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User Guide for jText

First version: 15 January 2003
Last updated for version 1.03 on 5 Sep 2003

1.0 What is jText?

jText is a small freeware text editor written in Personal Java. It will enable you to view and edit small text files
on your P800. The latest version of the program will always be available from

1.1 Why use jText?

jText is free :-)) It provides an alternative to the P800's Jotter application, which stores information in a
proprietory format. jText reads and writes standard ASCII text files.

1.2 Installing Java and jText

In order to run jText, your computer has to have a Java runtime which conforms to or exceeds the Personal
Java standard. Brief details are as follows:

PCs running MS Windows: some PCs may already have Java installed. To check, try double-clicking the file
jText.jar in Windows Explorer. If jText does not run then go to the Java homepage ( and
download the Java Standard Edition (J2SE). You only need the JRE runtime environment, not the full SDK. It
is free.

P800: the Java runtime is already installed.

Other computers: (to be added later)

Once you have a Java runtime on your machine, you can install jText as follows:

P800: connect your P800 to your PC and double-click on the file jText.SIS

Other computers: (to be added later)

1.3 Using jText

On the P800, select jText from the Applications list. Within jText, available menu options are:

File > New. This option will start a new file. You will be asked to save the current file first.

File > Open. This will bring up a file selector and you can choose the text file to open. You can then edit the
file using the P800's keyboard or handwriting recognition as for the built-in applications.

File > Save. Saves the current file, using the same filename.

File > Save As. Allows you to save the current file with a different name.

File > Close. Closes the application. If the file has been edited, the program will prompt you to save it first.

The last four files edited in jText will also be shown at the bottom of the File menu

Edit > Cut. Cuts the selected text to the Clipboard.

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Edit > Copy. Copies the selected text to the Clipboard

Edit > Paste. Pastes the contents of the Clipboard at the current position.

Edit > Select All. Selects all the current text.

Edit > Delete Selected. Deletes the currently-selected text.

Edit > Find. Finds whatever string you specify, searching forwards from the current position.

Edit > Find again. Repeats the last Find.

Edit > Replace. Searches for a specified string and replaces with another string. Optionally repeats for the
whole file.

Tools > Update On/Off. Allows or disallows editing of the file.

Tools > Preferences > Word wrap. By default this is set to Yes. You can change it to No.

Tools > Preferences > Font type. By default this is set to Proportional. You can change it to Monospaced.

Tools > Preferences > Font size. You can vary the font size to be 10, 12 or 14. Note that due to a Symbian
Java bug, this only works for Proportional font type.

Tools > Preferences > Font style. By default this is set to Normal. You can change it to Bold.

Tools > Preferences > Line terminator. By default this is set to Windows-style CRLF delimiters. You can
change it to Linux/Unix-style LF delimiters.

Tools > Preferences > Large file warning. Warns if you try to open a large file in jText. By default this is set to

Tools > Preferences > Large file size. Gives the size at which the warning occurs. By default this is set to

Important note: jText works best on small text files. Anything under 10K should be fine. Larger sizes
will work, but might be too slow to be satisfactory.

Malcolm Bryant

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