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Arsitektur modern adalah era arsitektur dimana karakteristik bangunan dipengaruhi

oleh perkembangan teknologi. Karakteristik bangunan arsitektur modern yang

menonjol antara lain penggunaan jendela yang besar, menggunakan bentukan persegi
atau silinder, sangat minim ornamen pendukung, dan penggunaan baja atau beton
bertulang sebagai material bangunan.

International Style characteristic

The typical characteristics of International Style buildings include rectilinear
forms; plane surfaces that are completely devoid of applied ornamentation; and
open, even fluid, interior spaces. This early form of minimalism had a distinctively
"modern look", reinforced by its use of modern materials, including glass for the
facade, steel for exterior support, and concrete for interior supports and floors.
Gropius was also deeply interested in painting, lighting, furniture design,
textiles and many other artistic disciplines, which he and colleagues brought
together under one roof by founding the Bauhaus School in prewar Germany.
Adalah seorang arsitek jerman dan pendiri bauhaus sekolah bersama dengan
mies van der Rohe dan Le corbusier secara luas dianggap sebagai salah satu
master perintis arsitektur modern.

q Bauhaus, adalah sebuah aliran (gaya) arsitektur yang didirikan oleh Walter
Gropius pada tahun 1919. Pelopor International Style dan mengenalkan konsep
"form follows function", yaitu bentuk bangunan mengikuti fungsi yang ada pada
bangunan tersebut. Bauhaus memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap arsitektur
House: Gropius House, 1937
Architect: Walter Gropius
Style: Bauhaus
Location: 68 Baker Bridge Road, Lincoln, Massachusetts, US

The building was designed by Walter Gropius as a private residence for his
family. The two story, flat-roofed, framed structure is presently a museum
property in the trust of Historic New England.
The Gropius House is a two story, flat-roofed, framed structure of 2300 ft2 in
floor area, with white painted vertical redwood siding, a tar and gravel roof, and
a stone foundation. It is located in Lincoln, Massachusetts.
Constructed in 1938, the house was centrally heated but never mechanically
cooled; it relied on adaptive comfort and passive strategies for comfort in the
summer. Only in the recent past, due to the collection’s archival concerns
(especially relative humidity), has the building been mechanically cooled.
The elements of the design analyzed were:
Brise-soleil on the west end of the south elevation
Landscape plan
Aluminum awning system

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