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So, we're gonna zoom out a bit here.

I'm going to do a somewhat simplified version of the creation

myth that goes out to the events that happened outside of, and before, The Dream.
As we all know, the universe of the Elder Scrolls takes place within the dream of a guy(girl? fuck if I
know) called the Godhead. For discussion purposes, we'll call this person ANU (with all caps; Anu
=/= ANU).
Some stuff some of us know: There's this idea, within Freudian psychology of Super-ego, I, and Id.
The Super-ego is "Morality," what we learn of ourselves from society, culture, experiences, etc. The I
is "I am," what we know of ourselves, from ourselves. The Id is our primal urges; our Seven Deadly
Sins and all their emotional and physical manifestations in our behavior.
TES Stuff. So that guy(or girl), ANU; they had a life outside of his dream, and in that life, they loved a
woman named Nir. She was their moon and stars (please do keep a hold of that imagery and its
importance *points to Khajiiti creation myth, Magnus, and a certain IRC ramble by Kirkbride*), and
ANUI-EL gave his (her?) Heart to Nir.
[Begin inference from certain cycles we've seen] Nir, however, gave ANU her(his?) Heart back, and
in doing so, broke it into a million-and-more pieces. The Super-ego of ANU, Anu, was able to walk
away with a sigh and a little bit of starcrossed, albeit destroyed, nostalgic love. The I, ANU, was so
crushed, she(he?) didn't know what to think about anything, only that the strongest emotion to come
over him(her?) first would win out in action. And the Id? Padomay? Padomay was devastated, but
more than that, angry. [End inference] So it was that Nir felt ANU's Wrath; she did not survive it.
Distraught, heartbroken, and full of self-loathing, ANU fell in to a horrific, coma-like sleep, where
his(her) conscience played itself out over the death of their beloved Nir. Anu, the Stasis, is the guilty
conscience learned from the Super-ego that keeps ANU ensnared in that coma-that-dreams.
Padomay, the Change, is that driving force that keeps ANU breathing, and searching for a way to
either forget or forgive, because the Id demands self preservation.
Anu and Padomay manifested themselves [physically] within ANU's Dream, but they were so
drastically different, they could not coexist in the same space. So, the divide between them was
made; a being that allowed 1 and -1 to function together. This was Sithis. But 1 and -1, as sole
actors, could only ever come out to a very limited set of completes that never quite got back to "I"
(that's an i, for disambiguation). So they made intermediaries of creation
Anu passed himself down to Magnus, but took Padomay's creative natures and put them in his mind.
Padomay passed himself down to Lorkhan, but took Anu's guilty conscience and put it in his Heart.
Magnus and Lorkhan created 27-or-thereabouts different sums of 1 and -1 that populated the skies,
and those 27-or-thereabouts found in ANUI-EL's mind room for an eternal expanse of brothers,
sisters, cousins, fathers, and mothers. These are your Ada and Ehlnofey. (Q: Evan, d00d, this
doesn't all line up with what we know. A: I'm paraphrasing, and what's written isn't all that we know.)
Skipping on down the line a ways to some stuff we have been discussing lately: Seemingly Anuic
and Padomaic beings.
Heroes and Prisoners who vie for a break in the status quo and make such impacts on the Dream
that nothing is the same in their passing are, on the whole, Padomaic beings. Their antagonists, like
the World Eater and the Sharmat, seek to bring the world to a singularity of themselves, a static
place in which they are the unchanging god-of-all-that-is, making them an Anuic drive.
Why I wrote all this shit out.
You remember that bit, by Kirkbride? The one where he says, "Quit mixing up gods and demons..."
(If you don't, then you probably haven't read much of my stuff here, and I applaud you for making it
this far into my post.) It's important. Because the Aedra? Those beings that gave themselves to an
Anuic cause in a Padomaic plan? Those Daedra that chose to remain fluid and not upset the status
quo, because they're too Anuic? They're all part of something bigger, and are all pieces of a whole;
they're all part of ANU's subconscious self-loathing/drive to forgive and forget. And on the whole,
those beings that stem from the enculturated Super-Ego, those beings that we fight against; the
Sharmat, The World-Eater, the Numidium... They're the "demons." And those base, primal urges that
created heroes like Reman Cyrodiil, Indoril Nerevar and his reincarnations, the Last Dragonborn;
they're the "angels."
So; don't mix up your gods and demon's, lorebeards, cause they're all part of our whole. Embrace
the change, and be very, VERY afraid of standing still in the flow of the Song.

Some follow-up and applications of the above:

1. Reman was born with the CHIM-el Adabal as a metaphysical third eye lodged in his forehead. He was also born of
the Land, the son-who-sired-himself.

2. Alessia is intrinsically linked both to the Land, and to the CHIM-el Adabal/Amulet of Kings. She is its bearer, and it
is a very motherly part of her.

3. Lorkhan designed the Land, and gave it his Heart.

4. The most recent version of the Imperial Sigil shows the Dragon, encased within the Diamond.

5. From C0DA: "The priest is Lorkhan, his heart-hole exposed." "Closer as Jubal recites his vows. We can kind of see
that Lorkhan’s heart is perhaps a cage of a dragon. Akatosh." "Closer. Lorkhan’s heart-hole isn’t a cage at all. Or
maybe it is. Akatosh, Time-Dragon, First Born, begins to eat his tail."

"The kiss. Lorkhan’s hole is no more. It’s healed. His heart is secure. All things are secure."

6. The Dreamer lost his beloved Nir. Lorkhan is a piece of his conscience.

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