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dation survives, he will receive a re- 4) Put the labels on each item (not pictured

The Two Roads—A ward. If anyone's work is burned up, he below)

will suffer loss, though he himself will
map to eternity be saved, but only as through fire.” 1 About
Corinthians 3:14-15.
With this Bible class project, you can 6) What are “the books” at the judg- This project can be found online at
ment? It is the creative work
create a road map of the journey of a (A) John 12:48 The one who re- of Shad Sluiter and retains all copyrights.
soul from birth to death and beyond. jects me and does not receive Permission is granted to reproduce and use
my words has a judge; the this project for non-profit, educational uses.
The Two Roads and Two Destinies word that I have spoken will It is not to be sold.
is a chart based on Matthew 7:13-14 judge him on the last day.
(B) Revelation 20:12 the dead
“Enter by the narrow gate. For the were judged by what was writ-
gate is wide and the way is easy that ten in the books, according to
leads to destruction, and those who what they had done.
enter by it are many. For the gate is (C) Revelation 20:15 if any-
narrow and the way is hard that leads one's name was not found
written in the book of life, he
to life, and those who find it are was thrown into the lake of
few.” fire.
7) Why is there a welcome mat in
After examining the map ask your front of the door? Come to me, all
students the following questions and who labor and are heavy laden, and I
will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
discuss the following verses...
1) Which road do people start on? Ro-
mans 3:23 “For all have sinned and You Need:
come short of the glory of God.” 1. Scissors
2) Who is the door? John 10:9 “I am the 2. a marker
door. If anyone enters by me, he will be 3. Clear tape
saved” 4. A large sheet of paper or light card-
3) Does everyone die? Hebrews 9:27 “it board for the base. You can also tape
is appointed for man to die once, and four sheets of regular sized paper
after that comes judgment” together to create one large one.
4) What is the final judgment for those
who die in their sins? “if anyone's To do:
name was not found written in the book 1) With a broad marker and straight
of life, he was thrown into the lake of edge, draw the edges of the two roads
fire” Revelation 20:15. (see picture below)
5) What kind of evaluation is there for a 2) Cut out each of shapes.
saved person in Heaven? “If the 3) Fold and tape them as shown in the
work that anyone has built on the foun- photo below.

The 3D version of the Two Road and Two Destinies map that you A more detailed 2D version of the Two Road and Two Destinies map.
can create with this document. A larger version of this map is found on page 2.
The Two Roads and Two Destinations 2. What are the two destinations?
A. “Purgatory” and “Limbo”
Matthew 7:13 Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is B. “Life” and “Destruction”
wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and C. The church and the world
those who enter by it are many. 14 For the gate is narrow D. Death and the grave
and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it
are few. 3. What happens to a person the moment they receive
Christ as their savior?
John 10:9 I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will A. The person immediately goes to heaven.
be saved B. The person becomes perfect.
C. The person is saved from his sins and enters
Hebrews 9:27 And just as it is appointed for man to die the door.
once, and after that comes judgment, D. The person goes starts on the easy path of life.

Revelation 20:11-15 Then I saw a great white throne and 4. What does the Bible say about living forever in our
him who was seated on it. And I saw the dead, great and body?
small, standing before the throne, and books were A. We can return to earth as ghosts.
opened. And if anyone's name was not found written in the B. We must die exactly one time.
book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire. C. With time, we will discover how to defeat death.
D. God promises to heal the body so we will not
Questions: suffer death.

1. How many people are saved? 5. Who will be at the Great White Throne?
A. Few are saved A. Everyone in the world.
B. Everyone will be saved B. The angels who serve God.
C. Nobody will be saved C. The Devil and his followers.
D. Most people are saved. D. Those who have died in their sins.

Answers: 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) B 5) D
Who is the door?
John 10:9 “I am the
door. If anyone enters
by me, he will be saved”

start on? Romans 3:23

come short of the glory
“For all have sinned and

Which road do people

of God.”

Why is there a welcome mat

in front of the door? Come
to me, all who labor and are
heavy laden, and I will give
you rest. Matthew 11:28
Does everyone die?
Hebrews 9:27 “it is ap-
pointed for man to die
once, and after that
comes judgment”

What kind of evaluation is there for a

saved person in Heaven? “If the work
that anyone has built on the foundation sur-
vives, he will receive a reward. If anyone's
work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though
he himself will be saved, but only as through
fire.” 1 Corinthians 3:14-15.
Cut out the flames.
Fold on dotted
lines. Put the
smaller shape on
the outside, the
larger one inside.

What is the final

judgment for those
who die in their sins?
“if anyone's name was
not found written in the
book of life, he was
thrown into the lake of
fire” Revelation 20:15.
These three shapes are the “pages” of the books.
You can just see the pages on the white book in
the photo.
What are “the books” at the judgment?
1. John 12:48 The one who rejects me and does not receive my
words has a judge; the word that I have spoken will judge him on
the last day.
2. Revelation 20:12 the dead were judged by what was written in the
books, according to what they had done.
3. Revelation 20:15 if anyone's name was not found written in the
book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

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