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ALCPT form 78

1. What is the distance between your house and my house?

a. two hours
b. 50 minutes
c. 50 meters
d. 50 pounds

2. The teacher is custom is to come early.

When is a teacher come early?
a. every morning
b. rarely comes
c. every night
d. never comes

3. Birth is the beginning of life. What is the end of life?

a. marriage
b. death
c. illness
d. shock

4. What is the main duty of a diplomat?

a. visit his country
b. defend his country
c. build his country
d. represent his country

5. Mary forgot the name of one of her friends.

a. She wrote down the name.
b. She always remembered the name.
c. She repeated the name aloud several times.
d. She did not remember the name.

6. The food had no taste.

a. It was delicious.
b. It had too much spice.
c. It was not hot.
d. It had no flavor.

7. I washed the wheels of our car.

a. engine
b. mirrors
c. tires
d. trunk

8. He was a passenger on that bus.

a. He cleaned it.
b. He worked on it.
c. He polished it.
d. He rode on it.
9. John attends the university.
a. college
b. high school
c. organization
d. fleet

10. The soldiers had to go through the jungle by foot.

a. swimming
b. diving
c. walking
d. flying

11. Math you bought some beans

a. white seeds
b. black roots
c. red pins
d. green leaves

12. which of these is a neighbor?

a. Brazil
b. India
c. Canada
d. Peru

13. If you invert a glass of water. What happens?

a. Water will fly out
b. Water will freeze
c. Water will fall out
d. Water will evaporate

14. Mary Has a good career .

what does she have
a. profession
b. instrument
c. certificate
d. health

15. Joe has had a lot of correspondence from his friend.

What has he had?
a. gifts
b. friends
c. letters
d. visits

16. Lieutenant Dukes told the men to carry on.

what did he tell them to do?
a. to take rest
b. to carry rocks
c. to carry out
d. to continue

17. Anna likes to dress up. What does she like to do?
a. wear nice clothes
b. buy new clothes
c. fix old clothes
d. make unusual clothes

18. I must go now or I'll be late for class

a. may
b. should
c. have to
d. could

19. we will have freezing temperatures tonight

a. The humidity will be high.
b. The wind will die down.
c. The weather will become hot.
d. The weather will become cold.

20. John was definite in his answer

. Jack gave a definite answer to the question. His answer was .
a. happy
b. firm
c. not clear
d. long

21. Paul took a vacation.

a. a period of study
b. a period of rest
c. a period of work
d. a period of sleep
22. The box is very light
a. The box is not heavy.
b. It has a handle.
c. The box is not hard.
d. The light is on.

23. My socks have disappeared.

a. They are lost.
b. They have become old and worn.
c. They are on the table.
d. They have changed colors

24. The weather man says it will be clear today

a. cloudy
b. rainy
c. foggy
d. cloudless
25. Joan has a temporary job.
a. a basic job.
b. a permanent job.
c. hard job.
d. an impermanent job
26. John looked in a mirror.
what did he see?
a. yourself
b. hisself
c. himself
d. herself

27. Bruce is in hot water.

a. get into difficult situation
b. get into bathroom
c. get into lake
d. get into river

28. Joe was looking for a way to simplify his job.

a. He wanted to abolish his job.
b. He wanted to make his job easier.
c. He wanted to complicate his job.
d. He wanted to make his job optional.

29. George got a piece of steel in his eyes.

What was in his eye?
a. a piece of wood
b. a piece of cake
c. a piece of iron
d. a piece of paper
30. lieutenant Smith has the authority to make those decisions.
what does she have
a. He has the power.
b. He has the excuse.
c. He has the time.
d. He has the money.

31. The results showed a temperature differential

what did the results show?
a. constant
b. variable
c. fixed
d. clear
32. The tail of the airplane was damaged. What part of the airplane was damaged?
a. the rear
b. the left side
c. the front
d. the top
33. what is the content of that newspaper story?
a. political
b. short
c. classic
d. long

34. If you are told to think it over carefully what should you do.
a. to leave
b. to accept
c. to consider
d. to cancel

35. Many traffic laws have been revised.

a. They were transferred.
b. They were changed.
c. They were protected.
d. They were preserved

36. only a few students passed the driver's course.

a. a few succeeded
b. a few failed
c. a few drivers
d. a few courses

37. Marilyn always looks beautiful even when she's tired.

a. She is exhausted but very pretty.
b. She is not beautiful when she is tired.
c. She is tired but not pretty.
d. She not beautiful when is exhausted.

38. The top of the table was rough.

a. The top was dirty.
b. The top was shiny.
c. The top was not smooth.
d. The top wasn’t hard.
39. Sandra wants to be a pilot. But her parents want her to be an engineer. She always
obeys her parents.
a. Sandra prefers engineering.
b. Sandra is going to be an engineer.
c. Sandra is going to be a pilot.
d. Sandra’s parents want her to be a pilot
40. Tom was in a fight and injured his leg
a. It was sold.
b. It was broken.
c. It was fixed.
d. It was lost.

41. Mr. and Mrs. Watson have been eating at home every day today Mister Watson said
let's have dinner out tonight. His wife said that's fine.
a. she refused
b. she agreed
c. she read
d. she rejected

42. That car moved in an erratic manner

a. good
b. slow
c. irregular
d. strong

43. The extremely dry condition of the grass presents a serious fire hazard
a. fireplace
b. signs
c. danger
d. explosion

44. He couldn’t make many friends.

a. He wasn’t popular.
b. He didn’t need friends.
c. His many friends liked him.
d. His friends have many friends

45. Connie loves Joseph on the other hand she still loves Mark.
a. she loves only one.
b. she loves both of them.
c. she loves no one.
d. she loves herself.

46. Sam uses a tape measure in his work. What does he use?
a flexible measuring device
a wooden measuring device
a short measuring device
an electrical measuring device

47. Captain Jefferson could account for all the men.

What was the situation.

a. a military mission
b. a military rest
c. a military dinner
d. a military uniform

48. These tools have a great deal of utility.

a. dangerous instruments.
b. heavy instruments.
c. useful instruments.
d. deal instruments.

49. Regardless of how much coffee they make, there's never much left.
a. the coffee was ran out.
b. the coffee was not tasteful.
c. they have more coffee.
d. the coffee was left.

50. When you have a homework assignment, you should never put off doing it.
a. You should remove it immediately.
b. You should not cancel it.
c. You should put it away.
d. You should do it without delay.

51. Carl was reluctant to start the project.

a. He was sure.
b. He was clever.
c. He was cool.
d. He was hesitated

52. Tom said he'll take your word for it.

a. he'll completely agree
b. he'll completely disagree
c. he'll completely refuse
d. he'll completely distrust
53. what causes a generation gap.
a. the school
b. the technology
c. the newspaper
d. the football

54. He has a leading role in the new TV drama.

a. He is a principal actor.
b. He is minor actor.
c. He is director.
d. He is writer.
55. when the baby cries Jenney rocks him.
a. moves him from side to side.
b. moves him up and down
c. moves him away.
d. Moves him up.
56. His ability to play the piano was impaired.
a. professional
b. imperfect
c. great
d. skillful

57. M. What did your son do after finishing high school.

W. He became a policeman.
a. cap
b. cup
c. cop
d. cab
58. W. What are you going to do.
M. I'm going to shave.
a. to wash his face
b. to clean his jacket
c. to cut off hair with razor.
d. to cut off the grass.
59. W. did you have a good time.
M. Yes my hotel was very nice.
What was nice.
a. time
b. car
c. hotel
d. restaurant
60. W. Have you seen Bill's new car.
M. Yes I have he said it's an eight cylinder.
What part of the car is he referring to?
a. wheels
b. doors
c. windows
d. engine

61. M: Would you pass this information on to Mr. Brooks?

W: Yes, I’ll be glad to.
What will she do?
a. give Mr. Brooks the information
b. evaluate the information for Mr. Brooks
c. type the information for Mr. Brooks
d. keep Mr. Brooks from getting the information

62. W. Where shall I meet you

M. at the intersection.
Where are they going to meet.

a. in the park
b. at the crossroads
c. in the neighborhood
d. in the gas station

63. M. I wouldn't go in there the boss is letting off steam

M. okay thanks for the warning.

a. very busy
b. very calm
c. very funny
d. very angry

64. W. I'm tired we have walked for hours are we nearly there.
M. no, we're only half way.
a. they need to walk for more hours.
b. they need to walk for one hour more.
c. they have reached their destination.
d. they need to walk for a half hour.

65. W. Bob do you know Susie very well

M. yeah why do you ask
W. I'm looking for a new roommate do you think she and I could get along.
M. I don't know Susie really has a short fuse.

a. gets calm very easily

b. gets angry very easily
c. gets up very early
d. get ready soon.

66. W. Has your wife been keeping busy since retirement

M. oh, sure she's working on a library committee right now.

a. She is reading in the library now.

b. She is visiting the library now.
c. She is a member in the library.
d. She isn't working now.

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