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Observation Sheet – Questioning

(Please complete this form for both primary and secondary professional experiences and place in
your ePortfolio)

Graduate Standards - AITSL

Professional Knowledge: 1. Know students and how they learn
Professional Practice: 2. Plan and implement effective teaching and learning

Question Type

I believe I used appropriate questions that were clearly structured

Do you feel your questions and readily understood by the students. There was not one
were clearly structured and questioned that I proposed that wasn’t answered by one of the
readily understood by the students, if not many.

I believe I used a wide variety of questions involving where, when,

Did you use a variety of what, who and why. I used a variety of closed questions and leading
question types? questions.

I believe there was a balance between question types as I asked

What balances was there closed, leading and rhetorical questions that achieved all different
between the various types of responses.
questions types?
At the beginning of both my lessons I asked closed questions to get
Consider both why and the lesson started. For example in my small group lesson, the first
when you made use of the question I asked was “What do you think this book is about?” And
different question types? the children all answered with ‘Incredible Bugs ‘. In my whole class
lesson I asked “What is an advertisement” And the students
responded with ‘A add that sells products’. I believe by starting with
a closed question it gets the ball rolling and gives the students a clear
idea as to what the lesson is about. Throughout both lessons I began
to ask more leading questions as the children became more confident
in the topic. This allowed them to to dig deeper into the topic and to
explore some of their own ideas and thoughts. At the end of both
lessons I asked another closed questions, for example in the small
group lesson I asked “What was your favourite bug?” And each
child replied with their individual favourite. In the whole class
lesson I also finished with “What is your favourite advertisement on
TV?” The children replied with their individual favourite add. I
believe this is a good way to finish the lesson as it draws the lesson to
an end. By finishing with a closed question it concludes the lesson
and doesn't leave students leading into other questions about the
Distributing and Directing Questions

I believe children responded better to leading questions over closed

Did you recognise any questions. With leading questions it give children the opportunity to
pattern in the distribution of justify their opinion. I found with closed/ convergent questions
your questions amongst the children hesitated more to answer them because they were scared
students? Consider reasons they were going to say the wrong answer. Where as with the
for this pattern? divergent questions everyone wanted to answer them as allow
students to explore different directions and create a variety of many
different answers or scenarios.

In both lessons I prosed the questions to everyone initially. The

How have you directed children would put their hands up and I’d then choose someone to
questions to the group? answer. Once I got their response I would usually directly propose
another question to that student such as ‘why do you think that’. If I
saw a student losing interest or not really paying attention I would
usually direct a question to them, this draws the student back into
the lesson and regains their focus.

If a student was struggling to answer the question I would give

Have you used “wait” time? them about 3 to 5 seconds wait time. This allowed them to respond.
After a reasonable amount of wait time I would usually say ‘I’ll
come back to you’, if they hadn't yet answered the question and then
move on to another student with their hand up.

If I were direction a question to the whole group Id scan over the

Did you make eye contact group with my eyes but not make eye contact with someone
with the group as you particular so it didn’t make the group feel as if I only want them to
directed your questions? answer it. Where as if I were directing a question to a particular
student I would make eye contact with them to show them I have
their full attention and to indicate to them and the rest of the group
that at that time I want an answer from them and them only.

Reactions to Student’s Responses

If a child gave a really in depth answer that indicated they had really
How do you deal with correct been paying attention to the content of the lesson then I would
responses? Do you qualify praise them. I found this triggered the other children to focus and
any praise given? participate more as they too wanted praise.
If a child gave me an incorrect answer I gave them the opportunity
How do you deal with to answer the question again, even if it meant I had to hint what that
incorrect responses? How answer is. Getting an answer Wong in front of a class can be
do you deal with students embarrassing so I don't ever believe in shaming someone for getting
who stumble and grope for it wrong. If children are stumbling and groping for an answer then I
an answer? would usually either flick back to the information they are looking
for if I have the time and allow them to create answer from that
information. If I found I didn’t have enough time to do so Id say ‘I’ll
come back to you later’, and then pick another student to answer.

Students responses will indicate how much of the lesson they are
What use do you make of really taking in. If a student responds withe the correct answer I
the student’s responses to would ask the why they thought that which allowed the student to
develop the teaching point? tie their answer in with the text/picture/video they got it from. This
Have you redirected any helps develop the teaching point as it indicates that the responses to
questions in order to add to the questions asked can be found in the lesson. Yes I have redirected
an initial response? a question in order to ass to an initial response. For example in my
small group lesson where I was teaching the student about the book
‘Incredible Insects’ I asked one of the students where the glossary is
and what the glossary is for. Later on in the book a student came
across a word in bold that they didn't understand. I then referred to
one the other students response which was where in the book you
can locate the glossary and we then as a group flicked to the back of
the book and located the difficult word in the glossary. I believe this
helps tie the question and responses together.

I was the main evaluator of the students answers but the whole
Are you the only evaluator of classroom as also evaluators. If a student believe their opinion is
the student’s answers? more correct then that too mens they are evaluating the students
answers that they hear around them.

Overall Comments

Over all I believe I used a wide variety of appropriate questions that helped develop
the teaching point and were readily understood by the students. I received well
structured responses from the students that indicated they were taking in the
information from my lessons and that they were interested in the content. If a
students responses got off topic I made sure to redirect them in the right direction. I
believe praising children for the correct answers worked in my favour as it made the
other children focus more as they too wanted to be able to answer the questions
correctly and get praised for it. I believe I used convergent and divergent questions
when necessary which made my lessons flow well. 

Observation Sheet – Management
(Please complete this form for both primary and secondary professional experiences and place in
your e portfolio)

Graduate Standards – AITSL

Professional Practice:
1. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
2. Planning for Effective Management

• I believe my lesson plan was effective for managing the class as I

Was your lesson plan always knew what I had to say next which meant it didn’t give the
effective for managing the class the opportunity to muck around whilst I was thinking bout
class? what to say.
• The students respond to both my lessons really well, and also also
e.g. How did the students eagerly participated in my planned activities. I had so many
react to your lesson overall students put their hands up to answer my questions which showed
and to your planned they not only took in the content but they were also excited and
activities? fascinated by the content taught. The activities I had planned
catered for diversity which meant everyone in the class could
Did anything unexpected participate.
happen? • The lesson went as I had planned and nothing unexpected
occurred except I didn’t realise how well the children would
Did you provide a variety of respond to my lesson and how many students wanted to answer
activities? my questions.
• I provided a variety of activities, for example in my whole class
Were you satisfied with your lesson we watched a youtube clip, had a class discussion and filled
timing, particularly for the in a Y chart work sheet. The small group lesson also involved a
end of the lesson? variety of activities such as reading and a class discussion.
• Both my lessons finished right on time, therefore I was extremely
Did you feel you were able satisfied with my timing, particularly for the end of the lesson.
to change things if needed? Each part of my lessons ran on schedule which not only allowed
me to finish on time, but also allowed the students to spend a
reasonable amount of time on each particular activity.
• I feel like I had the flexibility to change things if needed, but both
my lessons ran exactly how I had planned them on my lesson plan,
so I don’t believe I really had to change much as my lessons ran
• I was aware of the classes disciplinary policy which was a
Were you aware of discipline chart and my mentor gave me the right to use it if
classroom procedures and needed during my lessons. I did my whole class lesson in front of a
school disciplinary policy? unfamiliar class as I had to teach my lesson to a to the year 2 class
How much did you know next door. I didn’t know much about those students which I
about your students? thought I would have difficulties with but they ended up being a
really well behaved and motivated group of students. I believe it
How did your mentor worked in my favour. Because they didn’t really know me it meant
teacher maintain a safe they were more disciplined as they were unsure how I’d react to
learning environment? bad behaviour. In my small group lesson I got to do it with a group
of students from my given class which made it really intimate as I
What strategies did your knew all their names and personalities. I feel like I got to know the
observe your mentor children in my class really well and I became aware of those who
teacher using to maintain had learning disabilities and behavioural problems. I also became
this? aware of the stronger students in the class which allowed me to
challenge them when appropriate.
• My mentor teacher made sure I was aware of the disciplinary
policy and gave me the right to use it. She too watched over both
my lessons and made sure all the children were on their best
behaviour and being safe. She also ran through what is expected of
the children during a lesson so I knew when children had to be
• If a student was mucking around during class my mentor teacher
would more their name down a step on the discipline chart. If a
child is participating and ready for a lesson on time then my
mentor teacher would praise them by moving them up a spot on
the chart. I found this method was really effective and it made the
children not only notice when they're ding something wrong but
also notice when they’re doing something right, so they know what
is expected of them all the time. If a child was being really
disruptive my mentor teacher would would make them sit in the
central room for 5 minutes, which was connected to all the year
two classes. This gave the child a chance to calm down and reflect
on their bad behaviour.
Maintaining a Positive Attitude in the Classroom

I believe I was enthusiastic not just in my lessons but the whole time
How did you demonstrate to I was in class. I was constantly assisting and encouraging those who
the students that you valued need help, and really enjoyed working one on one with those who
them, and enjoyed learning? have learning disabilities or students at risk. I created relationships
with the students really quickly which helped me gain their respect.
e.g. Tone of voice, facial I kept the relationships on professional terms and didn’t try to
expression, sense of become their friends. I believe I used a excited and enthusiastic tone
humour, introduction to of voice which captured their attention when needed. If a student
students and topic. was upset I responded in empathy and encouraged them to give
what they were doing another go. I believe I used my sense of
humour to my advantage which made lessons fun and funny, and
engaged my students attention. When introducing a topic to the
class I would try to be really dramatic and enthusiastic which made
the class believe that I was passionate about what I was about to
teach which captured their attention.

I believe my tone of voice and enthusiasm were my main aspects

Which aspects of your that maintained the class’ attention. My lessons involved a variety of
teaching style do you feel activities which meant the class weren't getting bored as they were
helped you maintain class constantly doing something different. I always started my lessons
attention? with a group discussion which got the kids sharing ideas and
motivated about the topic. I chose topics that they had briefly been
e.g. Variety of activities, learning about which meant they already had an interest in them.
class or group discussion, My lessons allowed the students enough time to complete each
pace of lesson, interest at activity which helped mountain the class’ attention.
class level.
The class knew exactly what was expected of them, for example
Did the students know what before the lesson began I explained that they had to raise their hand
was expected of them? if they had an answer for me, or a question. This helped maintain
class management and kept the learning environment quiet. I feel
like I ran through the topic and activities really clearly which meant
my class knew exactly what was expected of them.

The ‘Y’ chart activity was really useful when redirecting attention
Were you able to redirect seeking students. There were particular students that kept trying
energies of attention seeking answer all my questions and occasionally calling out. I was able to
students? Did the students redirect them by telling them to write down as much as they could
have enough on their ‘Y’ chart and i’ll check it at the end and see how much they
to do? wrote. The students had more than enough to do throughout the
lesson which kept them busy and focused.
Dealing with Minor Misbehaviour

I made sure I walked around the classroom to check if everybody

Were you aware of what was was on task.I found when I stood at the front of the class the people
happening in all parts of the at the back got quite lost and lost concentration. So by walking
classroom? Did you know around the class I was able to make sure everyone was on track. I
what each student was also made sure everyone was facing the white board when playing
doing? the youtube clip or when I was reading the story, so that I knew all
concentration was on me and that no one will missing out on what
I'm showing/telling them.

When students were behaving poorly I made sure I corrected what

Did you take any action they were doing. For example a boy with a mental disability kept
when you observed poor calling out, so I warned him once that if he continued to call out ill
behaviour? Why? Why not? have to move his name down on the discipline chart. After I
threatened the punishment he then stopped calling out. In my small
group lesson when I was reading the story to the group, two of the
boys kept lying down on the floor instead of sitting up properly and
paying attention. I took action and told them to sit up straight please
in a firm voice and both boys did so. My class wasn’t poorly
behaved so I never really had to take extreme action.

When the class didn't stop talking after I had told them to be quiet
Did you use non-verbal and listen, I paused and folded my arms and made eye contact with
cues? e.g. Contact, pause, the particular students who were still talking. I picked this gesture
gesture, movement toward up from my mentor teacher as the students know that have to cross
student/s concerned. their arms and be quiet when she does it, so I knew they would be
silent if I did this. Instantly all the student sat up straight with their
arms folded and faced me.
Overall Comments
I believe I responded well to minor misbehaviour incidents and gave students a fair consequence. I
think I took action when necessary and me mentor teacher never had to stand in and help me. I
believe by being aware of what everyone was doing in the classroom, it allowed me to complete my
lesson with out having to tell people off for being off track. By adjusting those who weren't paying
attention it meant everyone could be focused on learning the content. Overall I had very well behaved
class and I didn’t have to deal with anything too bad which meant my lessons weren’t interrupted.
Schools as text – looking at the whole school

Describe the school in terms of its I found the demographics of the school really good. The
demographics, appearance and students were separated into different level reading
resources (be general here and do not groups and when breaking off into their groups everyone
name the school). in their groups were on a similar level which meant the
who needed to be extended could be and those who
need extra help could receive it. They had many
teachers aids to help out with those who were struggling
which I found really helpful. I liked how the school had a
central classroom that connected the 3 year 2 classes
together. It meant you could take small groups out there
such as the students at risk from each class and work
with them individually in a quiet and safe environment.
They had plenty of resources such as computers in the
central room that all year 2 classes shared and they also
had iPads that they could borrow from the library. They
also had access to the school library.
What were the roles and responsibilities Between the three year 2 classes they all had one main
of the teaching staff you observed? teacher. This teacher was in charge of the students for
most of the day. There were also numerous teacher
assistants that would help out in the classroom and in
the central room. My mentor teacher’s role was to teach
health to all three of the year 2 classes. One of the other
year 2 teachers roles was to teach science to all three
year 2 classes and the other year 2 teacher taught
HASS to all three classes. They would do this rotation
once a week. It was the teaching staffs duty to make
sure that everyone was keeping up with the work they
were teaching and to make sure those who need extra
help receive it and those who need to be challenged, do.
It was also their role to make sure everyone in the class
was behaving well and treated those around them with
What did you observe non-teaching The teacher assistance/aids would do a lot to support
staff doing to support teaching and teaching and earning in the school. For example they would
learning in the school? get the children at risk out into the central room and work
one on one with the students, on work slightly different to
the rest of the class. There was also a school psychologist
that would come in with a dog and make the children read
to it. The psychologist would make sure the children are
happy and not having any problems at school or at home.
The dog was also there to help calm them. There were also
many volunteers that would come into the classroom and
help out the students who were struggling or to just lend a
helping hand to the teacher.


You will have observed the There was a wide diverse nature in the class I taught. Some
diverse nature of your classes. children could read nearly everything you gave them, and some
How was this diversity children struggled with with reading simple words such as ‘at’ or
supported? ‘of’. This was where the reading group levels came into play.
The children were split into 4 different reading groups, the
strongest readers being in the top, the weakest in the bottom
one and those who were average in the middle two. This meant
each student could work with people of a similar ability and
have work suited to their knowledge. Those who had problems
with spelling which were mainly the ones in the lower reading
group, were usually sent to the central room along with those
struggling in the other year two classes, during spelling and
literacy lessons. The teachers aids would do a different lesson
with these particular students that is more suited to their ability.
It also meant instead of being in a big class there was only
about 8 of them which meant between the 3 teachers aids each
child got a lot more needed attention. I found this concept was
really effective and that all students benefitted from it, as it
meant the children who are average and above didn't have to
go at a slower pace and could be extended. The students who
also struggled with maths would go to the central room during
maths lessons to work one on one with the teachers aids.
Function of Schools

Did you observe the During the week I notice that some volunteers would come in and
connection of your schools help the students at risk. These local volunteers weren’t paid but
with the broader community? did it in their spare time. I thought it was really nice that the
How did this happen? children got to work with such a wide variety of people who all
have different strategies. I found this was more effective as not
all students learn the same, so instead of learning from one
teacher only, they had teachers aids, volunteers and also
occasionally swapped with the other year 2 teachers.

What do you think the function I believe that school is beyond teaching knowledge, they also
of school is? teach children how to socialise, how to interact and work with
other people and most importantly cultural norms and values. At
school you learn social skills that allows you to interact with
others. At school you learn what your expectations are and how
to avoid punishment. Another function of school is to generate
new values and assets. Leadership is another part of the function
of school. I believe its all very well to teach children consent, but
if they can’t take this content and engage with someone else
about it, then they will never succeed in the real world. Although
the content is an important part of schooling, there are necessary
life skills that are needed to be taught to make use of this
knowledge. School is also about developing relationships, not
just with peers but with teachers as well.

I used to think teachers had a pretty easy job, I thought all they
had to do was follow a curriculum and got to work good hours.
Reflection – think about your My perception on teachers soon changed after the first day of
experiences during the week prac. I never realised how much thinking and work was put into
and describe how your every single lesson. I thought teachers just had to read exactly
previous experiences have what is on the curriculum…I soon learnt they didn’t. Teachers
informed your view of teachers have to come up with nearly every lesson themselves, so their
and schools. Has anything days have to be planned to an absolute tee. I appreciate what my
changed? teachers did for me so much more now that I’ve seen the hard
work they've put into lessons, and also how difficult it is to control
a classroom all day. I also learnt that schools have to be
extremely organised. I discovered this at the school sports
carnival. You don’t realise how much work and organisation is
involved until you’re the one sending children off to all the correct
games races. Prac certainly changed my view on teachers and
schools, and made me appreciate how much hard work teachers
put into every class.

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