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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 7,181,380 B2

Dusterhoft et al. (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 20, 2007

(54) SYSTEM AND PROCESS FOR OPTIMAL 5,325,921 A 7/1994 Johnson et al. ........... .. 166/280
SELECTION OF HYDROCARBON WELL 5,558,161 A 9/1996 Vitthal et a1. ............. .. 166/280
COMPLETION TYPE AND DESIGN 5,743,334 A 4/1998 Nelson ................ .. 166/250.07

(75) Inventors: Ronald G- Dusterhofts Houston’ TX 6,012,016 A 1/2000 Bllden et al. ......... . . . .. 702/12
(Us). Daniel Moos Palo Alto CA 6,076,046 A 6/2000 Vasudevan et al. ......... .. 702/12
(Us); Mark DaVid’ZObaCk, S’tandfOI-d’ 6,266,619 B1 * 7/2001 Thomas et al. ............. .. 702/13
CA (US); Donald Ritter, Dallas, TX 6,318,464 B1 * 11/2001 Mokrys ................. .. 166/252.1
(US); Martin Brudy, Nierstein (DE) 6,356,844 B2 * 3/2002 Thomas et al. ............. .. 702/ 12
6,364,015 B1 4/2002 U h h .............. .. 166/250.1
(73) Assignees: Geomechanics International, Inc., * PC urc
Houston’ TX (Us); Halliburton 6,853,921 B2 2/2005 Thomas et al. ............. .. 702/14
Energy Services, Inc., Duncan, OK
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this OTHER PUBLICATIONS
Patent 15 extended or adJusted under 35 U110, J. Recent Developments in Seismic Exploration and Reservoir
U'S'C' 15403) by 723 days‘ Characterization, IEEE, Ultrasonics Symposium, vol. 1, Oct. 1997,
. 787-796.*
(21) Appl. No.: 10/324,940 pp
(22) Filed: Dec. 20, 2002 ( )
Primary ExamineriRussell Frejd
(65) PI‘iOI‘ PllbliCatiOIl Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmiRobert A. Kent; Conley
US 2004/0122640 A1 Jun. 24, 2004 Rose

(51) Int_ CL (57) ABSTRACT

G06G 7/48 (2006.01)
(52) US. Cl. ..................... .. 703/10; 702/13; 166/250.1; _ _ _ _

(58) Field of Classi?cation Search ................16605007

.. 703/10; Pnor
A process
‘0 911111118
to determlne
of a hydrocarbon
optlmal completlon
702M144; 166050012501, 245’ 2521 lnformatlon from hydrocarbon recovery modellng such as
See application ?le for Complete Search history reservoir, geo-mechanical, and material modeling over the
_ production life of the Well. An embodiment of the process
(56) References Clted includes obtaining information regarding pore pressure
US. PATENT DOCUMENTS depletion, stress magnitudes and orientations, and strength
of rock formation from hydrocarbon recovery modeling to
3,727,688 4/1973 Clampitt ................... .. 166/283 determine optimum Well completion design including the
4,637,461 * 1/1987 selection of a completion type, trajectory, and location.
4,702,314 * 10/1987
Additionally, the process may also consider probable failure
4,828,028 5/1989 mechanisms and identi?ed completion requirements, and
4,836,284 6/1989
their corresponding effect on completion options.
5,103,905 4/1992 Brannon et al. .......... .. 166/250
5,217,074 6/1993 McDougall et al. ...... .. 166/300 33 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets

Reservoir Modeling 59
I Production prediction
I Pure pleasure depletion \ Geo Mechanical/Reservoir Evaluation
20 “N - Effect of pore pressure depletion
- tlon rate requirements
Reservoir information Geo Mechanical Modeling
~ Porosity - Strep: magnitude/e 7 +
- Permeability - Stress orientation °\
‘ Pere measure ' Pere p'essu'e “Penance Determine probable reservoirtailure mechanisms
\ - Shearfaiiure, nearwellhore fines plugging
. - Compaction, fari'ield reduction in permeability
vsat‘gwz‘flfggg - Fault activation, seal integrity, bedding plane slippage
5 - Failure Envelope ' Mum phi” ?ow

identify completion requirements
Select Optimum Completion - Orientation, trajectory, location
- Completion type - Send control. Sand avoidance, Sand management
- Well trajectory ' Stimulation

Finalize well design

- Optimized Completion
' Wellbore planning
1 I

11 Drill and Complete Well —> Produce Well

Update Reservoir lniarmatiun Base

US 7,181,380 B2
Page 2

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U.S. Patent Feb. 20, 2007 Sheet 4 0f 5 US 7,181,380 B2

U.S. Patent Feb. 20, 2007 Sheet 5 0f 5 US 7,181,380 B2



I r 1332

K ' , Primary
Storage <——> K1336
4.__ ROM

I K1312
Figure 5 Network
1 2
SYSTEM AND PROCESS FOR OPTIMAL Geo-mechanical technologies characteriZe rock proper
SELECTION OF HYDROCARBON WELL ties to predict the state of earth stresses and natural fractures
COMPLETION TYPE AND DESIGN and or faults in a formation. Geo-mechanical models are
based on various laWs, such as Hooke’s laW, to relate rock
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED parameters such as elastic and plastic rigidity to quantify the
APPLICATIONS displacement, stress and internal energy of a reservoir.
Traditionally, geo-mechanical modeling of hydrocarbon res
None. ervoirs is evaluated at static reservoir conditions, such as
pre-drilling reservoir conditions. Generally the evaluation is
STATEMENT REGARDING FEDERALLY primarily focused on optimiZation of the actual drilling
SPONSORED RESEARCH OR DEVELOPMENT process, for example to design a drilling program that
eliminates or minimiZes mechanical instabilities in the bore
Not applicable. hole While drilling a Well. As a result, much of the focus of
the geo-mechanical studies is on Weak shale sections or
REFERENCE TO A MICROFICHE APPENDIX depleted reservoirs that tend to create drilling haZards.
In most situations in the petroleum industry, completions
Not applicable. are designed to accommodate a given Wellbore based upon
reservoir drainage recommendations. These reservoir drain
FIELD OF THE INVENTION age models can be used to determine the most ef?cient
20 drainage points Within the reservoir and can also be used to
evaluate the basic type of completion Whether it is a hori
This invention generally relates to the selection of hydro
Zontal Wellbore, a deviated Wellbore or a vertical Wellbore.
carbon Well completion type and design. More speci?cally, Using this approach the Well planning is done to hit the
the invention relates to a process for selecting optimal Well
desired drainage target and to minimiZe the development
completion type and design for desired Well production over
cost through proper placement of individual Well locations
the life of the Well, based on information from physical and
or central drilling sites.
process modeling (referred to herein as ‘hydrocarbon recov
In many cases the hydrocarbon producing reservoirs exist
ery modeling’) such as reservoir, geo-mechanical, and mate in a normal fault regime Where there is little directional
rial modeling. preference for both Wellbore stability or completion selec
30 tion. As a result, they are quite forgiving to different comple
tion options. There are, hoWever, a number of regions
around the World that are in more complex stress states,
In an effort to economically develop oil and/or gas pro sometimes transitioning from a normal faulting regime to
ducing reservoirs, the Petroleum Industry relies heavily strike slip or even reverse fault conditions. When these
upon educated predictions of reservoir conditions utiliZing 35 conditions exist, there can be a very strong directional
technologies available for reservoir characteriZation prior to preference for optimum completion design. In those condi
making enormous investments into the drilling and com tions proper alignment and placement of the Wellbore based
pleting of Wells. Evaluating knoWn data from similar reser upon speci?c completion techniques can vastly improve the
voirs as Well as actual data obtained from exploratory Wells reliability and productivity of the Wellbore.
or other early development efforts can greatly enhance the 40
industries ability to optimiZe the development and manage SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
ment of a hydrocarbon-producing ?eld. Hydrocarbon recov
ery modeling using sophisticated computer simulation of A process is disclosed to utiliZe hydrocarbon recovery
reservoir processes and physical characteristics has become modeling such as reservoir, geo-mechanical, and material
a critical evaluation tool for effective and economical res 45 modeling to further consider and determine Well completion
ervoir development and management. type and design prior to drilling in order to achieve desired
Typically, hydrocarbon recovery modeling of reservoirs performance and production over the life of the Well and
includes both ?uid-dynamical modeling of multi-phase reservoir. In addition, the pre-drill selection of completion
transport in permeable media, generally by numerical analy type and design can also be used to determine the most
sis methods incorporated into reservoir simulators, as Well 50 ef?cient Way to drill the Well. The hydrocarbon recovery
as geo-mechanical modeling that may utiliZe structural models can provide information regarding pore pressure
analysis software packages. Additionally, hydrocarbon depletion, stress magnitudes and orientations, and strength
recovery modeling can include material modeling of the of rock formation, all of Which can be used in determining
physical properties of the reservoir’s rock formations. Many optimum Well completion design to include the selection of
softWare computer programs used for this modeling are 55 a completion type, trajectory, and location.
generally available Within the industry. An embodiment of the process includes determining the
Reservoir simulators provide a tool that can be utiliZed by effect of pore pressure depletion on Well production over the
reservoir engineers to make predictions about the multi life of the Well and the resultant impact on Well completion
phase ?oW of oil, gas, and Water in underground hydrocar options. It may also include consulting hydrocarbon recov
bon accumulations. Engineers can simulate various methods 60 ery models to determine the probable failure mechanism for
of producing oil ?elds, and can experiment With locations a proposed Well and the resulting effect on Well production
and design of Wellbores to optimiZe both the recoveries of and completion options. In addition, the effects of comple
such resources as Well as their oWn business pro?tability. tion requirements may also be identi?ed for the Well in order
Reservoir models use various laWs, for example Darcy’s to further identify appropriate completion options. Evaluat
laW, to relate rock parameters such as porosity, absolute and 65 ing each of these effects concurrently or systematically can
relative permeability, and capillary pressure to quantify the help determine the optimum completion design. The Well
pressure, ?ux and dissipation of a reservoir. can then be drilled and completed based on the determina
US 7,181,380 B2
3 4
tion of the desired completion design. Information used in be done, for example, by possibly selecting frac and pack or
the hydrocarbon recovery models can be updated With data gravel pack completions for upper intervals Where a hori
obtained during drilling and completion of the Well. The Zontal Well Would be preferred for the loWer interval. The
process can be repeated for each neW proposed Well. completions can also be designed and optimiZed during the
Well planning to minimiZe the complexity of Wellbore
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS trajectories and their associated drilling risk.
FIG. 1 depicts an embodiment of the process to determine
The invention, together With further advantages thereof, a Well’s completion type and design in accordance With the
may best be understood by reference to the folloWing present invention. Note that throughout the folloWing
description taken in conjunction With the accompanying detailed description of FIG. 1, it is contemplated that the
draWings in Which: information generated, evaluated, or hoWever obtained, can
FIG. 1 is a diagrammatic representation of an embodi pass collectively through the boxes, so that the information
ment of a process in accordance With the present invention base continues to groW. For example, the information from
to determine Well completion type and design using reser boxes 20, 30, 40, and 50 is available to box 60 Where an
voir, geo-mechanical, and material information. evaluation of some or all of that information can be made.
FIG. 2 is a table of Well completion options based on The information from boxes 20, 30, 40, 50 and noW box 60
probable reservoir failure mechanisms. is then available to box 70 Where another evaluation is
FIG. 3 is a table of Well completion options based on performed generating additional information. The informa
identi?ed completion requirements. tion generated in boxes 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, and noW box 70
FIG. 4 is a plot of a Mohr Coulomb failure envelope. 20 is then available to box 80 and so forth. Also to be noted is
FIG. 5 illustrates a typical, general-purpose computer that many of the speci?c evaluations made during the
system upon Which a process in accordance With the present process may be knoWn by those of skill in the art. HoWever,
invention could be run in Whole or in part. these evaluations have traditionally not been performed or
combined to determine optimal completion design before
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE 25 drilling the Well. Historically, such evaluations have not
PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS been done prior to drilling; and if done before drilling at all,
the evaluations have not focused on completion options but
The folloWing-detailed description discloses a system and instead only on drilling concerns, i.e., to minimiZe costs and
process in accordance With the present invention that uses risks in the drilling operations. As contemplated by the
speci?c geo-mechanical, reservoir, and material knowledge 30 embodiment of the present invention illustrated in FIG. 1,
such as that obtained from hydrocarbon recovery modeling, the evaluations in boxes 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and
to provide a means of optimizing the completion selection 100 are typically performed in the pre-planning stages of a
process in the pre-drill planning stages of the Well, helping Well prior to drilling, to optimiZe completion design as Well
to achieve the best Wellbore performance over the life of the as drilling design for the desired Well production over the
Well. In doing this, an additional level of detail is added to 35 expected life of the Well.
the Well planning process identifying not only the drainage As shoWn in FIG. 1, although the process may be reit
location, but also the optimum orientation, deviation, and erative, initially We Will consider box 20. In box 20, reser
completion type at this point as Well. voir information including physical, structural, and geologi
Since stress in the reservoir is a function of pore pressure, cal information about the reservoir is provided for further
the optimum completion Would also be designed to accom 40 processing in subsequent steps. Reservoir properties such as
modate the stress changes that Would occur during the porosity, permeability, pore pressure, etc. and physical data
production of the reservoir. This makes it possible to select such as rock strength information are obtained by gathering
the optimum completion for the life of the Well based upon and analyZing available data from any testing of the reser
expected changes in reservoir conditions due to depletion. voir as Well as from any existing Wells in the reservoir. For
Such changes may include shear induced ?nes migration, 45 example, data collected could include core information,
reservoir compaction, or fault activation (or re-activation), open hole and cased hole electric line logs, such as com
all of Which can pose serious challenges to completion pensated neutron logs, etc., static bottom hole pressures,
reliability Which should be accounted for in the initial production ?oW tests, and possibly even data taken from
design. mud cuttings taken While drilling. As indicated in box 10, the
Depending on the stress conditions in the reservoir, the 50 process contemplates that the baseline of reservoir informa
most stable Wellbore trajectory may be aligned With the tion in box 20 can be continually updated by gathering and
preferred fracturing plane or may be as much as 90 degrees analyZing all the available Well data as each Well is drilled
different from the preferred fracturing plane. Therefore, it and completed.
becomes very important to have the desired completion The reservoir information 20 provides the feed data to
technique veri?ed early in the Well planning process to 55 perform various hydrocarbon recovery modeling such as
ensure the Wellbore is drilled in the most favorable trajec those shoWn in boxes 30, 40, and 50. In the embodiment of
tory. As an example, non hydraulically fractured comple FIG. 1, reservoir modeling occurs in box 30, geo-mechani
tions such as open hole, cased and perforated, or gravel cal modeling occurs in box 40, and material modeling occurs
packed, the most favorable Wellbore trajectory may be as in box 50. The hydrocarbon recovery models shoWn in
much as 90 degrees different to the preferred trajectory for 60 boxes 30, 40, and 50 are for modeling hydrocarbon reser
a completion that uses hydraulic fracturing. voirs. Computer programs are available commercially to
In some cases, the stress orientations and fault regime perform reservoir modeling in Whole or in part, examples
may change With depth in the Wellbore creating situations include VIP, by Landmark Graphics (Halliburton) and
Where the preferred Wellbore orientation may vary if there Eclipse, by Schlumberger. For this process, the reservoir
are multiple productive intervals to be completed in the 65 model provides information regarding expected pore pres
same Wellbore. Under these conditions the completion selec sure depletion and reservoir performance predictions, both
tion can be made to accommodate Well path design. This can parameters being a function of time.
US 7,181,380 B2
5 6
A substantial portion of the geo-mechanical modeling 40 example, in an embodiment the resultant well productivity
may also be performed through the use of software pack can be improved by inserting the optimum completion in a
ages, typically for structural analysis, that are also readily compaction situation, or can be drilled differently to avoid
available commercially such as SFIB and WELCHECK, potential sand production problems.
both Geomechanics lntemational (GMI) products. Addition Material modeling 50 may be performed with the assis
ally, other tools such as maps showing stress orientation and tance of software packages for evaluating rock strength that
magnitude can be used for geo-mechanical modeling. Wire are commercially available, such as Sand 3D, by Conoco
line logs can be used to achieve mechanical properties Phillips and Sand Pl, by GMI. Material modeling 50 of the
through sonic analysis. Analyzing borehole breakouts using reservoir information 20 typically provides information
oriented caliper or wellbore imaging logs can also be used about the mechanical failure properties of the reservoir rock,
to validate the geo-mechanical state of the reservoir. Geo and could include both elastic and plastic properties deter
mechanical modeling 40 of reservoir information includes mined at multiple con?ning stresses. A simple example of an
data taken from existing wells such as borehole breakout, important rock property that can be found through sampling
leak off testing for least ?exible stresses, and any other and testing core samples is the Mohr Coulomb failure
reservoir information 20 available. Typically, geo-mechani envelope. The Mohr Coulomb failure envelope delineates
cal modeling 40 provides geo-mechanical information such stable and unstable states of stress for a given rock material.
as stress magnitude and orientation and can be summarized This envelope is discussed more fully in reference to FIG. 4
in such common ways as geo-mechanical maps, gradient below.
type plots, stress polygon diagrams, and various other meth With the modeling information from boxes 30, 40, and 50,
ods used to visualiZe or display stress magnitude and ori 20 an evaluation is made in box 60 to determine the effect of
entation information. Maps are commonly used to visually pore pressure depletion on the expected production rate
display stress direction and typically gradient plots are used requirements of the well. The geo-mechanical in?uences as
to display stress magnitudes. Stress polygons can be used to predicted by geo-mechanical modeling 40 in combination
visually display stress states at various pore pressures. Much with the predicted reservoir performance information from
of the geo-mechanical information, such as stress, may be a 25 reservoir modeling 30 and the failure envelope and rock
function of pore pressure. Accordingly, this information can strength information generated from material modeling 50
be determined at various points in time by inputting pore may all be evaluated in box 60. Typically, information
pressure information (and expected depletion over time) as regarding pore pres sure depletion is primarily obtained from
generated from the reservoir modeling 30. Thus, the stress corresponding reservoir modeling as shown in box 30. By
magnitude and orientation can be generated from geo 30 considering the pore pressure depletion information in con
mechanical modeling 40 at original reservoir conditions and text with the geo-mechanical modeling of box 40 and
also at various predicted reservoir conditions to formulate a material modeling of box 50, the effect of the changes in
prediction of the geo-mechanical in?uences throughout the pore pressure over time on the geo-mechanics of the well
life of the reservoir. and the corresponding result on well production rates can be
One common hydrocarbon recovery modeling tool used 35 evaluated in box 60.
to determine stress states in the reservoir is the stress In box 70, an evaluation is made to determine the prob
polygon. Once the geo-mechanical model 40 is established, able reservoir failure mechanisms expected. The probable
the pore pressure can be changed in the model and the new reservoir failure mechanism is determined from the infor
geo-mechanical state can be output in such visual displays as mation provided by the hydrocarbon recovery models 30,
a stress polygon. When the pore pressure changes, the stress 40 40, 50 as well as the evaluation of the effect of pore pressure
polygon changes or shifts. Therefore, the calculations to depletion from box 60. Often software vendors of various
generate a stress polygon are generally repeated at each pore hydrocarbon recovery models have classes available for
pressure through time to determine the stress state at the instruction on how to use their software packages and may
various conditions. This information can then be fed into additionally teach basic techniques on how to use their
another hydrocarbon recovery modeling tool such as a 45 model in reservoir evaluations. For example, one such
material model 50 for the failure envelope to subsequently technique that is generally known to those skilled in the art,
determine probable failure modes throughout the life of the or that could be quickly learned by one of ordinary skill in
well. the art through appropriate instruction, would be to use a
The material model 50 for the failure envelope goes the simple Mohr Coulomb failure envelope as depicted in FIG.
next step beyond simply the calculation of the stress state. 50 4 to identify what characteristics could lead to various
Knowledge of the stress state does not typically consider failure mechanisms in a reservoir. This example will be
rock failure. Hydrocarbon recovery models such as stress described in greater detail below in the discussion of FIG. 4.
polygons can be used to determine what the stresses within As indicated in box 70, common failure mechanisms include
the reservoir are going to do when the pore pressure shear failure (which can result in near wellbore ?nes plug
changes. lnputting this stress state information into a mate 55 ging), compaction (which is a far ?eld reduction in perme
rial model, such as the Mohr Coulomb failure envelope, ability), fault activation (which may challenge seal integrity
allows for the evaluation of whether the identi?ed stresses or create bedding plane slippage), and/or multi-phase ?ow
on the rock will have a tendency to fail the rock and if so by (which can induce production problems as well). Accord
what failure mechanism. Many of these material models ingly, depending on the particular geo-mechanical in?u
have traditionally been used as sand production prediction 60 ences within the formation, the selection of completion
models for existing wellbores. In an embodiment of the types can be more narrowly de?ned by choosing from a
present invention, these material models are being used group of completion types appropriate for the predicted
differently, in that their use for failure mechanism determi failure mechanism. The relationship between failure mecha
nation is done at the pre-drill planning stages of the well in nisms and completion options will be discussed more fully
an effort to not only consider sand requirements but to 65 below in reference to FIG. 2.
design a better completion for that well and to be able to Having identi?ed the most probable reservoir failure
design and drill a better wellbore for that completion. For mechanism or mechanisms the process continues on to box
US 7,181,380 B2
7 8
80 of FIG. 1. In box 80, an evaluation is made of the Well planning Would include orientated perforating, selec
completion requirements in accordance With productivity tive perforating, horizontal Well, high angle Wells, hydraulic
considerations, such as sand management concerns. As fracturing, and consolidation. Since both scenarios affect the
shoWn in box 80, other completion requirements considered Well’s outcome, the completion requirements listed in both
include the Well’s orientation, trajectory, location, and table 72 of FIG. 2 and table 84 of FIG. 3 should be
Whether the Well Will require stimulation to meet production considered, limiting the overall selection to tWo choices
rate requirements. In addition, an evaluation is made of the betWeen high angle Well and hydraulic fracturing. Altema
effect these completion requirements Will have on available tively, any combination of mechanisms and subsequent
completion options. The relationship betWeen one such completion requirements can be cross-referenced betWeen
completion requirement, sand management requirements, on the tables in FIG. 2 and FIG. 3, in a similar fashion as Was
the options for completion Will be discussed more fully in just described.
reference to FIG. 3 beloW. Once a completion type has been selected, an ideal Well
Completion requirements can be from a set of production trajectory can be reevaluated for the particular completion
rate requirements that are de?ned by an asset team in the type selected, again consulting the information from boxes
production company, including concerns such as minimum 60, 70 and 80 as Well as the modeling information from
and maximum production ?oW rates and Well longevity. boxes 30, 40, and 50. Upon selection of the optimum Well
Typically, a production company decides to sanction a completion and trajectory, the process passes to box 100
project based on economics, Which translates into certain Where the overall Well design for the optimized completion
production requirements, such as required number of barrels and Wellbore plan are ?nalized. This may involve moving
of oil per day per Well. Those production rate requirements 20 drill centers from the location previously determined With
then affect the decision as to hoW the Wells should be out the application of the process of this invention. The
completed. Accordingly, to achieve those requirements an process then proceeds to box 110 Where the Well is drilled
evaluation of many factors come into play such as sand and completed accordingly and on to box 120 Where the Well
control, including decisions on Whether sand production is brought on line for production. As indicated in box 10, the
should be managed or avoided completely, or Whether the 25 process could be reiterated by feeding the additional infor
Well Will require stimulation to meet the production require mation gained from the neWly drilled Well into the updates
ment. Traditionally, these decisions are made for a Well plan of the reservoir information in box 20, and repeating the
or Wellbore already in place. The Well’s orientation, trajec process steps as already described in order to determine the
tory, and location are already set When the decisions are effects of this information on subsequent Wellbore comple
being made as to Whether sand control or sand avoidance is 30 tion selections.
required or Whether to stimulate the Well. It should be noted that some portions of the evaluations
In an embodiment of the present invention, these deci made in boxes 60, 70, 80, and 90 might be performed
sions are made in the pre-drill planning stages of a Well, manually by engineers or ones skilled in the art. For
optimizing the orientation and trajectory for the expected example, observations may be performed using available
conditions discovered through the substantial evaluation 35 information such as mappings, pore pressure depletion pre
process disclosed herein. In the more traditional situation dictions, production strategies, reservoir stresses, and
With the Well plan or Wellbore in place When completion strengths of rock, etc., to determine the probable reservoir
options are evaluated, it may be determined that the Well failure mechanisms in box 70 as Well as to identify comple
requires some sort of sand control completion. HoWever, tion requirements for productivity expectations in box 80.
When the Well completion type and design is optimized 40 FIG. 2 provides a table of completion options for the
through a pre-drill evaluation as disclosed, the Well design various potential reservoir failure mechanisms possible in
could potentially properly orient the Wellbore through the hydrocarbon formations. In box 70 of FIG. 1, the most
formation to avoid sand production altogether. probable failure mechanisms Were determined. FIG. 2 illus
Having evaluated the effects of pore pressure depletion in trates hoW these probable failure mechanisms impact
box 60, probable failure mechanisms in box 70, and comple 45 completion selection. The failure mechanisms include res
tion requirements in box 80, an optimal completion can noW ervoir compaction, shear failure, fault reactivation, multi
be selected. Referring again to FIG. 1, selection of an phase ?oW, and no failure. Reservoir compaction, shear
optimal completion, including a completion type and the failure, and fault activation or re-activation can lead to Well
ideal borehole trajectory for the selected completion type, casing damage or deformations such as compression, shear,
for the overall Well design can noW be made in box 90. The 50 buckling, and bending posing signi?cant challenges to con
selection process is performed by evaluating all information tinued operation of the Well and Which may severely reduce
available including the determined reservoir failure mecha Well productivity.
nisms from box 70 With the corresponding completion A quick summary of the information shoWn in FIG. 2 may
options listed in FIG. 2, as Well as the identi?ed completion be helpful. If reservoir compaction is identi?ed as a probable
requirements for productivity concerns in box 80 of FIG. 1 55 reservoir failure mechanism, column 72 of FIG. 2 lists
With the corresponding completion options listed in FIG. 3. appropriate completion options for consideration in Well
It should also be noted that there could be a reiterative planning and includes frac and pack completion, horizontal
process betWeen the boxes 70, 80, and 90. To provide a gravel pack, high angle Well With gravel pack, and hydraulic
quick example, hoWever, if it has been determined that the fracturing. If shear failure is identi?ed the appropriate
most likely reservoir failure mechanism of box 70 is reser 60 completion options to consider include open hole gravel
voir compaction, then from table 72 of FIG. 2 appropriate pack, frac and pack completion, horizontal completion, and
completion options for consideration in Well planning Would high angle completion, as listed in column 74. If fault
include frac and pack completion, horizontal gravel pack, re-activation is identi?ed as a probable failure mechanism
high angle Well With gravel pack, and hydraulic fracturing. then column 76 lists the appropriate completion options for
If it has also been determined that the most likely completion 65 this mechanism Which include optimum Well trajectory,
requirement is for sand avoidance, then from table 84 of perforation optimization, frac and pack completion, and
FIG. 3 appropriate completion options for consideration in limit draWdoWn. DraWdoWn is the difference betWeen static
US 7,181,380 B2
and ?owing bottom-hole pressures. If multi-phase ?oW is the productivity of the Well include open hole gravel pack,
identi?ed as a potential failure mechanism then column 78 frac and pack completion, horizontal completion, and high
lists the appropriate completion options for this mechanism angle completion.
including horizontal Well, hydraulic fracturing, and stimu The in?uences of formation compaction caused by the
lation. In the case Where there are no failure mechanisms, as volumetric changes in the reservoir pore space as the res
indicated in column 79, this factor Would not limit the ervoir pressure drops during production can be substantial.
completion options. Accordingly, if there are no failure This subsurface compaction Within a reservoir can some
mechanisms present other factors may determine comple times be great enough to cause signi?cant alterations in both
tion selection such as cost, or other completion requirements the vertical and horizontal stress directions. These in?uences
such as those shoWn in FIG. 3 (discussed more fully below). can cause surface subsidence that has been knoWn to result
Although presented here as a failure mechanism, reservoir in offshore platforms to partially submerge. The in?uence
compaction can provide signi?cant drive energy to greatly can even be great enough to affect the bedding plane stability
enhance the production and recovery of reserves present in and can induce fault movement or fault re-activation, in
a hydrocarbon formation. HoWever, increased amounts of Which case Well casings can be seriously damaged.
reservoir compaction due to pore pressure depletion, such as The compaction rate can be a major issue When planning
occurs during hydrocarbon production, may cause problems. Wells including the drilling design as Well as the completion
Reservoir compaction during depletion may not only type selection. Fault activation or fault re-activation is
increase the earth stresses but may also change the reservoir another failure mechanism that can be bene?cially identi?ed
stress path. This can lead to Well casing damage and before drilling begins. Identifying minor fault or major fault
ultimately to Well failure. Generally the Weight of overbur 20 areas that have the potential to activate during pore pressure
den sediments above a hydrocarbon formation is supported depletion and to cause many undesirable effects can greatly
by the rock matrix as Well as the ?uids that are under in?uence completion selection. Historically, a dramatic
pressure Within the pore space of the rock. As the reservoir increase in bottom hole pressure can occur just before a Well
is produced, more of the overburden load is transferred to fails according to a fault re-activation mechanism. Addition
the rock matrix typically causing formation compaction. 25 ally, mobility of the bedding plains at the top of the reservoir
Pore pressure depletion, rock compressibility, and the struc can also indicate fault re-activation, as a result of extreme
ture of the formation determine the magnitude and direction shear failure during the compaction mode. Identifying fault
of compaction. The magnitude and direction of the reservoir activation or re-activation during a pre-drill evaluation can
compaction affects the probable failure mechanism of the help to optimize the trajectory as Well as the completion in
Well. 30 an effort to minimize the potential for this type of failure. As
Reservoir compaction generally results in a far ?eld loss indicated in table 76 of FIG. 2, typical completion options
in permeability extending signi?cantly aWay from the near Which help to alleviate the effect of fault re-activation on the
Wellbore region and deep into the reservoir. This presents a productivity of the Well include optimum Well trajectory,
serious condition especially if it is unexpected. Incorrectly perforation optimization, frac and pack completion, and
completing Wells in this environment can cause productivity 35 limit draWdoWn.
to drop off dramatically very early in the life of the reservoir. The folloWing examples can demonstrate hoW knoWledge
If this scenario is anticipated, completion selection criteria of a hydrocarbon reservoir from hydrocarbon recovery mod
could include stimulating the Well in preparation for that loss eling can be utilized to assist in optimizing Well design. If
of permeability or alternatively, an option Would be to drill the potential failure mechanism identi?ed is reservoir com
a horizontal Well Which maximizes the area exposed making 40 paction, tWo preferred completion options could include a
production feasible in the reduced permeability reservoir. As frac and pack completion or an open hole horizontal Well. A
indicated in table 72 of FIG. 2, typical completion options frac and pack completion is Where the drilled Well is
Which help to alleviate the effect of reservoir compaction on hydraulically fractured by pumping a ?uid into the Wellbore
the productivity of the Well include frac and pack comple and then packing the near Wellbore With a supporting
tion, horizontal gravel pack, high angle Well With gravel 45 material. For a horizontal Well, the actual stress phase
pack, and hydraulic fracturing. determines the optimum direction for the Well. Depending
Stress Within a reservoir can be de?ned to be three on the fault regime present, a horizontal Well may be more
dimensional, having a vertical stress element and tWo hori stable in either the maximum stress direction or the mini
zontal stress elements. Depending on the initial reservoir mum stress direction. But, it may not be readily apparent
stress conditions, there may be a case Where one stress 50 Which one is the best choice. HoWever, in a case Where
element is dominant or possibly tWo stress elements are fracturing is the completion option, the preferred orientation
dominant. The magnitude of the differences betWeen the for the fracture is in the direction of maximum stress.
stress elements Will determine to some extent, Whether early Therefore Wells drilled for frac and pack completions should
shear failure may occur, causing localized grain movement typically be aligned With the preferred fracturing plane When
and shifting in the near Wellbore region When draWdoWn is 55 signi?cant stress contrasts exist.
applied. Historically, shear is a common failure mechanism Multi-phase ?oW is another potential reservoir failure
of many hydrocarbon reservoirs and is often associated With mechanism and can also induce production problems result
formation sand production and/or ?nes migration. ing from changes in the reservoir geo-mechanics. In a
The shear stress failure mechanism is considered a near retrograde reservoir, assume the initial production is of a
Wellbore phenomenon, in that it results in a loss of perme 60 single-phase gas. As the reservoir is depleted the pressure
ability in the near Wellbore region. If this is the suspected declines and at a certain pressure the deW point of the gas is
failure mechanism, then a Well completion can be designed reached. From this point on, production becomes multi
to bypass the near Wellbore, maintaining high productivity phase due to the condensation forming in the reservoir at the
throughout the life of the Well, even though a signi?cant loss loWer pressures. Production goes from single-phase ?oW to
in permeability may occur near the Wellbore as it is pro 65 multi-phase ?oW. This can cause additional draWdoWn on
duced. As indicated in table 74 of FIG. 2, typical completion the reservoir When operated at the same ?oW rate as the
options Which help to alleviate the effect of shear failure on previous single-?oW of gas. If the Well is produced Without
US 7,181,380 B2
11 12
changing the choke size to accommodate the phase change boxes 30, 40, 50. Sand management can be affected by
at the deW point pressure of the gas, the higher draWdoWn completions and Wellbore placement, for example it is
can stress the near Wellbore region to the extent of creating recommended to gravel pack a horiZontal Well When sand
a failed Well. Extremely high draWdoWn can stress the production is a concern. The Wellbore stability depends on
formation considerably more than normal pore pressure sand strength, the velocities through the sand, minimal
depletion predictions can project, and can have a dramatic strain, and oriented perforations. Ideally, When sand prob
effect on the geo-mechanics of the reservoir. Similarly, if lems are a concern, if the Well is designed and completed
initial production is oil and the reservoir pressure reaches the With this in mind, orienting the Wellbore correctly through
bubble point of the oil, the same multi-phase issues become the formation, accounting for stress magnitudes and direc
relevant. As indicated in table 78 of FIG. 2, typical comple tion and Wellbore stability, in accordance With this inven
tion options that help to alleviate the effect of multi-phase
tion, the rock may never fail throughout the life of the Well.
How on the productivity of the Well include horiZontal Well,
hydraulic fracturing, and stimulation. FIG. 4 is a diagram depicting a Mohr Coulomb failure
FIG. 3 provides a table of completion options based on envelope. The Mohr Coulomb failure envelope is an
completion requirements such as sand control issues and example of a relatively simple hydrocarbon recovery model
other productivity considerations. In box 80 of FIG. 1, that can be used to help identify reservoir failure modes in
completion options are considered based on speci?c comple box 70 of FIG. 1. FIG. 4 provides a graphical Way to
tion requirements. FIG. 3. shoWs hoW the speci?ed comple visualiZe stress states that represents failure modes such as
tion requirements can impact completion selection. For tensile failure, cohesive failure, shear failure, and pore
illustration, the completion requirements are listed including 20 collapse or compaction failure. Given the complexities of
reservoirs requiring completions for sand tolerance concerns other knoWn models, the relatively simple Mohr Coulomb
such as sand exclusion, sand avoidance, deferred sand/ failure envelope Will be discussed here for clarity and ease
managed sand, and no sand production. of understanding.
Sand tolerance is one of many possible completion
FIG. 4 is a typical plot of a Mohr Coulomb failure
requirements for consideration. Production facilities, envi 25
envelope. The X-axis represents the effective normal stress
ronmental issues, and safety concerns help to determine the
level of sand production that can be tolerated. Higher levels (perpendicular to the plane) and the Y-axis represents the
of sand production can erode surface facilities or can even shear stress (parallel to the plane). The normal stress
?ll up the facilities With sand. Special facilities can be increases With compression in the positive X direction and
installed to alloW removal of certain amounts of sand to 30
decreases With tension in the negative X direction. The
prevent excessive erosion. HoWever, determining hoW much failure envelope 130, 140, 150 is the best-?t line represent
ing the locus of shear and normal stresses at failure for a
sand can be managed economically considering that the sand
should be disposed of properly, then becomes an issue. In material, such as a core sample, taken from laboratory
results. Stress states beloW this line are considered stable and
some instances, certain amounts of sand may be acceptable,
and in others no sand production can be tolerated. Comple 35
above this line are unstable.
tion requirements to accommodate sand issues such as these In the laboratory, failure points are determined by break
are Well knoWn to those of skill in the art. For example, in ing core samples under different con?ning stresses that can
a situation of shear failure as previously described, there is later be translated to pore pressure conditions. The triaxial
a near Wellbore permeability loss and therefore adjustments compression laboratory test procedures and calculations to
may be made accordingly for appropriate completions With 40 achieve the failure envelope are knoWn to those skilled in the
the near Wellbore concerns regarding sand control consid art. Applying a con?ning pressure to a core in a laboratory
ered. test can be very similar in principle to applying pore pressure
If sand exclusion is identi?ed as a completion requirement to the material in the formation. Therefore, con?ning pres
to accommodate production rate requirements, table 82 of sures de?ned in the lab can be extrapolated into pore
FIG. 3 lists appropriate completion options for consideration 45 pressures to predict failure in the ?eld.
in Well planning and includes gravel pack, frac and pack, Accordingly, the graph shoWn in FIG. 4 includes tWo
extension pack, expandable screens and slip joints. If sand Mohr Coulomb semicircles 110 and 120 to represent reser
avoidance is identi?ed then the appropriate completion voir stress states in time. Curve 110 in FIG. 4 represents
options to consider, as listed in table 84, include orientated initial stress conditions in the reservoir and is plotted by
perforating, selective perforating, horiZontal Well, high 50 using the stress conditions evaluated at the pore pressure
angle Wells, hydraulic fracturing, and consolidation. If calculated at initial conditions. Curve 120 in FIG. 4 repre
deferred sand/managed sand is identi?ed as a requirement to sents stress conditions evaluated at the pore pressure calcu
accommodate productivity issues then table 86 lists the lated under draWdoWn and production as determined by
appropriate completion options for this situation including hydrocarbon recovery modeling. Hydrocarbon ?uids that
orientated perforating, selective perforating, hydraulic frac 55 occupy the pore spaces in the reservoir rock of a hydrocar
turing, consolidation, and controlled rate. If no sand pro bon formation can reduce the normal stress. As the reservoir
duction is identi?ed then table 88 lists the appropriate is produced, the change in pore pressure can result in going
completion requirements and includes perforation design, from stable to unstable rock conditions resulting in failure.
stimulation, and horiZontal Well. As the reservoir is predicted to be depleted by hydrocarbon
Like far-?eld failure mechanisms, near Wellbore potential 60 recovery modeling, the pore pressure is reduced Which shifts
failure mechanisms resulting in sand production are also a the tWo points Where curve 110 intercepts the horiZontal axis
function of pore pressure depletion. Sand production is also both to the left at the left-most end of the semi-circle, and to
a function of rock strength and production rate requirements. the right at the right-most end of the semi-circle, basically
Additionally, sand production can be a function of the groWing the semi-circle out as draWdoWn and production
overall reservoir failure mechanisms. The failure point of the 65 occurs as is shoWn by curve 120. Where the semi-circle 120
sand grain can be evaluated according to the failure enve intersects the failure line 130, this corresponds to pore
lope information of the hydrocarbon recovery modeling pressures that initiate unstable conditions. In this particular
US 7,181,380 B2
13 14
example shown in FIG. 4, the Mohr Coulomb failure enve knoWn Drucker-Prager and Modi?ed Lade models. These
lope helps to shoW that as conditions change in the life of a more sophisticated models use more complex elastic-plastic
Well, shear failure can occur. failure modeling that requires a multitude of core testing at
When operating a Well at stress states inside of the failure different con?ning stresses to generate them. It is quite a
envelope 130, 140, 150, the reservoir rock can be considered complex process to develop one of these more sophisticated
stable. However, When operating at stress states outside of failure envelopes.
the envelope then the reservoir rock can be considered Once the failure mode or modes have been determined
unstable and failure is likely. Tensile failure is graphically through hydrocarbon recovery modeling such as Was just
illustrated to occur in the region to the left of the Y-axis and described in the above example using a simple Mohr Cou
beloW the X-axis, When the effective normal stress is nega lomb failure envelope or by using some other model or
tive. If a Well is operating With stress states in this region it combination of models, the process to optimiZe selection of
can fail in tension. This is What occurs When a Well under completion and Well design continues on to box 80 of FIG.
goes hydraulic fracturing. Some Water injection Wells typi 1 as already described earlier herein.
cally operate in this region of the graph. Typically, hydrocarbon recovery modeling has incorpo
The failure envelope intersects the Y-axis When there is no rated geo-mechanical modeling to help With drilling opera
effective normal stress. The magnitude of the shear stress at tions planning, Where the primary concern is Wellbore
this point represents the cohesive strength of a material (the stability during drilling. In particular, geo-mechanical mod
bonding strength betWeen the particles of a material). Cohe els that are most readily available right noW have tradition
sive failure can be expected at this point. Cohesive failure is ally been focused on optimiZing the drilling process, for
a surface failure phenomenon that is generally not a critical 20 example determining the right direction for optimum Well
component in a completion evaluation because typically it is bore stability, to prevent a loss of circulation or a hole
a temporary event that clears up on its oWn after being collapse. As illustrated in FIGS. 14, the process in accor
produced for a short period of time. With cohesive failure a dance With the present invention illustrates hoW these same
small amount of sand is produced initially but as the Well tools may be used to do a better job of completing the Well.
continues to be produced the sand production generally 25 A potential bene?t is that by planning the completion type in
stops. Producing a Well at stress conditions conducive to advance of drilling using the geo-mechanical model in
cohesive failure could be an ideal case for a managed sand combination With reservoir modeling and all other available
production completion design. reservoir information obtained from Well data and subse
The slope of the failure envelope is the ratio of the shear quent hydrocarbon recovery modeling presents an opportu
stress to the normal stress at failure and is a straight line 130 30 nity to optimiZe the Wellbore to be drilled for the selected
in FIG. 4 up to a point 140 at Which the line becomes a curve completion.
150 bending doWn toWard the X-axis. The region of the Typically, at the completion stage, the Well planning and
graph above the straight-line portion of the failure envelope drilling is already done. Historically, if geo-mechanics Were
and to the left of a vertical line through point 140 can be used in hydrocarbon recovery modeling and evaluation, they
considered an area When shear failure in the reservoir is 35 Were used from the standpoint of borehole stability and
probable. Shear failure initiates With the onset of grain drilling optimiZation. Therefore, at the completion stage, the
shifting that eventually liberates ?nes migration. This can Wellbore has already been drilled Without completion selec
cause a reduction in permeability in the near Wellbore region tion or design considered and noW is to be evaluated for
as already discussed. In sand prediction models, shear completion selection and design for the borehole in place.
failure is often associated With the onset of signi?cant sand 40 Doing a better job of completing the Well can have a
production as Well. long-term effect on the life and productivity of the Well. The
The area above the curved portion of the failure envelope system and process described herein enables an optimal
150 and to the right ofa vertical line through point 140 is a pre-drill completion selection, so that the optimal borehole
region When pore collapse failure due to compaction can be can then be planned and drilled to ?t the best completion
expected. Determination of the point 140 alloWs the cap 150 45 option for the reservoir particulars.
to be inserted on the failure envelope to predict compres A process for selecting Well completion and design as
sive-failure. Pore collapse, or compaction failure, is a far described herein may generally be implemented in Whole or
?eld effect as mentioned previously. in part on a variety of different computer systems. FIG. 5
The Mohr Coulomb failure envelope is an example of a illustrates a typical, general-purpose computer system suit
relatively simple hydrocarbon recovery model that can typi 50 able for implementing the present invention. The computer
cally provide a good visualiZation tool to indicate potential system 1330 includes a processor 1332 (also referred to as
failure modes; but it is not designed to handle all the a central processing units, or CPU) that is coupled to
complexities of non-elastic or plastic type failure modes. memory devices including primary storage devices 1336
The Mohr Coulomb failure envelope is an elastic solution (typically a read only memory, or ROM) and primary
and it does not consider plastic deformation conditions. 55 storage devices 1334 (typically a random access memory, or
Elastic deformation conditions are observed When a material RAM).
is deformed With stress and then When the stress is removed As is Well knoWn in the art, ROM acts to transfer data and
the material returns to its original form. Plastic deformation instructions uni-directionally to CPU 1332, While RAM is
conditions are observed When a material is deformed beyond used typically to transfer data and instructions in a bi
its elastic limits, meaning the material is permanently 60 directional manner. Both storage devices 1334, 1336 may
changed, so that When the stress is released, it no longer can include any suitable computer-readable media. A secondary
go back to its initial condition. Sheer failure can typically be storage medium 1338, Which is typically a mass memory
considered to be more of a plastic failure mode. Pore device, is also coupled bi-directionally to CPU 1332 and
collapse is also considered a plastic failure mode. Accord provides additional data storage capacity. The mass memory
ingly, some reservoir evaluations may require a more rig 65 device 1338 is a computer-readable medium that may be
orous solution taking into consideration the plastic-elastic used to store programs including computer code, data, and
?nite element models that are readily available, such as the like. Typically, mass memory device 1338 is a storage
US 7,181,380 B2
15 16
medium such as a non-volatile memory such as a hard disk determining completion design for desired hydrocarbon
or a tape which is generally slower than primary storage recovery over the life of the proposed well; and
devices 1334, 1336. Mass memory storage device 1338 may storing the completion design in a computer readable
take the form of a magnetic or paper tape reader or some medium;
other well-known device. It will be appreciated that the wherein considering the hydrocarbon recovery models
information retained within the mass memory device 1338, comprises determining the effect of pore pressure
may, in appropriate cases, be incorporated in standard fash depletion on well production over the life of the well.
ion as part of RAM 1336 as virtual memory. A speci?c 2. The process of claim 1 wherein the hydrocarbon
primary storage device 1334 such as a CD-ROM may also recovery models comprise a geo-mechanical model.
pass data uni-directionally to the CPU 1332. 3. The process of claim 1 wherein the hydrocarbon
CPU 1332 is also coupled to one or more input/output recovery models comprise a reservoir model.
devices 1340 that may include, but are not limited to, 4. The process of claim 1 wherein the hydrocarbon
devices such as video monitors, track balls, mice, keyboards, recovery models comprise a material model.
microphones, touch-sensitive displays, transducer card read 5. The process of claim 1 further comprising considering
ers, magnetic or paper tape readers, tablets, styluses, voice the impact on well completion given the determined effect of
or handwriting recognizers, or other well-known input pore pressure depletion on well production over the life of
devices such as, of course, other computers. Finally, CPU the well.
1332 optionally may be coupled to a computer or telecom 6. The process of claim 5 further comprising identifying
munications network, e.g., an internet network, or an intra completion options based on the determined effect of pore
net network, using a network connection as shown generally 20 pressure depletion on well production over the life of the
at 1312. With such a network connection, it is contemplated well.
that CPU 1332 might receive information from the network, 7. The process of claim 1 wherein considering the hydro
or might output information to the network in the course of carbon recovery models comprises determining the probable
performing the process in accordance with the present failure mechanism for the proposed well.
invention. Such information, which is often represented as a 25 8. The process of claim 7 further comprising considering
sequence of instructions to be executed using CPU 1332, the effect of the determined probable failure mechanism on
may be received from and outputted to the network. The well production.
above-described devices and materials will be familiar to 9. The process of claim 8 further comprising identifying
those of skill in the computer hardware and software arts. completion options based on the determined probable failure
In one embodiment, sequences of instructions may be 30 mechanism for the proposed well.
executed substantially simultaneously on multiple CPUs, as 10. The process of claim 1 wherein considering the
for example a CPU in communication across network con hydrocarbon recovery models comprises identifying
nections. Speci?cally, the above-described process may be completion requirements.
performed across a computer network. Additionally, it will 11. The process of claim 10 further comprising determin
be recogniZed by one of skill in the art that the process may 35
ing the effect of identi?ed completion requirements on well
be recognized as sets of computer codes and that such completion.
computer codes are typically stored in computer readable 12. The process of claim 11 further comprising identifying
mediums such as RAM, ROM, hard discs, or ?oppy discs completion options based on the determined effect of iden
and the like. ti?ed completion requirements.
While the preferred embodiments of the invention have 40
13. The process of claim 1 further comprising selecting
been shown and described, modi?cations thereof can be
optimum completion design for hydrocarbon recovery over
made by one skilled in the art without departing from the
the expected life of the proposed well.
spirit and teachings of the invention. The process for select
14. The process of claim 1 wherein determining comple
ing well completion type and design and the like for any tion design comprises selecting a completion type.
given implementation of the invention will be readily ascer 45
tainable to one of skill in the art based upon the disclosure
15. The process of claim 1 wherein determining comple
herein. The embodiments described herein are exemplary tion design comprises selecting a completion trajectory.
only, and are not intended to be limiting. Many variations 16. The process of claim 1 wherein determining comple
and modi?cations of the invention disclosed herein are tion design comprises selecting a completion location.
possible and are within the scope of the invention. Use of the 50
17. The process of claim 1 further comprising drilling and
term “optionally” with respect to any element of a claim is completing the well based on determination of completion
intended to mean that the subject element is required, or design.
alternatively, is not required. Both alternatives are intended 18. The process of claim 17 further comprising updating
to be within the scope of the claim. information used in the hydrocarbon recovery models based
Accordingly, the scope of protection is not limited by the 55 on data obtained during drilling and completion of the well.
description set out above, but is only limited by the claims 19. The process of claim 18 further comprising repeating
which follow, that scope including all equivalents of the the process for each new proposed well.
subject matter of the claims. Each and every claim is 20. A process for selecting well completion design before
incorporated into the speci?cation as an embodiment of the drilling a proposed well comprising:
present invention. Thus the claims are a further description 60 considering hydrocarbon recovery models relating to a
and are an addition to the preferred embodiments of the proposed well;
present invention. determining completion design for desired hydrocarbon
What is claimed is: recovery over the life of the proposed well; and
1. A process for selecting well completion design before storing the completion design in a computer readable
drilling a proposed well comprising: 65 medium;
considering hydrocarbon recovery models relating to a wherein considering the hydrocarbon recovery models
proposed well; comprises determining the effect of pore pressure
US 7,181,380 B2
17 18
depletion on the hydrocarbon recovery models and the 24. The media of claim 23 Wherein the hydrocarbon
corresponding effect on predicted Well production. recovery models comprise a geo-mechanical model, a res
21. A process for selecting Well completion design before ervoir model, or a material model.
drilling a proposed Well comprising: 25. The media of claim 23 further comprising identifying
considering hydrocarbon recovery models relating to a
completion options based on the determined effect of pore
proposed Well;
determining completion design for desired hydrocarbon pressure depletion on Well production over the life of the
recovery over the life of the proposed Well; and Well.
storing the completion design in a computer readable 26. The media of claim 23 Wherein considering the
medium; hydrocarbon recovery models comprises determining the
Wherein the hydrocarbon recovery models provide infor probable failure mechanism for the proposed Well.
mation regarding pore pressure depletion, stress mag 27. The media of claim 26 further comprising identifying
nitudes and orientations, and strength of rock forma completion options based on the determined probable failure
mechanism for the proposed Well.
22. Computer-readable media tangibly embodying a pro
gram of instructions executable by a computer to perform a 28. The media of claim 23 Wherein considering the
process for selecting Well completion design before drilling hydrocarbon recovery models comprises determining the
a proposed Well, the process comprising: effect of identi?ed completion requirements on Well comple
considering hydrocarbon recovery models relating to a tion.
proposed Well; 20 29. The media of claim 28 further comprising identifying
determining completion design for desired hydrocarbon completion options based on the determined effect of iden
recovery over the life of the proposed Well; and ti?ed completion requirements.
storing the completion design in a computer readable
30. The media of claim 23 further comprising selecting
medium; optimum completion design for hydrocarbon recovery over
Wherein the hydrocarbon recovery models provide infor 25
mation regarding pore pressure depletion, stress mag the expected life of the proposed Well.
nitudes and orientations, or strength of rock formation. 31. The media of claim 23 Wherein determining comple
23. Computer-readable media tangibly embodying a pro tion design comprises selecting a completion type, trajec
gram of instructions executable by a computer to perform a tory, or location.
process for selecting Well completion design before drilling 30 32. The media of claim 23 further comprising updating
a proposed Well, the process comprising: information used in the hydrocarbon recovery models.
considering hydrocarbon recovery models relating to a 33. A process for the consideration of hydrocarbon recov
proposed Well; ery models in the selection of Well completion before
determining completion design for desired hydrocarbon
reconvey over the life of the proposed Well; and 35
drilling the Well comprising evaluating the hydrocarbon
storing the completion design in a computer readable recovery models based on pore pressure depletion over the
medium; life of the Well, and storing the hydrocarbon recovery
Wherein considering the hydrocarbon recovery models models in a computer readable medium.
comprises determining the effect of pore pressure
depletion on Well production over the life of the Well.

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