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Exact solution of the 1D Riemann problem in Newtonian and relativistic

F. D. Lora-Clavijo, J. P. Cruz-Pérez, F. S. Guzmán, J. A. González1
Instituto de Fı́sica y Matemáticas, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. Edificio C-3,
Cd. Universitaria, 58040 Morelia, Michoacán, México.
(Dated: March 19, 2013)
Some of the most interesting scenarios that can be studied in astrophysics, contain fluids and
plasma moving under the influence of strong gravitational fields. To study these problems it is
required to implement numerical algorithms robust enough to deal with the equations describing
arXiv:1303.3999v1 [astro-ph.HE] 16 Mar 2013

such scenarios, which usually involve hydrodynamical shocks. It is traditional that the first problem
a student willing to develop research in this area is to numerically solve the one dimensional Riemann
problem, both Newtonian and relativistic. Even a more basic requirement is the construction of the
exact solution to this problem in order to verify that the numerical implementations are correct.
We describe in this paper the construction of the exact solution and a detailed procedure of its

PACS numbers: 04.40.-b,04.25.D-,95.35.+d,95.36.+x

I. INTRODUCTION problem and omit some of the mathematical background

that is actually very well described in the literature.
The paper is organized as follows. In section II we
High energy astrophysics has become one of the most
present the Newtonian Riemann problem and how to im-
important subjects in astrophysics because it involves
plement it; in section III we present the exact solution to
phenomena associated to high energy radiation, modeled
the relativistic case and how to implement it. Finally in
with sources traveling at high speeds or sources under the
section IV we present some final comments.
influence of strong gravitational fields like those due to
black holes or compact stars. Current models involve a
hydrodynamical description of the luminous source, and II. RIEMANN PROBLEM FOR THE
therefore hydrodynamical equations have to be solved. NEWTONIAN EULER EQUATIONS
In this scenario, due to the complexity of the system of
equations it is required to apply numerical methods able The Riemann problem is an initial value problem for
to control the physical discontinuities arising during the a gas with discontinuous initial data, whose evolution is
evolution of initial configurations, for example the evolu- ruled by Euler’s equations. The set of Euler’s equations
tion of the front shock in a supernova explosion, the front determine the evolution of the density of gas, its velocity
shock of a jet propagating in space, the edges of an accre- field and either its pressure or total energy. A comfort-
tion disk, or any shock formed during a violent process. able way of writing such equations involves a flux balance
The study of these systems involve the implementation of form as follows
advanced numerical methods, being two of the most effi-
cient and robust ones the high resolution shock capturing
methods and smooth particle hydrodynamics which are ∂t u + ∂x F(u) = 0 (1)
representative of Eulerian and Lagrangian descriptions of where u = (u1 , u2 , u3 )T = (ρ, ρv, E)T is a set of conserva-
hydrodynamics, each one with pros and cons. tive variables and F is a flux vector, where ρ is the mass
It is traditional that a first step to evaluate how ap- density of the gas, v its velocity and E = ρ( 21 v 2 +ε), with
propriate the implementation of a numerical method is, ε the specific internal energy of the gas. The enthalpy of
requires the comparison of numerical results with an ex- the system is given by the expression H = 12 v 2 +h, where
act solution in a simple situation. The simplest problem h is the specific internal enthalpy given by h = ε + p/ρ,
in hydrodynamics is the 1D Riemann problem. This is where p is the pressure of the gas. The fluxes are ex-
an excellent test case because it has an exact solution in plicitly in terms of the primitive variables ρ, v, p and the
the Newtonian case (e.g. [1]) and also in the relativistic conservative variables [1]
regime [2, 3], where codes dealing with high Lorentz fac-
tors are expected to work properly. From our experience   u2
 
we have found that the existent literature about the con- ρv 2
 1
struction of the exact solution is not as explicit as it may F(u) =  ρv 2 + p  =  2 (3 − Γ) u1 + (Γ − 1)u3  .

be expected by students having their first contact with v(E + p) u
Γ uu21 u3 − 21 (Γ − 1) u22
this subject. This is the reason why we present a paper 1

that is very detailed in the construction and implemen- The initial data of the Riemann problem is defined as
tation of the solution. We focus on the solution of the follows

combination (x− x0 )/t; it can be seen that such behavior

 implies that the following conditions hold [4]
uL , x < x0
uR , x > x0 ,
du1 du2 du3
= i = i (5)
where uL and uR represent the values of the gas prop- i
r1 r2 r3
erties on a chamber at the left and at the right from an
interface between the two states at x = x0 that exists where i indicates the component of a given eigenvector.
only at initial time. On the other hand, the Rankine Hugoniot conditions re-
The evolution of the initial data is described by the late states on both sides of a shock wave or a contact
characteristic information of the system of equations, and discontinuity
this is why the properties of the Jacobian matrix are im-
portant. The Jacobian matrix of the system of equations
is A(u) = ∂F
∂u and explicitly reads
∆F = V ∆u, (6)

  which are simply jump conditions, where ∆u is the size

0 1 0 of the discontinuity in the variables, V is the velocity of
A= 2 (Γ − 3)v 2 (3 − Γ)v Γ − 1 . either the contact discontinuity or shock and ∆F is the
(Γ − 1)v − ΓvE
ρ − 32 (Γ − 1)v 2 Γv change of the flux across the discontinuity.

Its eigenvalues satisfy the condition λ1 (u) < λ2 (u) <

λ3 (u) and are given by A. Contact discontinuity waves

The contact discontinuity is described by the second

λ1 = v − a (2) eigenvector and evolves with velocity λ2 . Let us then
λ2 = v (3) analyze the second eigenvector. In this case the Riemann
λ3 = v + a (4) invariant conditions read
where a = ∂ρ |s is the speed of sound in the gas, which dρ d(ρv) dE
= = 1 2.
depends on the equation of state. For the ideal gas p = 1 v 2v
ρε(Γ − 1), where Γ is the ratio between the specific heats
at constant pressure
q and volume Γ = cp /cv , the speed of These relations implies that d(ρε) = dv = 0, further
sound is a = Γp implying that p = constant and v = constant across
ρ . On the other hand, the eigenvectors
the contact wave. In order to relate the two sides from
of the Jacobian matrix read
the contact discontinuity we use the Rankine-Hugoniot
conditions, which are given by
     
1 1 1
r1 =  v − a  , r2 =  v  , r3 =  v + a  .
H − av 1 2
H + av ρL vL − ρR vR = Vc (ρL − ρR ), (7)
2v 2
ρL vL+ p2L 2 2
− ρR vR + pR = Vc (ρL vL − ρR vR ),(8)
The eigenvectors r1 , r2 , r3 are classified in the following vL (EL + pL ) − vR (ER + pR ) = Vc (vL (EL + pL )
− vR (ER + pR )). (9)
• they are called genuinely non-linear when satisfy
Here Vc is the velocity of propagation of the contact dis-
the condition ∇u λi · ri (u) 6= 0.
• and linearly degenerate when ∇u λi · ri (u) = 0. The discontinuity travels at speed λ0 = v therefore
the Vc = v. For this reason from equation (7) follows
It happens that r2 is linearly degenerate and repre- that vL = vR = Vc . As a consequence of this, equation
sents a contact discontinuity, however the other two are (8) gives the condition pL = pR , which implies (9) is
genuinely non-linear. satisfied. Notice that no condition on the density arises,
Depending on the particular region of the solution we which allows the density to be discontinuous.
will use both the Riemann invariant conditions for rar-
efaction waves and the Rankine Hugoniot conditions for
shocks and contact discontinuities. The Riemann invari- B. Rarefaction waves
ants are based on the self-similarity property of the so-
lution in some regions, in the sense that the solution de- At this point we do not know the nature of waves
pends on the spatial and time coordinates (x, t) with the 1 and 3, and we can assume they may be rarefaction

waves. Once again we use the Riemann invariant equali- When the wave is moving to the left, we assume in-
ties, which for vectors 1 and 3 read formation from the left state is available and we look for
expression of the variables on the state to the right from
dρ d(ρv) dE the wave. For the velocity of the fluid at the right state
= = , we then have from (15)
1 v−a H − av
dρ d(ρv) dE
= = . 2
1 v+a H + av vR = vL − [aR − aL ], (17)
Manipulation of these equalities results in the following
equations now considering
p that the
pspeed of sound on both sides
obeys a = KΓρ Γ−1 = Γp/ρ (see (13))
dρ ρ
= − for λ1 , (10)  Γ−1
dv a 
pR 2Γ
dρ ρ aR = aL , (18)
= for λ3 , (11) pL
dv a
dε p a useful expression for vR arises
= 2 for both λ1 and λ3 . (12)
dρ ρ
The next step is to integrate these equations assuming
"  Γ−1 #
2aL pR 2Γ
an equation of state, in our case the ideal gas. From (12) vR = vL − −1 . (19)
we obtain Γ−1 pL

The only unknown quantity is pR .

p = KρΓ (13) On the other hand, when the wave is moving to the
right we assume we know the information at the state at
where K is a constant. A rarefaction process is isen- the right from the wave, then we search for expressions
tropic (unlike a shock), and therefore the states at the of the variables on the state at the left. For the velocity
left and at the right from the wave obey (13) with the we find according to (16)
same constant K.
Using this
p expression pfor p in the speed of sound we
have a = KΓρΓ−1 = Γp/ρ, which substituted into vL = vR − [aR − aL ], (20)
(10,11) results in Γ−1
and the speed of sound on both sides obeys
Z p
v=± KΓρΓ−3 dρ + k = ± + k, (14)
Γ−1   Γ−1
pL 2Γ

where + stands for the wave moving to the right (the aL = aR , (21)
case of λ3 and r3 corresponding to a rarefaction wave)
and − when moving to the left (the case of λ1 and r1 which finally implies
corresponding to a rarefaction wave), where k is an in-
tegration constant and therefore the velocity is constant "   Γ−1 #
as well. This property allows us to set relations between 2aR pL 2Γ
vL = vR − 1− . (22)
the velocity of the gas on the state at the left and at the Γ−1 pR
right from the rarefaction wave, explicitly there are two
possible cases: The only unknown quantity in this case is pL .
The rarefaction zone has a finite size, bounded by two
i) When the wave is moving to the left, condition (14)
curves, the tail and the head. The head of the wave is the
implies that
line of the front of the wave and the tail is the boundary
left behind the wave. The region in the middle is called
2aL 2aR the fan of the rarefaction wave.
vL + = vR + . (15) The velocity of all the particles between the head and
Γ−1 Γ−1
the tail obeys the following expression
ii) When the wave is moving to the right, condition
(14) implies x − x0
= v ± a, (23)
2aL 2aR where + is used when the wave is propagating to the right
vL − = vR − (16)
Γ−1 Γ−1 and the − when it is moving to the left. Then, when the

wave is moving to the left, using this expression we have C. Shock waves
aR = vR −(x−x0 )/t, which substituted into (19) provides
the following expression for the velocity of the gas on the Similar to the previous case, the shock can move either
state at the right from the wave is to the right (if λ3 and r3 correspond to a shock wave) or
to the left (if λ1 and r1 correspond to a shock wave), and
  for each of the two cases there is known and unknown
2 1 x − x0 information. When a shock is moving to the right one
vR = aL + (Γ − 1)vL + . (24)
Γ+1 2 t is expected to have information of the state at the right
from the shock and conversely, when the shock is moving
Then it is possible to calculate the pressure and density to the left one accounts with information of the state at
as well. Substituting (24) into (15) and (18) we obtain an the left.
expression for the pressure also at the state to the right Shocks require the use of Rankine Hugoniot conditions
(6). We express these conditions in terms of the primitive
variables as follows
2 Γ−1 x − x0
pR = pL + vL − .
Γ + 1 aL (Γ + 1) t
(25) ρL vL − ρR vR = S(ρL − ρR ),
2 2
Now, using this into (13) implies the expression for the ρL vL + pL − ρR vR − pR = S(ρL vL − ρR vR ),
density vL (EL + pL ) − vR (ER + pR ) = S(EL − ER ),

where S is the speed of the wave, which may take the


2 Γ−1

x − x0
 Γ−1 values v−a or v+a depending on whether the wave moves
ρR = ρL + vL − . to the left or to the right respectively. Manipulating these
Γ + 1 aL (Γ + 1) t
(26) equations one gets
Then finally we have expressions for the velocity, pressure
and density on the state at the right when the wave is
ρL v̂L = ρR v̂R , (30)
moving to the left. 2 2
Similarly when the wave is moving to the right we have ρL v̂L + pL = ρR v̂R + pR , (31)
from (23) that aL = vL + (x − x0 )/t, which substituted v̂L (ÊL + pL ) = v̂R (ÊR + pR ), (32)
into (22) implies the following for the velocity on the
state at the left from the wave where v̂L = vL − S, v̂R = vR − S are velocities in  the
rest frame of the shock and ÊL = ρL 21 v̂L 2
+ εL and
ÊR = ρR 21 v̂R

  + εR . These expressions correspond to
2 1 x − x0 the Rankine Hugoniot jump conditions measured by an
vL = −aR + (Γ − 1)vR + . (27)
Γ+1 2 t observer located in the rest frame of the shock wave.
From equation (30), we introduce the mass flux defini-
In order to obtain the expressions for the pressure and tion
the density, we substitute this last expressions into (16)
in order to relate the speeds of sound, and then using
(21) we finally obtain the expression for the pressure at j = ρL v̂L = ρR v̂R . (33)
the left
Then, from equation (31) and the mass flux definition
before mentioned , we can get an expression for j, which

2 Γ−1

x − x0
 Γ−1 is given by
pL = pR − vR − .
Γ + 1 aR (Γ + 1) t
(28) pR − pL pR − pL
j=− =− , (34)
Finally using the equation (13) we obtain the density v̂R − v̂L vR − vL

which is a consequence of j being invariant under


2 Γ−1

x − x0
 Γ−1 Galilean transformations. Considering the shock is mov-
ρL = ρR − vR − . ing to the left, we would be interested in constructing the
Γ + 1 aR (Γ + 1) t
variables on the state at the right from the shock and we
can start with the velocity, which can be written as
In this way we have relations between the variables on to
the state at the left and at the right from a rarefaction
wave. These relations will be useful when solving the pR − pL
Riemann problem. vR = vL − . (35)

Now, in order to express the velocity in terms of the From expression (36) and using (40) we express the shock
pressure and the variables of the state at the left from velocity as follows
the shock, we can rewrite (33) as follows
j j pR (Γ + 1) + pL (Γ − 1)
vR − S = , vL − S = . (36) S = vL − .
ρR ρL 2ρL
Thus, substituting this into (34) we obtain Finally, using the sound speed expression aL = pρLLΓ we
obtain the final expression for the shock velocity
pR − pL
j2 = − 1 1 . (37)
ρR − ρL s
(Γ + 1)pR Γ−1
On the other hand, using equation (32) and the expres- S = vL − aL + . (42)
2pL Γ 2Γ
sion for the specific internal enthalpy h we can easily
get the following expression for the difference of internal Analogously, when the shock moves to the right, it is
specific enthalpies possible to construct the expressions for the variables for
the state at the left from the shock
1 2 2

hR − hL = v̂ − v̂R , (38)
2 L s
where hL = εL + pL /ρL and hR = εR + pR /ρR . Now, vL = vR + (pL − pR ) , (43)
p L + BR
from equations (30) and (31) we give expressions for the
velocitites measured by the observer located in the rest pR (Γ − 1) + pL (Γ + 1)
ρL = ρR , (44)
frame of the shock wave pL (Γ − 1) + pR (Γ + 1)
(Γ + 1)pL Γ − 1
ρL p L − p R S = vR + aR + . (45)
v̂R = , 2pR Γ 2Γ
ρR ρL − ρR
2 ρR p L − p R and we let this as an exercise to the reader.
v̂L = .
ρL ρL − ρR
With the substitution of these last equations into (38) D. Classical Riemann Problem
and considering the definitions for the specific internal
enthalpy mentioned above, we obtain The Riemann problem is physically a tube filled with
gas which is divided into two chambers separated by a
1 (pL + pR )(ρR − ρL ) removable membrane at x = x0 . At the initial time the
εR − εL = . membrane is removed and the gas begins to flow. Once
2 ρL ρR
the membrane is removed, the discontinuity decays into
Assuming the gas obeys an ideal equation of state we get two elementary, non-linear waves that move in opposite
an expression for the density as follows directions.
Depending on the values of the thermodynamical vari-
ρR pL (Γ − 1) + pR (Γ + 1) ables in each chamber, four cases can occur. Considering
= . (39) the fluid is described on a one-dimensional spatial do-
ρL pR (Γ − 1) + pL (Γ + 1)
main, rarefaction and shock waves can evolve toward the
Notice that this expression relates the density among the left or right from the location of the membrane.
two sides from the shock. Now, substituting this expres- In general the solution in all the cases can be studied
sion into (37) we obtain in six following regions:

Region 1: initial left state that has not been yet

2 p R + BL 2 Γ−1 influenced by rarefaction or shock waves
j = , AL = , BL = pL .
AL (Γ + 1)ρL Γ+1
(40) Region 2: wave traveling to the left (may be rar-
Thus, the expression for the velocity (35) can be written efaction or shock)
as follows
Region 3: region between the wave moving to the
left and the contact discontinuity, called region
vR = vL − (pR − pL ) . (41)
p R + BL Contact discontinuity

Region 4: region between the contact discontinuity Region 3 plays the role of the state at the right from
and the wave moving to the right, called region the rarefaction wave and region 1 the state at the left.
star-right Then we can use (19) to obtain an expression for v3

Region 5: wave traveling to the right (may be rar- "  Γ−1 #

efaction or shock) 2a1 p3 2Γ
v3 = v1 − −1 . (46)
Γ−1 p1
Region 6: initial right state that has not been yet
influenced by rarefaction or shock waves On the other hand, region 4 plays the role of a state at
the left from the shock wave and region 6 the role of the
Regions 2 and 5 are special. If the wave propagating in state at the right. Then we use (43) to calculate v4 :
such regions is a rarefaction wave the region involves a
head-fan-tail structure, whereas if it is a shock the region s
becomes only a discontinuity. Counting from left to right A6
v4 = v6 + (p4 − p6 ) . (47)
on the spatial domain, the results can be reduced to the p 4 + B6
following four possible combinations of waves:
where A6 = 2/ρ6 /(Γ + 1) and B6 = p6 (Γ − 1)/(Γ + 1).
Given that v3 = v4 = v ∗ , equating both expressions one
1) rarefaction-shock
obtains a trascendental equation for p∗ :
2) shock-rarefaction s "  Γ−1 #
3) rarefaction-rarefaction A6 2a1 p∗ 2Γ
(p∗ −p6 ) + − 1 +v6 −v1 = 0.
p ∗ + B6 Γ − 1 p1
4) shock-shock (48)
Unfortunately as far as we can tell, no exact solution is
with a contact discontinuity between the two waves in known for p∗ , and then we proced to construct its solution
all cases. It is worth noticing that these combinations numerically. Once this equation is solved, p3 and p4 are
can occur under a wide variety of possible combinations automatically known, and v3 and v4 can be calculated
of the initial values of the thermodynamical variables. using (46) and (47) respectively.
In this paper we illustrate each of these scenarios using Then, it is possible to calculate ρ3 using (13) at both
particular sets of initial conditions. sides of the rarefaction zone, given C is the same on both
sides because it is an isentropic process:

1. Case 1: Rarefaction-Shock  1/Γ

ρ3 = ρ1 (49)
This case corresponds to the typical case used to test p1
numerical codes, a test called the Sod’s shock tube prob- where now p1 , ρ1 and p3 are known. On the other hand
lem [5]. A traditional set of initial values that produces one can also calculate ρ4 using (44)
this scenario corresponds to a gas with higher density and
pressure in the left chamber than in the right chamber, 
p6 (Γ − 1) + p4 (Γ + 1)

and the velocity is set initially to zero in both. ρ4 = ρ6 (50)
p4 (Γ − 1) + p6 (Γ + 1)
A rarefaction wave travels into the high density region
(moves to the left), whereas a shock moves into the low also in terms of known information. With this informa-
density region (moves to the right). tion it is already possible to construct the solution in the
Summarizing, the problem then involves five regions whole domain. We explain how to do it region by region.
only. Regions 1 correspond to the initial state to the A scheme of how the regions are distributed is shown in
left that has not been influenced by the evolution of the Fig. 1.
system. Region 2 corresponds to a rarefaction wave con-
1. Region 1 is defined by the condition x−x0 < tVhead ,
taining the head-fan-tail structure, region 3 and 4 are the
where Vhead is the velocity of the head of the rar-
left and right states separated by the contact discontinu-
efaction wave given by the characteristic value of
ity. Region 5 reduces to the shock. Finally region 6 is
the Jacobian matrix evaluated at the location next
the initial state at the right chamber that has not been
to the head from the left side, that is, considering
influenced by the evolution of the system.
(2) Vh = v1 − a1 . The solution there is simply
The goal is to determine the state in all the regions
using the relations between the thermodynamical quan-
tities constructed before. pexact = p1 ,
The starting point to construct the solution happens at
the contact discontinuity, where the velocity and pressure vexact = v1 ,
obey the conditions p3 = p4 = p∗ and v3 = v4 = v ∗ . ρexact = ρ1 .

2. Region 2 is defined by the condition tVhead < Case pL pR vL vR ρL ρR

x − x0 < tVtail , where Vtail is the same characteris- Rarefaction-Shock 1.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.125
tic value again, but this time evaluated at the tail Shock-Rarefaction 0.1 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.125 1.0
curve, that is Vtail = v3 − a3 . This is the fan region Rarefaction-Rarefaction 0.4 0.4 -1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
for a rarefaction wave moving to the left, for which
Shock-Shock 0.4 0.4 1.0 -1.0 1.0 1.0
we simply use expressions (24,25,26) that need only
information from region 1 and obtain TABLE I: Table with the initial data for the four different
cases. We choose the spatial domain to be x ∈ [0, 1] and the
location of the membrane at x0 = 0.5. In all cases we use

2 Γ−1

x − x0
 Γ−1 Γ = 1.4.
ρexact = ρ1 + v1 − ,
Γ + 1 a1 (Γ + 1) t t

2 Γ−1

x − x0
 Γ−1 2 5
pexact = p1 + v1 − ,
Γ + 1 a1 (Γ + 1) t 3 4
2 1 x − x0
vexact = a1 + (Γ − 1)v1 + . (51)
Γ+1 2 t
1 6
3. Region 3 is defined by the condition tVtail < x −
x0 < tVcontact , where Vcontact is the velocity of the
contact discontinuity, which is the second eigen-
value (3) of the Jacobian matrix evaluated at this
region, that is Vcontact = v3 = v4 . The solution x
there finally reads

1 2 3 4 6
pexact = p3 ,
vexact = v3 , FIG. 1: Description of the relevant regions for the
ρexact = ρ3 . Rarefaction-Shock case.

4. Region 4 is defined by the condition tVcontact < x−

x0 < tVshock , where according to (45), the velocity 2. Case 2: Shock-Rarefaction
of a shock moving to the right
q separating regions
4 and 6 is Vshock = v6 + a6 (Γ+1)p4 Γ−1
2Γp6 + 2Γ , where This case is identical to the previous one, except that
we choose the initial pressure and density are higher on
a6 = p6 Γ/ρ6 . Then the solution in this region is
the right chamber. After initial time, the wave traveling
to the left is a shock, while the one moving to the right is
a rarefaction wave. This implies that region 2 plays the
pexact = p4 ,
role of region 5 in the previous case and region 5 has the
vexact = v4 , tail-fan-head structure of a rarefaction wave.
ρexact = ρ4 . Starting from the contact discontinuity, the conditions
v3 = v4 = v ∗ and p3 = p4 = p∗ hold. The conditions on
as calculated a shock wave moving to the left imply according to (41)
that the velocity of the state at the right is
5. There is no region 5.
6. Region 6 is defined by tVshock < x − x0 . In this A1
region the solution is simply v3 = v1 − (p3 − p1 ) , (52)
p3 + B1

and information from the rarefaction wave interface can

pexact = p6 , be obtained from (27) for v4 as the velocity on the state
vexact = v6 , at the left from a rarefaction wave moving to the right
ρexact = ρ6 .
"   Γ−1 #
An example of how the solution looks like is shown in 2a6 p4 2Γ
v4 = v6 − 1− . (53)
Fig. 2 for initial data in Table I. Γ−1 p6

4. Region 4 is defined by the condition tVcontact <
0.8 0.8 x − x0 < tVt , where the velocity of the tail of the

rarefaction wave Vt is the third eigenvalue (4) eval-



uated at the region behind the tail Vt = v4 + a4 .

One uses (53) to calculate v4 and (13) implies
p4 /p6 = (ρ4 /ρ6 )Γ for a constant value of K, which

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

x implies an expression for ρ4 . The resulting exact

2.8 solution is
0.7 2.6




pexact = p4 ,

0.3 2


vexact = v4
0 1.6  1/Γ
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
x x
ρexact = ρ6 .
FIG. 2: Exact solution for the Rarefaction-Shock case at time
t = 0.25 for the parameters in Table I.
5. Region 5 is a fan region defined by the condition
tVt < x − x0 < tVh where the velocity of the head
Equating these two expression one obtains a trascenden- of the wave is again the third eigenvalue, but this
tal equation for p∗ : time evaluated at the head Vh = v6 + a6 . One
uses the expressions for a fan region of a rarefaction
 ∗  Γ−1 wave moving to the right (27,28,29) to calculate the
s " #
A1 2a 6 p 2Γ
−(p∗ −p1 ) + 1− +v1 −v6 = 0 exact solution
p ∗ + B1 Γ − 1 p6
that one solves numerically for p∗ . This information pro-   2Γ
2 Γ−1 x − x0
vides the necessary information to construct the solution pexact = p6 − v6 − ,
in the whole domain as described below. The different Γ + 1 a6 (Γ + 1) t
regions are illustrated in Fig. 3 and the exact solution 2 1 x − x0
vexact = −a6 + (Γ − 1)v6 + ,
region by region is as follows. Γ+1 2 t
1. Region 1 is defined by x − x0 < tVshock , where the
2 Γ−1 x − x0
velocity of the shock is given by (42) because the ρexact = ρ6 − v6 − .
Γ + 1 a6 (Γ + 1) t
shock is traveling to the left:

s 6. Region 6 is defined by the condition tVh < x − x0 .

(Γ + 1)p3 Γ−1 The exact solution is given by the initial states at
Vs = v1 − a1 + , the right chamber.
2p1 Γ 2Γ

and the exact solution here reads

pexact = p6 ,
vexact = v6 ,
pexact = p1 ,
ρexact = ρ6 .
vexact = v1 ,
ρexact = ρ1 . An example is shown in Fig. 4 for initial data in Table
2. There is no region 2. I.

3. Region 3 is defined by the condition tVs < x −

x0 < tVcontact . Vcontact is the characteristic value 3. Case 3: Rarefaction-Rarefaction
(3) evaluated at this region: Vcontact = v3 = v4 =
v ∗ . Using (39) explicitly for the density and (52) A physical situation that provides this scenario is pL =
for the velocity, the solution in this region reads pR , ρL = ρR and −vL = +vR > 0. In this case both,
regions 2 and 5 correspond to rarefaction waves. In this
particular case since one of the rarefaction waves moves
pexact = p3 ,
to the left and the other one to the right, we distinguish
vexact = v3 , them using the labels for each of their parts.
p1 (Γ − 1) + p3 (Γ + 1) Again the contact discontinuity defines a relationship
ρexact = ρ1 .
p3 (Γ − 1) + p1 (Γ + 1) between velocity and pressure. In the present case, there

2 5 Again, once p∗ is calculated numerically, the solution in
all the regions of the domain can be calculated as follows.
4 The first implication is that p3 = p4 = p∗ , and thus
v3 and v4 can be calculated using (55) and (56). The
different regions are illustrated in Fig. 5.

1 1. Region 1 is defined by the condition x − x0 < tVh,2 ,

where Vh,2 is the velocity of the head of the wave
moving to the left, and is obtained from the char-
acteristic value of such rarefaction wave evaluated
x at the left interface, that is Vh,2 = v1 − a1 . In this
region the gas has not affected the initial state on
the left, then the solution is
1 2 3 4 6
pexact = p1 ,
FIG. 3: Description of the relevant regions for the Shock- vexact = v1 ,
Rarefaction case.
ρexact = ρ1 .

1 1 2. Region 2 is a fan region defined by the condition


0.8 0.8
tVh,2 < x − x0 < tVt,2 , where the velocity of the
0.7 tail Vt,2 is that of the state left behind by the wave,

that is Vt,2 = v3 − a3 .



The exact solution is that of a fan region of a rar-

efaction wave moving to the left (24,25,26)

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
x x
0 3

-0.2   2Γ
-0.3 2.6 2 Γ−1 x − x0
-0.4 pexact = p1 + v1 − ,
Γ+1 a1 (Γ + 1) t


-0.7 2 1 x − x0
vexact = a1 + (Γ − 1)v1 + ,


Γ+1 2 t
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1   2
x x
2 Γ−1 x − x0
ρexact = ρ1 + v1 − .
FIG. 4: Exact solution for the Shock-Rarefaction case at time Γ+1 a1 (Γ + 1) t
t = 0.25 for the parameters in Table I.
3. Region 3 is defined by the condition tVt,2 < x−x0 <
tVcontact . The velocity of the contact discontinuity
is an expression for v3 in terms of v1 for a rarefaction is Vcontact = v3 = v4 = v ∗ according to the eigen-
wave moving to the left given by (19) and another one value (3). In this region p3 = p∗ and v3 = v ∗ are
for v4 in terms of v6 for a rarefaction wave moving to the already known from p∗ . Finally, the density is ob-
right (22): tained from (13) for an isentropic process like the
rarefaction wave for a constant C on both sides of
such wave as found in the previous two cases. Thus
 Γ−1 # "
2a1 p3 2Γ the solution is
v3 = v1 − −1 , (55)
Γ−1 p1
"   Γ−1 #
2a6 p4 2Γ pexact = p3 ,
v4 = v6 − 1− . (56)
Γ−1 p6 vexact = v3 .
The condition v3 = v4 = v ∗ at the contact discontinuity ρexact = ρ1 ,
implies a trascendental equation for p∗ = p3 = p4 :
4. Region 4 is defined by the condition tVcontact <
"  Γ−1 # "  Γ−1 # x − x0 < tVt,5 , where the velocity of the tail of
p∗ 2Γ p∗ 2Γ

2a6 2a1 the wave moving to the right Vt,5 is given by the
1− − − 1 +v1 −v6 = 0
Γ−1 p6 Γ−1 p1 eigenvalue (4) evaluated at the state left behind
(57) the rarefaction wave moving to the right, that is

Vt,5 = v4 + a4 , where again we point out that v4 =
v ∗ and p4 = p∗ are known once p∗ is calculated.
The solution is obtained in the same way as for the 3 4
previous region, but now the wave relates states in
regions 4 and 6:

1 6
pexact = p4 ,
vexact = v4 .
ρexact = ρ6 , x

5. Region 5 is defined by the condition tVt,5 < x −

1 2 3 4 5 6
x0 < Vh,5 , where the velocity of the head of the
wave moving to the right is Vh,5 = v6 + a6 , and the
solution is obtained using the values of the state FIG. 5: Description of the relevant regions for the
variables for the fan of a rarefaction wave moving Rarefaction-Rarefaction case.
to the right (27,28,29):

 Γ−1 0.35

2 Γ−1 x − x0 0.8

pexact = p6 − v6 − , 0.7

Γ + 1 a6 (Γ + 1) t


2 1 x − x0

vexact = −a6 + (Γ − 1)v6 + , 0.4 0.1

Γ+1 2 t 0.3 0.05

0.2 0
2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
   Γ−1 x x
2 Γ−1 x − x0 1

ρexact = ρ6 − v6 − . 1

Γ + 1 a6 (Γ + 1) t 0.5 0.9


6. Finally, region 6 is defined by the condition Vh,5 <



x − x0 . The exact solution is given by the initial -0.5


values at the chamber on the right because in this


region the gas has not been affected yet by the dy- 0 0.2 0.4
0.6 0.8 1
0 0.2 0.4
0.6 0.8 1

namics of the gas:

FIG. 6: Exact solution for the Rarefaction-Rarefaction case
at time t = 0.25 for the parameters in Table I.
pexact = p6 ,
vexact = v6 ,
ρexact = ρ6 . s
v3 = v1 − (p3 − p1 ) , (58)
An example is shown in Fig. 6 for initial data in Table p 3 + B1
I. s
v4 = v6 + (p4 − p6 ) . (59)
p 4 + B6
4. Case 4: Shock-Shock
The condition v3 = v4 = v ∗ at the contact discontinuity
A physical situation that provides this scenario cor- implies a trascendental equation for p∗ = p3 = p4 :
responds to two streams colliding with opposite direc-
tions. We choose in this case pL = pR , ρL = ρR and s s
−vL = +vR < 0. In this case regions 2 and 5 are shock ∗ A1 ∗ A6
− (p − p1 ) − (p − p6 ) + v1 − v6 = 0.
waves. p ∗ + B1 p ∗ + B6
Again the contact discontinuity defines a relationship (60)
between velocity and pressure. In the present case there Again, once p∗ is calculated numerically, the solution in
is an expression for v3 in terms of v1 for a shock-wave all the regions of the domain can be calculated as follows.
moving to the left given by (41) and another one for v4 Immediately one has that p3 = p4 = p∗ and v3 and v4
in terms of v6 for a shock-wave moving to the right (43): can be calculated using (58) and (59).

In this particular case regions 2 and 5 reduce to lines.
2 5
The solution in each region reads as follows and the re-
gions are illustrated in Fig. 7. 4
1. Region 1 is defined by the condition x − x0 < tVs,2 ,
where the velocity of the shock moving to the
leftqVs,2 is given by (42) and reads Vs,2 = v1 − 1 6
(Γ+1)p3 Γ−1
a1 2p1 Γ + 2Γ . The solution there is that of
the initial values of the variables on the left cham-

pexact = p1 ,
vexact = v1 , 1 3 4 6
ρexact = ρ1 .
FIG. 7: Description of the relevant regions for the Shock-
2. There is no region 2. Shock case.

3. Region 3 is defined by the condition tVs,2 < x −

x0 < tVcontact , where Vcontact = v3 = v4 = v ∗ .

2.6 1.8

Once (54) is solved one can calculate all the re- 2.4 1.6

quired information. Using (58) for v3 and (39) for 2.2


ρ3 the solution in this region reads


ρ 1.8



1 0.4

pexact = p3 , 0 0.2 0.4

0.6 0.8 1

0 0.2 0.4
0.6 0.8 1

vexact = v3 1.7


p1 (Γ − 1) + p3 (Γ + 1)

ρexact = ρ1 .

p3 (Γ − 1) + p1 (Γ + 1) 1.4




4. Region 4 is defined by tVcontact < x − x0 < tVs,5 , 1.1

where the velocity of the shock moving to the -1

0 0.2 0.4
0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4
0.6 0.8 1

q is given by (45) and reads Vs,5 = v6 +
FIG. 8: Exact solution for the Shock-Shock case at time t =
a6 (Γ+1)p 4 Γ−1
2p6 Γ + 2Γ . Finally, using (59) for v4 and 0.25 for the parameters in Table I.
(44) for ρ4 the solution in this region reads


pexact = p4 ,
vexact = v4 , First of all one needs to define a model for the gas.
p6 (Γ − 1) + p4 (Γ + 1) In our case we use the perfect fluid defined because it
ρexact = ρ6 . has no viscosity nor heat transfer, is shear free and is
p4 (Γ − 1) + p6 (Γ + 1)
non-compressible. Such system is described by the stress
5. There is no region 5. energy tensor

6. Finally region 6 is defined by the condition Vs,5 <

x − x0 . The exact solution is given by the initial T µν = ρ0 huµ uν + pη µν , (61)
values at the chamber on the right:
where ρ0 is the rest mass density of a fluid element, uµ
its four velocity, p the pressure, h = 1 + ε + p/ρ0 is
pexact = p6 , the specific enthalpy and η µν are the components of the
metric describing Minkowski space-time.
vexact = v6 ,
The set of relativistic Euler equations is obtained from
ρexact = ρ6 . the local conservation of the rest mass and the local con-
servation of the stress energy tensor of the fluid, which
An example is shown in Fig. 8. are respectively

that all quantities describing the fluid depend on the vari-

able ξ = (x − x0 )/t. In order to explore the change of
(ρ0 uµ ),µ = 0, all physical quantities along the straight line ξ, we define
(T µν ),ν = 0, the useful change on the derivative operators
where uµ = W (1, v x , 0, 0) and W = √ is the
1−v i vi 1 1
Lorentz factor and v x is the Eulerian velocity of the fluid ∂t = − ξ∂ξ , ∂x = ∂ξ . (69)
t t
elements. It is possible to arrange these equations as a
flux balance set of equations as in the Newtonian case Using the advective derivative da = ∂t +v∂x , we obtain
the expressions

∂t u + ∂x F(u) = 0, (62)
∂x p = −Dda (hW v), (70)
where conservative variables are defined by u = ∂t p = Dda (hW ), (71)
(D, S x , τ )T and the resulting fluxes are F = (Dv, Sv +
p, S), where we assume that specifically v = v x and where we have used the rest mass conservation law to
S = S x , since we are only considering one spatial di- simplify the expressions. From (69) we obtain for the
mension. The conservative variables are defined in terms advective derivative da = 1t (ξ − v)d/dξ, for which we will
of the primitive ones as follows use d := d/dξ from now on. With this in mind we obtain
from (70,71) the differential equation

D = ρ0 W,
S = ρ0 hW 2 v, (v − ξ)ρhW 2 dv + (1 − ξv)dp = 0. (72)
τ = = ρ0 hW − p. (63) On the other hand, the change of variable in (64) from
t, x to ξ implies
The flux balance equations are explicitly:

(v − ξ)dρ + ρW 2 (1 − vξ)dv = 0. (73)

∂t D + ∂x (Dv) = 0, (64)
∂t S + ∂x (Sv + p) = 0, (65) and from equations (72) and (73) we obtain a relation
∂t τ + ∂x S = 0. (66) between the density and pressure

The eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix of this system of  2

equations are v−ξ
dp = h dρ. (74)
1 − vξ
v ± cs Since the process along ξ is isentropic [6] the sound speed
λo = v, λ± = . (67) ∂p
1 ± vcs is c2s = h1 ∂ρ |s , which combined with the previous expres-
sion implies the speed of sound
Each of the characteristic values (67) may correspond to
eigenvectors with different properties exactly as in the
Newtonian case, that is, λ0 corresponds to a contact dis-

continuity, whereas the eigenvalues λ± may correspond cs (v, ξ) =
. (75)
1 − vξ
to rarefaction or shock waves. The shock tube problem
in this case is defined as in the Newtonian case: Besides, we can find a useful expression for an isentropic
process using p = KρΓ (we are using a politropic equa-
( tion of state).
uL , x < x0
u= (68)
uR , x > x0 . s
cs = . (76)
Next we describe the treatment of each of the wave or ρh
discontinuities that develop during the evolution.
From system (67) we obtain the speed of sound in terms
of the eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix
A. Rarefaction Waves
Rarefaction waves are self-similar solutions of the flow −(v − λ+ )/(1 − vλ+ ) if ξ = λ+ ,
cs = (77)
equations [4]. They are self-similar solutions in the sense (v − λ− )/(1 − vλ− ) if ξ = λ− .

Comparing with (75) we find that cs (v, λ+ ) is the speed where A± is

of sound for a rarefaction wave traveling to the right and
cs (v, λ− ) for a wave traveling to the left. √ ±2(Γ−1)−1/2
According to this equation we get from (73) that ± Γ − 1 + cs
A = √ . (86)
Γ − 1 − cs
W 2 dv ± dρ = 0. (78) Equation (85) is valid only across straight lines aris-
ing from the origin (x0 , t = 0) and evolving along ξ =
Here the + sign refers to the wave traveling to the left (x − x0 )/t inside the rarefaction zone. For this family of
and the − sign when it travels to the right. From this straight lines the Riemann invariant is the same. This
equation we obtain the Riemann invariant because this allows us to relate any two different states in the rarefac-
differential equation is valid along a straight line along tion zone, particularly we are going to take the states L
the x − t plane, as long as it is not a shock. Integrating and R as the states just next to the left and to the right
the first term of (78) we obatain from the rarefaction wave.

1 1+v
cs 1 + vL ± 1 + vR ±
ln ± dρ = constant. (79) AL = A . (87)
2 1−v ρ 1 − vL 1 − vR R
Assuming that when the wave is propagating to the
In order to calculate the integral we use the definition
left we account with information from the left state, we
of the sound speed and the polytropic equation of state
can calculate the velocity of the fluid on the region at the
p = KρΓ , from which we obtain
right from the wave in terms of the state variables on the
state at the left and A+ :
KΓ(Γ − 1)ρΓ−1
c2s (ρ) = , (80)
Γ − 1 + KΓρΓ−1 (1 + vL )A+ +
L − (1 − vL )AR
vR = +. (88)
or in terms of the pressure instead of the density the (1 + vL )A+
L + (1 − vL )AR
speed of sound reads
Analogously when the wave is moving to the right we
expect to account with information on the state to the
Γ−1 right. Then we can express the velocity on the left in
c2s (p) =  Γ−1 . (81) terms of the variables on the state at the right and A−
1−Γ p

Conversely, if the speed of sound is known one can (1 + vR )A− −

R − (1 − vR )AL
calculate the density using (80): vL = −. (89)
(1 + vR )A−
R + (1 − vR )AL

ρ= h  1
i Γ−1 . (82) 1. The fan
1 1
KΓ c2 − Γ−1
The fan is the region where the rarefaction takes place,
Then the integral can be written as propagating with velocity either λ+ if the wave is moving
to the right or λ− when moving to the left. The fan will
be bounded by two values of ξ corresponding to the head
and the tail of the wave:
cs 1 1 dρ
dρ = cs KΓ 2
− dcs . (83)
ρ cs Γ−1 dcs
Integrating by parts and using (79) we find the useful vL,R ± cs
ξh = (L,R)
, (90)
constraint 1 ± vcs
vR,L ± cs
√  ξt = (R,L)
, (91)
1 1+v 1 Γ − 1 + cs 1 ± vcs
ln ± ln √ = constant,
2 1 − v (Γ − 1)1/2 Γ − 1 − cs where the − sign applies to waves traveling to the left and
+ when the wave moves to the right. In order to con-
which in turn simplifies as follows
struct the solution inside the fan, we use the constraint
(87). We have two cases according to the direction of the
1+v ± rarefaction wave. If the rarefaction wave travels to left
A = constant, (85) we use

1 + vL + 1 + vR + DL vL − DR vR = Vs (DL − DR ), (96)
A − A =0 (92)
1 − vL L 1 − vR R SL vL + pL − (SR vR + pR ) = Vs (SL − SR ), (97)
and solve the equation for vR . When the rarefaction wave SL − SR = Vs (τL − τR ). (98)
travels to right we use The subindices (L, R) represent two arbitrary states at
left and at the right from the shock. These equations
1 + vL − 1 + vR − can be written in the reference rest frame of the shock
A − A = 0, (93) by considering a Lorentz transformation, that is
1 − vL L 1 − vR R
and solve the equation for vL . We calculate in each case D̂L v̂L = D̂R v̂R , (99)
A± using (86) in the appropriate region
ŜL v̂L + pL = ŜR v̂R + pR , (100)
"√ #±2(Γ−1)−1/2 ŜL = ŜR , (101)
Γ − 1 + c±

(L,R) = √ , (94) where the hatted quantities are evaluated at the rest
Γ − 1 − c±
Vs −v(L,R)
frame of the shock. Here v̂(L,R) = 1−V , D̂(L,R) =
s v(L,R)
where the sound speed is given by (75) and (77) ρ(L,R) ŴL,R , Ŝ(L,R) = ρ(L,R) h(L,R) Ŵ(L,R) v̂(L,R) and
Ŵ(L,R) = q 1 .
v(L,R) − ξ From (99), we can introduce the invariant relativistic

s,(L,R) = ± , (95)
1 − v(L,R) ξ mass flux across the shock as

where the + sign is used when the wave moves to the left
and − when moving to the right. Finally since we are in j = Ws DL (Vs − vL ) = Ws DR (Vs − vR ), (102)
the rarefaction zone we can express a point (x, t) with ξ = where Ws = √ 1
. It is important to point out that
(x − x0 )/t in (95) and using this expression in (94) and
substituting into (92) or (93) depending on the direction when the shock moves to the right the mass flux is pos-
of propagation we finally obtain a trascendental equation itive j > 0, whereas when the shock moves to the left it
for the velocity v(L,R) . We assume that if the wave moves has to be negative j < 0.
to the left we know the variables on the state to the left L Now, using the expression for the mass flux (102) into
and ignore those of the state to the right R and viceversa. the Rankine-Hugoniot conditions (96, 97, 98) we can ob-
Then we look for a solution of vL when the wave moves tain the following system of equations in terms of a com-
to the left and of vR when moving to the right. Instead bination of primitive and conservative variables
of looking for a closed solution to this equation we solve  
it numerically to obtain v(L,R) assuming we know v(R,L) . j 1 1
Once v(L,R) is calculated we can substitute back, and vL − vR = − − , (103)
using equation (95) obtain the sound speed; next, using j


(82) obtain the density ρ; finally with the help of the EOS pL − pR = − , (104)
we can calculate the pressure p = KρΓ . This completes Ws DL DR
the solution in the fan region. j τL τR
vL pL − vR pR = − . (105)
The particular cases described later illustrate how to Ws DL DR
implement this procedure.
Considering the shock is moving to the right and thus
that the state R is known, we will write an expression for
B. Shock Waves
the velocity vL in terms of the state variables R and also
in terms of j, Vs and pL . In order to do this, we rewrite
expressions (104) and (105) using the definitions for the
Shocks require the use of the relativistic Rankine- conservative variables in terms of the primitive variables
Hugoniot jump conditions [ρ0 uµ ]nµ = 0 and [T µν ]nν = 0 (63) as follows
across the shock [6], where nµ = (−Vs Ws , W s, 0, 0) is
a normal vector to the shock’s front, Ws is the shock’s
Lorentz factor and Vs is the speed of the shock. Here Ws vR
(pL − pR ) = hL WL − hR WR , (106)
we have used the notation [F ] = FL − FR , where FL jvL vL
and FR are the values of the function F at both sides Ws pL
(vL pL − vR pR ) = hL WL − (107)
of the shock’s surface. These conditions reduce to the j ρL WL
following system of equations, in terms of primitive and pR
conservative variables, as − hR WR + .

Subtracting these expressions and dividing by pL we get

ρL hL Ws2 WL2 (Vs −vL )2 −ρR hR Ws2 WR2 (Vs −vR )2 = −(pL −pR ).
Ws vR pR 1 pR
vL − − + = (108) (114)
j pL vL vL pL
  As we can see from this equation, the definition of the
hR WR vR pR 1
−1 + − . conserved mass flux is present, then using equation (102)
pL vL pL ρR WR ρL WL in this last equation, we obtain a useful expression for
the square of the flux
Inserting this into (103) we finally obtain an expression
for the velocity vL

−(pL − pR )
hR WR vR + Ws
j (pL − pR ) j2 =  , (115)
vL = . (109) hL hR
ρL − ρR

Ws vR 1
hR WR + (pL − pR ) j + ρR WR

When the shock moves to the left and the state L is where the positive root corresponds to a shock moving
known, the velocity on the state to the right is to the right whereas the negative root to a shock moving
to the left.
hL WL vL + Ws Another useful expression comes from equation (101),
j (pR − pL )
vR =  , (110) which can be rewritten directly in the form
Ws vL 1
hL WL + (pR − pL ) j + ρL WL

where the condition j < 0 has to be satisfied.

In order to obtain the shock velocity Vs , we start form hL ŴL = hR ŴR , (116)
the mass flux conservation across the shock (102), which
relates the shock
p velocity with the mass flux. Substitut-
ing Ws = 1/ 1 − Vs2 , it is possible to solve the resulting which combined with equation (115) implies
quadratic equation and obtain the two roots for the shock
hL hR
h2L − h2R = (pL − pR ) + . (117)
ρL ρR
ρ2R WR2 vR + j 4 + j 2 ρ2R
Vs = , (111)
ρ2R WR2 + j 2
ρ2L WL2 vL − j 4 + j 2 ρ2L This last equation is commonly called the Taub’s adiabat.
Vs = , (112) Moreover equations (115), (116) and (117) are known as
ρ2L WL2 + j 2
relativistic Taub’s junction conditions for shock waves
which correspond respectively to a shock moving to the [6, 7].
right and to the left. The signs of the quadratic formula Finally, in order to obtain the density ρL and pressure
are chosen such that they are physically possible, that is, pL for a shock moving to the right in terms of the vari-
for the case of a shock moving to the right j > 0 we use ables in the region to the right, we consider the definition
(111) and for a shock moving to the left j < 0 we use of the specific internal enthalpy and that the fluid obeys
(112) [3]. and ideal gas equation of state. With these assumptions
In order to solve completely the problem across the equation (117) can be rewritten in the form
shock, we first express equation (100) as

ρL hL (Vs − vL )2 ρR hR (Vs − vR )2 1 σ
2 + V 2 v2 − 2 + V 2 v2 = [pL (2σ − 1) + pR ] + 2 [p2L (σ − 1) + pL pR ] =
1 − Vs2 − vL s L 1 − Vs2 − vR s R ρL ρL
− (pL − pR ). (113) 1 σ
[pR (2σ − 1) + pL ] + 2 [p2R (σ − 1) + pL pR ],(118)
1 ρR ρR
Considering that Ws W(L,R) = √ q
1−Vs2 1−v(L,R)
2 2
the last equation takes the follow- Γ
1−Vs2 −v(L,R) +Vs2 v(L,R) where σ = Γ−1 . The solution for the quadratic equation
ing form reads

1 −[pL (2σ − 1) + pR ] ± [pL (2σ − 1) + pR ]2 + 4ζL σ[p2L (σ − 1) + pL pR ]
= , (119)
ρL 2σ[p2L (σ − 1) + pL pR ]
1 −[pR (2σ − 1) + pL ] ± [pR (2σ − 1) + pL ]2 + 4ζR σ[p2R (σ − 1) + pR pL ]
= , (120)
ρR 2σ[p2R (σ − 1) + pR pL ]

where ζL = ρR [pR (2σ − 1) + pL ] + ρσ2 [p2R (σ − 1) + pL pR ],
and ζR = ρ1L [pL (2σ − 1) + pR ] + ρσ2 [p2L (σ − 1) + pR pL ].
L (1 + v1 )A+ +
1 − (1 − v1 )A3
A physically acceptable solution requires ρ > 0, which v3 = +. (122)
(1 + v1 )A+
1 + (1 − v1 )A3
restricts the sign to be positive one in both cases.
where according to (94)
C. Contact Wave
"√ #+2(Γ−1)−1/2
The equations describing the jump conditions Γ − 1 + c+
(1,3) = √ . (123)
(96,97,98) admit the solution using Vs = vR = vL = Γ − 1 − c+
λo = Vcontact where vR and vL are the values of the ve-
locity of the fluid at the right and at the left from the p1 Γ
Here c+
contact discontinuity. This represents the contact wave s,1 := cs (p1 ) = Γp1 /(ρ1 h1 ), h1 = 1+ ρ1 (Γ−1) and
traveling along the line x − x0 = λ0 t. cs,3 := cs (p3 ) is given by equation (81)
Then (96) is trivial and (97) reads
Γ−1 p1
s,3 (p3 ) = t , K= , (124)
(SL − SR )Vs + pL − pR = (SL − SR )Vs , (121)
Γ−1 p3
+1 ρΓ1
which implies pR = pL and equation (98) is satisfied.
We are now in the position of analyzing each of the where we remind the reader that in the rarefaction region
possible combinations of shock and rarefaction waves in the polytopic constant remains the same during the pro-
a Riemann problem. We then proceed in the same way cess, that is, it is the same in regions 1, 2 and 3. On the
as in the Newtonian case studying each combination. other hand the velocity of the gas in region 4 corresponds
to the velocity on the state at the left of a shock moving
to the right (109)
D. The four different cases

In what follows, as we did for the Newtonian case, we Ws,5

h6 W6 v6 + j (p4 − p6 )
present the four combinations of rarefaction and shock v4 =  , (125)
Ws,5 v6 1
waves associated to the relativistic Riemann problem. h6 W6 + (p4 − p6 ) j + ρ6 W6
We illustrate each case with a particular set of parame-
ters contained in Table II. q
2 is the Lorentz factor of the
where Ws,5 = 1/ 1 − Vs,5
shock, where we use the subindex 5 in order to denote
1. Case 1: Rarefaction-Shock the shock occurring in region 5. In order to obtain v4 in
terms of p4 we need to perform the following steps:
The contact wave conditions are v3 = v4 = v ∗ and p3 =
p4 = p∗ . The velocity in region 3 is given by equation • The rest mass density ρ4 is given in terms of p4 and
(88) that provides the velocity on the state at the right other known information can be expressed using
from a rarefaction wave moving to the left: (119) as

1 −[p4 (2σ − 1) + p6 ] + [p4 (2σ − 1) + p6 ]2 + 4ζ4 σ[p24 (σ − 1) + p4 p6 ]
= , (126)
ρ4 2σ[p24 (σ − 1) + p4 p6 ]
1 σ Γ
ζ4 = [p6 (2σ − 1) + p4 ] + 2 [p26 (σ − 1) + p4 p6 ], where σ = . (127)
ρ6 ρ6 Γ−1

Case pL pR vL vR ρL ρR
Rarefaction-Shock 13.33 0 0 0 10 1
Shock-Rarefaction 0 13.33 0.0 0.0 1 10
Rarefaction-Rarefaction 0.05 -0.05 -0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1
Shock-Shock 3.333e-9 -3.333e-9 0.999999 0.999999 0.001 0.001

TABLE II: Initial data for the four different cases. We choose the spatial domain to be x ∈ [0, 1] and the location of the
membrane at x0 = 0.5. In all cases we use Γ = 4/3.

• Once ρ4 is given in terms of p4 it is possible to 1. Region 1 is defined by the condition x − x0 < tξh ,
compute the enthalpy in region 4 as h4 = 1 + σ ρp44 . where according to (90) ξh is the velocity of the
head of the rarefaction wave traveling to the left
• Then equation (115) reads v1 −cs,1
ξh = 1−v . The values of the physical variables
1 cs,1
are known from the initial conditions:
(p4 − p6 )
j2 = − h4 h6
, (128)
ρ4 − ρ6
pexact = p1 , (131)
where h6 = 1 + σ pρ66 . Something to remember here vexact = v1 , (132)
is the fact that as the shock moves to the right, we ρexact = ρ1 . (133)
consider j to be the positive square root.
• Once j is obtained, the shock velocity can be found 2. Region 2 is defined by the condition tξh < x − x0 <
from expression (111) as tξt , where according to (91) ξt is the characteristic
value again, but this time evaluated at the tail of
v3 −cs,3
p the rarefaction wave, that is ξt = 1−v 3 cs,3
. In order
ρ26 W62 v6 + |j| j 2 + ρ26 to compute v2 we use (92)
Vs,5 = . (129)
j 2 + ρ26 W62
• Finally one calculates Ws,5 = √ 2
and in this 1 + v1 + 1 + v2 +
A − A (v2 ) = 0 (134)
way v4 in terms of p4 and the known state in region 1 − v1 1 1 − v2 2
6 using (125).
According to the contact discontinuity condition v3 = considering equations (76), (94) and (95) as follows
v4 = v ∗ , we equate (122) and (125) and obtain a tran-
scendental equation for p∗ : "√ #+2(Γ−1)−1/2
Γ − 1 + c+
(1,2) =
√ , (135)
(1 + v1 )A+ + ∗
1 − (1 − v1 )A3 (p ) Γ − 1 − c+
− s,(1,2)
(1 + v1 )A+ + ∗
1 + (1 − v1 )A3 (p )
Γp1 p1 Γ
h6 W6 v6 + Ws
j (p

− p6 ) c+
s,1 = , h1 = 1 + (136)
  = 0, (130) ρ1 h 1 ρ1 Γ−1
Ws v6 1
h6 W6 + (p∗ − p6 ) j + ρ6 W6 ξ + c+
v2 − ξ s,2
s,2 = ⇒ v2 = . (137)
which has to be solved using a root finder. 1 − v2 ξ 1 + c+
s,2 ξ
Once this equation is solved, p3 and p4 are automati-
cally known and v3 and v4 can be calculated using (122) where ξ = (x − x0 )/t. In this way, equation (134)
and (125), respectively. It is possible to calculate ρ3 using is transcendental and has to be solved equivalently
the fact that in the rarefaction zone the process is adi- for v2 or for c+
s,2 using a root finder for each point of
abatic and then ρ3 = ρ1 (p3 /p1 )1/Γ . On the other hand
region 2. We recommend solving for c+ s,2 and then
we can also calculate ρ4 using (126). With this informa-
tion it is already possible to construct the solution in the construct v2 using (137). Finally we calculate ρ2
whole domain. using equation (82):
Up to this point we account with the known initial
states (p1 , v1 , ρ1 ) and (p6 , v6 , ρ6 ), the solution in regions
1 p1
3 and 4 given by (p3 , v3 , ρ3 ) and (p4 , v4 , ρ4 ), and Vs,5 ρ2 =  1 , K= . (138)
which represents the velocity of propagation of the shock
  Γ−1 ρΓ1
KΓ (c+1 )2 − 1
5. The exact solution region by region is described next. s,2

Finally we obtain p2 using the fact that in the pro- 2. Case 2: Shock-Rarefaction
cess K is constant
This is pretty much the previous case, except that one
 Γ has to be careful at using the correct signs and conditions.
ρ2 We then start again with the contact wave conditions
p2 = p1 . (139)
ρ1 v3 = v4 = v ∗ and p3 = p4 = p∗ . The velocity of the gas
in region 3 corresponds to the velocity on the state at the
3. Region 3 is defined by the condition tξt < x − x0 < right from a shock moving to the left (110)
tVcontact , where Vcontact = λo = v3 = v4 . The
solution there reads
h1 W1 v1 + j (p3 − p1 )
v3 =  , (149)
Ws,2 v1 1
pexact = p3 , (140) h1 W1 + (p3 − p1 ) j + ρ1 W1
vexact = v3 , (141)
ρexact = ρ3 . (142) q
2 is the Lorentz factor of the
where Ws,2 = 1/ 1 − Vs,2
4. Region 4 is defined by the condition tVcontact < shock. In order to obtain v3 in terms of p3 and other
x − x0 < tVs,5 , where Vs,5 is given by (129) and known information we need to perform the following
explicitly steps:



pexact = p4 , (143) 6 8

ρ 4

vexact = v4 , (144) 4

ρexact = ρ4 . (145) 0

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
x x

5. There is no region 5. Only the shock traveling with



speed Vs,5 . 0.5



6. Region 6 is defined by tVs,5 < x − x0 . In this region 0.3

the solution is simply 0.2



0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
x x

pexact = p6 , (146)
FIG. 9: Exact solution for the Rarefaction-Shock case at time
vexact = v6 , (147) t = 0.35 for the parameters in Table II.
ρexact = ρ6 . (148)

As an example we show in Fig. 9 the primitive vari- • The rest mass density is given in terms of p3 using
ables at t = 0.35, for the initial parameters in Table II. the expression (120) as

1 −[p3 (2σ − 1) + p1 ] + [p3 (2σ − 1) + p1 ]2 + 4ζ3 σ[p23 (σ − 1) + p3 p1 ]
= , (150)
ρ3 2σ[p23 (σ − 1) + p3 p1 ]
1 σ Γ
ζ3 = [p1 (2σ − 1) + p3 ] + 2 [p21 (σ − 1) + p3 p1 ], where σ = . (151)
ρ1 ρ1 Γ−1

• Once ρ3 is given in terms of p3 it is possible to

compute the enthalpy in region 3 as h3 = 1 + σ ρp33 . (p3 − p1 )
j2 = − h3 h1
, (152)
ρ3 − ρ1

• Then from equation (115) we obtain where h1 = 1 + σ pρ11 . As the shock is moving to

the left we consider the negative root of the above 1. Region 1 is defined by the condition x − x0 < tVs,2 ,
expression for j. where Vs,2 is given by (153) and the solution there
is that of the initial state on the left chamber
• Once j is obtained, the shock velocity can be found
from expression (112) in terms of p3 as
pexact = p1 , (158)
ρ21 W12 v1 − |j| j 2 + ρ21 vexact = v1 , (159)
Vs,2 = . (153)
j 2 + ρ21 W12 ρexact = ρ1 . (160)
• Finally one calculates Ws,2 = √ 2
and in this 2. There is no region 2. Only the shock traveling with
way v3 in terms of p3 and the known state in region speed Vs,2 .
1 using (149).
3. Region 3 is defined by the condition tVs,2 < x −
The velocity in region 4 is given by equation (89) that x0 < tVcontact , where Vcontact = λo = v3 = v4 . The
provides the velocity on the state at the left from a rar- solution is
efaction wave moving to the right:

(1 + v6 )A− − pexact = p3 , (161)

6 − (1 − v6 )A4
v4 = −, (154) vexact = v3 , (162)
(1 + v6 )A−
6 + (1 − v6 )A4
ρexact = ρ3 . (163)
where following (94)
4. Region 4 is defined by the condition tVcontact <
"√ #−2(Γ−1)−1/2 x − x0 < tξt , where according to (91) ξt is the

Γ − 1 + c−
A(4,6) = √ . (155) characteristic value again, but this time evaluated
Γ − 1 − c−
s,(4,6) at the tail of the rarefaction wave, that is ξt =
v4 +cs,4
p6 Γ 1+v4 cs,4 . The solution in this region is
Here c−
s,6 := cs (p6 ) = Γp6 /(ρ6 h6 ), h6 = 1+ ρ6 (Γ−1) and
s,4 := c (p
s 4 ) is given by equation (81)
pexact = p4 , (164)
Γ−1 p6 vexact = v4 , (165)
s,4 (p4 ) = t , K= . (156)
Γ−1 p4
 1−Γ ρΓ6 ρexact = ρ4 . (166)

because K is the same in regions 4 and 6. 5. Region 5 is defined by the condition tξt < x − x0 <
We obtain a transcendental equation for p∗ using the tξh , where according to (90) ξh is the velocity of the
contact discontinuity condition v3 = v4 = v ∗ , and equate head of the rarefaction wave traveling to the right
v6 +cs,6
(149) and (154): ξh = 1+v 6 cs,6
. In order to compute v5 we use (93)

(1 + v6 )A− − ∗
6 − (1 − v6 )A4 (p ) 1 + v6 − 1 + v5 −
− A − A (v5 ) = 0, (167)
(1 + v6 )A− − ∗
6 + (1 − v6 )A4 (p ) 1 − v6 6 1 − v5 5
Ws ∗
h1 W1 v1 + j (p − p1 )
  = 0, (157) whoch requires the information in (76), (94) and
Ws v1 1
h1 W1 + (p∗ − p1 ) j + ρ1 W1

which has to be solved using a root finder.

Once this equation is solved, p3 and p4 are automati- "√ #−2(Γ−1)−1/2
Γ − 1 + c− s,(5,6)
cally known and v3 and v4 can be calculated using (149) A− = √ , (168)
and (154), respectively. It is possible to calculate ρ4 us- Γ − 1 − c− s,(5,6)
ing the fact that in the rarefaction zone the process is s  
adiabatic and then ρ4 = ρ6 (p4 /p6 )1/Γ . We can also cal- Γp6 p6 Γ
s,6 = , h6 = 1 + (169)
culate ρ3 using (150). With this information it is already ρ6 h 6 ρ6 Γ − 1
possible to construct the solution in the whole domain.
v5 − ξ ξ − c−
Up to this point we have the known initial states c−
s,5 = ⇒ v5 = . (170)
(p1 , v1 , ρ1 ) and (p6 , v6 , ρ6 ), the solution in regions 3 and 1 − v5 ξ 1 − c−
s,5 ξ
4 given by (p3 , v3 , ρ3 ) and (p4 , v4 , ρ4 ), and Vs,2 which rep-
resents the velocity of propagation of the shock 2. The where ξ = (x − x0 )/t. In this way, equation (167)
exact solution region by region is described next. is transcendental and has to be solved equivalently

for v5 or for c−
s,5 using a root finder for each point of
region 5. We recommend solving for c− s,5 and then (1 + v1 )A+ +
1 − (1 − v1 )A3
construct v5 using (170). Finally we calculate ρ5 v3 = , (176)
using equation (82): (1 + v1 )A1 + (1 − v1 )A+

where according to (94)

1 p6
ρ5 =  1 , K = Γ, (171)
  Γ−1 ρ6 "√ #+2(Γ−1)−1/2
KΓ 1
− 1 Γ − 1 + c+
s,5 )
2 Γ−1 A+
(1,3) = √ . (177)
Γ − 1 − c+
since K is the same in regions 5 and 6, and by the
p1 Γ
Here c+
same reason we obtain p5 using s,1 := cs (p1 ) = Γp1 /(ρ1 h1 ), h1 = 1+ ρ1 (Γ−1) and
cs,3 := cs (p3 ) is given by equation (81)
p5 = p6 . (172)
ρ6 Γ−1 p1
s,3 (p3 ) = t , K= . (178)
Γ−1 p3
+1 ρΓ1
6. Region 6 is defined by tξh < x − x0 . In this region KΓ K

the solution is simply

On the other hand the velocity of the gas in region 4
corresponds to the velocity on the state at the left of a
rarefaction wave moving to the right (89)
pexact = p6 , (173)
vexact = v6 , (174)
ρexact = ρ6 . (175) (1 + v6 )A− −
6 − (1 − v6 )A4
v4 = , (179)

(1 + v6 )A6 + (1 − v6 )A−
As an example we show in Fig. 10 the primitive vari-
ables at t = 0.35 for the initial data in Table II. where according to (94)

"√ #−2(Γ−1)−1/2
Γ − 1 + c−

(4,6) = √ , (180)
6 8 Γ − 1 − c−



and the speed of sound in region 4 is given by
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
x x v

Γ−1 p6

s,4 (p4 ) = t , K= . (181)

Γ−1 p4
+1 ρΓ6

-0.4 1


Then using the contact discontinuity condition v3 =
v4 = v ∗ , we equate (176) and (179) and obtain a tran-


0 0.2 0.4
0.6 0.8 1
0 0.2 0.4
0.6 0.8 1
scendental equation for p∗ :

FIG. 10: Exact solution for the Shock-Rarefaction case at

time t = 0.35 for the parameters in Table II. (1 + v1 )A+ + ∗
1 − (1 − v1 )A3 (p )

(1 + v1 )A1 + (1 − v1 )A+
+ ∗
3 (p )
(1 + v6 )A− − ∗
6 − (1 − v6 )A4 (p )
= 0, (182)
(1 + v6 )A− − ∗
6 + (1 − v6 )A4 (p )
3. Case 3: Rarefaction-Rarefaction
which has to be solved using a root finder.
In this case the transcendental equation for the pres- Once this equation is solved, p3 and p4 are automati-
sure at the contact discontinuity is given again by the cally known and v3 and v4 can be calculated using (176)
condition v3 = v4 where both velocities are constructed and (179), respectively. As in the previous two cases, it
using the information of the unknown state aside rarefac- is possible to calculate ρ3 and ρ4 using the fact that in
tion waves. The velocity in region 3 is given by equation the rarefaction zone the process is adiabatic and then
(88) for the velocity on the state at the right from a rar- ρ3 = ρ1 (p3 /p1 )1/Γ and ρ4 = ρ6 (p4 /p6 )1/Γ . Thus we
efaction wave moving to the left: have the known initial states (p1 , v1 , ρ1 ), (p6 , v6 , ρ6 ) and

the solution in regions 3 and 4 given by (p3 , v3 , ρ3 ) and 3. Region 3 is defined by the condition tξt2 < x−x0 <
(p4 , v4 , ρ4 ). The solution in each of the fan regions aside tVcontact , where Vcontact = λo = v3 = v4 . The
the rarefaction zones has to be constructed in terms of solution there reads
the position and time ξ = (x − x0 )/t as described below
for regions 2 and 5.
pexact = p3 , (192)
1. Region one is defined by the condition x−x0 < tξh2 , vexact = v3 , (193)
where according to (90) ξh2 is the velocity of the
head of the rarefaction wave traveling to the left ρexact = ρ3 . (194)
v1 −cs,1
ξh2 = 1−v 1 cs,1
. The values of the physical variables
4. Region 4 is defined by the condition tVcontact <
are known from the initial conditions: x − x0 < tξt5 , where ξt5 is the third characteristic
value calculated at the tail of rarefaction moving to
v4 +cs,4
the right, and according to (91) ξt5 = 1+v 4 cs,4
. In
pexact = p1 , (183) this region thus
vexact = v1 , (184)
ρexact = ρ1 . (185)
pexact = p4 , (195)
2. Region 2 is defined by the condition tξh2 < x−x0 < vexact = v4 , (196)
tξt2 , where according to (91) ξt2 is the characteristic ρexact = ρ4 . (197)
value again, but this time evaluated at the tail of
v3 −cs,3
the rarefaction wave, that is ξt2 = 1−v 3 cs,3
. In 5. Region 5 is defined by the condition tξt5 < x−x0 <
v6 +cs,6
order to compute v2 we use (92) tξh5 , where ξh5 = 1+v 6 cs,6
according to (90). In
order to compute v5 we use (93)

1 + v1 + 1 + v2 +
A − A (v2 ) = 0, (186) 1 + v5 − 1 + v6 −
1 − v1 1 1 − v2 2 A (v5 ) − A = 0, (198)
1 − v5 5 1 − v6 6
where using (76), (94) and (95) where according to (76), (94) and (95)

"√ #+2(Γ−1)−1/2 "√ #−2(Γ−1)−1/2

Γ − 1 + c+ s,(1,2) Γ − 1 + c−
(1,2) = √ , (187) A− = √
, (199)
Γ − 1 − c+ s,(1,2)
Γ − 1 − c− s,(5,6)
s   s
Γp1 p1 Γ
Γp6 p6 Γ
s,1 = , h1 = 1 + (188) c−
s,6 = , h6 = 1 + , (200)
ρ1 h 1 ρ1 Γ − 1 ρ6 h 6 ρ6 Γ − 1
v2 − ξ ξ + c+
s,2 v5 − ξ ξ − c−
s,2 = ⇒ v2 = . (189) c−
s,5 = − ⇒ v5 =
, (201)
1 − v2 ξ 1+ c+
s,2 ξ 1 − v5 ξ 1 − c−
s,5 ξ

where ξ = (x − x0 )/t. In this way, equation (186) where ξ = (x − x0 )/t. Again (198) is a transcen-
is transcendental and has to be solved equivalently dental equation either for v5 or for c− −
s,5 . Once cs,5
for v2 or for c+
s,2 using a root finder for each point has been calculated use (201) to construct v5 or di-
of region 2. We solve for c+ rectly solve (198) for v5 . It is possible to calculate
s,2 and construct v2 using
(189). Finally we calculate ρ2 using equation (82): ρ5 using (82):

1 p6
1 p1 ρ5 =  1 , K= , (202)
ρ2 =  1 , K = Γ. (190)   Γ−1 ρΓ6
  Γ−1 ρ1 KΓ (c−1 )2 − 1
1 1 Γ−1
KΓ (c+ 2
− Γ−1
s,2 )

and finally the pressure

Finally we obtain p2 using
 Γ  Γ
ρ2 ρ5
p2 = p1 . (191) p5 = p6 . (203)
ρ1 ρ6

6. Region 6 is defined by tξh5 < x − x0 . In this region 4. Shock-Shock

the solution is simply

We proceed as always, by establishing a relationship

pexact = p6 , (204) between the velocity in regions 3 and 4. We start by
expressing v3 as the velocity of the gas on a region at the
vexact = v6 , (205)
right from a shock moving to the left, that is, according
ρexact = ρ6 . (206) to (110)

As an example we show in Fig. 11 the primitive vari-

ables at t = 0.25, for the initial parameters in Table II.

0.05 h1 W1 v1 + j2 (p3 − p1 )
v3 = , (207)

Ws,2 v1 1
h1 W1 + (p3 − p1 ) +

j2 ρ1 W1

0.085 0.04




0 0.2 0.4
0.6 0.8 1
0 0.2 0.4
0.6 0.8 1

where Ws,2 = 1/ 1 − Vs,2 2 is the Lorentz factor of the


shock moving to the left. In this particular case we dis-

tinguish between the two values of j depending using the
subindices 2 and 5. In order to obtain v3 in terms of p3

0 1.4

we can proceed following these steps:
-0.1 1.35


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
x x

FIG. 11: Exact solution for the Rarefaction-Rarefaction case • The rest mass density is given in terms of p3 using
at time t = 0.25 for the parameters in Table II. the expression (120) as

1 −[p3 (2σ − 1) + p1 ] + [p3 (2σ − 1) + p1 ]2 + 4ζ3 σ[p23 (σ − 1) + p3 p1 ]
= , (208)
ρ3 2σ[p23 (σ − 1) + p3 p1 ]
1 σ Γ
ζ3 = [p1 (2σ − 1) + p3 ] + 2 [p21 (σ − 1) + p3 p1 ], where σ = . (209)
ρ1 ρ1 Γ−1

• Once ρ3 is given in terms of p3 it is possible to • Finally we calculate Ws,2 = √ 2
and thus v3 in
compute enthalpy in region 3 as h3 = 1 + σ pρ33 . terms of p3 and the known state in region 1 using
• Then from equation (115) we obtain (207).

Using the information of the shock moving to the right

(p3 − p1 ) we obtain the velocity at the left from the shock, that is
j22 = − h3 h1
, (210)
ρ3 − ρ1 v4 using (109)

where we choose j2 to be the negative root since

the shock is moving to the left; here h1 = 1 + σ pρ11 . h6 W6 v6 +
j5 (p4 − p6 )
v4 =  , (212)
Ws,5 v6 1
• Once j2 is obtained, the shock velocity can be found h6 W6 + (p4 − p6 ) j5 + ρ6 W6
from expression (112) in terms of p3 as
where Ws,5 = 1/ 1 − Vs,5 2 is the Lorentz factor of the
ρ21 W12 v1 − |j2 | j22 + ρ21 shock. In order to obtain v4 in terms of p4 we need to
Vs,2 = . (211)
j22 + ρ21 W12 perform the following steps:

• The rest mass density is given in terms of p4 using the expression (119) as

1 −[p4 (2σ − 1) + p6 ] + [p4 (2σ − 1) + p6 ]2 + 4ζ4 σ[p24 (σ − 1) + p4 p6 ]
= , (213)
ρ4 2σ[p24 (σ − 1) + p4 p6 ]
1 σ Γ
ζ4 = [p6 (2σ − 1) + p4 ] + 2 [p26 (σ − 1) + p4 p6 ], where σ = . (214)
ρ6 ρ6 Γ−1

• Once ρ4 is given in terms of p4 , we are able to 4 given by (p3 , v3 , ρ3 ) and (p4 , v4 , ρ4 ), together with Vs,2
compute enthalpy in region 4 as h4 = 1 + σ pρ44 . and Vs,5 which represent the velocities of propagation of
the shocks.
• Then equation (115) reads
1. Region 1 is defined by the condition x − x0 < tVs,2 ,
where the velocity of the shock is (211). The solu-
(p4 − p6 ) tion there is that of the initial values of the variables
j52 = − h4 h6
, (215) on the left chamber:
ρ4 − ρ6

here h6 = 1 + σ pρ66 . In this case, since the shock pexact = p1 ,

is moving to the right we choose the j5 to be the vexact = v1 ,
positive root.
ρexact = ρ1 .
• Once j5 is obtained, the shock velocity can be found
from expression (111) 2. There is no region 2, only the shock wave traveling
at speed Vs,2 .

p 3. Region 3 is defined by the condition tVs,2 < x −

ρ26 W62 v6 + |j5 | j52 + ρ26 x0 < tVcontact , where the velocity of the contact
Vs,5 = . (216)
j52 + ρ26 W62 discontinuity is the characteristic value λ0 = v eval-
uated in this region Vcontact = v3 = v4 = v ∗ .
• Finally we calculate Ws,5 = √ 2
and in this
way we can obtain v4 in terms of p4 with (212) and pexact = p3 ,
the known state in region 6. vexact = v3
According to the contact discontinuity condition v3 = ρexact = ρ3 .
v4 = v ∗ , we equate (207) and (212) and obtain a tran-
4. Region 4 is defined by tVcontact < x − x0 < tVs,5
scendental equation for p∗ :
and the solution is

Ws,2 ∗
h1 W1 v1 + j2 (p − p1 )
  − pexact = p4 ,
Ws,2 v1 1
h1 W1 + (p∗ − p1 ) j2 + ρ1 W1 vexact = v4 ,
h6 W6 v6 + Ws ∗ ρexact = ρ4 .
j5 (p − p6 )
  = 0, (217)
Ws v6 1
h6 W6 + (p∗ − p6 ) j5 + ρ6 W6
5. There is no region 5, only the shock wave traveling
with speed Vs,5 .
which has to be solved using a root finder.
6. Finally region 6 is defined by the condition Vs,5 <
Once this equation is solved, p3 and p4 are automati-
x − x0 . The exact solution is given by the initial
cally known, and v3 and v4 can be calculated using (207)
values at the chamber at the right:
and (212), respectively. It is possible to calculate ρ3 and
ρ4 using (208) and (213), respectively. With this infor-
mation it is already possible to construct the solution in pexact = p6 ,
the whole domain.
Up to this point we have the known initial states vexact = v6 ,
(p1 , v1 , ρ1 ) and (p6 , v6 , ρ6 ), the solution in regions 3 and ρexact = ρ6 .

As an example we show in Fig. 12 the primitive vari- in the newtonian and relativistic regimes, which accord-
ables at t = 0.55, for the initial parameters in Table II. ing to our experience is not presented in a straightforward
enough recipe in literature.

The contents in this article can be used in various


4 1200

manners, specially to: i) test numerical solutions of the

800 Newtonian Riemann problem in basic courses of hydro-


2 600
dynamics, ii) test numerical implementations of codes
solving hydrodynamical relativistic equations, iii) under-

0 0
stand the different properties of the propagation of the
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

x x different type of waves developing in a gas and the differ-
ent conditions on the hydrodynamical variables in each

It is also helpful because with our approach it is pos-


sible to straightforwardly implement the exact solution,
and this will save some time to a student starting a career
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
in astrophysics involving hydrodynamical processes.
x x

FIG. 12: Exact solution for a Shock-Shock case at time t = 0.5

for the parameters in Table II.


IV. FINAL COMMENTS This research is partly supported by grants: CIC-

UMSNH-4.9,4.23 and CONACyT 106466. (J.P.C-P and
In this academic article we have described in detail the F.D.L-C) acknowledge support from the CONACyT
implementation of the exact solution of the 1D Riemann scholarship program.

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