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The greatest danger threatens namely by the crash of the soul in the realm of

Darkness. The first step is done as soon as you look at the inner voice of the
Closing conscience and yielding to egoistic impulses. The evil forces
It is not about hurting people, but trying
to get them to think and feel in their own way. That's how they pull those
Souls in their vicinity and feel strengthened by their destructive and ultimate
always a painful activity.
To prevent people from being guilty and always so
deeper into suffering, the light powers, the good angels, work. They keep that
Balance between good and evil by helping people in
earthly and spiritual distress.
So there are countless intelligences that have different abilities
are equipped. There are angels who comfort, protect, heal, advise,
inspire, strengthen, transfigure, calm down. There are angels who are specifically
for legal affairs, love, peace, technology, medicine, marriage, school,
Exams, etc. Some inspire pharmacists, others artists,
Technicians or farmers. Special areas such as Politics, economics, religion or
Art each have their leader on the invisible level. Every profession and
every craft is sponsored by a dedicated angel.

In the Bible we often encounter angels as messengers of God, the messages

deliver, arouse hopes and give courage. Also in the New Testament will
often reported by angels. Invisible intelligences as mediators between humans
and God, whatever that means, is found in every cultural epoch
and religion. Depending on their intelligence and power they are determined
Assigned to hierarchies. According to their abilities they have to fulfill special
tasks in the evolution plan of the creation and
are thus closer to the earthly or foreign to obstructive.
Through his thoughts and character vibration attracts everyone
corresponding, like-minded angels or demons unconsciously near him. But
also consciously and willingly can a connection be made to an angel,
if you know its name, seal and character. So far, there were quite
certain mental and emotional qualities and abilities necessary first
had to be laboriously worked out. In the old temple schools this became
Knowledge passed on to few worthy, chosen priests.
Interspersed with superstitious beliefs, today is the invocation of angels
mistaken for the conjuration of spirits and completely misunderstood. Because
In fact, every prayer is magical and an invocation of one being in one
other world. Who prays to his God, "Our Father, who are you in heaven," cries
so that the highest and most powerful intelligence imaginable for a human
and who thinks he lives in heaven.
Just as the earth is spatially divided into continents and countries, so too can
Imagine the subtle world, the "sky", divided into different levels.
Although these levels penetrate each other like water, the bath sponge
their inhabitants are bound by their qualities to the plain that is theirs
Nature and action corresponds. One speaks of angels, archangels,
Elemenargeistern ..... Since their range of action analogies to the known
Planetary principles, the spheres was also this name
One particular area ofthese different divisions of the sky is the one
so-called earth belt zone. This plane is directly connected to the earthly.
The angels with whom this covenant was made are inhabitants of this sphere
and are very close to the people.
By the special instructions that they gave to the wanderers of the covenant is
It is now possible for anyone to interact with them without special "magical"
passive contact to come. The most important of them I describe in this

The most important of them I describe in this

Book. Other names and seals of these angels are the book "The Practice of
Magical Evocation "by Franz Bardon
only the angels of the earth belt zone are reachable in this way. The genii of the
Sun and Moon hierarchy are also due to a regrettable error of the publisher
leave in the crypto which Franz Bardon and his friends for their
Records used. Two angels - CONCARION for the moon sphere and
BIALOTH for the Sun's Sphere - made me aware of this mistake,
as I am doing my occult research with the Moon and Sun Plains
employed. The decrypted names of the moon level coincide in reality
Exactly with the old lore of the 28 moon stations, as in different
occult works, e.g. by Agrippa von Nettesheim, appear. The 45th
Solar angels, on the other hand, provide decrypted known names of fixed stars

These are not the names of the beings, but the fixed stars,
or the lunar stations only make it easier to find the best time for one
Contact with these beings, which protrude from this environment.
I'll pass on the key to this secret code below, finally
to eliminate these mistakes, for which Franz Bardon is not at fault. He
died shortly after printing his works in Czechoslovakia. The manuscript
had to be brought to the West at that time, and he had no chance anymore
to a correctionThe most important of them I describe in this
Book. Other names and seals of these angels are the book "The Practice of
Magical Evocation "by Franz Bardon
only the angels of the earth belt zone are reachable in this way. The genii of the
Sun and Moon hierarchy are also due to a regrettable error of the publisher
leave in the cipher what Franz Bardon and his friends for their
Records used. Two angels - CONCARION for the moon sphere and
BIALOTH for the Sun's Sphere - made me aware of this mistake,
as I am doing my occult research with the Moon and Sun Plains
employed. The decrypted names of the moon level coincide in reality
Exactly with the old lore of the 28 moon stations, as in different
occult works, e.g. by Agrippa von Nettesheim, appear. The 45th
Solar angels, on the other hand, provide decrypted known names of fixed stars

The first genius of the solar angels reads Bardon EMNASUT, decrypted
results ALGENIB, which is a fixed star in the zodiac ram of the ecliptic. Of the
2. Sun angel LUBECH is decoded to the fixed star SIRAH, the third one is called
according to Bardon TERAS, that gives the fixed star name BATEN, also in the
Zodiac Aries, etc. The same applies to the 28 moon stations.
An A at Bardon is correct to write as E. This is:
A = E F = V LH = SCH R = T V = D
B = R G = W M = L S = N W = P
CH = H I = O N = G P = B Y = J
D = M K = Z O = U TZ = K ZH = CH
E = A L = S P = F U = I Z = C

After this key all other names of the sun and moon are correct
transferable. But the angels who find themselves are only high
Initially accessible and not obligated to the pilgrims of this covenant. The names
the angels standing behind these lunar stations and fixed star locations, as well
as the
Time calculation for their invocation, I will perhaps in the second volume, the
book for
the priests and masters, nor describe. Also the individual angels of ours
Federal are easier to call at certain times than the others. Everyone takes
a certain degree in the ecliptic and has four minutes in which he is at each
Day is easiest to reach. But that does not matter to pilgrims
since at first only a passive contact with the angels is desired, and that is
anytime possible

The mental attunement to the qualities of the called angel is a lot

more important than his name and seal. Franz Bardon has personally addressed the
Layer of each angel offset and described qualitatively 360 places of the earth belt
The names of the angels above these locations come from older ones
Records and are partial in the book "The Practice of Magical Evocation"
unfortunately also incorrectly stated. Unlike the names of the sun and
Moonspheres, however, can name the Angels of the Earth Belt Zone anyway
as used in Bardon's book, are used successfully. However, the names are so
as I say, preferable because they are more appealing to the angel.
The pilgrim is best for the time being only those angels, which I in
indicate this book. You are very close to people because I talk about them
My amulets made the way to the earth easier. The bright of me
made seals form points of contact between the worlds, and the more such
Creating contacts, the easier it is to make new connections.
The more seals an angel uses, the better his
To assert influence


The world of angels is also the world of humans. She is only seemingly of her
separated. In reality, the visible earthly is of the transparent spiritual
steeped in these heavenly worlds. Every person has in his physical
Body also a subtle body, which resembles that of the angels and the also
belongs to these regions. This subtle body consists of an energy part,
the psychic forces perceived as feeling, and one
spiritual part, the ideas which one recognizes as mental images. He is the
true bearers of consciousness and not the physical body. The earthly body serves
subtle-only as an instrument to operate in the earthly world meaningful
to be able to. Through the sensory organs, he allows perceptions of this
Transfer the world into the subtle and lead it to consciousness. As
Connecting medium and matrix is the life flow needed. This one is going through
the decomposition of the elements, so the food intake, metabolism and
breath, produced in the body and forms the bridge between the worlds.

So man is a spirit like angels. Through the sensory impressions

However, he feels bound to the earthly world and also has the impression in
this to live, although the true I always remains in the subtle worlds.
All perceptions take place on these spiritual levels through thought-image ideas,
which are themselves not physical but subtle.
Although the world of angels is also the spiritual home of man, it is
so enthralled by the earthly impressions and his body that he is full of this
identified. The subtle world seems unreal to him, because he is so attached to the
habituated to earthly conditions. Place and concept of space are in the
World different than on the physical, gross material level. As spatially
near there everything is felt, which is similar to the own nature. What that
is alien to inner beings, seems to be far away.

Even the passage of time is perceived differently on the subtle level

in the earthly realm. One recognizes there better the connection of cause and
Effect. Since effects can be easily traced back to their origin,
The consequences of causes do not appear to be separate in time but are the same
recognizable as a mathematical result. This creates a time-lapse effect.
What needs a period of development of the tire in the terrestrial area is spiritual
immediately visible and realized for the given cause. The
The otherness of the concept of time and space is difficult from the earthly point
of view
to understand.

Next comes to him the state of consciousness, as he experiences in the dream world
becomes. The sleeping region from which the consciousness receives impressions, as
soon as there is no
Perceptions from the physical realm attract attention,
is the first level where you can meet an angel. It is not the
World of angels, just as it is your world, but it is the only area
in which the consciousness of a person is aware of the consciousness of a subtle
Entity can communicate without the connection with the world from which it comes
lose and without having to make any special arrangements. Because wanted one
If angels appear to be visible in the physical world, he would first have to do so
Create conditions and made of solid material, at least light, a body
create. In order to use this body, he would have to dress with it and
to leave his world as soon as he enters this body. Conversely, must
even you (your consciousness) leave your body as soon as you, as the spirit being,
World of angels, the so-called hereafter, want to consciously seek. A process that
is done automatically by death, but tremendously difficult for the living
is to be understood. Only long-term, targeted training, as you then on the
Master's way would make that possible.

It is easier to go to the world of dreams. You need this world for that
not to leave. You are still experiencing the world of the dream in the physical
body, you
only has to direct the view from the outer to the inner world. As soon as you get
Attention of all earthly things, which are sensed by the senses,
for your consciousness, the earthly world, and the finer, quieter ones, are
Impressions from the subtle are you aware.
Mind you: not the consciousness disappears, but the world disappears
out of your consciousness! The perceptions remain as real as you
in the waking state. You see, hear, smell, taste and think and feel. Everyone
In the dream, it experiences how mental images form into real realities as soon as
the loud, strong impressions from the physical world are turned off. The
The cause for the emergence of these images is then no longer a physical one
Impression, but a spiritual one.

In the dream, you do not only see images, caused by the external environment,
but inner feelings form images for your perception, which you may later remember as
a dream. Emotions are constantly surging forces and
no resting points like a stone or a tree. As the dream world more visible
The expression of this rapidly changing emotional energy is the impression
of confusion, as soon as one applies earthly scales of space and time

The more balanced, calm and harmonious your soul life is, the more beautiful
and more rational is your dream life and life after death. The feeling of
Fear of a task that lies ahead of you can be Liven up images of situations in
which you were also afraid of. You then dream of a test of yours
At the lower level of the subtle world, the energies of yours become
Feelings through the pictures, which make them a dreamscape, seemingly
solid ground for you. The starting point of all perceptions is yours
Feel the same meaning as the external things in the waking state. That is true
for the dream state as well as for your consciousness after the death of the
physical body in death.
The laws of the dream world also apply to beings that are not earthly
Body are bound and therefore also for the angels. Your world is the same stuff
out of which are the dreams, from the mental material, which form into thought-
The angels are spirit beings who live on the subtle plane. Thoughts and feelings
are just as visible to them as they are to you
earthly things. The approach to an angel therefore always happens in one
spiritual interior through mental and emotional attention. Vice versa
he too will speak to you on this level. The first contacts are sleeping
take place without you consciously remembering it when you awaken. Maybe
Of this encounter, only the indefinite feeling of a hopeful one remains
Expectation back or a beautiful dream.

When an angel deals with your matter and you during the day,
This also happens without spectacular external circumstances: an inspiration,
imperceptibly tender from within you: "Do this! Do this!" as if you were
even talking to you: "Do you hear, wait, stay calm!", or "go and handle!",
and you immediately feel a stream of calm or strength. That can be very short
for a moment,only where his invisible hand touches you


• "So I urge you to re-establish the covenant with the supernaturals,
to make the bond that invites us to the people of the world
Earthbound connects! It is the covenant, but not a substitute for religion or even
a sect,
although many a religion speaks of us as angels or gods. Also intended for
all times will not become a secret society or lodges knowledge from the rites. We
are for
all there and will not remain accessible to many, because noble sense and
Pure faith only points the way to us. "
So began the talk of the otherworldly intelligence, and I still feel the
reverberation today
His quiet but urgent words. And he continued:
• "The destructive forces, guided by organized evil, are in the air like never
your human world has invaded. Invisible the fight rages on the
subtle levels and attracts more and more inhabitants of the physical world
the spell of darkness. The fight of the supernatural powers continues in the
World of humans. In each person, evil nests and lives the good. Around
Divine Providence has decided to help you, the most secret knowledge of all
To make searchers, sufferers and fighters accessible, thus a gate
open, and connect the visible with the invisible. So will
Even in the time of trial and probation on this physical plane, a source of light
and power will flow to you through contact with us invisible ones
spiritual world, and help you make this life bearable and meaningful.
A new age has dawned for humanity. As once the use
of the electric current blessed you, now becomes the power and might of the
supernatural again may act stronger for you. Everyone is called to be with us
and is then protected, encouraged and instructed. At all levels,
which we control, help will then be given to him. And according to your wishes and
Ability he can hope, entrusted by us with tasks and power, at large
To participate in the creation plan.Most of the communications and teachings of the
invisible are given to me on the
spiritual level of the earth belt zone, known as the astral plane and the
afterlife. It is
namely, easier for the beings to inspire a person by inspiration,
to speak as through the language of the earthly. Therefore it is important to have
these impressions
To put into words immediately, otherwise the meaning fades very quickly like a
It was quite different with this momentous invitation to me to join the covenant
justify by publishing my experiences. This speech remained to me
Remained in memory for a long time, so that sometimes the strange, the beings own
Expression is obtained.


And the speech continued, giving me the outline, the structure and the conditions
were shown under which the connection and the inclusion in the covenant
are to produce.
So said the angel:
• "Three of the four paths that have been opened to you, you shall describe, with
people can reach us:
The first way is the path of devotion. Sacrifice, faith and prayer are the means.
From worship and trusting attention, your thoughts become ours
carried. Then you talk to us with the secret seal and the name
personally. From now on we are reachable for anyone who calls us right, as soon as
he does
confess to us. Whoever follows this path becomes a pilgrim of this
Federal. We help him as long as he complies with the duties.
The second way is the way of action. He leads us through the priest ritual.
In this special guidance and ceremony, you help us and facilitate us
Work that we should do for you. You then learn how to shine a seal
makes. By deliberately creating a receiver for our power
Will you meet us another piece of the way? You call us and create
even important prerequisites for our work. That relieved and
accelerates our work. You will thereby become mediators between the earthly and the
supernatural world. Whoever goes this way becomes a priest. His sign is
the walking stick being symbol and prop to it. He's on his way
to the light and to us beings from the other world.
The third way is the path of wisdom and leads through the "ritual of the
hermetic Four, "the great temple ritual of the masters to us angels
The third way is open to the priests. Every priest, the one of his time
corresponding key to the four-pole magnet has and the
followed instructions, ie a ritual temple work
Performed and also the necessary retreats, becomes the master and is on
highest path of the wandering of the federation. The great temple ritual has the
most powerful effect. Through this work on the physical plane becomes
automatically released a force, which for us on the mental level
living beings become visible as light. Through the common concentration
the power multiplies and rises higher than an individual would accomplish.
Who calls us with this ritual, reaches us immediately and gives us the
Possibility to start the work according to his desire. Depending on the strength
and purity of your desire, we will then immediately the necessary
Conditions to succeed

In spite of these three ways: that of the pilgrim, that of the priest and that of
Master of the Elements, there is no hierarchical leadership. There are
no dogmas or teachings for you hikers but only continuous instruction
through us angel, who will be adapted to the view of the individual and the
Zeitgeist corresponds. The outline will be completely self-evident. Everyone will
to be what he is, for the powers become angels on the subtle
World granted.
As pilgrims, everyone is a seeker who seeks to gain his earthly happiness.
As soon as he tries to relieve the suffering of those around him, and not
Only by himself striving for love, power and recognition, he becomes a priest
and follow a new path. He has learned from us, the true value and also the
Reason to understand the suffering. He is released by no longer suffering or
brave his burden, which he put himself as a task. He becomes thereby
a carrier for the others. Not weakness makes him a slave, but
the strength he has makes him compulsory for the others
use. He no longer seeks only for his happiness, he seeks the meaning of
Existence, seeking to give meaning to his existence.
We will help him according to his facilities. The four
According to elements that also shape you humans, everyone has in them
Element that is his strength and that is special to him. As an element of
Soul energy, the temperaments are well known to you. But also the spirit
has its four weights and manifests itself in essence as a specific type. The one
knows, the other wants, the third has, the fourth feels. Thus arise through the
personal spiritual focus of the Wanderer four trend-setting
Pioneers on the way:
1. Knowing, 2. Steering, 3. Preserving, 4. Giving

Knowers are those of you people whose focus is on

recognizing principle of the mind. We will promote their intellect and they
with our help to the pinnacles of the sciences, philosophy and
Make a priesthood. Steering are those whose senses and costumes
Ruling, leadership, carriage is addressed. We give them the true power and
Courage and self-confidence. They will rule by leading weaker ones and
steer, be it as a statesman, captain or as a personnel manager in the office.
Preservatives are those people who organize, manage, exploit, who
Merchants and industrialists. We will inspire you and make you rich, if
they turn to us and stand up for our ideals when they follow the path of the
Rights go as members of the Confederation of Wanderers. Giving are the
Artist and comforter among you people. We promote their talents, and they
receive the well-deserved recognition and success through our help. Also
we provide the necessary skills by promoting their possibilities.

pg 18?

Angel looks into your heart and knows well about your weaknesses. As long as only
your pursuit remains noble, he is on your side. "
As a next step you should read this book page by page! Take your time!
Do not just focus on those chapters that describe your current personal situation
affect! Every angel has in his teachings, between the lines
shimmer through, even something important said for you. Through these findings
and because you know that from now on you receive help throughout your life through
the angels
you can, you have progressed another part of this path. But still are
you lonely without the help of the invisible outside the community of all pilgrims
this covenant of wanderers. The evil, sorrowful powers are now
try to dissuade you from this your way to the light, while you still
are defenseless. This usually happens because you have doubts about the possibility
be awakened, that also for you the way is passable, or they give you the
Believe that the reports are the help of the angels around coincidences and
unique experiences or even fantasies of some unworldly mystics.
Some readers will be led to do the whole thing as a work of the devil
see, other than fraud. For many, unfortunately, the way is over here again.
Although chosen from millions of sufferers and from the personal guardian angel
led to the community of wanderers, is this touchstone of faith
the angels are a welcome obstacle to the evil forces, who are the pilgrims of
Power of suffering and darkness can not escape.
Resist all these negative whispers! You wish your luck, and
many ways are open. If you go through this book with your angel to the
Why should not you tread him on this path? It costs
you nothing and you do not create a lot of effort or disadvantages. No obligations
bind you, and yet you can breathe full of hope and move towards a light,
that lights you now. An earthly and a heavenly fellowship welcomes you
and gives you protection and strength on your way, making you a new life
leads. Here's the only part of the way you have to take two steps before
An angel takes a step towards you: the step of faith and the step
of action. So take the second step, act!
• Get the equipment for the way! Again, you will be the powers of
Search to prevent evil. Do not be fooled!
• Prepare your vows: write down your creed.
• Go inside and be clear about what you are still looking for in this life,
wishes, and can do, if the angels help you!
• Choose an angel you want to call first and learn his seal
draw by heart! In many cases this would also violate karma without a new one
to accomplish what is not permitted by Divine Providence. Everything in the
The area must have been its cause mentally formed and by the powers of the
mental level are set in motion. These are not secret powers
necessary, but it is sufficient to consider the natural capacities of thinking,
feeling and
Want to use. To use these powers of the true spirit properly,

pg 19

Angel looks into your heart and knows well about your weaknesses. As long as only
your pursuit remains noble, he is on your side. "

As a next step you should read this book page by page! Take your time!
Do not just focus on those chapters that describe your current personal situation

Every angel has in his teachings, between the lines

shimmer through, even something important said for you. Through these findings
and because you know that from now on you receive help throughout your life through
the angels
you can, you have progressed another part of this path. But still are
you lonely without the help of the invisible outside the community of all pilgrims
this covenant of wanderers.

The evil, sorrowful powers are now

try to dissuade you from this your way to the light, while you still
are defenseless. This usually happens because you have doubts about the possibility
be awakened, that also for you the way is passable, or they give you the
Believe that the reports are the help of the angels around coincidences and
unique experiences or even fantasies of some unworldly mystics.
Some readers will be led to do the whole thing as a work of the devil
see, other than fraud. For many, unfortunately, the way is over here again.

Although chosen from millions of sufferers and from the personal guardian angel
led to the community of wanderers, is this touchstone of faith
the angels are a welcome obstacle to the evil forces, who are the pilgrims of
Power of suffering and darkness can not escape.

Resist all these negative whispers! You wish your luck, and
many ways are open. If you go through this book with your angel to the
Why should not you tread him on this path? It costs
you nothing and you do not create a lot of effort or disadvantages. No obligations
bind you, and yet you can breathe full of hope and move towards a light,
that lights you now.

An earthly and a heavenly fellowship welcomes you

and gives you protection and strength on your way, making you a new life
leads. Here's the only part of the way you have to take two steps before
An angel takes a step towards you: the step of faith and the step
of action. So take the second step, act!

• Get the equipment for the way! Again, you will be the powers of
Search to prevent evil. Do not be fooled!
• Prepare your vows: write down your creed.
• Go inside and be clear about what you are still looking for in this life,
wishes, and can do, if the angels help you!
• Choose an angel you want to call first and learn his seal
draw by heart!

The hiker can ask the angels for help. They have been called by God to
to help him to find the meaning of existence by learning the rule of
To gain spirit over matter.


You can praise yourself happily if you read these lines, because you have that
Guide to your happiness in your hands. Follow this path that you find here
find; he leads you to the light and new joie de vivre! Like every way he has to
he should open up to you.

The first step as a hiker this

Federal have you already done. It is no coincidence that you are aware of this book
to obtain from the angels. You have called and your call has been answered. this
You have found signposts because the angels considered you worthy, member
to become federal. As the rapprochement took place gradually, the
Recording gradually. First you are a pilgrim, then a priest and then a master.
Always is
it's your thinking, feeling and willing, that teaches and shows you angels
how much of the way they can help you open up.
The following explained to me the angel:

• "We help the pilgrim to master his life well, and through him we can be lucky
to find on earth. Those who feel called to do more than just enjoy their earthly
wanting to help others who want to continue searching and researching
to discover higher contexts will be his on the way of the priest
Finding strength and, guided by insights, continue on the path to the light.
As a master then he will fulfill the earthly vocation fully. He works in the
He also learns to master the laws of other worlds, because the path leads him to
higher spheres. For the time being as a pilgrim, it is still easy for you to follow
the path. Nothing impossible is required of you. You only have to try to maintain
in your soul that purity that shows the angels that you are really on the side of
the positive and constructive powers! The desire for good and the firm intention to
resist the evil is enough for now
If you've come this far then you've taken the second step.
Now you can be sure that an angel is already facing you, even if it is you
not yet available and can help directly. You feel it deep inside you, maybe just
In seconds, a ray of light breaks through in the form of an inner confidence or the
Conviction that you are on the right path. That is a sure sign that
An angel has touched your soul. You will hardly have more doubt now
want to progress on the way accelerated. Maybe you feel the impulse
to order a sacred amulet of the angel you want to call. Probably
you will now get the books that serve as a guide for the pilgrim. And
Surely you will now decide from inner conviction, the next
Full moon on your vow to lay as a pilgrim of the covenant your luck
So go on your way, full of confidence, that you are already there
be closer and think about how to build the Guardian Angel Altar!


If you live in a family that you do not want to talk about on your way, all it
takes is enough
For the time being, if you erect this altar in the spirit and in the silent prayers
Decorate thoughts with flowers. As a hidden but earthly sign you carry
then the seal of the angel as an amulet on the chest.
But if you live alone or with a like-minded partner,
then give the angels a beautiful sanctuary. The simplest kind is one
Picture frame, as it is available for portrait photos, in which you the on
drawn seals of the angels you call, fortify. On a white silk or
Linen cloth put a candle and a vase, always at least a flower or
contains fresh green! Important is the sacrificial bowl! It should be made of
silver, copper or
Be glass and serve to accommodate your victims. With all my heart and full
Pity for other sufferers, if possible, put a small sum of money into this daily
Bowl. And if it's just the equivalent of a slice of bread, it's important that
you show your willingness, and you shoulder in the detachment of earthly
Possession. The tremendous significance of the sacrifice was in other sections
this book already made in mind. But only later on your way
you become fully aware of what you can find in giving for yourself to wealth. You
Other donations, e.g. a piece of jewelry or something to which you are attached
dispense, put in the bowl and sell on occasion to the
To donate proceeds. Once a suitable sum has accumulated, you can go to them
Pass on the needy of your choice. You can also do one with your offerings
Help unfortunates from your area by giving him an amulet that you can save for him

leaves the contact with an angel possible. Also other victims, which you to
Self-training imposed, you can put in writing fixed in the shell, e.g. one
Note: "I will buy this week daily for my sick neighbor
go, "or" I'm in the evening every day, instead of sitting in front of the TV, with
to play a game with my children. "Also your time and yours
Labor commitment is a worthy sacrifice and for the angels signs of your maturity
and the
good will to participate in building the good and the beautiful in the world.
If you can not build an angel altar because of your loved ones, and you do not
If you do not want to set up a bowl, then it is sufficient if you have a nice box
or take a box on the floor of which you lay a flat glass dish or
draw at least one blue circle. You can then use this box
but it still serves its purpose for you. It always comes up
your inner, spiritual endeavor and not on externals. You have to go from
want to help with all your heart! The shell is only an earthly symbol for it and
a very effective signal that will always remind you of your inner readiness.
This applies to all items that you set up on your angel altar. Everything
raises your mind and leads you symbolically into the otherworldly, subtle world
I myself have some of the millennia-old cult objects from the most diverse
religions, to which I once belonged in earlier lives, set up.
Especially pictures and figures of saints or religious founders such. Jesus or
Buddha, but also representations of Mary or other deities or saints
are excellent links to the angelic world and can, if they are
meet your expectations, find space on the altar. But you have to keep it holy
hold and reverently treat as a visible sign of a higher power! Of the
Altar is built for the honor of the angels and for your own support of your
There is the place in the outer environment where you are closer to your angels,
if the contact with them will take place only in yourself.

The altar thus becomes, like an amulet, the gateway to the world of angels
and connects the physical world of the earthly. So he is not to be confused with
the sacrificial altar of past cultural epochs of the people, because you worship
your altar to no idol but collect your soul in devotion to the
to let inner voice speak to the angels and to grasp their message in you.
You sacrifice no gods on your altar but sacrifice your desires there
by giving up in favor of a noble purpose, you donate there an amount that you are
entitled to
can afford to repay old debt, or to a new account, with
to which you wish to pay off your wishes.
On the way of the priests, the altar becomes special for certain ritual works
to shape. On the way of the pilgrim, it is up to you for the time being,
How to make your angel altar You can, like that
Farmers, mount a console in a corner of the room on the wall or place it on a wall
Build a small table or box. As a clean surface is best a
white or violet linen or silk cloth. Then you put the sacrificial bowl, one
Candle, a vase for floral arrangements and spirit-lifting relics, figures
and symbols, depending on the religion you belong to and your attitude!
The most significant object of the altar is the frame for the seals of the angels,
Here, too, size, shape and texture are of lesser importance. Important is
the reverence for the seal, because it connects you directly to the personal nature
of the
Angels touch him, touching him on his level, as soon as you are with spiritual
draw. Not for nothing have these seals been kept top secret for millennia
Service. Only a select few were opened as they are to be used.

Where it seems impossible to build an altar, it is possible that you are

make yourself to the altar and wear the seal on your chest. In this case it is
made of metal, with an alloy of tin, copper, silver most
Angels is the most sympathetic. But even if you have an altar, you have to
Seal of the angel with whom you just want to be in contact with you as often as
But it will be enough if you get this little seal with a pointy copper handle
carved on a coin-sized lead plate. To the unhealthy skin contact with the
To avoid lead, it is advisable to put this amulet in a thin piece of leather
Who believes that he is unable to create this seal himself and himself
for financial reasons can not make one, it should be in the right color
Draw directly on the piece of leather and then carry it with you. Here comes too
it is not so much an external matter, but the inner conviction that this is
Seal actually for the pilgrims of the covenant to the point of contact with his


In order to make contact with an angel, there are some for the pilgrim of the
To fulfill obligations. One of them is the daily execution of the contact ritual.
is with a small metal seal of the angel whose contact you are looking for too
take place.
• You take the seal in your left hand, close it three times and say
each time in the spirit: "You my help", whereby you call the name of the angel.
Then you keep the seal for a few moments in your hand and try
to make you aware that the angel is going up through this secret invocation gesture

This ritual can be done daily at 6 pm and can be repeated if necessary

become. (If it is not possible at 6 pm for this minute
Undisturbed undisturbed, he can make up for it before falling asleep or
do it in the morning before putting the seal on it.) While doing this
Doing contact ritual, it is important that your thoughts and feelings
accompany this action at the same time. It does not help if you are in the spirit
or loud
"You say my help", while thinking of something else and possibly
also carry a bad mood in the abdomen.
The following explained to me the angel:
• Your hopeful confidence will inevitably make the call of your thoughts
to carry us. We, on the other hand, approach you in the form of the golden light
that you
from above sinking into you. "
So it's good to have the same picture in your ritual as yours
Reception: Imagine the angel standing behind you and blessing his
holding your right hand over your head! Imagine, like a golden, supernatural light
how mild warming sunbeams from his hand sink into you and with vitality
Power and confidence meet you! Send him a sense of gratitude
opposite! Only then will the ritual have its optimal effect.
This ritual is to be kept absolutely secret and allowed only with the seal of an
this covenant will be executed. As you have committed yourself, only more
to serve good forces and to follow the voice of your conscience, the
Angels of this covenant required to listen to this call of the earthly.
Anyone who is well versed in the occult sciences, is about the
to know the secret power of ancient rituals, formulas or magical gestures
Do not doubt the effectiveness of this simple-looking ritual. But who
believes that the angels are unreachable, or even barbaric, complicated
Spells and incantations are needed to call them, they do not belong
our covenant. He will go another way.

To continue the contact between the earthly plane and the angelic world
to deepen and keep in the daytime in the consciousness, are subsequent prayers
Through these meditations you will be reminded three times a day that you are in
This world, but not of this world, is that you are from the same world as
the angels and your soul continue to belong to this heavenly world.
For the pilgrim, the contact with the angel is mostly on this fine-material
Plain and rarely on the earthly. Therefore, it is important to always keep in mind
hold that you too are a subtle being, and that at any time on this
Level of feelings and thoughts an encounter with the angel you call
can take place. Often even completely unnoticed for you or just as a hunch through
the earthly impressions drowned out, very quickly faded like a dream. No wonder -
the world of dreams is the gateway to the angelic world.
The morning prayer In the morning, still in bed and before you open your eyes,
do you pray:
• "I am pleased with my awakening in this body
I him and look through him into the earthly world. "Now you open your eyes and
continue to pray:
"I want to carry truth, justice and charity into this world and
follow my way to the light also on the earth. The evil can not do me
seduce. Your invisible helper, please, protect me and accompany me through
this world."
The Thanksgiving prayer At lunchtime, retire, relax and
try to come to inner peace! If you have no room or this
by division of work is not possible, it is sufficient if you the meaning of this
Awakening prayer meditations in your mind. The words are in this
Do not hang on. It is important to consider that you are a spirit like you are the
until now have availed what you can improve, and the request for help to the
or the particular angel you need. The prayer for the middle of the day is
• It's the middle of the day. As a spirit, I experience this world through my body.
What did I learn today? What did I create today? Is my conscience
stayed pure? I still have time to do good. Your bright helper, please, guide my
Strive and help me to use every hour until the evening.

The evening prayer Before going to sleep, already in bed, after the light
have cleared away, leave all thoughts of the earthly worries and problems behind
come back as if you have just got off the train at your resort, and the
Train now continues without you. Feel the peace of another quiet world around you
consciously enters the land of dreams! pray:
• "As a spirit, I close the eyes of my tired body and leave it
rest. He was a good tool for my work in the world today. I have
tried my best, and from the consequences of the mistakes I can learn. But now
I want to be free from the burden of the earthly. So I thank every angel who gives
assisted, and please also in the land of dreams for safe passage. "
ANGEL by Christian Mogenstern
"Oh, you would know how much your face changes when you look in the middle of the
eyes, the
quiet, pure, who unites you, loses you inwardly and returns from me! As
a landscape that is just bright, it clouds and excludes me from you.
Then I wait. Then I often wait a long time in silence. And would I be a human?
like you, me killed spurned love pain. But so was the infinite patience of
Father, and steadfast, I await you whenever you come. And
do not accept this gentle reproach itself as a reproach, as a chaste message only.
What Morgenstern portrays so sensitively in his poem is also by the pilgrim of the
Federal. Thoughtlessness, selfishness, indifference,
Pessimism and pettiness, or simply doubts humans have of the
Angels separated.
Devout devotion, respect, humility, patience and love open the door to you
Look into her world. As a spirit, the angel becomes in your spiritual interior
approaching, if you mentally adjust to it and you from the right one
emotional mood of love worn.
A little devotion will make it easier for any pilgrim to get into this
Constitution to consciously engage in dialogue with the otherworldly
Helpers to lead. Actually, every thought is of a feeling
worn to God or one of His angels, a devotion. Every prayer
and every meditation in which you set your mind on an angel, strengthened
indeed, the bond that connects you to the angels.
Therefore, you should keep in mind as often as possible that you are not alone and
that as a pilgrim of this covenant invisible helpers always surround you. The more
often you are in
Spirit with the angels speak and also in you listen for an answer from them,
the sooner the connection will deepen.
So call the angel you need with his name and speak to him as with
a good friend. He will answer you or at least comforting thoughts of you
Enter Confidence when help is not yet available for you.
Who is not undisturbed at home, can hold his devotions in a church. In
many churches are given the opportunity to light a candle. His victim becomes
put him in the sacrificial floor, which is also found in every church. The angels
yes, God's servant. The angel ARGARON, which is the religious affairs
This earth, once spoke to me the words: "In every church, and in every one
You can reach temples when you call out to us from a pure heart. "

But who has his own angel altar, there will be his inner collection for the
Find and find a dialogue. Sit in front of your altar and relax
Try to experience a sense of inner silence as best you can! As far as you still
do not master the art of spiritual contemplation, just pay attention to yours
Breath! Look inside and see how it breathes you! Not you breathe. It's breathing
Stay relaxed and relaxed and avoid breathing through conscious stretching
strengthen the upper body! Let the shoulders hang and the belly out! Of the
Breathing process should take place only in the abdominal area! Loose - without
cramp and
Tension - raises and lowers your lower abdomen, a process that you unconsciously
and without your help since your birth. Make the following consideration and
• "Just as my breath is regulated without my intervention, all are
other processes in my body that are necessary for my life without mine
Knowledge causes. No blind elemental powers can be that
pointless, accidental, destructive as in a landslide, is in my body
something moves, relocates. My life is possible only because of a wise plan
Poisons filtered out, excreted and necessary is absorbed.
I do not contribute anything to it myself. Other beings guide and correct here
according to a wise plan and provide for my well-being and my life.
So if I'm cared for, where I ask for nothing, why should they
Powers do not even help where I plan and wishes
wants to realize?
If my life is close to my heart, they will also be with my soul
Take well-being and certainly help me to make this life right
good. So I want to ask her to assist me in my conscious work. "
After you have gathered like that for a few minutes, you light one
Candle! Sacred, sacred music will deepen your mood and help you in
to penetrate those inner realms that are also part of the angelic world. any
Incense is made only with good frankincense. Never use
Incense sticks or perfumes whose secret analogy you do not know! On
Smell that does not correspond to an angel would only make contact with him more
Good incense you can use without hesitation. He is all the angels of ours
Sympathetic and creates a pleasant earthly atmosphere. Angry
On the other hand, beings and demons are driven away by the scent of incense.
As soon as you feel your thoughts of the angel you call good
inner mood, you can formulate your wishes. The words
does not matter. Keep a humble attitude by being in awe
to the great work of creation! God's wise plan is indeed of these
Angels to whom you turn now, realized. According to your personal
Religious attitude, therefore, begin your call by believing in yours
Expressing God with the words:

"Almighty God, my Heavenly Father, I pray you, send me your angel

(Here you can call the name of the angel), so that he help me in
my need. Thy will be done in heaven, even on earth! "
Few people can reach God directly with their prayers. The pilgrim of the
Federal therefore turns to the angels, who because of their nature of the
Be closer to the world of the earthly and yet look into the kingdom of God. If you
still at the beginning of the devotion, first to your and the angelic creator
There is a good reason for that. You are bringing your faith in a wise,
expressing omnipotence and showing the angels who will surely hear you
you are like a god-created spirit. You show them you
Intellectual believe and therefore also in her and her help. Who is Catholic, can
Praying the "Lord's Prayer". It is a very powerful prayer of tremendous
magical power for anyone who knows how to speak it properly. Keep some now
Minutes in silence, then turn to the angel you say in the following words
• "In the name of the almighty God, who stands above all things, this world and all
Creates beings and gives me life and that you serve, I call you (here
comes the name of the angel), help me if you can help. "
Say your problems and wishes in simple words! Please the angel,
that he maintains contact with you through the small seal and through you
Contact ritual at any time pays his attention. You can also enter now
Make a promise or vow with which you want to contribute or
put a small sacrifice in the form of a donation into the offering bowl.
Let this devotion be through fitting, optimistic and joyful music
finish! Never end it, without your joy and profound joy
Gratitude over the contact with the angel and his help through a prayer of
to have expressed.
The candle is deleted, but not blown out. The devotion is over.

The devotional service can also serve as ordination of several pilgrims of the
be done together.
"If two gather in my name, then I will be among them,"
2000 years ago a spirit promised human beings. Same thing for everyone
Spirit beings and angels. For common praying and spiritual devotion to one
Angel releases a tremendous stream of power, which the Communication between the
two worlds serves. The flow of the individual is through
the attention focused on one point at the same time like-minded people
reinforced by a burning glass by a multiple of those present. The united
Prayer becomes an audible call for the angels, where else perhaps the plea of one
Individuals too weak.
In the common angelic devotion, only one angel is allowed to call
and be worshiped. And everyone must have the same need or
Have concerns. Because only the call, which comes from the deepest heart, can the
of the mind to the angel bear. No pompous effort or pomp is needed
necessary. The exterior is simple and simple.
The seal of the angel is, as far as it is not from a previous Weihehandlung
is present, prepared. It should be on a round, as large as possible, white
Linen cloth or paper, in the color of the angel, are recorded. The bigger
all the better.
Right and left and up a candle is placed, so that the round seal in
a triangle of points of light. Below is the sacrificial bowl. The
Attendees sit down either on the floor or at a round table in the
Circle around the seal, and each one puts his little seal, which he receives from
this angel
prepared for the disc.
Then, with the following formula, the three candles in the order above, right
and lit on the left:
• "The angel wisdom finds the way out of the darkness".
• "The angel power overcomes the misery and suffering."
• "The angel love gives us comfort and help."
Thereafter, the two prayers of worship are spoken, but never the
Group, but always only one speaks, while the others the words in
Thoughts follow.
Everything else is left to the congregation. It can therefore everyone
to present his problem and express his wishes when he is urged to.
Otherwise, it is better to keep silent and inwardly with the angel
connect. The angel looks into your heart and knows what you are missing.
This gathering should by no means degenerate into a kind of spiritual seance.
However, if a group calls the same angel together, it may
Apparitions, noises or other phenomena come. These are but
neither goal of worship and desired, nor proof of the actual
Presence of the angel. The encounter definitely takes place on the spiritual level
inner level instead. To do this, those present must be able to rise inwardly,
and only the creation of this inner constitution serves devotion. The pilgrim goes
to the angel and not vice versa.

Everything that happens beyond that can only be right on the Master's path
be recognized, understood and exploited. The pilgrim is said to have the seal only
passive contact with the angel may ask him, but not urge, demand
or even command him. He still can not control his fate himself. Still
He does not know what is really good and beneficial for him in this earthly life.
He restricts himself to asking and also ends every prayer with the wish:
"Your will will happen!"
Also, the common devotion is to end with a sacrifice. Everyone then takes
his small seal again in the firm conviction, by this amulet
continue to communicate with the angel. Because every contact made this way
strengthens the effectiveness of the seal. Music concludes the ordination. The
Candles are silently deleted, in the reverse order.
As a pilgrim of this covenant, you made your way. For now you are still looking for
your happiness on this earth. You will find it if you are not on the right path
abkommst. Your further life is from now on also a way inwards too
your true self. You will roam mental and spiritual realms, though
you are going to meet the angels so that they will find you.
You expect help from the world of the invisible, but certain conditions have to be
created to allow the angels from the world of the spirit
earthly events can act. Only through right positive thinking
your mind in the receptiveness that is necessary to receive this help also
to take. Only coming from right soul mood, your requests for the
Angel audible. Simple and understandable for everyone are these spiritual laws,
according to which the life of this world can be shaped. Who does not know them
and heed, he will suffer or be misled.
Therefore, you will find a guide in the form of
Teachings of those pilgrims who have already followed this path before you
to have. Inspired by angels of this covenant, each one has specific areas
described, as he could see from his point of view.
Such as in the mountains every 20 meters of ground markings also in fog
To find a way, it is important that you check your point of view every day
to find your way around. Subsequent books are the guideposts that serve you.
It is one of the few duties of the pilgrim, in his own interest every day
to open these books and read at least a few lines in it.

Your first guide is "THE GUARDIAN BOOK". Watch out for everyone
Teachings, which the angels gave to those seeking help! Still learning
especially in detail that chapter in which your personal problem is discussed
In the "BOOK OF LUCKY" by BÖ YIN RA (Kober Verlag) you will find an answer to the
Question: "What is your luck and how do you get it?"
Also study the book "THE UNFUG OF LIFE AND DYING", by
P. Mulford, (Fischer Paperback No. 1890). How to be through right and positive
You can learn from this book how to shape your own future. It shows you
the tremendous power of your thoughts and how to apply them to you
get what you want.
Which mechanisms you have to set in motion to succeed, money and
to get financial prosperity, you learn from the book: "THE GOLDEN
RULE "by K.O. Schmidt (Drei Eichen Verlag).
How to pray and how to address your words to the angels
describes BÖ YIN RA in his book? "THE PRAYER".
"THE PROPHET", by K. Gibran (Walter Verlag), will address all life issues in
Wise language answer.
From the hereafter and the state after death you will learn from the book "EIN
WANDERER IN LANDE DER GEISTER ", Franchezzo (Turm Verlag).
If you want to get deeper into the science of magic, study that
Book "THE WAY TO THE TRUE ADEPTEN", by Franz Bardon (farmer
Publishing company). ^
A signpost that you have followed so far will continue to work for you
Direction. It is the Holy Book of the religion to which you belong. If
you live without a special confession, then take the book of yours
Favorite philosophers whose findings give you peace. But also read in the
New Testament the "BERGPREDIGT"!
The most important guide to your earthly happiness and through that
Beyond this world, THE BOOK IS THE MASTER:
If you want to know more about the secret relationships that exist between the
of the human beings and the worlds of angels, spirits and demons,
If you want to know, then you should read the BOOK OF MASTERS. Im describing
in it the invisible powers, even the negative ones, and the dangers that
threatened by these shadow powers, and the possibility of how to get
can protect against it. As enthusiastic readers assure me time and time again, that
it's the most exciting book ever about the hereafter and the hidden
Connections that people have with us during their lifetime
connect invisible beings, was written.

Anyone who wanders on the pilgrim's way knows he is no longer alone. He has the
Experienced that he must use the natural powers of his ego, that
but the actual source of power always flows in from above-ground areas. The
Self-confidence of the pilgrim grows because he knows that he is not alone on
is dependent, but can count on the overpowering help of the angels. To yourself
However, to obtain these, he must comply with certain obligations and rules. If you
do not want to lose contact with the angels, note the following:
Keep silent about your way to others. Avoid discussions with
Infidels. But after receiving the first noticeable help from an angel,
You can show the way to those friends who also need help. Of the
Bund der Wanderer will spread all over the world. But you need it
no advertising. The worthy one who can be helped will find the way.
The three prayers, morning, noon and evening must not be forgotten.
The contact ritual should be carried out daily if possible. There is always one
Angel, whom you can call and be it, that you are with someone else at the angel
ASTUREL Help or Peace for the World at the Angel ERIMITES yours
Deposit prayers. Do not forget the sacrificial bowl.
Reading in the signposts should not be neglected. At least some
You have to let lines interact with you daily. You will notice that you
just reach for the book and find it there, where for your personal
Situation the right words are.
Keep in mind your right attitude through positive thinking.
Selfless action, diligence, patience and honesty also show that
Angels, that you are on your side.
If you follow these rules, you can be sure that the angels are not in you
Let down. The more often you neglect one or more points, the more
more do you move away from your path, and thus from the good influence of angels,
who are watching over this path and all who walk it. Exact compliance with the
and some devotions or ordinations connected with a sacrifice
but again to the right way and in the community of angels
lead back

The actual admission into the covenant happens during a ordination, like
she is indicated for the pilgrim's way. The devotion is absolutely alone and
to take place without witnesses. Only you are responsible. The following
Instructions gave me the angel to this step, who is the gateway to the angelic
opens to perform properly:
• "Every man and woman who decides to join, and
who have the right pure inner attitude are welcome. All
no matter which country they come from and what religion they belong to. There are
no initiation ritual and no sacred oaths are required. There is none
Grade and no secrets. Everyone is slowly growing into the covenant,
according to his will and zeal and he moves away from the path
we go with him when he turns away. There is no exclusion and yet
Anyone who abuses our help will instantly feel when we invisible him
no longer protect and love. We are much more than an earthly order and
do not judge. But we act according to our spiritual laws. If you too
To bind no oaths, one thing is needed to satisfy spiritual laws
earthly impulse even on the physical plane, as a visible sign,
which seals our covenant. So, have you made a firm decision, the covenant?
To seal with us invisible, then do the following:
• If you are in a solemn mood in a quiet hour, write your spiritual
Confession down! Make it clear for you and us, what you believe in, but pay
the three most important points by writing at least the following:
1. "I believe in an invisible spiritual world.
2. I believe in a soul body as an invisible carrier of my spiritual
3. I believe in invisible spiritual beings, intelligences and angels who are
Handlebars and kind helpers work according to a high plan for the people. "
Then write down your vow, namely:
1. "I vow before me and before my conscience, always to act so that it with
my faith.
2. I vow to ask for nothing that harms others and for me through the secret
Knowledge never to misuse the possibilities opened up to the seals.
3. I vow to faithfully fulfill the duties of the pilgrim. "

Then prepare yourself and your soul for the entrance! Try this day as
Holiday design! Make yourself free from work, if you can! Go out into the
Nature, visit a church, listen to music that you like and therefore your soul to us
lifts! Avoid newspaper, television, daytime ratchet on this day! Then take it
warm bath and new clothes and wait until the sun goes down! Ignite
Ritualally three candles, as taught for a ordination, and read
with dignified seriousness your confession and pledge! The angel is calling to you:
You are at the beginning of a new path. An angel has brought you here.
You are still separated from us by the gate, the invisible, who leads the way
prepare, and the pilgrims who have already preceded you.
Give us your hand, confess you for the better! Praise it in your mind.
Reaffirm your honest endeavor by signing your vow! And
look: the door jumps open by an invisible hand! You have it for yourself
opened up by doing this step. You go the way and you are now yourself
become a way. The gate, which is now open, it lay in you! The obstacle,
that separated our worlds, it is overcome. Stay in confidence, then stay
we with you! Hail, you are welcome, approach Pilgrims fear nothing! You
From now on you are connected with us in spirit: with like-minded people on earth
and with you
Beings from the realm of light. You entered the temple, taken in
the covenant.
From now on, you are in an invisible monastery that will be yours from then on
Peace, protection, and security on earth and in the hereafter. In front of you
Away from unexpected beauty and above you a golden light, the shadowless the
Darkness penetrates. Feel this light! From our climes, which henceforth also the
yours, it flows as love, comfort and confidence through your mind and
your soul. Feel how it penetrates you! Stay open, bathe in this light! "
As far as the angel's instructions. Then seal your pledge on one for
other inaccessible place. You have now become a pilgrim on the way to the light.
Now choose a seal from the book of an angel that suits you, and care
the prayers and meditations quoted for this stage, this genius in yours
to have spiritual closeness! Carry his seal on an amulet engraved constantly with
it is advantageous if this already by an Adept or a master
made radiant, so was consecrated.
Follow exactly the instructions of this level and try as conscientiously as
possible to proceed! Depending on your inner attitude, your intensity
Prayer and ability of faith then becomes the contact with the angel you
call, get stronger with each passing week, and much of your life will become
Change the good ones.
Not only will you learn to master your problems and fulfill your wishes
You will also mentally and mentally mature and progress and an inner one
To make change. The contacts with the angels, even if they are only for you
serve themselves by helping to create your earthly happiness or
Coping with problems will also carry you on spiritually. They refine your soul
and make you ready for the higher way of the priest and master. You can
after months, or maybe just so far in your next life, those ways
to tread. However, as far as you consciously go on an occult path, be it
Yoga, mysticism, magic or the sacred path of a religion, will make your progress
now tremendously accelerated

The covenant with the angels of the earth belt zone is not a new religion. Even if
Over time, millions of people turn to the angels and become common
Rites and ordinations will find each pilgrim best
faithful to his religion. He then finds one through the conscious attention to the
Deepening his faith in his god. Who did not belong to any religion,
in which through the contact with the angels a believing sensation will grow,
which then leads him to that religion which most closely resembles his nature.
This can be his childhood beliefs or a spiritual science
Weltanschauung with a specific concept of God, as theosophy or
Anthroposophy or the Hermetic Franz Bardons teaches.
It will also bring about an accelerated spiritual growth,
and the pilgrim may then make a personal one on the way of the priest and the
to develop one's own religion as a way to his God. His god becomes him for the time
Symbol of "good" as an expression of beautiful, pleasant, precious, perfect, right,
true, fair, etc. Anyone who calls his God as a pilgrim means this
Qualities as opposed to all evil, destructive, sorrowful, negative
Who goes his way together with the angels, has all the conditions for
the foundation on which a connection with the divine is possible. Also the pope
as the head of the Catholic direction of the Christian religions, the
Mediation of those beings who work between the earthly and divine kingdoms.
He begins the blessing "urbi et orbi" with the words: "Trusting in the intercession
of the
Saints, the apostle, the holy mother of Mary, the angels and archangels "etc.
For now, the pilgrim will continue protection and safety from the womb of a church
draw as much as he needs it.

But those who had a hard time to join a religion, because they believe
was missing, for which the covenant will be religion, because he can convince
himself now
from the work of invisible powers, and he thereby becomes a believer and, from now
on, free
Obedience, following the inner voice, developing compassion and also
Be prepared to take responsibility for others.
Every religion originally had the task of making the believer conscious
Self-development and thus closer to God. Depending on the time and culture had
every religion has other priorities, e.g. Selflessness and charity that
Christianity, justice and law Judaism; Courage and bravery was that
Heavyweight of Islam, over wisdom and knowledge tried the
Buddhist and Hindu religions lead their followers to their God.
But not all great religions have the same God to whom they pray. These
Acceptance is wrong. Even in the invisible worlds rages a power struggle between
Good and evil, which only continues in the earthly. Beings posing as God
spend and give false teachings to false people under false names,
are still at work today. By that I do not mean just the meaningless ones
Sects. Behind no god in whose name blood is shed is that power that
once created his teaching. The religious wars are fueled by entities,
who let themselves be worshiped as God and only by the faithful worship and
refer to their followers their life element. That explains the pointless ones
Wars of faith, certainly not God's will for the good, the true and the righteous
In ancient times, when people's mind and soul is not so individual
had developed as today, they were needed in larger groups, depending on
personal focus, to steer together. This task took over
Angel from the appropriate levels. So had the different ethnic groups,
according to their peculiarity, their particular spiritual leader, who receives
them from the
invisible level led and taught.
It would go beyond the scope of this book to delve deeper into how it works
that some of these spiritual guides could be done by men for God
themselves were held and how far such a development even to
Development plan of mankind belongs.
It is important to understand the difference of traditional religions to the
Faith group of pilgrims recognize this covenant. In the old religions
People were brought together by one common, them
superior group spirit, which we according to time, place and cultural epoch as
Deity, Archangel or Deva. Today it is the other way round. The
Believers gather and consciously call their spiritual helpers.
The discomfort that today seizes the spiritually mature man,
if he is in the believing crowd of one of the old denominational
Religious communities stands, explains itself from the feeling of the bondage,
which the
Individual in these groups will feel as soon as he reaches a certain maturity and
Has reached cognitive ability.

The Confederation of Wanderers, on the other hand, is the community of Rudolf

1908 in a lecture in Berlin the following said:
"Where people come together voluntarily, something grows over them
out. They group around centers (genii) around, and the
Emotions that come together in such a center give it
Entities opportunity to descend to the people. They are dead
their existence of human unity, and it will be to the
Humans themselves are, whether they are as many lofty angels
Opportunity to descend. "
Today the time has come to realize what this initiate foresaw.
The covenant does not serve otherworldly beings, so that groups of people in
whose purpose is to gather around them, but people get together to
to prepare the way for the otherworldly beings in the earthly.
When pilgrims of the covenant meet for a common prayer,
There is always an exchange of forces that serves both the earthly and the earthly
the supernatural. The angels help people from their level, their lives
make sense and harmonious, and the people help the angels in their
Task to realize the plans of Divine Providence. By the pilgrim
works his spiritual and spiritual perfection, he goes to his god
against and by advocating truth, justice and charity
he, together with the angels, the necessary balance to the forces of evil,
who also fight for supremacy in the earthly. As every good thing becomes
and the covenant is not spared and infiltrated by the evil powers
become. It can not be prevented that on behalf of the federal and the
Angels form sects and orders.
• Therefore do not let Pseudogurus guide you on wrong paths! They will become you
promise shorter ways and sell the hope for money without working on you
even reach your goal.
They will promise you earthly happiness and eternal bliss. you will be
false idol sacrifices demand of you and secret seals of beings from the
Circulating hierarchy of evil. Be warned about it today!
• Stay true to your religion and stick closely to the signposts of the covenant!
You will not need a teacher other than the voice that comes from within you
Anyone who deals with religious studies and not only
wants to gain theoretical as well as practical experience, turn to it
the angel ARGARON. His seal is to draw with brown color. It was he who
I receive above teachings on the true connections of the religions
and inspired by the rituals, symbols and instructions
for the pilgrims of this covenant.

Often I am asked the question, if one can also see the angels, and what one does
Detects if contact is made with them?
There are certainly enough reports of encounters with the invisible, where one
Angel clearly visible or audible has appeared. The Bible is full of it, and who in
Occult circles wrong, has also already heard or read about it. It is
a very natural experience, especially in children, and I myself have a long time to
My occult training as a child experienced many apparitions of angels. With the
However, aging ages, and most of all, this natural gift and the wall, the
separates earthly from otherworldly areas becomes impenetrable.
Those who are not naturally gifted in the media will receive no special occult
as the pilgrim receives on the way of the priest and master, only rarely visible
Experience contacts with the otherworldly beings. Although people are constantly
are surrounded by invisible beings - not many notice it. That's like with
classical music. One feels uplifted by the streams of the
Harmony, the other one can not feel anything even though he is sitting in the same
concert hall.
The one experiences the sunset and the nature in his soul and participates in the
Feeling all the invisible beings that weave in it; another one is registered though
the same, but remains completely untouched. The right inner attitude and the
Readiness to do so is necessary.
This also applies to the world of angels. Not always succeeds to the same extent,
to agree to their pure, fine vibration. Silence, silence, silence
apparently inaudible heard, and the inner silence also allows inner voices
become audible. Angelic voices are like music. The less the soul through the
is agitated outside everyday life, the more likely the image of the angels can be
reflected in it.
Smooth the waves in you and you hear her murmurs! Your world is also the world of
Soul. Inside you become tangible and present. Do not look for them earthly
tangible, they are not of this world! The encounter with the angels takes place in
instead of. Therefore go into it, if you want to them! Listen in when you hear them
In the silence, in the silent resting of all tensions and aspirations, you become
aware of what comes to you from subtle levels

The less external, earthly things, such as Noise, distracting and disturbing, all
the more
rather, you can adjust to the inner soul worlds. The retreat into the silence
will make your inner world appear as a fixed space, as
a place of rest, which you soon like to visit every day for relaxation.
What is perceived in the earthly realm as emotional state is on the
subtle plane also for all otherworldly disembodied beings a solid
Position, a place. Thus, an angry, angry soul mood is full of stress
and restlessness surrounding such restless beings. A peaceful, quiet,
relaxed mood, on the other hand, places consciousness in the vicinity of positive
In doing so, you leave behind a lasting impression in every place of the soul space
for beings that are there or passing by as a trail that leads to you, recognized
So as soon as you have succeeded - even if only for a few moments - in this
quiet, serene sphere of the soul to sink, so the state of rest in you too
you can be sure that power will flow to you from this world and yours
Wishes to stay there. You will feel it immediately.
Even if there are no visible signs of contact with an angel,
becomes in the silence the healing proximity of the good angels and their
strengthening, comforting
Awareness consciously and even beyond that for a while to resonate in you.
You only need your attention for a short period of time
external things, averted to your inner emotional impulses.
See yourself as an uninvolved viewer of your own feelings and thoughts
and stay calm, whatever you like to touch! The more your commitment
dampens all impressions, the more your individual can
Livelihood to connect with the angel. The connection to the subconscious
Power Centers happens automatically and without your will, as soon as you do it
wishes. For this purpose, a sinking into the levels beyond space and time is
necessary still desirable. Because to get impressions from there into this world
bring, you are not yet trained enough.
Likewise, it is not the goal of silence to call the angels to your earthly level.
Also, you lack the ability to create those conditions that are beyond
Being needs to manifest earthly. The way to the silence should be you
only lead to the threshold, where the agitated soul waves gently
ebb, where you can hear spiritual instead of earthly, because you have distance
to the noise of everyday life and external things.
In this intermediate realm, you can mentally put your hand into the
World of angels and let you from over there. You stay here and the angel stays
in his world and yet you are part of his nature and become of him
perceived. Your questions and wishes remain in this intermediate realm
even after you have your own consciousness of other things
zuwendest. So it can happen that you get an answer to a question,
if you do not expect it anymore.

Anytime, but especially once you get your attention from the environment
pull off and turn inside, you can get an impulse or advice from an angel
become. That can be on a walk, listening
nice music and the same while you routinely work with a monotonous
busy, that does not take your full attention. The idea,
who comes to you, the idea or the knowledge from such a state of consciousness,
is often the angel's expected answer to a question. Also the strengthening current
Confidence can flow to you better in the state of silence from an angel than in the
Stress and worry of loud everyday life.
Here lies the secret of success of today's popular method of autogenous
Trainings as well as the different meditation exercises and yoga practices. they
ultimately aim to bridge the silence that is at the boundary of the earthly
the world of angels, to visit. All these exercises are designed to do that
Consciousness to relax, for impressions of the subtle worlds
to make them receptive.
Since you as a pilgrim of the covenant for the time being do not cross the
threshold of this world
you do not want complicated exercises or long meditations
required. You just want to recharge your batteries from the inner silence and know
that they are yours
there will flow by the proximity of the angels. The state of mind of relaxation
becomes spatially aware of you as a place of peace, and it soon becomes a daily
occurrence for you
Need to put you there. The more often you seek the place of rest in you, the more
It will be easier to find him. There are no complicated ones
Meditations or hypnosis techniques necessary, as in yoga or autogenic training.
The angel JPAKIS, whose job it is to point the way to silence,
has shown me the following four steps that succeed everyone and reliably the goal
1.Retract 2.Switch 3.Enter 4.Swipe
• The withdrawal is done by switching off and establishing the outer rest.
• You accomplish the switching by taking your thoughts from worldly concerns
to spiritual wisdom.
• You succeed by tuning through nature, music or inner attitude
create a harmonious mood in you.
• You feel the levitation through conscious, proper breathing.
Important is the first step, because this will let you automatically make the next
All you have to do is turn your gaze inward and really let the exterior outside.
You have to retire. So you will not be distracted, it is initially necessary
really to be alone with you. This is only possible in an undisturbed room or
outside in the great outdoors. If you have no way, use the time on
Tomorrow, when the others are still sleeping. That quarter of an hour of sleep you
soon becomes an indispensable source of strength and peace

Who the silence of

At the beginning of the day, once inside
Peace has experienced, alone with a bowl of fresh-smelling coffee and a
contemplative book or in contemplation of the awakening nature, will no more
renounce it.
It's very hard to switch off completely, but as soon as you turn your back on the
turn, rest around you and look inward, you will switch
can. You do not need to take the world with you in your thoughts. You
You can switch by giving other thoughts to your thoughts. Take in one
contemplative book of our signposts and direct the view on truths over the
invisible spiritual worlds, their inhabitants and laws. Do not try this
desperate to turn away from everything earthly. If in between
Worrying thoughts appear, let them pass by calmly. Stay
completely indifferent and turn your attention back to the book and the
related thoughts. The goal is to learn from the wisdom of ancient teachings
To gain confidence. This mental attitude will make your soul harmonious
the mood. As soon as you feel harmony, peace and quiet in you, you are in the
Area of the invisible helper forces, whose beneficial closeness reaches you
will strengthen. This is the third step to get you in the right mood.
Are you in the fortunate position of living near free nature?
soothing and invigorating atmosphere, in you too the analogue soul harmony
to accomplish. Nothing will lead you so quickly and easily to the vicinity of the
angelic worlds
like all the elementals that invigorate forest and wind, the stream and rock. Give
the silent contemplation of a lake, a sunset, the drawing of the lake
Clouds. Collect yourself at the foot of a massive mountain and let yourself
awesome impress of his power. Look into a valley and broaden your mind
until you fill it and feel with your whole being.
Unfortunately, few people have the opportunity to use this natural method
To use tuning. You can tune in with classical music
To ease the soul. With your eyes closed and with full attention you can
Also good music will elevate you to those levels. If you live in a big city, it
will be difficult
have to find a really quiet room, where he is not disturbed by street noise
the silence breaks. Music can help with headphones. Another advantage
Do you have, when music tunes and paves the way to silence? The
Unlimited attention in giving oneself to her is not so easy
to distract by disturbing thoughts. Carried by the magic power and harmony
You will soon find the sounds in the soul's place of silence.
Be aware of the proximity of positive entities and their power and immerse yourself
into her blessed vibration. Preserve this state by going through
conscious breathing with silence surges and floats. Float with her! You are not in
the silence gone to dream or sleep. The goal was to force and
To find relaxation in the silence by the proximity of the angels.

In the breath earthly and spiritual subtle forces join. Therefore reflects
in the breath immediately the respective mental situation, like joy or suffering.
Is crying
a strong inhalation, laugh a violent exhalation. The breath can be: violently,
calm, free, jammed, loosened, pressed. An excited soul mood you can
calm down by slow breathing. Take a deep breath! It will dissolve last
Tension by loosening everything Rigid through the back and forth
Leave on your breath. Now you can float,
Float [.Impire in you the flow and flow of the breath
salutary angel energy! - Let it flow in you, mingling with them - take up
and let it flow out of you again! Back and forth there is a buzz in you - and you
sway back and forth
in the intermediate realm. You inhale, feel power and lightness in you
to ascend, I am. You exhale, feel all heaviness in the body
sink the ground and relieve yourself! - Relaxed, you give yourself to the angel,
yours. - Quiet and of itself you feel: it breathes me. Think: me and here,
and it comes in - you think there and there, and breathe out! - Here the earthly -
there that
Otherworldly. - Feel both calm in you! Breathe in and think: Peace! -
Exhale and think: rest!
If you have managed to achieve the hovering, you can call this state as
Take the starting point for crossing the threshold. Teachings about it
take place only on the way to the master.
But you can already do it now with the hypno disk and suitable psy cho programs
to work on your own perfection. As long as you are still at the beginning of yours
Way stands, but be content with the healing feeling of floating and
slowly return to the world of everyday life. The state of inner silence needs
not to stop long. Important is the harmonic tuning and the conscious
Merging with the strengthening streams from the angelic worlds.
Every visit to the Place of Silence will make it easier to find you next time. He
yes, always present, as well as your resort does not disappear, if you have him
leaves. You will soon be able to pull yourself back into the biggest noise
inner silence, to take up strength and peace there. This is not a long or deep
Sinking necessary. Who in silence for only a few moments aware
is adjusted to the proximity of the angel and the forces surging there will be
feel inner peace and confidence swinging throughout the day.
It is not necessary, every four steps to the level of hovering every time
do. You do not always have time, and sometimes you have inner ones
Obstacles in the way. The second step, the switching, may still be easy,
but the third step, the tuning, does not always succeed. Just like you on the way
of the priest and the master will climb even further stages, it is not necessary
to master all four now. You will notice that you already have the first one
Step, retreating into silence, near the soothing streams of the
Bring the kingdom of the invisible

As soon as you turn away from the hustle and bustle and inside yourself
If you turn, you feel the strengthening that flows from the rest into you. Even if
not consciously switching your thoughts and harmonizing, you are
you closer to the angels and feel it too. Soon, it will be a daily need for you
to withdraw, and each time you will succeed more easily, even those
effortlessly reach other stages.
Among the few duties of the pilgrim is the care of the prayer. It will be
The angels were not worshiped, but called and asked. The angels are not
omniscient and omnipresent, therefore you must draw attention to them and
to make your request known. At your stage of development, prayer offers the best
Possibility to do so. Therefore, try daily beside the sacrifice, which is always
your praying
accompany this conscious contact with the otherworldly beings! The
The mystery of prayer is revealed to you not only at the three daytime stations, in
Morning, noon and evening prayers. Even if you go to the silence, yours
Devotion or during a joint ordination, you reinforce the
Connection to the angels when you consciously speak to them. Every prayer is
a dialogue. Listen, therefore, which answer you might answer through the inner
Get vote!
The most common form of prayer is probably the supplication. That can be one of
Compassionate request for help for someone else or the desperate one
Cry out of your own soul. Both prayers are carried by feelings that
give them the necessary strength to penetrate to the ear of an angel. Because only,
when the thoughts are moved by an intense feeling, they reach the
Level of the angels. Thought and heart must be together when you pray, otherwise
let it be better!
Automatically prayed down prayers are not only ineffective, but can
even an insult to the being you think you're addressing.
If you are doing your morning prayer, but already thinking of the way to it
your job, it is as if you were somebody of yours
Tell a tax return while you actually tell him about your last vacation
wanted to report. If you follow your prayer in thought, but not with it
faithful believers and with an intimate desire connect, so halfhearted and
Praying out of routine is like talking to somebody while you talk to him
turn your back. So pray only when it urges you!
Thank you, where gratitude and joy follow the words of your thinking,
Do you always have an effective way to reach the angels? The feeling of the deep
Gratitude is a beneficial power flow that you as
Man feed the angels. Through this stream you are at the same time with them
connected and have so conversely part in their actions. Your thanks bring you to
Close to the angels and intensifies the contact, which is the meaning of the
Please do not worry about any trifles and do not abuse the power of
Prayer! End each prayer with the sincere affirmation, "Your will
happen, "and remember the wise foresight in which every angel today speaks to you
is still superior. Choose simple words, never long litanies. Through a prayer
Ultimately, your will is expressed. What you wish, every angel knows,
because he sees you in your heart.
An acquaintance told me the following: "When I come in again
I was overcome by a surge of despair when I realized that my husband was at one
To another woman, I noticed to my horror that I had the seal of the
TRAPIS, who always comforted me as soon as I did the contact ritual
had me. In my deep soul I prayed to him: Trapis, Trapis, Trapis, look
to my heart! You know what I miss. Here I am full of trust, help me! ' And so on
I felt his comforting streams flowing into me reassuringly. "This short one
Of course, prayer also fits other concerns.
For others, you do not need to ask for help for hours. The simple ones
Thoughts: "God bless you," spoken in spirit and with deep sympathy
and compassion, every sick, crippled, or beggar that meets you,
a true blessing.
A friendly physician placed his right hand on the head of the patient in difficult
Patients and prayed unnoticed: "Echagiel, Echagiel, Echagiel, you know what
missing, he needs your help! Help him! "And many of his patients then told him
that they felt better from then on.
It is easier to pray for other sufferers than for themselves. The power
Compassion is selfless and therefore can rise higher than unbound energy
selfish colored wishes. Nevertheless, it would be wrong to give up prayers that
bring the angels your own concerns. A prayer, as a concentrated form
Well thought out and properly presented to your wishes, there is always a chance
Heard. But you should not bear the sanctity of talking to an angel
Desecrate requests for banalities!
• Therefore, ask only for the power of the heart, with which you conquer the pain,
and not around
Breastfeeding of your anguish!
• Ask for the courage to face the dangers before seeking protection
Dangers ask!
• Ask for the awakening of your own strengths before asking for allies!
• Ask for patience and not salvation!
• Pray the following: "The power of my will carry me, the light of my ideals guide
me, the greatness of my compassion raise me, the purity of my conscience
save me! "


Every human being's life is predictable through its karma
bound. But that does not mean that you have an unavoidable destiny
subject. The powers of fate are not blind mechanisms, but
conscious living beings. The angels of our covenant have participated in this work
beyond that, the opportunity wished, with the approval of Divine Providence
To initiate changes in a course of destiny. But that means
By no means that you will be spared the learning burden of this life. The pain
As a schoolmaster, your soul then becomes a different sphere of life
press so that you learn what you have been taught to learn for this life.
Thus, a love-suffering can be remedied by the intervention of an angel, it will be
but come to a setback if you do not volunteer for a compensation
worry. I have often experienced that even in seemingly hopeless cases unexpected
a turn came. However, if the person concerned is not considered worthy
showed, it dissolved again soon.
True lasting happiness arises only when one's own efforts to succeed
led. It is the feeling of being able to accomplish something or have mastered, e.g.
a job, a test or a love. These are each specific skills
and energies needed. These must be developed and used. Sorrow and
Obstacles serve as touchstone and teacher.
The meaning of existence lies in the spiritual and mental qualities
develop. Their perfection then leaves certain earthly successes as a mirror
inner maturity too. So you have a certain amount of learning to do! Do you want to
through the help of an angel must take a lucky loan at your fate
you make up for compensation. Otherwise luck does not last long. It will happen to
you otherwise
Suffering from another area of life, or you will come up with new problems
confronted that had not existed before.
Marriage peace through by the Gelybte of compensation.
Mrs. Beate H. experienced the following: As her lover's mistress, she had it in her
set to marry this too. She turned to the angel LOTOGIN for help.
His seal is to draw in blue color. His job is not just
To awaken love between man and woman, but also to one
To unite partnership and marriage. She also succeeded in getting him married
move. But after a year he began to bully her and that to her
To make life difficult. The marriage was a nuisance. She became displeased and let
herself go
which was understandable but only worsened the situation. She turned to her
me. "I was so happy after the wedding," she cried, "why do I have to do so now
what have I done wrong? "" You have not paid for your happiness, "said

and advised her to take the vow of compensation before and before the beings. "I
can only write by machine, how can I serve humanity there? "said
she doubtfully followed my advice and in spirit asked the angels to come to her
show how she should act. It was not long before she found one
Yogagruppe, for which she worked free of charge soon thereafter, became mentally
involved and
the instructional letters for the group typed. She also became through the teaching
of this school
even changed. Her nature became patient through the exercises, and it stayed that
not hidden from her husband. He succumbed again to their charisma, and the two
Since then lead a really good marriage.
In order to achieve a balance, even the inner readiness is sufficient for the time
to give up the purpose and learn as soon as the fate powers the way
to have prepared. That can be tomorrow or only in the next life.
This vow of compensation is to give, if you want to keep the luck to you. The solid
Promise yourself to fully fulfill the learning momentum of your life
and to pay any debts, gives the angels the possibility of your fate
to change. Of course it is even better and more effective if you already have it in
deposit on your lucky and successful account. This is the great mystery of the
"You are able to even retune gods if you are the right victims
", that angel told me, as he told me the meaning of the offering bowl, that of the
Pilgrim has on his altar, led to his eyes. But the pilgrim does not sacrifice to
to bribe or to be merciful. If he sacrifices, he shows that
Destiny powers that he is capable of giving up. He follows the cosmic
Law of compensation, thus expressing its inner strength and maturity.
Giving and taking is a law of nature. A cell that only picks up becomes
a cancer. The ability to renounce is therefore necessary
Character and character of personal maturity. To train them is part of the
Sense of life.
The inner strength interacts with the ability to renounce. So
It may be intended for a person to renounce a great love
another has to endure pain or lives in financial distress. On
Certain renunciation must be mastered in every life as a task
thereby to grow mentally and spiritually. Through a sacrifice everyone has the
self and voluntarily to demonstrate that he has this inner strength and
can do without. Fate as a stern teacher then becomes merciful.

You can make sacrifices in the form of charity or renunciation. You

connect both if you sell a valuable item for you and the
Use proceeds to relieve the distress of others. Also the conscious renouncement of
Enjoyment of instinctual gratification, such as Smoking - snacking -Sex, is
considered a victim too
values. Beware of asceticism! The victim must not become an end in itself. It
Strengthen your will or through your renunciation
as a pleasure to benefit others. The renunciation of an opera visit when the
Card is not wasted, would be pointless. The renunciation, the sacrifice makes sense
when good or happiness arises from it. It flows into the invisible, cosmic
Lucky reservoir, which constantly refilled by the soul forces of all humans
must become. This creates a counterweight to the burden of suffering. The
Equilibrium between happiness and disasters of the astral forces must
stay protected on the subtle level.
Your contribution, however small it may be, is significant and will be influenced
recording angel noted. It will sooner or later flow to you again. The
Chinese people say, "What you give away on earth when you're alive, you get
After the death in the hereafter, return interest "Who makes sacrifices and
as soon as he has the opportunity, even if it is not expected of him, can
be sure that ultimately he will do himself the greatest service. He can
so that not only divert his fate, but also boost and
speed up to get to his destination faster.

Turn of fate by sacrifice

My friend, today's naturopaths are known across the borders of Denmark
and remote healer Martin Schuh was a toolmaker by profession. Medially sensitive
Of course, he suffered a lot from factory noise when he was in the secret sciences
and only had one wish, from this stressful atmosphere
come out. I advised him to use the mystery of the sacrifice and one
Plan a change in his life. He was always away from
Desire to help sick people. Because of his family and
However, the financial situation and his age were no longer sufficient for medical
think. So we decided to use the help of the angel DOSOM
to take.
DOSOM is the patron saint of all healers and supports everyone who in his sense the
Will help people. He helps especially hypnotists, and he is also in the
Able to awaken the ability of healing magnetism in suitable people. Be
The seal is to be drawn in green color. When you contact DOSOM, you have to be
to work on yourself and your life. He is not given anything. Mine too
The friend was given nothing - except an old book about healing magnetism and
some of his herbalist "at random" in a corner of his
Attic found. Conscientiously my friend began the prescribed
To complete the exercises of this book and also studied the instructions Franz
Bardon. He also went the way of the master of our covenant and
Quenched the hard spirit and soul training. As a victim, he gave up smoking
on what he found particularly difficult.

He donated the money he saved

regularly for the care of disabled people. He sacrificed his free time to the
Studies. He attended evening classes and became a teacher for himself
Disability Education. He completed a course for therapeutic massage and
Reflexology. Although he had no free time, he looked after
additionally and free of charge some old, sick people from his neighborhood.
"I felt a real need to brighten the day by helping people
she worried, "he told me." I was not thinking about healing and her
Disease, but I felt how much her soul became transfigured and in order,
when I was near her. My sympathy for her suffering and mine
Helpfulness was medicine for them, and I suddenly understood what it was all about
arrives, if you want to heal. Unselfish compassion and the intense desire that
To alleviate suffering, be it by wanting to take it upon oneself
the secret magic power. "
My friend has thus grasped the essence of the spirit healer. Through the inner
Concern for the suffering of the patient is called the angel of healing, and with
Overflowing compassion flows at the same time the necessary soul force, with the
start with his work in the life of the organism according to his instructions
This is possible, for example. many mothers to pray their children healthy, without
be aware that it is their selfless love and readiness to sacrifice
Sickness is what the helpful beings call nearby and
forces to help and to heal. He who wants to heal must learn to "help" and so does
Always be ready to serve in the smallest. Who only after the reputation of the
miracle worker
seeking and being worshiped will never become a true healer. My friend
has gone the right way. He made sacrifices and proved himself worthy. in the
Over 2 1/2 years his life has completely transformed. Instead of the factory he is
now in the hospital of the city as a therapist and workshop director of the
Department of
Nerve patient active. Twice a week he works at the evening school
Disabled. In his ordination, he is visited by patients whom he has already visited
easy on the hands can provide relief. As a curator he is
Meanwhile, world-famous, and who can not come in person, may seek help
Expect distant healing and its very special herbal mixture.
Just as Martin Schuh changed his life through sacrifice, everyone can change their
remodel. Evil flees the victim. Who the suffering of others on themselves
willing to take, proves to be worthy and the angels are allowed to help him
to take their own suffering. Who knows more about the secret power of selflessness
wants to know, turn to the angel ETHAMIN. His seal is in blue color too
to draw. ETHAMIN has always awakened the willingness to sacrifice in man and
through appropriate rituals teachings and practices, such as our offering bowl or
Karma Yoga called into consciousness.

Thoughts and feelings interact with each other. Moral and value-free
On the spiritual level they lead a life of their own as living ones, up to one
to some degree intelligent beings like animals of our visible world.
You have to pay attention to that, and if you have that knowledge

mindful, you can quite consciously create auxiliary spirits, who will help you
stand, serve you in the form of your thought images. As a symbol of the thoughts
Ideas have always been the symbol of Mercury. He was rightly called the messenger
of the gods
because every thought is invisible to you on the spiritual level
Companion and companion. He can be a workhorse for you or you in the hindrance
Paths can be sent as a messenger of the gods by the helping angels
rush towards or, when it comes to wrong thinking, the way to the
Demons work for you.
At the level of the pilgrim you will learn by positive thinking only for you
beneficial thought beings to tolerate you. At the priesthood you become
learn to consciously create and invigorate even thought images, around them
to send out as a messenger of the gods.
Every thought is a visible-looking being.
That's important and always to keep in mind! It only exists as long as you exist
pay attention to it. The more concentrated and interested you one
Observing thoughts, the more he gains in individuality and, like everyone else
Living things, also to self-preservation instinct. For as soon as he continues
through yours
Thinking becomes clearer and clearer, a thought connects with one
Emotion schemes and thus becomes an independent entity equal to a draft horse
on the physical tangible world that you can consciously use for yourself when
you master it.
For now, however, it is sufficient for you to know that yours
Mind games and reveries have very significant consequences for you
if you give yourself up to them in an uncontrolled way, and you can do it the other
way around
by controlling your thinking about an army of auxiliary spirits.
Always and always, therefore, you should only choose those thoughts that are good
for you! you
if you stick to it, so keep it in the eye of your attention and
Pay attention, the other thoughts that can harm you immediately
It is not necessarily about mental images and ideas of
Act situations that you aspire to and hope for. Every picture in your mind
Eye lifting your mood is good for that. Memories of success e.g.
activate a stream of confidence, which also pictures of tomorrow's success for
helps you to emerge.
It is important in the pictures of the success you are aiming for, the desired
as already existing, the property that you want to obtain, as already realized
to see your mind's eye. Because as soon as you mentally imagine it, that's it
at least on the subtle thought-image plane actually exists and

So imagine what you wish, never as a future event,

but already achieved! Everything you recognize as reality is actually one
Picture of already past. So you can shape your future, just like you
first of all, in the spirit as already passed, so realized and realized thereby
maintain the right inner attitude in positive thinking. Do you want to the
To win the love of a man for you, then do not lose yourself in daydreams
as it would be, when you will be united with him one day. You can do that
Picture that must always remain future, because you see it as a future, and it will
be you
Pressing, awakening in you feelings of yearning. So imagine,
you were with that person yesterday, how it was, etc., and
that he just called you back this morning! Through this little trick,
To move the aspirant into the past wins the performance automatically
Reality and will not be misplaced as a dream into the future.
Many people think they are lying when they have to imagine
they are fine, when they are in the middle of trouble. They bring it
not ready to think positively, as long as they only suffer and distress in their
hopeless situation. They doubt their luck. Actually there
there is no doubt, but only the belief in the wrong, the undesirable, the the
The opposite is hoped for.
Every human being has the spiritual light of faith, and it is up to the free
Decision of the individual what he believes in which image he is this powerful
Magic beam aimed. Nevertheless, most people believe in the wrong thing, in that
Missing, the worry, the suffering. That's understandable, because with most
People outweigh the negative experiences.
But you have as a pilgrim of the covenant or carrier of a guardian amulet
truly every reason to believe in your happiness and your success. You have powerful
Helpers aside and know the spiritual laws. You know, it's not a lie, though
you see yourself as a sales manager, even though you are still unemployed. On the
Level there is no time. Every image presented there is reality, which is based on
strives to realize material level visibly, if you do not doubt her
put other pictures in the way.
• There is nothing in this world that does not arise first in the form of mental
the spiritual level was preformed. To compaction on the physical
Level is needed but time. You have to plan that! Therefore wait patiently in quiet,
Confident serenity, what you wish for! But see the expected
already as a reality and realized and believe in it, as the gardener to the
Plant believes if he lays the seed in the ground! Like the pregnant mother
her child believes that she feels mature within herself, you may rightly believe
even for you the turn for the better has already taken place. Your luck is yes
already marked by your mental images, and it is only the time
to wait for it to consolidate at the fixed level.

The angels and thought beings work for you on the mental level, but like that
like the mother through gymnastics, proper nutrition on the physical level
Prepared for childbirth, the gardener pours the seed, so you too must have
you can contribute to achieving the goal on the physical plane, do that! looking
you advertise, advertise, apply, look around! Is it missing you
Skills, then train them! Are you looking for a partner, then make yourself
take care and dress attractive and fit to you. Do not expect love, go you
actively by advertising or responding to advertisements! "Help yourself
God will help you! ", says a proverb. Draw again and again
mental level with mental images on what you are in reality on the physical
Level expected. The helping angels shape these living building blocks
your future. You have to collaborate where you can, and follow their inspirations
on the physical world through your right doing the work to complete.
Thinking positively therefore does not mean lying to oneself, but means in
Reality, on the spiritual level, the future to form, the helper forces to
create, which then according to their property, their image, and the
forming a tangible world. Every imagined situation is in the bud
Reality on the mental level, there is reality, as soon as you have a picture of it
you think, you think.
Yet this reality is not a lifeless picture like a television picture or a picture
physical object that you can look at, but they are living
Beings who aspire to survive. A faded one, not
noticed thought dies. Therefore, the thought system strives constantly, constantly
to be educated and thought. It awakens the desire, the interest of the
thinking people. This thought-power nourishes the thought-picture. this
Living thought images is therefore very important to tempt you to dream.
But only the decision to act with all its consequences becomes the higher ones
Mobilize willpower. Only the firm conviction of the possibility that
Achieving the aspirations transforms the traction of the dream into the necessary
creative impulse of the will, which then causes higher beings to listen to you
help by making the image a reality. On
halfhearted desires do not mobilize the power of firm will. As long as one
Desire only feeds dreams, positive thinking will bring little.

In addition to the doubt about success, there is another obstacle:

The unconsciously repressed fear of unwanted side effects of the aspired.

Every aspired goal and every wish has its own disadvantages. Of the
Employee who wishes to become leader in his operation knows of
Extra work that comes to him and therefore only halfheartedly dreams of power and
Money gain, but leaves out the disadvantages of the new situation
eight. Thus he draws a false and therefore unrealizable image and obstructed
so his progress. Many love dreams can never be realized because
Impossible is sought.
Whatever you hope, you must accept it with all its consequences
and not by unconsciously suppressing deny yourself the desire, because you
Fear of possible disadvantages in the course of success. Most people
dream of unrealizable joys for a lifetime, instead of being purposefully aware of
Evil to go for the smaller one. Still, it's still better to be positive
dreaming, than to be afraid of the future.
The angels of our covenant, who can help you, can also only in the context of
Act of cause and effect, and the first cause
and necessary prerequisite for all events in this world is the preplanned and
clearly outlined idea of the action. It does not help if someone has one
happy marriage, but at the same time this partner constantly as evil
Seeing tyrants and marital duties as a humiliating burden. The angel
can only help by directing thought images to realization and
dynamic. They too would have to create and enliven these pictures for the time
being. If you
It will be them constantly in the way of opposing images
Of course, take much longer or be completely impossible to achieve the desired.
Conversely, thoughts work through themselves, manifesting themselves as living
little ones
Spirits spread and become one with the same power of thought
Merging power. The same thing joins the same. This also applies to the
invisible powers of the spiritual level. So a good thought pulls the good,
Beautiful and healthy, and ugly thoughts combine with impure ones
Elements to the building blocks of your life. So it's up to you
Thought life, which template for the future one manages. The clearer this
Pictures are embossed, the easier it is for the angels to respond to them and at
To help realize the realization of these plans.
All these teachings were given to me by the angel GOLOPA. His seal is
to draw golden yellow. For about 100 years it has been Divine Providence
allows people to point out the magical power of thinking. What used to be
Only faith was able to do it, today everyone already gets through his thinking.
He also bears more responsibility for his life than before.
But it's just as hard to control his thinking as his feelings.
Emotions can be suppressed by not over-controlling them
Degenerate actions. Analogously, the earthly outflow of thought takes place in the
Talk. So at least check your talking and you're on the right track, yours
To get control under control


After the task had been assigned to me, the covenant with the Invisible
For the time being, I had no idea how to proceed.
First, I tried to get advanced students of the occult sciences
by turning over the guidance that is now available as a Priest and Master level,
compiled. The unfamiliar paperwork made me the biggest
Difficulties, and I was afraid, never a ready-to-print manuscript
to bring about. When a publisher actually sent my work back to me,
I was completely discouraged and wanted to give up.
Since I was made aware of the angel GOLEMA by a dream.
GOLEMA helps and inspires all occult teachers and writers, and I turned
trusting in him. From then on things went better. GOLEMA inspired me
Reduce knowledge to three parts and helped me master the level
rewrite. This part was then called by the Bauhütten Verlag as "retreats for
Freemasons "and the publication gave me the courage to
To continue working on the manuscript. In doing so, I realized that the covenant
with the Invisible
should be accessible to all people and not just occultists.
A new problem arose: how could I be religious and mystical
People who attribute all sorts of magic to the devil and the demons
Take fear of the genii and show that these are good angels,
who work in the commission of God with men? And more difficult
appeared, how should I all the infidels, doubters, rationalists of our time
Demonstrate credibly the helpful work of angels in the invisible world?
How should I approach these people? Today one demands proofs!
And again it was GOLEMA who appeared to me in a dream and said:
"You've already done the first step, you did without it years ago
know the covenant with us. Through your amulets is the gateway to our world
opened, which many people used to be closed. There are thousands of you
Proof of our power. Want to show people how we help, write about
these amulets that you make! "And the angel further commanded me," Collect all
Reports and experiences, prepare the way for the others. With each new one
Amulet will help us angels to work on the physical world. Every new one
Seal serves as an extra base in your world and helps us defend the bulwark
to reinforce the forces of evil that want to overrun you. "
When, in the morning after this meeting, I reconsidered the conversation,
I was amazed that I did not realize myself how to proceed. Naturally
are all the thank you letters that are sent to me because of the amulets that
the best evidence of the blessing of the angels.
And I decided completely
simply, the most important experiences written to me
or were told to gather. Nothing can affect the work and the task area
describe an angel better than the fruits of his activity.
The boxes of letters of thanks from all over the world also offer the unbeliever
enough evidence of the activity of these beings. Since only good by their work
For man also, religious people are in the genii of ours
Recognize angels and servants of God, who create in His name, and none
Shy to turn to them confidently.
Nevertheless, I wanted to gather more material and experience. I sold
therefore my jewelry shop and devoted me from that time only the more
occult fate research. The years of experience of my two
Occupations as a goldsmith and as an astrologer were very useful to me in my
Through my clients, I was able to put the theory into practice immediately. By many
Trials I found that metal alloy that is best suited to the energy field
to save the angel. Thanks to the help of angels PASCHAN and JENURI, I learned
much more about the right time of preparation and consecration, as well as about
the secret interaction of the angels with each other and could always so
make more effective amulets.
It soon became known that, as an astrologer, I not only advise and warn
could, but through the amulets also effective protection and help mediated to
to be able to meet the prognoses correctly. The three big Austrian
Daily newspapers devoted several pages to full-page reports, dozens of them
Magazines from around the world told me about the amulets I make
TV companies invited me and gave me the opportunity, in front of millions
To talk to people about this work. Soon I had more to do than ever before. The
Afraid of my accountant, not able to afford it financially, if I'm my good
selling jewelry store was unfounded. The angels are back
once taken care of.
This book is not an advertisement for my amulets, but intended for those
Attract beings who work through the amulets. Everyone has it
even the opportunity to contact them. I have for my activity
never advertised. Only then could I be sure that anyone who came the way
found me, was guided by higher providence, because helped him through me
should be.
And you too, who are reading these lines, can be sure: if these words are you
you have been guided by your personal guardian angel, and the
other angel of the covenant are now within your reach, wait for you
your reputation and are ready to help you.

The covenant with the invisible helpers was closed so that everyone
People and not just a few initiates will be able to help the people
To claim angel. And if there are some skills and
Knowledge needs to be in contact with the angels through an amulet for others
For your own needs, it is sufficient if you
the name and the seal of an angel according to the instructions correctly
gebrauchst. Faith, prayer and sacrifice bring the called angel into yours
Soul nearby. No other efforts are needed. It happens by itself.
Even if not always immediate tangible results as proof of contact
you should not doubt. Often you get signs of their action, you have to
just to understand. So maybe you just feel inspired by your spirit at first
because inner confidence suddenly gives you your problems in a completely new light
appear. A state comparable to peace of mind, otherwise
Experience nature or trigger serious music. It does not take long for reverberation
to happen
but as with an intense dream, meaningful for the whole day's events
be. You may feel encouraged to make an important decision
to write a letter or abstain from the solemn mood yet
worn, on an act that for another or later evil consequences for you
would have had.
It does not matter if you have an amulet or your own pursuit of
to be answered by an angel. The reports about the help by the angels always fall
again, that apart from a few exceptions, mostly around
Destiny corrections that follow a normal course. Though
Sometimes spectacular miracles happen, but usually everything works
continue in the usual tracks, just now in the direction of the good.
There are reports of apparent miracles where e.g. a child with his bike
lifted into the air and five meters from the square, where it is just from a bus
had been rolled over, was sold off in good health. But usually it seems to me more
as though by the inspiration of the angel, spirit and soul of man to one
another place (point of view) would be set before the evil rolls over him. Very
In the letters almost the same sentence appears: "It's as if a good friend were
with me
comforting his hand on the shoulder, I feel safe since then. "
Two questions arise:
1. What should one join the covenant, if the angels in the course of their
Duty to work for man anyway?
2. Is an amulet already a pilgrim of the covenant or a vow?
Well, the covenant was not instituted to help people on earth
to provide. The Confederation serves primarily the good, constructive
Forces of the Universe that have been for ages for truth, justice and balance
to care through love in order to enable the creative process. Independent of
Humans make these intelligences work on their level

They serve God and only in his will to a man. They are powerful, but not
omnipotent. They are wise, but not omniscient. Therefore, their possibilities
limited. In the course of the intended course of fate, they resort to an order
Divine Providence.
Moreover, those who want something from them must make themselves felt. is
a modification of the course of destiny possible and of Providence
admitted, they will help anyone who reaches them and their assistance
worthy. Regardless of whether the problem is a love pain, a disease or
financial need is, you must find the responsible angel and ask him.
On Earth, for example, try Every minute about 100 people take their own lives
to take. Although the angel LOTIFAR, whose job it is to commit suicides
Prevent many auxiliary spirits, he can not get out of his plane
Detect vulnerable in time. But whoever calls him can be sure that he will
Angel listens.
The earthly world is permeated by the subtle world in which the angels work
a veil separated. To break this and make contact with the
To create angels, there are different possibilities. One of them is that
Contact ritual with an amulet on which the radiant seal, so
the consecrated seal of the angel is located. You are through such an amulet,
not pilgrims of the covenant. Even if you are in close proximity under the
supervision of a
Engels stand, he is not obligated to you, and you owe him nothing. In one
he will help you in certain ways, where it does not violate your karma and where
you would not incur debt through the help you only have among even larger ones
Could repay deprivation and mental suffering.
How you yourself a seal for you and your personal use bright
you can do so that an angel finds you, you learn in the way of the priest.
To make a seal for others radiant are insights and abilities
necessary, which you will first learn as a master and obtain as an adept, but
already as
Anyone who carries the seal of an angel in one is a pilgrim of this covenant
passive contact with the angel, even if the seal is not from an adept
was made radiant. Because through the prescribed prayers, rituals and
Duties imposed on you become active from passive contact. The
Seal begins to radiate in this way, and you go towards the angel.
As a pilgrim of the covenant, you deliberately place yourself on the side of the
good of this world
and thus are closer to the angels than if you were only wearing an amulet.
Because of this closeness, you can also expect help from the angels and through
Just as you know the worries of your brother and then support him,
as someone who lives in the next town with equal concerns - even if it is too
your professional tasks would include: the obvious is preferred.

So it makes a difference whether you have an amulet for you or for another
Wants help, or whether you as a pilgrim of the federation actively on the side of
the creative powers of this world your life - and later perhaps as a priest
also the life of others - want to help shape. Because by your good will, that
Sacrifice and the responsibility you are willing to carry as a pilgrim
you more eligible for support. Of course, you will also be in contact as a pilgrim
to the individual angels that you need to deepen with an amulet.
You will not be given anything. Necessary learning processes through
Experiences that you have to do yourself are not spared, even if they are
are suffering and can hurt. They lead you to your perfection.
The doubter remains the possibility first of the blessed help of the angels
to convince by making himself an amulet. Who once from the work
of the good in this world, which at the time of hatred, mistrust and selfishness
flooded, convinced, then will gladly fully on the side of the good
put. He will set out as a pilgrim who divines him into divine realms
To bring action, to participate in the great plan of creation.
An amulet (talisman) is a receiver and memory for positive powers. It
can keep unwanted things from you and attract the desired, you can
Protect, strengthen and help create your earthly happiness. But always works
invisible being through an amulet and no blind force. The amulet serves
only as a condensing lens and transformer for the currents, making for you and for
Beings from the other world are a gateway through which connection is made
can. Every form and every material can serve you as a magnet of good fortune, yet
certain energies through certain metals better and at certain times
stronger than others.

I received most of the teachings about amulets from the angel JUGOLA.
He is a great initiator of talismanology and everyone who deals with it
busy, be it theoretical or practical, can turn to him. His seal
should be drawn in red. For those who prove themselves worthy, he presents the
Contacting other angels who perform special tasks via amulets, such as
the angel PASCHAN, who is responsible for health amulets, or the angel
JENURI, who gives protection over amulets in all respects from all dangers.
Most of the time, these angels also take on the charge of an amulet. JUGOLA
On the other hand, I have been entrusted with a highly effective, ancient ritual,
with which every seal
can be made radiant without great concentration of will and
thereby becoming an amulet. Also our "contact ritual" comes from this
• But not every effective amulet needs complicated, occult rules
getting produced. Every item becomes a good luck charm when you go through it
make your faith radiantly visible to the beings.
• This can be a piece of jewelry that evokes happy memories in you, or
the heirloom of a man who loved you. Actually, every object,
with which you surround yourself, through your thoughts to one over the years
Containers for good or negative forces that work back on you, whether you care
about them
well aware or not. Therefore, you should only surround yourself with such things
to awaken the pleasant feelings in you that lift up your soul and with joy
or fulfill awe.
Clothes that you do not like to wear, or those associated with evil memories for
are, throw away! Pictures and furniture that tell you nothing or even discomfort
with you
evoke, banish from your apartment! Only use what delights you and
which reminds you of good days! Because every object you have with one
A sense of achievement connects, fills your mind with confidence and becomes an
for more success. What was once a gateway to a being, is always the
same forces.
In addition to these natural, over the years for you by yourself
Lucky Charms, there are also deliberately made according to the occult laws
Amulets and talismans. For the pilgrims of our federation they are the most
Tools and means that enable contact with the angels
produce and maintain. We use the symbolic
Name glyphs of these beings in the form of the seals known to us. Because each
Property and power can be represented symbolically.
Universal glyphs, e.g. the cross, the pentagram or a heart, are thus
Cosmic resonance fields in the visible world, all in the sense of this
Particularly appealing to quality-acting beings. A being feels attracted
from the symbols and seals, that is, from the graphic representation of his
Property. In contrast, it is called by faith, this seal
makes you radiant, as well as through prayers and magical gestures, as you as
Pilgrims are taught by our covenant. A being is bound to the amulet
through the magical power and authority of the adept who consecrates it, or through
Rituals and practices that you will still learn at the priesthood level and as a
Most effective is an amulet to which a being is already bound

If more than one seal is depicted on an amulet, then the backs are united
the sigils acting angel to a common new power. This power is
not only the sum of the united forces but more. Because the mutual
Supplementation causes a wider range of power of each angel,

and in common working a new quality and spirituality similar to that arises
Egregore hovering over a group of people.
Any called angel will be able to help you if you do it right. Completely
on the other hand, those amulets are worthless, those of pseudo-gags over for
expensive money
Advertisements are offered. An adept who is capable of an amulet effectively
to invite, so to bind to a being, it does not need to advertise customers. I
even thousands of people were allowed to help with an amulet, but never before
Anyone who has been helped, has the way to me
found. But you, as pilgrims of our covenant, can now bridge for themselves
to build the beings.
Every day I receive letters with some of the same questions. The most important
hereof are again mentioned, because they affect everyone, in covenant with the
Angels stands. It does not matter if the contact with an angel is over
consecrated amulet was made by me, or whether you as a pilgrim of the covenant
call the angel for you.
I am very catholic, may I still use an amulet?
The church knows the hierarchy of angels, and the genii of our covenant belong to
these entities. As servants of God they work on his creation plan
Good of the people. It was the people who moved away from the
Communion with the angels by turning to evil. It is
Therefore, in the spirit of your God, if you help the way back to the light
go to his servant. The church also knows amulets, such as the well-known
miraculous medal and recommends the faithful to wear it.
I carry a cross on a chain. May I have the seal of an angel
Yes. The genii of our covenant are in no contradiction to any religion
the earth.

How many guardian angel amulets can I use at the same time?
Some angels complement each other in their work and support each other,
others are replaced at work by preparing one and the other
Easier completed, yet others are so alien to each other that their seals are better
only to be used separately. As long as you do not
Therefore, it is better if you have only enough experience
Focus on a sphere of life and a responsible Angel, as far as you
make the seal yourself.
What is a personal amulet of life?
An amulet should as far as possible coincide with your destiny, thus yours
promote individualized facilities and help overcome your weaknesses. From yours
Horoscope these personal priorities are evident. As each of the 360
Genies of our covenant can be assigned a specific place in the ecliptic
from the horoscope the genii, which are close to you, for one
individual amulet can be calculated. Beyond that also the time of the
Consecration and the right metal alloy considered, you get the most effective
Life help by the angels in the form of a personal life amulet.
What is a special amulet?
You can ask for certain problems or projects on the responsible angel
an amulet. These then help especially targeted
Difficulties in love, with money, in court matters, in the absence of
Self-confidence, drug addiction, alcohol problems, nicotine addiction, even for
Successful diet for overweight, there is a competent angel. Furthermore
there are for every professional group such as Artists - Writers -Architects -
Doctors -
Athletes - Merchants - Craftsmen - Teachers - Psychics - Astrologers and many
a special angel who helps people in these specialties, they
inspired, and encourages, so that they are particularly successful. Again, that can
Personal horoscope to give information about which genii that person
are next, and these are then activated for the amulet.
What is a lucky amulet?
If there are no special personal wishes or problems, then
I associate two to five angels each in an amulet, one for
Health, one for love, one for success, etc. is especially responsible, and everyone
caring for your luck on his area.
What is a protective amulet?
It is an amulet, which special guardian angel for
summarizes particular areas of life. It protects against infidelity diseases -
Intrigue - hostility and magic attacks, from losses and accidents in the
Car and traveling. It can not hurt such a thing
To carry amulets with you, especially in astrologically unfavorable times it is
Advise to protect yourself, because then you are more at risk than usual.
How long does an amulet work?
The duration of action is not limited in time, it even increases in the course of
Years. The amulet also retains its effectiveness if you use it for a long time
put off because your problem has been solved. Depending on who you are
but prevailing astrological currents can be certain of its effectiveness
Be subject to fluctuations. It should not be touched by other people
become. The effectiveness lapses immediately if you have lost it. I get
repeatedly letters from people who desperately order an amulet because themselves
after the loss of the amulet restore the old problems. That shows how
It is important not only to bind the guardian angels over an amulet, but also
actively active as a pilgrim of the Federal by personal attention the contact with
to care for them.
Do I always have to carry my amulet with me?
No. It also does not need to be left on the skin, as many times falsely claim
becomes. Even if the amulet is hung in the room where you are,
it radiates soothing to you. Of course, you will pass over an amulet for good sleep
hang your bed. The amulet that is supposed to protect you from accident remains
best in
Automobile. The amulet of love, take with you, if you go out and seek
So use the seals or amulets of the genii as needed and theirs
Correspondence! If an amulet has fulfilled its task for you, then leave it alone
hang over your bed! A new problem may require a different seal.
My husband does not believe in something like that. Would an amulet still help?
Yes. In many cases, I have camouflaged the angelic seals in a piece of jewelry
e.g. engraved as a car key fob, and the effect is even without knowledge of
Owner occurred. However, your belief in the angels is necessary as far as you are
to dedicate the seal to another.
My son would never wear an amulet. How can I get it anyway?

Even the desire to protect someone, the feeling of love and care is one
Connecting stream, through which the angels will find the way to this man.
Therefore, it is possible, even without the knowledge of another person, this the
to send blessed help of the angels over a seal. You go there
The daily ritual with the amulet
Do it yourself for the person concerned and then put it together with a photo
on your altar. This method has proven itself well. Especially sick and
Children have been helped so often in no time.

How quickly does an angel help?

Since I've put on the amulet, "a woman writes to me," everything is like
enchanted. I'm a new person. "Another letter." At first, that's what happened to me
Amulet helped tremendously, my depression was blown away, but since
One week, I feel like I'm getting old again. What am I doing
wrong? "These two letters show that it is never foreseeable how quickly the
Angel may or may help. This is different and depends on many factors
such as. the astrological current that prevails for you. Often
wonderful help immediately on the spot, sometimes it seems like weeks. But
also, if not because of your fateful predestination or
If you do not immediately get what you wish for, you will still get through the
Care of the called angel will feel more power in you, which will help you, yours
Better to cope with fate and to make your suffering easier.
Once you feel the help of an angel, you can be sure he will
will help you again and again, as soon as you need it. But sometimes there is
apparent setbacks. This can have different causes and may you
do not discourage. Setbacks you are experiencing now are for your advancement
necessary and supervised by high guiding wisdom. Trust yourself fully
Act on the angels! But should you by your own weakness or carelessness
will have caused the onset of evil in your world, you will be sure soon
This also applies to health disorders. Is your physical body through
Years of misconduct or deformed by external influences so that the
Life force can no longer unhindered follow their path, then becomes a residue
Hard to cure in the long run. Even if spontaneous miraculous healings
often prove the opposite, but a relapse can occur and must
be accepted. Not every problem and disease is always the same
curable, and if the cause of your suffering is not from yourself, from your mind
your soul is eliminated, then the angels can not or only
temporarily shield the symptoms from your consciousness. To the
To treat the causes of disease, the angels need a certain amount of time, it has
However, it took many years before the disease was caused by wrong life or
Thought habit has arisen.
Therefore you should never disturb the angel in his work by impatience, but
Support yourself with faith from your heart!

I am already in possession of an amulet, I should drop it and only yours

Use angel amulet?
It is strongly recommended not to use or store amulets whose
Symbols and meaning one does not know! Most commercially available amulets
are ineffective and magically not charged; only through your faith can
They get meaning for you over time. These include all so-called
Lucky magnets with no symbols on them.
It is alarming with those amulets whose submission from old books
is taken. These were always then for a very specific people
made, were unique and only effective for the person concerned. That is true
also for most of the amulets attributed to Paracelsus. Often one finds
on the age of the person concerned, or the encrypted name of the carrier.
Apart from that, the traditions of frequent copying are
defaced, that I rarely found a really useful template.
But it becomes dangerous when glyphs from old, already conquered epochs
revived, or symbols used for the European one
opposite mood, such as a dragon, masks
or animal figures.
The first amulets were originally illustrations of the gods in the form of
Statues. These have been over the millennia because they are constantly with you
wanted to have run out smaller and smaller. We are from the Egyptian era
still wonderful amulets of these god figures, four, five centimeters high, with one
Eyelet provided for hanging, preserved.
The property of
spiritual essence behind such a figure amulet is always clear

Only later were the priests replaced by the image of a god

secret seals of a being or the graphic representation of an idea, power and
Force used to effectively charge an amulet. These include e.g. the
Runic amulets and the quabbalistic amulets with the Hebrew letters.

In recent times, some authors try again by spreading

Writings on sigil magic to pull people under the spell of powers whose
Assignment, whether good or evil, is very difficult for the layman to understand.
Although certain prerequisites and skills are needed to create an amulet
to make it effective, that is to call the corresponding angel, everyone comes
which bears the seal of a being, but automatically after a certain
Time in a passive contact with this being, that is, to the power, which through the
Seal is represented symbolically. It is therefore not recommended to wear amulets
whose symbols are unknown. Many seals of demonic beings are in the
Circulation, which are only too happy to penetrate into the sphere of life of man.
Such a contact then becomes extremely dangerous for the person concerned, lies on
Hand. The vernacular has put it very aptly when it says, "Thou shalt do
Do not paint the hell on the wall! "


The way of the pilgrim, which lies before you, is also the way, on which you your
happiness on earth
accommodates. Because in this way, the angel will meet you, the one to you
can help.
Those who follow the instructions become true pilgrims on a path that helps them
Open up the inside. What appears to be your inner world is for you
the angels their outer world. Once you enter the inner silence, you move
into the regions of the subtle worlds and their inhabitants. But that means
not that you are immediately near the angel you need. You are over
your thinking and feeling constantly connected with the angelic world and for the
reachable there, but for the time being only those of them will be reachable
you speak by your character.
Just as in the earthly the world is divided into landscapes, there are also in the
subtle world different levels. Caused by the quality of
Residents are there for example a world of hate that seems spatially strict
is separated from the world of harmony.
What is perceived in the earthly realm as state of mind,
conveys in the world of the angels the spatial feeling of a place where
you are. Inner peace can be there for you in the image of a summer meadow
Your feelings and moods put you in the appropriate
Seelenlandschaft. And the evoked from these inner impulses
Thought images then call those entities close to you that are different from them
feel addressed. That's like a tuning fork effect. Signal these pictures
a low, immature character when carried by hate, resentment and envy
are, become accordingly like-minded, so-called demonic
Beings of the spiritual level feel addressed and surround you. A mature,
noble, compassionate man, on the other hand, is in the spiritual environment of
good and helpful angels.
Since the angels of our covenant are only good beings, it is
top priority for anyone who seeks their closeness, even honest, correct and kind
be. It has always been known. Who does not know the stories where
Brownies stopped working when the person became rich and heartless
or the legend of the mermaid who left the beloved because he was unfaithful. The
Angels only help the worthy.
The demons react quite differently. They flee the good and feel in the
Close to characterless people well and attracted to these. Many people
are encouraged by these fallen angels and rewarded with success because they
selfish, reckless and power hungry to pursue their materialistic goals and
thereby leaving the evil to their soul, into its realm and surroundings
issued. A pact does not have to be written with blood, readiness alone
is enough. That explains why there seems to be no justice, and why
straight characterless people are always on top. As a henchman of the
They act evil so that as many people as possible get into this pull, and ever
the more powerful they become, the more support they receive from the evil one
to draw more innocents into their spell. Personalities from politics,
Economics and the mass media thus work for evil by being indirect in
as many people as possible bad mood, anger and fear or bad
Are role models and suppress the belief in the good and noble. In this way
spiritual vibrations are created which are the life-element for others
forms destructive, sorrowing beings and demons, and the blessed one
The work of the good angels hinders. So it happens that today the majority of
People without knowing it, living in the realm of negative beings due to a
completely wrong, corrupt mental and spiritual attitude.
The Confederation of Pilgrims will counteract this development. By the conscious
Applying millions to the good angels becomes a counterweight
At the same time, with every angel called, one strengthens the influence
the good powers around the world.

In the past, only a select few were able to consciously contact one another
It is now possible for anyone to make angels. The instructions
Those who have been entrusted to me for pilgrims of the covenant bring into the
world those who obey them
Close to the desired angel. The invocation must, however, with full dedication,
love and
Attention happen, if possible daily.
If you want to protect yourself with a personality, then you bring yourself
the person concerned as often as possible and in a pleasant way in
Memory. Invitations, letters, gifts usually accompany your request.
For a being of the subtle plane are your trust and your worship
a gift that you through this belief in the power of the angel
When a barking dog runs past you, you react differently than when you enter
stray rabbit turns towards you and trustingly, sheltering shelter
want. It will be better for the hare, to the forester's little daughter
to nestle as to seek shelter with the hunters of the district. You turn
therefore, always to that angel who is able, because of his special abilities
is to help you with your specific problems.
For the most important areas of life I have some of the angels that have been
have helped many on my amulets, stated. Other names and
Seal and duties of the corresponding angel are in Franz Bardons
Works: "The Practice of Magical Evocation" to find. Always concentrate
to an angel, at most three, but not alien in their nature
The more you direct your desire power to a goal, the easier it can be
Angels work in this direction. Once you feel your pure conscience in
put the proximity of the good angels, you can address them with your thoughts
and show them your desires, the goal of your will. You have to do that,
what you want to accomplish, as a clearly defined idea in your spiritual interior
to record thoughtfully. Here lies the secret of positive thinking. The
Language of the angels is the thinking and takes place in pictures. Tell them what
you want,
by thinking it and dreaming already in advance.
Encourage the angel by bringing it through your sense of believing confidence
supported. Every thought of doubt animates images of the undesirable and
hinders the angel at his work. Through the sacrifices you make, you show yours
Willingness to pay and balance for the good you expect.
Even if encounters with an angel are mostly unconscious or symbolic
disguised in the dream state, you experience the closest contact when you are in
your silence come. Nevertheless, you may daily prayers, the conscious
Serve communication, do not neglect. As the most important point of contact,
serves the seal of the angel. Together with the contact ritual, it is the real
Bridge that connects you to the invisible.

Although it is important for every angel to see people happy,
and thus he will seek to help him in the realization of his happiness
To be here too, there are different ways to happiness. Have so
some angels undertook the task of providing for the first impulses that
Feelings of happiness can flow unimpeded through the human soul and help
while the appropriate conditions for the cause of the subtle
Level to create. Two of them, with whom I was in contact, and since then
I want to help countless people through my amulets, I want here
lead. So the angel ASINEL once showed me a lot about his work, and his
I want to pass on instructions according to his wish:
• "I, ASINEL, a leader of the streams of happiness, put the following before you:
Earthier, catch it, keep it and pass it on! Call me by my name
and this seal in the color blue. Get close to me by giving one
Giving joy to people! Through many goals, luck can be in yours
People's feelings are flowing. But most of the time you are closing the way for us
you, or you are waiting for a false door on your luck, spellbound by one
Imagination in which you hope to find your happiness, where by fulfilling this
Wish soon the suffering would be even more the result. It is not equal for ours
Work, whether you strive for your happiness, or whether you are on a very specific
Wait, in which you then hope to find your happiness for you. One believes, his
To find happiness as soon as he of inner soul or physical
Body pain is relieved. The other sees his luck in the fulfillment of one
Desire, the achievement of the aspirant, the love of a particular man,
Success at work, a home, wealth, power, recognition.
• Indeed, it is good and necessary for you to give your happiness through labor and
conscious work
seek to create. However, stay open to that other source of luck!
• Starr not spellbound in dark soul night on a door through which the light shines
should shine, if for you perhaps already another happiness is ready,
that you shut yourself up because you do not pay attention or care for it.
• First, try your luck by being like this and giving yourself to be with you
be satisfied yourself! That's up to you and in your hand.
• Do not demand more from you than you can, but always use all your abilities
• Then find the right attitude to the situation in which you find yourself
re currently. This is not of external circumstances, but of their own
Intuition dependent and thus also accessible by yourself.

If you can not change the life situation you are in, you can
you can always correct the inner attitude to her at any time. mostly
However, it is people who seemingly stand in the way of your happiness: the
quarrelsome or brutal spouse, the stern supervisor, the bad
Mother-in-law, the intriguing colleague, the neighbors, the others themselves
lovers in love, the sloppy, naughty children you may own
have educated wrong and so on
• You can not change the people around you. You can only do yourself
change and your attitude to them. By putting yourself in their position you will
you understand their weaknesses.
• Try not to see their behavior as your personal defeat
but recognize the free development and will-decision of the other and
welcome you!
• Always keep a certain distance without reacting immediately or even with
to fight back the same weapons!
• In all circumstances, keep the inner peace in your soul! He is
more important to your happiness than the opinion of others about you.
• Happiness is a feeling within you and not outside, and you decide your feelings
So ASINEL spoke to me, and I pass it on. You realize that happiness is one
State of mind and not necessarily dependent on external events. There are
People who have everything they want and yet are not happy
You can be "lucky" and successful, but you can also be happy
because you have freed yourself from external things like success, recognition
or money.

Whatever happiness you seek, you must succeed and. to earn. Even the
seemingly fortunate, always radiating a happy contentment because of them
Everything succeeds, observe the laws of success: they think positively and dare
others do not even try to act for fear of failure. Note this
Laws of success and set your happiness as a goal. Be aware of what kind
of luck you are looking for and strive for it!
Often, letters like: - "I'm always bad luck, no matter what I do
make, everything goes wrong. Ever since childhood ......... and then will
enumerated, one bad luck, one problem after another. It is noticeable that it is
mostly not about real strokes of fate, but really bad luck,
little adversities, no tragedies, but nothing works. It is typical that it
always the same people who pay, e.g. in line with the
Postal counters take them the longest, no matter which series they are in
put. To find a parking space is hopeless for them, always another one is going to
be there. Place cards in the train mean the central square, lying in the sleeping
Of course they are above. Do you also belong to these unlucky birds, apply yourself
ASINEL. He will help you.

"Since I wear the amulet of the ASINEL," a woman writes to me, "I succeed
suddenly everything by itself. The last bread at the bakery I get today and
not the customer in front of me. I have the umbrella with me when it rains and the
hotel is in
Last summer was a real stroke of luck after three failed holidays. In my
Office is moved instead of the scheming colleague a new colleague, and mine
Neighbor is like changed. Did she use the noise of my kids earlier?
scolded, they got a bar of chocolate from her yesterday. Slowly
I believe in a miracle. I even feel changed myself. "

Not always the angel ASINEL can help so fast and everywhere. But it starts
with the feeling of being changed and with a simultaneously increased inner self
Safety. A client recently told me, "I have one of you
Luckily, not because I felt unhappy, that I was
just unfilled. My husband has his job, the kids are big, the
Housework still weighs heavily on me, although she hardly takes my time. Me
Nothing is missing, except luck. I am convinced that ASINEL is yours
Amulet helped, because suddenly I see everything in a different light. I feel
I'm happy, although basically not much has changed. I have
on your advice read 'The Book of Happiness' by BÖ YIN RA and also' The Mischief
of Mulford's life and death, and both helped a lot, because
I now see myself and the world in a completely different light. I live more
conscious and
I do not see any stress on my daily duties, but on the daily obligations
Possibility to make life easier for my family. Housework, Shopping,
Cooking became meaningful activities for me, which I enjoy doing. Of the
Plan to work as a saleswoman in a boutique seems banal to me today. I
go to a painting school twice a week, read a lot, listen to records and
I am happy about my existence. "

Satisfaction and happiness do not always depend on being successful

but often adjusts itself only when you use your assets successfully
can. These include not only the skills and qualifications for the professional
Use, but also the hidden mental and emotional devices.

Many people do not feel full or filled in their job

Overwhelmed. Particularly sensitive people suffer from the burden of a job in which
see no sense. So I have a teacher among my friends who
originally studied law before choosing the new direction of pedagogy. He made
quickly passed his exams and after a few years was already director of one
Secondary school in a Viennese suburb. Then he married a nice one
Elementary school teacher and would actually have every reason to be happy. But as
he enjoyed his job very much, he did not feel very happy, he was often
irritated and had stomach problems constantly. I did that
him the seal of the ASINEL, and suddenly came the turn. By chance he read of
a three-day seminar for anthroposophical lifestyle. He felt that
inner urge to attend these lectures, he had already read much of the
Waldorf schools and registered. Today he is a teacher at a school for himself
new spiritual life, and his complaints are completely gone. He goes full
in his profession and is really happy about it, although the same work predates him
had not satisfied.
So turn to the angel ASINEL and ask him to help you, the stream of
To draw happiness into your soul! leave it to him and to the wisdom of the divine
Providence, how your happiness should lighten your soul. Know that you
have a right to your happiness as soon as you are willing to pay your debts,
you might still have somewhere. Your willingness is enough. It will be
Immediate possibilities for you to create balance and thus the ground for
to prepare new happiness. But consider:
• You never repay old, unpaid debts with sorrow, distress and anxiety in your soul!
If you have taken his luck from someone, you are repaying that debt by
to create new happiness and not, as you also suffer, so suffer sorrow!
Does it seem futile and unlikely for you to find your own happiness?
then create happiness for others for now. Turn to the angel
ASTUREL. His job is to help all people, help others
solicit. His seal is to be drawn in violet color. But you only reach him
if you, before you ask him, even take the first step in supporting one
Needed help. It's useless to call him before you put everything in yourself
your power for the needy. Surely there are poor,
hapless people in your area for whom you can pray. But the first one
You have to set the impulse for their happiness, only then will ASTUREL become you
help. This impulse can be done by concrete help, like
Care, donation, comfort or an amulet for the person concerned
be prepared.
Out of the many cases in which ASTUREL is lucky for others over an amulet
helped create an example: The daughter of a client of mine was expecting her fourth
Child. For a year, her husband was unemployed. The rent could not be paid anymore
become. The notice was at the door. The situation became quite hopeless, as
my client also lost her position and now her daughter financially no longer
could support. So I gave her the seal of ASTUREL, and suddenly left
it uphill. The man found a job better than the one he had before he
became unemployed. The child was born and became the sunshine for the child
whole family, and the apartment could be kept.

But wherever you think you can find happiness for yourself or for others, leave it
let the angel show you new ways and be ready, old ideas
A friend told me that he prayed for his son before every test so he could
these exist, which nevertheless did not always help. I advised him to contact the
To turn to ASTUREL, but only to ask for the happiness of the boy. He did it,
but the boy did not graduate from high school and instead of studying technology,
he joined one
Auto mechanics apprenticeship. Today he is self-employed and has seven employees in
Workshop and is undoubtedly a happy and happy person.
Also, life counselors, caregivers and social workers can contact ASTUREL
For them, there is the following prayer:
• "Holy Helper of souls, whom God has entrusted to my soul, I may
to participate in your ministry and to protect, instruct, guide,
be a role model for them. It encourages me to know that you are with more love,
and power, thus supporting my efforts. Give me that
right word when talking is needed! Teach me, too, to be patient
and wait until help becomes possible. Make me always in my care
but the suitable means always selflessly choose only the welfare of our protégés
search! Please help where I can not help and show me my work, the
yours supports! "
It is no wonder that just among social workers, caretakers and selfless
active people most happy people are to be found. Because the
Thoughts of gratitude and feelings of sympathy of their protégés carry them
to their luck.
The more people you care for these thoughts and feelings, the better
to you. But the opposite is also true: hate, pain and suffering, you
will certainly work backwards on you and crush and destroy you,
It does not matter if the transmitters of these thoughts know their goal, that is,
you, or only suffer, without
to know the polluter. Incidentally, this explains the setbacks that inevitably
sooner or later join rulers and dictators.
So I received the following information from ASTUREL:
• "Make a wish to bring happiness to as many people as possible! Happiness
You can give without owning it.
• Put yourself on the level of happiness as often as you can by
you consciously seek the small joys of life and all the negative already in
Avoid thoughts!
Rejoice over other people's luck! Take part in it in your soul!
Luck schemes stick to your soul body. Can be happy
therefore as important for the hygiene of the soul as pity.
• Take part in the happiness of others and you draw the lucky creatures to you!
Opportunities are everywhere. Is e.g. nice weather and you have in the office or
Do your work in the kitchen, do not be grumpy as usual. Rejoice
instead, that others are in the sun and have a part in the sun
Joy by being happy and giving it a heartfelt pleasure!
• You bring happiness-creating beings into your soul, and that's it
first step for your own luck. It soon turns into that happiness with which
the so-called lucky mushrooms are equipped, and of which the successful ones
speak when they say, "I was just lucky."
• Get closer to your happiness by making others look incredibly happy and others
make happy where it is in your power. "
Stroke of fate
Praise yourself happy and thank God's Providence if you are not one of those
belong, who have suffered a heavy stroke of fate! Be grateful by yourself
try to mitigate the suffering of others, where it is in your power!
But you, who were at the mercy of the evil forces, there are no words for you
the consolation of the mouth of man or the pen. And yet you too can be new
Gain hope and call an angel who can help you. turn around
trusting in the angel SCHALNACH, and you will feel in you as well
You can not believe that you are not alone and abandoned, even if you are only on
your own
are. His seal is drawn in red. His job is to man
to assist even in seemingly hopeless situations. He not only conveys courage
and strength to persevere when you can not continue in dire need but become one
show you how you can liberate yourself from anything, and he will help you too.
• SCHALNACH's closeness gives you confidence and inner strength. With his help,
that will
Dark around you have to give way to the light.
• He makes it easier for you to endure karmic fatal blows by giving you that
Feel the senselessness of the action and suspect and recognize
let there be doctrine for you even in your suffering.
• The hopelessness of your situation makes him the starting point for new hopes and
• He puts evil in his place by strengthening your faith in the good.

Who is deeply in pain and lost everything that was worth something, and what he
once believed to have loved, then often finds other, otherwise unrecognized
Treasures. He finds himself. Many people report how they look like a bad one
Dream awakened, suddenly realized that they found the true, inner freedom first
because everything seemed lost.
Each end is a new beginning, and a stroke of fate is often the only one
Possibility for the weaving and guiding powers to call you to order. to you
to show that you are going in the wrong direction, or aspiring to things
Loving people who only hurt you in the end. A heavy stroke of fate
is always the call to start again, is a death, without one to do so
really has to die, is the unique chance of an inner rebirth.
SCHALNACH gave me the following teachings:
• No one spares suffering and strokes of fate. Life is a school. The
Exams must be passed before you can continue to progress. To
the destructive powers work. They bring suffering, because they receive and live
from tears, hate and anger. They use to those people who are themselves
to open. They irritate you over your enemies by shaming you, injustice
and suffer humiliation. Where evil works through people, damn it
therefore not the people, but be vigilant, that the evil is not
taking possession of you by taking revenge and balancing it. Now
can you prove which side you are on? Being at the mercy of evil,
by seemingly experiencing hell gives you the opportunity to find it necessary
To accept part of the creation without you at the same time
Let temptation lead and act against your conscience!
• Once you lose your composure, patience, and inner strength, yours
To deny God or to let yourself be driven by anger and vengeance, you step forward
even into the realm of evil. In the great plan of creation, the evil power is as
necessary planned and approved. Are you trying to use evil by force?
destroy, then you set yourself against the plans of Divine Providence
on the side of the destructive powers.
• You have to learn to face evil! That gives you strength and
All evil must leave you. This is also the mystery of Master Jesus,
when he said, "If someone hits you on the right cheek, then hold him as well
the left! "For this is how you show the wise, directing powers that you are not as
RACHE but standing as a forgiving and kind person on their side and
thus passed the exam. At the same time you deliver your enemies to the
fair punishment as soon as the time of reckoning comes.
On this
World is the bad one
Forces often have more power than the servants and confessors of the good.
Evil rules the world because it uses unjust means.
• Where the good can not win, you should not wait so much for justice as
take care to be fair. The good finally wins for the
Good for the justice of the balance in the other, for you now
invisible world. It's recorded what you endured and what you do
in debt. Better suffer injustice than do wrong! The highest wisdom
God has tolerated the evil next to him for ages. You too will
overcome evil with your path to perfection. Not by doing it
annihilate, turn off, fight, but by being good yourself.
• Do not let yourself be seduced or discouraged by the work of evil,
and your suffering will give way! Experience your suffering like a movie, as an
uninvolved one
Viewer. Imagine sitting in front of a TV and seeing your situation
unroll in front of you! Start the movie where you were happy! Then the pictures
from now on, where you see yourself suffering, but always as if watching the movie
on TV
rolls. And now you turn off the TV! The pictures fade and
disappear. Realize that you are moving freely outside the TV
and always have the opportunity to create new happiness, if you only want and
act! Realize that you are only an observer of your life and suffering.
Because your true self, that is above it as an immortal spirit!
• In every suffering you can test yourself for what true value as content and
in you. You can stick to your pursuit and take stock by playing
your goals and the means by which you want to reach them. About Think
What means you have used to reach what you have today
is what you are today:
• Ask yourself: how did you end up where you are today? Were you weak-willed,
driven by desires, or have you deliberately used your will. Did you
let the "today" as a goal once in sight or simply let you drift?
• Starting today, start deliberately planning, acting, and controlling yours
Wishes that bring you to your goals, by being aware of them
Steer, which are available to you and can be of service to you. On what
predictable, you can prepare yourself, you can make provisions, but it is
nonsensical to worry about things you can not change because it is not in
your power lies. "

From all these teachings of SCHALNACH it is clear that periods

the care and the sorrow a solid, necessary part of the life of all people
are in this world.
It is therefore completely nonsensical, in fatal blows even a magical attack
to see some "black magician". There are not many people at the moment
can command evil, let alone it
direct it to be directed against you. Only hate thoughts of your enemies, if they
rightly, can deliver you just punishment.
Nevertheless, I keep getting letters from totally terrified people, (mostly
they have a guilty conscience) who are haunted by witches and magicians.
You find it suspicious, because suddenly out of the blue in all
Areas of life problems emerge and believe in a curse.
Diseases, accidents, or losses accumulate during certain periods
corresponding astrological constellations, easier than at other times.
Then you are more exposed to the evil forces, and all evil, for years
dammed up, can discharge.
By trifles already begins the descent. Every little temptation can
to be a step in the direction of evil. The little lie that bring little dizziness
you already in the vicinity of the demon, and you draw thereby also fraud, swindler
your own area of life, mentally move to the level of dizziness
and the lie. So if you are today, for example cheated and lost your estate,
then you yourself have years ago already laid the seeds for the loss.
Demonic powers constantly haunt people to weaken them
seduce and harm. This requires no black magician, but as soon as the
so defended himself fully to the good confessing and trusting the angel
SCHALNACH asks for help, his lot will be easier to carry, because the evil
must give way.
From the many reports of his beneficial activity, I only want one here
reproduce: It's about a case in which I saw no hope myself,
to be able to help. The woman had never been a lucky guy,
but what has come over her these last months reminds me of Job. It
started with a car crash of her husband. He was a trucker and killed
this accident a human. Although he was acquitted, he felt
guilty and started to drink. He then learned in the pubs where he worked
know another woman and often did not come home for days. Then he lost
his place. The home was not paid and had to be sold. Then
The 13-year-old son was arrested in a theft. The daughter let herself
divorced and moved to a mother with a two-year-old child. Then my client got
Cancer, and a breast had to be taken from her. All her savings were
used up, any hopes for the future. "I do not want to live anymore," she wrote
at that time, "what does life still mean to me?" I opened it
the angel SCHALNACH attentive and explained to her the law of karma and the
Power of positive thinking. She followed my advice and let me seal it
of the fateful angel SCHALNACH.

She wrote to me after a while: "I had expected no miracles, but

When after 7 months still no change of my situation occurred, I began to
doubt if there is still salvation for me. As we
then also had to get out of this new apartment, and my husband the
Divorce filed, my mood was back to its lowest point. I
but continued with the prayers anyway and believed in SCHALNACH. And
then the miracle happened: we got a new apartment from caring
allocated. Briefly told: The merchant on the corner, where we then lived, is
my second husband today. He has been a widower, and we love each other as if we
were 20
Would be years old. My daughter also found a good man. "
Although not always the help of SCHALNACH so intervening changes
and sometimes you have to limit yourself to it, trust again
to draw oneself and strength for the life, shows this case, that one never the
should lose. It looked like it was going to get worse for 7 months.
But afterwards it turned out: if they did not have the other apartment
They would not have met the new spouses and you
The man who asked for a divorce first made her free for the new happiness.
Countless times I have experienced it in the most hopeless situations
came to life turning points through unexpected events, that of the human
Cognition was unpredictable. The fabric of destiny is
Inscrutable, and it also takes some time until the angels all threads
who are necessary for the new pattern of life.
Many people suffer from depression without being aware of it. you
are disgruntled, listless and always see only the negative of a thing. Almost every
will someday be infested. Who does not know the debilitating melancholy,
the feeling of lost opportunities, the spiritual deep, the one in gray loneliness
banished and isolated from the others? Often this is the beginning of a bad one
Circulation, from which it is difficult to escape. And in fact, soon it will be
whole life situation as bleak as these people at first only in theirs
see one-sided consideration.
Erika B., housewife, two children aged 7 and 13 years, complained to me of their
suffering, that
actually, above all, in the seemingly ungrateful lot that every housewife wears,
duration. The daily routine and the absence of any thanks or success
Many women soon lose all ability to be happy. But luck must
be cared for like a delicate flower.
"It's better to light a candle than to complain about the darkness,"
says a Chinese proverb.

FLABISON is the angel that helps, the light of happiness and joy
to light. I gave this woman an amulet with his seal and explained
her, how she could turn to the angel FLABISON for help. At the same time put
I urge her to look for a hobby. But then something else happened.
After a few days she received a surprise call. It was an old one
Youth friend, whom she had not seen for many, many years, but with whom she
had a lot of fun and joy at the time. The old friendship became again
Activated, they meet twice a week and relax splendidly
with each other just by strolling, sometimes in a theater or in one
Pastry shop. Also stimulated by this friend, she is now attending a painting class
and finds in this activity a new inner fulfillment, all depression and
forget negative thoughts.
FLABISON likes to create situations that delight and cheer and give thoughts
of optimism. To cure a depression are right thoughts
crucial and not sedative. Because the cause of depression
lies in the wrong, namely negative thinking, which is the inner positive attitude
undermines life and soon takes possession of the mood. drugs
only dampen the doubt that prevents positive thoughts from becoming conscious
I received the following teachings from him:
• "Thoughts trigger feelings! Negative thoughts distort reality
must therefore be recognized as such and immediately dropped before you
Feeling through which these thoughts trigger. (Again, it helps us
Awareness of positive thinking.) Not only your mood shapes yours
Thoughts, the opposite is true too. Your thoughts are what, first
decide on your moods. Therefore think the right thing and you will feel
• Because moods are created by thoughts, that's the current emotional state
a series of thoughts that you are thinking right now. That's easily verifiable, and
You will notice that it does not matter if the mental images, which one cloudy
Cause soul mood, consequences of actual events are how
e.g. Love-sickness or death, or whether they arise only from your imagination.
• If you're depressed, it's because you're always negative
Caring thoughts. Your world looks grim, and the catastrophic thing about it
is, one day you actually believe that reality too
bad is like in your imagination. Your thinking is twisted and sees the
Reality distorted as it fits the prevailing mood.

We know that thoughts are living beings and therefore immediately have the right
Explanation for this phenomenon. The thought patterns feed on the
Vitality that you lose in your suffering. Therefore, the only one lies
Chance to get out of depression, in killing the
mood-inducing ideas. You have to have the appropriate thoughts
dig up, unmask as soul saboteurs and silence them by calling
they do not pay attention. Or, if they stubbornly insist on you, replace them
through another consciously positive thought. Search the
depression-inducing thoughts by considering the following:
• Do you consider yourself a loser when you make a mistake? A
such attitude causes self-doubt, and you will never meet your demands
suffice. Who makes mistakes - and who does not! -is therefore no long time
• Do you see everything black and look for the negative in every situation, so you
soon find only the negative.
• Do you expect that everything will fail and all against you, just because you
bad experiences, it will soon be no occasion for you
to strive for success because you lack faith in it.
• Do you think, "I am a second-class person" because others oppress you,
then you will soon feel that way too, because then you will increase your own
Imperfections that everyone has, and trivialize your strengths and
Skills that others can automatically levy on you.
• Thoughts like, "I should do that," without you doing it, solve them
Guilt feelings out. Such an emotional judgment can then prove to you,
really unable to be.
• So, if you have found those thoughts after such examinations,
which trigger your mental depression, write down these and do not leave them
swirling in your head. Recognize these thoughts as distorted,
incorrect ideas that give you a false picture of reality.
• Since your situation is different from what you see, so are your feelings,
which reflect this thinking, unjustified. You could be happier
if you change your thinking. It is necessary that you also the attitude to you
change yourself.
• Therefore, be good to yourself and make yourself a little joy every day!
• Find the meaning in your existence by giving it meaning! You can do it
To accomplish this by attaching to the activity which you practice the meaning that
you are entitled too. Because even the smallest work has meaning and makes sense
if you are aware of your creative power and you willingly and conscientiously do it
for you and others.
• Release yourself from the past! You are no longer who you once were. each
Experience has changed you and shaped you into a new personality with new ones
Insights, characteristics and abilities. Do not leave any memories
Experiences arise that offend you, hurt you or make you longing
to let.

Separate yourself from all "friends" who once hurt you or did not help you
to have.
• Each end is also a new beginning. Look into the future, she is full of bliss,
and once you too will be able to seize them! But do not look for the big luck
Far away, do not wait for a miracle, but seize every little joy
which is already possible for you today.
• Do not look at life helplessly, but realize that it is you
and even if only by just the lesser evil of all
Take opportunities and voluntarily endure!
• Take yourself as you are and do not always expect more than you currently do and
can reach!
• Go among people and approach them daily!
• Use the beauties of nature and music to enhance your soul landscape
• In severe depression, psychotropic drugs as a first aid can do wonders
Act! We owe today's scientific knowledge only to the
Inspiration of competent angels, so that we ourselves all available on earth
be able to use standing means. But that is not an invitation to
unrestrained tablet consumption: that would only create new dependency.
But in the short term and under medical supervision can thus the work of the angels
be effectively supported.
• Sometimes it is impossible to change a gloomy mood through positive thinking.
Can not you manage to imagine other mental images, then do that
bring you to other thoughts. Every manual activity is suitable for this. Still
better: do something for others! "
If you want to cheer up and seek diversion, you can contact the angel directly
FLABISON apply. His seal is to draw in blue color. His contact causes
very quickly an easing of the soul, be it over external events, the
cheer up, or inner inspiration.

You can support the work of this angel,

by going among people, to the cinema or theater, and consciously seeking
"My life is no use anymore." He who thinks like this is at the beginning of his
Sometimes neither insight nor psychotropic drugs are useful. Life appears
senseless, and despair obscures every light that still lighten the soul
could. Every day, hundreds of people take their lives because they believe it
no longer able to master. It would be thousands if not the angel LOTIFAR
with his spiritual helpers it would prevent. He gives to the desperate who are
want to take life, thoughts that show them that they are
still have to fulfill a task, or creates a situation that suicide
then prevented.
In my archive there is a letter from Mrs. Elisabeth K. She writes: "Enclosed the
Money for the angel's amulet LOTIFAR. How could you know just how it works
stood me? I just wanted a horoscope because I have no future for you
saw me. But you sent me this amulet that saved my life. Of the
The express letter came exactly at the moment when I already had the tablets in the
had dissolved. Her letter with the teachings has given me new life courage, and
as I then inaugurated the amulet according to your instructions and me to the angel
turned with a request to help me, suddenly flowed through a tremendous inner
Strength, and I felt like a flower that straightens up again because it is water
I still have a lot of evidence of the comforting, effective help of this
Rescuers in dire need. If you are desperate and do not want to live anymore, turn
so confidently to him and it will be helped.
LOTIFAR often resort to strange situations to make people's sense of
to show the existence. Such as. with Mrs. Petra K. She writes to me: "I was
the farewell letter I wrote to my husband the night before
had to send off finally when your letter came with the amulet. I doubt it though
because of a piece of metal with an incomprehensible sign on it
but, nevertheless, I said the prayer to the angel and then hung this up
Amulet around. Somehow - it was definitely no imagination - I heard in myself one
Voice: "Stay strong, you will be needed". Then the telephone rang, and the teacher
My twelve-year-old daughter informed me that she was injured while playing in the
and should be picked up. Then I understood my inspiration and realized how
selfish it was of me just to think about my luck. The others I had over
completely forgotten my suffering. Since then I feel much better. I am not
become happier, but I live now consciously. Above all, I try now, too
understanding my husband, and I grant him his happiness with the other woman. He
and his girlfriend also have a right to happiness.

Since I think so, mine

Depression is easier to endure and I do not feel it
Resentment and hatred as before. I am freer, more confident and not so paralyzed
when I am
think about the future. "
One must already see a heavy stroke of fate like a death. You need
In addition, not actually take their own lives.
If everything went to pieces, and you think you're in the end, so
On the contrary, it offers a unique opportunity for you. You have
namely the opportunity to start a new life without you having to
really must die. You can start over and still all
Conscious use of experiences of your previous life. Can make mistakes
Avoid and settle outstanding debts before they force you
burden karmic. Use this possibility of a conscious "rebirth".
No suicide really wants to take his own life. Often it is a desperate one
Outcry or trying to punish someone. You do not want life,
but to end an unbearable life situation. But that's it
you can only if you keep the life and transformed.
The most exciting thing that can happen in life is when you end up
is and yet, instead of taking your own life, a new life in the old body
starts. This "rebirth" is a real initiation and the power mobilized with it
In fact, it will change the whole life.
• Instead of taking you into life, you can start a new life. If you
you have lost everything, you can not lose anything anymore. So dare a new
• One should not seek death. Because whoever has done good can do more good
and whoever did evil can make up for it.
LOTIFAR will help you to organize your thoughts and give you the necessary strength
and power
Provide serenity, to curb despair. The seal of the
LOTIFAR should be drawn in black. To invoke is always a candle
to light, even during the day, and to say the following prayer:
"LOTIFAR, I am in deep distress and cry to you. My spirit is darkened,
my soul is paralyzed. I am dead and empty, and deepest darkness is all that is mine
remained. Listen, I can not anymore! But I know that you can help and please
you for it. You fill me with the light of hope and confidence. You my
Help, LOTIFAR, oh come!
A hidden kind of suicide is mental disorder. Again, that will be
Consciousness flooded with stimuli that lead to confusion and consciousness
pushing another level. It very often begins with a mental illness.
That is, anxiety and melancholy schemes take over
elude a conscious, mental control. What in the initial stage as
Depression can be diagnosed by the constant strain of the soul in one
Pass schizophrenia. Whether it's just anxiety schemes or a higher demonic one
Essence or the soul parts of a deceased are, in such a way that
To oppress the consciousness of a person, to displace it, to displace it, does not
make one
Therefore, a medical, medical treatment is also true obsession
urgently needed. Because the anxiety that affects the patient through the feeling
of distress
weakens, even more will open the door to the beings who become obsessed. It
Today, there are excellent medications that do not stop this fear
and thus give the vampirizing schemes the life element
revoke. Thus, a mental confusion can be stopped already in the beginning
Only after everything has been done in the realm of the earthly possible can help
to be called from the invisible world of angels HYRMIUS. His seal will be
drawn in brown color. Preparatory meditation is a cup
To drink valerian tea. This is true even if you have the angel for another person
want to ask for help.
HYRMIUS directly intervenes in the mind and soul body of man by
cutting the thread of life through the distressing elementals and schemes. He
is the surgeon of the thought image plane. His inspiration is due to people
including the healing sleep and the insulin and electric shock for the treatment
of mental illness.
He also entrusted to me a very effective method of dealing with himself
Obsessions, depression, claustrophobia, blushing or other neuroses
induce, can be derived at short notice. The disease-causing factor is in everyone
Case an emotionally charged thought, a so-called schema, and must therefore as
be treated living being. The authority of a depressed, weakened
However, people are not enough to conquer these soul parasites or
ward. Since schemes also need an electromagnetic field of life, many
Schizophrenics, as they plausibly assure you, feel irradiated - you can tell them
to withdraw this.
• Hit your fist a few times with a lamppost, a radiator,
a water pipe and say: "Get away with you"! Imagine how the
hurting thoughts rush through the metal part into the earth!

The grounded metal body, it can also be a tree or a house wall, conducts
inevitably the energy of the tormentors and makes them powerless for a time.
HYRMIUS is also with the other angels of our covenant and with all beings
to the elemental kingdoms, a highly respected and powerful genius, himself for it
makes sure that the one whom he helped, other angels help his life too
So writes the mother of a schizophrenic, Mrs. Erika L., "When I am ours
Daughter brought the amulet to the clinic, I had little hope. To the astonishment
The doctors, however, improved their condition so quickly that after only two weeks
was released back home. The boost does not last as long as usual
lasted. Meanwhile, she has even resumed her language studies and
additionally learning to play piano. I can not tell you how
happy we are. "
The dream of love is the most common reason why people visit or visit me
write me. Either because they need advice and help with a love problem,
or because they are lonely and looking for a person who loves them.
Most of them are based on completely false assumptions. you are dreaming
from a twin soul, who is in an earthly ideal partner, who is now found
should be conjured or they require that one by an amulet
is forced back again, although he has long since found another "twin soul".
So sober and realistic, some people in life are otherwise, in love
they are following an unreal dream.
The reality of love is very different. The very few people experience this,
what they dream, even in reality. Novels, movies, poems glorify
something that has never existed: the love that makes you happy in the long run. It
is silent, that it is about love is something dreamlike
which always gives an awakening. The eternal love that you dream of is temporal
limited. A lasting happiness, which is to grow out of love, does not exist. You
You are no exception and therefore you should neither envy others nor you
even regret.
Surely there are some people who are seemingly happy in their love, the
To have happiness in love like others in professional matters. But that is
Exceptions. These people think differently and can just be satisfied with that
be what they achieve. They adapt their dreams to reality.
oThey do not ask
Great demands, are tolerant, modest, and there they are
Expect nothing impossible, seize the possible, if it offers, and
are happy with it.
Do not look envious at those who are beaming from a love adventure
next step! A short, questionable happiness, mostly at the expense of one
others, milestones just for these people on their unfulfilled quest for the
true love.
Do not look at the old couple who are still holding hands after 45 years of
together they completed their evening walk! This love happiness is last
Only habituation and maybe much more than you dream of love.
Everybody loves differently. The one runs his life a dream after dream,
the other one is constantly catching the wrong guy. You have to with your wishes
consider how you experience love in you. An astrological analysis can be there
Detect mistakes in your attitude or behavior. What someone as
experiencing his love is not so much in destiny as in his inner self
anchored in the way he experiences it.
As one mentally more linguistically, the other more mathematical
The soul is also endowed with different qualities and abilities to handle the
feelings of love.
If you are shy, affectionate and romantic, but at the same time of
If you dream of a sports superman, you will soon be disappointed with him, if you
should find him. Because athletic supermen rarely have the ability to one
dreamy, sensitive soul life to enter. They go over it and
hurt it.
If you are an individualist and are looking for the tension in particular, then
a conservative, loyal partner will soon bore you and you will break out
or challenge him as soon as he can not ask you anymore.
An angel of our covenant, who is responsible, love and sympathy among the
Spreading people is RIGOLON. His seal is to draw in green color.
Before you call him for the first time for assistance in a love affair, you must
bathe you, wash your hair, make you beautiful and a new garment
carry. Call him only during the day, best in the morning! I received the following
once by RIGOLON:
• Are you looking for your love happiness, note the following: Everyone can find
their love,
but not every love becomes for you the happiness that you dream. eternal
There is love in novels, but you will have to wait for it forever.
• Do not expect love passively, but seek it! There are many partners on this
World and within reach of you, with whom you could be happy, not
only one. But you have to search and have patience!
There is also love on time, which brings a lot of fulfillment and the most
important experience for
you can become. Therefore do not wait for the very big, eternal love! Be happy
of life and love! After each love, a new one can come. Stiffen yourself
never to a certain person, if he does not want to!
• Every love is subject to fluctuations. In some times you are yours
Love luck closer. Note these astrologically predictable, predictable
Periods especially on your Dating!
• First, pray that you give yourself happiness to another through love
may give! Only mutual fulfillment will be yours even after years
Give happiness out of love. Most want to love and forget that
even they themselves must be lucky for the other, not one-sidedness
destroying the bond soon.
Rethink the preceding points that I receive from RIGOLON as a lesson
Got One! You may have to change your previous attitude to love and to high
Expectations of the happiness that you hope to find through love, correct something
cut back!
Only then turn to RIGOLON, the angel of all lovers, so that he too
helps to create your love happiness.
"I always go wrong," a 24-year-old waitress wrote to me
I know that I'm a bit chubby and men love to love slim women, but it does
must also give me a partner who is not just looking for an adventure and
then goes."
This woman has made the mistake of falling for every compliment she has
a man made and forgot that love and sex for men are often two
mean separate experiences. I explained that to her and the seal of the
RIGOLON made. She then wrote to me from a small town in Bavaria: "Der
He is not the dream prince, my Egon. But we got married and lead together
a small restaurant, and I'm happy as it is. "
Also the young warehouse worker of a department store, Peter R., found with the
help of
RIGOLON his happiness. He writes, "I was always too shy to get one
To speak to girls, and if I liked one, I blushed immediately and dared
not to ask her to dance. Then, following your advice, I have the daily
Angel Rigolon called and am sure that it was he who gave me the courage
To address Elisabeth. Today we are engaged. Since she too shy and
She also asked RIGOLON to be more sociable, and me
I must say, we now have some common friends we meet and ours
whole attitude to the people has changed completely.

The 45-year-old Käthe B. writes to me from Bremen: "I already have

abandoned any hope of finding a life partner and resigned myself
to go through life alone. There I learned from a friend of the
invisible angels and especially Rigolon seemed to me to be my helper.
We were three women who went to a small twice a week
Put together devotion in his name. You also have each one of us
the seal of the angel RIGOLON made and two of us now have
actually found a friend. My Hans is at the train. We think so
for the time being not to marry, but we see each other often, go to the movies and
long, shared walks when he is at home. In the summer we want too
Driving together in the mountains, because we both love nature very much and like
I could still bring a lot of cases where clearly RIGOLON brought help,
because love amulets are among the most common orders. RIGOLON helps
reliable as soon as you focus on him and your attitude towards love that
Adapts possibilities and circumstances.
Nothing hurts as much as love's suffering. No wound is as deep as the wound that
is torn into the soul by the separation of a loved one.
Love suffering and longing for lost love happiness suck the
Vitality and drive many to suicide or mental derangement, to the
Suffering to escape. So it is understandable that nothing is so common of the
is requested, how to win the love of a very particular man.
But unfortunately this desire is often not achievable. Because the hotspot
mostly loves another one himself. The apparent perfect unity which the
mourned by love-suffering, only exists in its imagination, that of
Eros schemes is stoked and deprives him of vitality.
The best way to torture these vampires who disguised you in the dress of love
getting rid of them is through friendship or love feelings to another
To replace people. This is often the only way to find peace again. Because
the Eros schemes are stubborn and blind to any argument they make
could expose. They torment with images of the memory of common beautiful
Hours, enter thoughts that give hope for a new happiness.
Show a false character image of the lover and clear in the mind all
Memories that could ruin him. They even play a nicer look
of the lover.
Just look at her, all those hot and heartfelt, fully consuming longings beloved
People! Do you see the beauty that the lover sees in them

Do you think, or have you not often said to yourself, "What does he think of her?"
They all love the image of the other that they created in their dreams and not
him as a person. But the more they are with the beloved, the stronger
the difference between fantasy and truth would come to light, and the one
earlier, the others later realize what illusion he succumbed to. The love would,
as in many marriages go out. Do not you already have a great love behind you,
Then you wake up from a dream that tied you up then? Today, wonder
you, as you are entangled in this illusion, longing for the stranger you are now
People could eat you. Consider that even today the cause
your agony of unfulfilled love is only illusion, and you are not eternal
fulfillment behind you
Love lets time pass and time makes love pass away, no matter if you are
separated from the loved one or living together with him. Remember
that in your grief and turn first to the angel TRAPIS, that he may be yours
Grief and pain lessen and give you strength.
TRAPIS is the great comforter of all people, but especially it helps those
Desperate and unfortunate, disappointed by a loved one
Those who suffer from depression and believe they can not cope with life anymore
become. By his proximity he alleviates every soul suffering and makes the time of
Forget about it more bearable. He helps by sharing the thoughts of beautiful
weakens and gives you hopeful images for the future. His deep compassion
for the sufferer, gives everyone the comforting feeling of warmth and love.
A student, whom I conveyed with the seal of TRAPIS, reported:
"For me, a whole world has collapsed, as my fiancee with me
cheated on my best friend. I cried for hours and believed never again
to be happy. Then you sent me the amulet of TRAPIS, and it
I was lighter in one fell swoop. It's as if a good friend has his arms around me
Laying shoulders and hugging me. The spasm in my throat and stomach
broke away, and I'm back to good appetite. Whenever the memory of me
When the time comes, I call TRAPIS and feel invigorated. "
To avoid being disappointed by a relationship, you can
turn to TRAPIS before the beginning of a love. He will help you, your true ones
Feelings and that of the partner in time to examine and recognize. below
some of his teachings:
• True love flows calmly and evenly through both souls and requires no one
passionate climaxes that entail depths and alienation.
True love flows evenly in both, reinforcing each other, and lets
not if the other one returns it too violently. The true lovers
recognize each other very soon. They do not demand and doubt
not and do not need any oaths. How can you believe that a spell is needed
is, if you are really meant for each other forever. How can you believe
that when two are created for the one and only love for one another, it is one
Power that could separate this greatest wonder and happiness of this world? The
true love does not require tuition for attachment, nor can it be separated.
• One-sided love is not true love, but delusion and should be yours
Soul should not obscure. Did your partner get rid of you twice,
he will always want to free himself from you. Believe his
Do not trust yourself and look for another one!
• Suffering creates that love that is passionate. It is different
fundamental of the happy affection, the longer and more lasting
is. You do not need to renounce love happiness through passion, if you
realize that it will only mean temporary happiness for you. Because none of you
People could endure intense love in the long run, without serious consequences
To be harmed by his spiritual perfection. Be yours
Feelings for the other stronger, as soon as you are separated from him, and grow
your love with the distance to him, it becomes weaker but after some
Days of living together, then you will not be with the partner permanently
be happy. Be careful!
Mandatory, marriage, joint ownership, children, can later the once
Make partners appear as a burden. Therefore leave your love in free swing
your souls grow and wait as long as possible with everything that compels you
• Are you separate from your love and do you believe you can not renounce this
to be able to, then make sure that the stream of the emotions flows properly! Love
lives on giving, not on taking. Send the person concerned your power
unrestricted affection and love! Wish him all the luck in the world, too
if he does not know how to find happiness in your love! This stream you give him
sendest will also bring you your luck at the right time. Shrivel, Pull,
on the other hand painfully tears in you the band, the
you could bind to the person concerned, and you can become the longed-for person
certainly can not believe it. If you want to be close to him, then you better reach
him over
the happiness that you send him in the spirit. With your longing, you take him
certainly not. Everyone likes to let happiness pour in, no matter who it is
is sent, and opens to him. But you are locked against any intervention that
wants to take from the soul. If you demand your happiness through your longing,
he wants to get his love from him then he will lock himself up. Think you are
Happiness and wish it in your soul; nothing is required for you!
TRAPIS has once assured me that this attitude is best for you
answer and deliver your love happiness to you. In some cases,TRAPIS help kitten a
broken bond again. However, these are mostly
very profound changes in the fate of those involved, often only with
great sacrifices or at the expense of another happiness, waived for that
must be possible. I would therefore like to strongly warn against using
to try some magical practices to force the other to you
love. Even if you succeed, you will only be able to tie up for a short time, which
was solved by the powers of fate, and yet you will pay dearly for it
have to.
Although there is a genius, his name is SARON, who is in charge of this work. But
he does not belong to the hierarchy of the angels of our covenant, and to abuse
In this book, I will be sealed and the secret practice with which to prevent
he is to call, not to lead. When you reach the master level, you will learn to do
SARON to contact. I engrave his seal only in very urgent
Exceptional in a love amulet ..
• If you ask an angel covenant to help you create your love happiness,
Avoid stifling yourself on a specific person.
Leave it to the greater vision of the otherworldly helpers to recognize who for
you can prepare your luck. Therefore, close every prayer for love with the
Statement: "Thy will be done". Also an astrological partner analysis
can tell how two people fit together, and if it makes sense
and it is possible to enter into a relationship with someone specific.
The scourge of all lovers is jealousy. It arises from the fear of the beloved
to lose. Doubts about the partner's loyalty have destroyed more relationships than
actual infidelity. Through the emotional images, in which one the other
Even in the arms of a rival, one manages one's own on the spiritual
Level causes as an impulse for a later actual infidelity of the
Therefore, it is important, even at the beginning of a love relationship, the help
of the
To insure Engels ISTAROTH so that he spiritually consolidates and protects what is
should remain bound. ISTAROTH is a patron of all lovers, for his
The task is to maintain loyalty among the people.
The seal of ISTAROTH should be painted in green. In the mornings and the evenings
he is best reached. But you should always be a fresh red rose
Set the seal when talking to ISTAROTH in spirit. It's for ISTAROTH
real concern, for loyalty among the lovers too
to care. Just as a flower lover can not miss a wilting flower,
without giving this water, ISTAROTH, if you call him, will help you and
Try to maintain your partnership as long as you contribute to it.

Therefore, ask yourself first:

• What causes a person to be true to one's life for a lifetime
• What prevents temptations to love someone else?
is given in, or that they can not pay at all?
• What causes people to endure disadvantages and to put up with situations
which usually put a lot of strain on them just because they promised to stay true
to themselves?
Anyone who demands faithfulness must know what conditions are necessary.
Even the angels must first create the basis for the desired behavior.
No one will be faithful for no reason.
At the beginning of a partnership, as long as these are not by marriage to one
Obligatory commitment is, of course, love, eroticism and enjoyment of the common
Being together that connects. But almost everyone who is married for a long time
confirm that other causes than love bind him now. Mostly lie to
Part of quite selfish or at least unromantic, sober considerations,
not to leave the other: family, financial benefits, avoidance of
Disadvantages, comfort, to sexuality, household, so food, laundry, children
etc. or household budget, social or family tradition and status,
who would not allow a divorce or separation. Only in rare cases
it is the good character or compassion that makes people faithful. You do not break
a promise that one gave or one wants the once much loved one
do not hurt and make you unhappy.
No matter what ultimately binds. First the mental cause must be as for
every other behavior is created too. A thought-picture idea
From one of these reasons one must direct action from consciousness and
influence. ISTAROTH must first create these spiritual causes in order to
to hold someone loyal. You have to be aware of that, if you look at it
turn him over.
So ask yourself the question of how you work the angel on the invisible plane
from the physical level. Mostly it is the other way round and
the angel is handicapped. Because with most obligatory ties soon, out
the situations of a grueling everyday life, ideas that annoy,
Nourish hate schemes and lead to alienation. These shadow schemes are stirring up
then those arguments that drown out the workings of conscience and unfaithfulness

Once again, I must emphasize the importance of the mechanism of

Fate design to consider: thoughts trigger feelings. feelings
induce to act! Who thinks about and takes into account, will be much
thinking and acting responsibly and thoughtfully.
• That a grumpy, unkempt woman by her behavior is not exactly her husband
encouraged to be faithful, is clear. He has the image of devotional, clean,
hopeful girl is married and feels betrayed and evidenced by
the reality. Even the men let themselves go and often gets out of the polite
advertising, disciplined male-looking young man very soon
unwashed, ruthless pet bully.
• The behavior of spouses is in constant interaction. Every action calls
in the other immediately and unconsciously produces a reaction.
• Therefore, always reflect your speech and action in the imagination and in the
your partner!
• Think about what you once called forth in him, which is the occasion
were to love you, to desire, to bind yourself to you forever, and
the reasons which you awaken in him today are the cause
could turn away from you or the reason is to stay after all
more precisely, you are aware of it, the sooner you can meet the requirements
to create a durable marriage.
It is certainly not possible to fuel the fire of love for decades. The
Passion passes. But it is avoidable, jealousy, resentment or even hatred in the
Partner or to raise oneself. Almost every infidelity goes one
slowly progressing alienation before, and that can be avoided, if one
is alert. Therefore, turn to the angel right at the beginning of a relationship
ISTAROTH, so that it can not get that far with his help! But
always try to do your very best! He is also able to where
A happy permanent relationship is not possible to prevent it from happening before
comes to a marriage, and can thereby help you avoid many a problem.
In addition to wrong behavior in marriage is the premature engagement with a
the wrong partner one of the main reasons for a failure of a relationship.
Among my clients is e.g. a woman who has been divorced twice. your
Love life is heavily burdened by her horoscope. Feelings of affection and
Love stands with her in the sharp contradiction to better insight and reason, and
so on
she comes again and again by wrong mate choice to new love problems. I
made her the seal of ISTAROTH, and since then she has no heartache
more. She met her current husband shortly thereafter, but only two
Years later decided to their now third marriage.

She told me, "I am

used to be always jealous and immediately snapped when my husband told me
not constantly showing his love and affection or even somewhere
would have contradicted. That's when I started to hate him. Today I try
very conscious of the love of my current husband and trying to give life to him
like that
beautiful as possible. I feel his gratitude and affection for that,
even without making big words or gestures. Once he even told me that it was
to him unthinkable, to a woman who strives like me, not
also to be considerate and honest. "
In my astrological archive is also the partner comparison of woman
Lotte K. and her fiancee. By a certain astrological constellation in
his birth chart he tended to flirt and unrealistic ideas
about love and partnership, and the risk of infidelity was always there. There
but the two matched otherwise very well, I made her the seal of
ISTAROTH, whereupon his behavior suddenly changed. Instead of other women nice
now he was even more attentive to her, which made it easier for her again
even to give as it corresponded to his inner ideas. The both are
married today.
In every marriage occurs at times - due to astrological constellations - one mostly
temporary alienation. Even routine in sex life leaves indifference
and as a result of dissatisfaction, aggression arises. It's all too easy
then awakened by mental attitude to the desire for variety.
Through this mental attitude to an adventure can soon be an infidelity the
Be a consequence. But that does not necessarily mean the end of marriage.
Mrs. Johanna L. desperately went to my astrological consultation. After 25
Years ago the man confessed to her that he has a young girlfriend and she
wants to leave. A world has collapsed for her. I did that too
Seal of the ISTAROTH and advised her to be completely calm and now even more so
especially to try him. She could not do anything because of the emotional pain
eat and lost 15 pounds in weight. She was fine, and she began to shut herself again
nursing, dressing up again and getting a hairdresser to match her
make modern hairstyle. Despite her grief, she tried to be kind to him
and never reproached him for coming home late at night. She laid him down
even peeled, fresh nuts to his bed because she knew he was this particular
but I would never like to do the work of peeling myself. While in the
Over the next few weeks his relationship with his girlfriend becomes routine for
he soon gained new interest in his own wife, and after 6 months
He parted from the girlfriend and is again the attentive husband since 25
Years. Through her reasonable, tolerant behavior, she supported the work of
Engels as well as she could, because this could faster the man to her
by showing him his wife as lovable, and she
actually was.

ADON is the patron of all marriages. He created it as protection for the family
and especially in this day and age, being so carefree with this institution
carelessly, endeavors to help all people, their marriage in one
Crisis is. His main concern, however, is to maintain harmony and continuity of a
receive. If, nevertheless, hardly anything with so much hopeful luck expectancy
is started and then ends as often disappointing as most marriages, lies
this only applies to the human being itself. It would not be necessary for hundreds
of thousands of people annually
Divorces are divorced; not to mention those couples who are not
separate, because they would cause even greater problems. Who is up
ADON turns and receives and follows his teachings with it
Foundation laid for a harmonious marriage. His seal is always in red
which is then placed on a family photo and together with this
is stored. Here are some rules of conduct and suggestions for
Thinking of me the angel ADON for men and women, their marriage and
Family life is at risk, entrusted.
• "Disappointments arise where too much expectations are placed in the partner
were. If your marriage is in crisis, first ask yourself if it is not you who is the
Today is different than at the time when everything was still harmonious. There is
also for
the only way to change something.
• You can not change your partner. Only his attitude to you can be
by showing again those qualities that he once loved in you. The
does not mean that you give up your individuality and do not develop yourself
and should develop. In most cases, it is the little things that the one on
disturb others.
• Speak openly but without hurting what bothers you on the partner!
• Ask him about his wishes regarding sex, sociability, sports, hobbies etc.
and go for it! Let him have the freedom to do what he wants
corresponds! But do not let the freedom take you too.
• Attempts to understand his will as an expression of free human dignity and not
as a chicane against you! Never consider it as weakness or
Give in, if you pay attention to your partner, take care of him,
or sometimes give in! It is your strength that absorbs its weakness
balances and secures peace until the other one gets better again
recollects. Do not shoot back immediately if you feel hurt by him!
• But never let yourself be oppressed or humiliated. Nothing destroys a marriage
quicker than the drowning of a despot or a Xantipe for fear of the
Follow if you would prevail.
• Make a small joy in between, even without a specific reason
• Be thankful that you have this partner while you still have it! It is
Surprisingly, how many people, only when separated from their partner
are aware of what they have lost to him. They recognize its value and
Often only love their love for him when it is too late

If you dream of the dream partner and make comparisons with the one you have,
Also, honestly, consider yourself as a dream partner or for another!
Look at yourself in a mirror! You have your ideal partner, if you
yourself ideal partner.
• If your partner has changed since living with you, remember that
even you are not guiltless of it!
• Avoid unnecessary criticism and rebuke. Many allegations are pointless and
only arouse aggression for defense.
• Praise is a magic power, domination is the sound of evil. With praise you shift
the good in the soul of man as a germ for a corresponding behavior.
• What you expect from the partner, you give him first! Do not demand anything,
what you
not willing to give it yourself! "
• Take care, avoid sloppiness in clothing and hygiene!
These angelic advice have all worked well. In my
astrological life counseling, I was able to give many people a hint
how they can revive their marriage. Most people only have one
wrong attitude to marriage, and that can be changed. "Life is a school
not a fairground, "Master Bardon has always said
Marriage is a university and not a sanatorium for troubled souls. "Who that
not so looks, after a few years of marriage will have the feeling to be exploited
and then will hardly be able to muster the effort, in turn, on the partner
enter into. "I'm always the stupid one," I often hear. Who believes that to be
Family happiness and marriage peace is in danger, should heed the advice of the
and secure his assistance in time.
"I've only been married for two years," writes Mrs. Karin B., "and we have one
very sweet child I love about everything. But still I feel, my
Man does not love me anymore. I am so afraid to lose him. He often goes in the
with friends in a guesthouse, or he tinkers around on his model airplanes.
He has less and less time for us two. "
I sent her the twelve points of the ADON and his seal, and a little miracle
happened: Her husband changed his hobby. He started to take pictures, and as
Main motif he chose the child and his wife. Instead of sitting in the inn, he does
Now she takes artistic photos of her and develops them herself in his darkroom.
At the weekend, they go out into the wild on a nature search, and they share
both the joy of his hobby. The marriage is happier now than before.

Despite the beneficial activity of ADON and its helpers become annual
divorced hundreds of thousands of marriages. Even ADON can not do miracles where
the necessary conditions for a harmonization of a relationship are not
let more create, because absolute incompatibility of the two characters or
brutal recklessness and unreasoning selfishness prevent them. Both would be
recognizable even before marriage through an astrological partner analysis and thus
Failure of the marriage has been predictable. A separation is even the smaller one
"Since my marriage, my life is a hell, my husband humiliates me where he is
can, and treat me like the last piece of dirt, "writes Mrs. Elisabeth
R. from Brunswick. If the mutual antipathy once so far
advanced, I consider an end to be better than one
Dread reign without end.
Unfortunately, children and the lack of their own income still force them
countless women to endure a man whom they have long learned to hate.
It is not always advisable to try to save such a marriage at any cost.
As soon as one partner suffers because he feels helpless to the other, that is
Price mostly dignity and self esteem. Life is a school, and a marriage
is only instructive as long as both partners can learn from each other.
To be considerate and to renounce one likes to learn as long as it is human
benefit that one loves. A waiver imposed by the other
weakens the personality instead of building it up.
Therefore, it is better to dissolve a marriage when through it spirit and soul in
negative thoughts and depressed mood. Also a divorce
can be a salutary learning process for many people, from which, if everything
is over, a new, strengthened and happier personality grows.
For many, however, this step seems impossible. They are afraid and prefer to suffer
continue. But even here ADON will find a way out and for the rest of the family
Creating a new start helps for harmony and happiness.
Margot R., 28 years old, married for 9 years, 3 children, lived in such a marital
Her husband, a drunk, beat her regularly and even threatened to murder her,
if she divorced. She was at the end of her strength, had no idea how
she could break out of everything, to live in peace with the children
to be able to. Then she learned from a friend of the help of the invisible
and asked me for an amulet. And soon after talking with ADON about his seal and
Prayers had come into spiritual contact, she took the courage to free herself. you
She went to a women's organization to which she turned for help

Workplace as a cleaning lady. Later she found a small apartment and ran the
Divorce. Although they face many new problems due to the changeover
she is happier now and the children are learning well at school and again
are no longer constantly sick as before.
The power of ADON does not always suffice, and depending on the area from which
Obstacles come, takes over the responsible angel of our federation on
his job is the work. So there is where marriage problems due to different
sexual needs arise, the angel FORTESTON can best help.
It does not matter if it's about impotence, emotional coldness or frigidity
succeed in raising the sexual power of men and women through vital streams of life.
Seal is to be drawn in blue color, but may only be used in conjunction with ADON or
ISTAROTH be used in collaboration, because an increased
Sexual need without a suitable loved one would be abuse in the
Experiencing the pleasure of sex is the loftiest thing two people
can connect with each other. Recklessness is one of the main causes that one
Marriage destroy soon, but special consideration must be given to the sexual needs
of the partner. Here is necessarily agreement
prevalence. If one is molested, uses and by marital traffic
feels used, or if the other one thinks that he is getting too little, he will not
to his right or just as a mercy, then there is not much hope
harmonic continuity of this relationship. Therefore, it is often necessary for one
of his
Whole mental attitude to sex changes before joining the partner on the physical
Level understands and can accept. Necessary education about the needs of the
Beloved ones can work miracles. Marital crises arise more often
insufficient understanding of the concerns of the partner as lack of
For example, the marriage of Mrs. Elisabeth N., seriously at risk. She wrote me. "I
I always enjoy cooking for my family, and the household makes me happy. I
love my husband and children. Only in the sexual field, it does not work out that
correct. I'm always happy when it's over and invent all sorts of excuses
so it does not come at all. "
Just like you, it is in spite of our modern, so-called enlightened time of the pill
many good wives. So I made her the seal of FORTESTON and
She explained that a regular sex life is just as much for some men
natural, biological need represents as regulated digestion, the
daily meals and sleep. Two to
Three times a week is the average need for sex in most men, and
where this is lacking, discontent, aggression and indignation against the woman

Bad conscience arises, where the man has the feeling, something
to have to share, instead of sharing something in common joy. Especially when
he must even resort to masturbation become long-repressed guilt feelings
and feelings of inadequacy resuscitated from the early youth and
burden him. The most obvious way out is then often, with a friend the
to get lost self-esteem and confirmation of his masculinity.
After she realized that, her attitude to sex changed
perfect. She no longer regarded herself as his object of pleasure, but instead
also recognized its importance for health wellbeing. She grabbed
sometimes even the initiative and openly spoke their own wishes and
Needs out. She showed him how, even he could lead them to climax.
The conjugal duties soon became a shared binding experience for both.
Many people have been shy since childhood and are suffering terribly from them
Uncertainty. The fear of failing consumes strength, and soon enough
Failures. At the same time, they would not need to be successful
doubt if they believe in all the possibilities and abilities they possess
would believe.
The fear disappears as soon as the thought patterns of their own inadequacy are
ignored. Whoever thinks, "I can do it
not ", and constantly afraid to grieve or irritate others, regard
takes, loses his self-esteem soon. He then radiates this inner feeling
also from and attracts just so ruthless people to whom he promptly
feel inferior because they exploit their weaknesses. It just has dominant
Behavior is nothing to do with self-assurance, because only a true personality can
to allow oneself to take care of others, be considerate and friendly
to be responsive, without fear of being exploited. It
is therefore just a wrong mental attitude to their essence, the sensitive
Makes people insecure to others. In fact, just the
kind, humble people all reason to feel confident and
to act self-confidently. No human being is harmed by it or would that
So if you are shy and anxious, do not try to be violent
to play that you do not lie. True your rights, without doing so
to be ruthless. Remain understanding to others, but also to yourself
across from. Admitting his mistakes shows greatness and is certainly no reason
to doubt his abilities. The big one remains modest. He takes over his
Duties not because they are to be done, but because they see meaning in themselves
to be used for the family, for the profession, for the fellow human beings. So is
by the
conscious modesty, the strong charisma of a real personality

Real power is always carried by kindness and compassion and not by

ruthless enforcement. You feel it immediately, if you really do
meet great people, and immediately recognize the difference to
Reckless ruler and showman who speculates with the fear of others.
So you're on the right track and have every reason to be proud of yourself, though
you follow him further. Modesty is the first sign of greatness.
There are many successful textbooks from which you can learn self-confidence.
But the most important thing is and remains your inner attitude towards you and
your environment.
Do not tolerate and serve you your human dignity. The awareness that you
Obeying everything voluntarily to obey your inner voice will help you with that,
To endure situations in which you have to subordinate yourself, be it out of reason
simply for convenience. No tyrant forces you to marry, no boss
bullying you against your will. You choose from within at every moment
Convince your lot, because it is out of the ways that are open to you,
the best option is. That should make you calm. You could do it differently
decide, could divorce, could quit, yodeling in the middle of the
Road - and if you do not, then out of your own free choice
because you know it will not make you any better.
If you want to become a confident, strong personality, turn to the
Angel MELAMOTH. His seal is to be drawn in black color.
As long as you are in contact with him and seek his help, try one daily
Act of the will, so accomplish an action that you must overcome,
because you are a bit afraid of it. You'll see that over time these little ones
Steps to strengthen your personality.
Consciously put yourself in situations where you as a personality
occurs, makes decisions and convincingly pulls others under your spell.
During this performance put a special ring on your finger, the one for you
henceforth should serve as a symbol of your growing personality. He will be for you
an amulet of strength as soon as you place him in difficult situations
Need self-confidence, stuck to your finger. You can also take the ring instead
carry the seal of MELAMOTH with you.
The task of this angel is to give people self-confidence
and helping them to develop into a conscious personality. He does not let anyone
in the lurch, who asks him for his support. Even
fearful persons gain the necessary security for their
successful appearance and daring.

For example, Mr. Egon T., Office Clerk, 19 years old, writes to me: "Four years ago
I received from you the seal of MELAMOTH with her advice and
Book Recommendations. I was desperate at the time about my shyness. I blushed
embarrassed and did not dare to open his mouth in society. I was
used to be teased by everyone, and I had girls at that time
no one loved yet. Everything is different today, and I do not understand why
I felt so inferior then. Today I do not care what the others
say or think of me. Today, the others listen to my judgment. I am
Successfully working in the sales force of my company and becoming the most
difficult customer
assigned to me. At the same time, if I think about it carefully, I do not care so
changed. I have only one other inner attitude to me and to the others
found another. I value less the opinions of others. Failure
Do not bother me the way I used to, because at that time I believed that I would
never become something again
succeed if I make a mistake. Today it is the other way round. I believe
rather, the repetition of my success, if something happens to me. It is me
aware that I only think this all up, because if I am in front of you
I have to be afraid of the company meeting before. But she
disappears as soon as I start to talk, and then often even makes it to me
Pleasure to stand in front of people. I feel right that MELAMOTH
internal force sends as soon as it is necessary. That's sometimes like someone
fatherly put his hand on his shoulder and say, "You can do it!"
Sometimes I also hear a voice that says, "Do not be so serious," and at the same
Then I notice how important and serious the others are, and that's where I feel
sure again. "
I purposely reproduced this letter in great detail because it reflects
Here are teachings that came directly from the angel MELAMOTH and were used.
Self-confidence is something that you have to create out of yourself. You must
Gain distance from you and you must not see yourself in the center of the world.
Most people are so busy with themselves and are scared to, too
fail that they do not even think that you too could be insecure.
Stay calm and modest and give yourself what you are! And the more open and natural
you are
show your true nature, the more you will feel as a personality
and pay attention.
At the present time, self-confidence and self-confidence are also among women
in great demand. In the age of emancipation they, too, have the valid aspiration
developed to actively intervene in the creation. Even if this development
It seems to be a perversion of cosmic principles
Plan of creation. MELAMOTH also knows about those qualities which
from these aspirations of today's women
to crystallize and promote the active side of the female
Principle. He explained to me this form of force by referring to the analogous
nature force
of the suction. The woman should not rule by spreading fear and
dominated, but by sympathy. Their wisdom is diplomacy. Not in
Pushing, suppressing, conducting shows her influence, but without
to attract attention and transfer their influence to others and awaken their
strength there,
by giving fire without igniting it. No woman on it
Self-confidence or assertiveness is lacking, so it will fail to get involved
MELAMOTH to turn.

A therapist at the mental hospital Rosenhügel writes to me: "Since I did that
Seal of MELAMOTH carry with me, I succeed always better, in the
weekly reviews of our patients my point of view
to enforce. "And 26-year-old teacher Ruth B. from Flensburg writes:" She
months ago I sent the seal of MELAMOTH because I'm not
was able to enforce my job and nervously no longer managed. Now I became
finally transferred from the special school to a normal secondary school and am
about me
even surprised. When I enter a classroom now, it suddenly becomes quiet, and
The fear I always had before I stepped in front of the students is completely gone.
But not only in professional life self-confidence is needed. A housewife and mother
3 children, Mrs. Käthe G., write to me. "Please also send me an amulet for
Professional success. Since I wear the amulet of self-confidence, I am transformed.
In the past, I always had to put up with everything and dared not say anything, if
everyone was hacking at me. That has changed now. Yesterday I have mine
Mother in law finally said my opinion and to my surprise
my husband, who otherwise starts to rave, also granted me right. Now
I have discussed with him that I will seek a half-day job. That have
I have wished for a long time. The kids are big and I have time to do it. "
Only with the body as an instrument of the soul, it becomes possible for you,
to transfer thought-picture ideas to the reality of the physical plane,
to realize them. Your body is the bearer of your soul and tool of yours
immortal spirit. Through the sensory organs he allows you to be in the
material level and to operate meaningfully. A well-functioning
So body, a healthy body, is the most important prerequisite for life, and you
Shall contribute as much as possible to keeping your body healthy!

Spirit, soul and body are in constant interaction with each other. The
The secret of health can only be understood by considering the body as one
interconnected community of living things, the body cells considered,
and the life processes not mechanized looks like a machine to which just the
living human being is connected - or through which he is even conscious
awakened. You know that the cells are small living building blocks, and you can
This is particularly obvious in the case of a blood cell. But you overlook
and in doing so forgets the spiritual ones that enliven them, the spiritual ones
which consciously act through them
The life force
Just as the body, in conjunction with all the organs, bears your soul, so are yours
Flows through organs and cells of consciously acting smallest spirits. you
form the body of life, etheric body, oil, orgone or whatever else names
still found in various directions of the humanities
were. Invisible smallest entities, called "Vitale", form together in
their life this stream of activity. His tracks are now known as
Meridians of acupuncture. Like the fingers of a surgeon, they work, move
meaningfully guided, detached and bound by higher invisible spiritual beings,
remove what is too much or worn, and direct building materials and energy to those
Body parts where they are needed. They obey the mental thought impulses and
the minds, whether they are angels or yourself or a good-natured one
Healers come. This explains the folk wisdom that says, "In a healthy
Body lives a healthy mind. "
Even the so-called psychosomatics is slowly approaching the truth, though
she looks for mental causes of illness and also shows you how important it is
is how you see yourself and what images of your wellbeing you signal
send the living entities. It is equally conscious beings and not
blind natural forces through the white blood cells, if these are targeted
Foreign bodies fail, as by a surgeon team, if this is a gallstone
removed from the body. The power that removes the gallstone is intelligently
by the surgeon

The power that secretes uric acid is also governed by beings. Behind
Every force has beings as workers of God, whether they are elementals in the world
Elements that control gravity are elves, plants vitals
or angels who give the human mind the mental: it always stands
a spiritual invisible entity behind it, when something moves somewhere.
Who recognizes how his body is the result of meaningful interaction
of innumerable beings, and notice that these beings are on impulses of his
Thoughts and feelings, which are also small beings, react, become
his body not only through sensible, healthy lifestyle, but also
get well through proper thinking and feeling.
Anyone who constantly thinks about diseases, expects them, expects it or even of
speak, do not be surprised if he does not get well. Almost every illness will
previously mentally caused. It is not always the fault of the patient, but he
At the very least, recovery can be accelerated by his thinking.
Disease-causing causes such as mental stress through family and work or
unhealthy, imposed by the profession lifestyle, can usually only
very difficult to handle. But there were mistakes in attitude to health
can be avoided and easily understand certain rules:
• If you doubt the ability to get well, you think you are sick
have to?
• Are you constantly telling everyone what you are missing?
• Do you sin while eating, drinking and exercising too little?
• Exaggerate the little things by giving one at the slightest ailment
Visit a doctor and take medication?
• Believe, that a possibility can be found for you
to get well! There is certainly a treatment, a new drug that
helps. The angels will make it possible to find the way there.
• See yourself healthy and invigorated in spirit today!
• Tell me about the pleasing symptoms, for example, if you slept well!
• Get used to a healthy lifestyle, but above all a harmonious one
Soul mood, by giving yourself pleasure, whenever the
Possibility offers.
You mean you can not think, "I'm well and well!" if
you feel sick. But try the following:
• Tell yourself: "I can be healthy and I want to feel healthy!" Be sure
Possibility and believe in the pendulum movement as natural law! Just like it with
worse, it will also have to be better. You only have to do that yourself
Do the first step to recovery by thinking of yourself again and again
Imagine how you feel better every day. "How many people will become
healed daily And so there is also a way and an opportunity for you
your recovery. In addition, the angels of our covenant stand for you
Available, turn to you confidently.
KARASA is the angel who is the patron of all patients and doctors. He will do it
Make sure that there is a cure for you or at least improvement and relief
your suffering gives. His seal is to be drawn in brown color. KARASA leaves doctors
by intuition to recognize the right diagnosis and treatment, and patients
Often, through his help, find that doctor who then gives the crucial treatment
can initiate. Therefore, no patient or doctor should miss it, in difficult
Ask this angel for help.
Therefore I always use his seal in all my health amulets,
because he is an excellent diagnostician, in many unclear and apparent
hopeless cases could bring help by not telling the attending physicians
just entered the correct diagnosis but also a successful therapy. I could
experiencing miracles healed by miracles through Karasa's help.
But now I do not want to prevent disappointment over cases of
Report spectacular miraculous healings. Not always can and should be mental
be helped. But how deeply and fatefully does the disease cause
There is always hope for healing when you visit KARASA
applies. Very often a correct diagnosis is made by his intervention
and initiated treatment with appropriate treatment.
As Mr. Richard L. wrote to me, following letter: "I was already with ten doctors,
nobody could help me. They say it's just psychic, and I should not
worry. But I am worried because I often have pain in my stomach and stomach
sometimes dizzy, that I think I'm dying. I am
Do not go crazy and just imagine it all. "
I often receive such and similar letters. I did that to the patient
Amulet with the seal of KARASA, and when he was in pain again and one
Doctor, diagnosed this the rare form of an allergic condition
Colitis and could also initiate appropriate treatment
then helped him.
As enjoyable as it is, even if conventional medicine begins to understand that it
is the
Soul is that can make the body sick, so sad is it that the same doctors
forget that also a recovery by spirit and soul are initiated
can. Through diagnoses such as: "They only imagine that," the sufferer becomes
can hardly provide the necessary impulses for recovery. On the contrary: the people
are even more unsettled; they think that the doctor does not know what they are
missing, and
they are looking for the
various miracle healers, because they feel taken seriously by them.
Not infrequently, such healers try to convince the patient, just a miracle
could save her. These wonders cost a lot of money and stay that way
out. So go to KARASA confidently when you feel sick and it will become you
help in one way or another if it can and should be helped.
You must never forget: Life has a meaning for you and that, meaning,
to grow spiritually and learn! Angel's job is not to help you with this
but to take the work off you. That would be like if the father were the child
Would write school exam work. Every experienced storm makes the next one easier
defeat, and especially after a serious illness and suffering are many
People first came to those insights, through which they then the meaning of their
have fully grasped.
Nevertheless, even in the most hopeless cases, you can not hope for a cure
There is more to the prospect, not of despair, or of the disease than yours
deliver immutable destiny! Sick is just the body, and maybe it is
not to make it healthy anymore. But you can do spirit and soul
keep healthy by keeping your thoughts in order and no
nurture negative moods. Often this then also causes the body
better chance of recovery or at least a relief of your symptoms.
ECHAGIEL is the specialist and patron of all patients suffering from an incurable
Disease suffers and protects especially already sick people from further damage and
a deterioration, if this is karmically admitted. Especially cancer,
Epilepsy and many diseases that are not yet curable are under his control
Sphere of influence. A client of mine with cancer, Mr. Richard P., found with his
Help at least a temporary cure, but more importantly, the way to the
spiritual laws. Shortly after he got in touch with ECHAGIEL
He began to study astrology and visited it
Related a lecture by a well-known astrologer. It was a talk about
Diseases and their spiritual causes and karmic backgrounds. He was
so impressed by it that he is even more devoted to humanities
became interested and since then aware of its inner perfection
is working. He now believes in a life after death and is no longer afraid
before dying, as before. By a special raw food and diet, to which he is good
even in his case, the disease may have come to a standstill.
Prof. Siegfried R., had the seal of the company after a serious car accident
ECHAGIEL, because the fracture he had incurred in doing so, not
healed. After he was so connected with this angel, that is
Break healed without hesitation within 10 days, and he was perfect afterward
symptom-free. "Since then," he writes to me, "uses my twelve-year-old son
Peter this amulet. He suffered from asthma and noticed that the seizure was as soon
as he had
took the amulet in his hand, run much easier, and now he has the amulet
wears, they are almost completely gone."I've had a lot of surgery, but never got
well," writes
Ms. Karla Seh., 61 years old. "More and more pain pains me, although I do
tired and tired, I can not sleep at night. During the day I am restless,
nervous and often unable to do even the most urgent work. "Like
KARASA has another letter from her, after I have her
Siegel sent, can also help her. "I sometimes even sleep through",
she writes, "and also feel calm and strong during the day, the pain is coming
but at times, but when I take the seal in hand, I have
Immediately a sense of relief and confidence, as if someone was with me and
would comfort me. "
That this is no imagination is proved by an experience of Mrs. Kathe
G. She writes, "After I receive the seal of Angel ECHAGIEL to the bed of mine
Boys hung, as you described it to me, he immediately calmed down and then slept
on. I too lay down on the couch in his room to be with him as soon as possible
he cries again. I woke up suddenly through a cool stream of air and wanted that
Close the window. To my surprise, it was not open at all, but about that
The child's bed was a strange glow, becoming more and more one
gleaming light condensed, and out of the light grew a tall figure, calm
stood at the foot of the bed. Strangely enough, I was not afraid at all
although I am otherwise terribly afraid. Slowly everything dissolved again. I
could not fall asleep anymore, felt refreshed and rested
Tomorrow. The strange fever of Peter was gone. And he ate for the first time
after breakfast again after being awake. I'm sure it was
the angel who appeared to me, "ends the letter.
The doctor, Dr. Paul Seh., Has been using the seals of some genii for years
his patients. He is a Paracelsus researcher and was one of my first clients when he
for his mother made an amulet for eye diseases. Since then he was able to
helping innumerable sick people by using the angels KARASA and ECHAGIEL
also healed suffering in which today's conventional medicine could not help.
NATOLISA, its seal is drawn in red, is a specialist in diabetics. In
In many cases he has brought the disease to a standstill.
A 70-year-old woman whose sugar had risen so much that she only had more
Injections could keep insulin levels was completely desperate. She could not
Needle handle because she saw bad and would have been forced to help others
to claim. She pleaded with NATOLISA for help, and he granted
they also. Ever since she prays to him daily, her sugar has gone so low that she
Do not scratch anymore and get through with medication again.
An even younger 23-year-old diabetic hereditary, Richard R., the particular
suffering from the diet and constantly suppressing cravings for sweets,
also turned to this angel for help. I advised him, each time the seal of
NATOLISA as soon as he felt the need for something sweet,
thereby strengthening his will. It actually helps him. As he confirmed to me,
The gusto disappears as soon as he takes the amulet in his hand and the
Formula says: "You my help, NATOLISA".
NATOLISA is also responsible for bees and taught me to do a bee sting
Add saliva and sugar immediately, so that no painful area occurs. My
Both kids have never been under a bee sting for more than a few minutes
had to suffer. The remedy always helps quickly and reliably.
NATOLISA also told me that diabetes in a few years, no such
serious illness will mean more, and he is very keen to get specialist doctors
to inspire through his ideas to get this disease under control. A very
well-known, world-famous diabetes specialist is in possession of the seal of
NATOLISA and is constantly making new inventions to treat its patients.
Who is particularly interested in naturopathy and treatment by water and herbs
is attracted to ANADIA with his questions and problems. Be
Seal is drawn in red. He becomes the right one through inspiration
Treatment or directly accelerate its healing. Especially
Followers of the Kneipp method will find in him a true helper. He was it,
At that time Hahnemann and Kneipp the magnetic effect of cold water
has shown. cold
Water has the property of attracting all the thoughts of the disease.
Who lets cold water trickle over his feet and hands with the solid
Conviction that it will wash away pathogenic influences,
will actually feel better soon, because the magnetic force of the cold
Water with the thoughts also attracts the disease. You can do this
Reinforce the effect by placing the seal of the angel in a suitable container,
pour cold water on it and then put both legs into the water for five minutes
with the firm conviction that the water is all pathogenic
Influences attracts. Then the seal is taken out, rinsed off and
the waterway poured.
Protection against illness
"Prevention is better than cure," says an old folk wisdom. After this
Principle works and inspires the angel AMILLES.Er strengthens the Imunität and
from infectious diseases,
Thus, Mrs. Ingrid P. from Munich writes to me: "Since I her protective amulet, on
also the seal of AMILLES is with me and carry me his protection
I am hardly ill anymore. I used to be constantly chilled and caught everyone
Bacillus. "
An engineer from Basel, Mr. Hans S., writes: "Through my job I have a lot in the
Do Middle East. Despite vaccination and medication, I come with one each time
Infection or weakened from diarrhea. With the help of AMILLES I am this
Year passed without complaints.
Especially children who are exposed to a lot of contagion at school,
should be placed in flu times under the protection of AMILLES.
Supervisor of all pregnancies and childbearing women is the angel
ARIOTH. His seal is to draw in green color.
Miss Dr. Elisabeth K., a mathematics teacher from Vienna, received from me, after
she had already had the second miscarriage, the seal of ARIOTH with the
Guidance on how to confidently confide in him. While her
Twin sister suffered the third miscarriage in the same year, she brought in after
healthy girl to the world. That's just one case of many.
But not only with pregnancy problems, even if infertility
there is a responsible angel to whom you turn for help
can. His name is FORTESTON. His seal is to draw in blue color. I
often use this genius for my fertility amulet
a certain angel of the Mercury zone.

Incidentally, with FORTESTON I consecrated and joined my very first amulet, the
I donated in 1967 to the midwife who helped my daughter to the world. She has been
Married to a doctor for 15 years and both wished in vain for a child.
FORTESTON has helped, as in many other cases. I have
experienced that often, after the contact with FORTESTON had been established, the
Cause of infertility was discovered by a doctor, although previously
maybe five wrong diagnoses had been made. In whatever way,
the main thing is that FORTESTON helps and the desired child is born.
Alcohol and drug
A widespread disease that does not just affect the individual,
but under which then mostly all relatives have to suffer is the
Drunkenness. But alcoholics, too, have their own guardian angel.
His name is ALPASON, his seal is to be drawn in brown color. He is the
Invisible helpers of all drug addicts and alcoholics. Not only that he is with
Protects his subordinates their lives, he supports every addict in doing so
to get rid of his addiction. Be it that he strengthens his will or the situation
helps to make the person concerned drink.
Alcohol can "help", by lifting the mood with the worry easier
To finish. One must not forget that alcohol, consumed at times,
Millions of people temporarily enable mental relaxation and they do so
from serious nerve problems that would otherwise arise, and protects them
does not arise. But like every angel ALPASON has his
Gegengenius, who fights him, and it is he who is addicted to people
and dependent. Who cares about the guardian angel of the alcohol and
Addiction addict turns, finds him a reliable helper in his distress.
It does not matter if he asks for another help or for himself with him
Looking for support.
"Every time I want to grab a bottle," writes an alcoholic, woman
Frieda K., 30 years old ", I take the seal of the angel ALPASON in the left hand
and say, as you have described, three times: "You my help". I succeed
then, to push away the thought of drinking and I feel like my will
Strengthened by the angel. I'll go for a walk and I'll come
not as degenerate as usual. Now
I've been dry for two months. "Such and similar letters prove that
ALPASON never abandons anyone who turns to him.

The mother of an eighteen-year-old student who has been next to half a year
Marijuana now also had tougher drugs could make him do that
Amulet of the angel to carry. Shortly thereafter, his friend was because
Drug trafficking arrested. The student got such a shock that he returned
came home to sleep. His girlfriend visited him again and helped him, from the
Drug to get away.
Everyone has the opportunity to ask for a loved one's help to the angel
to turn. So writes me a woman whose husband has been drinking since an accident:
"Since me
ALPASON every day please, to heal my husband, I have the feeling, it works again
up with him. He still drinks, but not so often and will not
so brutal in the intoxication. He even helps in the household now, which he never
did before. "(See
also chapter "addiction, diet and willpower")
Not a disease in the strict sense, but a widespread evil, not that
rarely can lead to a serious health impairment is the
Insomnia. Not infrequently it is the result of a disease or Lebenskriese and
makes it difficult for those who suffer from it. Who ever
Wide awake for the night, haunted by his thoughts, unable to rest, willingly
trust his peace of mind before falling asleep to the angel NAHUM
"It may still happen that I do not fall asleep immediately when I do
Turn off the light, "writes Ms. Erika L., one of her profession and household twice
burdened client, "but since I have the seal of the angel you have given me,
hanging over my bed, I feel better night after night. If I am now
lie awake, then I have not so depressing thoughts as before but
the relaxed feeling of resting worried. Instead of annoying me that I am still
not sleeping, I enjoy that I am lying in bed and does not have to get up yet. I
Suddenly, I was only seen as the observer of my thought-landscape, pictorially in
front of me
passes by without disturbing me. At some point I dive deeper into the
Landscape and start to dream, and sometimes I sleep then still
A renter, Mr. Alois E., writes to me: "Since I passed your Seal of Sleep Angel
my bed, I always feel rested. I have a completely new one
Sleep pattern found. I used to lie half the night despite two sleeping pills
long awake and tired and exhausted in the morning, that's me
Already at 1 / 26h I am wide awake, fresh and well rested, although I am only 6
Sleep for hours. I just read until midnight and even started myself
To write short stories. So time goes by, and suddenly it turns completely off
even the necessary bed weight.

A letter on the subject of sleep: "As a child, I have anxiety dreams

suffered, so that I even feared falling asleep, "writes Mrs. Erika
B. "That disappeared and only after I changed my job,
appeared again. Although I am already 38 years old and as successful
Chief secretary actually lead a contented life, I wake up again
sweat-drenched at night, plagued by dreams, which I do not even bother with
can remember. But since I have the seal of this sleep angel over my bed
the nightmares are gone. "
Nervous rest - peace of mind
The first condition for health is and remains the inner peace. This one is but
only too often affected by the outer, closer environment. "It can be the
Do not live in peace, if the bad neighbor does not like it! ", Says one
Saying. The pathogenic influences of family, occupation, superiors,
Employees and neighbors are known to every doctor. Therefore, everyone should take
necessary, first contact the angel of peace FERMEBUS. His seal is in blue
Paint color. One can be sure that this angel is all that is possible in
leading the ways and, as far as it is karmically permissible, in a miraculous way
for the
Peace of mind.
Ms Astrid P., from Stockholm, writes to me: "The constant pressure to perform
my boss, the stammerings and hostility of my colleague and then at home
the grumbling of my husband and the constant reproaches of my mother-in-law,
All this makes me very ill. I would like to throw everything and
run away. But there are still the children. What am I doing wrong, that I always
Have a fight? Now I even have war with my neighbors who claim that
our children always carry dirt into the stairwell and make noise. "
I sent her the Seal of the Angel of Peace FERMEBUS. Already after 3
Months ago she wrote me the following: "Although I still have the same boss, the
same man and my mother-in-law still criticizing mother-in-law
me, but still everything seems different. I am somehow freed from one
Fear and pressure, and everything is much more relaxed. Not only that
suddenly my boss praised my work, my husband bought me flowers, I have today
invited our neighbors to tea and even look forward to their visit. The
Children said 'Mommy the other day, you're so different and different, like this TV
family mother ', and that's how I feel. I know, I owe that to him
Angel of Peace FERMEBUS.

If you are nervous and unbalanced or feel tired and listless, can
to turn to FERMEBUS with confidence. It calms the soul, strengthens the soul
Nerve power and always conveys a confident inner mood. The
Most sufferings and illnesses arise from such or similar
agitated or depressed soul situation, whose waves the angel of peace gladly
smoothes and harmonizes.
The 75-year-old widow Josefa R., confirmed that to me after she joined FERMEBUS
entrusted: "At last I have peace in me again, I'm not so bitter anymore
about the world and feel like me, despite my age, new forces
flow through. Every week I go to a pensioners' club and my children
and grandchildren come to visit again. Since then also my blood pressure
not so high anymore and I'm even planning a bus trip for this summer
Salzburg. Actually, I only asked FERMEBUS for peace in the world
and for myself no hope at all. "
healing magnetism
Remote Healers and Healing Magnetists are supported in their work by CARASCHI
and inspired. His seal is drawn in red.
Patients, ranging from distance healers, curative magnetizers and health care
are also under his special care. Therefore it will
no patient who can be treated by a curator or healer,
refrain from turning to this angel to thereby destroy the
Accelerate healing process. Here, the seal of CARASCHI as
particularly good antenna for the power currents leading to the healing process of
Healers are transmitted to the patient. It is as a receiving device
and enhancer for the kind of vital force that is sent out in distance healing,
to watch.
So wrote me a leg amputee, Mr. B., "I have been in remote treatment of a healer for
years, but the periods in which pain in my
Leg stump unbearable, took longer and longer. Now I put the seal of the
CARASCHI on the scars and often feel immediately a relief. "
Who is in the treatment of a distance healer or medical magnetizer can
with a "Fernheil-Amulett" the angel CARASCHI and DOSOM the transferred
Strengthen healing magnetism.
But even without a healer can be with it the healing power, the us
constantly invisibly flooding and invigorating, tap into. The whole nature will be
flowed through with vitality, and this energy can consciously be absorbed in itself
steer and record. Who carries this amulet with himself and mentally on the
All energizing light force sets in the universe can with few conscious ones
Refuel breathing exercises more health than with a hundred vitamin pills. Along
The Seal of the CARASCHI has proved to be the emblem of KARASA
Healing amulet proven and especially in protracted or chronic
Cases of illness Healing or at least temporary relief of discomfort
Constantly ill - incurable?

Unfortunately, there are also pathogenic causes that are not so easy for the angels
can be eliminated. These are the so-called incurable damage to the body
through cancer and other deformations. These are those due to years of wrong
Lifestyle or adverse environmental conditions arising with the
Consequence of chronic complaints. These are mental and mental blocks like
Stress and discomfort caused e.g. by marriage - occupation - family, where one
Change for the time being would only cause more problems or not at all
is possible.
Nevertheless, through the help of angels, I have experienced so many miraculous
that I can say in good conscience: there is always hope, and surely you can
A temporary alleviation of suffering and a strengthening of vitality await you
helps to endure the disease more easily.
The condition is that you yourself do everything in your power to
to get well: So get medical advice, help by the so-called
Traditional medicine and naturopathy take advantage and the laws of the positive
Thinking and giving follow.
But the latter means that you trustingly and patiently do everything else
Leave angels and not from one doctor to another or from a miracle healer
To the next pilgrimage and impatient to force your recovery to seek. Because
who for months desperately tries to get well, is strengthened by his constant,
possibly anxious attention that he his bad
Health status dedicates the existing clinical pictures and does with it
In addition, even his mind completely ill. The constant in ones listening
and monitoring the condition naturally causes new symptoms
and thus brings the picture of the disease again and again in mind. The so in the
Consciousness-evoked images of the Thought of Suffering set themselves up
Convalescence and complicate necessary health concepts
hence the work of the angels, which are mainly on the thought image plane
If you are already physically or mentally ill, then at least try
to keep your mind healthy by not thinking about illness.
As soon as you draw your attention from your illness, just do not take it
Observe, for the time that you succeed, your mind is free from it and can
undisturbed to bring home images of your well-being

That does not necessarily mean immediate healing, but it does

helping to live better with the disease and is a first step to
Recovery. Life is a school and often the patient enduring one
Suffering, the envisaged learning period to be mastered. That includes the
Possibility of a cure does not matter. You always have to hope for healing. But the
Strength in gaining suffering, sometimes will help rather than convulsive
Desire for immediate recovery.
In many cases, this means the adoption of the disease as something fateful
Given or unavoidable, and often it is just this humble attitude,
which ultimately relaxes the soul and opens the way to healing.
So believe in your recovery, but do not try to force it more quickly
when the powers of fate allow it. If it is intended for you and the time
came because the necessary spiritual conditions are created
the angels will be able to create those situations that affect you
• It is sufficient to consult the doctor of your confidence and his advice
to follow.
• Please at the same time the angels KARASA and CARASCHI, the heads of all doctors
Healer, for help and wear their seal as a healing power amulet with you. As each
Recovery is ultimately initiated by these genii, you can get the money for
Questionable miracle cures, dubious telehealers and expensive magic magic
save up.
• Give this money to the poor! You become the victim of this sacrifice yourself
Most help and may feel better because you can make up.
• Pray and pray for you and other sufferers! But always close with the thought:
"Your will will happen!"
So if you have done everything in your power, leave your suffering
trusting the angels and patiently and calmly accept as given what you are
for the time being can not change.
Why sometimes the best doctor and the most expensive drug can not cure
cause? The reason lies in the interaction between bodily functions and
the mental mood. For a long time the doctors know it, the most common
Disease causes are to be found in the spirit spiritual area. Stress on
Job, repressed marital problems, worries with children or loneliness and
Lack of understanding on the part of relatives, all of which leads to a kind of
and tension in the soul; the life force can not circulate properly anymore,
and soon thereafter physical cramps and health disorders occur
on. But how to restrain the soul, the doctors do not know.
The symptoms of physical illness can be relieved by medication
temporarily numb, but the cause, the mental spasm, stays away
unaffected. And analogously, depending on which soul organ is affected by it,
suffers the corresponding body function on. A broken heart, e.g. leaves
Do not kitten with digitalis or psychotropic drugs.
As mentioned elsewhere, the organism is invisible,
Life spirits, the so-called "Vitale", for a smooth exchange of all
Substances and direct the life force to the right cells. Like the invigorating
of sunlight and the dissolving moisture of rain to liven up the plants, so
are simplified, different Vitale with their own
Tasks entrusted to the living body cells of the organs with the necessary life
to supply. Where this happens inadequately, the person becomes ill or
In the seed, so in the different cereals and nuts, as well as in all
still living parts of plants, such as raw vegetables, fruits and juices, are the
Vitale particularly crowded and alive. This is no longer a secret today.
Many people already feed themselves according to this fact and eat
daily fresh fruit, uncooked vegetables and natural cereal products.
But what no one knew so far is the fact that you collect these vitals
and that there can be different vitalities. Their most intimate is theirs
Effect in the medicinal herbs.
The angel PARACHMON is responsible for the hidden powers of the medicinal herbs.
He taught me how to turn the astrological life for the planet one
individually selects and mixes personal horoscopes. Because the Vitale have, ever
according to plant species, very different qualities.
The two secrets of the herbal angel PARACHMON
PARACHMON told me the following: The Vitale follow what one thinks. If
you always think you are tired and exhausted you will not revive
but follow this unhealthy idea and lame. The
also explains the phenomenon of the so-called placebo effect. This refers to the
Conventional medicine the fact that in 60% of all cases, where for research
ineffective sham preparations are administered, anyway, just because the patient is
whose effect is believed to improve the state of health.

But that,
what one ascribes to the imagination in effect cause the vital. By
the positive thought impulse: "this medicine makes me healthy," can
they have a much easier job to do, namely to take care of their health
fulfill. It is thus just the reverse, even the strongest most effective
Medicines could do nothing without the vital.
The various Taoist exercises, such as Chi-Gong and Tai-Chi,
are based on the same fact, namely that one has the life force with his
Concentrate and direct thought power. Vitale are also in the
Oxygen and sunlight are contained in addition to the conscious
Breathe and absorb the targeted imagination.
The second secret entrusted to me by the angel concerns the Hermetic
Anatomy (see 4.BUCH THE MASTERS) and their reflection at the level of
The so-called soul is not, as many people believe, a nebulous one
Light spun but a subtle organism that just like the
body has very real organs and limbs without the mind and limbs
Soul life would not work. Are these organs healthy and harmonious?
coordinated with each other, then the person will be healthy and
feel resistant and strains or injuries, these are now
physically or mentally, can handle well. Are the soul organs, however
damaged and weakened or due to mental imbalance in each other
Tension then it will soon transfer to the body. Of the
The person concerned will then be powerless, listless and depressed and with every
smallest one
Disease burden.
The great doctor Paracelsus sensed this when he said: "Every human being has his
Heaven in itself, and every herb has its star "
Condition of the soul organs the conditions of the cosmic state of the
Paning at birth. But while in man the whole solar system
with all planets, and every soul organ of the power of a planet
corresponds, in a plant always only a planetary principle comes into its own. I
but the gifted healer took advantage of this. After that, he mixed his arcana,
with whom he could heal so many patients. He examined the horoscope of
Patients and then chose the appropriate herbs.
Through the horoscope, both the hidden vulnerabilities of the
Organism as well as the strengths that give support to a human.
And every planetary principle also has its equivalent in the plant world. Thus
A balance and strengthening of the invisible life-body can be achieved
achieve analogous plants. You need
to do so only those subtle forces that he lacks, and those
disturbing energies that take over, moderated by opposing fluids.
It is not about the chemical substances used in pharmacy,
but about the underlying vital forces

Every soul organ has a specific function, the angel told me, and comes with me
the analog planetary principle associated. The Hermetic Law
"As above, so below", confirms what many religions teach: Man is after
born in the image of God with the facility of perfection. The cosmic
Perfection is expressed in our solar system in harmonious synchronism
of the planets, what happens in humans in the healthy interaction of his
Soul organs and reflected in nature in undisturbed ecology. The divine
Essential spirits are the planet geniuses, the hierarchy of angels. The human
Essential spirits are the vital (life spirits), the elementals (mental images),
and the elementals (emotions). The analogy to the planets and theirs
Intelligences is the following:
The essence of the spirits of the sun we experience in us through the soul organ
Vitality and self-assessment in the form of zest for life and vitality. In the
we find the energy of the sun in the strengthening St. John's wort, in the orange
or stored in dandelions.
The spirits of the moon influence the soul organ, which the muted
Principle touched in man, thus causing the imagination and moods, and
in the organism regulates the fluid balance and the lymphatic system. Find in
If we use these forces, e.g. in lettuce, in cucumbers, in coltsfoot leaves.
The soul organ with which we logically think is the inner Mercury. The
Mercury spirits also regulate the nervous functions in the organism and in nature
Growth of all mercury plants, e.g. the hazelnut, the valerian or the
The soul organ, which has the ability to sense love and harmony
lends is animated by the Venus Ghosts. In the organism regulate the
Venus forces the copper balance which is important for the feeling of happiness,
and in the
Nature you can find them especially concentrated in the birch or rosehip.
The soul organ for willpower and dynamics is activated by the Martian spirits.
The energy for all combustion processes in Orgnismus based on the
Activity of the inner Mars, and when these energies flare up unchecked,
it comes to rest, over-stimulation, inflammation and fever. In nature we find
the Marsenergien in the stinging nettle, in the verbena, in the onion, in the oak
many other strengthening plants.
The Jupiter spirits control in the soul the personal sense of justice,
in the body the assimilation and the growth and in the nature the
Apricot, the maple, the horsetail and many other plants used as a drug
helping to assimilate and metabolize.

the soul organ, which is watched over by the fateful angels of Saturn
and that causes in the mind the ability to concentrate and the conscience caused
Depression in the soul, and also strengthens and hardens the organism. It
forms the bones, tightens the skin and dries out, causing stone formation and
Can cause stiffening. The Saturn plants include the fir, among others
the elder, the fern.
The angel Parachmon taught me how to draw from a horoscope
Can find out weak points of the individual soul organs, and how then,
with appropriate plants that restore healthy balance. The for
the life tea compiled plants then reflect, in that particular
Quantity ratio, on the subtle level, the very personal
Soul vibration of the person concerned again. I could do that by looking for that
Horoscope selected the plants for an individual life tea, many people
align the body of life harmoniously, which is very often too enormous
Increased performance and a healthy life, where previously no hope
more existed.
Mrs. Käthe M., a 45 year old saleswoman from Hamburg, confirms that. She
writes, "I was always tired and listless in the past, but it was still very bad
sleep and also had pain in the legs of many standing. I was at it
many doctors, but no one helped me. But now I feel much better. I am
sure, that this is no coincidence, but comes from her life, which I daily
The life tea does not only hope for healing. It looks like a fluid
Lebensamlulett. If one considers the individual soul vibration through the
Obsthorokop determined and then by the appropriate plant mixture
not only the entire physical one can do with it
Improve health but also the mental functions
balance harmoniously.
Brigitte K., a Frankfurt teacher who believed the double burden of
Job stress and household no longer to create, wrote me very happy: "Me
can hardly believe it, for 2 weeks I drink my life tea and feel
already as newborn. That can not be a fantasy. Because also my husband
I've changed and I'm different than usual. Even my students
may feel that, because they respect me again and do not try me
to challenge more like usual all the time. The miracle reminds me, "she writes
Teacher, "an experience two years ago. At the time I was suffering from terrible
Back pain and a chiropractor has brought me back to that. Just like that
I feel the life-tea, he has regained my soul. "
Some people are full of vitality and have a strong personal one
Charisma and willpower. They go through confident and confident
While others are fearful and impotent, at the most of their own
Moods and impulses are moved.

How come that some have an energy reservoir, the other

seems to remain closed?
One should not think of the soul energy as a blind force like gravity,
Introduce electricity or nuclear energy. The subtle forces that man
enlivening and animating are the so-called elementals.
As the body is made up of living little cells of the body, it is
the spirit of essential little spirits. They experience themselves in the
Thoughts, feelings, and desires that express and bring to consciousness.
They develop a life of their own and an instinct of self-preservation and can,
as soon as they slip away from conscious control, they become powerful emotions
Fear complexes grow. From healthy elemental marine cells
are then shadowy energy parasites, as desires, addictions, impulses
or in the form of affects, passions and obsessions the whole
Soul energy and enormously weaken the person concerned. Because as soon as
an elemental grows beyond its own size, it works like one
Cancerous tumor at the expense of other soul cells.
Positive abilities are elemental essentials of the personality, the one
solely from self-restraint, discipline and conscious renunciation
grown up.
Therefore, the patterns of weakness and anxiety, impulses and desires
welcome opponents. Who she on the inner sports field at
Soul muscle training overcomes that gains mental resilience with each
Victory grows and he then according to his will (and not to the wishes of the
press him) in daily life can use.
During the Archangel MICHAEL on the cosmic battlefield of the gods and
Demons for the good and the angel JENURI fights the human souls
negative elementals, schemes and spirits that attack him from the outside
protects, helps IVAR, his seal is golden, inside the man, the
Individual, in overcoming his own negative soul essence. there
it does not matter if these elementals are caused by physical needs,
or of alien beings that are different from the spiritual inclinations and interests
of the
People are attracted to being awakened in the soul.
Like no other angel IVAR goes on the personal situation of the
Individuals and has ready for each individual advice.
During my mountain hikes in the Swiss Alpstein massif I often came to the
Hut of a friendly shepherd over. Joseph was a simple humble one
Man, his only problem was alcohol. He told me a lot about his
Live, and I told him about the angels, and while I was sealed with IVAR's
I scratched my cane in the ground and got the following inspiration:
"As soon as you wish to drink, go to the summit cross and get one
Stone. With these stones build in front of your house my seal, I'll help you, the
Drunk drunkards. Beware your good intentions like the good shepherd his
Sheep. Pay attention to your thoughts and wishes. As soon as you realize that you
Temptation comes over, get on your way. "
For the first time the pious shepherd began to be really conscious of his
To explain emotions. Instead of him, as before, his
Imagining ideas and feelings like body needs, he faced them now
scrutinizing to recognize the temptations in time.
At first he had to go up the mountain daily, sometimes even at night, he took the
Very serious. Soon, however, he had designed the seal IVAR'S with the stones, and
It was easier for him daily to give up his usual schnapps. As me Josef
met again a year later, he was dry.
"I got drunk a few more times," he confessed, "I could,
when I went to the village on Friday for shopping, not right back the whole
"I smiled mischievously," but then I got into each pants pocket
put an IVARSTEIN and have always come home sober. "
Any stone he has collected, instead of taking a sip from the bottle,
was an effective amulet for Joseph as a symbol of his steadfastness
which strengthened his willpower as soon as he threatened to weaken.
I told this story to a good friend whose son was addicted to drugs
was. The widowed big industrialist, himself a passionate mountaineer, was
Excited and asked me to talk with his boy.
Jahn was an intelligent, very sensitive guy who, like many adolescents,
like to be fascinated by the world of magic and mysticism. He already knew some
esoteric books and was ready to try out the practice of genius help. He
agreed to the withdrawal.
After a short transitional period, he under medical supervision and with the help
Well managed medication, his father rented a cozy cottage in the
Salzburger Lessachtal, from where the two then more and more extensive
Mountain hikes and later ski tours undertook. On every home brought
Stone engraved Jahn the seal of the IVAR and felt with the growing collection
better and safer every day.
When I saw him again, he was a different person
Drug is the Preber, "he greeted me
radiant. "When I slow down on its 2,500-foot ridge
high sweat, I'm high and better on it than from a shot. "
This is medically quite explainable. When mountain climbing in the
Body, similar to jogging, Endorfine releases the, like a drug,
can generate euphoric feelings of happiness.
Add to that the overwhelming impression that the majestic towering
convey snow-covered peaks. One suspects something of the sublime power of the
Creator powers and feels closer to them, is involved in the
light - flooded spheres of a peaceful order and the community of their
spiritual inhabitants. Nobody can feel the solemn feeling of awe and
Close your respect, which dull the soul in the mountains
Lowlands of everyday worries rises and opens the good angels.
"I have noticed," Jahn described his experiences, "that I am already at the
Rise, the higher I get, the more calm and peaceful I feel. The unfamiliar
Effort makes me feel like I'm losing my cares
erarbeite. All my fears dissolve up there, like the passing ones
Patchy fog. You are really outraged in the world. You know, "Jahn said seriously,"
I feel that climbing a mountain is a very legal trip to another world in which I
find myself, and from each of which I get a bit more of my personality
can take down. I have so much distance from my old drug-addict
get that sorry for this poor devil. Since I realized that not
The drug, but the drug schemes used me, is the withdrawal for me
become a sports match, a holy war. I feel responsible
for my weak self that I want to protect, and it's a matter of honor to go strong
stay. On the other hand, "adds Jahn," I no longer feel so discouraging
and shameful that I "fell down" twice. I know the power of
slimy drug monsters from the horrific horror visions at the beginning of the
Weaning. Nevertheless, I see further relapses more relaxed than before.
Because I now know IVAR on my side, and I sometimes feel its closeness when
if he was part of me. He gives me a tremendous power and a
strong self-confidence as soon as I concentrate on his seal. He will be mine
help again and again, I am infinitely grateful to him. "
The struggle between good and evil does not only take place in the spiritual
but at the same time takes place in every single human soul. Everybody is
a fighter for truth, justice and charity. The power to do that
spiritual energy for this war, procure those who overcome evil in themselves.
No matter if the "evil" is in the sloth and comfort, the one
in the morning does not let out of bed and wants to prevent his daily
Fulfills obligations, - whether it is the "evil" self-preservation instinct in the
of stinginess that keeps the offering, or whether it is the "evil" in fear
is that can only be overcome with courage and moral courage.
No one should condemn or even look down on a drug addict. who it
namely, to overcome an addiction, no matter whether it is so-called
hard drugs, medicines, alcohol or nicotine and chocolate,
gains more willpower and energy for his personality in this fight
a brave average citizen who has never been with the essential parts of his
personal underworld was confronted. In addition, his win benefits everyone,
because the evil was struck on a human soul battlefield.
Everybody is a warrior, but at the forefront are those who have the
Combat addiction devils.
Not only the drug is a poisonous fear-solver and pleasure-maker, there are others
most unhealthy soul-crutches, which the tension of the ghost-muscle
but let it be discovered as an addiction.
For example, the gossip, quarrelsome, jealousy, yearning. Many addictions will be
Not aware of the person concerned. Who feels dependent on the usual
Glass of wine or beer to eat or the candy afterwards? How many devour
every day the lying-spewed poison-dripping food from the morning paper and
sparkling sensational revelations from the magazines? Millions of people are
addicted to mental stimulation by flickering images and sit evening after evening
in front of the TV screen. Everyone has a secret desire or become loved
Habit he can no longer do without. You too. And instead of others too
should be condemned, you should rather take the fight in yourself. IVAR will be
Who has ever experienced how wholesome and invigorating it is, if you have his
Schemenvampire overcomes, which soon finds more joy in this fight and
Fulfillment as by dubious enjoyment, the satisfaction of pleasure
would prepare.
It's going to be an exciting sport, which is what you mistakenly call "yourself"
keeps defeating.
"I tried several times to give up smoking," Dr. Peter M.,
"However, it never lasted more than a few hours or days
My family probably suffered as much as I did during that time, because then I was
always terribly irritated and uncomfortable. Everyone near me was happy when I was
smoked again. Until I got her will amulet.
As soon as the need for smoking comes over, I take the amulet in the left
Hand, speak in the spirit of the formula: "IVAR STRENGTHS THE WILL - IVAR TAKES THE
SEEK - YOU MY HELP IVAR "and I manage the energy almost immediately
of the lust storm into the power of my will, and every time
I feel deep joy and satisfaction with it. The amulet also helps me, others
To master "vice". It gives me strength,
when I get impatient or in difficult negotiations my position
must claim, "Dr. M. ends his letter.

Like no other angel, IVAR supports mankind and strengthens it

anyone who turns to him. Bettina K., housewife and mother of three, became
getting fatter. "It started during the first pregnancy," she complained
unhappy, "now I weigh over 90 kilos, I once had one
Dream figure. "
Bettina K. had already had three diets, but never quite sustained and
then every time soon reaches her old weight again. She asked me to
a special diet amulet that should help her, the necessary willpower for one
to apply successful slimming diet.
In addition to IVAR, which strengthens the will, LAMARION is responsible for weight
His seal is light green. He's always been inspiring people for fasting and helping
to set up and maintain an individual, correct nutritional plan.
In addition, LAMARION gives youth and beauty, and who cares about him
is surprised, how refreshing it can be, the usual diet for a while
and how happy it is to watch the fat cells disappear,
and for that self-esteem and the whole personality grows. So I made
for Fau K. the diet amulet with the appropriate geniuses and sent
it her.
Soon afterwards she told me with pleasure: "Already on the first day I felt the new
Power that I withdrew from the feeding schemes. Was I there earlier, during a Lent,
always tired, listless and depressed, this time I feel directly active in sports
stimulated. I have registered, "so she told me," in a gymnastics class,
Do a long evening walk with my husband every day, and the
Housework is easier than ever before. In the weight watchers
Group I visit every week, I am the one who decreases the most. But that
Nicest thing is, since I'm leaner, my husband is completely in love again
IVAR has also revealed how to reduce weight without special fasting
• Eat slowly, chew well.
• Never snack or eat sweet food after a meal.
• Avoid alcohol in any form.
• Instead of snacking or eating, drink anise. (May be sweetened).
• Only water does not make you fat.
• Quite spontaneously a meal several times a month.
• Gymnastics or running twice a day until sweating.
• Wear the seal of the IVAR. Formula "My will is stronger every day, my hunger
is dwindling more and more "
• hang up notepad:
"Better the pleasure of losing weight than the frustration with being overweight."
"Hunger is easier to bear than fat."
"The joy of losing weight is greater than the short pleasure of eating.

Passions and desires are the power of many assembled into schemas
small "satisfied" desire and pleasure elements. You can therefore also
dissolve again small. Every overcome, unsatisfied temptation,
means the destruction of an elemental part of the eating, smoking, drinking or
addiction drug scheme. The tamed instinctual impulse transforms into strength
of the will, which grows as the power of the Schemens fades. At the
In the beginning you need a lot of patience and energy for this transformation, and
that is missing most.
But there is no other willpower than that energy of the mind that one has
has withdrawn the schemes. Anyone who thinks he is too weak can do this
Kraft small, and indeed of the schemes, his so-called small
Identify weaknesses, pick them. Or he has to take small steps. With the
The energy gained can then be gradually and the more powerful schemes
successfully conquer.
Just as one applies the laws of nature in technology and thus life
relieved, one can take advantage of the spiritual laws. It's called that
falsely "magic", although it is quite natural processes on the
subtle level.
IVAR, the angel of transformation
The transformation of the soul energy into spiritual power is the responsibility of
the angel IVAR. I
Here are some of the valuable suggestions he has given me for the
entrusted daily use.
• The essential thing that matters is the joy. Instead of the body-related pleasure
sensation by the relaxation with the satisfaction of one
Need, should the spirit-based feeling of happiness about strengthening the
Personality by overcoming the instinct, to be evoked.
• Instead of the pleasure of enjoyment, the joy of the gained willpower must occur.
The elementals of joy, too, are combined into a schema that takes place on the
Wants to preserve life. He realizes that with each mastered renunciation one
receives an invigorating burst of energy, and soon makes sure that he is treated as
often as
possibly called into consciousness. One can therefore give him the function of a
Wächters and transfer him as a competitor and entity IVAR'S with the formula:
"You help me" bind to its seal. (Elementals are not just
Parts of the human beings, including the angels and demons, consist of these
mental miniature beings.) Thus one not only gains a powerful symbol as
Memory of his own
Willpower, but at the same time an antenna for receiving the
inflowing help of the angel, which one with the formula: "you my assistance" with
Need to take the amulet.

Delay: Smoke, eat, snack until ten, thirty or sixty minutes later than it does
urges you to. Already growing in this short period of time
the tension of your will immensely.
• Short withdrawal: Stay firm for 1 day, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month
Schemes. The limited abstinence is easier to endure because the end
is to be seen. Nevertheless, you gain willpower and do that
exhilarating experience that you can do it if you want. Each additional
Abstinence will be easier later.
Reduction: Determine in advance how much you want for a day, a week
Allocate the month, and stick to it. This consistent attitude proves
that you are master of your self and create elementals of self-confidence.
• Make a pact with you: Write in a small triangle, for example, I smoke only 3
Cigarettes, or I do not drink today, and draw IVAR'S seal over it.
• Break the power of habit: many cravings do not grow up
a need or desire, but are as a kind of "conditioned mental
Reflex ", the result of sensations or special situations, for example the
Cigarette for coffee or a glass of wine after sex. The snacking after
a meal (unless there is a pancreatic disease!), the
Drink to the cosiness, the peanuts to the television, the beer to the meal, the
Coffee in the morning (if there is no low blood pressure). If already satisfaction,
then not automatically thoughtless, but deliberately wanted, to one
Time, which you decide beforehand. You make yourself with it the schemes
Subject, bind your energy to your mind and not your mind to the
Schemes. You have a right to desire, and enjoyment is not a sin. But you should
do not give in to overwhelmed, but consciously enjoy.
• Replacement Action: Use the power of habit to make an unhealthy
Habit (addiction or passion) into a less harmful one. You will be amazed how
quickly the regular enjoyment of one
Cup of tea with a piece of crispbread instead of the usual wine and the
Chips in the evening, just as a daily need, as before the
Alcohol and the fat nibbles. But beware, a friend of mine has become
quitting smoking with nuts. "If only I had chosen carrots," he lamented
himself, as a happy non-smoker, but 5 kilos heavier, with me.
Therefore, it must always be ensured that the released force is consciously
absorbed into the
Personal will be transferred because otherwise they automatically with the
would connect the nearest desired schemes. We chose to as
spiritual basis the joy of the increase in personality,
have these with the idea og a helpful guardian named IVAR
dressed up, and associated with the seal of his "angelic model". The
Seal becomes ritualistic, with the formula "you my help", as an amulet

It can be on an "IVARSTEIN", which has been troubled somewhere,

be scratched or on a metal plate, which hangs on a string, in which one
Make a knot with every renunciation, you paint it on one
Matchbox, in which e.g. for each non-smoked cigarette
Lashes and rattles as soon as one succumbs to the temptation. The
Seal can also be in a "magic" weapon, a knife, a sword, a hatchet
be etched, which then breaks the unwanted schemes or
but these practices are already high magic and require one
Considerable level of trained imagination.
• You can solemnly dedicate yourself to a time of austerity, a vow
make themselves completely under the care of the angel IVAR.
• Schemes of addiction are addicts, clothed, lurking in inns
and discotheques, are awakened by the loud dissonant techno "music".
Avoid these secondary hazards.
• Never deny the evil consequences of your addictions, do not lie to anything the
angels help
no liar.
• Submit your weakness without reservation. Never say you have it under control
as long as you have not completely overcome them. But be sure that you are all in
get the grip, and want it too.
• The genuine desire, the full affirmation of withdrawal must be based
to be the guardian. Who e.g. just half-heartedly wants to quit smoking,
whose guardian will only half-heartedly fulfill his task.
• Replacement: Instead of a strong poison, you can temporarily become a weak one
(Drug) as a support. But you must never during a
Weaning no matter what, consume alcohol or marijuana products. Because
Although these drugs may relax for a short time, they also take yours
Will any resilience, and all good intentions break down together. From the
deceptive illusions there is then only a rude awakening each time.
• In relapses, only see the natural relaxation of the overstressed
Resilience and not a weakness or personal defeat. Always start
new again and never let it discourage you.
• Never say, it does not matter now. On the contrary, the deeper you put inside,
the more
You gain the power of mind when you come out. It is never too late and the right
Time to stop, is always, is today, is now !.
• Constantly control your thoughts, because ideas arouse feelings and
• Work, move! Even the slightest body activity overcomes parts of yours
Inertia schemes and transforms their paralyzing depressive soul gravity
the invigorating spiritual freshness of your will. Self-esteem only grows on the
Satisfaction that brings a performed performance. You do not have too much energy
but the inertia schemes, the more lazy you are, the more powerful
become, pull the life force to itself. Get the power back by doing something
• First, get the willpower from the small weaknesses that you can master.
Overcome the gossip (Reduce phone calls), NeuGIER (newspaper reading
delete), criticism LUST (praise instead), Collector PASSION (disconnect
from your favorite piece), Tob-SEEK (put yourself in the other), GRAZIER
(give away the money with which you wanted to buy the next joy). The
Overcoming the inertia is a particularly productive source of strength, therefore,
in the morning
out of bed early. Keep order and cleanliness, because on this floor
grow no drug poison schemes. Every renunciation, every smallest
Self-overcoming, every conscious self-restraint is suitable, yours
Will to strengthen. But never forget the power gained in the IVAR's seal
Save, it is a symbol of your strength and support.

"Your will-amulet," wrote Günter K., from Bregenz, "has not only me,
but changed my whole life. While I am following the points of the IVAR
Quitting smoking and drinking, I also overcame my insecurity. I changed
my job and my apartment, found a nice wife and am a balanced
become a satisfied person. Although I lead a modest life, I am glad
every day like a king, because nothing controls me more. I rule
about me!
Some people are constantly against injustice, hostility and
To fight intrigues. It's partly because of you and your intolerant,
strict attitude towards others. At the same time, most people do it
unaware, because they also demand a lot of discipline and are always over correct
behavior. They conjure up conflicts through their criticism and perfectionism
Clashes up and then feel themselves but unfair
Reproaches if they encounter resistance. That can often be up to
Processes are played high.
To those who are more often involved in such disputes, recommend
I for such situations, to turn to the angel BREFFEOS. His seal is
to draw in brown color. He will assist all who judge or themselves
be directed. He is responsible for finding the truth
and he does not allow any wrong. Yes, he can even see to it that those who are
wrong to you
do the craft, and they will be punished for doing so.

I myself was once in a small war between two neighbors in my

close proximity with the help of BREFFEOS for fair output. In one
Tenement house, in which I lived at that time, there was a civil servant widow who
embittered and
was enormously contentious. In everything and everyone she had something to
complain about, and
she was always in trouble with any tenant. When she over again
a divorcee living near her, the rumor
spread that she received foreign gentlemen at night, the arms did not know any more
to help and asked me to intervene. As responsible for such matters BREFFEOS
I gave her his seal and advised her to keep calm. Thereon
two things happened: first, her neighbor was in the act
Shoplifting caught in the supermarket around the corner. Of course, that spoke
and she did not show up for weeks; and secondly, it was added
divorce her husband on all counts convicted, although he so far
had successfully tried her all the blame for the disruption of the marriage
Even in court, BREFFEOS helps innocent people to their rights. A good
Acquaintances who worked in a tobacco shop were charged and charged with
Stolen 120,000.- s. The money was missing in the inventory, and she was the one
only employee. Everything spoke against her. A small summer house she herself
from the money of an inheritance, which she had not given because of the tax,
had weighed heavily on her. The value of the house was exactly the same
the sum that was missing from the cash register. She was of course completely
desperate and asked
like to be under the protection of BREFFEOS. Although astrologically little chance
If they find justice, the miracle happened: their boss, the owner
of the shop, was one day caught by his wife with a lover.
He also confessed to her that it was he himself who had taken the money, and
that he spent this money traveling with his girlfriend.
Another genius that ensures truth, law and order is ARMEFIA. Be
Seal is to draw in blue color. ARMEFIA does not just help you
Right, but he also watches over the fact that you yourself are not on the way of
the truth
and justice comes off. He protects you from injustice as well
from becoming involved in criminals. He often even obtains mercy for
Culprit. The angels are inhabitants of the subtle plane and it is therefore
It is obvious that their spiritual well-being is more important to them than that
of theirs
earthly events around you, and it is truly better to be unfair
to endure being lawless. That's how ARMEFIA protects you
before you go to the
Influence area of evil, and leads you back on the path of the

Rough Erna R., who gave her grandson Michael the seal of ARMEFIA, reported
the following: "When I worried about my grandson Michael, because he was in
bad company, I ordered an amulet for him. God be
Thanks thanks to the angel everything went out well. His friends from back then
arrested after a business collapse, but fortunately he was not there. That was
for him a salutary shock that completely changed him. He has his apprenticeship
even though he wanted to quit, and is soon learned. And a nice one
He also found a girl. Now I'm worried again, because he has
bought a motorcycle, and I'm afraid he'll have an accident because he's so wild
Well, I made the seal of the EGENTION for the boy, the reliable from accident
Protects, if you ask him and carry his seal with you. The seal of the
EGENTION should be drawn in blue. He will wake caution and mindfulness,
so you can drive accident-free. It is for EGENTION to ensure that
that people with all vehicles that have already been invented, so car,
Bike, motorcycle, horse carts, rail vehicles, etc., handle it properly and
also do not suffer harm on the road due to these inventions.
A taxi driver, Mr. Egon K., wrote me the following: "Now I am 300,000
Miles driven accident-free, almost to the moon. I only owe that to the angel,
you sent me, because I used to have it every 2 to 3 years
Metal damage, despite the many mascots I had hanging in the car. "
I myself had a very impressive experience of helping through EGENTION: it was
1961, at the time when I was still living in Sweden. At Christmas I visited mine
Parents who lived in Vienna. I drove with a friendly family in their car
with, and we wanted to take turns at the wheel and drive through the night. to
Safety I hung the seal of the EGENTION in the car. On the way there went
despite the fog and local ice, everything is fine. On the 1st of January we started
the return journey
and drove again, without sleeping the long distance. So we were
traveling all day and half the night. My friend then got me in the
Night replaced, while I was able to disengage the back seat. Suddenly he stopped
a parking lot abruptly and woke me up. "You have to continue,"
he said, "I'm really tired, I have hallucinations, now I have
For the third time a white-clad man standing in the middle of the road
See! "Well, I was well rested and drove on through the starry night.
There was no one else on the road at this time. No car met us on the
long distance. I chatted with my friend 's wife, who was on the
Passenger seat next to me was now also lively, when she suddenly screamed: "Yes, is
because he's crazy! "I was horrified, too, because of me, on our left
Road side (in Sweden at that time was still left traffic), the yellow rest us
Headlights of a giant long-distance truck, which made no move on
to avoid the other side. I felt hot and cold at the same time, the street was
snowstorm, and I was paralyzed. Literally at the last second, it was as if
my arms would have been self-sufficient, I tore the wheel and managed
it somehow not to land in the ditch. After the car on the
snow-slaling road was unrolled, my knees trembled. Behind us we could the
Tail lights of the supposed German LKV's used to driving to the right,
still see disappearing on the wrong side of the street. I am sure: Would be
sat my tired friend at the wheel, then it would be one
Frontal collision has been inevitable. He would not have reacted so quickly
like me, because I was well rested and cheerful. In the right time
EGENTION showed him his tiredness and made him stop.
Not always will the help

Not always the help of angels is experienced so spectacularly. An old woman with me
lives in the street and has fallen several times in the last year, has the seal
from me
of the guardian angel EGENTION. Since then, she told me, she feels safe
and as if surrounded by a constant companion, and she quietly goes now in the worst
Road traffic over the intersections, because she knows if she crashes, she will be
To the angels who personally made themselves available to the League of Pilgrims
also include those intelligences, which have always been the development of the
Knowledge and the manual skills of mankind was responsible. They were it,
inspiring the guilds and inspiring people at the right time
new techniques and inventions. In symbolic representation or as
Masked, they had a firm place in the consciousness of the people,
what was necessary for the contact, and they stand today for everyone who
approaches them
turns, like to the side.

Your thoughts to the angel you call, but must the angel through
Tie bond of sympathy to you. Not just the noble, characterful
Purity of your soul is a prerequisite, but also the special spiritual
Interests that give direction to your thoughts bring you near the
this area competent invisible genius. In earlier times, when the
People were not yet ready to contact their thoughts
To create angels, the bridge became the world of geniuses alone over the
Built up faith. The angels, who were entrusted with special tasks, to get up
Teaching mankind in this area was particularly well-suited
suitable souls as contact persons. They formed certain people
especially to these as role models in the form of saints and patron saints of
To set up guilds. The souls of these mediators then could, through the believers
Worship and worship strengthened, the contact with the angel, the subject area
protrudes, manufacture.
Today these human mediators on the subtle level are no more
necessary. The power of thought is enough to reach the angels directly. The
Protective cartridges are still active, but it can be any pilgrim of the
Apply directly to the head of his profession or craft and in
its sphere of influence its special protection and mental support
enjoy. It is obvious that, as the guild members
will be ahead of its competitors because, inspired directly by the angels,
successful in his job. There is one for every profession
appropriate competent angel. But choose the one that is suitable for your project
be careful! Think before, if you lack skills, and you
Therefore, you are unsuccessful, or if you have not found any possibilities, your
to successfully offer and use.
Franz Bardon has in his work in detail every single angel and his
Impact circle described. I will confine myself to some of the genii
to describe, with whom I was in spiritual contact, and by their
Blessed I Act through the amulets for my clients personally
could convince.
So, for example, me At that time, when I was still working as a goldsmith, the
LAMALI inspires and the ancient method of jewelry making, casting in the
lost form, to be rediscovered. It was then through this technique
possible to produce shapes that would never have been possible with conventional
let shape. I invented the astrology jewelery for each constellation
plastically represents the inner hidden correspondence. As "star gold" was the
a huge success. Television and press brought reports about it. Gold and
Silversmiths, all that success in the jewelry industry and with gemstones
so, please contact LAMALI. His seal is in green color too
to draw.
When I moved from Sweden to Austria in 1970, and a Wiener Zeitung
I wanted to give a report on my amulets, I gave to the journalist, who
the interview with me made the seal of ZAGRION.
He is
the patron saint of all writers and journalists. His seal is in brown
Paint color. This journalist, the then employed editor of those
Weekly newspaper was announced a few weeks after contacting ZAGRION
had and started a steep career. He has since written 25 books and
is one of the most popular writers and television editors in Austria.
Since today the medium of television also belongs to journalism, but here beside
the literary ability also sympathy and eloquence for success
necessary, I then made him the seal of the CORILON a few years ago. This is
also to draw in brown color. CORILON is the invisible genius of all
Performers and people who work in public. Through his
Anyone can make their support popular with their audience and will do so too
to derive financial success from this activity. Many well-known actors
and crowd favorites bear the seal of the CORILON. This too
Journalist since then writes not only for television series that are incredibly
but also moderates even successful programs.
For public relations in connection with politics are on the other hand sympathy
and ingenuity also needed personality and strength. That's what the angel is for
Call PERESCH. He is the secret driver and true ruler of all
Politicians of this world. After all, every politician is, if he is still so
powerful, dependent on the favor of this chief. The wisdom of the divine
Providence uses this angel to subdue the respective political currents
to give rise to people. Once humanity for a new social
Achievement is ripe, it leaves by the angel the suitable humans, which the
to bring just needed idea to the realization, to power. Others, which
to stand in the way of the necessary development, this will become of the
subordinates of this
Engels switched off. Every success and failure in politics is from this
Genius planned and directed. Who the necessary facilities for guidance and steering
brings along others and embraces the idea of a political direction and for it
wants to use, who turns with confidence to PERESCH and its
Support. So I did, for example my friend H. this seal. In a function
of the Austrian television he had to constantly fight with politicians, since all
wanted to use the medium of television for their own purposes. I hoped to help him
through this
help to make right decisions with the necessary tenacity to break through.
Today he is minister himself.
A client who had been astrologically consulting me for years sold his
Both good-looking shoe shops to get out of the stress-ridden professional life
get out. He had a dreamlike, intuitive relationship with money, and I did
him the seal of ISERAG, who should give him the right idea, how he got his money
best to invest. Since then he speculates
extremely successful with stocks. Two hours of telephone calls in the morning are
enough to
to give him the double profit he previously had with a 10-hour day
achieved. ISERAG is the head of all speculators, be it in gambling, on the
Stock exchange or with other investments. His seal is to be drawn in brown color,
and anyone who enjoys money, is not stingy and avoids risk, gets through
Inspired this angel to serve the economy by reducing the flow of money for the
Helping mankind steer the right channels. That he himself becomes wealth
does not need to be mentioned. His skills can only be found in the
fair pay. Because petty, over-cautious penny pinchers would never be in
able to sustain economic activity in this world.
But even beggars have their own guardian angel because they are still stuck
But even beggars have their own guardian angel, because they are still firmer and
stronger at the moment
necessary component in the unfolding of humanity. ALPASON, his
Seal is painted in brown color, directing the fate of all prosperity
Excluded. Although begging is forbidden in Vienna, one can in the center
Homeless and alcoholics often see begging for alms. One of them
I the seal of ALPASON. I actually wanted to see if he was less of the
But it happened something completely different: By one
Coincidentally, he came into the possession of a barrel organ, as formerly by the
street musicians
were used. He then dressed in the style of the turn of the century and was
for many years as the original of Vienna a popular personality of the Viennese
Pedestrian area and even tolerated by the police.
Who has to do with fashion, be it as a producer, dealer or any other
Context, which turns to BUTAMA, whose seal in green color too
draw is. Everything related to clothing and fabrics becomes spiritual to him
mapped and inspired. He owes the invention to him for
effective protection against the weather by clothing, but also the
Inspiration, through fashion, its inner attitude and personality
To express. Anyone who finds inspiration and help from BUTAMA can
be sure to become more successful than your competition. After I have e.g. my
Friend P. who made the seal of this genius for fashion, he quit his job as
Purchasing manager of a large Viennese fashion house and became self-employed.
the seal accompanies him to every fair, and he knows from the variety of offers
always selecting the right models for their customers. While others
Boutiques suffered catastrophic losses in recent years
He records good sales increases year on year.
Who enjoys cooking, whether as a housewife, amateur cook or by profession
in the hospitality industry can turn to BUTHARUSCH for help. He inspires
Since time immemorial, people have meat, fruits, or vegetables
To preserve cereals, by cooking and baking and tasty dishes
to prepare it. Who draws spiritually from the sphere of thought of this angel,
It will be astonishing how easy it is, by the cheapest and the cheapest
the simplest tricks to turn the dishes into delicious dishes. So many
Housewife has been able to give her marriage new impetus after being through
BUTHARUSCH took pleasure in the art of cooking and baking. Love is ok
as you know, through the stomach. First and foremost, however, this angel becomes
the professional cook
help to achieve success and recognition. So I have, for example a friend who is in
Salzburg operated a restaurant, but even though she excellently cooked little
had made the seal of this chief. By "coincidence" got lost afterwards
well-known actor with his friends in the somewhat hidden location,
and "by chance" she had his favorite meal on the evening
Menu. He was so excited about her good food that he was now one of their own
Regulars counts. Since then, it's "in" to dine with her, and she's over
Lack of guests no longer to complain.

Who wants to become self-employed and successful in his business

Wishes will be from the angel YRGAMON and his unseen
Helpers - from the fairy tales still known as brownies - led to success.
Especially craftsmen, he gives skill and new ideas. About that
In addition, he is still the special patron saint of all blacksmiths, metalworkers
today also the designers and mechanics. An inspiration of this angel
I myself owe my financial foundation, with which I then mine
Could acquire a jewelry store. He told me how to get through a certain
Quantity addition of copper and antimony tin makes so supple that you can
can forge. Nobody did that before and I have thousands at the time
Pewter objects hand-forged shaped what previously only by the technique of
Pressing or by casting was possible.
Tin has an immensely beneficial effect on humans. It should be like in
old times in every apartment pewter plates hang on the wall, because these through
Texture as a gateway to the soothing jupitic vibrations
serve the highest beings!
All athletes are under the special protection of LOCHATY. Everything to the
Physical training and performance enhancement, the interested learns from this
Genius. Therefore, every athlete should be sealed, which in black paint
is in his training room and his amulet in competitions
carry. LOCHATY not only shows with which methods even greater benefits
can be provided, but he also mediates the right moment the
Energy and inner conviction needed as an incentive to win at competitions
are. There are
some top athletes who carry his seal and since then would not take off.
In the course of my occult research I have become too many beings of the
Erdzonengürtels communicates the contact and me of their prompt help
can convince. All leaders of the Erdzonengürtels, like Abraham von
Worms and also Franz Bardon in his book: "The practice of
magical evocation ", fully correspond to the facts, and everyone can
convince yourself of it.
As a member of our Federation, you are free to which angel you turn.
Be it an amulet or a self-made seal in the right color; with the
necessary mental and mental attitude, you will receive the attention of the angel
to draw on you and be included in its protective circle. But I can
not stress enough that the angels of our covenant are for the good of
To serve the true and righteous. There is no point in having thoughts of vengeance
To ask for help or to turn to an angel for help in an intrigue. who
driven by thirst for power, ambition and greed for profit does not have the
right attitude that is needed, the benevolence and support of an angel
to get. Only those who believe that they are pure in heart and enjoy their
sees this as a vocation, turn to the responsible angel of the guilds. Otherwise it
it better, just to ask for general happiness.
Always remember when an angel of the guild inspires you to serve you and you
To help succeed in your work, then he wants that from your activity as well
other people benefit. He is not concerned with your personal earthly happiness,
but that you as a suitable and capable representative of his
Special area supernatural knowledge in the terrestrial area for the benefit of all
Putting people into practice. Your personal success is then just reward for
your efforts.
Materialistic economic thinking raises the gaze of most people
the visible things of this world. Measure and means, power and influence over
And winning people is money. So it is not surprising that everyone
want as much as possible. Basically, that's not reprehensible,
and money is certainly also a measure of measuring one's mental abilities
can: not only by owning it, but also in the way in which it is possessed
acquire and then control it. Because usually it is the other way around: the rich
is from the
Money controls, and the poor or the nerd too. The one is from
Owned money schemes, because he has only in mind to acquire it, multiply. Of the
others will by stinginess
and fear of losing it, slaves of money and its spiritual guardians.
Therefore, no matter how rich or poor you are, always consider money only as
Means to get you what you need and never look at the money itself
the incentive. Only then will you be able to master it. You do not need to
ashamed if you carry the desire for money and wealth in you. Everyone has that
Right to a decent living and gets that too
Possibility to achieve this wealth if he does it right. Yes, it has
even everyone has a duty to do everything possible to be happy.
Often people turn to me for an amulet of wealth. you
At the same time they assure that they only use the money for good causes, that is,
for sick people.
Poor, hungry or for animals, etc. would use, which may be true.
But if you want to ease the hardships of others, then give of the little thing you
already owns. This is also the surest way to become rich yourself, because it is
you always flow many times from what you surrender. Everyone can do this
try it out right away.
Mr. Egon S., who already had an amulet for health from me, finally wanted out
come out of his eternal debt. "I do not know how to do it",
he wrote to me. "I'm always broke and I see no way out. Is there too
an angel who can help me? "From the many genii that deal with the material
Worrying of the earthly man, I chose for Mr. S., the seal of NASI
and explained to him how to secure his assistance. His seal is in green color
To draw, and who uses his help, must also the laws of charity
NASI taught me the following:
• "The evil and destructive powers support those who are in theirs
Senses mercilessly and greedily gather money and at the expense of others
enriched by fraud and abuse of power.
I and my servants, on the other hand, help all those who make up for it
create. By giving, giving, passing on what is in their possession and
Power domain, these people represent that for the continued existence of the
restore the necessary balance. Your behavior shows me whether you are
God's plan of creation, and the Invisible One
or you work against us and the creation plan.
So always give that part that corresponds to your inner need to give and
your options is appropriate! But even if you are so poor,
It should be 10% of the money that you personally for your pleasure
spend caring. Put it in a box where my seal is, and this one
Treasure chest for the poor is also for you
Cornucopia become! Use this money for the poor, the needy, to relieve them
Concern or donate it where it gives spiritual laws to man
serve, can be spread. "(The pilgrim becomes the offering cup

NASI also entrusted me the instructions for the following effective amulet for
and to attract wealth:
• "Let yourself be paid off with a gold coin, it should not be re-stamped,
but if possible, an old, which was in circulation for many years. Wealth pulls
Riches, and my servants are most likely to work where they have been.
This is the case in gold and especially in gold coins. Leave this coin as
Your amulet is always in your purse, and your fortune will grow steadily.
This amulet becomes more effective every year. But if you want amulets for
Money, success as possible made of tin. "
Egon S. tried to faithfully adhere to these conditions. Soon after
he was transferred to another department of his company and now earned the same
50% more. His wife also made an unexpected inheritance, whereupon she became one
Knitting machine bought and for a nearby boutique fashionable sweaters
produced. Suddenly they had enough money and could afford things before that
were not possible at all. But they went with the new wealth
responsibly and sparingly, and thus secured the further help of the
Part of the purpose of being is also to learn with outer things
deal with it. To act outward, according to the ability one feels
through the work on the inside, through the work on oneself
Matter, to subject the material world to subjection, is a commandment that has
already taken us out of the
Bible counter. Since the outer earthly things - the material, but also that
Money - not unlimited, it is necessary to learn to transform it
and deliver again. Only would adopt the harmonious process and
Continuing to disturb the continuance of creation, just like a carcinoma used to
disturb the organism
or later affects and kills.
Money and possessions are spiritually guided by the beings of the earth element,
Gnome kings. They in turn are subordinate to the angels of our covenant and serve
At their behest, the people who get their respect. who
is charitable, generous, hardworking, honest and conscientious, who will become one
of them
Receive wealth that he needs and that he is able to manage well without
to harm his soul. The angels of money do not just wake up
Possessions, money and treasures, but also about the purity of the soul of those
which they help and know exactly how much they are allowed to give.

Especially the angel PAFESSA is a powerful ruler over all the princes and
Kings of the Gnome Kingdom. His seal is to draw in green color. He helps
his subordinates to anyone who is hardworking and modest to succeed in the
profession and
Business and a higher income, but withdraws its supportive help,
as soon as the person concerned is unworthy of wealth.
Mr. Guido R., received from his mother the amulet of the angel PAFESSA. He was
from the cosmetics industry and in the process of becoming self-employed. Equal
After that, after making the amulet for him, he found a restaurant in good
City location at a very reasonable price and was unexpected in the first year
record high sales. He achieved a phenomenal rise while others succeeded
Had to close down shops in his area. Soon he had five sales assistants
and two branches and was able to almost double its sales year on year. He made
but the mistake of thinking only of himself and forgetting his duty to the poor
across from. He bought a house, two cars, a summer apartment and made
many trips. But for others he had nothing left. It was not like that for me
It is surprising that its sales were declining. He lost customers and had to
Close the two branches so that only one business remained. "What
I'm just doing wrong, "he asked me in an astrological consultation, to which he
told me
"It was all going so well?" I explained what PAFESSA once did to me
• "Whoever takes, becomes a proliferation, a cancer in the
Society. The angels withdraw from him and provide the support
on. Only those who follow the laws of the cosmos and ensure equitable balance,
can count on the spiritual help of the angels. Whoever observes this can open up
Hope for miracles. It is completely out of the question for a pilgrim of our
the desired wealth is denied if he sticks to the rule. "
So I advised him, according to the law of the victim, to make up for PAFESSA
and sell his beloved sports car. Half of the proceeds
he should donate for a charity, which he obeyed. He succeeded
in fact, to come up again; but he remained modest and respected
the law of compensation.
Beware of the temptations of material prosperity! He demands a high
moral and moral maturity of you. The danger is great, if the good angels
leave, and then the evil forces want to ensnare and seduce you. You have
but nothing to fear if you stick to the rule of PAFESSA that he gives me
as a teaching gave:

• Never let envy enter your soul! Rejoice over the wealth of others
and see in it the proof that it is possible to obtain wealth!
• Give yourself of what you possess, before you choose something invisible from us
make request! Whether 2 or 10% of your livelihood, it does not matter. It must
come from the heart and without the thought of something, that you have something
expect. Therefore, it should not be transferred to a donation account,
but given directly for spiritual purposes or to the needy personally
• Then make a plan that fits your needs! The clearer and
more clearly you have your goals in mind and the path over which you have the goal
To reach, to survey, the faster the situation becomes
to surrender to you through our help.
• Do not choose a far-off target that would be out of reach for you! Plan small
Take steps and go undeterred! We can also do impossible dream dreams
do not meet. Only with achievable actions we will help you to the side
stand. Wanting money and putting your hands in the lap can not do anything
bring. You have to make your contribution in the form you are to afford
you are capable! Even as a gambler, you have to pay your bet before you
Lucky, and the treasure hunter must seek before he finds. "
So I have, for example Mr. Georg F. through an amulet, the contact to IROMONIS, the
Angels of wealth and guardians of wealth and hidden treasures,
manufactured. Mr. F., has been a hobby archaeologist and a dream since childhood
obsessed with finding a precious treasure. After he, equipped with that
Siegel and a metal detector, his digs continued, he now finds each
Week so many coins that he lives on it and now quite the
Dedicate Treasure Hunt. He told me that he now only the probe for the
Small work, because he feels exactly where to look, and sometimes
he dreams the night before, where to go.
As unbelievable as it may sound, everyone has the opportunity to help themselves
to persuade the angels when he joins the covenant with the invisible
or make an amulet. Although the spiritual law is only one
Actions before the help from above can be effective, it can be in
Some cases seem to be ruled out in the normal way for the time being
to have his money. Not only housewives and pensioners have little
Possibility to use it differently than in the form of completing a lottery ticket
put. Sometimes, even the most efficient and hard-working ones appear
Revenue sources closed.
The same thing happened to the technician and inventor, Mr. Christoph F. He had
brilliant ideas and made all kinds of inventions.
Worked day and night
he tirelessly in his workshop, but his attempts devoured more and more
Money that he then lacked for patent application. In January 1983 he had one again
Idea so far, namely a machine for the automatic sorting out of
Small tools. But he lacked the money for the prototype, and he saw none
other option than by winning the necessary 40,000. Shillings too
to get. I thought he had really tried everything in his power and
made him the seal of ASPADIT, gambling, betting and speculation
responsible is. His seal is drawn in red. The impossible happened:
Mr. Christoph F. made 3 different profits. He brought a letter lot with him
50,000.- S, won at a competition of a department store building material
for 20,000.- S, with which he was able to expand his workshop, and received one
Promotion price in a competition of a credit institution for an insulating window,
which he had developed.
But usually I refuse to make amulets for gamblers. Only in
In rare cases, the person in question is worthy of earning money in such an easy
and most of the time Divine Providence would not allow ASPADIT to do that
Helping people to profit. I would like to warn everyone against getting involved
Gambling trying to spare its true performance commitment. Everything has to
no one can spell something. You have to with interest and
Compensate for interest, what you have ever taken for yourself and consumed.
It is better to save first and then spend. And even if it is you
If necessary, this distress may be necessary inner experience for you
bring for your further development and your success, your subsequent success
necessary. ASPADIT knows where he can help you and where it is not karmic
is allowed. Therefore, there is no need to risk huge sums of money if you
play. Higher losses only evoke resentment and dissatisfaction in you.
The feeling of having to conquer fate, defiance and fanaticism call that
Game devil, ASPADIT'S countergenius, near you, and he's looking for you
completely captivating. Now and then let his subordinates
Small profits make and systematically stimulate your slow-growing
Players passion. Many human tragedies go into his account! It has to be
they are not about huge sums of money gambling in casinos or gambling dens
become. Many simple retirees and housewives write to me desperately that
they are probably forgotten by fate, excluded, because they never win. since
For decades they have been making their little bets every single week, and then
they are
bitterly disappointed that again nothing was. Especially if they are always very
Pass the profit, they have the feeling, it will succeed the next time and
are then the more disappointed, if only 3 out of 6 corrects were guessed again.
Statistically, it is quite natural that you do not win. Because
it can be calculated that it is e.g. in the Federal Republic

Germany is four hundred times more likely to be in your apartment

is broken in, as you get a lucky win, all Lotto and
Toto possibilities considered. So you're a lucky guy, if you are
so far been spared by thieves.
If you still play, consider it as a game and always leave it at one
small use! When the time comes for him to win, he will be with them too
small missions come to the train. Although many success stories from ASPADIT'S
To help me, I do not want to raise hopes, none of them
describe further.
I especially want to warn against any pseudo-gag who promise to
To calculate lucky numbers or lucky times. That does not exist, is impossible, is
Amounted to! If they could do what they pretend, they would play and win by
would not need it, through ads anyway already poor the little money
to decrease.
When addressing ASPADIT, consider the following:
• ASPADIT can only help through inspiration and inspiration. He puts in you the
Right idea where to put your cross, which horse to which
Number, or he directs the impulses of your hand when you draw a lot from a variety
selecting. If you want to play, then only for you and never with the help of
But despite all hopes for ASPADIT's help, it remains a statistical one
demonstrable fact: The probability of being hit by lightning is
bigger than a 6 in the lottery.
If you want success in one thing, you must never lose sight of your goal
never lose faith, even if it takes a long time.
If you observe the laws of positive thinking and the rules of the covenant,
are you on the right path, even if it takes months? Also failures
can be significant milestones in the form of important experiences that you
later serve you, and should not take you to believe in the help of angels.
Who is convinced to have a right to success in a good cause and who
A clear conscience strives for this, the angels of our covenant will help.
Some people rush from success to success. Whatever you start, you succeed
playing them. How do you do that? There are many recipes for success and dozens
Books bring instructions that are more or less useful and the laws
to record the success. But between theory and practice

a big difference, and already positive thinking prepares the most

People have difficulty when they are in the sink and after the third
Failure to give up despair.
Not everyone is born to success. Who does not have a well-placed Jupiter in his
Horoscope has those who lack self-confidence and optimism, who will become one
certain times are particularly difficult and should be for this period of life
Choose Angel KOFAN for help with his project and ask him to
help. His seal is drawn in red. It belongs to KOFAN'S tasks
to help all those in shaping their lives who do not do it on their own
create. He will inspire you as you can to change your situation
can also improve and also through bad situations in life directly
good walk.
KOFAN also has a great overview of the fate-related
Connections, and he knows exactly the basics that make up your future
can shape for you. He sees what is possible for you in this life and what
of your wishes must remain dream, because the necessary conditions for it
can not be achieved. Therefore, your future is predictable for you. He will be in
Frame the impulses and set you the right goals in mind, and he will
also arouse the necessary energy and enthusiasm in you to tackle these goals.
Therefore, do not stiffen yourself on a specific goal, but remain open to
everything! Not
always the striving for success, the goal that you set, always coincides with the
path that goes for
you are foreseen or foreseeable. Predictable is not predetermined. So are
for every human being from the mental level certain developments and
Events visible while he is bound in the earth not so far his
Way in advance can recognize.
Mr. engineer Richard K., from Winterthur e.g. searched in vain for two years
a post as manager. He brought with it all the necessary conditions,
was a fully trained engineer and technician, businessman and fully qualified
Toolmaker and machinist. Nevertheless, he received on all
Applications negative replies, often even on the grounds that the one
or other of his trainings for the place he applied for
would not be necessary. Then he sought the help of KOFAN and hoped for it
his support success in the applications. To pass the time,
He taught bookkeeping at an evening school and discovered that he was
that made tremendous joy. That same year, he was greeted by a big one
Company in which he applied for a job as a workshop teacher
offered, and he agreed. For eight years now he has been a happy teacher, and the
Young apprentices love and appreciate him very much. "I would never have the
which is necessary to run a business. I know that today, after
I had taken a look at the practice of operations management, "he wrote to me.
KOFAN is especially attached to the people he helps and is happy about himself
about every success he can convey as if he were his own. Nevertheless
You must also contribute everything that is in your power, and contribute to it
Instructions that KOFAN gave me, note:
• "Keep your body standing and sitting straight in. Stay outward and inward
set up by seeking and maintaining your center in the body
Support! It also gives you the necessary serenity in every situation, and yours
Attitude signals success.
With bowed head and drooping shoulders you do not wake up the
Successful mood as the soul frequency on which you call me, the angel of success,
can reach. Just as sneakers let you exercise automatically,
awakens the attitude that shows the body, the first requirement for a
analog mood. Whatever you do, pettiness, pessimism and doubt
the success hinder any help from the mental areas and delay the
Success. The firm faith and a clear picture in front of your eyes are on the other
subtle plane already the real fact for it arising terrestrial
Done. It is then only a matter of time until the forces acting also
On the physical level, you can prepare the necessary foundation for your will.
It must indeed be prepared the necessary conditions. We too
The invisible have to consider the laws of cause and effect.
This means that all situations have to be created spiritually. People, from
whose decision depends on your success must be inspired by us
they will recognize and make the right decision for you. Often they are
complicated shifts and interventions necessary, which we are also responsible
have to.
• Karmic connections and astrological currents are also ours
to take into account. What you then declare as a result, as a coincidence, is long,
hard work of us invisible and in reality was mine and mine
Helpers in the way. Nevertheless you have to end the strings
that we have spun and recognize for you in the spiritual realm,
what you should do You have to make the decisions that are ultimately made on the
physical world should set things in motion.
Therefore, school your decision-making skills by choosing each one that suits you
Possibility to act perceive and use. Every day you are offered
Situations in which you can actively take the initiative: the broken one
Remove the bottle from the sidewalk, so that no one gets hurt, the window in the
When pulling, trams close the heavy bag to the old person
carry home! All independent actions, even if they are still so
are meaningless and have nothing to do with your intention to form
Elementals of success that add up and give you unconscious strength
give, if you need them.

That is the reason why successful

People immediately recognize their appearance
are. But even for us Invisible every act of yours is an indication that you
can act and support us in our work and continue to create, if
our activity is completed for you.
• Who puts his hands in his lap and hopes for a miracle from us, the
we can not help either. Everyone has the opportunity to act. Is not it for
his own immediate success, he can do something for others for the time being. If
Pupil, housewife, pensioner, worker, employee, unemployed, there is work to be done
you! Do it gladly and consciously that it is the small steps that you take
lead to your later great success. Even if you serve others for now.
Success gives power and only the worthy we help. Be dutiful and
correct, avoid negligence and act responsibly, even in
seemingly unimportant matters, and it also becomes meaningful to you
Responsibility. We serve the good and the construction in the
World and promote no parasites and parasites, but the noble, pure
among the people.
• To be successful, you not only have to believe in it, act on it, but also
be silent about your plans and goals! "
If you want to know more about the magical power of silence, turn to the
Angel ALOSOM, his seal is to be drawn in blue color. He made me once
aware of the error of gossip a good friend of mine committed
and therefore always failed despite intensive work. My friends.,
Economic consultant, constantly rolled new plans and had the necessary
Energy for planning and implementation. Nevertheless, in the last few years he has
been three
excellent projects that are later successfully completed by others
could not, succeeded. He talked with his need for communication everything, even
before marriage
it could properly take shape on the thought image plane. I did that to him
Seal of the KOFAN for success and explained to him, what ALOSOM at the behest of
KOFAN entrusted:
• "Be silent about all your plans and talk about them only to those immediately
Even the hint that you make a plan in your mind is already too much.
You avoid so that by talking you split pictures of your success,
by wearing them in other brains and at the same time the picture in you the
Realization deprives the necessary strength, and you prevent the same time
Emergence of envy and misgivings or doubts that affect your success
could get in the way. Because it does not matter if you own the picture of the
Failure on the spiritual plane draws and animates, or whether this of
is thought of another

• Be more accustomed to keep silent whenever you feel compelled to

talk, and consciously suppress all messages that are otherwise easily heard through
your tongue
roll! Limit your speeches to answers and
Teachings you are asked for! You can use it to create a power reservoir,
to which flows that energy which is spent by you when you speak
unterbindest. Energy, the images that bring about your success,
belongs! "
From then on my friend strictly adhered to this rule of secrecy. After eight
Months I received from him a card from Kuwait: "Order for 20 million project
signed, finally successful! "
Start success in a very specific thing and see it as the only one
desirable goal for you, then keep this picture as clear and often as possible
your spiritual eyes. Revive this image through your faith by applying it
an integral part of your life. That happens because of you
in situations that automatically evoke the image of desiring within you and
revive. That's the secret of positive thinking. Feeling and imagination
must match fully.
I gave this advice along with the seal of KOFAN to the young Sicilian
Waiter Mario B., who tried in vain for months, for Switzerland one
Work permit as a waiter to get. He followed my advice. He went up every day
the train station to the train at 21 o'clock, which should once lead him away in
his promised
Country. He drank a coffee as before the departure and imagined what it would be
like if
he would soon board the train. Then he went to the railroad crossing and left
he traversed the train under his breath and in spirit he drove with him every time.
Already after 2
Months he was successful! About a friend who worked in Ascona, he received
in the same hotel a place, and the hotel owner also reached the
Work permit for him. For the last time he performed the ritual with the coffee in
front of the
Departure of the train, but this time he really got on.
Do not give up if success does not start right away! A friend of mine
Clairvoyant, Mrs. Siglinde N., had the Seal of the KOFAN made to finally
to come to an apartment. It seemed hopeless to find something suitable. you
had advertised at least 10 times and visited countless apartments for months,
when, by chance, a client consulted her about questions of a change of residence.
Turned out that the freed apartment exactly in location, size and price
met their expectations. That same day, she had one for her
sign a favorable lease. This client did not have the intention
had to visit her. She was on her way to her lawyer and is mistakenly killed
one station left the subway too early. So she happens to be at her house with
The sign came by and had spontaneously registered for a consultation.
KOFAN is also able to fulfill your personal wishes as far as possible
immediately forward to the responsible angel. There is for every profession and
every affair a special spiritual leader, the successes and
Monitoring the development of his special area. As far as you are for yours
If you do not know the wishful angel, you can do it for any success
first ask KOFAN for help.
But do you have no concrete plans, and you see no way for
you, how you could be helped, then turn to the angel soon
SCHALNACH. His seal is drawn in red. He is that angel who
KOFAN is closest and finds one even in hopeless situations
Way out or a solution to the problem. He will give you the basics
to come up again. Especially those who are no longer themselves
SCHALNACH makes it easier for her to help or depend on others
Come on. Whether housewife, pensioner, unemployed or "bankrupt", he can help you.
For Erich B., a 40-year-old factory worker, his mother ordered an amulet
with me. For two years he was unemployed, and there was little hope that he would
next time could find a job in the small town where he lived. He was
desperate and depressed, because the money was missing back and forth for the 3
kids, and
He felt guilty about his wife and felt like a failure.
Not the right mood for job search success! That's why I told him
the seven rules of the SCHALNACH for the unemployed, the angel once
1. "Rejoice over the many free time without a guilty conscience, but defile it
not with alcohol and playing cards in the inn with other colleagues, but instead
make good use of it! It shows that you are worthy and capable of doing something.
2. Divide the time into unimportant sections even for unimportant things. Plan
and do not let yourself drift!
3. Do any work that is offered to you, even if you have no immediate work
Wages get!
4. Help your wife by doing some of her work!
5. Help the elderly and the sick near you!
6. Get up in the morning at your normal, usual time when you're still at work
7th Visit courses, learn something and read a lot. You can use it once! For each
Know, every ability finds itself the way in which you use it
That Mr. B. complied with the rules was certainly just as important to success as
Amulet. He showed the spiritual being by being more worthy and capable than
the other jobseekers who may not even search, but merely open
Waiting for work, and he supported the spiritual help of
SCHALNACH optimally, by doing everything in his power to contribute. Mr. B.
was then one of the first to be hired by the factory when
New orders were received.
How effective it can be to do work free of charge shows
The following case from my practice: There are two boys in my circle of friends
Art therapists who at the same time their training in an antroposophical
Completed study. Of course, it was difficult in the first months
to find enough private patients. After I give each of you an amulet of
SCHALNACH had made contact with an open-minded person
Primarily at a psychiatric children's hospital, which spontaneously declared itself
ready for
his little patients regular painting lessons in the style of Rudolf Steiner
retract. However, since he only replaces the expenses for paper and paint,
but could not pay a fee, said only one of the two therapists. It
She was happy to see what fun the kids had in painting, and she
could at the same time experiences in the conversations with therapists from other
Gather study programs. In addition, she was constantly receiving new patients
After leaving the clinic, she continued to take private lessons with her in the
studio. you
Today is a well-known, busy therapist, while the other is still
always has nothing to do.
That SCHALNACH even in the most hopeless situations still a turn
The following letter from Heinz Seh proves: "When I present you with one
Year wrote that my car workshop is taken because I have DM 150,000
Debt can not pay, I had little hope that you can help me.
But the miracle happened. They sent me an amulet for the angel SCHALNACH
and the rules of positive thinking that you set up, which I faithfully
followed as best I could. It was not easy, in my position optimistic
To find thoughts because I did not see any possibility of the whole
come out. Today I can tell you that it is, and step by step
Step, got better. It started with me talking about reincarnation
happened to hit the board of my bank. The personal contact and the common
Interests moved him to extend my loan for another year. That gave
me for so much buoyancy that I once again as a workshop at VW
applied, which had been rejected once before, because there is already one in the
neighboring town
such gave. But to my surprise, I received an invitation this time
a conversation and then the commitment, because the other workshop worked
would have. Due to the new customers, I was able to reconnect all mechanics, the
I already dismissed. It goes up and that again all my people are with me
Working, what I had previously only dreamed and painted in my mind, is reality
become. I am very happy because of the magic of my thoughts
white. "So writes this man.
Every pilgrim of the covenant knows the secret of positive thinking. Mulford's
Books inspired by the angel GOLOPA are considered "guideposts"
Required reading, and beyond that, I have because of the importance of the subject
right in the first chapter some personal teachings that I got from GOLOPA,
passed. For all those who are in a totally hopeless situation
Like Mr. Seh., I now also introduce the rules that GOLOPA gave me:
• Thoughts that flow from you as you feel become sooner or later
later to reality for you. It will, as you wish, it comes as you do
are afraid. Therefore, check every hour what you think and feel.
• You have to see the environment the way you want it and the way you look for it,
she will shape herself.
• When you experience in the mind what you hope for in reality, the first step is
• Thinking positively means thinking only what you want to see realized and
also hoped. Therefore, positive thinking is always accompanied by joyful feelings
• Where your thinking triggers fear, pessimism, discouragement, you look
damaging mental images and should therefore try immediately before other images
to let your spiritual eyes pass. These pictures need it
do not necessarily have something to do with your planning.
• Any image that puts you in a good mood is the ideal basis for you
to create positive thinking. Any good mood, the negative pictures are not
You must care for and keep awake.
• Therefore, seek to capture the smallest pleasures, to experience: sunset,
Nature, music, diversion, love.
• But avoid reveling in illusions and do not dream of losing hope
Things like lottery prize, Nobel prize or something similar.
• Do not cling to things and situations that are over, but seek for you
To form thoughts for new ways.
• Stick to the wall of your faith for the support of your faith. "The angels are
I am feeling better every day. "
• Look into those situations that can bring you into the hoped-for position
So do not just dream that your business is running again, but think of it
also ways that bring you the success. Take a look, for example in conversation with
People who will help you.
• Underline the thoughts of your plans through appropriate actions,
which increasingly call the desired thoughts into your consciousness. write
ie e.g. Business letters to companies you are looking for, as if you were
would work with them.
• Consider the time of maturing and do not confuse this with your impatience for
active stream of thought. "
If you have to take examinations at university, school or for authorities, you can
you expect help from the angel HYLARA. His seal is in green color too
to draw. Did you transfer his sacred seal at such an exam?
He always gives you the right answers and helps you to explain what you have
In doing so, he also influences the auditor's thoughts by telling him exactly those
Ask questions that you are well prepared for. Students have told me that
HYLARA's proximity is perceived as extremely reassuring and the usual
Test anxiety does not occur so strongly. So medical student Gerda K .:
"With great confidence and inner security, I have started again, my
Continue studying. Since I know the angel around me, I'm not at the exams
more so paralyzed. Sometimes I'm still nervous and do not know everything,
but somehow it does not affect me that way anymore. I always come through now, but
The other day I failed an exam, I took it as calmly as if I did
come through. "
I combine the seal of HYLARA in the amulet for students
always with that of the angel PARASCHON. This seal is in blue color too
to draw. PARASCHON helps with learning, strengthens the ability to concentrate and
the memory and gives learning success, by the interest for the substance, the
to grasp it, awaken it and make it understand. simultaneously
He directs the attention of the students to the essentials, so that a student
through his help he often suspects in advance what he has to learn for the exam.
19-year-old Kirsten Qu wrote to me: "The closer the high school graduation
approaches, the more so
I am more blocked in my head. I can not keep anything and I am terrified.
I am totally exhausted with my nerves. I do not dare to compete. Please, can you me
help? "With the help of the two angels then everything went well
Kirsten an interesting experience that she told me: Shortly after that
When she lost her amulet, she was invited to a friend's country house to
to learn there undisturbed for a week together. When she got there, she discovered
however, to their horror, they found the second bag containing much of the books
and scripts had not taken. So she learned from what she has with her
had, and that's exactly what she asked for at the exam.
The same thing happened to Mrs. Erika P., an old acquaintance of mine. She was 45
years old
Years postponed a postmaster exam and was terribly difficult
Learn. She told me that after getting the amulet, she did a lot
could concentrate better on the substance. She got up an hour earlier every day
and suddenly did not feel as hard as before. She noticed that
quite randomly popped up certain pages again and again when they did
Scripts went through, and that you this
Area also better remembered. She also passed the exam while
Eight other applicants failed their course. By the way, those were just
Pages that she had kept so well, then come as exam questions.
Who suffers from a bad memory, turns best to the
Angel NOTISER. His seal is brown in color. Especially students who are themselves
can not concentrate, he likes to help and makes every knowledge easier
capture and store in memory.
A mother writes to me: "I have the learning amulet for Andreas, according to yours
Instructions hanged to his desk. Since then I have the impression that he is
much easier. He used to spend the whole afternoon doing his homework.
Now he does not play around like that anymore, but does it quickly and does not
waste his time
more the time. His class teacher has meant that if he goes on like this he must
not in the special school. "
Every genius of the covenant is also to be regarded as a guardian angel. That's it
for him
Well and the development of man at heart. This must first and foremost the
given optimal earth conditions. So have individual angels
special tasks to the physical well-being and the necessary goods to
protect. The angel NAMIROS guards money, property, house and apartment and
protects against burglars and thunderstorms. His seal is to be drawn in brown color
and to hang on the wall or over the door. Those who ask for their protection must
do so
connect with a single victim and that is 1/2 percent of the value of
Protecting him and his nature is to be given to a charitable cause. who
sticking to it, can not find a more reliable guardian.
"I live in a tenement, and yesterday all the basements became tenants
something was stolen from everyone, "writes Mrs. Erika K.,
"Only my cellar was spared by the thieves." She had the seal of NAMIROS
attached above the cellar door. "Since I have his seal over the apartment door
she continues, "I feel safe and sleep well as never before
before. "
From Spain a map: "When we came back from a walk", it says
"We had to realize to our horror that thieves are our campsite
had visited. The other families with whom we shared the place have
while losing cameras, money and passports. Our tent was as
only completely untouched. As you advised me, I had the seal of
NAMIROS hung on the tent pole. "
NAMIROS also protects against natural forces. So he has me once before one
Hail damage preserved. It was in the summer of 1983. I was with my family on the
Way home from the holidays and stopped at a gas station to buy gas. On
Thunderstorms brewed and we wanted to move on as soon as possible to the next
Place to spend the night. But when I wanted to start, the engine did not start,
though he did
otherwise it always worked perfectly. The engine did not start. The brave
Gas station owner tried hard and tried to help me, but could
Do not discover mistakes. In the meantime, however, the storm erupted with a
Violence that I had never experienced before. Chicken-sized hailstones smashed them
Slices of the residential house next to the gas station and the roof tiles. Like us
saw, as we drove on, were all the cars on the subsequent
Road section were on the way, badly damaged. We had the roof over the
Gas station protected, and the engine did not start until the storm broke
was what we of course waited under the protective roof until it passed.
Those who are afraid of a robbery should engrave the seal of the KILIOSA on metal,
carry with you. He can then be sure that nothing will happen to him as long as he
is under his personal protection.
Two solid proofs for it experienced a good friend of mine. He often in New
Doing York, and after being attacked twice there, now only travels
with this amulet. He had the following experience: On the last trip were
in the subway the seven passengers of the carriage of two teenagers
Gangsters threatened with pistols and relieved for their money. Only at him did
they go
over, as if he were not present. He was therefore even briefly the
Suspected of complicity and interrogated by the police.
He had another experience two days later: Despite the warning he went after
9 pm through the notorious Central Park to shorten the way. He felt
safely through the amulet, when suddenly a black came towards him and a knife
pulled out. But before he could really scare, the Negro suddenly turned around
and ran away, straight into the arms of a police patrol who happened to be passing
Observed and arrested him. At the interrogation, said the totally confused
Robber, he did not carry out the attack on my friend because suddenly like
out of nowhere two big men stood behind this one!
Even animals have their guardian angel. Apart from the genius of their race,
Some angels of our covenant have a special predilection for animals and therefore
Tasks taken over for their welfare. I want the angel NACHERON
especially because he has many amulets I for
Animal lovers and their protégés made, even to the people a good one
Contact has won. His seal should be drawn in green, or even better
as an amulet engraved the animal umzuhängen. Even animals have a subtle
Body for an existence in the other world. On these, expressing themselves in
Animal Soul, acts on NACHERON to guide the animal and prevent it from mischief.
He oversees his health and inspires man, who is an earthly one
Guardian Angel for the animals is to the extent that he intuitively recognizes him
as he is in the
Disease can help an animal by giving it appropriate means and
Recognize healing methods
The very sweet spaniel of my neighbor suddenly began to vomit suddenly and
to ache. Since he was already over twelve years old, we feared that a cure
no longer possible. I still gave her the seal of the NACHERON, and
From then on, Dora, as the dog was called, began to eat again. Slowly went
she felt better and a veterinarian could do an operation. That was before
two years. Dora is still surprisingly strong for her old age.
Ms. Franziska H., from Munich, looked after a cat that only fed her
walked. The animal apparently did not belong to anyone, because he was not
castrated and often
hurt by fighting. After giving him the little amulet of NACHERON
he was changed. For the first time he stayed in during the day
her garden. This was repeated more and more often, and he had no injuries
more. One day he stayed with her.
Who puts his animal under the protection of NACHERON, can be sure that
this, as far as is possible, nothing will happen.
NACHERON also protects people from the animals, and not just zoologists,
Veterinarians and tractors! I once have a postman who is constantly scared
suffering from dogs, with the seal of the NACHERON can help well. He has never been
more has been attacked by a dog and is completely afraid of dogs
In astrologically unfavorable periods, when the negative,
more exposed to cosmic currents, it will be especially necessary
as a precaution to turn to the protective angels for assistance. Not always are the
Danger areas visible in advance, and so I usually recommend for such times
to call several angels nearby at the same time. Has proven many times
while the collaboration of the angels: AMILLES, ALTANOR, GALAGOS, and
AMILLES protects you from diseases and infections. His seal is in red
Paint.ALTANOR offers you protection from enemies and attacks like
Intrigues and injustices. His seal is to be drawn in violet color.
Your love, friendships and human relationships protect you
GALAGOS, whose seal is to draw green.

CUSCHI, protected
your existence and protects you from loss. His seal is in red
to draw.
A collegue, the astrologer Erich B., writes to me about these four genii
summed up an amulet, the following: "For 30 years I am an astrologer
Do not worry about yourself anymore and know how hard it is in critical situations
Constellations despite the greatest vigilance can strike the fate. So was
I was more than worried, even scared of this year. Saturn conjunction Moon,
Uranus Square Sun and Pluto in opposition were expecting bad things. Now
I have survived everything well. Although my car was stolen, but I have it
get back safely after two weeks. Although I had the feared accident,
but in a taxi I had taken to dodge the constellation, and
I also remained completely unharmed and came away with the terror. a
I could avoid private conflict by increasing self-restraint, which was me
despite my irritability succeeded surprisingly well. By the death of my mother -
was at least 82 years old - I am not yet around the
Saturn Moon influences came around and had a year of mourning, but even in the
Weeks in which she wrestled with death, and I looked after her, we both felt one
inner confidence and the comforting vibration of the angels. I can do you, dear
Friend, just thank you for giving me strength and protection through this help from
the other world
found in this difficult time. "
This proves that the guardian angels also in astrologically unfavorable periods, in
which you are more exposed to the evil forces than usual, effective protection
offer and ward off many a mischief that would otherwise hit you. Depending on
You can already prevent your weaknesses, where you are vulnerable
Protect by turning to the appropriate angel. In the book: "The
Practice of Magical Evocation "by Franz Bardon, you will find all the angels and
Task areas specified. I want to list some here who talk about me
Amulets have already served clients well: before financial hardship
protects MASADUL from thunderstorms and storm CARONA.
Athletes, hunters and mountaineers are especially protected by LOCHATY.
His seal is to be drawn in black color. But it is best to be
Always carry metal seals with you. As far as you do not use the electromagicon
It is made of tin, silver and copper,
you can score his seal on lead with a copper stylus and sew it in leather or
made by me.
A well-known Austrian mountaineer always has the seal on his tours
of the LOCHATY with him. "Since I carry the seal with me, I feel much safer,"
he told me. "What I used to hear often as an inner voice, I now hear almost loudly
in my ears: "now left on", or "not in the hook, take one
others. "Once I woke up by shouting," Get out
the tent "and rolled me shocked along with the sleeping bag to the side
I was just lying, a rockfall tore my tent! "
Water sports are protected by SEMEOL and made extraordinary
Performances brought. He has already saved tens of thousands from drowning. Be
Seal is to be drawn in brown color.
This angel has also saved me from the greatest danger to life from drowning.
It was in San Remo. Despite the storm warning, I had swum out. Already on
Back to the shore suddenly a high wave surprised me, knocked me over, and
When I came to, I was again pretty far out in the high
Seas. I had been under water for a long time and completely stunned. Would not be
My friend just happened to show up next to me and would not have me this some time
held above water, so I would probably not really right
Consciousness came. We both called for help. Some people waved at
Shore, but there was no boat to take off nearby. The pull was so strong that it
it was impossible to swim ashore. But fortunately we drifted sideways, and
a big wave made us land gently on a jetty while she
back sloshed. From there, people could then carry us ashore, we
themselves were already too weak.
Those who go to sea can get an amulet with the seal of DIMURGA to the mast
hang. His boat will then survive the biggest storm. So my friend,
Anton H., the only one with his yacht a storm off the Canary Islands
survived, while four other boats sank in his immediate vicinity.
If you want to protect yourself from "earth rays", turn to the angel
PORMATHOS. Its seal is best scribed on a lead plate and under the
Bed or over the suspected fault zone. Often the symptoms disappear
afterwards, because PORMATHOS could shift the stimulus zone or the self-oscillation
the affected person adapted. Some also felt that they were stinging him
become insensitive to the initially disturbing fields.
PORMATHOS has shown me that it is the so-called "earth rays"
is not rays, as is always wrongly assumed. It's not rays,
such as e.g. emanating from uranium or a flashlight, but force fields that
can change the person's personal magnetic field or incidental ones
redirecting cosmic fields. It is the same effect that flight technicians in the
Near rivers must register and note where the magnetic field of the
flowing air deflects the beacons of air traffic control. Therefore respond
People and living beings according to their individual subtle self-oscillation
different on the so-called fault zones. What does not let one sleep,
does not bother the other or a cat at all.
So I received a letter from Ms. Leni F., who wrote me this:
"After two dowsers - independently - a fault zone under
had found my bed and my nervousness and insomnia this
Ascribed to earth rays, I have the seal of PORMATHOS under my bed
placed. You will not believe it: My cat, who usually stays with me in bed
is sleeping since then, always on the sofa, and I feel really well now
sleep well."
In fairy tales, wizards perform miracles. If
grows up, explains the science: these are just fairy tales. The truth is:
both are correct. Because from the occult point of view there is nothing in our
that would not be due to a legitimate cause. There is none
Miracles, but there are connections that are not for today's understanding
are transparent. The difficulty lies in the fact that the visible world is in
Interaction with the invisible, subtle world stands.
The will, the imagination and the faith are real tools for the magician
for apparent miracles. He knows about the power of thought and uses it. there
The value of magic is not based on the fact that things can be accomplished
The view of the known physical laws of nature appear as miracles, but
in the experience that it is possible for human beings, godlike by the Spirit
To direct matter, that is, to consciously play a role in evolution.
Magic serves to train the power of the mind over matter, not around itself
to spell earthly luck and to bypass the laws of this world. That's why there is
no black or white magic, any more than good or bad
Electricity gives. If a wheelchair is driven for a disabled person, that is
Electricity is no better than if it would bring an electronic weapon to its
It is always the magician who bears the responsibility, and the power conscious
starts. In contrast to the wizard, who tries to use old magic formulas
Rituals to achieve something, but rarely succeeds, since he just the
Does not know connections. It does not just require the knowledge of the
hermetic laws, but also the ability to use them. This is one
decades of training required.
The pilgrim of our covenant has the opportunity at the level of the priest and
then move forward at the Master's level, until he is the perfect Adept
has magical abilities. For now, however, he is content with what he wants,
instead of using magical power to reach with the help of angels
He will not
fear of "black magic" attacks,
because he himself knows how difficult it is to set these forces in motion. He
at the very most, he is afraid of becoming a vessel of evil and will always be
endeavor to let only the good forces work through him.
Therefore, it is especially important, with all wishes and will that urges you,
to listen carefully to you, where the impulse to action comes from and where to go
Consequences for others, if you could act, lead. For yours already
Thought and desires have magical power, and become the author of your thoughts
you once be held accountable, if by yours
Wishful thinking was harmed to other people later on.
Especially for the first steps on the path of the pilgrim, the temptation is great
to shorten or facilitate the way. In many masks are the negative ones
Powers of this world approach you to seduce you.
After you have learned to believe through the help of angels, convince yourself
could also have a world and beings other than those in which you live with yours
You will want to try out the new in the same way. Books with
Guides to certain magical practices are enough in the marketplace. By the
Strengthened in your faith, you may find startling successes
and that is the first step that will take you off the path and into the world
Drop abyss if you keep going.
It will soon come to setbacks. Your life situation, which you yourself
by magic, on the contrary will become even more unbearable for you
shape. To free yourself from it, you run the risk, you to the evil beings
to turn to this world for assistance. The evil and its demons are just waiting
to get you on your side, and it's hard for you to get out of their grip
can liberate.
The connection with the invisible opponents of our light angels happens
slowly and mostly unnoticed for you. In small steps, you approach that
Abyss. Temptations arouse your desires and fuel your desires. With
refined arguments, entered by them, you turn the inner voice
of your conscience. Even in the best of faith it can happen that you, of
Influenced by evil, you want to strive for the wrong.
Magic offers the opportunity to borrow money from your destiny.
This anticipation of the future can have consequences for the next life. Therefore
the pilgrim of the covenant at his current stage of development leaves the first to
Foreknowledge of the angels, whether and how the help should come. You realize if
you are
you will be able to settle your debt, or if you are the one you aspire to
would burden even more. Only the true adept is capable of serving as a servant
Truth, justice and love to apply the laws of magic. Without the
The necessary wisdom and strength are at the mercy of every danger, the law of
hurt and disrupt the harmony of creation. The training required
Years, and if no preparatory work was done in the last life, decades.
But those who follow all the rules as pilgrims of the covenant know each other in
Like-minded people will find their way to maturity through the help of angels
quickly and
surely find. Those who are particularly attracted to magic will be among the angels
find some whose task it is to seek in the work of the forces and powers
to initiate and strengthen the universe, to handle it properly. But first
at the level of the master experiments can be tried without danger. thats why
Urgent of all premature practices and attempts, if only out
Curiosity to discourage. Magic exercises are not a bauble!
The pilgrim of the covenant adheres to the instructions given in the book of the
Adepts, Franz Bardon. "The way to the true Adept," finds. At the level of
Pilgrims he can apply the laws of magic of positive thinking and about
his subconscious trying to realize his desires. He will not talk about that
Level 1 and 2 of this textbook before he feels mature enough to be considered as
Priests of the covenant continue to walk the path. The ability to be magical
wins the pilgrim automatically, if he the shown way of the federation with the
Invisible follows. His magical power is a companion on the way
to his perfection. He gradually learns the 3 levels of the universe, the
physical, mental and spiritual, to dominate. He has to do this before
Himself, His own worlds: Mind - Soul - Mastering physical body,
then he can act from one level to the other.
Each achieved an effect with non-mechanical, non-physical, non-chemical, non-
physical means on somatic, mental or
spiritual field is actually magical in the classical sense, that is, made with
spiritual powers. And that's why magic really exists. Because you can up to one
certain degrees through certain occult techniques, such as the application of
Symbols, rituals, ceremonies, prayers, spiritual exercises and
Meditation practices among others on yourself, body, soul, spirit and
if necessary, to influence its environment.
The angel ORIENELL - his seal is to draw in green color - has me
entrusted various highly effective magical gestures and formulas with those
to accelerate one's own magical development and existing abilities
can increase. Some of them I have, so that they benefit all pilgrims, in the 3.
and 4. BOOK OF THE MASTERS published. In the course of its development, however,
Every pilgrim will come to the conclusion that he has all the knowledge and skills
only with the help of advanced spiritual beings, and that he can
also for so-called magical work, on the work of the invisible beings and
Angel is dependent, because he himself only through his thinking and willing the
as long as he can not create a quabbalistic perfect adept.

Therefore, the pilgrims of the covenant are the spiritual pioneers of the rest of
By consciously cooperating with the positive,
building angelic beings they can much faster in their spiritual development
progress and will therefore one day become the rulers of the following people
be called. A pilgrim does not need it, with any doubtful ones
To shorten or facilitate his practice, for he will certainly be his
Perfecting, and his abilities will develop as it
corresponds to his maturity and is necessary for his activity on the material
Any conscious self-education is therefore, in a sense, as a magical training
to watch. You, too, have been on this long since you've followed me
Pilgrimage route. You have set out to find your earthly happiness and it
will succeed in a few weeks or months with the help of angels, your life new
assign. In it you recognize the power of the mind. Maybe it will be enough for you
have mastered your worries, and you want to rest. But your way is not over.
Soon, new goals will become apparent to you in the distance, and you will continue
want to come. Because many things will change for you as soon as you enter this
Piece wandered.
You consider life as a school and have already realized your life path is
nothing else than the outer mirror of your spiritual true SELF. So you go
now as a pilgrim conscious and know the responsibility that you as a self-designer
of your fate carry. Fatal blows you'll take more relaxed. You
understand them as a consequence of your mistakes and learn from them. Your luck
you manage,
by making others happy beforehand and patiently the reflux of yours
Use expected. You know that this must come.
It may still take a while to see the last problems
Get a grip on it. But with the help of the angels, it will soon be easier for you,
to recognize your possibilities and to make full use of them. You know your
and use your strengths. So you consciously develop your skills and are these
however modest or insignificant. Once you're ready, this for the sake of
To use humanity and not just for your own benefit, you stand out from the crowd
and you are a role model, you are ready for the trail of the championship.
From now on, the 3rd and 4th BOOKS OF THE MASTERS will be your guidepost. You find
In it, self-instruction guides for the development of your magical and
mystical personality. Effective rituals will speed up your maturity
help. According to your sense of responsibility, you will be welcomed by the angels
granted more power and success. Instead of tuning in passively, as before,
Are you learning to actively approach them now? You receive the training as a
of the four elements. Ancient and previously top secret temple knowledge will be
opened. Skillful masters will then merge into a mighty unit and
are thus able to consciously build a bridge between the worlds
create. They are the wanderers of both worlds, and you will be one of them.

For this last part of the journey, a certain spiritual maturity is needed, and
inner ones
Strength is required to put the findings into practice. But for that too
may one use the help of the responsible angels.
The angels ABUSIS, seal color violet, MAFALACH, seal color brown,
FORFASON and HOROMAR, both silver-white seals, are leading the way for everyone
speed up and increase his spiritual growth by supporting him and
instruct. They are the true gurus of all seekers and stand by anyone who
turns to her.
Siegfried G. a pilgrim on the way told me the following. "In the few weeks
since wearing the Pilgrim Amulet with the seals of the Master Genii, I have been
able to do more
Gain experience as in all the years of my search before. I am suddenly acting
the rarest books on and get to knowledge of which I did not use earlier
once dared to dream. I really feel like I'm a spiritual one
Guide directing my steps, I am suddenly no longer alone on my way
to the light. "
Counselors ask me for help over and over again, because they feel magically
Inexplicable accumulation of failures and sudden fatalities
often allow this nonsensical explanation for mostly quite logical consequences of
take false actions.
The idea of being magically persecuted by a human being will hardly turn into
to arrest someone who does not engage in or believe in magic, am
least of all in someone who has no idea of the presence of secret powers
Has. But apparently, many people today are engaged in magical exercises,
Practices and attempts or at least read about how to power, love,
Can conjure up money and luck.
The newspapers are full of ads of pseudo-magicians hawking and selling
promise everything if only enough is paid for it. It's unlikely,
With what cheap tricks these swindlers keep believing in their spell
pull, as they understand it, pretend magic skills, and as they do
manages to get the money out of his pocket with the simplest promises
Blind miracle as a long overdue answer to the rationalism of a
materialistic view of the world today leads to a pseudo-occultist wave,
which drives thousands of seekers into the hands of these occult perpetrators and
deceivers, or,
Worse still, they fear their attacks and influences. there
In fact, the swindlers and their simple-minded admirers are with what
actually could be called black magic, yet
never got in touch. By "black" I mean evil, insidious and for
other people's harmful actions and events, caused by
magic practices.
Magic is value free. There is no white or black magic. There is only good or
evil effects of magical actions, and that is only one
capable of magical personality. Who after decades of practicing his will
and imagination has trained so that he magically through his faith
He is not able to sell his services for money. To that
He has much simpler possibilities without his conscience
would have to burden.
Therefore, no pilgrim will trust a "magician" whose services
claim or even before so-called black magic attacks
to fear.
For inexplicable events that are falsely a hex or the like
In reality, most people are responsible for themselves. Because
anger, hate and evil thoughts as curses of your enemies,
only through your faith and through your fear do you get the power with which you
give it
could seriously harm you. Who does not want evil and a good one
Conscience does not need to be afraid, neither of demons nor of
Black magicians or hateful colleagues, relatives or neighbors. A good
Heart and a noble mind are the best protection against all evil, that the
Pure escapes. Evil has no power over you as long as you are good and without
Hate remains.
But it is hard to break out of a circle of fear. who
once believing, magically pursued, to be bewitched, under any rays
or to stand up to a foreign influence, that's not easy to convince
that it is up to him to break the spell. For the pilgrim of our covenant there
but it is also an effective help. He can turn to the angel JENURI.
Yenuri assured me:
• "Whoever believes in me, and who bears my mark, I will protect him
every attack from the shadow world of humans ghosts and demons. "
Through many amulets I made for help seekers with his seal, I could
make contact with him, and he has always helped. He has in all cases, be
It offered against imaginary or actual attacks, effective protection and
to help people to live a quiet, peaceful life again. His seal is
to draw in violet color. But unlike the other seals, that is
Seals of JENURI always carry with you, as long as you have contact with him
would like to maintain. It is better if this seal engraved on metal
as drawn on paper.
For Ms. Britt S., a 36-year-old librarian from Lund in Sweden
I'm his seal. She was convinced that she was being pursued magically. It began,
after she had started a relationship with an Italian guest worker. As
she became pregnant, he moved to her apartment but never got up
Marriage plans. She soon discovered why. He was already married, and
One day his whole family was at the door. There was a huge scandal.
Although he stayed with her, and his family had to return to Naples, began
for them now a period of blows of fate, for which they are only an explanation
let: Hex. It started when she slipped out in the bathroom and then one
Had miscarriage. Then she lost due to rationalization measures and
setting up a computer their work. She soon suffered from depression and
After a suicide attempt, she had to go to a clinic, whereupon her friend left her.
That was the time she approached me. I made her the seal of the
JENURI and gave her a new steel scissors with the explanation I once from this
Angel received:
• "Through invisible tapes, all human souls are connected as soon as they are
once in contact with each other. These bands are living like
Nerve strands that can grow, renew or die and tear.
Every thought, every feeling can be directed to you along the band paths,
as soon as the end of a bond that binds to your soul is grasped.
But conversely, you can cut a ribbon, if you are spiritual
Thought through conviction. "
I advised her to take advantage of this knowledge, since all evil is only about
Band of the friend as a channel for the hatred streams of the family could flow
into them.
She followed the instructions of Angel JENURI. With the scissors in the right hand
She drew the seal of the guardian angel three times in rapid succession three times
a day
Air and cut in the spirit of the band that she connected with her ex-boyfriend,
the scissors through. The firm conviction and idea that really the
Cut the connection separates, accompanies this ritual. The scissors will then
remain as
Defense spells hanging over the front door.
At the time, I did not check whether she was really magically influenced and
was charged with a curse. The unrestrained hatred and jealousy of the abandoned
Wife together with the bad conscience of the client were certainly already
enough to provoke evil consequences in a sensitive person. Anyway, she was
soon relieved and felt soon freed from the pressure that otherwise weighed on her.
The depression disappeared. She found another job in a bookstore,
and the haunting was after the intervention of JENURI within a few weeks
I have described this case in more detail, because always similar
Experiences are brought to me. JENURI could almost always help, and it
is worth, even in case of doubt and safety, his seal over the bed too
But effective protection is also offered by religious places of worship. especially
Invisible domes of light over Catholic churches will make any evil against you
ward off, if you pray in a pure heart and ask for protection and strength.
It is important that you are free of guilt. Through sacrifice you can
you compensate. Where that is not possible, it is sufficient for now, in you the
honest desire to bear, a suffering that you have caused by creating
To balance pleasure again. When and whom you will give this joy is
besides minor matter. Your firm intention to be ready when the
Opportunity offers, is sufficient and will put you in the position, one day yours
To redeem promise. You are immediately freed from your guilt. Because
spiritually, the will stands for the work, and what you intend to do today as soon
as you do
have the possibility, is already for the spiritual beings on the invisible plane
Karma is the law of cause and effect. What you sow, that
will you reap On your journey to perfection, you will be wandering the time in
countless lives in the dress of different personalities. You have one of those
voluntarily adopted this fate to prove yourself, to learn
and to be able to take on larger tasks. Life is a school
and no fairground!
The purpose of existence is to perfect oneself mentally and spiritually
one needs the resistance, as here on the Earth world the matter of space and
Time is given by the prevailing laws. Just like the athlete on equipment
Exercising his muscular strength, overcoming selfishness, envy and
Egoism that strengthens soul muscles. It is easy, in the theory of courage and
To speak selflessness. But only the harsh reality of the material world offers the
Souls of the soul have the opportunity to test themselves and learn to overcome
The strengths and weaknesses are made aware in practice and can
then be further developed.
There are priorities for every life, because certain strengths and
On the other hand, skills on the one hand make it particularly difficult
to develop opposite properties. For example, weaken courage and
Bravado naturally becomes the sensitivity, and strong imagination
on the other hand, rather displace logical thinking. Conversely, it has the
analytical mind harder to open to the inspiration of an artist; i.e. the
Development of each property comes at the expense of another, depending on the
That is the reason why people with different mental and spiritual
Plants have to take their lives, and in a single life not all
Can develop skills at the same time, people have the opportunity in
another life, with another soul-dress, at the conscious development
to work on the spirit. If you do not work on yourself, you will
Fate works, with nobody knowing what he can decide for himself and what
is decided even before he was born. Only the character is known as
Foundation for the future.
• "Your character is your passport you brought with you from previous lives
new country. Nothing happened to you, everything is fruit of one time effort,
past experiences. Your attachments, passions, wishes, they are all
Following former thinking, willing and doing. What you are today, you were once in
Thoughts, as your thinking and actions of today determine your future.
Your knowledge and ability, the forces that are still undetected in you, they
all are inherited from past existence. Even your conscience is just the voice of
Past that rises quietly or loudly with every new act in you. "
Anyone who is helpful, friendly, modest, reserved and thankful
Behaving with his fellowman will live in peace and harmony and become friends
who face him as well. Who is nagging, ruthless,
Showed dogmatic and ungrateful, will soon be lonely and shunned
become. This is the lowest level of karma that has an immediate impact and
is verifiable, because the period is surveyable. But the law also applies to
longer periods and less obvious causes.
Who bothers to make situations that are felt to be fateful
to investigate closely will find out that these too are many
Little things have arisen, about which he could decide at the time. you
Just do this experiment and go in thoughts all events and yourself
made decisions that lead to the awkward situation in which one is
e.g. a bad marriage or today's occupation. Think over every detail
and the least trifle from the past, which brings you to this day
And you will find that although spiritual impulses often
Trading urged, but in the end always your decision to blame at all
Consequences was. Therefore, as many Eastern teachings do, it is wrong in Karma
To see punishment of a superior power, but it is always about
legitimate consequences of past actions.
Karma is the law of cause and effect. If someone who smokes a lot, on
Lung cancer, this is not a punishment for his weakness, but natural
Consequence of the poison. Thus, it is also nonsensical to ponder, what in a last
Life was wrong, and why all this suffering must be endured, in the
Opinion that it was a punishment for any offense from a past life.
It is quite dangerous, through hypnosis experiments in a previous one
To put life back and to investigate who you have been. First
Once that's what's usually coming out wrong, and is the
Thought - idea of your subconsciousness or the unconscious suggestion of the
Attributed to hypnotists. Besides, if you really were your last, you would
Realizing life would be karmically new again for every action
be blamed and then charge that debt back to you, too
if you have already paid for it long ago.
It will be enough if you take care of your own responsibility for your destiny
know for your future and today consciously build this future by
good karma. Although no one can jump over his shadow -
According to his investments, individual errors are often committed and
then appropriate experiences result, - but nevertheless everyone, at any time, is
in your own decision, today has the freedom to choose between yes and no,
between good and evil. Everyone can say yes to the renunciation and say no to
egotistical impulse that pushes him against his conscience to an action.
So everyone, by their own failure old debts with, not only
this life, but also from past lives and more debt than merit.
Such debt can be an obstacle to further development if not paid
• Therefore, in your prayers, you should always have the inner readiness to
eradicate them
To express guilt
• Ask yourself where you have been missing in this life and have guilt on you!
• Make up this debt by making up the balance now that you can, and leave
You owe your debt to those who owe you! Understand them,
Forgive and forget what they did to you.
• As of today, deliberately avoid being involved in new guilt!
What Makes You Guilty, How Do You Get Negative Karma?
• By omitting what must happen!
• By happening what should not happen!
• By doing what can not be done!
When you consciously cause harm and harm to others, you will compensate
have to! And where you omit to give pleasure to others, though not so
great effort would be for you, you will one day on some
Have to give up joy!
• When you act out of weakness against your conscience, the consequences of this
Acts, as karma, (not punishment), be teaching for you.
Anyone who knows this will endeavor to sow only good things for the future, and
deposit appropriate action on his lucky account. He will be in heavy
Life situations do not cause bitterness and patiently blame
settle by asking nothing for himself, for which he has no corresponding
Can bring consideration. This makes him the master of his destiny. He creates
Good karma for tomorrow and for his next life. The more consciously that happens,
the faster he creates the conditions for a valuable, contented,
happy life. He does not feel helpless at the mercy of a higher power,
but the law of cause and effect becomes aware of the future
apply and seek, by appropriate actions the cause of
to create later positive effects. He looks in the difficult
Life periods not punishment for once committed crimes, but a good one
Possibility to recognize these relationships, to learn from them, and
he will gratefully greet every situation in life, where he will renounce selflessly
and work for the neighbor has the chance to improve his karma.
The reward of the good deed must not be repaid by fate with the same coin. The
renunciation of a luxury trip, in favor of a donation for
Starving, can trigger mental impulses that will make you healthy if you
be sick, or bring love, if you are lonely. Years of sacrificial care
for a close person can create first basics, which you in the
bring next successes as a doctor. Even if you for your troubles the
Recognition still fails, and others are currently reaping it through your work
Everything is recorded and credited to you. In the next life then you will fall
Success by itself, because of your efforts today
Have developed qualities that you then fully trained in the next earth body
findest. Every successful athlete, artist, scientist works more than
for a lifetime of his above-average skills.
But it's not about learning school knowledge, even pure knowledge
necessary to master this world. When an old friend was visiting me and
said: "I want to be 18 years old again, but with my present knowledge",
my son asked him. "What do you know? I'm just eighteen." There it became
my friend aware of the difference between knowledge and wisdom. you
Gather experiences that are not transferable, such as knowledge, and life in every
but make up an integral part of the personality
• "Just as the maturity of old age ennobles people with enduring values, so does
Soul in the course of many lives to ever higher personality, which you then too
as such, feels, recognizes and acknowledges.
• But you have to learn by yourself. Just as children have to learn their own
school lesson,
is it with the experiences that life school imposes on you. It can do you
nothing is given, but much will be relieved when you get to the
responsible angel for tuition and guidance turns. The good beings are standing
Feel free to join in and facilitate your karma, but negative beings can
you withdraw and burden yourself if you unconsciously by your behavior or
Thinking near you calls.
• In the end, it is you who is responsible for everything because you
it allows or even through wrong thinking, feeling (feeling) or acting in
have guided the ways.
• However, it is nonsensical to investigate in which past life and on
what kind of weaving you had today? Think better of them
Future! Make merit. Every volunteer about the obligator
The renunciation goes beyond creating positive karma.
• Once a child is born that you will be yourself. Your true spiritual
I, who you today also feel as "I am", is in a new soul dress
and take another life on another earth body. This child is located
already today in you as the germ of your mind.
• Fatherly procreative power of your thoughts fertilizes maternal aspirations
your wishes and feelings. You are both father and mother to the child, that
you will feel as your self in your next life as you do today
Sum of your former ideas and wishes.
• What you can do today, you know, and you are, is the result of your past
Life. What you will be in the next life, you prepare today. Hold that
always in front of your eyes and look ahead, not back! "
All these teachings are from the angel GOLOPA. His seal is golden yellow too
to draw. More secret connections about karma, this angel, the
an outstanding master of the Akashan principle is entrusted, I publish
Book of the masters. It would go beyond the scope of this book and has for the
Pilgrims still no meaning. Only a very important and consoling instruction of the
I would like to add Engels:
• Not every stroke of fate is karmic. But you can do it any way
Mentally measure suffering, prove yourself and grow in it. Beside this
Learning opportunity becomes the least wrong of the recording angel you
lingering, every loss and suffering that was not intended karmically, as
Lucky and successful credits credited for your future.
"Depending on the soul-suffering you are wearing, you are different at other times
Exposed to currents. Non-blind star power forces you into its spell, but
Guiding powers use this tide to make you destiny
that has high wisdom for you. And yet you are freer than you think
because you control much by self-control, what turns against you differently.
In this free space that you can create through your will, you can do it yourself,
we too can help angels to help you. "
This information comes from the angel BALACHMAN, of whom I have much
Find out about astrology. His seal is in red
to draw. Who deals with astrology, should the seal of this angel
to draw. All astrologers receive from him by inspiration the right one
Knowledge for the interpretation of the cosmic conditions.
A good astrologer does not set you before an inescapable fate like one
Fortune teller. Astrological predictions are not created to arrive, but
should point to a development as information for the future. You will be,
just like economic forecasts, only meaningful, if by an intervention, a
positive change is effected. An astrological prognosis is like one
Road condition report of the journey to be traveled. As you move forward
Come, you decide yourself. But you get better when you do that
Adapts circumstances.
Even the helping angels have, if you are under bad constellations
You have to overcome more resistance if you want to help. However, you can
they avert, divert, or mitigate much. At least they can strengthen you and
inspire you so that you do not bring new evil out of mischief by misconduct.
Because the negative forces, which in such times more power over you
may be beyond the fate intended for you
Do harm if you are not vigilant.
Therefore, it is important that you know your astrological tendencies and these
Take into account the tides of your soul in your planning. You'll be fine then
prepared, in times of the optimal Funkionierens of your abilities by purposeful
Use your powers to be particularly successful. And you will be in critical periods
through caution and restraint losses and wrong decisions largely
can avoid.
There is, due to the astrological psycho-rhythm, for everyone
Living area, good and bad times. Astrological forecasts show
when to use what conditions, e.g. in love, marriage, profession or health
can count. As the angels use these tides and up to one
It must be to some degree after these streams that are predominant for you, it is
if you, too, adapt to the tides and know when you like yourself
should behaveWhen you are able to act properly, and when you are more likely to act
be careful before you get one
Decision is made. You also know when an angel will help you the best
can or when you can expect that his help will be realized.
Misconduct and impatience that would hinder the work of angels,
can you avoid that? This is especially true for targeted changes in
Love or professional matters. As indicated by an astrological preview
also the psychorhythmics of others, e.g. to foresee a spouse,
Everyone can take care of the expected currents on the other
set better. This can reduce tensions and avoid conflicts.
The angel ISTAROTH can not be a time of confusion in feelings of love
harmonize within a few days. But support your patience with the lost one
He will be able to help you more easily with your spouse to save the partnership.
Good astrologers usually still have the gift of medial vision. No
Astrologer should therefore neglect it with the angel ELIPINON contact
take. ELIPINON is the head of all astrologers psychics and
Fortune teller. He fosters their abilities and lets through inspiration, that from
mental levels often capture only symbolically transferable images of the future
and interpret. Who deals with astrology, card reading, tarot, ling, or commuting
busy or intending to consult an astrologer or clairvoyant
should definitely contact ELIPINON beforehand. I have one
designed special amulet about which the angel, along with other genii
which are responsible for visions, prophecies and clairvoyance, is achievable.
Through a book about fortune tellers, this amulet was called "Psi Wave Amplifier"
Since then, more and more media seers have been using it as an auxiliary tool
their activity.
When my daughter Cornelia headed the institute for scientific
Fate research, I also gave her the "Inspiration Amulet",
which I had always used in the life counseling. Because Cornelia not only
an excellent astrologer and medial seer, but as an occupational therapist
She also completed a medical-psychological study
to additionally classify and interpret incoming inspirations
After a short time she told me with pleasure: "I see many now
Connections that lead to events that are not fateful
would have to, and can advise the advice seeker in good time. They are then often
really astounded by the accuracy of my statements. They understand that the
Forecasts from the consequences of the unconscious impulses they ignore
and can change their plans in good time. "
It is unbelievable how many so-called blows of fate in reality, long
before they happen, through your own wrong thinking, uncontrolled feelings
or uncontrolled emotions are caused by the person concerned.
may each reader his current destiny
in this regard, and he will find that his predicament is due to
other thoughts (then he made the wrong decision leading to this situation
led, met) could have been avoided.
Therefore, clairvoyants are usually, as far as they are not at all charlatans
acts, rather mind readers than prophets. Because a media preview is based
mostly on these networks of events that crystallize into events
Desired and thought images, and not on reflections of not yet
occurred events.
Therefore, an orientation on the fate and a correction of the
Objectives necessarily also an astrological analysis needed. Only astrology
is able, as a soul weather report, to provide information about the quality of the
To give thoughts, feelings and desires for each calculated time,
and only an astrological prognosis can also be the periods in which one with
recognize this spiritual seed in the form of events again
to let.
Therefore, I strongly advise you to consult a media seer only if
He also has appropriate astrological knowledge. Even the
most famous seers such as the Sybille or Nostradamus relied first
Line on their astrological calculations. Of course you will only
to entrust a life coach to one of your personal friends as reputable
was recommended, and not completely unknown to someone who needs it, customers
to attract via newspaper advertisements.
It is even better to study the basics of astrology and of science
l-Ching. Milt help ELIPINON's can also lay existing medial skills
develop and increase.
A letter from Christine P., from Munich, confirms that: "With yours
Angel oracle amulet I save the visit to my fortuneteller. I
I am now dealing with Ling and Tarot myself and always getting helpful ones
Answers to my questions. Lately, even acquaintances come to me and
let me lay the cards. "
But here lies a great danger, which I must point out. The right
Designing a map requires just as much as the interpretation of a map
astrological constellation, besides the technical knowledge and the medial
Gift also a year-long practice. Unfortunately, very few fortune tellers are
these conditions, not to mention the many charlatans, the
at all pretend to possess psychic abilities. You align with
their mispredictions much damage and fuel the fear of the future, instead of you
To convey hope and self-confidence.
• Therefore, it is much better if you, rather than dubious clairvoyants and
Questioning oracles, asking yourself what you can do, and
How to behave in order to have a good future
One of the heaviest blows of fate that can hit you is death
a close person. Even deeply religious people and experienced
Occultists who believe in a hereafter are severely shaken by it and suffer
under the separation pain.
Besides TRAPIS, who also consoles with this kind of separation, there are angels
grant special insights into the hereafter, which can also be very comforting.
Many books have been published about life after death. There are also there
the reports of out-of-body experiences, so-called out of body experiences and
the scientific investigations of some physicians who deal with the
Examine death experiences of revived patients.
Although all descriptions of over there are always subjective
Experiences can be, and some descriptions only of the imagination
of the author or a medium, there are some serious books,
which one should read as a travel guide for the last trip. This includes: Moody's
"Life after death" (Rowohlt Verlag.), The already mentioned "Wegweiser", Ein
Wanderer in the land of ghosts (Turm Verlag), "The man with the two lives"
(Ansata / Knaur Verlag), "The emission of the astral body" (Bauer Verlag), "Der
Sphärenwanderer "(Ansata Verlag).
Who wants to gain experience about life after death or contact
Looking for a deceased person is best addressed directly to the two angels
JONION and LEMIEL. Both seals are of black color.
LEMIEL monitors and protects the souls together with his helpers
especially in the first time after the body has been deposited. He helps them under
to better cope with unfamiliar conditions of existence.
JONION, on the other hand, shows the sympathy band before birth
between himself and the ripening fruit in the womb, and he helps after that
Death over existing emotional bonds, the contact with the loved ones upright
to keep.
You should not imagine this band like a telephone line. It
Rather resembles the force field of a room that attracts you, one that is open, one
surrounds, in which you feel like involved, because you, such as in one
Concert hall, with all present attuned to the same music or itself
feels safe in a church.
Beyond contacts about the angel JONION are therefore not like in seances,
(Today it is called channeling) using dubious practices of a medium
manufactured. The connective fluid is not out of curiosity and sensationalism,
but of good thoughts of the deceased and the desire to help him
The world of the hereafter is a subtle world in which thoughts and
Forming feelings to concrete realities of a soul landscape. It should therefore
only thoughts of love and gratitude, the
Respect and forgiveness, with which one mentally cares for the deceased
approaches. All thoughts of mourning, as well as pictures that the deceased as
sick or even as a corpse recall, are to be avoided. Because one
He would not consider such a world of ideas perceived as real to him to be
feel and therefore avoid
ONION also let me know:
• See the deceased healthy and alive and never dead. Do not push him through yours
Keep thinking about his grave!
• Totenkulte, which is beyond the personal religious need of the bereaved, and
are the religious tradition cultivated by the deceased are
to reject, because they promote sad feelings.
• Limit tomb care to keeping consecrated ground in order.
The money for expensive flower arrangements donate rather in his memory one
charitable purpose.
• No deceased loves the place where his body parts rot, he certainly is not
closer to his grave than at home.
• To commemorate him, you can make a flower at home next to his photograph
put a candle as symbols of light and life. Even better, you're wearing it
Picture in your heart.
• The piety of the bereaved (not the deceased) obliges to one
certain mourning time. The shorter it is, the sooner it feels
The deceased freed from earthly obligations that he no longer enjoys
who can mentally hinder him over there.
Therefore, remove his clothes from the cupboards. Objects to him
have meant something but give you nothing, you can confidently sell. The
Joy that others have with you, and that you have with the things you do for
to earn this money serves him more than a false piety.
• The only monument visible to the deceased in the hereafter is
if you take the good that he had as a model and live by it.
I have often experienced how people get lost after losing a loved one
Self-reproaches suffer because they think they have not done enough for him. grief,
connected with a bad conscience towards the deceased, not only can
for the bereaved to be agony, the deceased also suffers
these feelings, if the person concerned is close to him.
• Relieve your conscience by letting a living person do the
what you think you owe to a dead man. It will take him over that apparent
Reach detour and benefit. Here is the word of Jesus Christ:
"What you have done for the least of your brothers, you have done to me". Everyone
carries the Christ-light of charity as a spark of life in his soul.

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