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There are three arguments about how to develop a renewable energy in EUROPE

such as costs of this energy, reliability about this technologies, and scale of this energy.

First, the writer argument about renewable energy lie wind, solar sel, and hydro
energy are more scarce than energy which come from fossil fuels, moreover it’s
technologies become hard to use if the costs of it unmanageable.

Second, the writer says it’s difficult and imposibble for developing with the present
situationif we just see on one other side of it, but it can be possible with manageable it by
see all of this system without exception. However we can also to learn from some of
countries in EUROPE which successfully implement of this mind concept for development of
exploration renewable energy.

The last argument of the writer is scale of renewable energy which become
important, because a British economist David McKay says especially in UK if we just depends
on renewable energy to use for source an electricity, what can we do When suddenly the
production of renewable energy are stopped ?

So the writer think the golden ways to achieve it are doing a breakhtrough new,
make a new technologies, think the technologies which the costs are cheaper and the last is
make a regulation for keep an use of renewable energy to be balanced, because the
beginning of sustainable energy system of renewable energy is when demand and prices

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