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ATP stands for Adenosine Tri-Phosphate, and is the energy used by an organism in In essence, materials are harnessed to create

o create ATP for biological processes. The

its daily operations. It consists of an adenosine molecule and three energy can be created via cell respiration. The process of respiration occurs in 3
inorganic phosphates. After a simple reaction breaking down ATP to ADP, the steps (when oxygen is present):
energy released from the breaking of a molecular bond is the energy we use to
keep ourselves alive.  Glycolysis

ATP to ADP - Energy Release  The Kreb's Cycle

This is done by a simple process, in which one of the phosphate molecules is broken  The Cytochrome System
off, therefore reducing the ATP from 3 phosphates to 2, forming ADP (Adenosine
Diphosphate after removing one of the phosphates {Pi}). This is commonly wrote as The following page looks at the chemistry involved in respiration and the creation of
ADP + Pi. ATP, and why oxygen is essential for respiration in the long term.

When the bond connecting the phosphate is broken, energy is released. Cell Respiration

While ATP is constantly being used up by the body in its biological processes, the As mentioned in the previous page on ATP, the process of respiration is split into 3
energy supply can be bolstered by new sources of glucose being made available via distinct areas that occur at different parts of the cell. Respiration involves
eating food which is then broken down by the digestive system to smaller particles the oxidation of foodstuff (i.e. glucose) in order to create ATP.
that can be utilised by the body.
Respiration can occur with or without oxygen, aerobic and anaerobic respiration
On top of this, ADP is built back up into ATP so that it can be used again in its more respectively.
energetic state. Although this conversion requires energy, the process produces a
net gain in energy, meaning that more energy is available by re-using ADP+Pi back Glycolysis
into ATP. Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm of a cell where a 6 carbon glucose molecule (the
broken down food that you ate earlier) is broken down by enzymes into a 3
Glucose and ATP
carbon pyruvic acid.
Many ATP are needed every second by a cell, so ATP is created inside them due to
the demand, and the fact that organisms like ourselves are made up of millions of The execution of this process requires 2 ATP, and produces a net gain of 2 ATP.
cells. The enzymes involved remove hydrogen from the glucose (oxidation) where they
Glucose, a sugar that is delivered via the bloodstream, is the product of the food take these hydrogen atoms to the cytochrome system, explained soon.
you eat, and this is the molecule that is used to create ATP. Sweet foods provide a
In anaerobic respiration, this is where the process ends, glucose is split into 2
rich source of readily available glucose while other foods provide the materials molecules of pyruvic acid. When oxygen is present, pyruvic is broken down into
needed to create glucose. other carbon compounds in the Kreb's Cycle. When it is not present, the pyruvic
This glucose is broken down in a series of enzyme controlled steps that allow the acid is broken down into lactic acid (or carbon dioxide and ethanol).
release of energy to be used by the organism. This process is called respiration.
The Kreb's Cycle
Respiration and the Creation of ATP When oxygen is present, respiration can harness more ATP from a single unit of
ATP is created via respiration in both animals and plants. The difference with plants glucose. The pyruvic acid from the glycolysis stage diffuses into a cell organelle
called a mitochondrion (pl. mitochondria). These mitochondria are sausage shaped
is the fact they attain their food from elsewhere (see photosynthesis).
structures that host a large surface area for the respiration to occur on.
The pyruvic acid is then subject to more enzymes which break it down into a 2  The released hydrogen atom binds with 2 oxygen atoms (oxygen is
carbon compound, as seen below. The diagram illustrates the Kreb's cycle, available in aerobic respiration) which produces water, a by-product of
consisting of three main actions respiration.

 The carbon element is in an infinite cycle where the 2 carbon compound The diagram illustrates this flow of hydrogen within the cytochrome system and
derived from pyruvic acid binds with the 4 carbon compound that is always how energy is made available by the flow of these atoms. The green circles
present in the cycle. illustrate where energy is made available via oxidation.

 CO2 is released, where the oxygen that is present in aerobic

respiration combines with carbon from the carbon compounds which is
released as CO2. Hence the need for animals to breath out and expel this

 Enzymes oxidize the carbon compounds and transport the hydrogen atoms
to the cytochrome system.

Overall their is a gain of 38 ATP from one molecule of glucose in aerobic respiration.
The food that we eat provides glucose required in respiration. In plants, energy is
also acquired via respiration, but the mechanism of delivering glucose to the
respiration process is a little different.
The Cytochrome System
Photosynthesis is the process that plants undertake to create organic materials
The cytochrome system, also known as the hydrogen carrier system (or the electron from carbon dioxide and water, with the help of sunlight- all of which is investigated
transport system) are where the reduced hydrogen carriers transport hydrogen on the next page of the tutorial.
atoms from the glycolysis and Kreb's cycle stages. The cytochrome system is found
Photosynthesis - Photolysis and Carbon Fixation
in the many cristae of mitochondria, which are tiny stalked particles found on its
outer layer. Photosynthesis is the means that primary producers (mostly plants) can obtain
energy via light energy. The energy gained FROM light can be used in various
The system contains many 'hydrogen acceptors' which hydrogen can be added to.
processes mentioned below for the creation of energy that the plant will need to
By following the path of a hydrogen atom, we can see how the cytochrome system
survive and grow.
Photosynthesis is a reduction process, where hydrogen is reduced by a coenzyme.
 Some coenzymes from earlier stages (we shall call these A) are transferred
This is in contrast to respiration where glucose is oxidised.
to the next coenzymes (refer to them as B).
The process is split INTO two DISTINCT areas, photolysis (the photochemical stage)
 B is then oxidised, therefore the coenzyme releases the hydrogen and
and the Calvin Cycle (the thermochemical stage). The diagram below gives a
energy is made available.
summary of the reaction, where light energy is used to initiate the reaction in its

CO2 + H2O > glucose + oxygen

Photolysis  Carbon FROM CO2 enters the cycle combining with Ribulose Biphosphate
This part of photosynthesis occurs in the granum of a chloroplast where light is
absorbed by chlorophyll; a type of photosynthetic pigment that converts the light to  A compound formed is unstable and breaks down FROM its 6 carbon
chemical energy. This reacts with water (H2O) and splits the oxygen and hydrogen nature to a 3 carbon compound called glycerate phosphate (GP)
molecules apart.
 Energy is used to break down GP INTO triose phosphate, while a hydrogen
From this dissection of water, the oxygen is released as a by-product while the acceptor reduces the compound therefore requiring energy
reduced hydrogen acceptor makes its way to the second stage of photosynthesis,
the Calvin cycle.  Triose Phosphate is the end product of this, a 3 carbon compound which
can double up to form glucose, which can be used in respiration.
Overall, since the water is oxidised (hydrogen is removed) and energy is gained in
photolysis which is required in the Calvin cycle  The cycle is completed when the leftover GP molecules are met with a
carbon acceptor and then turned INTO RuBP, which is to be joined with the
The Calvin Cycle carbon dioxide molecules to re-begin the process.
Also known as the carbon fixation stage, this part of the photosynthetic process The energy that is used up in the Calvin cycle is the energy that is made available
occurs in the stroma of chloroplasts. The carbon made available FROM breathing in during photolysis. The glucose that is made via GP can be used in respiration or a
carbon dioxide enters this cycle, which is illustrated below: building block in forming starch and cellulose, materials that are commonly in
demand in plants.

Limiting Factors in Photosynthesis

Some factors affect the rate of photosynthesis in plants, as follows

 Temperature plays a role in affecting the rate of photosynthesis. Enzymes

involved in the photosynthetic process are directly affected by the
temperature of the organism and its environment

 Light Intensity is also a limiting factor, if there is no sunlight, then the

photolysis of water cannot occur without the light energy required.

 Carbon Dioxide concentration also plays a factor, due to the supplies of

carbon dioxide required in the Calvin cycle stage.

Overall, this is how a plant produces energy which supplies a rich source of glucose
for respiration and the building blocks for more complex materials. While animals
get their energy FROM food, plants get their energy FROM the sun.

Just like the Kreb's Cycle in respiration, a substrate is manipulated INTO various
carbon compounds to produce energy. In the case of photosynthesis, the following
steps occur, which create glucose for respiration FROM the carbon dioxide
introduced INTO the cycle;

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