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Partial molal volume behavior of tetraalkylammonium chlorides in

aqueous acetone and aqueous dimethylsulfoxide

Departmetzt of Chemistry, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta
Received February 2, 1970

The partial molal volumes of a series of tetraalkylammonium chlorides in aqueous acetone and aqueous
dimethylsulfoxide at 25.000 "C are reported as a function of solvent composition. It is shown that for
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 11/02/11

each solvent composition the partial niolal volume data are better represented by a quadratic in solute
molecular weight than by the linear expression previously employed in similar studies. Extrapolation of
molecular partial molal volumes to zero cation molecular weight has permitted evaluation of the partial
molal volumes of the ions R4N+ and C1-. The variation of molecular and ionic partial molal volume as a
function of solveht composition is discussed.
Canadian Journal o f Chemistry, 48, 2416(1970)

Introduction Fisher spectral grade acetone was used without

further purification. Doubly distilled water was used in
In our continuing study of solvolysis reactions preparation of all aqueous organic binary solvent sys-
in aqueous organic solvent systems we have tems.
measured partial molal volumes of tetraalkyl- Method
ammonium chlorides in aqueous acetone and The aqueous binary solvent systems were prepared by
aqueous dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) at 25.000 "C volume to + 0.0005 mole fraction. The solvents were
as a function of solvent composition. The purpose degassed by refluxing beneath a Dry Ice/acetone con-
For personal use only.

of this work was to obtain data on the variation denser and their compositions checked by density mea-
surements to ensure that the degassing procedure had not
of partial molal volume of stable solute species caused any change.
with solvent composition which should be of Salt solutions (0.0150 to 0.1500 M ) were prepared to
value as models in interpreting the volumetric + 0.0001 M units in calibrated 100 ml volumetric flasks
behavior of initial and transition states of and for each salt concentration three replicate density
measurements were made using 25 ml Weld-type pycnom-
solvolysis reactions in the corresponding solvent eters. The pycnometers were thermostatted to 25.000 +
systems. 0.005 "C for a period of not less than 1 h and weighed
The tetraalkylammonium chlorides (R,N+- after 19 h standing at room temperature. This standardi-
C1-) were chosen for this study since the surface zation of procedure greatly improved reproducibility,
charge density of the cation can be conveniently which on average, was found to be + 0.00002 g ml-'.
Some difficulty was experienced in obtaining repro-
varied by changing the nature of the alkyl group, ducible densities in aqueous acetone, no doubt due to the
R ; in this case R = Me, Et, n-Pr, and n-Bu. The high volatility of the cosolvent acetone. This was particu-
two cosolvents, acetone and DMSO, were larly troublesome at acetone mole fractions greater than
selected since, -despite their close structural 0.20. It is for this reason that no data are reported for
solutions of salts in solvent systems with greater than 0.20
similarity, they have markedly different physical mole fraction of acetone. No difficulties were experienced
properties which might be expected to be reflected in accurately determining densities of solutions in aqueous
in the properties of dissolved ions. DMSO. This was undoubtedly due to the much higher
boiling point of DMSO (189 "C ( 3 ) )compared to that of
acetone (56.5 "C (4)).
Materials Results
Eastman reagent grade tetraalkylammonium chlorides
were purified by multiple recrystallization and dried in Apparent molal volumes, 4, were calculated
vacuo as described by Conway et al. (1). The purity of all using the equation
salts, as determined by the modified Volhard method (2),
was better than 99.8%.
Eastman practical grade DMSO was dried over
freshly cut calcium hydride for a period of not less than
48 h. The decanted product was then distilled a t reduced where M is the molecular weight of the salt, c is
pressure (- 10 mm Hg) and the middle 50% cut collected.
The high purity of the distilled liquid was confirmed by the concentration in moles I-', and d and do, the
melting point (18.52 "C, lit: 18.55 "C (3)) and refractive densities of solution and solvent, respectively.
index (nDZ0= 1.3590, lit: nD19.4= 1.35886 (3)). Partial molal volumes at infinite dilution, v O ,

were then obtained by extrapolating 4 to zero TABLE 1

concentration using the relation Partial molal volumes of tetraalkylammonium chlorides
in aqueous acetone and aqueous DMSO at 25.000 "C
[2I 4 = TO + ~ ~ ' 1 2
where S is the limiting slope. Partial molal volume
Mole (ml mole- ') when salt =
Uncertainties in apparent molal volumes were fraction
calculated using the equation of Redlich and cosolvent Me4NCl Et4NC1 n - p r 4 ~ c 1 ~-BULNCI
Bigeleisen (5). Aqueous acetone
0.000 107.5* 166.8t 232.93 294.33
lOOO6d 1000(d - do)& 106.7 163.3 229.0 288.7
[3] 64=-
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 11/02/11

0.100 106.4 166.0 231.2 297.8
doc doc2 0.200 105.6 161.8 228.4 296.7
6d and 6c are uncertainties in density and con- Aqueous DMSO
centration, respectively. 0.100 106.1 162.2 223.0 283.6
0.200 103.3 157.9 220.0 284.7
lllustrative plots of 4 vs. c1I2 for tetramethyl-
ammonium chloride in aqueous acetone at
25.000 O Care shown in Fig. 1. Partial molal
volumes obtained by extrapolation to c1I2 = 0 *Value = 107.4(ref.1).
tValue = 167.0 (ref. 1).
are summarized in Table 1 and corresponding $Reference 1.
numerical values for S (eq. [2]) are listed in TABLE 2
Table 2. Uncertainties in partial molal volume Numerical values for S (eq. [ 2 ] )for tetraalkylammonium
values, determined by inspection of the extra- chlorides in aqueous acetone and aqueous DMSO
polations, are considered not to exceed & 1 ml at 25.000 "C
For personal use only.

mole-'. Data contained in Table 1 reveal that
where comparison is possible, the partial molal Mole S* when salt =
volumes measured in this study are in excellent cosolvent Me4NC1 Et4NCl 11-Pr4NCl 12-Bu4NCI
agreement with those obtained by other workers.
Aqueous acetone
0.000 0.8 -0.6 - -

Aaueous D M S O

Since the solutes under investigation in this

work certainly exist as ions at infinite dilution
the molecular partial molal volume may be
expressed as the sum of the partial molal volumes
of the component ions.
[4I Vz4NCI= V z 4 N + Vg1- +
A number of attempts have been+madeto cal-
culate partial molal volumes of individual ions
but the results obtained seem to differ according
0y2 0y3 014 d5 to the method used. For instance, a recent
literature survey published by Lee and Hyne (6)
c1l2 (mole I-?)'/~
reveals that estimates of the partial molal volume
FIG. 1 . Plots of 4 vs. c'IZ for tetramethylammonium ion in water at 25 range from l8
chloride in aqueous acetone (numbers adjacent to each
plot are mole fractions of acetone). to 37 ml mole-'.

Conway et al. (1) recently proposed a new

method for obtaining ionic partial molal volumes 4
in water for tetraalkylammonium salts with a
common anion. This type of analysis has been
recently extended by Lee and Hyne (6) to solutions o
of tetraalkylammonium chlorides in aqueous
ethanol binary solvent systems. In the Conway -
method anionic partial molal volumes are ': -4
obtained by extrapolating Vg,,, to zero cation
weight in a linear plot of Vg4,x VS. molecular -z
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 11/02/11

weight. -=
[5I vg4NX =A +B " ~ 4 ~ ~
When MR4,, = M x - , i.e. at zero cation weight,
the partial molal volume of the anion is given by -2
es. [61.

100 100 300

and the partial molal volume of the cation can Molecular Weight R4NCI
be calculated using eq. [4].
The use of a linear extrapolation (eq. [5]) in the FIG. 2. Plot of d VS. molecular weight for tetraalkyl-
ammonium chlorides in aqueous acetone: (a) linear
present work requires discussion. Since MR4,,, - analysis; (b) quadratic analysis (0,0.000; a,0.050; 0,
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MR4,,,,,where Rand R' are adjacent homologues 0.100; A, 0.200 mole fract~onacetone).
(e.g. Me, Et), is constant over the series of salts
- (i.e. AM = 56): eq. [5] demands that (eq. [5]). The lack of random distribution of d
Vg4NC, - Vg4,NC1 also be constant. An examina- about d = 0 would appear to indicate, however,
tion of data presented in Table 1 clearly shows that even eq. [7] does not provide a "perfect"
that this condition is not satisfied, necessitating representation of the data. However, since d
the conclusion that eq. [5] does not provide a obtained usingeq. [7] is comparable - in magnitude
good functional representation of the dependence to the experimental error in Vg4NCIfurther
of Vg4NCI on molecular weight. In view of the refinement of the polynomial is not justified by
demonstrated inadequacy of the linear expression the experimental data available here. Accor-
(eq. [5]) the data presented in Table 1 were fitted dingly, eq. [7] was used to extrapolate V:4NCI to
to a quadratic (eq. [7]) by a least squares method zero cation weight in order to determine V g , - .
using an IBM 360150 computer. Cation partial molal volumes were then calculated
using eq. [4]. The resulting numerical values for
V g , - and Vg,,+ in aqueous acetone and aqueous
The same data were fitted to eq. [5] by the DMSO are presented in Table 3.
method of least squares so that the validity of Discussion
using either the linear or the quadratic function S Values
could be assessed. According to the Debye-Huckel theory for
As a measure of the reliability of the functions strong electrolytes (7) the dependence of appar-
chosen it is convenient to define a deviation ent molal volume, 4, on the square root of con-
function as follows centration (eq. [2]) as c + 0 can be expressed as
Plots of d vs. molecular weight are shown in Figs. Cgl Slim =
2 and 3. The dotted lines correspond to experi-
mental error limits in V g 4 N CItI . is clear from
these plots that in both solvent systems the
quadratic (eq. [7]) provides a better representa- where Slimis the limiting slope, o is the valence
tion of the data than does the linear function factor given by eq. [lo]

Partial molal volumes of various ions in aqueous acetone and
aqueous DMSO at 25.000 "C

Mole Partial molal volume* (ml mole-')

cosolvent C1- Me4NC E4N + n-Pr4N + n-Bu4NC
Aquzous Acetone
0.000 27.3 80.2 139.5 205.6 267.0
0.050 29.7 77.0 133.6 199.3 259.0
0.100 31.8 74.6 134.2 199.4 266.6
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 11/02/11

0.200 37.9 67.7 123.9 190.5 258.8


'Calculated using eq. 171.

been confirmed experimentally in studies using

aqueous solutions of alkali halides (7).
Examination of the numerical values for S
listed in Table 2 reveals two interesting features.
First, many values are negative and second, the S
For personal use only.

values for any given solvent depend upon the

nature of the salt. This latter observation is con-
trary to the predictions of the Debye-Huckel
theory (see eq. [9]). Negative dependences of 4
upon c1l2 have been previously reported for
solutions of alkylammonium salts in aqueous
solution (8, 9) and this behavior appears to
persist to much lower salt concentrations than
that used in this work. Similar negative depen-
dences have also been reported for solutions of
other salts in both aqueous (10) and non-aqueous
media (7). Possible origins of these negative
dependences have been discussed in the literature
(9). For solutions in water, wherq (d In Dldp) is
greater than P/3 and the Debye-Huckel limiting
Molecular Weight R4 NCI slope is positive (see eq. [9]), observed negative
FIG.3. Plot of d vs. molecular weight for tetraalkyl- dependences of 4 on c1I2 have been attributed
ammonium chlorides in aqueous DMSO: (a) linear to ion pairing (1 I), hydrophobic bonding (12),
analysis; (b) quadratic analysis (a, 0,100; 0,
0.200; W,
0.300; A, 0.400; A,0.500 mole fractlon DMSO). micelle formation (13), salting-in effects (14), or
solvent structural stabilization due to the effect
of alkyl groups on the nature of hydrogen-
bonding in water (9). Franks and Smith (9),
D is the dielectric constant of the medium, P, the however, show that in sufficiently dilute solutions
isothermal compressibility, and vi is the number (< 0.002 M) of tetraalkylammonium bromides
of ions of species i which have a valence Zi. in water the dependence of 4 on c1I2 does in fact
Clearly S,,, can be positive or negative depending approach the Debye-Huckel limiting value. The
on the relative magnitudes of PI3 and the pressure deviation of the S values obtained in the present
dependence of ln D. Equation [9] predicts a value work from the Debye-Huckel limiting value may
of S,,, = 1.86 ml mole-' M-'I2 for 1 :I elec- result from the fact that the solutions were not
trolytes in water at 25.000 "C. This prediction has sufficiently dilute so that the properties of the ions

are determined by electrostatic interactions alone.

It should be noted, however, that in order to
obtain apparent molal volumes to better than
f 0.5 ml mole-' at concentrations less than
0.002 M, densities must be measured to better
than f 1 p.p.m. Few density measurements have
been made with this precision (7,9).
It is difficult to calculate the uncertainty intro-
duced into the extrapolation of to cl/' = 0 due
to possible non-conformity of the observed S
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 11/02/11

values with the Debye-Huckel theory since the

data required to calculate S,,, are not available
for the mixed solvents used in this study. In water
the deviations of the observed S values from the
theoretical limiting slope are negative. This
probably results in the partial molal volumes 5 1
listed in Table 1 being a little higher than the "OF
c c ~ ~ r r evalues.
~ t " However, where comparison
is possible, the partial molal volumes obtained
in this study are in excellent agreement with those
obtained by other workers, suggesting that the
uncertainty is in fact small and well within the
For personal use only.

precision claimed in this work.

Partial Molal Volumes
Plots of partial molal volume vs. solvent com-
position for tetraalkylammonium chlorides in
aqueous acetone and aqueous DMSO are shown
Mole Fraction Cosolvent
in Fig. 4. In both solvent systems partial molal
volume exhibits extremum behavior as a function FIG. 4. Plot of partial molal volume vs. solvent
composition for various salts in aqueous acetone (broken
of solvent composition. Similar behavior has line) and aqueous DMSO (full line).
been recently reported for these same salts in
aqueous ethanol (6). The partial molal volume of
energy of solvation of ions in a dielectric con-
a solute in solution can be divided into two con-
tinuum. However, these calculations have proved
tributions as expressed by eq. [l I ].
unreliable (15) and require knowledge of the
pressure dependence of the solvent dielectric
constant. As previously stated, this information
where V ; is the contribution due to formation is not available for the binary solvents used in
of a hole in the medium of sufficient size to this study and therefore the calulations cannot
accommodate the solute and is the volume be attempted here.
change of the system due to interaction of the In a recent study (16) concerning solvolysis
solute with the surrounding solvent. Clearly reactions in mixed solvents, we measured the
V ; can be zero or positive. The magnitude of this partial molal volume of benzyl chloride as a
term will increase with the size of the solute, function of solvent composition in aqueous
and decrease with increasing solvent-free volume acetone and aqueous DMSO at 50.100 "C. In
available to the solute prior to hole formation. aqueous acetone the partial molal volume was
On the other hand, can be positive or negative found to pass through a large maximum a t
depending upon the nature of the interaction. For
electrostrictive interaction, however, i-ip should
be negative. Numerous attempts have been made
0.1-0.2 mole fraction cosolvent whereas in
aqueous DMSO, only a small maximum at 0.5
mole fraction cosolvent was evident. Since
to calculate Vp using the first pressure derivative benzyl chloride is non-ionic, the solute-solvent
of the Born expression for the electrostatic free interactions should be minimal and the partial

molal volume will reflect predominantly the

behavior of the hole formation term VE. Accor-
dingly, we expect I/; to pass through a maximum
at 0.1-0.2 mole fraction acetone and at
mole fraction DMSO. When interpreting the
- 0.5

behavior of the salts, however, the interaction

term Vp is expected to make a large contribution
to partial molal volume and therefore must be
In 1ight.of the preceding discussion, an exami-
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 11/02/11

nation of the data illustrated in Fig. 4 reveals

several important features. The initial decrease
of Vi,,,, as cosolvent is added to the system can
be attributed to the influence of solute-solvent
interaction (i.e. electrostriction), since the same
behavior is not displayed by non-ionic benzyl
chloride. In the case of Me,NCl, where hole
formation requirements are least but where the
surface charge density is greatest, the partial molal
volume shows no maximum in aqueous acetone
Mole Froctlon Corolvenl
and the least tendency to increase at compositions
greater than 0.2-0.3 mole fraction DMSO. On FIG.5. Plot of partial molal volume vs. solvent
composition for various ions in aqueous acetone (broken
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the other hand, in the case of the larger salts, line) and aqueous DMSO (full line).
where hole formation requirements are greater
but where the surface charge densities are less, "mirror-like" dependences of the partial molal
the partial molar volumes exhibit maxima at volumes of the two smallest ions, Me,N+ and
0.1-0.2 mole fraction acetone and show pro- C1-, on solvent composition in both systems
gressively greater tendencies to increase after deserves comment. Since these ions are small
passing through minima at 0.1-0.2 mole fraction (compared to the other ions examined in this
DMSO. Clearly, in these latter cases the hole work) and possess high surface charge densities,
formation term, 8:, makes an important con- it- is reasonable to expect that the behavior of
tribution to the dependence of vi4NC1 on solvent V i e 4 N +and Vg,- will be greatly influenced by
composition. In the case of Me,NCl, however, solute-solvent interaction. Thus the resutts
the results are consistent with the hypothesis that obtained in this work suggest that the volume loss
solute-solvent interaction and not hole formation due to solute-solvent interaction is not only sen-
is the major factor determining the dependence of sitive to changing solvent composition, as might
V0 on solvent composition. be expected from changes in dielectric constant,
The interpretation of electrolyte solution but that it is also sensitive to charge type. This
properties is subject to uncertainty as to whether behavior is consistent with the existence of
the observed behavior arises from the cation, the specific cation-solvent and anion-solvent inter-
anion, or both. Plots of ionic partial molal actions. Possible types of specific interaction
volume vs. solvent composition for the tetra- include chloride anion-water hydrogen bonding
alkylammonium cations and chloride anion in and "hydrophobic hydration" of the hydrocar-
aqueous acetone and aqueous DMSO are shown bon groups of the tetraalkylammonium cations.
in Fig. 5. In both solvent systems, vg,- initially In summary, the results presented in this paper
increases with solvent composition and in have clearly demonstrated the importance of both
aqueous DMSO, it passes through a maximum solute-solvent interaction and hole formation
at 0.2--0.3 mole fraction cosolvent. The fact that factors in determining the properties of salts in
both Vg,NCIand Vg4,+ display similar variations aqueous acetone and aqueous DMSO. The
with solvent composition reveals that the partial results also show that the behavior of the cation
molal volume behavior of the salt is determined determines the variation of Vg4NCIwith solvent
predominantly by the behavior of the cation. The composition in these solvent systems. Finally,

the existence of specific cation-solvent and 6. I. LEE and J. B. HYNE. Can. J. Chem., 46, 2333
anion-solvent interaction has been demonstrated (1968).
7. 0. REDLICH and D. M MEYER. Chem. Rev. 64,221
for solutions of tetraalkylammonium chlorides (1964).
in aqueous acetone and aqueous DMSO. 8. R. E. VERRALL and B. E. CONWAY.J. Phys. Chem.
70, 3961 (1966).
9. F. FRANKS and H. T. SMITH. Trans. Faradav Soc.
General financial assistance by the National Research
Council of Canada as well as a studentship to D. D. 10. T.' L. BROADWATER and D. F. EVANS. J. Phys.
Macdonald is gratefully acknowledged. Chem. 73, 164 (1969).
Trans. Faraday Soc. 61, 60 (1965).
1. B. E. CONWAY, R. E. VERRALL, and J. E. DESNOYERS. 12. F. FRANKS and H. T. SMITH. J. Phys. Chem. 68,
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Trans. Faraday Soc. 62, 2738 (1966). 3581 (1964).

2. H. H. WILLARD, N. H. FURMAN, and C. E. BRICKER. 13. S. L~NDENBAUM and G . E. BOYD. J. P ~ v s .Chem.
Elements of quantitative analysis. 4th ed. D. Van 68, 911 (1964).
Nostrand Co., Inc., New York. 1956. 14. J. E. DESNOYERS and M. AREL. Can. J. Chem. 45,
3. D. MARTIN,A. WEISE,and H. J. NICLAS. Angew. 359 (1967).
Chem. Int. Ed. Cleveland, Ohio. 6, 318 (1967). 15. D. FEAKINS. Physico-chemical processes in mixed
4. Handbook of chemistry and physics. The Chemical aqueous solvents. Edited by F. Franks, Heinemann
Rubber Co., 46th ed. 1966. Ltd., London. 1967. p. 71.
5. 0. REDLICHand H. BIGELEISEN.J. Amer. Chem. 16. D. D. MACDONALD and J. B. HYNE. TO be
SOC.64, 758 (1942). published.
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