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For all you people studying hard through your exam weeks, Apples happen to be more
powerful than caffeine to help you stay awake.

2.Grape juice is useful in relieving severe migraines. So next time you think about popping
that Advil pill, give grape juice a try.

3.When you want to buy the cheapest ticket for an airline, visit the site in incognito mode
because the more times you visit the site, the prices begin to rise.

4. If you want to move frame by frame on YouTube, pause the video and then use “J” or “L”
respectively to move forward and backward.

5. Learning a new language? Try finding the translated version of a book you loved to read
between the ages of 9-12. You’ll probably know the content and the brain can process it

6. You can pour coffee into ice-cube trays to avoid watered down coffee!

7. Strawberries can whiten teeth.

8. This really works if you do it right. If you haven’t slept well on a particular mind but you
convince yourself you have, your day will go significantly better!

9. Here’s a fun drinking game you should try! It can be played alone too! Take a shot of water
every few hours to make sure you are hydrated and healthy.

10. When working with a higher authority in college or a work place, never ask “Can you do
this for me?” Always ask “Can you show me how to do this?”

11. If you need to print something but your printer is running low on ink, change the font
color to #010101 (99% Gray).

12. Rolling your clothes up while packing will save space.

13. Love to play music while studying or working? Play video game soundtracks because
they are designed to make sure your attention is not diverted away and you don’t lose focus.

14. If you want to make sure the person you talk to is really paying attention to you, start the
conversation of with “I shouldn’t be telling you this but…”

15. Having trouble falling asleep? Try the 4-7-8 technique: 4 second Inhale, 7 second Hold, 8
second Release, and Repeat.

16. If you happen to wake up before your set alarm (which let’s be honest, it happen rarely)
don’t go back to sleep. Naturally waking up will leave you more refreshed and energized in
the morning.

17. 20-20-20 Rule. Look at something 20 feet away, for 20 seconds, every 20 minutes. This
will prevent strain and headaches.
18.Want the elevator to move faster? Press “close” and your floor at the same time, you’ll
skip all the floors in between.

 Fed up of Pimples? - You can shrink a pimple in minutes by putting a dab of Listerine on
it. The alcohol will dry it up and cause it to fade.
 Shampoo with Beer - Don’t drink beer. Instead, use it to shampoo your hair. You will be
amazed to see the results.
 Breakfast - The best time to have breakfast is before 9 AM. Eating a heavy breakfast will
make you lose weight

 You want that popular girl of your class to follow you back on instagram

Go and like an old post, like a few photos back. She’ll get a separate notification for that and
if she knows you she’ll follow back.

 Want to impress that girl?

Impress her best friend first. Get the words “He’s a good guy. Go for it.” out of the bestfriend.
Works like charm, am telling you. If best friend says a “NO”, oh boy! You have a hard time
ahead. She might never let you in.

Start a collection of your best work.

Curate a collection of your best work both from your job and your outside projects.

This can include personal things you’ve made (i.e. a book, a painting, etc.), and the projects
your most proud of from your job.

Your body of work will help you see how your skills overlap.

But most of all, it will reveal your own career path thus far and where it might be pointing to

The simple solution to never forget to take the necessary items when you travel to your
college or workplace is to create a CODE for it. The human mind can remember only about
3 items at a time. This is the reason why it’s so hard to recollect what things you have to buy,
if you haven’t noted them down in a paper slip.

For example, my relevant code is MIMEKH

M- Money Bag

I- Identity Card

M- Mobile

E- Eye Drop
K- Keys

H- Handkerchief

The code is also sorted based on item priority.

1. Without money you can’t get on bus.

2. To enter office, you need the ID card, else, you will have to get a temporary card for
that day from the security.
3. Mobile, well, is a necessarily evil :D
4. I need eye drop for my eyes, to keep it moist.
5. Without keys, I might have to be waiting for my roommates to return.
6. Handkerchief, well, self-explanatory.

 If you are done cooking a dish and realise that the you have accidentally put more salt in it
than required. Then there is a hack, you may use. Make tiny balls of dough and put it in the
vessel containing the food. Leave this for sometime. The dough will absorb the excess salt
and give the desired taste.
 If you have bought a new pen and it isn't working then put it in sunlight for a few hours. It
will start to write.
 If your cell phone has got wet and water has gone into its system, then put it in an air tight
polythene ( the ones that come with locks) with some raw rice in it. It will absorb all the
 Put a nail on the wall above your door and tie one end of a rope to this nail and the other
end to a filled plastic water bottle. By doing this, you don't have to get up to close the door
everytime somebody goes in or out.

You can almost clear a room full of cigarette smoke. Just whirl a wet towel around a couple
of times. (NO, I DON’T SMOKE.)

You can scroll your mouse horizontally either by pressing SHIFT key (SHIFT + SCROLL).

Is your stomach rumbling when you are hanging out? Instead of contracting it, do push it
out. The noise will cease right away.

Do you wanna check whether your hair is healthy? Just immerse a few strands of your hair
into water. Healthy hair floats and Unhealthy hair sinks.

Looking for a job? Make sure to re-upload your CV regularly in the job websites even if
there is nothing changed. This process will enhance the opportunity of your resume to fall in
the sight of HRs.
Be sure to turn on “UNDO SEND” option in gmail and set the timer to 30 seconds. This will
help you out from getting struck in many awkward situations.

Use space bar to scroll down a page and use shift +space bar to scroll the page up.

Put your phone, keys and mobile in separate pockets. Before going somewhere, tap in each
one of those packets and make sure they are all present before you make a move.


Can’t predict what to buy for someone. Pretend as if you already bought something for them
and ask them to guess what it would be. You will get to know their desirable things.


While buying capsicum, go for the ones which have 3 bumps underneath. Those are the
male ones which are better for cooking.

Yellow highlighters don’t produce a shade in the photocopy.


Are you trying to find how a particular word is used in a sentence. Enter the word in the
Google Search box and click on “news”. You will get myriad number of sentences using that


Want to reuse cooking oil without it tasting like what you cooked earlier. Cook a piece of
ginger with that oil. This will remove any previous odours the oil had.


Instead of googling the description of a bug, you should google “error --- solved”.

Especially for school/college goers. Struggling to grasp a concept? Try googling the subject
with “site”.ed” and “type:.ppt”. This will direct you to power points of Universities.

Example: Mapping type:.ppt


If you want your power point to go directly to the slideshow when you open it, save as


Wanna get rid of messy home? If you bring one thing in, just make sure two things go out.
Cats don’t drink water when it is kept close to their food plates. Move the water from the place
where you feed them, may be some other room.

Can't decide between two choices? Flip a coin.

No, there's just no need to take decision according to the outcome. But, you'll realize what you really
want when the coin is in the air.

When delivering a speech…

Print the speech and change the text color after every four lines. It will make it 10 times
easier while reading it.

And if you could take the print, just bring a bottle of water up with you. And take a drink
whenever you need to collect your thoughts. It's just that simple

 If you want a girl number, then don’t ask her instead give your number to her and
ask her to message you.
 If you think someone is giving you wrong number then ask them to repeat the same
number :)
 Nodding your head while asking something makes a person agree with you.
 Asking favors will make a person like you more .
 If you don’t have confidence then fake it and it will automatically come ( Fake it
until you make it).
 If you feel happy and excited to meet a person you already know they will also start
to feel the same. ( This is why we love dogs , right?)
 To win an argument just irritate your opponent to speak more and when he makes a
dumb point go and take him down

A ticket booking hack. So while booking a ticket on IRCTC if you come across waiting list (W/L). Try to
book the ticket from the previous station. Many times certain stations have a pre booked quota
which you can pull up and book your ticket.
Don’t worry, your seat will not be given to someone else. Their is a rule that Ticket Checker will have
to wait for the next two stations before alloting the seat to somebody else.

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