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Instructions: Using the rating scale given below, indicate how you think each of the f
situations describes your style of functioning when you are in a position of leadershi
the appropriate rating against the serial numbers of the statements.

Rating Scale:
1 2 3 4 5
Not at all To a Moderate extent

Rating Sr No. Transformational Leader Assessment

_____ 1 My team/group/organisation members have a clear understanding of where we are
_____ 2 I paint an interesting picture of the future for the organisation
_____ 3 I am always seeking new opportunities for the organization/group
_____ 4 I inspire others with plans for the future
_____ 5 I am able to get others to be committed to the organisation's vision
_____ 6 I lead by “doing” rather than simply by “telling”
_____ 7 I provide a good model for others to follow
_____ 8 I lead by example
_____ 9 I foster collaboration among group members
_____ 10 I encourage employees to be “team players”
_____ 11 I get the group to work together towards the same goal
_____ 12 I develop a team attitude and spirit among employees
_____ 13 I show that I expect a lot from others
_____ 14 I insist on only the best performance
_____ 15 I will not settle for second best
_____ 16 I act without considering the feelings of others
_____ 17 I show respect for the personal feelings of others
_____ 18 I behave in a manner that is thoughtful of the personal needs of others
_____ 19 I show concern for the well-being and comfort of others
_____ 20 I challenge others to think about old problems in new ways
_____ 21 I ask questions that prompt others to think
_____ 22 I stimulate others to rethink the way they do things
_____ 23 I have ideas that challenge others to reexamine some of their basic assumptions ab
_____ 24 I always give positive feedback when others perform well
_____ 25 I give special recognition when others’ work is very good
_____ 26 I compliment others when they do a better-than-average job
_____ 27 I personally compliment others when they do outstanding work
_____ 28 I frequently acknowledge the good performance of others

you think each of the following behaviors or

a position of leadership or authority. Enter

6 7
To a very large extent

eader Assessment
standing of where we are going

n's vision

eds of others

heir basic assumptions about work
g work

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