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Grade 10 Long Range Plans


In meeting the outcomes presented in this program of studies, students must
satisfy the minimum requirements for text study indicated in the chart below.
Many of the text types that are listed may be presented through various Degree of Emphasis
media. For example, a feature film could be viewed in a theatre or via
videocassette, television or the Internet. The table to the right indicates the A Variety Required
relative emphases intended by the wording used in the chart below to specify
requirements. For example, “A Variety Required” indicates that students
should study a variety of forms and styles within the specified text form. Required
Using these minimum requirements as a guide, jurisdictions and schools are
free to specify additional requirements for text study as best fits the needs,
interests and aspirations of their students and the expectations of their local Encouraged
communities. For example, teachers may wish to specify numbers of texts to
be studied in each course, as time permits.

In meeting the outcomes presented in this program of studies, students must
satisfy the minimum requirements for text creation indicated in the charts
below. Degree of Emphasis

The table to the right indicates the relative emphases intended by the wording Emphasis Required
used in the charts below. For example, “Emphasis Required” indicates
response and form categories that should be emphasized in a course. Students
should create a variety of text types or styles within the categories that are Required

Using these minimum requirements as a guide, jurisdictions and schools are Encouraged
free to specify additional requirements for text creation as best fits the needs,
interests and aspirations of their students and the expectations of their local
communities. For example, teachers may wish to specify numbers of texts to
be created in each course, as time permits.

Major Texts

Type of Text Name of Text

Novel Life of PI
Romeo and Juliet
Extended Texts Feature Film The Princess Bride
Shakespearean Play Romeo and Juliet

Poetry Variety of Poetry

(including song)

The Veldt – Ray Bradbury

A Pair of Silk Stalking’s – Kate
Gift of the Magi – O. Henry
Short Story Walk Well My Brother – Farley
Borders – Thomas King
Greek Myths
Shorter Texts

Visual and Multimedia Text* Shakespeare in the classroom – film

(short films, video clips, and photographs)

Essay Various texts

Program Outline
**Throughout the course we will be covering all over the outcomes within the
Program of Study for Grade 10. This is just the list of General Outcomes.

General Outcome 1
Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas,
feelings and experiences.
1.1 Discover possibilities
1.1.1 Form tentative understandings, interpretations and positions
1.1.2 Experiment with language, image and structure
1.2 Extend awareness
1.2.1 Consider new perspectives
1.2.2 Express preferences, and expand interests
1.2.3 Set personal goals for language growth
General Outcome 2
Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend literature and
other texts in oral, print, visual and multimedia forms, and respond personally, critically
and creatively.
2.1 Construct meaning from text and context
2.1.1 Discern and analyze context
2.1.2 Understand and interpret content
2.1.3 Engage prior knowledge
2.1.4 Use reference strategies and reference technologies
2.2 Understand and appreciate textual forms, elements and techniques
2.2.1 Relate form, structure and medium to purpose, audience and content
2.2.2 Relate elements, devices and techniques to created effects
2.3 Respond to a variety of print and nonprint texts
2.3.1 Connect self, text, culture and milieu
2.3.2 Evaluate the verisimilitude, appropriateness and significance of print and nonprint
2.3.3 Appreciate the effectiveness and artistry of print and nonprint texts

General Outcome 3
Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and
3.1 Determine inquiry or research requirements
3.1.1 Focus on purpose and presentation form
3.1.2 Plan inquiry or research, and identify information needs and sources
3.2 Follow a plan of inquiry
3.2.1 Select, record and organize information
3.2.2 Evaluate sources, and assess information
3.2.3 Form generalizations and conclusions
3.2.4 Review inquiry or research process and findings

General Outcome 4
Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to create oral, print, visual and
multimedia texts, and enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.
4.1 Develop and present a variety of print and nonprint texts
4.1.1 Assess text creation context
4.1.2 Consider and address form, structure and medium
4.1.3 Develop content
4.1.4 Use production, publication and presentation strategies and technologies consistent
with context
4.2 Improve thoughtfulness, effectiveness and correctness of communication
4.2.1 Enhance thought and understanding and support and detail
4.2.2 Enhance organization
4.2.3 Consider and address matters of choice
4.2.4 Edit text for matters of correctness

General Outcome 5
Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to respect, support and
collaborate with others.
5.1 Respect others and strengthen community
5.1.1 Use language and image to show respect and consideration
5.1.2 Appreciate diversity of expression, opinion and perspective
5.1.3 Recognize accomplishments and events
5.2 Work within a group
5.2.1 Cooperate with others, and contribute to group processes
5.2.2 Understand and evaluate group processes

Throughout the course I will use a variety of strategies to meet the required learning outcomes.
Below is a list of strategies to will help achieve the desire learning outcomes. They include, but
are not limited to:
Ø Literature Circles
Ø Discussions & Reflections (written/verbal/etc.)
o Think/Pair/Share
o Jigsaw activities
Ø Student Presentations (group/individual)
Ø Various Assignments/Tests/Quizzes
Ø Use of technology (iPad, Smart Boards, Kahoot, audio, etc.)
Ø Graphic organizers
Ø Short videos, clips, audio recordings.

Potential Instruction Accommodations
Written Expression
Reading Difficulties Attention Difficulties Memory Difficulties
Ø Use less Ø Reduce volume of work Ø Provide alternative Ø Provide written
difficult/alternative Ø Break long-term seating outline
reading material. assignments into (near teacher, facing Ø Provide written
(R&J – Graphic Novel, No manageable tasks teacher, at front of directions
Fear Shakespeare) Ø Extend time for class, between well- Ø Provide specific
Ø Reduce amount of completing assignments focused students, directions/process
required independent Ø Offer alternative away from for turning in
reading assignments distractions) assignments
Ø Allow alternative Ø Allow student to work Ø Provide additional Ø Provide
methods of data on homework while at or personal work checklists
collection (audio school space Ø Read and discuss
recorders, dictation, Ø Allow alternative Ø Permit movement standard
interviews, fact sheets, methods of data during class directions several
etc.) collection activities times at start of
Ø Set time limits for Ø Permit use of scribe or Ø Provide directions test or
specific task completion audio recorder for in written form assignment
Ø Enlarge text of answers (student should (on board, Ø Provide written
worksheets and reading include specific worksheets, and verbal cues
materials instructions about written down) Ø Allow student to
Ø Extend time to complete punctuation and Ø Set time limits for use reference
tests and assignments paragraphing) a specific task aids.
Ø Read tests/assignments Ø Waive spelling, Ø Allow students to
aloud to students punctuation and take breaks during
Ø Read standard directions paragraphing set tasks
several times at the start requirements. Ø Use multiple
of the exam Ø Accept keyword sessions for longer
Ø Use assistive technology responses instead of tests
where needed. complete sentences Ø Provide written
Ø Use assistive technology and verbal cues
Ø Provide a quiet,
area for
assignments and
Ø Provide checklists

Long-Range Plans: Grade 10

Subject: Year: September – December 2018

Long Range
Plan Teacher: Karley Regehr

Materials &
Topic Dates Major Objectives Evaluation Plan
How do our Sept-Oct GLO 1 à 1.1.1.a, 1.1.2.a Romeo and Juliet Act Questions
choices affect GLO 2 à 2.1.1.a, b, c, d; 2.1.2.a, b, c, d, e, f; 2.2.1.b,; 2.2.2.a, b, c, d, e; Essay/Creative
our identity? 2.3.1.a, b, c; 2.3.2.b, c, d, f Project
GLO 5 à working in groups. Quizzes/Test
Text Bracket Filler Only if needed à will plan out further if a filler unit is needed. Various Poetry/Short Poetry bracket
Unit stories Questions
Thematic on Morality/other – poems and various texts about morality. Quizzes
Place each text in the bracket, vote on favourite and which best
exemplifies the theme.

GLO 4 Life of Pi Lit. Circles

Life of Pi Oct-Nov GLO 5 Quizzes/Tests
GLO 3 Journal/responses

Learning outcomes fulfilled will be more specific within unit plans.

Hero’s GLO 1 Movie Study/Short Viewing Guides,

Journey December GLO 2 Story/Poetry Essay on the
GLO 3 Hero’s Journey
GLO 4 The Princess Bride, Quizzes
Count of Monte
Learning outcomes fulfilled will be more specific within unit plans. Cristo, Greek Myths
* There are various outcomes that will be covered on a broad scale throughout all units.

Evaluation Plan
Evaluation Plan September – October October – November November - December

For and As Learning

o Observations o Observations o Observations
o Discussions o Discussions o Discussions
o Participation o Participation o Participation
o KWL/Jigsaw o KWL/Jigsaw o KWL/Jigsaw
o Writing/Journal entries o Writing/Journal entries o Writing/Journal entries
o Reading comprehension o Reading comprehension o Reading comprehension
o Exit Slips o Exit Slips o Exit Slips
o Presentations o Presentations o Presentations

Post-Test/Evaluation o Quizzes o Quizzes o Quizzes

o Assignments/Presentations o Assignments/Presentations o Assignments/Presentations
o Tests o Tests o Tests
Of Learning

Pre-test or Initial Assessment: How are you going to know what the students need to learn?
Post-test or Evaluation: How are you going to know that the students have learned?
Examples of Assessment/Evaluation: tests (district, criterion-referenced or teacher-made), anecdotal comments, one-to-one observation, checklists, rubrics for
student assignments, portfolio, performance assessment, student self-assessment, information reading inventories, diagnostic tests, demonstrations of learning, etc


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