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Written for the group "Astrophysique, astronomie, physique quantique" by Thomas Boisson

The major problems of physics to solve

Part 1 - Major problems currently open in cosmology and quantum physics

In this post, I offer you a small summary of the major problems currently open (= unresolved) in
cosmology and quantum physics and represent a very large share of research today.

I). Future of the Universe

What fate awaits our universe? Here are the models currently available:
- Big Rip
- Big Crunch (phased out)
- Big Freeze
- Big Bounce
- cyclic universe

II). Black matter

What is the nature of dark matter? Are the phenomena of gravitational lenses and changes in
galactic speeds well the fact of dark matter or do they come only from an extended gravity
The latest results of Planck brought some answers but much remains to be discovered.

III). Topology of the Universe

What is the shape of the Universe? What is its structure? Is it a sphere? A dodecahedron (JP
Luminet)? That suggests almost zero curvature observed?

IV). inflation model

Is the model of cosmic inflation right? Says he really satisfactorily the problems of flatness and
the horizon? What is the nature of the inflation field? How she inflation could surpass the
opposite energy by quantum fluctuations?

V). additional dimensions

Are there extra dimensions as postulated in string theory and the superstring? Why they
remained wrapped? Is it possible to observe them? Are they intrinsic to the space-time or are
they emerging phenomena?

VI). black Energy

Is the dark energy although the cause of the acceleration of the expansion? What is its nature ?
Is it the cosmological constant or something else (quintessence f-gravity etc.)? Why its energy
density is about the same as that of matter?

VII). Matter-antimatter asymmetry

Why there is a lack of antimatter today? What is the origin of the process baryogenesis? When
did it happen ?

VIII). Black hole information paradox

The information falling into black holes is it destroyed forever? If so, how can information be
violated conservation? If not, is it restored by evaporation as postulated duality gauge-gravity?

Written for the group "Astrophysique, astronomie, physique quantique" by Thomas Boisson

IX). quantum gravity

Quantum mechanics and general relativity can they be unified? If yes, how ? Are current
quantum gravity theories relevant (string theory, loop quantum gravity etc.)? Is gravity vectorized
by a boson (graviton) or is the product of a discrete space-time?

X). cosmic censorship principle

Can there naked singularities (not hidden by a horizon)? If so, in what circumstances? If not,
why is the cosmic censorship principle relevant? What is the real nature of a singularity?

XI). gravitational waves

The turbulent spacetime he actually generates gravitational waves? If so, does the description
given by the RG relevant? Can we detect them? Is it primordial gravitational waves?
Note: this discovery has already been made: LIGO gravitational wave detection merging two
black holes

XII). Time
What is the nature of time? What is its structure? His behavior ? How to describe it? Is it
continuous (RG) or discrete (LQG)?

XIII). ecliptic alignment anisotropy of the CMB

Why are some anisotropy of CMB aligned with the plane of the solar system? Is the Copernican
principle violated? Is it just a coincidence? An error Planck?

XIV). Disaster vacuo

Why is there a difference of 107 orders of magnitude between the theoretical prediction based
on quantum field theory and the Voyager measurements on quantum vacuum energy? If this
energy is so high, why does not she causes more effect on the expansion of the Universe?

XV). locality
Is the principle of locality valid in all circumstances? Is it really non-locality phenomena in
quantum mechanics? If so, they violate the principle of locality? What is the real nature of

Written for the group "Astrophysique, astronomie, physique quantique" by Thomas Boisson

Part 2 - Major issues open in particle physics and nuclear physics

After processing in a previous post, the major open problems in cosmology and quantum
physics, this post provides a summary of key major issues open this time in particle physics and
nuclear physics.

I). fermionic generations

What is the phenomenon to explain that the Standard Model contains three generations of
fermions (quarks and leptons)?
For what reason (s) the masses and flavors of fermions they differ across generations as their
interactions, they are identical?
Is there an empirical theory (type couplings Yukawa) to explain the mass of fermions in each

II). magnetic monopoles

Are there any magnetic charges? Were magnetic monopoles existed at a time when the energy
of the universe was high (> 10 ^ 12 GeV)? If so, how are they formed?
Are there yet?
Are introduced by Dirac magnetic monopoles consistent (mathematically and physically) that
Maxwell has demonstrated their lack?

III). Nuclear fusion

What minimum thresholds must be met to trigger the fusion process? What materials should be
Plasma inertial confinement magnetic field is sufficiently effective in controlling a melting?
Is a self-sustaining fusion possible? If so, on what terms? With what substrate?

IV). Problem of hierarchy

For what reason (s) the gravitational interaction is also weak against other interactions?
What mechanism explains that it becomes intense energy and the Planck scale? For what
reason (s) is it not intense electroweak scale?

V). asymptotic freedom

For what reason (s) Does not observed quarks and gluons in the free state? Of what nature is
the requirement imposing confinement?
How it emerges coupling constant of QCD?
The quark-gluon plasma reproduced in laboratories is it really the same as that which prevailed
in the first moments of the Universe?

VI). neutrinos
What precise mechanism explains neutrino oscillation? What is the mass of each neutrino
Are they particles Dirac or Majorana?
The phase of the violation load-parity (CP symmetry) is it zero? Why is the chirality neutrinos a
Lorentz invariant? Is there a heavier fourth neutrino called "sterile neutrino"?
Can we observe a double beta decay of neutrinos? If so, under what conditions can the
conservation of lepton number being raped?

Written for the group "Astrophysique, astronomie, physique quantique" by Thomas Boisson

VII). atomic nuclei

What is the nature of neutronium the heart of neutron stars? What is the real nature of the
nucleon-nucleon force?
What are the precise mechanisms leading thermonuclear supernovae?

VIII). protons
How quarks and gluons are they involved specifically the spin of the proton?
Is the proton stable? If so, what is the mechanism behind this stability? If not, what are the
consequences of this instability at all levels?
What is the real value of the proton radius? Is it necessary to change the QCD to explain?

IX). anomalous magnetic moment of the muon

Why the theoretical value of the magnetic moment of the muon she differs three standard
deviations with the experimental value measured?

X). Strong CP problem

Why QCD not she violates CP symmetry while theoretically it is supposed to do?
The Peccei-Quinn theory she solves this problem satisfactorily?

XI). Higgs Boson

Is the Higgs boson actually responsible for the electroweak symmetry breaking?
Is he giving them mass to elementary particles? Or a theory as did the technicolor more
Why do we find a problem in the hierarchy affecting the Higgs boson?

XII). Model of supersymmetry

Is supersymmetry a convincing theory? If so, how she could be broken? Supersymmetry
showing up well in the TeV scale as predicted?
Can the light superpartner cause of dark matter?

Written for the group "Astrophysique, astronomie, physique quantique" by Thomas Boisson

Part 3 - Major problems currently open in the field of astrophysics

In this new post, following the first two, I offer a summary of the major problems currently open
in the field of astrophysics.

I). Kuiper cliff

Why the number of objects greater radius of 100km in the Kuiper Belt drops sharply beyond 50
This phenomenon is due to too scattered nature of the materials located beyond this limit? Or
the presence of an unknown object super-Pluto guy?

II). Magnetic field of magnetars

What process is the origin of the magnetic field of the magnetars? What mechanism can explain
their intensity (10 ^ 11 T)?
Is the model of MHD dynamo convincing?

III). Hyperthermia of the solar corona

Why does the temperature of the solar corona million times higher than that of the solar surface?
Are the models of the thermal wave or magnetic reconnection satisfactory candidates to answer
this question?
What is the mechanism which explains the unexpected speed with which the magnetic
reconnection phenomena then realize that the solar standard model provides a much lesser

IV). Paradox of galactic rotation

Why the theoretical speed of stars orbiting the galactic center is it different from the speed
measured experimentally?
Dark matter she can explain this difference?

V). Crisis ultraviolet photons

What process can explain that galaxies and quasars emit five times less ultraviolet radiation
than the simulations predictions?

VI). interstellar absorption bands

What phenomenon is responsible for removals bands observed in the spectra of objects in the
Milky Way?
The model of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons is it scientifically coherent? The presence of
molecules or ions allows strangers she explain this absorption?

VII). paradox GZK

How cosmic rays detected on Earth actually (particle OMG), they may have an energy greater
than the limit of Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmi?

VIII). supermassive black holes

How some black holes in quasars could reach masses greater than 10 ^ 9 solar masses from
the first moments of the Universe?
How can the M-sigma relation linking the speed of galactic dispersion and the mass of the
supermassive black hole at its center?
What is the exact process behind the formation of supermassive black holes?
IX). "Detonation Space Radio"
Why the radio signal detected by NASA in 2009, supposedly from a radio galaxy, is it six times
more intense than expected?
Written for the group "Astrophysique, astronomie, physique quantique" by Thomas Boisson

X). inner rotational speed Saturn

What is the true speed of internal rotation of Saturn?
What mechanism is the cause of the anomaly in the periodicity of its magnetosphere?

XI). Sun-comet interaction

What mechanism can explain the presence of oxygen ions, intrinsic to the solar wind in the tail
of Comet McNaught detected by Ulysses in 2007?

XII). relativistic jets

What process is responsible for the emission of relativistic polar jets from the accretion disk of
certain objects?
Why the transmission frequency is different for each object? Why the transmission frequency is
almost periodic?

XIII). pulsars extra bright

How to explain the presence of pulsars extra bright as M82 X-2?
How can a pulsar possess superior brightness to the Eddington limit?

XIV). age-metallicity relation

What is the origin and nature of the age-metallicity relation established in 2004 after several
cases in the thick galactic disk?

XV). Fly-by anomaly

What phenomenon is responsible for the increase in energy, resulted in a speed increase,
observed in gear and satellites in temporary transit around the Earth?
Is this anomaly explained by a transverse Doppler effect? By gravitoélectromagnétiques
phenomena? Or a dark matter halo?

XVI). Problem lithium

Why there is a difference in the amount of lithium-7 supposedly formed during the primordial
nucleosynthesis and as measured experimentally?

Part 4 - Conclusion
Part 1 - Problem unresolved in quantum physics and cosmology: 15
Part 2 - Problem not solved in particle physics and nuclear physics: 12
Part 3 - Unresolved problem in astrophysics: 16

total - Total element to solve: 43


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