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Dark Magni

Q1. What is your history in eve? Where have you lived?


I purchased Dark Magni from the character bazaar and joined Shadow Cartel to play with an old
friend from university who ran that alliance. We was based in Goinard Sinq Laison (lowsec), and I
participated in all organised alliance fleets, and during down time I spent my time solo pvping using


I had started focusing on solo pvp using frigates having lost interest in Shadow Cartel fleet doctrines.
I joined Tuskers where I remained for about a year and a half. We was located in Hevrice Verge
Vendor (lowsec). I was eventually promoted to Director (or Drift leader as they refer to it). My
promotion was based on my willingness to coordinate fleets within Tuskers to fight Stay Frosty (Rixx
Javix’s corporation) and we successfully drove them out of our home system and made them settle
on the other side of the universe.

2014 - 2017

I left Tuskers as I was the only Australian member (also known as the night shift) and I lost interest in
flying almost exclusively solo. I joined a faction war corporation called Church of Awesome, which
was made up of exclusively Australian players. This was the best corporation I have ever been in and
we had much fun. I lived in Okkamon Black Rise (lowsec) and typically flew ‘ruthless’ fleets involving
as much ‘cancer’ as possible. I flew almost exclusively the fleets interceptor / scout role due to my
experience in the game. Eventually we formed an alliance called Okkamon Pirates, but this later
disbanded due to player inactivity.


Once Okkamon Pirates disbanded due to inactivity, I joined Se7enSins. Unfortunately Se7enSins
activity is not at all in my timezone, and so I have chosen to leave.

Q2. How did you come to find out and apply to us?

Sheltark has said some very good things about Zebra in our conversations and it has gotten me
interested to try a trial.

Q3. Have all your characters always belonged to you? If not please state where and when you took
control of them (if any characters are bought include links to the eve-o sale page).

I bought Dark Magni in 2012. I think the below link shows the sell thread I used to purchase him.
Q4. You fitted a ship and a corp member thinks you should fit it differently. what is your reaction?

I would try to start a conversation with the person so that we can mutually understand each others
rationale, and I would listen very carefully and take on board what I can.

Q5. How many PvP characters do you own? What are the names and SP totals of said characters?
How many of those characters are capital ship capable, and how many of those characters have a
capital ship?

I own 3 PVP characters, see below.

Dark Magni 113,170,267 SP No capital ability

Lucius VanCleef 7,374,947 SP No capital ability
Zen Di 21,685,171 SP No capital ability

Q6. Why do you want to join Zebra corp, and why should we let you into Zebra Corp?

I would like to take part in fleets and become – hopefully – a valued member of the team. You
should let me in because I will put a lot of focus into being useful for the team. I cannot fly capitals
so my contribution would be limited to subcap for the time being (until I get a capital in the future).

Q7. Have you been in contact with any other Imperium corporation recently?

That is a negative.

Q8. Do you have friends that can act as references in our corp or a close ally?

Only Sheltark in this regard so far as I know. I have been in a Zebra fleet once and I must say I was
very impressed with how professional it was.

Q9. How do you support ( or plan to ) yourself in 0.0, and what is your current ISK situation, please
give as much detail as possible.

I mainly earn isk from Trading and skillpoint extraction.

Q10. How do you feel about smack talking in local and on EVE-O Forums?

While a bit of well natured smack talk is entertaining to all, if it is taken too far then it can upset
people in real life. This is a very bad thing, especially considering there are some younger kids
playing too.

Q11. Why do you PVP?

Well this is a very broad question, so I think I will give a very general answer.

I believe it is satisfying some primitive inclination that all men share, to hunt something down and
kill it using intellect and applied force. It’s fun because we evolved to find it fun.
Q12. A neutral is jumping in a system where you are ratting what do you do?

I like to be prepared, so I would have an alt watching the gate in all likelihood and I would use it to
watch where he warps to in system. I would use my alt to view his ship if possible to see what guns
he has fit. I would then killboard check him to see if I can find the fit he is likely using.

Depending on where he warps and how he is fit, I would then inform coms about him, and post in
intel chat where he is going and link his likely fit.

If he attacks me, I would either stay to kill him if I think I can, or I would warp out if I figure I cannot.
If need be I would use one of my combat alts to help me kill him if I cannot do it completely alone
with Dark Magni.

I would not rat unless I had an ability to defend myself.

Q13. What country and time zone are you in?

Australia AEST

Q14. How old are you in real life?


Q15. How often can you play? Please include averages for days per week, hours per weekday and
hours per weekend.

5 days per week, for a couple of hours some days, and for half an hour other days. Sometimes longer
or shorter, it depends.

Q16. Do you have a working mic/headset?

Yes I have a USB headset and microphone.

Q17. Killboard links to stats pages of all chars you own preferable from

Q18. Is there anything left uncovered by the previous questions that you feel may aid the success
of your application?

I am currently at rank number 3 for flying the Chremoas:

Screenshot links(Open your wallet page and switch to "Player Donation" and take screenshots)
Dark Magni’s Wallet:

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