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3, MAY 2014 1365

CDFLOW: A Practical Tool for Tracing Stationary

Behaviors of General Distribution Networks
Hao Sheng and Hsiao-Dong Chiang, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—The widespread use of distributed generations (DGs) a variety of power injection variations [5]–[10]. Power injection
in utility distribution feeders is a trend, and it brings about variations include both load variation and active generation
several challenges to the operation, planning, and design of gen- scheduling in power systems. Several commercial packages for
eral distribution networks. In this paper, a comprehensive tool,
generating P-V, Q-V and P-Q-V curves are based on continu-
Continuation Distribution Power Flow (CDFLOW), is presented
and evaluated. CDFLOW can be used for tracing steady-state ation methods [11]. Furthermore, continuation methods have
stationary behaviors of general unbalanced distribution systems found their practical applications in energy control centers, to
due to various types of power injection variations, including name a few, at PJM Interconnection, California ISO, TVA (TN,
high penetration of DGs. The major computation engine behind USA). A CTPFlow for voltage stability analysis of unbalanced
CDFLOW is the continuation method. Major components, either three phase power systems was presented in which local pa-
balanced or unbalanced, grounded or ungrounded, are well rameterization, tangent predictor and newton corrector were
modeled in CDFLOW. A detailed description of CDFLOW and
its implementation regarding the predictor, corrector, adaptive employed [12]. Several continuation power flow algorithms
step-size control and parameterizations are presented. For illus- have been proposed for radial distribution systems [13], [14].
trative purposes, CDFLOW was applied to the IEEE 8500-node These methods are applicable only for radial networks.
test system and a practical 1103-node distribution networks with In this paper, a comprehensive tool, termed Continuation Dis-
promising results. tribution Power Flow (CDFLOW) is presented and evaluated.
Index Terms—Continuation power flow, distributed generations, CDFLOW can be used for tracing steady-state behaviors of gen-
distribution systems, power flow, saddle-node bifurcation. eral distribution networks (radial and meshed) due to various
power injection variations, including penetration of DGs. One
advantage of this tool over the existing repetitive power flow is
I. INTRODUCTION that it allows operators to exploit the potential of existing distri-
bution networks to delivery more renewable energy resources to

R ECENT years have witnessed a growing trend towards loads. This potential comes from the fact that CDFLOW can re-
the development and deployment of distributed gener- liably compute the P–V curve and the nose point (i.e., the max-
ation (DG). This trend in combination with new distribution imum loading point) which represents the power delivery po-
generation technologies have profoundly changed the tra- tential of the study distribution network.
ditional analysis, design, control paradigm of distribution The major computation engine behind CDFLOW is the
networks [1]–[4]. It is hence important to develop comprehen- continuation method. Continuation power flow is an efficient
sive analysis tools for assessing the impacts of large integration numerical method to determine how far the current operating
of distributed generations on distribution networks, and then point is away from its static security limit as well as operational
to mitigate the adverse consequences of distributed resources and engineering limits, such as bus voltage limits and branch
integration. thermal limits. This piece of information can help operators
Continuation power flow is a powerful tool to simulate fully exploit distribution networks to delivery more renewable
power system steady-state stationary behaviors with respect to energy resource and/or serve more loads, thus maximize the
value of existing distribution assets in delivering power from
renewables to load centers. Compared with the repetitive power
flow approach, the continuation power flow has three main
Manuscript received June 18, 2013; revised September 24, 2013; accepted
October 30, 2013. Date of publication November 25, 2013; date of current ver- advantages: 1) it is more reliable in obtaining the solution
sion April 16, 2014. The work of H. Shen was supported in part by the Na- curve, especially for ill-conditioned power flow equations; 2) it
tional Basic Research Program of China under Grant 2012CB215102, the State is faster via an effective predictor-corrector, adaptive step size
Grid Corporation of China, Major Projects on Planning and Operation Control
of Large Scale Grid (SGCC-MPLG028-2012). The work of H.-D. Chiang was
control algorithm; and 3) it is more versatile via parameteri-
supported in part by the Consortium for Electric Reliability Technology Solu- zations such that load and generation power at a single bus, a
tions provided by U.S. Department under Contract DE-FC26-09NT43321 and part of buses, and all buses can vary. In this paper, a detailed
by Research Fund of Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NJUST) description of CDFLOW and its numerical implementations
under Grant 2010GJPY065. Paper no. TPWRS-00766-2013.
H. Sheng is with the School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, for reliable and fast simulation of quasi-static behaviors of
Tianjin University, Tianjin, 300072, China (e-mail: distribution networks due to variations of power injections at a
H.-D. Chiang is with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, collection of buses are presented. These numerical implemen-
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 USA (e-mail: chiang@
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
tations are performed through three types of predictors, two
at different correctors, three different parameterization schemes,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2013.2289917 and adaptive step-size control.

0885-8950 © 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

CDFLOW can be used in a variety of applications such as: 1) E. Lines, Switch, Breaker, and Disconnector
to simulate static behaviors of distribution networks due to load
and/or renewable variations with/without control devices; 2) to
study voltage and thermal limit problems due to load and/or gen-
eration variations; 3) to evaluate maximum delivery capability The power flow equations of three-phase distribution net-
of distribution networks; 4) to conduct coordination studies of works for phase of bus are
control devices for their impacts on distribution system static
behaviors; and 4) simulate the impact of automatic disconnec-
tion of loads due to voltage sags on system static behaviors.
The distinguished features of CDFLOW include: 1) the level (1)
of modeling capability for balanced, unbalanced networks,
grounded or ungrounded devices; 2) its computational speed
and reliability for large-scale distribution networks; 4) the (2)
impact of reactive power limits of DGs is taken into consider-
ation; 4) the exact saddle-node bifurcation point is computed;
5) weak areas and weak nodes can be identified and the load These equations can be combined in compact form as
margin is accurately computed. and 6) all of the voltage and
thermal limits along the P–V curves can be identified. (3)

where represents the whole set of power flow equations,

and .
Major components for steady-state analysis of distribution The three-phase continuation power flow equation with load
systems, either balanced or unbalanced, grounded or un- and distributed generation variations can be explicitly expressed
grounded, are well modeled in CDFLOW with the following as follows. For PQ type nodes, the corresponding continuation
modeling capability [15], [16]: power flow equations are

A. Distributed Generator Using P-V, or P-Q, or P-I Models

• Synchronous generator, induction generator, and inverter (4)
(e.g., photovoltaic generation, fuel cell).

B. Load
• General load models, including constant power, constant
current, and constant impedance types or their combina-
For PV type nodes, the corresponding continuation power
tion. Three-phase loads can be balanced or unbalanced and
flow equations are
connected in grounded wye or ungrounded delta configu-
rations and single-phase or two-phase grounded loads.

C. Distribution Transformer
• Three-phase transformers of connection types include: (7)
grounded/ungrounded wye-delta connection, delta con-
nection, grounded/ungrounded wye-grounded/ungrounded
wye connection, open grounded wye-open delta connec-
tion, V-connection, and autotransformer.
• Single-phase transformer: two-wire connection or three- (8)
wire connection. (9)
• Voltage regulator: on-load tap controller (LTC), line-drop
compensator (LDC), and single-phase line voltage where is the proposed active generation variation at bus
regulator. phase , and and are the proposed real and reactive
load variations at bus .
The load model can be represented as constant impedance,
D. Shunt Compensator
constant current, constant power, or combination of them as
• Shunt compensator can be a capacitor or a reactor, fixed or follows:
switchable. A three-phase shunt compensator can be bal-
anced or unbalanced and connected in grounded wye or un-
grounded delta configurations. Single-phase or two-phase
grounded shunt compensators are treated similarly. (10)

For a P-V node with a Q limit, say , the three phase 4) Pseudo arc length parameterization was proposed in
continuation power flow equation can be expressed as follows: [18], of which the most popular form is
CDFLOW implements the arc length, pseudo-arc length, and
IV. TRACING QUASI-STEADY-STATE BEHAVIORS local parameterization schemes. The local parameterization
To trace the steady-state behavior due to load/renewables scheme can compute special points, such as voltage violation
variation, it is necessary to solve the continuation power flow points and thermal limit points.
equations with different values of . CDFLOW treats the
parameter as another state variable as follows: B. Predictor
The predictor attempts to find an approximation point for the
(13) next solution . The quality of the approximation
and introduces another parameter, arc length , along the solu- point by a predictor significantly affects the number of iterations
tion curve. Both and are functions of the arc length param- required by a corrector in order to obtain an exact solution. A
eter : better approximation point yields a smaller number of iterations
needed in a corrector to reach the solution.
(14) Several different predictors have been proposed in the liter-
ature. They can be divided into two classes. First is the ODE-
The step-size along the arc length yields the following based methods, which use the current solution and its deriva-
constraint: tives to predict the next solution. The tangent method, a pop-
ular one as a predictor, is a first-order ODE based method. The
(15) second class is polynomial extrapolation-based methods; which
use only current and previous solutions to find an approximated
We solve the following equations for the solution. The secant method, a popular polynomial-based linear
unknowns and : predictor, uses the current solution and the previous one to pre-
dict the next one. Nonlinear methods, which are the most pop-
(16) ular predictors, apply the second-order Lagrange’s polynomial
interpolation formula.
(17) In order to achieve computational efficiency, CDFLOW em-
ploys the tangent method in the first point of solution curve
CDFLOW solves these augmented power flow equa- tracing, the secant method in the second point computation and
tions to obtain the solution curve passing through the the nonlinear method afterwards. The nonlinear method em-
“nose” point without encountering the numerical difficulty ploys Lagrange’s polynomial interpolation formula to approxi-
of ill-conditioning. mate the next solution. It is a multi-order polynomial-based pre-
Continuation methods, sometimes called curve tracing or dictor [19]. The predicted solution at step may be
path following, are useful tools to generate solution curves for written as
general nonlinear algebraic equations with a varying parameter.
Continuation methods have four basic elements: parameteriza- (20)
tion, predictor, corrector, and step-size control.

A. Parameterization where is the previous solution at step , is the

step number, is the Lagrange interpolation coefficient
Parameterization is a mathematical way of identifying each of step , is the order. It should be noted that Lagrange’s in-
solution on the solution curve so that the “next” solution or “pre-
terpolation coefficients are uniquely determined by given
vious” solution can be quantified. There are several different solutions. Specially, they can be written as
types of parameterizations.
1) Physical parameterization uses the controlling param-
eter , in which case the step size is .
2) Local parameterization, which uses either the control- (21)
ling parameter or any component of the state vector ;
namely to parameterize the solution curve. The step
size in the local parameterization is or [17]. In CDFLOW, the order is chosen to be 2; given three
3) Arc length parameterization employs the arc length known solutions , , and , then
along the solution curve to perform parameterization; predicted solution is obtained.
the step size in this case is :
C. Corrector
After the predictor has produced an approximation
(18) for the next solution , the error
must be corrected before it accumulates. In principle, any

effective numerical procedure for solving a set of nonlinear

algebraic equations can be used for a corrector.
Several methods have been proposed to solve distribution
power flow equations. The most widely used one is the for-
ward/backward sweep method (FBS) [20]; however, it is ap-
plicable only to radial distribution networks. The implicit Zbus
Gauss method [21] and Newton method can solve both radial
and meshed distribution networks; hence, they were employed
as a corrector in CDFLOW. The current injection method pro-
posed in [22] is another powerful one, making it useful as a
corrector. This method has been applied in OpenDSS [23] and
GridLAB-D [24] as a power flow solver.
GridLAB-D uses the FBS method for solving radial networks
and uses the current injection method for solving meshed net-
works while OpenDSS uses the current injection method and
the Newton method. However, both GridLAB-D and OpenDSS
do not implement the continuation power flow.
To improve its speed and convergence, the Newton method is Fig. 1. Elements of continuation method in CDFLOW.
modified in CDFLOW by introducing a weighting factor as

The exact saddle-node bifurcation point, i.e., the nose point,

(22) can be computed by solving the following set of char-
acteristic equations:
where is chosen to ensure a monotonic decrease and
D. Step Size Control
The distance between and is called the where and are the right and left eigenvectors, respectively.
step size. One key element affecting the computational effi- The first vector equation of (24) specifies that the solution
ciency associated with a continuation method is the step-length be on the steady-state solution branch, the second vector equa-
control. It is safe to choose a constant, small step size in any con- tion specifies that a real-valued eigenvector exists that corre-
tinuation method. However, this constant step size may often sponds to a zero eigenvalue, and the last scalar equation makes
lead to inefficient computation, such as too many steps through the length of the null vector at length 1.0. A Newton method is
the “flat” part of the solution curve. Similarly, an inadequately applied to solve these equations.
large step size can cause the predicted point to lie far away from
the (true) solution point, and, as a result, the corrector needs V. SOLUTION METHOD
more iterations to converge. In the extreme case, the corrector CDFLOW uses a predictor-corrector continuation method to
may diverge. trace solution curves (see Fig. 1). A step-by-step exposition of
CDFLOW uses the arc length in the state space as the pa- the solution algorithm used in CDFLOW is summarized in the
rameterization scheme, which allows the predictor to take large following.
steps on the “flat” part of the solution curve and small steps on Step 1: Input Data: Input distribution system data: including
the “curly” part. In addition, the arc length is adjusted ac- network data, forecasted load data and predicted generation
cording to the number of iterations taken at each continuation data.
step. By setting a desired target number of iterations , Step 2: Initialization:
the method compares the actual number of iterations 1) Run a power flow study to make the initial point lie on the
with the target. If the actual number is smaller, then the next solution curve.
step size is set to be larger than the previous one. On the flip 2) Build up the current load demand pattern, and active power
side, if the actual number is greater, then the next step size is generation pattern (excluding the slack bus).
set to be smaller than the previous one. There are four input Step 3: Build the Power Injection Variation Vector: Input the
parameters for step-size control in CDFLOW: is the initial buses at which loads and/or power generations are to be varied,
step size for the first step; and are the smallest and and also input the quantity of variations.
largest step sizes, respectively; coefficient is an accelerating 1) Build up the future load demand pattern , and
parameter which can be set to 0 for constant step size. If the th active power generation pattern
solution converges, the step size will be enlarged, oth- 2) Parameterize the load demand pattern ,
erwise, will be shrunk and a back stepping needed until and active power generation pattern so that
the th solution converges. The step size is computed as

(23) Then, form the vector sum of the bus injection power pattern.

Step 4: Linear Predictor (Phase-One): If two solution points

are obtained, go to step 5, otherwise perform the following.
1) Calculate the tangent direction.
2) Determine an appropriate step-length.
3) Obtain the predicted point.
Step 5: Linear Predictor (Phase-Two): After at least two so-
lution points have been obtained, the predictor can be switched
to the secant method and go to Step 7, otherwise, go to the next
Step 6: Nonlinear Predictor (Phase-Three): After at least
Fig. 2. Three-phase voltage magnitudes at Bus1216 as loading increases; phase
three points, obtain the predicted point using a nonlinear c is the weakest phase and its voltage continues to drop after going through the
predictor, which requires the information of at least three saddle node bifurcation point.
contiguous solutions.
1) Choose an appropriate step size.
2) Obtain the predicted point using a nonlinear predictor
method, say, using a second-order nonlinear predictor.
Step 7: Corrector: Solve the set of augmented power flow
(16) and (17) using the modified Newton method or Implicit
Z-bus Gauss method starting from the approximation point ob-
tained in the Predictors. Check the direction of at current
step, if , go to Step 11, otherwise, go to Step 8.
Step 8: Check Q-Limit: Calculate the reactive power of
generation. Check whether reactive power generation reaches
its limit or not. If a Q-limit is encountered, change the corre- Fig. 3. Dominant eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix at various loading condi-
sponding bus type from PV to PQ, and reformulate the power tions. The eigenvalue curve moves close to zero and turns to be positive after
flow equation and go to Step 7. going through the saddle node bifurcation point.
Step 9: Stop Criterion: If further tracing of solution curve is
of no interest, stop here. Otherwise, go to step 10.
Step 10: Adaptive Step Size Control: Update step size by (23)
and go to the predictor step to calculate the next point.
Step 11: Compute the Bifurcation Point (Optional): Solve the
set of ( ) characteristic equation (24) for the saddle-node
bifurcation point using the corrected point as the
initial conditions, and go to Step 9.


The evaluation of CDFLOW has been performed on several
Fig. 4. Sequence voltage magnitudes at Bus1216 as loading increases; the
test systems ranging from IEEE 14-bus to IEEE 8500-node test upper portion of zero- and negative-sequence voltages are unstable while the
system [25], [26]. Due to space limitation, two numerical simu- lower portions are stable.
lations, a practical 1103-node system and IEEE 8500-node test
system, are presented.
the upper portion of phase a and b are unstable, and lower
A. Practical 394-Bus System portion are stable. This phenomenon is very different from
This practical 394-bus, 1103-node system is an unbalanced the transmission system in which the upper portion of P-V
distribution network [27]. The substation bus delivers power curves is stable while the lower portion of P-V curves is
to the full feeder and there is no DG in this network. In this unstable.
test case, CDFLOW is applied to trace the quasi-steady-states 2) It is interesting to note that, as we transform the bus voltage
(i.e., each node voltage phasor behavior) due to uniform load from the abc coordinate to symmetrical components, the
increases with the required power delivered from the substation, upper half portion of the positive sequence is stable while
and the following aspects are studied. the lower half portions of zero and negative sequences of
1) The properties of three-phase P-V curves (phase voltage as voltage are stable (see Fig. 4).
well as sequence voltage) at each bus. 3) The exact bifurcation value is 1.8208, and the corre-
2) The trajectory of dominant eigenvalue along P-V curves sponding dominant eigenvalue is zero at the bifurcation
(see Figs. 2 and 3). point (see Fig. 3). Physically speaking, this value asserts
3) The automatic disconnection of loads due to voltage sags. that current network topology and control devices can
We make the following observations. potentially support additional 182.08% load/generation
1) The patterns of the P-V curves are similar in shape with increases. Considering operational and engineering con-
those of transmission networks but are different among straints, such as voltage limits and thermal limits, the
phases. As shown in Fig. 2, the upper portion of P-V curve allowable load increase is 15.09% at which the first viola-
in phase c is stable, and the lower portion is unstable, while tion of the voltage limit occurs.

Fig. 5. Comparison of 3-phase voltage magnitude of Bus1216 without and with Fig. 6. Three-phase voltage magnitudes at Bus M1027055 as loading increase;
under-voltage load disconnection. As expected, the voltage magnitudes experi- phase a is the weakest phase, and its voltage drops fast.
ence several sudden changes during curve tracing, each corresponding to one or
more load disconnections.


Fig. 7. Phase a voltage magnitudes of multiple nodes as the penetration of DG


On a laptop with Windows 7 32-bit, Intel Core 2.4-GHz i5

CPU, CDFLOW loads the network model of IEEE 8500-node
test feeder from data files in 0.198 s and requires four iterations,
Loads equipped with a load-shedding mechanism will auto- 0.215 s to solve the initial power flow at a given regulator tap
matically disconnect owing to voltage sags. CDFLOW simu- position (the tolerance is ). The regulator taps are changed
lates the disconnection of a load if its voltage drops to a spec- at most eight times during the initial solution, yielding a total of
ified threshold and reflects the impact of load shedding via the 18 iterations, this takes 0.565 s. When , and
corresponding power flow solution. Suppose loads at Bus1201 are set to be 0.001, 0.05, and 5 respectively, it takes about 7.158
and Bus1227 are sheddable and the threshold voltage is set to s to trace the P-V curves through 41 continuation steps and com-
be 0.8 p.u. The impact of these loads was shown in Fig. 5; it pute the exact saddle-node bifurcation point for this test feeder.
can be seen that the shape of the P-V curve alters and the cor- If DG is modeled as PV node and its reactive power limits are
responding load margin (i.e., load and/or renewable generation) considered, the resulting P-V curve may change dramatically
is increased. In addition, the corresponding weakest bus is then and the corresponding maximum loading point can be signifi-
changed from Bus1217 to Bus1102. cantly reduced. Since distribution network can be unbalanced,
the weak location is phase wised, the weak phase and weak node
B. 8500 Node Test System can be identified during the P-V curve tracing, thus, CDFLOW
can help operators determine accurate maximum power from
In this test case, six DGs of different capacities are connected DGs that can be delivered by the study network structure to load
to the 8500-node distribution system (see Table I). This study centers.
investigates their impacts on static stability limit. The initial out-
puts of DGs were at 60% of their capacities, and from which the
network is stressed because load variation and DGs’ real gener-
ation are uniformly increased. Distribution networks need to integrate a wide variety of
The specified positive sequence voltages at these PV nodes distributed energy resources, especially renewable energy
of three DGs are 1.0 p.u.; the following aspects are studied: resources. In this paper, a comprehensive tool, termed CD-
1) the effect of DG penetration on static stability limit; FLOW for tracing steady-state behavior of general unbalanced
2) the effect of DG penetration on system voltages. distribution systems due to load and/or renewable variations is
As shown in Fig. 6, this P-V curve asserts that the distribute described and evaluated. A detailed description of CDFLOW
network can deliver all of the DG’s maximum outputs to serve and its numerical implementation regarding the predictor, cor-
the load while the delivery margin is, for this operating point, rector, adaptive step-size control and parameterization schemes
about 8162.906 kW. The multiple P-V curves of phase a of six are presented.
selected buses are shown in Fig. 7. It can be observed that the In this paper, CDFLOW has been illustrated to: 1) simulate
magnitude of the weak phase of a weak bus drops rapidly as the static behaviors of distribution networks due to load and/or re-
loading condition and the penetration increases. newable variations with/without control devices; 2) to study

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three-phase power system,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 20, no. 3,
pp. 1320–1329, Aug. 2005. Hsiao-Dong Chiang (M’87–SM’91–F’97) received
[13] M. Abdel-Akher, “Voltage stability analysis of unbalanced distribu- the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering and
tion systems using backward/forward sweep load-flow analysis method computer science from the University of California,
with secant predictor,” IET Gen., Transm. Distrib., vol. 7, no. 3, pp. Berkeley, CA, USA, in 1986.
309–317, 2012. He has been a Professor of electrical and computer
[14] A. Dukpa, B. Venkatesh, and M. EI-Hawary, “Application of continu- engineering with Cornell University, Ithaca, NY,
ation power flow method in radial distribution systems,” Electr. Power USA, since 1998. He holds 14 U.S. patents and sev-
Syst. Res.ems , vol. 79, pp. 1503–1510, 2009. eral consultant positions. He and his research team
[15] W. H. Kersting, Distribution System Modeling and Analysis. Boca have published more than 350 papers in refereed
Raton, FL, USA: CRC, 2000. journals and conference proceedings. He is author of
[16] R. Zimmerman, “Comprehensive distribution power flow: modeling, the book Direct Methods for Power System Stability
formulation, solution algorithms and analysis,” Ph.D. dissertation, Analysis: Theoretical Foundation, BCU Methodology and Applications (Wiley,
School of Electr. Comput. Eng., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY, USA, 2010). His current research interests include nonlinear system theory, and their
1995. practical applications to electric circuits, systems, signals, and images.

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