1.46.
Note to Practical Application

1. Montgomery, D. C., Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Singapore, 2001.
Sources of Further Reading
1. Montgomery, D. C. and Runger, G. C., Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., New Delhi, 2003.
2. Montgomery, D. C., Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Singapore, 2001.
3. Grant, E. L. and Leavenworth, R. S., Statistical Quality Control, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private
Limited, New Delhi, 2000.
Copyright IIT Delhi © 2009-2011. All rights reserved.

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