Anda di halaman 1dari 78


sceNE LAdeserrpLMe.
Thur.ileY and lightning. En.ier three Wit~ h e~

FIRST WITot When .sh.all w~ t~e mee t again

tn thunder. Ughtning,or in rain?

SEC WITCH. Wh!.n t he hurlybtul}'¥.done

Wh.e-n the battles lost ;~.nd won.

THrRD WITCH. Tbat will be e·re tl'le .oP.t of sun.

FlRST WITCH. Wbn't'. the place?

SEC. WTTCH. U_pon thi> heafh.

THIRD VIIT€R There tp.meelwit h /Jbcb!!t tu

f'lRST V/rfCH. I come, Graymo3.lkin.-

ALL. Paddocki-c-s.lls:-anon!

f-air is foul, and fuuJ i s fair.

J.i.oVUthrough the f og and filthy

S,CEHE lL Aca:mp ~te~TonlJ6•

.Alana~ -wit.l<bt. Enter DUNCAN, MA.LCOLt.1,"DONALBAm, L~"NbX, with A U~ndants, meen'tlga blredingSergeanL
DUN, What bloody ii tllat? H!! ca.n rtpon,

A~«terneth by h.i:s pUgh.t,ofthe r~lt'Oi t

The oewt>..ststite.

Jo\A.L. This is tbe-&?l'geaot

\Vb ol.ik! ag.:-od and li4:rdy soldier fot1ght

'Ga.inst my capti'-"it;,dlail, brove fri end!

5ay1oth.e ldng the knowledy of th!! broiJ

A-s thou didstlea w it.

SER. DoubtfUl it stood;

As two spent -swimmers, Utat do c ling to~ the.r

And cholke their art. ? tli!J,

Worthyto b!! a rebel, fcor fofha.t

Tb<! m.uJtipiylng villanl~.:ifnature

Dosw-ann Upon him-from the Western isles

ot:ke'rnsand suppUtd;
And rmune,on hisd~ned qt.UUTel smiling,
Show'd UJQI 1 rtobll~wboocbutsllttoowesk

For briYt Macbflh--w.U be dESe.tvei that nama·

Obd,Ullna t«tu.rM~ with rus mndi.m'd xMI,
W~kb crnobd with bloodyuocutf.on,

Ll• his p;a.ssa~

TfUM lt.ctd tht slaw;
Wbleh M'fr)Cb~kbands, nw:b.t,dc fa.rt'WE!ll to him,

Till he ~111Jt.a n'l 'd him frt>m th'! nav'! to the chaps,!
And thc'd hit hta,d uporuru.rbattl~me:nts.

0 U'N'. 0 Vli llt nl. cow.inJ worlby g:eutlemanJ

5EitAt wl'ltnct tht run 'tim hi• refl~Uon

ShiPWfKkhlc«onn• and dil'fful tbundentnak.

Sofmu that IPnDI wbeonce comfan sei!'m•d to rami!«nton .....,._u•. llbrt., kingofSc«bnd, mad:

NoJDOCM.t.~.a.nkt had, with valou.tann'd~

Compotll'cl thtst .skipping kuns.totrust t.Mir he-els,

But tt\1- Norwey.m lord,.un<tying vmtagef.

With furblch'd arm sand new.rup·ptiesof men,
Dea,11n ~ rruh lts.!lllult

DIJN. OI$1110)'d not this

OUr capu.tnt,Z4ac.beth md Banquo?

lf te~ytOOth,l must report they werE

Asc IIUJIOnJOWI"('h uged witltdouble...:.tat'k~

So they
DOUbly l'fdO\.Jb!td rtrckas upon the (Of!_

Exct.Pt thty m1ant to bathe in reeking wound#,

Or mtm.ol"iM "'nQfbrr Gol6Qtha;
l(annor ttU-
But I am f.llut, myp.sbelct}' (r)( help ll'tl:acko£ ben our both. G~ gt':t him surgions.

f£::.11 AIIUidt:4

Entf'r Rals

MAl. Thtworthy than. of Ross.

lEN' Wtuilt butt IIX!kS thri!Ugh.b.ise~So ;:bould h!' look

T h tal M~ITIJlosp ea k

~oss Go:l S1w th• Jdng!

DUN. Wl'ltnct utntst thou, worthyth~ne.?

ROSS F'rorn nft.&n"~t Jdng;

WhtNthl Nonwrm banners Boot tb~ sty

And ton OUt poopIf cdd

Norway hlm.wlf, witb t.rrible numbers,

MW:ce b)' mastdt.stoyal traitor
Tht thont orC.uwdor, begllll-a ~coru1kt;
Tlllt-h.H 9t ll ona~bridegroom, l app'd in proof}
C~mf'ronttd him wit h w l f eompariSOn$,.!£

1\)lnti,~Ahln pohH re~moos,annt.a:insrarm,

CurblrtJ hJalavl•h spirit: and, to conclude..

Tb1 vtCitCII)' ft.U OD us.

DUN Grtat bJpplnu~

ROSS. Th1t n()IW'

Nor would we deign htm buriillof htsm~o

T111 ht dbburt~~d,atSa iutCtJLme"sinc.b.,E

Ttn 1 h 0\JU1td doliars to our &en'l!ral use.

DUN.No mort th<tt thane of C1wcl.or-shall deceiw

Our balcm inte:I'!Stcopronounce hi.$ p~S!'nt duth,

And wllb hiS Conntr till!: 6J'ftl ~!acbnh..

ROSS. Ml wt. it4cot

DIIKWlut hot l't-ath ICIIt, nobl.1! Macbeth hath won.fE.x.unt..
SCI!!N"e tU~A hra.Ut.
Du1;Mr l•lttthftilr•Witcbu..

f1IST WIJ'C'K Wbtrt baa tbciD bee:n. line?

src wm:H.t~~~oq-
nao wntK fAaw. wtM:n t:bGu?
f1ln' Wl'fC'K A ..._.. wllt: boldch!-!mt:u-in bf'rbp,

Ana mounctt·ct- and mouncll'd, aru! mounc.h\.1 'GlW m•,' quot t'! I
'A mint l h tt,!.. wltd1rttte rump-fed ronyon.!!<rltJ.
lltr hu ~ ud' to Al.w.J'l po gon.e, master o' the Tiger
llul ln• JlfW IIJ thJtht r &ail,
Ana, llkt • rat w1U'ID\Jtllt~
Ml ciO. M1 do. ond M1 46

stC: WIKK 111 -lhoo o WU>4.

nurwm:K :Mon-.
1liiiDWT1'CH. - · -
mtst wrtt'K I mt..U blw .0.U. CJtbtt:

An4 Ch.t wrypct.a U'l«y blow,_

Allthwqutrt4r• Llut Uwy know

r lht •hiJJ III ll n'lC..fll'd~

I will duln hln1 dJy u hay;

s...p ""u .... ~.. nlpt ...doy

Ke.r., upce hb ptm..ftcwr ~
"'tll.I.U loW IID&II (Cif1M.._

"'W..atY. ~l& Diat tiJDt'lc..u:Jr,!:

Sh&1l hf ....,Aiilit.. p~:d,-;. . .pinE:

Thoulh~• bu~<an..,.bola!t

... , u d1111i bt ltmpuc-tDSL

Lao;. wtt•t l

.sec.wm:.H.ahow tnt,Jhow me.

nRSTWrTCJI l-4ert llli W a pDOUlbwn.b.

ALL 11\• Wt lrd •btt" b.a.nd ln b.md_.

....r~.:!.oe th•••IID4 Lao4,
Tbw 6of>:> ~. AbCuL
1llnc:• to,&1'14 Uuxe bil ~
AQ& tbnu .,..,to...._ up nine..

J\o~ ••t~ cb.mnl tllfCIWid UfL

tot.r MArJtTII and IA~QIIO

M.ACII SO foul iHI4 f11lr II day I b.n e ootsee:n.
OAN, ~tow 111.1 itt col I'd to forres? What are these

Sowlthtr"d,a.nd .,wll4 in tbeii-a.ttino,

fh•tlooll.n01 Uk.t&inllab1tmlsdtheunh.

ArtiS wt erre~n'\~LI¥r.)'I:JU]cr-an- youau,gbt

n.... tn ..n n...~.---..t'lau Jero!.ronn:l'•,..,. m~

· · - · ....... bor<hop~~~
U,.. htr ~yllp. .JWU. ohgq)d irWC!IDe!l,
ltN "' )OWbratiiiC~uw-tDirrd'cpNl


"lACfl Spto~-.lfJOu U.tL wl'tllt are you?

F(M'f WITCitAIIIHtiiJ "bcbtthJ baU to thee, t hane orOiamltl

SCC WITt II AJI htJI; ,.bcbC!thJ.hailtothe.eJ thane ortawd011
Tlii.RO \"/TT'CH All tJaJtttUcbltb.. thaLsbaltbe kin,ehflufit~rl
8AN Good •J.. whydo}'OU .t..ut•.and Sl!'etn to feu

'OitnJ:t ttMI 4o CIUDd • fAit? f 1M namf cl tnftta

.,. ,. l...nt•~-thltl.L.i.!!!d

Wh•h autw...Uy,._'JI)'DOI>Lrpamn

You""' •'th p~Dt ~ UJd p a tpti!dieoea

O t - h>'ll-""' ol "')'a! b<>po,
~11'\ot Mtmt r.apl will\&~:" tome z'W.spW 001:

lr vou ~• u look lnto th• Mi!d.softlme.

Anrl ~'/which ' 11l111 wlll grow an d wh.icltwill not,
:lr • tiel hl!llO •no, who neither beg_nar fur

\'our fAYCnu'lno• }'Ourhtte

11UTW1TCH Holl1
SEC Wrrot llo~

F1I$T wri'Cll ' - - ' llYa l&o;l>oth,-grutn

SEC WTrCII Noc,. b.tpp..,.t UPI<hh1,"Pitt

THrul WITtll Thou Wit ptldnp,tl""'eb thou b..,ON


lliSTWII'CK 1 -....S~illhml
.MACI i••"liUW""pufKt~ t~~mc:r!!::

h.Slrwt'll \iult\ I biiJIW I am lhme. afC&nnir

llut hclwdC.awdor~th.e: ofU.wdor llws,

A prOlpttou.a p nllern:ot.n.;aod t o 00 king

StJ ndJ I!Ot wllhlu the prospect of belief,

No mfl'nt lhA•• tobl!Cawdar.Sayfxom wbeoee

Vou fiWf t hltiU'IllCt tnte.lligwce-?or why

u,., thta tja.ttd bt&lb )QI.stop.our WilY
WUh tlll"h Ott11Jlwtk ~Sp--".1 c:.b.up _,.:&~

,.1ACrl Into tht nlr,tt!d wlult we.m'd ; m.:olted

1\• b•"ttth lnttJtht wind. \You1d tJu.oybad stay'cU

01 ,_,,.. ..... Rlt:DG\lht aaas:w 10:C

l'llwt h1H tbot f..._ pmmu?-

MACI 'bAr t I\U4r.n a1W1 bf ~

MH 'll>vth <llbo i1n1

MAC II And th• ntofCiwdor too: WUlt it not110?
UAN 1b l hG• l f U itlt t ul\t and words. Wh en lu!n ~

~ ~..... - tll)' u:c..- .Gd wf';.;!:a:f:w.t'!Sidl:

n,.,..,....... w.a_tw.t mtJM ttbili" li;Pu.
tflt....o.rrt-IDCliW p,....GDC001ttL'
Wbk,. lboul4 bt uw. or-~fd with Uut,

'" \41w~ o·t r ttl.t NJt dthe .wJ.Es..une.dl.y,

IW 11nd.• t hu to lh• ~ unb,
I«Ch"'l a/,.,.. d Wbal thyorlld>!st mili,
,., ..... llh4,lllt .. 4•Alh As lhid..i:shail

c..'"',_ WJdJpoa..and rwqODI!didbn:t

n,pr-......... ~:S:;r"'...a~.
And pow-. tbda60Wtl W<n lum.

'lb~l w t lltt, f rom our royal master. t hanks;

Only lo httlllcl l htt IO.tb:h:issigbt,

No! t'tVIhff

, .. _ , . . , _....... oll.-th.mrd~

ta. ..aktt..UUGI\-h.aD mgg~

fclrit bthiCM

MACD. Th11 l hlll\.f t)CCawd.or' Lh'lls.wbydu)1l'u drus m t

lut uCntN•n~mma btu:s.-thn:li&

Whlidl,.. ~ lO~ Wi:l!th!!c.D!WU~
Wllft .,..., ·~Nanny.ot4.s t:ae=tbt~

Wllh 111.sGot1 llolp ...W - . e < t l w wuhbolh

H• hii'JChlt"d In hi.t tll)unt:ry's wred:, lk:oow not;

Oulll t:III!OnH11plttl,confeu'd and proved,

Hhlf QlltriiHown him.

'Tbt •••lH: .. tlalwl4.-lhi:nbtar-~­

Ooo""'-...,....... ~ si:Wlb< ""'='-
WJwn 1t... t.NJ """ liM' tlw:Jlr d~ ltft
~ no.._rot.btlft?
N.lf,hl ,.., tt& J"'U unto the c.mwn.
...._.,the lb.aN arc•....,__But ~

AAd Clf'tfOU... ~.u. w tocot hl:!;u,.

TN ................,...,_,.ll!llmtnah>.
WI" Wt Wtlb hoMit t'JIOet.tobetr:ap

ln<~••r•"* c~nc_.,_

Cou•lnt. • \llfOI'd, l pny JOU..

MA C O . tA ~ fdtl1'wo trullu told,.

t..•heppy prolccutt ro S\ft1Jingact

CW t ht ht\J)tf't.J lhuoR.-l \h.lnk_)'OU.g.ntlmnen-
~•""1 nu. _.....,_ JObcitiJo:
c.................. bt ""'*ifm.
Wht"tLrt.b It.,.,.. n.~;;: of ~.

t.eru't\tncJAC Ia • tnd.IL,lma ~ dC3wdtr

., tpOII. wh,. • • ,..14 totb.u m :psrioo

Wh- horrid.....,.._, unt1zmyhili

And tn.a., my•atfd burt knoc.kat my ribs,

Aj .ill\tl lht U.Jt or n.atute? Prese.nt fun

fHt In • thon hotTible ltnaginings:-

Mvl huucht, w11o111 murder yet is but fantastfcalJ

Sh&.kttiO myalntJ• rult af functi::m
'*•'~h• t 'd tn tunn..~... m4 oothingis

8u1 wh•t u not

IAtl I.Wi,,_..,,...._.Apt.
IliACI t A~Wft Wdl.aM:t wiU haw me ~wt.J,'e m.ay~ , .

wu~,, tt'IYIUt

IJAN tttw honouttcOITit!. upon hJm.

Llh ouJ ttf'I.IIJt&Annt nt8;,cleaw not tolheirmould

nut wu h th t aid or ua

IAH \t.~ArAbdrdb WlbyupooJI"'Cili!U:mt

&lAC-I Gf"- tt.. )IOUf(o~WIW: • mydutl bain wnwrDOrCM

With lhlrtpfa~ptta J3nd gntbmm..JIOU2" panu

AI• f•l)l&.n'• 'Wt.ln«"""-1Jd.a_yimm

"""- 1#41. \o . . . tbr.c::lr. L« 1M towa::d. thf .tuw-
tNN. upcn wtt.u,G::!I &1 mDR lim:e ,
'"'-' ' ntf IUD tuWJ.c; w.ap.·4 cs spsk
0\4ttlft htAtlJncb lDothu

aMI Vory ll•d l ~

MACO 'l'lll lht n,, tiiOUaJ\.(ome, frl ends.{£x.tlint
ICtNt IV r ttf'f'fl, Th t palru;••

nourhJl tnlfl OUr;cAN, /It.Al.COU.t.DONALBAIN. LE!IfNOX.••,d Allfl nch.nh

. _ ... _ _........ mum'd?

Thtytre rtQt ytt C<Jnllt bidt6ut I h.lw spcki!

Wlt hOntlhAI ww ld m dle,whodid rE.PClrt.

'r hul vwry IIIUlkly he ~onfess'd .his treason,s,

hl tplot'td ~UJ hlahne&.&' p11rdonand SC!t fun.b

Ad"p ftlptnl atltW.. nOlhln,c in his tife

a.dn11 tum tJb tbt luvm& 1t;be died


1h lhntw ..... 't ..... 4l.a.rul: .t.htD: bf (IIIIIWd

,, u twn. • u••._ lnAt.

1b t\n4 lht nthld\cconstructicn in ttE: f~~;

H11 wo~ o pntJ•mttl on whom 1built

An llnM>hHt lftUl


~ .. " fii'JI'Y~tb:..S. rw:n otW

'WA.t rw • .,• tnt. tllw en • fu bd:::n.

=--.... ....ut. . "'UitG( tl'a!GipfaR is51ow
TO-rulott- V.WWU..U~>.Wtlou-...o.
nt-.r IM proportloh btlihdt.h.lnJ::s:md p.a:ynwnt
t-tl&ht hllYf tw•n mln-.!unlylh.awle"ft to say,
.Mol• itlhY4ut I han uuu tb.m .aD Ci.D Pl!l-

ln ..... ~.p.,.IUUIT.u~
I' t• ,..,,. out dutilk.mdaw-dutie!.-
AI• hl yourU&taM il.DiollbtecfWd:r~nmd :wryan1'"

Whk:h do but tMy -tbould1 bydcri.n&*wry ttunc

~ f•lowllrd,:..; your lbwr and honow:_

OUN \Wiromt hh IHtt-.

I haw btf;'Un toptantlhee .and wiilhlnuT

~ ......... full <II~- Bm<J!o

Jhat fwl M a..4Nuw4, oc:a-mwz. b! 1Dowft

Ho ... tD b,t"" dGDe C. lift G'Oit infd.i t.bPf.

AM....._I.... ton.ybu,n_

T ilt h.1rw111 lt your own.

wan•on In tuln••.U tohid:t tbemseh'H

A..,,.. •..._ P*•wm ~~~.

""'.a. tfUW.. AttiU.llt upal

crw.w......M.Uc:dm wtxm Wli'UJU!.Iwufuo.r

TM frtnct ot Cwn&..tluacL-.bkb bcneur mu..,
Hl.:ll WWt.ontptftkd lnwst tum only;

ftuc ••JJ•• of nobltMta,llR .rut.r.a, sbail sh.iD:e

On tJI dtMt Wn From hence tolnwmus,
And bind UJ rui'LIH!r I 0 )1nl..

.MACD Thf r.»' ltlaOOw:. Wbkb b not mcdforyoo.

n& t. ft",,_ar Ott battaqn and m.a.b..Pfful

Th• t\ol&netldiD)'Wil4' lnlh)QUf ~

OUI< MyworthyCJ-1
1•\A'CB.[As•'dtl The l~inceofCumbe-rlana! that i.s .ast-?p

an whJch (must falJ down,coretse o1e'tleap,

Fe~rin mywayit li~.Sh.r.s,hidJt}'CUr .Jin~

let not light -sei!' my black and dH,p ~esires::

T~ ew winkttt the hand;)'t'-tlo!t b?

Which the eye fears, when it isdone,to-sae.fExir.

DUN-.1'rue, worthy Ban~ he is full sovatiant,

A1td in hisccmmendatiQn.S ram fed:

It isa bl.nque.t to me. ~t'S aiter'blm,

Who.;-ecari'.isgone before to bid us.w!:!lcome:

It is a peerlessJd.nsmJ.n.{ffouri'SJL £~£.turk

"Enter LADY M:AC.BElli,;

LAD'i f;t 'They in theda_yoC-succ.ess:and I h.-ave learned by the perfectest report. theyhaw mor~ l n them than. mortal knot.;ledg<!.
\•/hen l bwned in d~ire toquestion them!!y mad a thetT~»alvesair, into whkhthe}' vanished. Whiles I stood in tbe. wonder
bfi1;~iin·~uritfSsi\-eS?:!'tfoiitb~ king,Wiioaft.haried me-~'in"e ·OtC!!WdOr"ibYWhkh rlu~..bE.fot~~these weird sistensaluted me, and
refe.rre.d me to the coming on ottime, with ' Hail, king that shalt b£~ This have-r thouglttgood to deliver thee, my d i!arest partner cf thou miglltst not lose the duasof re};,icin" by being igrlciraiit
tifWiiii greatnesi'i.s-pO,iluMd iheE!.1iyli to fhY heirt.inti
iMeWcle ~------·----- - -- - ~------~-·- - -·- - ·------~--

Glamis thou m ,aru!Cawdor,•ru! <llalt be thw ut grorni&!d:.yetdoliearthy nature:
!t isroofu'.ll rlthe afilk,o:ffbu:mao' kindness

lbcakh the n-eare-..'1. wa}-: thou wouldst bo: great:

Art nwwitbout amhitiQn, butwilbo)Jt

Tbe illness?? should o:tte:o_d it: what tbou wou:J,dst h.ighly.

That woutdstt:hou lloljly;would<>t IWt pt.1-y fat&;;,

And yet W'OuJdstwrongly win: Utou ttdst Mve.Uf'at ClamJs.,

That Which crie.s 'flut.s thou must, do, ift hou.h.ave it:
And ratlle.rthou dost fuar Wdo
Than \v.ishe,Ushoul.d be u.rt,done.' ijie_ the'l..hithe.r.
Thitttmay _poUr mysp itit~in t:bi.neear,
And i.s! \! valoutofmytongui'

AlJ tbetitnpedesth'!!e fr~ th,e.gol~en round..

Whkh fg,teand me taphystc.nll.! doth seem

lb ita\: tbee c rown'd'Wilha.L

Enter!~ :btESSENSEIL

What is yourUtUng.s?
MESS. Tbe kingciJmots bere tonl.gllL
"""' thymAMt wWt. ~wbt\ w::rn. SQ,
~w ..... wc.wd r;l( papu:a:::kn.

Ont nt Ulf rtUow.altad the $llfld Gf him,

\'lho1 alm a~t dt1CI !or breath._ had scar:.ely moll!

The.u would Hl\lkt up hi.5 message. nG1U \~ f.u.l hbaace af'Dttlx3n

U....Wt m.,111llkiDI:ot6.C~'irl.t:l:

Th-•1 t•ndon rDOI'tAC: tbc.l&f'u tmSi!Xml!'hftr~
And AU mt, from tta.mwn to!M toe:,U!p-full

Ofdlttll C.IU41tyfm.a.b thk.k mybloodJ

S1op up lht acc.:t•audpoJssag!. tore.rrutt.te~!.._

Th•t I!OCOI'IlPUHC.tlou.t vltitin,gsof nature

.5htkt I!IYr.uPUI POJae, nor keep peace between

Th• tH•cl •nd lltC~n• tomyworru.n\bru.rts,

u.s ••*- m)' muifor~]CIU:rmmium,c:C!Ii!usun-.

Whfft.,.tlA ~ At;tWt._ mts;;-ncu

,.. .,.,1 un••lll&ahid•C:.::.U,..thid:trl:c,tn.

,.... ,.&IJ lhoo I&liM lhlm>r" .....a diRD
n.u "''..." to&fc- OQt~WOilnii il aubt.
Nor ,.., w n PffP thti3Ureb the bl.a:n.ket of the d.ulr,
To cry •Bold 1 nold!

l!llliiii' MACA'f!Til

c,. ..... ttw.abolb. "'lht aJI.oiWlbeP...tftaor

Thy Wtltra ~wt~

~"' ~· 'l"'"' ta&.. 4Gd (fftl.r.ow

Thl "''"" "'lM ..........._
Duncnn c~me.s here tonighL

LADY bt.An d wh~ n gt~?s hf.nce?

M.ACB 'fbm orrow. a;; he pUrposes.

LADY LtO,ne•Mr

Shall sun tha,t morrOwMe!

Your face, my thane.U..a. a book where men

May, read st"(ange.matters, To ba&.WJc th'.! time)::
Look like. t ho;:o time ; bear w-elcome inyoureye1

Your hand. }\1Uttongu.e: look likP. the in.mxe:nt f! O\.'l~t,

But be t he serpent u ndet't, He that !scorning

Must ~ pro.,.idad for: an d you sila1Jpu t

T hi;; night!sgreat business int~ my disp atch:

Wh.ich shall t osll OU! o.lgbts and days to come

Give sol~lysove reign .sw.ay a nd m.asterdom.

MACB. We will speak furtheL

l.ADY bt.Only ioc;k up c ll:!atj

1b ilte r f4vourl:ever js to fear:

Luve '!iUll1e ri'st to m e . j~ 11r.

SCENE vt. Btfon Mo,b e-th'scasth.

H aurbliy s and torckes.£1Hu DUNCAN", MALCOLM:~ DONAL BAD( BANQOO~ t.ENNOX, btAC.DUfF, R'-"s.&, ANGUS,and Atv:ndams.

DUN . Thiscad.J'l! hath a pl ~t seat:the air

1\'lmbiy and noteetly n!<:ommendsltsil(

Unto our g~:nt1e *'nse.s-.

The te.m_pl~haum.ingmnrt1et,!£d oes.a pprovi'.2

By his loved mansionry th at thi' hea.wn.s breath

Sm ells wooinglybere.:no jutty;s' fri em,
Buttre-ss..-nor c:olgtdof vantage;. but this bird
H.ati1 m.ade h is pendent bed aod p r(C__R_ant c r-adle.:

Wl'li!re they m ost brei!d and h3U:nt, l haw.obwrved

Tbe airJsd e.Uc-ate.

1'ht 1ovt t.hlt foU~us!JOOletime. is.ourt:roubl ll!:.
Willcb a.IU w• thankulove. I tuc.b you
How"'* shall bi4 Gcd -lid!: us for your pDns~
And thantu.for-)'OW"t:roubleo.

lADY M. AUout Mnic•

In tvtry point twice done, and the.ndone double,

V101'0 poor and single. busi.nass tocont.end

A.calnt l thOH honours deep and brotd wherewith

Your mtjuty loadtour b.ouse:fortbosa ofOld,

And tht tnt d.lgnitiuhe.,p"d up tot)lEm,

\~rut )'OW' bt~

We toUJ'Rd ..t the tn!~ :wd had a purpose:

'n, W hlt put""Yon:! but he riode.s we.U,

Ana hl1 grtat Jove,41larp as hhspur, h.!lth holp him

1b hishomo be! fore UL F-air and nob!~ hortw,

Wt a 1't )'Ollfi'J.ttl toni£bl

Ksw t~t.banue.lw~ and wb.U: is .::cmpt.,-

10 mJl.tthtlr audit at )'OUT higb.nns' p&eJ.sure,

StUI J.o ~ltatn )'OUCOWn.

OUN.Ciiw mt >'(lurtulnd;

CoT•duct me tp r.nint bostwe ((IW him bigh.Jy,

ATid 1:h.a.JI contlnu!:! ollr graces towa.rdshim.
By your IUvw, hoste.s.s..

.seem Vlt.Hat.tffll)"ca:tlc.
lkull>oys tortta. En:ltr" St"wt.lj. dinn Se.rnnu """"~4Dt4sm&a.adp111s OWT lAit ~ nsm mra MAC&Enl

•uca llh wu.4oor wht.n~dooe~ Uwl '~errWifD

[t wt N d.:tt\1 qukkly.: if the ass.usina.tion

Could trammel up~ the con.sequence_.. and c.atch,
Wilh hlt.-.J~.t•,!! :IUCC~II; but thhl:Jiolw
M""t bt t.ll• bt....U &A4lhH:nd~ htn1

\\'t'W Wnp&ht l#•to~ Stttfnthnifc.utt

,_....•LD"-""'•eeta a rttwre;thAWII!bwuxh

llood 1 lllill.nH'I..IOOJ. •hitb. bting tm,&bt Rtunl

tCJpl~ the U\"nUct.hbrw:~j~St:b­ tht ~nc.soCour poison·dcMlk•

1'aOUJ own II pt. •c.\ huw:ln
r l rtt 1 1,t 10.1 11 hlt lci fiJin.iU\ J~nd his subject,

f1JOJUI 1.\.'ttb .,UnJt. the deeel; t.Mn. ashish~

\~tlOIIII'Iaukt .,.OUt blJ mtmlt:l£1 'ihut the datW.

,...,. brv tN tzut•m,.lf. Besadn,.thi!DwKm

fi.nlll«tt4 tu.t ·~- ~...t-. ru:ih hem

lliD C'IMt - t11 -.u ,..u OC'flce. tb;u Ids 1itt'De
Wlllp.... l\\o -tnaup<
tlw ...,, d..Amrwsm d bit ~"---ff:

Au4 pll)'. UN • Qabod new-b:lmbab!:,

.Strl.dh" lhf btut,or hu..'\"n" c.Mru.bin hDrRd

Upon iht •I.JhUuJtouriernftbe air.;

SllCIII lJIQW lhtt hot'rid deed in ewryeye,.

Til_. tt•••JihaUdrown t he Wind. I have no &pur

lh t)rir k I hf al4o of' fny lnt m t.bu.t oaJy

Veultluc •m'"tt~. whk.h oftleapshsdf

Abel t.alltoA lht«b«-

LAO\' ~-\.Hen... ~tlmoa Npp"d.:wbybaw. ~left tbleh.OlmbfrJ

MACI Hell h. he ulc"d ror mf?
LAOV r.1. Know you nat he I'Ui"~
.MACO Wa will pt«tf!d no fUrltter Jn Ulis businesr.

Ht hJi h hC'IIww·d DttdUie;-.nd fhaye bcluYI1

Cd4en oplnJc... f.-n .U ..u af~"JJ"».

Whlc h WCIUW bt ,raua :aew m lhrir JP-1RSI,&ka,
HCIC r,..-.,• ...._

UDTM w..,.. ._.,..,.

WNNin )'OUO.K•d ~ha:J.hft-slept smu'

41h_l w•lcttlll10W, to loolt IOI'ftO and ~l!:
AI wh•l il dtd toftteJy~f:romtbistime
•w:h l•cc.wru Uty &ow. Art thou .afurd
To 1» tbt ...,. lD lbior.-.--.n aa .md wlaur
A.i ttw. tn 8a4f'.,..~~ t.bco taw thu

WIUilltbou.,....lltlwmn-ammtcfii& ,
4,. , ,.,. J C'9Jif&rd b. ttww own~

C.•ltlfll I cUrt not• W.Ut upon 't wouJd,

~. llw 1ht p\lOr c.I l' lhe ad.age?

MACII Clr!l hllt,pttu•Ao•ll OYI m.ybtcQIO!: e mao:

WhftCcr.• do ~ il nao.r

llut mxtt )'OU bn&tthbe.ntupri:setome"

Wtloln )'0Uc$u.-n 4DU, tht:n.J'.'!U wet!!' a man;
And, ta bt rnort than wh.atyw. were, you would

ne 10 lnUI; h m ur• I he man. Not time ·nor_p lace

IJid II"" ldl1111,1nd yot you would milo both

'r h,y h•w 1111dt thetnK"Ivu,and that their ftmus now

D<~•• unme)le )'OU..lht'll'lf pwn ma,.md tna..

~'''"'"'"to~~ tlMblb! thn milb:nu:.

I wuuldi whiM •• ..,_.. Jilllilm& in m_yb:J!.,
H..~ plur:Cd •YatppAelta:abiJ'b:xlo!laiC-UftJI.

AU......,_'. tf'wlDm;QUt hl41110.9ftWUUJall

H4w~to tllb

•lAC& II w"'l"''lld ttl! I

LADHI W.l•lll

filii te lfW yoiii' COUfllgt. tO UUii stic,king-pJace,

A11d w.'ll 11ol faU . Wlltn Duncan isa.s.lee p-

Whlltilo t)W nthu •Wl hb da}~hard_.Pumey

bttdlytnvht IWD-Id&twoc.haml:aWru

:loaI _ _ , t l o t - .ttl><.,._

SII.UIIo•'- -ll»ma~pt.C...,...
' ~ "'--=oe~r..wnw...- ·s~=p
nw" attnc:ht4 n.a&tirU &w u iiJ..a dath.
Wh~t n.nrklt rntt and. I pufonn upon

Tt\f UHIUIU'\Itd Ou.nt.ut1 not p-ut upon

IIJ1 ~tcwii::J oifttfn,. wholhallbeou the !;UDt

ot ('lUI " " ' " ' " ", -

fCII thy W'IUUDlfdiDIIttlr ibol1ld Compc:!R

tM.n.~nc t~ttt rna&a. ww ,, IXJl tJe. tK:!l~.

\Yht n Wt hiiW m61rl(d with blood thos.! sleepy t w()

Of hlaowr• t h ll ll!bft,~l \d used theirverydnggert,

Th•1tll•'f hAWd11nt't ?

4J '" tll4U Ch&.llf .... pldi; .and cht!:t:in twJ

0,.<:11 fill4•4l••tbJ

tat;J1curr•or:tl ogent to lhl..sterrible ~L

Awuy, illtd •node tnt Urn."- w i t h fairest shoW!

r vlH fACt OlUil False.h!'art doth Jcn,w


sce,t a L ,...., • • c..n•lll.&chdl oudt..


ru 1lw moon. tutown; I hilw DOt hurd tJw. cllxt.

IAN. Anliatw IPf•~Ut'Rlw..
ft.£ lf•kJ!·c, 'tltlltor.att
BAN H.cld 1 111k41 my .tworll in buYI'••,

fhflrY I1diC•Iltt IU OUL Take the!. that too.


Ant,.ll~nCilAnp Murifui])CIWttl..

, . ..,'\in lit IDt lht C'\l.nii!'Q l..bCJud::u:s Ws-ftn'W't

t•~• •nto~ repo.

MA(II. A lr1t n4

A.VI Wll•i , •l.~.tnol. )'tt tlrUIJThe.king\.a~bed:

tw fut.h bfotn in un\LIU.&J

;hDJ f011hpul&,oa:rCIIfti:=:..:
nu....-... _.,_ ........ .auw.
. ,' " ' Jl,iiiM of ...... ~'$b:ut '-'P

In'"' ttWll. . .O:.Utllt.

Ow will WCllnl ~ lh lloln-·<~ nt todefec t1

Whlt h ttiJol •h011ld t"tlls.h a\"l'. wroughL

BAN. Alii w•ll

141•••• .... Ql£btfiU:w lhrM waci ~

1bJ'OU tbrr .tu·.. *-"4 &Siif_ tmth
\'19 woul4 lr)kfld tt tn tarot: wotdsop21 t.lut bwmt•.
u.... would pul tM tUnL

w. "',..,barn~ ".mn._
MACI 1t ,_ INll dN• JG UlJC'.IXI..ill!'ll .-b!c. 'tit

BAN. So fia. nonf

In w.khl& tOtUtnu ..ntlt.,but .still keep

My "'-'""Ill rt•nc.hl•d t.n4 allqi.mce cleu.

hll•llbt """"..U'd.

tAl< Th>....,oor tlwll.- ,.,_ u-r:~-,_

kACI Cotiii.Stby~ •bmmy:!dnlinu....-..

Sl\f tlr111t upao tbt btU. Crt the! tc bi!d.~Ufr .ser.-.,.t

'•thltll dJiun whkb I•• befOR: me,

'th t h -lnd lt l owllrd m y hand?Come,let m.ecl\ltt h rh•t

Ill IWI Ultl 11~ , llltd }'Cit ( !lee thee-StilL

1\rl lhC'Iu nCI, fa i.o.l Vi.slon.,.•nsible

1b fffiJ n1 uto slcJ1t ,Oil' mt f.hou bot

A horr ~tbe mind,tt.Wtcremon.

Pt\ll...C'n.c. from l.k btoll~ br.dni

1-. ttl<ft Yt1.&nl.mup&Jpablf-
Arl....,•bk\now IU....

Thou aunhaU• ... tl.ww.JtbU fw:tS~

AU aKh •n bvt.I'WIMnll wu to03!!.-

a.lin.. ""''en nliNW tiM fcdso' th~iltbi!Tse:n:as.

Ortl• w-~rth lll.l Uta rut: I_. the.estill:
And o11thy bllldt! ahd dud&t:onl.-go!Jti!of blood1

Whirl\ Wlltn OI tabt.o.(o nr.'Tben'snosuc·h thing:

ltl.w lll• hloodybUtlnutwhkh informs

'rhu• to mint t)'U Now o'er the one half-world

Hft Wl'l..,.·m•4ud, and wiclced dri:!.ams..bwP

T1M'.tUI1&in·d•p wuchcnftc~•

.............. aii_...S_dmm;:u;

Wt.t IWII'Mih bU WWh. tbw with hi: jf_UJthyp.wr

WIJh Tuq,.un'l ru'lthl.n(Jl.cic:ki, towuds hlsd~qn

M.ow,llkt a&t\otl TbOuturl'and finn-Rt eanh~

tk•• not mtlt•fJI.whldJ wayt.beywalk,Jorfur

AM t.t.a.tJM pr. .w brGrror-fna'!ltm tim!'

W. kll""" ..W wull "- Whilosl- bo lnu

WlrO•Co the ...... flf ..... toocddtruih£iw't A lllaU c\o,p

Ill\ f'ld tt U.,..UM btU bl\

, ..,.,II nN. C~nun, for ltts•kn!.II

Ttut \UntmonJ thM tobn.wn,ortDM U.lE:rit.

I CliNE 11. Tht ••me.

Eoiltl LAQY MA C I! ~TH

Wl\&1 bal,h CfiM-ncli\S UM.m twh.Pwn nw An..~ l'lnC'f'l

........ u. ... \b&J lhotk'd.. tJ:w fa::W belbrwl.

WIWi• C)WtliM lta:n:IM p:d nigrt- & t i Ul!ln ..

nw ...-. ut ope:o. and Uwsw:tm.ed:n:oau-!!

Do moe•thalt dwp wl1b ~D~CtU: lh..!w dnq:td tlwtr POl •u.-:
Ttut d,pJh &aaJ rw.urt4o~CIIltmd ah:Jut tMm,
Wrutm•t '"'-rllvw:ordl.t.

MACO.f\i/lt hlnl WhCJ\ lht re.,, ho!

l.ADV M.Aiat'k1 l.i•T'I aJ ri..ld lh.ty awak;ed

Ar•4 Ua i1CIII Gaut tbt •Hnnpl md noc:-t.buiHd

Cb•ll"d)da u_ ~llal4 tlw:ir~G rudy.

ft. CCiilW ut tGUI '.-at:t.i b!!' oa: fti!:m'ti!:d

.... , ..... """'-· J b.Jd 4aoio't.

tnt" MACitTU

"tACO t he~w dont~ th.e d•td. Dld.t thou not hea.r !I noiJO?
l,ADV M. l hflllrd 1h!! owltcrum and the c rick\>t..s.:.ry,

MAca \!ft..,.

MACI AJ l..a...&•..... •

MACI ll.ull

W h o.~ llttl'lh• 6tCOnd c.twnbl!.c?

MACI TbiiU .t M1Y¥l~s!!ish:ma.l..

MAQ TlMn"'cnt-.,'iileo!p• .m:!ertf:.!:nf'il ~

ThiC I twy 4W. .,...._ •ac.h otbtt I.:Stoo:l and hearoJ.hl'm.

But tkydld A)' th.tlr pra)'ers,.md addrul"d tlwm-

AJ~ih l 11Hit9 p

LAOY 1•1. 'rh•••art t-wo lodp!d togetheG

MAC 0 One c rJ~d 'Cod bJtu us!' .and Amen' the Olh.tJ1

At•hcyh.M.,o OM wtlh ~h~m~hmck

L.a•A"-1 ltlout ~~I bJiitld DOl ~

w~ ... tttcyd.wl _,God 'bLI:ad

UDY M C - r II.- .,docpl]<

N.ACI But •htrtlon eQUid DOt I prmollPrU. AIH~

I h.a.ri ffl N t l l tlld or bl!t.Ui.n.c, and.Anu!:n'

Jlt u r ltlu m y lhJOOl

LAD\' M fht" dudtmull not bt tbougbl

.w..._c.tb d.ot• m\U4u alftp'-tb!: i:nlxJunt siMp.

S'-•u Uut lrntuupt.b. mwlfdDuw.:=-otare.

Th• dt•ll h or tath day') life,acn labour's butt,

Bt_h n a.r h u 1'1 tnJ nd.l1ere.:. t nature\ second COlltll 1

\!htt f nam•ith• r in UI O i etUt ,-

LADY M, Wll•t do~ mun?

MACB Sldlll cdfd SIHSJ nomen! to aU the btou!i!!

'titamu lutb mllllkt'4 t.:.e.p,md t.h!nfoRGndar

Sh.U aa..poo......-....._thsb.&D~ nD~·
So brlin,.c kly oltbh-"" Go p:t rom!: '\\'"i:J.U.
An4 -..uh UW. ftllbYWi&.Deafrom_your hln4.

Wbt W y.ou '"""~"-!tam 1ho pbn>

"'"'.,...,. W uwc.. FU.UJ ~ md Sl'bi!ll'

lllfn lifllll e111l lnlnk whBt lffitve done;

l.ooll.oJI'l ~~,Co.hll dart not.

L.AOY r.1 lnflnn((J.{purpc»el

Gtw me tht c.a,trcthe -.plp;g snd ttw de:ad

Ah ~l.lipktwv'\blhl'f}"f-Scb,..............,

'T?I •• tc.,. ' p."'"-1441ut.lfhr.dD tia!c!._

"' ....... ,_....... _twttlul,

,., ....... - tbolr(WIL'Em. "'~

I law l.fl wllh UH!, whcn1 every noi&.:! appa1s me?

Wh.l 11•ndu.rt htrt~ balthey pluck out eyu!

\\'UI•II_, Ntphm•\oc«I.D wash t.his-b1wd
t'l"'" tiam cavb.awlJ' No. tbUmyhmd will rnher

Mabc11Uw CIHDCIIIWad..


'fb W'f1lr 11 htart.o I henra lcnoclcluJ.

All lit iOUIII on I ry: r.Ure we toomchamber.

A Ill 1hi WiJitrclt.tlf& uacflhlsdet>dl

11i'Yw ••rr It ll.btnl Your cCIIDSLtncy

W.lhl•tt youunatt•~lKD~•IIht')cmcn

G.I Oil \Q'f ~ iutoc:c.asioocd: w

AM.,..,.. U t~bl ,_tdMrs Ole D1X los.
liLAC B. t'o knoYrmyd<!ed;.1wen> be-st not lp.l.rJ•.o.lmys.?lf.

IKhoding ~~oilhin.

V}J.~l:! Dune a.n With t hy knocking! [would thou couldst!

SCENE tlL T!f e uone,

Em·er aPOrter. Kn:od:iu,g within.

PORTER. He.rej a lm_oddng indeEd! [fa man wer:e."J)ortt'r of h,ell-y1e, h'-' .Should b.ave old -turning the key. f Kr.oding w,irhi,n.J Kri~'k,
knock. knork!Who's there,i' the name of Bee lzebub? Her~'S a f-arm <!:t:, that hanged h.imself on tit e xpectation ofplcnt~com~in time-:
havo!.! na'tJ:kins en ow about you; here you'Uswi!at fot't.t .J Knoc.k,l.:nockl Wbot there, in th' oth~ r de vil's mum? Faith~ b ~re·$
a n equivocator. that could sw-e-ar in bm..h the"s againsl either.ISC&Ii.'; who committed treason enou,gh.for COO~ )'etcould not
eqlti'i\.'IC'ate to heaven:O, come in, equi:vc.:at.or.fKitocling within.) Knock, knotk)~ocld Who'S theN.? -faith. here's an English- tailor com!'
hhhetfor<Otealingoutof.a Fre nch hose.: come in, tailor; h.ere you msy Knoc:kiknoclcn!wr atqufet!
Wln.t aN y.:.u?Bm is too cold fer helL MJ devil·porter it n~D further:] had t hought to na...e. let in some of allprofessions_;t h-3.tgo
the primrose way to the everlasting bonfire-. (Knod.iltglvilhin.JAnon, anon! I pray you, remember th !! porter. !Opens lhe§11'1..
£oWr btACDUfF andt.Et,~'Ol<.

l·I.ACD. h'a.s it..solate,friend,ere }''OU.went tob:d,

J hat you do lie so Jati!'?

OOR'i: we Wet)!'carousing tiU the .s.:c:ond cock. and d rink~ sit,lsa great provoker of thra~ t hings.

r.tACO, What three thlf\&SC2oosdrink~-pidaUy provoke?

.PORT. !'otarry, sir< noS<!-paintlng, sl<!ep and utine. Leclte.ry, slr, it prM-'Okesand -u:nproYbbSJit p·rcvok:P.s tbe desire, but it takes &W'.I}' tbe
perfoonan<:to.: tbere.fur.e much drln:l!:maybr! said to bo!: aa equiYOC4t'orwitll lecllery:iJ :mal:~shim and it mars hit:n;'i,t setshlm oo-and it
takeshim offiir persuad-..s bim am1dis11ea.rtens blm;'ma:k'!sbim stand to :md'tlot s tand to;incon~lusion, !qui\'\."'emes blm in a sie;e.p ,aod
giving hlm tb,eJJe, !eaveslUn:t

fotACO , lbelkw~ dri nkp va t hee the-lie lutnight.

PORT.Tbi!tildid, sid' thi' wry throat !)'0 me.: but l~quited fol'hlslioe,•.'utd, lthink, belng too strong for !lim, theugh be l.ook:-up my
1egs s.?:rn,!time, ;li't I twl_d e aShift:lt.c.cast:him..

fo\ACO , rs tb y ma«~r<St iJTing?

£nut MACBEI'R.

LEN.COC\'! m;:,m:iw_; o obJ,e: si.t:

.MACB , G~ m o~botll .

JI\ACO. !5; th~ &g stin:in&. worthytba-ne.i

lo\ACB. Not }'o:t..

J,tACO.. Hl!di di!oo:t:m<indm~ to call cimely<~lbblm:

! haw !llmost·siipp'd tbeboor

!JtACB. I'U bring you t o hint.

MACO l knowtllio. ts.ajoyftil trouble to you:

M.ACO ru nu;.. .obold to call,

LtN 00ftth• lcU\Ih4!ntt tod.afi

MACA tttd~e..bt4Jdappoin1Cl.

~ ....."'.' .... - unn.Jy. wbER"' ..,.

Ql,, t lllftUW, ..._«" ""-'ndow'tl,.a:ao,-.stbry-11q

Llmt•11f• MuC r u. au,tum,p: «l'Um.!r:ldHIJt

And pmph.tqln,a wlttl ltttnhucribl£

Of' dirt cornbult1oo ~a.nd <onfused e iP__nts

I'Hw h 11tc h 1d to th• wofu l time.; the obscure bird
Clamou•·-d Ult lh"elong nJgbt;-some S.lly, the u.rth
W••ltWI'OUU11d cUd sha.}o.,e+

MACt "rw•u ........ nltl>!

LDi .., ~ hrDtmtnoctc..amu:a. pnaDrl

A r•.aa.- to u.

MACD 0 h orn:!l, honor, horror!lbn{Ue nor heart


n..ur• .-u,.~

MAc• Wlottlfl,...I0\1tlodfr
U/o ....,.,,.,..w._,.
IIIACD App-b tbo<bounbu;-C..UO,)"Uf ~

With.- ,.., Go110n do fKit bid. me: speak

IM1 ..,,,, th.t n •puk}'Ouralw.s.t£ Madt.rh lfttd C...nM&.

Rln&l ht " ' "n un ~brlt Murde.r and treasonJ

OllnQuo•nd [lonal.blinl .M.alcolm!~ wake !

Sh•M off lhh dowuy..,top.dufb'Scountetf!.h,

4rulloot cra4t&th llltlfl up. up,.md w.e:

:bt••ll d.oam\ ~.Malcolm! Smq'ldl1

A• fiWD ""' 111'1Wt lilt vp. &ad W3lk lib .s;:rrtt d
1bc~-.;;. tbMllxra tins tb! ten. !Ill!,..,.


l.AOY ~t W I U~t~ tht buJinus.

Th•t t uch 11 hld•mu trumpetcaUsto paile,y

'"'' lf•p•noflbe hOUJf?speU..;:peak!

, .. cd. ftx pau toiMatwtu.t tun~

n.t lif'P'I1t~l0 I ~RJ;.

LADYM W.. 1!.11

Out Ot•tf.l rrUhn.. ccnlr.I.CUct t.by5.!1f..

~"" ... lliJ 1101 10

,...,,,. MACB£1"H"*Ll:NNOX,ril1Rcos.

MACI tw 1._14Md an tKJW btfxnthisrbrn..-,

'"""' ~~~ . . . . . . . taint'; fr;w fum. t1ds

l'lWn•...oun,-ID ......ntr-
AU ~•llut tcryt r•oawoan~~ot,pare.isdud~

i~ whwof llftlt4nwn,<~.nd the mr::re (;H:s

(, ltl't thiJ WJUit t4 an..tof.

F.l'llf/ MALCOLM t~ltl DONALBAlNt

DOl~ Whc\ Po arul_.

MACI \Ciuart , ar.d4oiWil~

nw .,~ ,,.,.. ......, a. }"!Jltt!lixl:!

.......,. . lilt...,._ O(lti&=w'<!.

MACO 'Vow roy&' fltMn

LEN Tholl or hltthanlber, utt ~m'd1 haddone't:

Th•ll 1\ .. ndtJIIId r-.c.e•we.~ all OO.dged with WQ;:Jd

Sn Wtrt th41r cllp'4 whkb WlWiped wr found
U,K~nlhth pUJcaw-.

nwy •t~M.W Mftdhtt;.ac:t~oounn'5 ur~

\\'utOIIItlnaa.IIIWlth lht:m..

MACO, Wh••'iltot-tdld yOu JO?

NACO Who ton bt WIM,.atna.1A!d 1 temperate tnd rurtou&,

L~l ..,4 ntuJra.l,ina_mom•nt?Noman:

Th<•IIJ'Odlliool<lruy- ._
<N1nan tht PWIII N'UQD..filn lay O!:ncm
"" ..... -la<..s ...... hYp:>ioknliooi.
4 ... 1\Ulldllt lll.D lo*'4.1ib: a br&:tb in n.:rtcrt

For NU\' .,...JW-; Htrucf':: tbttte, 1M mu:nte"""

.it.,p 41n tiM cob&oartbe:U t~~thfir~n­

Unm•nrwrly brna'4- with prw.boconhi re.fraln,

fhot had J. hurt to low. and.. in tb.uhnrt

tour..,. to ntUt ,kr\4 .kncwn?

LAO.- M . .tr ID• lw"OW, bal

MJ.CI) t.o.$ ••lilt ...1

MAL iAu.. WO.JWhvdo'tlle.bcid=-.ti"t~

Hid II) •Hill li'*r~hOJ• 1 11\Ay rush, and <s eiu us?

Our1t•r.•r• no1 )'9t lnw"4..


1\ilCI wh"11 w" hJ.lvtl our naki!d iroiltieshid,

Thwt •ul'ff lln fJUIOJUrt1 J~ t us meet,.

And ~• .Uon Lhb n'l05\ bloodypiece af work_

T~ bUIW Jt tcrupJ~sh11te us:

1n th• c-•..1 h11'14oiGGIIItt.;ud.-mdihenu
..,..... ""~pnanro::J~
Off ........... .....

MACDA.. •dol
MACII LtU brl4ny put on m.anJ._)~rea~

Ana m ~to t i' dlf I ~A~Ji tc>ge.tne r.

ALL IV.Ih.Gnl '01t4.

lblhow • • Ylll•h ~uandoe

Whk.h tM falltawrdc!
SluJI ..q VI t1o1.b tbf.Cu:whf:r!,

n..,,.\ dAQIII ... IDtJl.IIIIDIJu;;th!: tlU! in!*Jod.

f .. """"' lllood.1

MAL Thll!tiU(t\fiOIJ,Ubatt tlut'U h-1

H111hunt y.l IJgbll!d ,tmd our safest way

I• IOIYold lht.elJn Th• re.foll'tollorse;
And Itt Ut not bl d~Jnt y oC leave--ta.king.

fhu ~Mt 1way - tbut \ wurmt in ihn theft

Whkh Nt&b U•llwho IJw.rn-oomm:ylt:fi {t...,~r

.a.ccn tvOWOIWI14M...,_,c&Ak.

C••••-.. '.--"'al4......._

Wllhln th.t 't'OIUntttl(wluc.h time { ~o

I CotHf drudrul llnd tblngutrange, but thluot<e nlJ hf

f~1lh lllfltd IOI'nlt r knowlllj;S.

~ ~ . . 1. . hHW"Dl '"troublf.d with ttWt! ••

ThiMl_,_ ••Y bAc:aly•.,a: bf1lt.t'.dx:k'tisd:ly,

........... _ ~lho~J:Jm;>

an ~ftt tp~e. artlwdl~!h.uJw.

Tb•t4•r._.Cot1 uw rx,,_ rX~uthemomb.
Whtn llliln.& li.Jht •bQufd it?

OLO M. 'l'la•uuul\11 11,

JZWIIilk.t thtdtf!d Lluet.dmu.Ou Tu!.Sdaylut

A. r,lcan towtrtnc tn hfl pride afpJau

\'i.a"'. ~ owt h.twt'4 •t md 1dJI'd..

TUm~ .,u4tn n.u\ft.brdae tMirst:t.fls.ftun::ou"

("ntthdht.a '31Nt otlfdwnc:~. a.s they would ma.b

OI.Ok T&t•ldtiM1Ml...c..badlou

IOU l'lloty._. • LOU.. ·m a.. ....-m dnl.lm-~.

IW •••IIIIIN0'1d.Jir. DOW!

MACD Wht... wrwt.o~~

.ass b1 tbu.l:llatthi.ntloodydHd)
MACD n- llwl lot.c"""' looth st.;a

MACO Thoy W~rf cuborrl'd

t.blr(l.lm • nd OonaJtuin, Lht> k.i.og"st.wo~

A" 11oi'J11W1Yind llfd.,wh.icb pub upon tbt>m

Thnlt .... •mlltkln l.b.dwillr:uiDup

Th)rw e-n lat• •!.Tiw.o 'tisGlOSl"lib
Tlte ttMrti«nlywtU f&llupcm)l.acl'llfth

MACD. HI! Ia nlrfody non~td, ll.r'ld gone tcS.:oni!


~CD Cu'riM ooC..-

="-~ ·~cti.Uip~

A..o """""'" t1 lbelr- t~~mu.

MACD Ht.l. l.oCIIIIU4111 rti\Oflff'

JQSS W.ll.l Will thltbtJc

MACO Wdl, RYtWU..-lbtapwdld:::!R tba-..rr::admt,~

"OIS.\ r•ltk~

OLD M. God'I btnlton 10 wllh you, and with thcR

T IUIL woul d n.._kcl &OOd o f bad an d fri ends of fou!ltx'4Wlr.


SCC,Ntl rWN.a. F-.r~


IAN Tlwwou.&ll -"""C....-dor;Ghmio,ill.

A• tl\t w-thd _,m.o prornbll!d,a.nd I fear

Fhl)U rtlo)'d.Jt rMCt foully fort: yet it wauafd
II ahO\IId nOI rtlu.d In U1ypostuit}:.

Uul i lUll myttJr •hould bl! t he root and father

0( 11\any kii\Ji. lfl come truth from tht!m-

~~ u,pon t htt, Macblth. thdr speec:hessbJnt'-


"•~lhfff'f'.ll bf myenc.Ju.u.W£0

~ .. ,..!..L'ft_

.s..... ._..... t•l4f'MACBElll,..Gtilu:"lADYIL\CB£nl.•f'!MII

LDINOX. •oa.L«dt, Ladiu.M.t Atreod.tnu..
MACI H.trf\ uur c.h&c.J fUIUl
LADV ~L 1r tw h•d bun rorcoue.n,

It hod llttll "'tiP In ow·grulfeut,

Aud lllll·lhln;.- unbtcomtn.g.

c~rnnu.lld upon mt, 10 tht wh.ich mydutb!J

Art wlll\01 nlOfl hus.J....wubl.e tie

f:'o• awr k11U

MAC II Rldt you thU. tf-ttr.J\OQil?

BAN ~y.tnVaDOd k:.'4
JCACI W. 111ou14 blw<lao 4tlirod)'OU'good ~..,

W' Ul.b o.t11 b:a.b p:a'i1!:.£lld PlilQftOWr..

"'.,.......,. OOitladl.llut -.'U tdl!. ~

Twi• UduDd a&pJ)frpootm_yborw lhf bf~nr

ln&:u& ~-~-l.b! n:ipt

r• a 4.ut~:Mu#CI tw&aA

llt.ACa htl010t our fna.

I All Mt,l will DOl

&lAC II W. M•rout blood.ycousinu:rebestow'd

h1 Engl1111d llttd in lrt land. n ot confessing

Tht ll'crut l P•J 1tdd• 1 ftlllng their .b!Mer.s

wu 11 1tr•np tnwotlon: butof that tomorrow,


Ct u'"' "• bntl1 HN)Oiato bcocsl!:~

T~U\IOU r.tum 112 utPL Gou.R!1ac>! withJ~Cml

lAt. 1\f( ll'lf ........ OU.timfdooaall.-upo..""!1\...

IliACI t wt•b Jr'.lf ...._. -'Wtft mel 1W'e.olfca,

And., ldocoenuwnd )OU to Uwir b.Kks..

rnl'fW'ill t£'.1• 8l1Jtquo..
l.t l t'Ait v 111.1111IH mu tuor h-ls time

TIU .,..wu u nl&ht: to

Tht Nttltr wtlttlltl•, w• will k!o.e.p ow::seU
nu 1\lpJHMJmt alone. wbiJe.:; then. God be wit h )OU1

tln'&.h .1 W'CIIf'd wttll )Ol. .nt.end. tbos! mm


AntND fht)' art, tn)' LQrd, wh.bout lbe.pillace--p:ta

r.tACfl Otlt•l tht m t.rorv uJ.jE.tlr Arrendant

1h lJ4I 1h1t1 ll h to1h\11' i

hut t.a bt .. f•lYtJ1tJ-S".ourtu..rsio Banguo

•Uti! 6up. AD4 Jn bb TtlfAitytJf ~

,..,.lh•t1t'tadl.......u..i.w ru:-4. "W:mnch he~~

A. . tolhat &4MG~Ial totlllpUtCbis!Ilini:...

lir h•th a wlaiOCD tb.ll dclthplid!t-hi:sftb:Jr

TwAC •n •ttay Tkr-. b:OQDI!'but M:
Wh,. bU"4 I do rfU" and. under him
M.YG•nh"It rtbukwd., ukiudd
Mult AAICW'IV' _..,.!chid the-Hen

Wbtn t..-. lbnpul tbr n:auwGtting-v_pt:~~~ mt.

Al'\d ..... llwa.... ~ ti..lm;tbenpNpbU.filto


Upon'"' h-s tberp.W:f4 a fnnt.lesiSc:tOWA

And put "btm:o &.eptn_ to my-crl~

ll\.tfk;tlo bt wttn<b~d. with .an unlinul tund,

No 110:11 or mll\f tu(l;ftd.fn.l. lf't be.s-:~,
Fur 8uuquo., l.uut hAw I rue~ my mlnd;

l'ort ht •n 1ht 1rnclou, Dti.uun bavi! 1 m.u.rderdl

l'ut rancoun In I11t .,'IWil!!l of mype3C~

Or11)'f01ll1ttn,ud mlne.ete.m.&lj!wal

,_,, tw, ctu.n 10.

"'*"'. nu.WD the ns:.
AM ·twnr...,..._t•dlle o«!t'ln:-4.'~UMW

Nuw '''to IM• door. and stay there till Wi!' c.nll. JCrir .Attt:'ldd/Jt
Wn ll notyt1ittrday Wf' spoke together?

nRST MUR l1 w•-.IOpiiUI')"DWhlgbness.

MACB W.ll tl\•t'. 11(11W


nt.a If "'•• N a U. \~ala. p.a.a wbic:h hdd JOil

,..-,ton-..,bleb,_ ~hod-.
Ow'l~nt•tt UU.IaadEp:droyou

In ~r Lt t cqnftr.-oc..: p.aa·4 in probittion Wlth ,au

tW ~~ wtr. botntln h.and;!bowWlSS"d.,tM l.n.ttnnn•nlt1

WhC' wt(l•~&hl whh lhem, anda.U t.h.ingsalse that mlcht

1b hi ll • .:n~l and toe not.ton!.: crazed

.S,y'1'hu•4l4 Blnquo

l1ltST MIIJ. ........... d - . , " ' " '

MA(I l.ud-. tnd Mal fw.nhu-.whithisQOIIIJ

O.•t ,..usa c4 JiiiOOOd tl:ifttJn&:.- Do JOU-fu:.:!: . .!Kf' .:)plf'4aml:p.fnt io jllUUUlllA',

rtw )'Q'I u.r~ a.ttlbU.,_,.., An J'OU s.:~ ~-d -

ro j'.lrll)' tor lh.Ltps man ilnd for his issue,• •"YtaOd tw.h buw"dJIDU totht!fPYf
And l... ~4 )W&IIf«•wt?

lUST M:UI W. -"1 m.ttt. Eat~

NAO Alia tN uw.:c-,._ pf~ mm.:

A-t twlmJ.a1U"''""hwud.6~ mongtth. spmilfls, cw•.

S""'111'u, W(iltU•NF MWi ckmi wotw.s, an .t.t.-pt-:
All by tht n,urn.tor dclp: the vllued file
Oll thlJ Uh hu l ht t Wl(l, t he slow, the subtle,

Tht houttkttpl.t; Ult huntu, e ~o-eryon e>.

Accm'Cih~l to t ht lift whkb bounteous nsture

tt.lth In him c.J081d, <wMrtby b~ li:ws-re.:-eiw
Perc kulaa add.iuon. t r'CIID U:w bill

Tbal wrtttt iMOI.U&lib:~wcLme:o..

~ tJ ,.. a. .. a K'Wiil:l m thf fiJi!
hW rttw ..._smkrlm •n..........styit.
Wn...t tllif<tU*'lalu J'VUf romsy-df,
Crtppl•• you to lh« t\ollart wd love of u.s,
Who wnrour h.ahh. but skkly in bUliff',
Which In h14dtalh wtN! perf eeL

Wtwm lht ..ut Worw.J md IIWJ~u d!Mworid

lk-.., uac•~ lb.all am Rd:kss wh:!!


I1JIST- An 4 1 -

So wtny w-llh dl.untn1 tugd with fartut~ f'.

Th&t t would Ml rny

tb 1Tit l1d It Ol bf rtd (.'IIJ 't

IIOTiutlla, TN<, my-

MACa 5o u ho mlno. .... In_.. bloodydlsun;;c
"''' '"'"' mlnuu of bU mng tb.rus;:s
._.... my OMI'M.. tlflde:aad ~ lCCIQ)d

WHft Mnf6lt4 pgw!lr SWH-plum fam m.)"'!i#u

A.a.l ... n'l't W\LI .i-..:IIWICb,_J'ftlmcsttd..

~ c•rull\ tnfndl UW an both hismd mirw-

Wtw. ~·· DYYhl:ltd:rop,but wail htsfaD

Wtt.o f rn,_lr II.Nc:tdown:-Uid it ii
Th<!t 1111 ;taut aJ6lslmn do m..akllow,

fl1nklu~th t bu.lnu, ftom the common eye

ror t lll•rt• 'I wttlalll y rea<JOn_s.

I'IIS'rNUS. ThouaJ> _....,_

ACACI 'ftlut tplnU 1b1Dt t.luoq,b JQ1- W"dliftthisbCJw •t IQQIII

f wUi t.d\'1• ~ Whtr'e to pla.ntyoursel'YII!S,.

At~U.tlnl 'jOu wllh t.h t pufed-spya'tbe time,

The ntQillf lll C>n 't: ror~t. must be done tonight,

Au d Ml.lllt lhl11,e!i rro.-nlhe palace; always thought

Th.u I r•qujl'l: 1 tJ•tmus-.!! and with bim-

Tb ,_w no rubt u~b:lkbnln the wori:-

tlll.lllkl bla mn.lllai.Ji:a_p.5bimcanpmr.

w~ ·~., raokuma:tnWmuw

1'1LtA uwr ..~~~fMhu-

oc thAJ 4ut Mt.llt.aciW )IICIUJlE'he!.-;qwt;.
n1 (am. IO )'0'1 aOOn.

tar'H "IUR 'A

•11f• JUC)I~d, my kml.
MACfl ru ttdl upon you .tnu,ht:abide wit.hin. f£ ~~~~~~r Mllr41tm

llltconf ludtcS: B11nquo,lhysoul's night~

1t h lind httwn tnull lind if-out UmighLf£rn.


hi .. LADY MAC8rtll-•Savmt.

t.AOY M. II l~tDOf fRI:n coan?

SDV AX...S4m.llutn.hlnilqamtJlGi&fit-
LADY M.S.ylotho ~1-.Jd uttnd his L!imr-o
SUV M..dt iii.IWUll(tu
U.OYM ,.,..,..........,..,...,._

w...,• .u ...,_la p:.ll wttbcm o::orrnr

11.t Ml•t tobt tiW. wbich we~
lh.ln bJ'M.tJ'UII:.Uan 4wt.D in doubtfalj!y:.

En"' MACllCTil

Now now, my I ~I'Cl!W hy doyou bep .alone,

Ol tt~nl ul tl.ncJo)'OUJ comp.anionsmaldnc;

Ulilnl I hCIII OiOil&bU wbic.h .should ind!'f'd tuw diPd

With t.htcrtlbty tbiUon..>"!hinpWiiitbout JD r?ftllfd:y

Sh..· Uc ...... UMJ C. ht.rlflf, whilstoo.rpo:tmaitu

l"tii.!IUIJ. lu G&l.\lllt af M r l':lrme.r tooth.

Hill It t I he rtttm tof Lh.lngsd.i.SPint, both Ute """rld.SfU(fiC',

C1• W'l will «G.t OUl' In fea.tjand sleep

I•• lilt A miction of thue turible dream$

111•1l-hAW '"uJ.&hUybtttvbe \\tith the dead.

Wham wt. to pin our p.~ct.hiw £nt to put:'f
""A .:.nlhtla1tm Qf the .annd to&
.,_ ,...... ~ i! in his,p:l'W
Alt•l '-1•1 liftps'W'dt-

Tre-.-....., diOt bU wcnt.oaar-Jt~D~~:rpai:al

Kaloc. _ , . . _ , _ .."" """""&

C~n touc.h tUm t\Lnh«

Ctt!llt mylo•'CI. ~ ec kdt r yourrugg:ed looks;

It• bi1Dll andpvlaJ altlll'll£_)'0'1Ugue;rstoJU&ltt.

l..tJ~UUJ 1•ft•c.ftlka&«appl71-0~

~--"· ..... t..III&AtOC«.IIoth with ~and t~• Uw whl... U..t wt:
Mu.t '""'<lUI hoft(IUJ'.tln l.f\.tJ;f

ANI m.tkt our f..u• vbotrdsta ou.r bean.s.

LADY at. V. mlUI.iu.. lbi&.
MAO 0 t..Uoi-""'Y..U..:.dur.nt.'

LADY b\ But In LMm n..atur.kop_J\ not fcteme.

MAC9 Thtrt)comrort 1fb Lh.e_y ue assailable!

'tl\111 bt thou ju(u.nd at't' th.!.bat bath flown

~~~. clol11ff'd nl"'tlflt to bl.ack~c!te\summt!N.

Th• lt•••d-tJonM.:;.;: ~u, w1th bisdrow$}'hums
A GNII fll d.~ OliiCe-

LAO.-M WIMn&o ...._,

.._.CI lo _.,., ol IN""-"<!r:o..UU...<buclr,

TUI thou ttppliUd thll dt"fd.. C.cme1 ae-1~ nl&ht 1

.S.:11rrup t h41 tendtrt,. ofpltifulday,

And With thy hlood.y and Invisible. hand 1nd tttrto pltcu that great b:md
Whlth kfllp•m• pakllJ&bt thlckens,an::l t.hJ! erow
Mal<,, WlnJ;IOtbt ~WQOCL

W>4 thlopol .S.rboPJ> ~<>droop--.

WMa.• "'~" b&K.t.-u t.Q lh!:tt-~--sdoratUt

1'III..N IMnt lnt.a ftQ wunk 1:an...b..;t1 th!o.!..m.
,__................ _ _!>Jill

,pfU""· ID•Ub IDLI£::r&W.

ICI! Nt! IlL A.,_,..,...,. &k ,.U.V.f'.

hrt.r rllr.• •tur.a.rwra.

f iRST r.IUR Hut w hodl d bi d t het! join With us?

TfiiR~ MUR. Morb<th.

SIC MUJ ,._, nted• not ou.r;Since he delivers

Our et'lkt • .lOll •hal .._ blw &.odo.

1b ln.ttu-IIC.Uie --~

~ M•t )'tt&Un'l.m'luwU.hattn!suult:sofda:~

fir1w tpurJ Lhtltlict.:.: \n.wli.H.apac'!

tD "''n tht:l.t.ltMirtnn.aud DI'U..-ppToacbu
Tb• .,bM't fJI OW' Wo1lth..

IA:tll> ..... l c;,.. ••IA&bl u.n..-
stC MUl llwn tu tw. uw r.A

Th-1t .;,. wtthln th.• not« ar expeda t;i.on.;..;..

AIrudy IIUtl' t h.tcourL

rU~$1' MUlot I II• hOtM*&:O<ibouL

n·rra.o MUitAhnDWI .a milt but he doesu:su.llly--

:J.o til fttfnek-4:RIGI tMnu 1·otbf pahce p:tto

)kt,. u tbtif -a_

stC MUI.A¥•~ •¥1!

hrtr 84~,Aitfl.£AHCE wrtA:ilUTd.

TIIIID MUR "no 1\o

FtUf ~IUR Stand to l
OAN ll Will bf rain l(lrtiJhL
rLR,ST MUR Ltt It cotnt down..


I'1JST N.UJ Wu' llGl UN way!

TH11.P liUl.' e..t :Jnt: ckPwn;tb!!sm U~
J[(.MUI W.h.lwlon

fiRST MU8 Wtl~ lttiJ IW•Y•ud Yy haw muchlsdone.t£Xt"'''

•CI:Nf. IV HAll Iii tJt• ,.l•u..

A~,..,..,...,.._ .NACBETH.LA.DY MACBE'fH.lOSS.L[~'OX.LCird,._'lt AtteniS&Du.

M.ACI -.ltf'HIW )' down:u ftn:l:

....... llw _ , ,.....,,• .,._

LOIDS Thoobt.o,..., . .,...,.

MACft 0\~,.tlr \111111 n~lfitk: with .ICJiti!'ty
.\nd pl•rtht hwnblt baa...
0t.o1 ,...•• ...,rJ twr.a.u ~bur in1JI!st Ulbl!:

WI ·11¥\D ftCil.ll¥.,.. lltr' ..rk:GG::Ie.

F:ttrlrjlr11t Mlll'dflrtl' I (I rlttdoor

~ ACD . S••, l h tYt ncountt~-r lhH with their heanr thanlal,

a"' h lidt• .,.. •wn. oo. r w mi.isL.

l•t.n,._ tn min.b..&o~:m ~'DdrlntJ~-nL-uure-
n.. .... rOI&h&. iA,,.. ....,.... ~ th:t:tf,\:l*lod Upcllft

MACI 1\at.ttnl~ wltbiNl t.h.tnh.!wltbia

MUll, My I O•~ hili hi'Oit ltcut:that I did fer him.

MACa thou ant llt brJto' the cutthroat.s;:yet h•'l:ood

t.1AC8,1Aa/J.ol Thfn con1tl my fit~J bad el5e bl!en pttrftc:l.

Who!• ulht mlttit. fli!Wld~ uthe ro:t.

IU .._, 1M IIDful u lbe'C..IJiDsEr~

1 ..1 MWIIIDUIIacS.alllttd_,.i::cmfi....., 'ta!ftdUt

. . . . .)'--'-...S(un.--Bu>~afr

With twtntytt'fnc:~p.sbe.son his be-ad;

MACI T'b&Airaf•

~ •"'\ :"twtt tall' pvwn ~tt»~tlut r W

te.lth Nt\U't ttw ln daM: Will~ tn.d!'!:~tamom:Jw

W.. II hurOW"!!£xit ~1dun

You dn11"' CIW lhtthHr: the fnst is sold

n,.; '' na1 CIOn VU~Kb'd.- whill- 'tis.-cnUin£.
,... e:fwn wWt tWk'GDr.t.ofHd .-..nlell•t ben~


Nvw toad d.llfttLOn ftit on appetite-

And hu lllton bOlhJ

MAC 8 tit rt had wt now our «!WWtty's hanOUT rOJI'd,


'n\.lft pity fOJ IRiKb.anu-'

ROS.S. tlltlt.l'lltllc•, •lt.

Li)'l blamw upon IUMpromise. PleaM'tyour hlghnua

'nJ..,..c., u..w1thyour roya.J company.

Ltli KtrfU a pLM:t~m:

MACI W'bctt '

UH Htr•.mt..,.. kt.._ Wh.uLtl th.ntr.109UJG1tthi~•

MACI WIW<bof,,.,_thb?
LOIDS W...I.0\1-Iiril
~1Atl Thou ctn.wt not A'f>.
.au Corl'd .. nwt\
LA.DT .. Ill,'""'-hrtne..a.k.m.ybd iseftM thlzs.

A1\0 tu1h. bHo t rom hiJJI:IUl.h. prqyou. kHp .ae.ctr

Ttl• flll.l mmti4RCI.t)': upon. a thought.J:
Ht Wlllll,-:11rt bv: W't.IL· lf mu.t.h }--ou note him,

VC'Iu l hJIII c tft ltd hh•land e.xtend h.is_pusion:

rftd1• nd lt .. ld nOLAn> }'011-a man?

nn. &. ttw W>rtp.u.rtlm(afJ'OUI fnl:

Thltlt UtM lir-4r.:awn4.qp.r wh.ic.h.}'OU s:Ud,
l.fd YQ\110 t1Hncon.O,lbew tlawslli and stJ.rts:,
l•nvu-lc ht totrul! rnlj wouJd well become-

" ~0111 1 11\ ttOI)' tl a wlnterU\re-,

AUl hw l•d by J'tl £1-I.IId&m.. Shame!

Whydo)QI n'akt JUtb When ~\:dD~V ,

'tau a.. hfl C1G a I I -

Wh,, wtw.l we I"IIUwu.Cilll.Sl DCJd.s;p;uk:tm

ttchartt•l bcwwJ£ndgurv.t'-""
Tholt 1h.\l wt but)' back, our monum£nts
.Sihlll bt I h ~ IIIOWIO( kites.!£xitGhost..

l.ADV M Wlut ,quilt UU1Jb1.11n1d in f'Olly!

MACA lll&'landh•tt. J•whim.

l.ADY M.. flf .t"f ttlamtt
MACI l l * l..lh bftn ibM ut-a.w,.f th!: zLhn timt

t.. twm.ono ..,_I""P'itbo~....r

M .•nd ••• loo.taldlntuw bem paform'4
Tori» ttnJllk f« U.. uc-tbt: t:fJ::H tusbHa.

1'h•l. whtn lM br~ '"r'f" out, t.M: nun would dt.

And lhilrt lin tnll.. but DDW t.N.ytiw apin.
Wilh tw.1U vnk:lr1-.J munSt:~ 2!l theirCl'GIImS,

And pu.ab u.framour-stook.lhui.smcn~


LADY ll.Ny_,, 1on1.

M.ACO lddi!(,Ctl

Do nol mitJIIGI lllt, m y rnosL wonhy frien cb,j

f h•w a fll"1111lf lnfirndty,Which is nathln:

tb1 ba.lhatlliiMIW m.__ Camt:.low md h!-aJtb t aslJ

1btn nJ •• cS.owo.. GJw 11M' JIXnt'WlM,fiD run.

IG.n.nk LO IMilDf.RI pyd tlw wh*-o.!if.,

AJid IIOCIIW ft"ll' fnt.cl4 l.u:lilipi), wba:n w.!' 1!11!1{

w.a.t.lbe wt" ....-~"'aU .md. him W-! tbi!'Jt.

LOlliS Ourd•tlfo, and tlw pl~.

Rt-t~tftt ChCIIt

MACitAVJiilll !;.~ 11 d quJI my51gl\t! let th~e.:ath lllde lhtfll

Tby b:.\...,... mut"'Wit -.lhy b1ox. is cold;

~h .. nD'Pf'C"Jh;ltgn......:._jn ~~


~~~ ... a thlnJot(\ 'tiloootber

Ottl'flllpoiU Utt plt&.Ntt or tM time.,

Apptolch thou UU: t.he ~ Ru.ssian ~

Thf tfm 4 rlUAc'<ow .- thf: H:y%un ~

'f'J.lillt MT)' &IU r- t.t lW. and .tDTfi:tm ill'fWS

St\AU twwr lfii'!DIIk ar bfo abw oipin..
•no da"' fnl: lOtbt .S..rt with thy~

b tl'<~mbUncllnhlblit tbe.n,ptotutme

fl~ bolbyar II aftl tkDCt,bomOI.e shadow!

LADY M ...... ,.,....,_.,_math,_llu!P"'"'""III.
With mntl tdfrll rtd dJJa'rder..1.!2

And PWKOIII._ ua bR • .wmmerscbud.

Wtthout CIW iip« WCD.iEr? X.unlh uw ~

E.. A1otbt4• 5 *Mmthnl~

Wtwn..., t 1~ ,ou an b!bdd £Xl:! n:;b:t:t

....... , ...... toonlnii>JdJOm-...

W PWJt miM b tl&&oc.b ·4 mtb

ll05S Whlltll,l'lll, my lord?

L,ADV M I p r4.)' yo\l.tptak not,; he grows worse and WQI'W j

Qu u~ l lOII f ll rt~t~ him• at once,good night

.S1and nt'4 ltJJOl1 the .m:suar )'OW" going,

t."t f11 •t CIOU.

MACO ft will hAW biC'IOd: they.ay blood will h.ave blood

Sto1 1t~ tulw brtn tci\OW11 to mow Uld tte<!s tos.p-u lu

AUC\IrU•.o. • .hd llbd.ntoca::l rdatiansb..tve

"' '''ii&PI plf.a.:.! and C.boQciumd t'CIOb tnJu.tht f«<h

nw .-..,. m.&At:~bloocl'

&.A0Yk-At~6l .... Wlllt....aia&.whichil..tu.:b

"'-4CI -•1'olthou.llwM•<Guff~hls-
LADY M D.. ,.....,., toblm,JU>

MACI lhMI U117UM ...,.Jtlluthr•iD~

,..,.' noc • ..._ ut t11w:m lul in his b.:n:sil!

,...,., . .......,cH·4.twm.~
And O.Umt1l wUI.Iotbt wtUd sisters:

•t..x. ltuU thtytpuk,(or nowt.a:m bmt t o know,

Ay th• Worat mu m , the worst. for mine own J:OOd
All (IHINt l ht ll i l'li! W t~y; I am in blood

Stt i)J)'d In to rar lhal,s:hDU.Id I waden o.more,

RttW1d111 Mrt .u ttd.Jowu god er.
S1r1f\&11 thiQ&tl M-. in b••d that will to land,

Whkb mut~~ bl' acttd. u t tlwy ml}' be SiiC..UUI'4

LADT M. .... loU tbt ,.,._ol.Jimtm!5.sloip

MACI c- -1110-.o ,., """"""_,.; .tt--...::!

II lht lnUU.It r~u-.!.o.. lbt wmtsh.ttdll!iie.:

Ww1Ht ,., but )'tiWI.I: In dHd...!EA'nuu_

IC ISNI! v _,, hnr:h.

TI'W •Idfr, £m tr tlv tltn'* Wttt hes,.rr.eet.ingHECATE.

Fl lU'r WIT( ll Why1 how now1 Hecate!you look a.nt.erty.

UCC. B ot\'~ I not fMIO!l0 btldanuuyou an.

S.ut~.and eYII1dd, How dJd ,au~

'atf'ldf ..... uafk 'WU.hM.Jc~.b.

1ft nd.IUtt •ad alf~arldfttlc

lb. C*' ~tnw:r Qf .U batm£,
Wu n•wr t&U'4to bur my-put,

Or chow 1hIt &lory or aur ut.?

And, which 11 wot... aU you h.a'o'E done

I IIIth I)Jvn but (or a Wllywal'd .tOn,

s,,u. n.t .ud wrathJul: wb o;asathe.rsdo,

t..w' toe bll:owu «OISI,DGt fwJOU.

hue Riii.U '"'"*""" ao.- pt }":''l ~

...... ft ..... ,,. ol

- .... ,lao~-""
wu•...,.. .. -bUckcmy
'foul-~~ .... ,..., spolia p.....U,

'rnur (~rrtll 1nd • ._ry thln{ ~

hm toHtt• ah t.bumpt rn spmd

''"'' • dl8n&l.-. &Adia r..usend::

C.rHII C~u••arawtltt~ez-mar

~-"" - · ciO..""""'
n..r• ""'-a. -_ponu.&drop pn;f"CIIllld:
nl c•tch iltn tt ~t.ogound.
A... llul diJtllrO b}'. _ lkf&bts

S:l\o~U rM• t\K.h I&IU.Ad~~sprites

A• by lht 11ntuct-h of lhekillusion

ShAll d rt~w him unto h.isconfusion:

HtliHIII •JHI'r n t• tt 1xorn d:eatb,and bear

1-b• hoi'" "t»w wi.tdom,gr.1ce .and fur::

And ¥QIIIill11 know ~Kwit#

c-. mt~t1.a.ll' ('hJ.I'fMl eotm_y

Hartt I -""call cl myUut. ap.fnt_..iei!

~u ift • fuel)dNol. ao;; rar m:.. li:DL

te'ISNI':I VL ror,..,, T'h• pa~~u;41 ,

£ntl'' LrJfNOXn~MOlllt'r Lord

w-,, plt.lotct or M.Kbith:m.vt)',tw was dud:
AMth• rtaht• Banquc:~ waJl:'d too La:u!J

Whfllll,. you mayaay, Wt ple.ue you, Ae:tnce Jd1l'd,

l'or I'IU nct nlltel! !Ui!-n JTLurt not walk tooJate,.
Whoc•m•tll wa.nllhtlhought,howmon.s:trom

n w~.tfm Mt&JcGlmanAfc.-DotWbdo

1bkllllhtlf ptt"*-fttberld.a.ilu:wd De~

tW II A..S pww Molt:bd.h! dl4 h!o fll!ll srrzi&ht-.

lAp-.. ..... thf hft)4tlrnqvnu tttt

n..t ••• the ei,'IUafdnnkznd th::!alh~.RNp,

Wt.t""' notlly4cla.t> lrJ,and wiRI)'tocr

r411 1wnukl h&¥t oU\IIfr"d myhemaliw

Tb t\•ac ltHI I'MRdfn)"LSoUut, f say,

1ft hu bcrrnt otll thln&J w.lland ldothi:nk

fh•l,11.&4 h• Dut~c.u'J..aunauhi! Uy--

" ' • ' ' ' p)t&M iMI WifO,tw lhallnol-tlwyJbouJa ftn4
Whal , ...,. ~0 tW a.f&Uw:r:; so .libca1d fl.:.m.:e.

.... pete•' lea(,..--= ~..nd 'c:ro5! be t.tad

ta.p ..,.,...... .-.t>...-rYQ.Ibz.u,

M..c'dWC' Uwt la~• a.;cmygu t'!ll

Wtwu hot •~• N:malP

n '\'trn Whorn Lhl& hold.sthe.due of birth,

t lw-, lnthl CniUJ.h (OUJ1,.-nd is received

01 ch• m0111 plow, td\Ji/Ud With such gncf'
tl\•1 ttw mak~. olfGrt..uM~

! ••• rnm t.a.tup fUPf'CL ~~u!J

'' .,_,. rap rt)' U. batyi:ia.&.. upoo hiuld
1b .,....., Ncwtb"rbdJ..,. Uld wuJil:!. !ivan~:

tllot . . UNbolpGf ....... wubHlm,_

1b r.mty IM wor.-, wt m.~.y q;aiD
Clw lo our l.tblft mut, a£Hp to our ~tJ,
rt•• t'h.t1n our ru&lJan4 b.utqu.etsbloodyknlvu,
Oe1 h llhrul homtgt 111d re.ce.lve free honours;

All whlt h wt plnf 101' now: .and lhisrepori

tiilh•••~Ttnit tJ\t klnglhu be



f.OlD HldJd Wwttb.a.a~•~r.ctt'

Tth•c~.)'- rn..f\Prtumsme hi!-~

And humt. U wl'lo 1hDuld 101y'YouU rtlf' t.he tlma

Tlu•ttlos• m• with ll11u nwrtr.2

l..c.N And 1h ' l Wtllml&ht

t\d\4w him IO• Clll1lcln.lObald what di!unc:l'

nrto ,..,. cwn crt bc;L&D4 w Ullfdrd

. . . . . . . . . .,._ ... ~ \hu~_swtf!~

"'~Y ~!!.a flftum.totldl ow~ :-comtlJ

lfrw..t • ba.N .UW11td!

l.ORD. t'U.. u d myproa,.uwltb him.


fllST wrrck Thnu I he:~ ~· at meW"d.

src Wrt'Ctl Tt\rll(t and. OIX~ the hedg-pig;L whfNd
Tl UllD WfrCI t tl.Lrpltr ulu' i.ll time. "'tU tim-.·

nruT WrrtH Round about the cauldron go:

ll'll hr pallon'd tiU.t4UJ throw.

l'crld, th•l Un4tl <al4 aiane

o.,.. .... ll4hUb.. lhlrty..,.
J'"-ntrd.l!! "'.DliiiD ..,_Pin&&:a.
WI""'" ar• r<.

l:n thtc•ulrtron boil •nd blkr·

t~ol ,,....., tnd tor of froc,.
\\b.11 gC 11161 ..,.. lanpw d tfics.

l.lar4\ .., .... - - " " "

LIM •hfll.t.wtb bOll .aod llullt*.

ALL Ooubl.t,doubt. t(lll and trouble:

rlrV bllfn IHUt C'O UI<J.l'Onbubble.

TliriUl WITCIUulo ol' d._,, tooth of wolf,

WucbU' mwniiOY. ruw.U~

01\be ,.\\11.. ..n.... ~

- Ill,..,...... CIA;d t llw ;l.u>;;

Ltw< aU!&"''Iw....,.low,
G&Uolpt•ftd: tl&p•of,.-•
Jll\illff"li- m U~.t mcon)edfpst,

No. otTbr• •nd't Upa:,

Dltch.O.bWT'd . . , . . _

,.... Uw ~l6ktmll~
AM Chfn10 I Upncbm,;;mp ~


l'lrt bllrn llndc.-ul.d.ruu bubblf'~

SCC \'/ITCH C~l II wiUu bi.boon'sblood1

fEC o....U4c!N i lcwmn.eM~

-'ml ntryooelh&U ~ ,

AIW now about tl'l• cau..ld.nm sing,
L-l~t 4!1YtJtiM4 ro.b·lu in 01 rln.g,

l1lHIIl41ui ii\J .11111 IHit )IOU. put in.

(Music mltiJOf\&' 't!lat.,')'llrU•.' •c

!I~IIDIIw (IJif•

k-nw~..:Dd. tba-.ycomu:.

Whorwt be'~!( kif

tntn •v.tatttJ

totACIJ, Ilow now, you lltrtl, bUick, and midnight h ags!

ALL A4Htl wtlhout• OoliDL

MACII _ _ ,.....,IIwwlucbyoupra(....

,....,. n JIDU~ to bow tt.mswe- me:

T'tk.uc" ~ unu. Uwt wtn4s md ktt limn fi&m

AJIIIntt tM the~ m.w:s
t..::w\IC111md•n4twaJkJW ru"ip..tkm up;


~r•.L•••Wpynmac!sdo ~

n..t......-utotbtJI-f••e4 etimi;~tlwtRunn

Ot ..."'"-"'-''-..u~

1b wt\.n l4»k )'0\L

riii.ST WII'CH,$p" k.
SP.C. Wll'CU Dt nland.
THllDWrl'CK \\~'ll tniW<!t
J'IR.ST WJTCll S..~I/Uh."•I!J:i hom ounnau!-ht.

MACI. .C...U'IIm."-ttol!- Wm.

f1JST wrrtK row Ul..., ldood.tlw: b:Jth !'tun

•wr nlnt t.trn:~w_: &r111Jli! thatksweaten

ftomlht mur4.fttl"}&lbbellhrow

IJHO I h ~ fi .. II\CI


.,._.., flnl App&I\Uiilll• .,

IUCI ,_u.,._.-_,__
f1IST wm:tt Itt -.lllyl~Jou&!u:

Hatu hi• lptnh, but Aythuu oought.

l'rRST APP Mac: btl hlf.t.ocbtlh! r.tacbe.thlbewa:re fab cdllrf1

Mtlit pol tnt l hAn t he ftnl

""'•*"'-1 ApplliiJoa.ablooqC'JalL
5tC. An' llbtbllkllll.kbnh! Motcbdb'
M4Q H.tO I I -uu,N lous......,.
ltC.A, .. _,,_..,......,_inl:h..,.....,
nw ~·r 01 mo. f w DiCUliif .:4 Wllmlill tao
Stt..HI h •rnlt-l\t.bflb..(Dnwsds.

r.1ACO t iHIIIIive,ft\acdumwhi.t need r rear of thee~

Out v-:1 rn m'kt .IJIUHDCt double s un,

A11D t.tJr.. .t bond of fat..: thou .lilluJt nat Bw7

'Th •i I nuy ttU p&)to.bNrte4 f-..ui: lW,.

A...a lll'ltp ... ."'u.ort.h&mlkt.

Th. lt1Mt lllt9 lht iMutofa king.

Ana Wtltl'l UJ)OII hiJ baby·browthe rou,na

A t u~ top of IDYiil'tiA!lly?

AU Liatn. bul . .d.nouo'\_

lliiiiiAI'tl . . ,..,._,,w .-_OJ>d W.nocur
Wh!J~NI•tr. •hofftu,wwtaa e:a;:spi:m·un.

M.a~•tb WU cwwr ~"e be: U!Uil

lin•' ltrnlm WIXId u.hip. Owuinm.! bill

ltun10omt .,.Uiillhim jPurm41..

MACa. ThAt will u ivtl' bt.

\Vhnnn lmprtut be the tree

Unfta l1b ttrthb:lund .root.? SWMr bodementa!JIOOd I

a... u...,,,..._,. ..wr.wu...-
<lf "'"'.,. Rll.lftl:l;ow bl,p-placMJbt.bnb
Siwll hWiheltMWCII aab.r:rt- p.qhistn:u.b

lb>tu. _,IMI'\al cu&cm... Yet m'fhttn.

f1'll'llbl to bow 01W t..lliq: t:dJ IDit ff ,OUZ :m

' 'n ltU •mud\. abaU 8.&nqqol is.slR~

~~~lin lh.l• kh'C'dom!
AU. He~ to no mott..

IIA(i '""""'•.......douT.,..tbu.


sec Wll'Cft Show I
mnm wrrcu Show I
ALL Showblt•yw:•.and#i«W.hisbtan:

... - o f <II< l:lnct.t ...... ...U•Jj~Glioi!U-~ C:.WJ-.z

MACI n.ou ut , • •,.. ttw: JPtrll: m!mq:xt!Wwn

lbycrown don•u rriliw1)"1-bs.Ils.And thyh:w;

Thou ot ht f cold.~boli tid. brow. [s like the first.
A thlfd It Ilk• IIHI ronnel'. Flllhy bags!

Whydoyou•l•ow •n• Uds? A fou.rth!Start,eyeal

Wl1-'t,wlll tht Hne nr.tcbouttoth~cra<:kof doom?
An-All• a1'ttiA WYGI.blnJ we no more::
4114 )"1'1 1.,_ cWubappun. who bursa c,W:s
Wbkb .,.....,.. rD&IIf"IIIIH';md .s.:'!!JWltH
n..t t.,.....III&Jll&::ldtltl*r~urry
tfiDtr'\Mt ~' ' .Now, .. tu-truE;
rtwuw '*-'•baft...·~~mtiles-upoarm.., Whilc..Uthi!so>

FfR.tT Wrtctl Ay, &IC,I.ll thU 4 .11:1': but why

$tandt. Mucbttt h 1huuJnnzedJy?

(CII11f,lit1tl c.httrwt up hJuprites.

And tJlow t hf but. c>f ..w cH.liglt£

nl<h&Jm lhf U. tOQW:4 «JUDd,

WhU. .... PtrfiOitiR_,._ .uwc ~

,.,, ..... Clftl """may kmdlySO)'

illt~t4 aw ltC:WMla tJw c.&lf.ndJr

C..... U\ _,lMW_ tMJ:tf

L[P. Wtl,.l,1 )'I'IW" ChC• ~ wUU

6otAC8 S11w )lOLl tht Wflrd sist•a~

t.EN No1 n.y lol"d

MACO ConHt tl•t.V not by you?
L.CN Nolnd1111d, mylord
MACft lnf•cttd t,t th• ih-whrll!oo tb_-ydde,

Au4a.m•·4 1111 ~f.hal ttwt than!J;fid beu

""'-IIICCif- wbo....,.umoby'

U.K Tlol ...... ~ .......... tb.ub<U:;:--

MACB fl td lo f.!ltlhH1d!

Lf.N . I\y1 m y~ lord

MACB fA.Illtfl Tlm11lhOU &n ticlpate.s:tmydrea d expl4)11.1"

T'hl ft~~~1ty purpcat MWT iJ dm.oc:*=

u"............. wubJl:Uomt:bb:mamud
nM " " flf'IWnp fll ID'fbuJ:t iiui)ilf

nv ft.rc~QII ttlay1:1.u4._ AD4: nomtlt'!IW;

1bcrowt1 m.r UWuCf'lUwllh~ b! il ti:u!usbt md CSO.W
Th<c.,.lt ol 'lot4Wl'IWiD surpna:
Stlat Up. in nte, &IW iGlbe. ~ d the Alo"ORl

Ult wtrt. hll b.lbu.and •U untorlunate souls

Th.ll l r otet him In bb Hn.tL No boasting like a foo~

Tll ltd"d I'll do bif:J'(IJ'~ t h.l• purpose cool:

01.11110 mm't llgbi ~.,_ Wh are tbe.w ge.nU£me n?

Cif'!llt,bth11 n11 Wlltre tbeyue..{£.xnuH.

$CI!Nlf ll riF• Hat~ c...U..

LI.IACO Wh.a Wllt ...... to....-lfun11yt.bobnd'
t0SJ 'IDumMtt ....-..pUilDC~. ~
L MACO tt. .... nc6i

tU. ft~ht wu rn.AMa wb.e.n our.artiimsd!-'oot,

Our r411ndo ttt.:tltt ut tr.Utors..


fflt"'.-n.Jiou tnd 1\luiUe.s,~ ina place.

r'Mrn Wh t lltf him• lfdoes nyHielowsu.s not-;

!441 wunt• l h t 11~1 u.rAl toudd-~ for the poor wren,

'fh t 111ad dlmlnutlw or birds, will fight,

!If• roun1 ont~ \n btr ntA, ~ tM ow-l

AU ta lht ftar ana!! IOWJ
.............. . . . _....... thojljgln

.lonu.t 4IINOC all fMJCIO._

lpi'O) )W. ·~ )<>W'Oilf:but, for )'OUf luublM,

•s- t••toblt, wlll,, bl"it lcnows

'rht tl!,ti lht M<l.Wfl. (date. not speak much fu.nhtr

Out llrt IJHLtiJIUJI, wheo we are traitor&

1\nd dt• not IalOW OUJWIVU: when w~ 'hold ntmQUJ'

JtOm wh•l '4ft ft.&J;.)"rt.knaw n« what WI! fUJ;

UW 11~ upoo aWUda.wSVkftntxs
lMh••JAn4mcM lt:Utmy)t;aw.dyr.u.

......... too Ioiii""' Ill be ...... o,pdn:

~~~1M~- wf.ll~~a-dsl!dimb~

1b wiUt thfyW.:A: bffGR_ JlypRUJCCI!lJin.

l&..nt "P'O'I ,.,...

L. MACO. tlllhtr'd N: l.. and:,yt he's fa..t.buless.

ROSS 111111 ~much 1 (CIC'I, shouJd lstaylong~lj

It would btl mydlq;r.ce .a.nd yourdiscomfon:

J 1.ak.t rnv 1 "\tf~t 01~ f£xit

SON A bu~U ""'· fiW)I t.u_

l.- P.tACD WtuttrithWOOD.Jotndftiesl

SI)N Will\ whAt r &'fl, t mctn.aod.ado the,:.

Tbt pU fall nar-Uw Iii&

L..MACO y., hrudu4 how will ttw.ldotcr~f~rl\arl

.SON N.ei~ how will )1011 do.f"' .t hwllllJ):f;

l. MACO. \'Ill)', lean buyma twwnty•r ll*.f'm..trllltt

!QN Thtoprvll auy·em co•lSJ41!n
LMACO Thou~p~:.a...,_ wath U.ltb)wlt. W .,., I f.Mlh

WU b \1111 '"""""' I« t IW

SON W.umyfathfratnaft-...II*Nr.l
L MAC-D Ay.lhAI be wu
SON What b 1 Uallor,.

[... MACD Why,on1Lh11t IW4"Jrun d Htt'

SON. And btilltnhora lhAI do to~

L. MACD llwryour I hut dCWUt'l lUI i rllltill) il.Ud lllU.ll hiJ h n n~fd ,

SOH And mu.l'l th11y 1111 t. hJ"ftd I hat ntnr and JleP

L. MACD.Ewryon•
.SON WboroUJ1 lwl,l11wm?

L MACD Wh1t hont• mtn

!OH Tbtn rM U&nand , .... ,..n,.,.. foolc:far ow,.. .... uan and~..,..,nt.nowl£)but tM bl:oestlDf'n md hi:Q&ap th«rn
"--· . ----- --·-----------------------------·
L MACD,.8ut...,_wUIIbou4olorafathu'

.SOW tf 1M •r.dtld,)I'OU... - . r ft~t ~tn K JW tft'llld DOl, u Wlfl'1 ~1004 11,1;b th&LJ mau.&d~b.n'Pa Dntfathc'r-
L .NAC-O Pow p r.Jt t\l.t. tiiC'W tbou U.U:. '

MESS 8lM"""·f• .em nDt to)IC!'l.l known.

lbo\&ch,ln )'Wr••t• ot honour (am pcrt-ttr-

ld.ou~-M,r\ l't"* ll~"•rly

tf)IOU Wt.U !-.Jot • fwxntty manl.Mtwk'.,

a. nell f....,nd htn. ha.~Kt, wt1th """"lilt~"""'
lb fricht Jlt'l thua met.i'U ab t ua uao . . .
lbdo-to)"'U wtrc ftU(f'tljllt~

Whtc.h b loofll&h JICIUl Pf:rtOI\. liu.,._n ~n. ,.11

rur~~•klnpr C.u

L- MACO Wl\ 1h.ould I ny?

1ha"" Mw ""balm. &ut l.rmwnbtt now
....... I hi• tutbl, --.14,. wbnE u::®fw:m

lttn.. ~.todGp:d~
...._.. ... ...,.,_ follpohythm.-

DolputupdiiU ~y~,

fo ..~l hAWIS.oM IMithuuLL-WJw: a.~ thuf ~

nR&T r.1u.- Whne I•)W.I' hu5band?

L. MACD I hnl>t, in nopla.t.t1Dunsan.cti6!!d

ntsTMl/ll Ho\ uun...

101< no..-· u.. ....,..,...,,J ~

f1IST MUI.""' •a'

yt,UHI try or l lfCIC.htryl

i'Lxf: Mw.l4f r"

; £ u a m -.... ~ ....
t C CNCIII ....,.. . ..,... . . ~,.


Wttp our Nd bc»omu mpty.

1-Wd 1. . I hf man:al fWIIi:lir4. md tDz pod mot

... t\llt.., ~.(AJrg ltrtbdom-.Xach --I'I!II:'P
Nt• wtc1owt ..,..t ..,.carpt.aas ax Gi1!W SCJft"'W"'
JtriW lwewnon U. fACe.tlw u.t:ES::'~Unds
At.r il r.u wub.kotl.&nfi md.f'!-D'd:out

lllwl ')'•o114loll"-
Wkt1 ~be.l.i,nll:..a.o&:wlut lc..mRdrHs..

At t alwJJ ftJid Uw ua. tJ1 fJ:Wn4. J -..iD..

Wh,tt )IDU lww ip(lklr, il GWJ bl! lOpac.bmu

nu.. l)'rl nt. ··~ . . . niUDif: bfutnsoar l:iJiliUft

W.•ocrf• thov.aht bonuLJIOU him well.
Ht h•llk n otiUUth.d you yet. lam)";but somerhln&

You t!Htyd.II!I"W. or hltn t h.rough me; and wisdflom

lbolftt lfp 1 Wtd, poo~ inmJ.::e.nt Jamb

.KAC'O lam 1u, trutbtm.&~

MAL lbl Mac brUt i1.

A p d • • \1n.'*'6GAhiR!!'!!21

tn u hnpteuldwp.-..;. .iutl JIOUl ~~

TrYI wh'(h)OUu~.m7~~­

Anctlu,. brl#ttltUI, thouch the f<ll

Thou «ll <~ lllhln,p fOuJ wouJd wearthebrowsof IJri.C:.,
V•ll!~tt !11U41 rUU look10.

MAC D IIU1W le»l nty hqJ)u.

MAL r;• ewuthtre when find mydoullts

'Whrva t.h.n u'fllt~ kftJ'OUW"it* mddrild

no.,...__._ ;u,:;;mcu.n...
~t ,_,.-U):I;QJ,.,I pD.TJOQ.


8u1 mhMo-wu&&f• uu. 'bamayb!right)JJm.

\t{h•C•Wt I •rt&U Utln.k.

MACO, flhltd, hletd, poo1· country:

Ctrullyrlnuv.Jaylbuu lhyhlii5sure..

r,. pncS.•.wt~ 4a.rt tbM:we::ut.heu t-hYWTC~~niC

1"'-llt" ..rc..o.-F~fhHW!ll.b:d::.
I W~~~UtdA tK'C bt ..a.~ Uw: lhaothinl"s!

klr .... •bciW .-c• tUU 10. tb!: ~ ~

AM lbt ndllu to booL
lwnltftCit utn..-.uttfutd)'DU.

......~ ... c.AUyiW.b-bl:oe.dh 1M J'ClR"

"..,., .. tt ~ ..... udlllirW d.a.y.J: p3ib

Lt, W..W toMt-~ltJiulinrili:W

"'""..,... llo ...,_vpld'dd iD myris)u.

Arw Nrt rroc:n Ct.adowf"nl'and...::! lotT•r
or 1"0111vtboua.nd&.but far aU this,
When t Jh.liU lrtud upontl:ur tyrant~ bead,

Or ww..r U 0 11 rny JWOI'd,)<elmypoorcountry

~hA ll hAvt mol-e vh:ttthan it had before,

Mo•• Ntl'tr and rnoot1 fWldry ways than e\w,

Ay hlftl th•t tJ\d IUtut'd..

.M.AtD Wit&~~ bt'bt11

MAL- h •• ..,.. tf 18IHII:Ia w.boall toe:.

All tht p~oruetU.m ~ Yk.t _..,pUt~

r'h'l wn.n Ulolrtb.U a.cpe:n'd.,NrkMacbn.h

WUI wttrt U purt U mow. Uld the poor slAte
£.-tun\ him U.ii.Gmb, bring compared

With m yc:onnn t~ l ua!.:... harms.

MACD Not1nllitJt&iMu

Of hCind htU UA<.GIH a ~;J'd

ln•..U. tet~M.c:c.a

Lu.ut"""-• lN.KiOu.l~ GK~itful,

Su.ddJu,i.... mllic.IQu.s, "Jmacldng-of E'\'ery sin

Th.ll h1u n111111 bulth4Lre's no bottom, none,
l'n m y \IOhiplli O\I~Ui u;;)'ClLr wives., your daughter!,

Yotu tnJ I I'OIU 111d )'OIJtnuJds, cou1d not ftll u_p

Th• cli.t•rn ot myJIUl,md my desire

AU cmtlntni.!.!.lJJip.dlmuts would: di!:N~

na~ aw rprcw m)·-wlll brtm!th

tn Mtunr..- ... Y•t) tw.h bl!e:G

T·~ Uflllm•l.y«mP'-yln,caf the happy throne,

And t •U ol many ldnp. BuL fur- not )"lrt

fot.t111 UPQII"YW WlW U)"'UtS:you may

CGnw,!:i 't"DDIII pk:eauu m a sp::a:i.::lluspll!:nlx
And rrt .... caw:.lh.e tlW:W J't'U to::gtJCl booC!wmk
w. ~,. ~ .....~ti:loEr!-e.&Jma bf
fl\ft NIC\&11' ln )IOU. ro4eT;.w-,omany
AA wil~ 1.0 CT~-.atnc.41"1:1iute t.bemsil!l~~
Ondlri,Jit 10 lrKUntd

MM. With lhlllhttrt.CfOWI

ln rny ln(l~j lll<0111p0;111d .trrctioo!!!such

A •varlc« Uut.., ~ fling.

I thouldcu1 td Lhl ~ ror t.bdr-lmds..

o.... ~U.o -""""Umothm"""""

At.. m~ ~R:Diwwld bt>.uas:l1liG!
1b........ .,.. h. . .t: ~ttwtl sbaJJd forp
q,..,m,,._- tho--loj31.
O...roy\t'l,lbtm for ...ult.h.

Slltlttdte jJt1 11f0Wt with mNe pemicio11stoot

Th•n •muntt•ttnl~ lust. and it bath be•o

Th• ~ cl OL.U tll&in ~ }'2-tdonat fear.
StMiaa.ct Nl.hf~ tafiD up )'OW' wiD
Of ,ow men own. a.D t.bul' U'!: _port..1.l:R.

W1Jho&b.t ~,Vti&h".._.-:

At "lit k-., wtlt y, ttmpen.nce, stablene..s:s-1

O<Junty, ptr.Nw.ranct, me.rcy, lowliness,
O t!JDII~n . pnt l ~tl• tv 1 CCru rage, fortitu4e,

I htw no l'tll&h.!,_orthem, but ab:Jund

tn tb~ d.M~cl uda•wnlaime,

MLtftC U md\'...,..N.f. bid f~lm.dd.

flou.r tlw ..,...., m..ltf/Lc~ mtoben,.

Upna.r- the.,.,.,.... ~ox;fe:ni

An utdt}' oa tarth.

MACD 0Scotland.Scodllii4J
r.tAr.. If rue: I'\ • f'n.t bl tlt Ul J'OY!-rn, spea.k:

,...,""" toliw.OftAboa ~
With iln unotW t}fliDt bloc:d~_pte.r'd

W~•n •h.• It thou •• thyWhale..some da:ys.J.:pln,

Sino that tht truut Issue oftbythron~
Ov hllowu hHt t'dlcUonst.andsaccursed,
Ana dou bi iJJJ b11:1nt~ hls breed?Thyroyal fath er

W•• 1 m• 1.1Jnttd kin~ the queen that bare thee,

Otltlwr upon h•t lavuth.moo bufiort.

DJt4 rwrycUy lbt bw-4 Faa lbH WicD!

'TbMo t YlltlhCIIU tf'pNHI. upco thj'SI!lf
lllftlooAo./o'd 1110 tma.koelmd. o myl:nH!

Tl>fllo!'o ..... -

Child or tniiiJrily, h.1th frow tn}'.9:iuJ

Wi).ltd lht bllcktcruplrs.reconcited my thought,

'lblhy ;ood I I'Uth 111d honOUL DevilishMac~th

li}' mlnyof'tht•t~ ~:lb sought to win m•

Jnt«'hl•p~and mo.1H1 whelm~ pJucl:::sme

fr<b-.t<r.H..-.. huiL:WtGOO~
O..tbt1"'"D thM &DIS rot: forf!VN~ Dil'tli.'
l,... "'""" •• ..,.....,...._
U"-'".Q: taliW OWD ckU'Xtic:n ben .l1jn?
n.. uanu &n.~ bWau I lUI gp.x; Dl)"SSI!!f.
For nr-••n tom., rutw'Lb.m J!t
Unlmow1llo W1)rnAl\, rww.r was,

Scll r(t~ ly hJW c.owtccl what WiiS mine own,

At nollln1 bi'Oict myrJ.Ith. would not betray

The tltvd to Wa t'tlluw_.ed d•Hght
,.., " tn tn.lh tbul ur-... mr firit fr";
W.. Ud& upon ID)w.lf:wb.al1 u:1 tnll:Jt
ltth~ ttWI m.) pacr~to--omm:rv!

Cl.tS ,.. •ttl. wtt.b \f.O tftc:temM w:arlDic om.

AhftW)' "' • potn•- wu .uingtintlL
.,.,..,.,. ulcpthofr; and.tbldlanc.!!of~~
0" ~~~ uur WA.rtllnttd qu.a.rn!U Whyare)'OU !D*rU)

MAL \1/fll,mcot ~riQt\. Cornu ~.kiogforth..l ptaJ',)'IOU1'

OOC.:l~ Ay. 1h 1I hort trtt crfwor wretched souh

Th11 'It 'I hJt tWt; malady convicu!.::!

Tht CJt•t AA~yorart.butathh t.ouch.,

Su.: f\ .,,c tity h•tb b@~wn CiWD his b.!nd,
MAL. ftn.n.t.JOV ~ iLcHD«J.or.
NACO ~t (ltlw4Yt,

MAL ~ ull\t I M ._.-1..!!!

A A\011 mlrll(_uJ.out Workln tbisgocd"king;

Wlil( h orto1u11 ti_nt t my in Engl!\nd 1

I ll iiYil " '" hl•n do. How 1\e.sot.icits beaw n,

I tim• If btl! knowr!ly--visitC'dp.apl•,

All W'0111 md \llctrou._,pitiful to the "Je,

0\t mfr..:.;.,: dtllpalt g( .No1pJy, b!o CURS.

Kl~~pn,c ........ a.unp.2 ..axu. tbe7 ~

"-''• w.,h Wy p-n-J'H'Il-mlllis .spcile:D.

'lbuw - -...,..,,. &r....
llwtw•Un,bln. .ldt.- W'u.h this.snnp ~

11o ,.,h • .,.,..DIV&Ift or propbKJ<

And 'I'Hndrv bht-.Jnp,c•bout his throne

ThAI "I}"Ilk h"" ruuO( grace.

I&ACD !ft,whGCamtJ bfft.~

MAl N)'lGinl,...._c.lwtJ.bowni!D!lCL
.'tACO. ,.,..., .,.,. CCiii.IUI.Wtk:u:ne.iJ:ilbtt
MAL ,_,.,..,hun..... pad Gc:lO_tJmm,tt P..lnOIII!
lOSS. Jb tlllf'll
MACD Stan4.t.5oclti&M • lwt:til:c:tid?

AJ,_ Uru.& tODowil.ll!lf!llCJmDOt_

a. utl'd ou• moUwr. tiutow- cn~w~,c.

Bul who IU\ftt D«hlD& ts~ !i!'m to nnU.t_;

WhA" I IJ h.J 1111d &twnu n d .s.hriekst.hat rend t hM .air,

fi. NI I!IId" 1 11t'II 11Hitk'd: Whfre ®ITOW see mr

A ll'lodtrn tcJIIIJy.W U1.r.d e• d man\ knell

t. thntl.«l.f(tUI(d rorwho:and &OOd men\ liw.t.

Ulph• hfloctlht Oowt.uin their C!J'S.
0 ...1\C• •,._lhly litbo.

~\AL- Wtl ..l \ lht CW!W'IIR CZ1f-~

ROSS 't'hllt at oHI h.out"t:a&W dolh b.i.s& lhe speaker;

Ctch 1111!1Utt t OtiiiM.t uewone.

MACD ttow.S...omywtft>
toss \\'h)': ...u

WACO An« .U u.ydt.U41n,.

\C.A.CO !ht l'rrlll' buDGe be:tu"4 n tbfirp.!x•,

lOSS.- tat~ M+te ...0 .a pt:Aat w1wo I ad luw 'ml:

01,<{'0 ··- • BIIPt4oC~---·
lOSl Whtn h.iU'Iu-ltJt:ran&port tM ridinp,

Wlllch I h o+~'-" h• aVIIy bO.lilt \ Lhere rana rumour.

Or !IIIII!!V WOrthyftiJOW.Slh.i.t were out;!_


f«lhllluw tJM 1Yhlid powe:r a.fuc:r

....... u.. ...... ct btlp.,....*70in5cotlmd

WDtull1 .fNlt ~IIIUb: csnraaJ!!O ~
11tt4oft tfwu 4m. 41ar~
"" ... <ombla tlutbo< ~ Ezq;lmd hlllh
lA••I utF01Stw.u4 an.Clf:nlbm,pM.tnftr

A" tM•l &ltd • btutt&llcbuDCilE-

n.u Cluui•.DdocnpvaCIIIrt.-

Thluornrart wllh liV I.JbJ But thaw words

TIIQt would bl l\owl'd out in thedesen .ilr,

Whtl• hu rl••& •bouJd o.otatc..ll$: th'!m.

JtACO What ~t:m llu:J'?

:lw •IIIHU ~ .. "'u •m :P"-f=""

Duf ·~ .... ...,. ta..a.:._:J

8ut In It • .eom. WOP, though ttl! main

Pvllilln.t to you 11lau•

MACU, IIII l'lllllllt ,

X.p tt ~ from me, quietly let me tuw it.

MACD Hurnt t patMatiL

iOS.S Yaur c.,.tlt l.a turpri.Md:yourwlraand b.lbes

.\i.lvt&tlv• I•UJht-tt"cL torelak the- m.rmner,

W.rt4 anthtqu&JTJGI thuemuniU'dd~

:no o440.• .. ••h.,-

Wh•• . nwn' pull ,our b.a:: upou }OIJ:' brrJw'l';

Gi,_,. awrow wortSA.lbt p:W:f ttw doi!s-oot!p'!U
Whl•ll«rt Ut4 O'H ·(fa\llht hH.rt,and bid.s It brut.
MACD My,hladr.ot~

ltiOI& Wilt'"~~ .n

My wht ltill'd too~

ROSS I h•llf " ld

MAL OtCC'IJ\forttd'

c..t\ '""' WI cudJdnuofour pn fi!'VIm#•

...,w. fhb6N417'""

DIG )'VU NY .UJ 0 bt.IJ.knt.! A.Ul

Whllt, d l my pttuychk keruand th.e.irdl.m

AI r.nt rt ll fWOO"P ~

r.1AL. l11"'JJUif II Ulct 1 1'11t U

MACD looll•lldooOI

'16111 tnwt al»(nl d • • OWL

tcJn"" lM ranr:rnbu ~ ~
,.,.,., • • • ~ pf"MIIIIIU,tQIDI!. Did~lod-­

A,..1fiiiOUI4 DOC U8 tbtupm?Siafu1Kx:du4,

llwy"""' &II ttnad: Car tbft! ~ llur I am

"""'I tiC th.tlfowno.rnu lts,but for mina-,
h ii •LiuJhttton thtlt' .-ruts::buvu-....n ~st l.he:m ~~

MAl. llt I hiJ I h e w h vl i"ICln t.ofyow: sword: letgrj ef

Canwtt IOIACf:t;blunt nal 1M beart..eruap iL

..........,. _,.,,_s.n.~­

(ut .,_, iiiiAlf'lllliaaaofGiot toftoat

ariJ\1 lhou 0\u fteM lllCScctimd mdmywlf.

WUtunm,~\Y:n,cth • thtm: ifMfscs-p.e,
litawn rarpvt h.lm t ool
c- P . . 1Dtbo~om-""'Gnt<!T,
Ow be\ If liWilJIIAC taat cau-W*-w.Z.-Jbct:litth
lonp.t.. ~IDdu.._._..._
Clul on thtlt lo.str\IIDIUlLt._&taiw whn cbHr]'eU ruy;

ft\4t fl.l&ht 1.1 Lot:11 U\lli n.ewc fiod-! the-day: (Exfunt


·scENE t. A.n,tqoom in th~castle.

"Eptera O-x tor of Physic and :a

D OC~ I luve two nights WJtc:hed with you, but can perce.iw no truth in your report, Wh en wad t ~h e last walked?
OENT;Since ltis-majest:yw-ent into the ti.eld,l haw So!'e"n ber ~-from ho!!Cbed,throw her n.ightg.:~wnu'pon -be;r. o.olockber £1D.Sl'l. ~ fOctJj
paper; fd.d it, -write upon~. rud it.,~ aft~twards ~3J it, aod again rettitn to bed; yet 4lli this while in a_mt~stfaSt slu_p,

DOCT: A great perturbation in n ature, to; receiw at-once th.e benefit ofsl~ep and do th~! In this&Jumbery agih.Uon,
besideifi:tf~atffilgAOdOthe!.KtUaip"erfotniallcMJ..wha1,it'inYtirif~ha,.; };u"h!a'rdh.irSaY? • •- ... ·- -
GENT. Tbat.sir, which 1 wiU nQtreportaf..ter h•t.
DOCT. You may to me-,. and "tismosr mtt!tyou should,
OEN't Neitller to you nor any ooe~b.aving toeon.drm mr.speec.b..
E'nlt>r LADY MACBETH, with a raper

LoyouJ here ohscomes!Titis is har very guise,.and, upon m ylife, East aSJ~p.Observe her;stand d~.L

DOCT. How came- she by that Ught?

GENT.. WhY. it stood by h er: she bas light by"her c.ontin ua.llyr~U s-b~r comtrum d.

OOCT. You see, her eyes at?open..

GEm: Ay.lru't lbeir ~nse i ssbuL
DOCT. What is it.ilis d~s now?t.ook, l)ow she hands.

GEN'I: It is an-acc·ustom.!d.action with be.t;. to se~ m tb..U~ h'ltlDs: I h-1w kQown b.e.rcontinue in thisa qu.arl erpf 1111 b oUL
loci~ · ---·----------- - -- · ---·- · - · -·-·---·-·-------·-~-
I.ADY .M. Yet ber~'s-.a spelL
DPCT. Hark!she,spealu:: rwill .set down what comes from h~r, tosati:st'j ~y ri'me.mbrance the mor~ strongly.

LADY lot Out,d3m.oed sp.ot!out..l say!One: two~wlly, then Us time todo't. RMt is murky Fie.~mylord , fie!a ~dietandaleard?\1/ha.t tt!ed
we fear wbo kllows it, -when none.canca:llow powat toacc~J"unt?Yet whow.:ruld bllve tho\.l.ghl the old man to ha..-e b.Jd so much blood in

OocT. Do you mark that?

I.ADY lot The tban'! of Fife nad a wifE; where is she oow? What, wWthew h.aodsne'e.t b!!. ~ean? No:mol'e o• that. my lor.d. no.more O'
you mar .all with thisst..arti~

DOC't Co to1 go to; you h.ave known wharyou .Should not.

GEN'!:&be has .spokE what She shdUld not,lam su:re of tl).at:he3..'\!n :knows wtust'!lll.• has:Jm.OwtL

LADY r.t ~re~the smeU of the blood still: allthe.,perfumesof Arabia wilJ n ot~denthislJitl'! .h and..Oh,.oh,oh!
DOCT- W'Mt a sigh is there!Tbe lle.artis~relyclmrg,;,d.
GENT. I would not have ruc:ha Marlln my bosom for the d~gnity 1 f"- of thew.hole body.

DOCT. WElL. wlU, -weli,-

OEN'T,PrayCodlt b<:.sit:

DOC't.This~ru;e isb!!)'Qnd tke;l!.! yet I have kn.;)wo thctSi! wblcb ha~t"! waJkedintb:einl;!ep whobave died luililyiD tb:elrbeds.

LAOY M.. Wa:sh yow hands; pUtonyou.r nl,gbtgown;look not_.sopaJe; r teliJo'Ou·yet.agaln, Banquo'.sburied; h~ c annot ccme out on~graw .

OOCT. Ewn so?

t.ADY f.L To bed, to bed; that'i!!sl.nockingat tbe.gate:come,come, ccane,come,gi'f-e me )'OUT·hand;wbattdone cannot be undone:lob:o..d,
to bed. to b!!d.f£xir
D'OC:t_WW stfe-go riow to beod?

GENT. Olrectry.
DOCT. FouJ wb.Up.atin,• deed:s
OOJbff'H uwaauaasl ttoulks::.infe:cted mindJ plDCtwl will di!cha:J:g!: thEu tlttft!.l:
_ _ .................. tbmtho~

GW 4lod ftqt-. Uil.u!t.cak.ut.H-h!l::;.

. .n...,..fromblllrlhrml'msaflll~•-­
AIId .. u, ...,.,. .,.,., buSogoodniglu:
My mJud •M tw m..t..~ and.~ myai.fJlt.
llhluk1 but nDt .tp.-ak..

aeNT Coed nlc ht &QOd doctoc.f£x~unr.


scr:wa 11 rltuOtU.t[r.ln•w

""'"' •"' '"0\lt• £""" Mt.NT£IIH,CA.ITHJ\'E.S.S,AHGUS 1.tN'NOX..o.-lol4kl•

... -..cltfhwatdu41.he~~

,.,..,,.,,"""' lD tb.un. rex t.l:;.e.U-dsrc..msn

\1Alt.U4 I"' Ihi bWNi.IJ& and I£UD'ilann
t.lh• th• rn.onltlt4 nun.

CAITK Wbo-•llo....n.mbovlthbisbru>Ul
UH: Fcwctatan,.._be •nc:~tlbi;nlr•~

()(.all IN p •uy choa....,WV<I>_

And AWAY unl'fN&b.- )'DUtbs. tb.:it t.w:n aa.
Ptoi•ttl:; lMirftrU of manhood.

tttCffl' Wh111 doutho tyra.nV

CArf l l Ontnl O un~uont' he strongly fortifies:

Son" ..)'ht\mtdoGtht:n.tb<~t Juserh.ate hlrn,

0•4 .dill 't&ILant f\by ta&I,Corcfitl:in.,

ttt UtancM badJ.

WnluD t ht lll h lll tw1.

Kit • • fill lfllUGtn his h.ands;-

M.:,w mlnutt l)l!- nt.voll• upbraid his falth·br.ub.,
nu:• be tot'IIIMnelJ ID(!III! ooJyin wmman4.
1WhiA&Inlow• .-4oubof..thi5titlo

Ua.. - ...... Nm.UR•pal:l'ild9

MEIIf WboiMD Wll...._

tli.a p.-ncr"d •ntt•to ~coil and start,.

Wht n 1111 th-11 lt: wlthinhlrndoes cond!.mn

h• lr ro• 1H h11th•rt~

ra -'"" Clbtc:Utoc.• w~Mn- 'ti.J;tn&Jy ow.N1:

- ....... - .. lh< sk.tlywo>l,

""' WIUtlw:D OCIUI: •..mGICU~

L[N OtcmucbuitnM41

TodfW th t ..O'I'trt.lan OoW't!.r anddrown lhe wt!td~

M11b Wit OIIJ' II UI..tth towe.rd.&.Birnam.f£xeur.t, J11(11'<ht!IS

SC~ NC Ill, OWII.Cbuen•. A room in the cGStJ.-,

C#llf MA(Atll\ D\'C"tCIGIIJUf Att.e.nd.lnts..

MACB 811"'ma no aNn Apcns.lei than ftylll

nu llme:m ~ ASC~W t,~

1CIAI\i.t lAaol- Mth lot. WJw3 tbi! ~Jl.ikdm.J

w" 1M nee bomtJt~tbl! -spiri::.i thn mo.

AU ..,,.1 CCJ~Wrq\M.-•s~ pf"D'l'.,..-v DW llmr:

rf."lt nol 1 MI•Chllli\.I:Ul l hatt born of

~ l t.lll ll «'t r h 'lvt POWC!.r upon thee:Then fly, false thllfl.,,

And m l ual • w uh 1he Englis.b epicures:

Tht nll ~td J IWI~ by-.nd the heart I bear

~h.J1 UIYif llA wiW Owbl ru:l" -.:b.ahwith feat.

" " . .<nldoamA tJift Mild. t.bnu ~

w,..,, ....lhou ~loot?
.MACri c..... ~~U•m '
-'V.CI Go pn.:.\ thy,_.. aa4 ..u.fl'd 1byfn1,

n...w,.._.• ...,.ww--..,p.urh?-~ olthJ"'"". - luwDcl>o<brLdlm<
Ar. coun•lklh Lof.c What~. wbe'J""{Ju?

SI!RV Til• 2 n,aiiJh roru, 10 p Lt ue you..

MACO. Tu"- 1hy hct ht •tc:e .l£xltServanl.

Se}'lout-l orn th:k a1 hwM 1,

Wf~tn I ~hal•-kVIoo.lay'--D:dspwb~

WUithHI .,.._ «<l.iu!at mt' &"''IllG"

II f6ffn 1.0-toUw -.u
Aa.tlk.t whlc.b &MUd w£nmpmydi.5 J;P,

~.- ..... - • • troopsrLfri<ndt,

I mua noc b*U)bav.:; but.iD thtil:!U".ad,
t:.ur"'• not~ but cHep, mouth·booour.brutt\,
Which tht poothutt would fain denY,. -and ~hire not


Cmtt .Sr.YTON

SCY Wb&l•I"'W,........Piuour.>
MACa Whal "'""'r..ft7

stY -a 11-=•.,1oa1.wtlkh -apcnm

W.CI rtlllcllt illlt....,..,..,<t"d-

!F.V.1'b not nttdtd 1ft..

MACO, Mlputll em

knAI out m-.-. borN,~ th.r <:ountry round;

H&f\1 1ha. etw tant.offULGtw m:: mint- amaw.

How-·""" pl.lVot,

~ ...... .......- wltb tblck<unlns-

T'h.u ibp t\tr tmn rw_, ruL

tAtnl tNu ~ GlbaMitl: r co • mind_dfse Ull!'d...,.
ftwk fnft tN: fMmiXY ._ ro:t.!d 5l:37l'IW
.._ CJUt tbe wnuo tniiUIIIuGCthebo.m.

A.n4 WUh 111mM IW'ftt ol!hvicusmtJdinc

C:~•n• tht rtulr of th.atpe.rU.•Jusstutf

Wl'll~h wti,I'IJ upOll Ute b t ant

DOCT 'rhntll• lilt IUILi• nt

c.n. '"' rNAe umer oo.p ae my'!Uif

Soy<.............lloaar;tb< tlunes lly,_ ...
Conw alr d~patdL;c.ut

Tl•• wat•r ct mti.J.nd, find. her!.a$e

And 11Ur&f h IOUOUrulandprirt.ine. health,

1 w,.••ld 11ppiJu.d tllett lo the,

Thtl •hould t1ppl<1ud ~ai •t. Pull't off, ls:ay.

Wh•l 'hubiJ~ajtrtnaF- or what purptiw dru&,
w.._.,,. tc~C~W lhtw £.nilU,bhe:nc.e?Heant tbouclthtmt

I wlllu.ot 1,)11 t1Jr«.ld or d.u.thand ban:

Tlll lllrnMn lortn comt

DOCT fA•IMI Wt••lll'all Dwulnan~:awaymddeu.

K EN'EfY C*Mr7.,..._,~......_.

D·n-• I 4t . tnt.u M.At.COI..M., ctldilWAEO -.J "'- Soa MACOOn" MUO:tn'H.CA.""IHNE.SS. ANGUS..l.£ltf!J)~' - A I J.iW»r.t.,

MAl CCM.WM. I~ tbt4a..YI.Mt' DUC.a:t b:md

Ntlfl' w. ...... b -~
srw Wh.a1 WDOd "u.u-•ran ok

MAl. L#l"'ry-.swkwhlmdo:Nm~~

AM tr.•r"l bfft;n ~Um;:U.tti!!fshall-.e !h!tdow

r~ nun1tw.r•ar our bolt. <Lnd make d!Kowry

Eat lnrtportoru.

.SOLOU!R! llAh.tll be done

SIW W. I~IJ11 110oUwrbut the confident t:yrmt.

,.,.,..., am m~•.,., ..m end~:m

<Nr .C1ln&dcM'n ~en"\.

rur -~" .......!!m b!giwn_

8ottl morw11n.t l••h..tft giwn him til.! r~Wih,

And n.>nt MM with hJru but,a.ioed i.hlngs

\Vha• h111111A IIJ'CoJ.\Mnt too

MACD loll our JUJ'I

Alltncllh.lrv«n9:Gl,&Dod pUlW'l"OO


Ttwt wtU wtlb 4UI d.K.I.Qon ma.b w.lcrulw

Wh.1t Wt •I~U t.ay wt. h..Lwand what we owe..
Thou&htt JPC!CUIIltlvt their unsure bope:S r~Lnt e,
11111 ClltnllltJI\lllt rakes must arbitrat~:

Towu~h which JdVII1(t t'ht war.(Excunt1 marddnt

ICCHI! V, OWIU'IMJW, Wid&bl fhec;Q#.Ie.

t~tcn MACII£nt,stYl'ON,.,..~Soldius.,lfit.IJftJIIantlcv;~, .

MACI ...,_, ou1au ~oa t.b! 1Gil(-

T"- UJ W. CUI "Tlwf~aur-::asll!oS~

WOI Llqh I lUll to.ltl:mLhitn kt than IW

nu r~tmtnt •M lbt ac- ut lb!m-up::

w,,, thotvnot tCR~ with those thltshould t.ourJ,

Wt m\jhl h.tvt milt the.rn cta.refuJ,!:!.! ~ard to btud,

sn b ...... "'"'-myr;>:><!l<xd.i£=
NAClll ..,. .._,....,. U..wucftmsc

Tb.t 111M h;u bHR. my •ruu woold fuwc:aol·4

fo.._., a nlcttl4h.dtl",<md my~Uofb.a.fr_.J...._

wo~~l cs ~t11 dt.m...l tre.atise- rowe and stir

A• lift W.l'f In\: I havt supp'd full Yi.ith honors;

DlrtHtU. !!.. t ari'IIU.c~r to my slaughte.Tbosthoughb 1

CamlOl QI1Ct 1\trt me.

'*"''" J£YTOM

SiT n._.....,-... _
NACll ,.,. lhould ,.,. ...., buuftou:

TMrt WUUid h.avt. bun a t:ime. for such a 'N'Ord.

Tomorraw.•nd tomarrow,and tomorrow;
Cl't fi J)& In thl11 pfl t )" pate rn1mdaytoday,

1b 1ht lift ryiiJJ)It Of rt'Corded time;

An• • ll ou1 )'tlltt.rdl)'t hliiW li&hted.fools

111• WIYIOddll)' Out..out.kie.fc..uula'

Llff) bu:' • -~ lbaiSow.~ poarpb}>er

Th.a aNI-' • DCS f'r1u liU bouru:r!3l th! ~

1* ...........lull of
$ ....\~bOt~
Atilt I .... Ll ~ IIIOJal:ll!~lt u.a uk-

T IIQU CC'IIlf VI tO U!If thy tongue: thy

1-houW IYpCIIl tJw. •bK.h layl nw

aw.a mow n!ilt tG4o .1:1..

WACI \Yt•t .,., ..,

M£S.l. A•I ttW "'ncl my hk.b. upon the hill.

Cloook'd towArd Blroun, rod anon, met.ttought,

MACI u.. .... ..a...,,
MUS. tAt . .~,.... wntio.~ be OCIIUII::r

W1thla Uw lhrH mUt: r.w1 JOG ~i: «Jarin&;

I MJ • movtnc lf'D"W:

UpCil• 1ht nu1 tre. &.h,dt thou,

Ttl! flir.ulnt diUF-- th~e: ifthyspeech be X)Olh1
lc&Jt nUl tftboudCIIt fat liM" umucb.

I pull In .-uU..,.aa4 b<,;in

TOiloolll , ..............,~U..limd
nld '-•L• t11N..L -r.u-.JXJt. tillBim.mlM!Od
Ooccne to~.. and oaw-.a....::d
COIMt tOWVIl Oull.llft.JD',.md euU

tt lb&. wh'<'h ht 1';dol!s 4ppt!a.r;..

rtt•,.. IJ ncr Aylnc tw.ncw: nor ta.rryin,g M:re-.
I rtn lo bt a wt.t.ryorttt.sun1

o\ml wt~h l ht Ullt• 0' the world werC! now undont-.

RJnc 1ht a1.rwn.O.m BJuw. wind! com!'. wncl:C

AI .... ww11 4M wtlh bamu:i.(JQ_ow- bac.k. l£uu1

SC'EHI! Vt n rt • .,. -.JOrukusdl..

D"'lll! 4l't '~ l•wr-JUt 0"M I!, oW S[WAi.D, JI.ACDln"F,et41. . Atmt •1.1-'~

MA.L ,..._ • .., ~JQIU-"710!"1LUlSti!foilrciDW'fll

Anot .-liM,._,...att. You. worthy andf,

ShAll, with mycoualn.,.~ri.ght noble scm.

Lud our ft t1:t balUt- worthy.Macduffn.nd we

$hi ll like upon) Whl.t t la re.mai:ns to do,
Acc:ol'41•t& too•Jrtlrd(lr.

SfW r4rt)'\JIIwt1.1

Do .... t.-JI ftara lbt: C)nllt1;pgw2f I :might.

L41 ~ bt '-tt"W\. \1 wt C.&AI:K:C A&ht-

KII:NC Vlt. AllotA#,t Jl-.rt.oftMfolJL

A'-'t-., htcrMAC&tnl

t\lt "'u·ll'-lfi&&UI ftcbt thfoc{IIJGLWlut'shl ..- 1 ~ tlot:ll bc!rn Of~:.Such a om.

AMitoru.r, ornca.;

6!11«-r ~W!I,IS IWARO

\'o.Sr\v Wh•l ttl hy floilluto?

lo.\.4(8 TlhN1t bt lfrjJd \0 it.

Yo.stW No th~ tlwu uU)ll.bJ5tlf a baterrwne

MAC I 6C1 N,_t a&..c.bll!:th..

\4. SlW tt. ct•val biaYeU"«Maad DQt proooun.:e a ut..

MACB Nv. nor morw rn.rrut

Yo SIW Thou Hot,JbhOJ:rtd tyrant;wit.h my sword

a.n IW'r!liSJf--..t WGpcru;U:tptaa:.orn.

lnud.llhlt by nun th..&n oC lo. woman bam:.fExu. .

MAC D Th ~AI WIY I ht nCiUt l5.l)Tant:.,-showt.hy bu:l

h tlwu bPIIII tWn tDd wu.b oostllll:!'d mine.

"'' ..,,, . ,c.hllllha.~ pa.u wiDJ:wt:n I » s:i11

if••"* IUU=ta1Wie.Uht4:~wht:a:eat~
.,. ,.,,.... cotwr thut,l
OrtW my......O, wnb-. unhlJnr'""d~

llh-ti"- qatn ~ TIM:re tboomouJdst br

DV Ih~' Ct~JI Wtt•r,OMoC gre:a:test ~

.S.fflt!t t!rulttd -l. 14t me lind himsfortu:ne!

And mc.•II-"'J 0011 lli.a3LAUI::ntJM.


Thctt tYttnl~ P""Piof on botb~dofidlt,

Th• nobl• rn.u.. d.o bn.wlyintbe ...-ar;
th •de~y 11111101t youn,
Aud il l i l e~l.uodo.
•c~:Hc vm .AMth•1 piiT't.q{tM}V14.

Qtt nunt owntwORS 2 W!Uiu.l~ tiw:s.,tbt:pm.s

Dll be&hr \ipttn Uw.m.

rrmr MACDUrf

M.A( D fu1n, h t ll ~h oun d, lu.rnl

MACD.Ot .. umtn t1• J tt.w aYDided

tul " ' ' " " bKt ..,.-.uuoamucb dwzM

WUh - ol Llw>t olltW~

,.lY~tllln my.word.,tbou bkxxiiuvt!Wn

Th~n ttrmJun Pvt lfln outli .TMyJfgiu:.

AJ•f'YJUJyt'l thou the lntftnchanJ:a' Air

With thybHtn cv.'Wd lmpnssn m!' bl!*d..

I It I1U thy t11Mt CD ~t.:R"XS"

I bt•r • 1 ~ l&t._ whk.b m:nst Q!lt ,wit

1b""'"',.... bam

MACD Do.,.lr I by chum.

And l4l lht o.npl whom Uwu&till

Ttll l l)tt, MJicdun wlls from hlsmothert womb

Unl hntly 1i11p'd

MACU Ace untd bt thJ.i t~ that tensme m ,

(« U btthuw''d 1D1bfUn putcf mm!

AIWI t. tht•,.....,... CiruU ooa:~~:n ~

Thl tp.aH• c:-: whbllll8.1~~

nt.t .... , ,..._ ..... 111 p..U. I:Qtiltt'Ell;

AM bft.lli: llloout bdp• ru DDt fight with tht£

o\nd bw tobt lht llbgrwi..Qd_J;.a»o· wti::u:

..Utuft tJwo. ~ Mau urv ~...::n.I'.:P-.

....,,,.. upoq a pQII, md WIG6Writ
., ..,. '""''I~ . .iM tyn.nL

MACO I will nwt '{lflhl,

'fb ld•th• ,rou11tS bdor'f')"i)ungA\alcolnU.fnt,

An4 tobf bllttd With the r&bblio'sc.Ullle.

~~ R'mam WO.S W cane toDundae~

o\04 ..... ""~ boin& d . .....,.., bern.
••••w.,u.. &.Lbtftn-myba!)
l, h:RIW ~-W.Ib:at.kl.Lafcn,.lbt,_~

AIW ...n11n 4 Wlum Uut Ani ::ti!s'H:!Li,~

lll:ff,Mt rfq~Jr(~lt C'"ttr; withdrumandc.otourJ , MALCOl.M1old SIWARD, Raae, cltltullvrTh.ane.;.arutSoldier&.

MAL I Wtmld I ht t rlt nd.t~ m.iu were .safe .arrived.

11W Sam• muat eo orr and.)'l:t.bytbeR 1'S:ee

IIAL IWI!.d lo """""'.... ,.....-s:a

lOSS 1bou -nvlml.~w.tpoi4• oaldiu'<.

Ht mi'Jllwd b\,u lth tw1;

Tht w"hlch no 100nu hMI h.L5 p.row:!".u ·d

In lht un •h•lnkln,;t~'lllon when•he fought,

Ow llkt 11 111'111 ht d l,d.

srw Th•n ht bdtad_;

IIIOSS ~Y,•nd broulbl fill tbe fti!'Jd:}OUfC.m!il" cf SCII'1"'W

""" .... w - ""Ilia ..,.,.U,.:trtl>m

....... t..-Jtn.l

UW tW ~ b&a hurtabd«C

ROSS A)'. on U1t fmn


......_~ '* 'fn& fJIIUn to. Dmo:rdnlh:

A.W e.._ b.U •~~Do:~~~"

SIW lit\ worth no l'nor.:

ThtY •v ht part_, wtU and p.aid 1m~,

Artd ..a God bt wn.b ~Htu£snnf!!rftftlfan

1-lf"il,UQVtT "''-·UtACIIinl'S.t.a:i
IIACD ll.o~...V lot•.-on:bo!lodd, _,...,..,.

Ttw unnptn t:waG bt.lil; tM: tmli' is-itH:

1-. t h•• cornplll"d wlth thy ki:n.gdonn: purl,
1hilt lpfnk myulutJUon in t.he.irminds;

Who• W)icu I dulrtoaJoud with mine:

ltG-11, 1\.htJOI ScoU.a.ndJ

AU. liiii,I:IAa ot k«laadi(Aov""'-

MAL W.oholl"'" 'POD4•Lup.....-dtbm

•ten wt f'M)on w1lfa_,au.r ..rutt._s.

A,.. nu• w rwn walb )OU.. Nythma md D:s:em.r._
Umctf«tb bt.-da.Uw lira f!VI!r"Scctl.mi!
th Pklln Wha~motf'tOGD,
WI'IICh would bl pl.anlte.d newly with',
AJCalltua hOHHI ourexlltd friends abroad

l'h:tt Otd t i11111HU"Ucf' Watc hfuJ tyrmny,

thWucl•l,l rorlh U1e c rueJ mi.n.isters

Ofthi,Oud tN\t:hv •nd bisJieod·UU queen..•thoudtt,by w.lfand \oiol.!nthmdt

lbr.Aca« b•r llft. ~and Jll!'!!dful i!.hii!

:'t~t ull1 \lf'GII W. byltw pxe dG~-e

~ .US ptrtorm a.~ lil:r:w!~ plJCE

k1h.enl!:s I~IU &teat« udto-uchcart.

Wham w •a'"' u.-. wauwu"d at k:lo!-4

Anda mungkin juga menyukai