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Journal of Food Engineering 75 (2006) 267–274

Influence of the osmotic agent on the osmotic dehydration

of papaya (Carica papaya L.)
Ânoar Abbas El-Aouar a,*, Patrı́cia Moreira Azoubel b,
José Lucena Barbosa Jr. a, Fernanda Elizabeth Xidieh Murr a

Department of Food Engineering, College of Food Engineering, State University of Campinas, P.O. Box 6121,
ZIP 13083-970, Campinas, SP, Brazil
EMBRAPA Semi-Arid, BR 428, km 152, P.O. Box 23, 56302-970 Petrolina, PE, Brazil

Received 23 June 2004; accepted 18 April 2005

Available online 29 June 2005


The objective of the present work was to study the influence of two different osmotic agents (sucrose and corn syrup) on the
osmotic dehydration of papaya slices (Carica papaya L.). The study was carried out using two factorial experimental designs, with
three independent variables whose levels varied from 44% to 56% w/w for concentration, from 34 to 46 C for temperature and from
120 to 210 min for immersion time. The responses of the experimental designs were the weight reduction (WR), water loss (WL),
solids gain (SG) and water activity (aw). The results showed that, considering the same osmotic pressure for both osmotic agents,
the values obtained for WR, WL and SG for dehydration in sucrose solutions were higher than those obtained in corn syrup solu-
tions, due to their high viscosity and polysaccharide content. The opposite behavior was observed for aw. The models obtained for
the response variables followed a linear behavior except for SG.
 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Osmotic dehydration; Experimental design; Papaya

1. Introduction into the osmotic solution (Rastogi & Raghavarao, 2004;

Sablani, Rahman, & Al-Sadeiri, 2002).
Osmotic dehydration is widely used for the partial re- The rate of diffusion of water from any material made
moval of water from plant tissues by immersion in a up of such tissues depends upon factors such as: temper-
hypertonic (osmotic) solution. The driving force for ature and concentration of the osmotic solution, the size
the diffusion of water from the tissue into the solution and geometry of the material, the solution-to-material
is provided by the higher osmotic pressure of the hyper- mass ratio and the level of agitation of the solution. A
tonic solution. The diffusion of water is accompanied by number of recent publications have described the influ-
the simultaneous counter diffusion of solutes from the ence of these variables on mass transfer rates during os-
osmotic solution into the tissue. Since the membrane motic dehydration (Corzo & Gomez, 2004; Rastogi &
responsible for osmotic transport is not perfectly selec- Niranjan, 1998; Rastogi, Raghavarao, & Niranjan,
tive, other solutes present in the cells can also be leached 1997).
The use of the osmotic dehydration process in the
food industry has several advantages: quality improve-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 19 3788 4057; fax: +55 19 3788
ment in terms of color, flavor and texture, energy effi-
4027. ciency, packaging and distribution cost reduction, no
E-mail address: (Â.A. El-Aouar). chemical pretreatment, providing required product

0260-8774/$ - see front matter  2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
268 Â.A. El-Aouar et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 75 (2006) 267–274

stability and retention of nutrients during storage (Rah- in order to calculate the response variables weight reduc-
man & Perera, 1999; Sablani et al., 2002). tion (WR), water loss (WL) and solids gain (SG),
The response surface methodology has been widely according to the following equations:
and effectively used in industrial investigations and other
processes such as the development and/or improvement ðwi  wf Þ
WR ð%Þ ¼  100 ð1Þ
of the nutritional products, due to its practical utility in wi
their optimization (Azoubel & Murr, 2003; Corzo & ðwi X i  wf X f Þ
Gomez, 2004). This methodology presupposes the use WL ð%Þ ¼  100 ð2Þ
of experimental design techniques to investigate and Xf

learn about the functional form of the process or system wf 1  100  wi 1  100
SG ð%Þ ¼  100 ð3Þ
that involves one or more response variables that are wi
influenced by various factors or independent variables.
where wi and wf are the initial and final (time t) samples
Therefore, our general objective was to study the
weights, respectively, (g); Xi and Xf are the initial and
influence of two different osmotic agents (sucrose and
final (time t) samples moisture content, respectively, (g
corn syrup) on the osmotic dehydration of papaya For-
water/100 g initial wet papaya).
mosa slices (Carica papaya L.). The specific objective
Solutions and samples water activity (aw) were mea-
was to model the influence of the concentration and
sured with a water activity meter (AquaLab Series 3
temperature of the osmotic solution and the immersion
TE) at 25 C with an accuracy of ±0.003.
time on changes in weight reduction, water loss, solids
gain and water activity for both osmotic agents.
2.3. Experimental design and statistical analysis

According to Table 1, two factorial experimental de-

2. Material and methods
signs were used with three independent variables whose
levels varied from 44% to 56% w/w for syrup concentra-
2.1. Raw material
tion, from 34 to 46 C for temperature and from 120 to
210 min for immersion time, which required 11 experi-
Papayas (Formosa variety) with similar maturity (10–
ments, including the center point. The responses of both
12Brix) and weight (2.0–2.5 kg) were purchased in a
designs were weight reduction, water loss, solids gain
local market. The samples were hand-peeled and cut
and water activity. Each experimental run was per-
into slices (30 · 50 · 5 mm) using a cutter designed for
formed in triplicate.
this purpose.
It was assumed that a mathematical function u exists
for the response variable Y (WR, WL, SG and aw) in
2.2. Osmotic dehydration
terms of three independent process variables (Khuri &
Cornell, 1996), temperature, concentration and time:
Papaya slices, previously weighed and identified, were
immersed in the osmotic solutions (commercial sucrose Y ¼ uðT ; C; tÞ ¼ b0 þ b1 T þ b2 C þ b3 t þ b12 T  C
and solid corn syrup from corn syrup solid MOR- þ b13 T  t þ b23 C  t ð4Þ
REX 1940 from Corn Products, Brazil) of given con-
centration (44–56% w/w) and temperature (34–46 C) where b is the equation coefficient and the subscripts 0,
during a given immersion time (120–210 min). The stud- 1, 2, 3, 12, 13 and 23 correspond to the mean value of
ied range of immersion time was defined by a previous the function u, temperature, concentration, immersion
kinetics in the central point of concentration and tem- time, interaction between temperature and concentra-
perature (50% w/w and 40 C) for a period of 8 h, for tion, interaction between temperature and immersion
both osmotic agents. Therefore, identifying by the ki- time and interaction between concentration and immer-
netic curves the region where there was no significant sion time, respectively.
variation in the drying rates for both agents, it was pos- In order to obtain the regression coefficients an anal-
sible to find the more appropriate range of immersion ysis of variance (ANOVA) using the Statistica 5.0 (Stat-
time to this study. A fruit:solution ratio of 1:10 was used. soft, 1997) package was performed.
The osmotic process was carried out in a shaker (TEC-
NAL TE-421) at a constant agitation of 80 rpm. After
removing from the solution, the dehydrated slices of 3. Results and discussion
each group were drained and blotted with absorbent
paper to remove the excess solution. The moisture con- 3.1. Fitting models
tent of the samples was gravimetrically measured using a
vacuum oven (635 mmHg) at 60 C for 24 h. The weight Regression coefficients for the coded first-order poly-
and moisture content data of each sample were utilized nomial equations are displayed in Table 2. The resulting
Â.A. El-Aouar et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 75 (2006) 267–274 269

Table 1
Experimental data for weight reduction, water loss, solids gain and water activity under different treatment conditions of solution temperature and
concentration and immersion time
Treatment Sucrose Corn syrup
T (C) Ca(% w/w) t (min) WR (%) WL (%) SG (%) aw WR (%) WL (%) SG (%) aw
34(1) 44(1) 120(1) 21.11 32.37 11.26 0.971 10.59 16.10 5.51 0.985
34(1) 56(+1) 120(1) 31.69 41.35 9.66 0.965 18.08 22.75 4.67 0.985
34(1) 44(1) 210(+1) 25.16 39.14 13.98 0.959 14.44 20.87 6.43 0.982
34(1) 56(+1) 210(+1) 40.75 52.05 11.31 0.943 22.96 30.24 7.28 0.979
46(+1) 44(1) 120(1) 18.19 32.66 14.47 0.965 14.74 18.70 3.96 0.982
46(+1) 56(+1) 120(1) 34.24 45.76 11.52 0.959 22.31 28.20 5.89 0.979
46(+1) 44(1) 210(+1) 19.61 37.40 17.78 0.951 21.60 28.30 6.70 0.978
46(+1) 56(+1) 210(+1) 38.14 52.82 14.68 0.939 32.32 39.56 7.24 0.974
40(0) 50(0) 165(0) 28.97 41.19 12.22 0.958 19.32 24.79 5.47 0.980
40(0) 50(0) 165(0) 29.84 41.84 12.00 0.959 19.25 24.69 5.44 0.980
40(0) 50(0) 165(0) 28.94 41.21 12.28 0.958 19.27 24.75 5.48 0.981
Water activity of sucrose solutions at 25 C: 0.954 (44% w/w); 0.939 (50% w/w); 0.920 (56% w/w). Water activity of corn syrup solutions at 25 C:
0.966 (44% w/w); 0.959 (50% w/w); 0.940 (56% w/w).

Table 2
Values of coded first-order polynomial regression coefficients
Coefficients Sucrose Corn syrup
b0 28.7854 41.6178 12.8324 0.9569 19.5330 25.3585 5.8255 0.9804
b1 1.0655 ns 1.5301 0.0028 3.1115 3.0994 ns 0.0020
b2 7.5942 6.3027 1.2916 0.0051 4.2899 4.5989 0.3091 0.0015
b3 2.3021 3.6582 1.3561 0.0084 3.1995 4.1536 0.9540 0.0023
b12 1.0512 0.8295 0.2217 ns 0.2846 0.5924 0.3078 0.0005
b13 0.9721 0.7094 0.2627 ns 1.0176 1.0885 0.0709 ns
b23 0.9349 0.7810 ns 0.0020 0.5226 0.5597 0.0372 ns
ns: non-significant (p > 0.05).

equations for both experimental designs were tested for It is important to point out that, for the analysis of
adequacy and fitness by analysis of variance (ANOVA) variance shown in Tables 3 and 4, the largest contribu-
according to Tables 3 and 4. tion in the residual value was due to the lack of fit, indi-
To convert the real values that include the studied cating that the experimental data presented good
range of the independent variables in coded ones, reliability.
according to Eq. (4), the following equation can be used:
RV  CP 3.2. Influence of process variables
CV ¼ ð5Þ
Figs. 1 and 2 show the influence of concentration and
where CV is the coded value; RV is the real value; CP is temperature of the osmotic solution and immersion time
the real central point value; DRVCP is the step change at on the weight loss, loss of water, solids gain and water
the central point. activity during the osmotic dehydration of papaya in su-
Tables 3 and 4 summarize the results for linear and crose and corn syrup, respectively.
cross-product terms for weight reduction, water loss, According to Figs. 1(a) and (b), the osmotic solution
solids gain and water activity for each solute; some concentration was the most important effect on weight
non-significant terms (p > 0.05) were eliminated, in reduction and water loss, followed by the immersion
agreement with Table 2. According to Table 3, the fitted time, and they positively affected these responses for
models were significant (p 6 0.05), possessing low resid- the sucrose agent. The effect of temperature of the osmo-
ual values and satisfactory values of multiple determina- tic solution practically did not influence the weight
tion coefficients. By Table 4, only the model for the reduction and it was negative. The weight reduction
solids gain was not predictive, presenting significant lack exhibits a mass relationship among the whole flows in-
of fit, therefore, the curves generated from this model volved in the osmotic process (mainly between water
can only show the behavior of each independent vari- loss and solids gain) and due to this which is more pro-
able on the responses. nounced in the solids gain instead of the the water loss,
270 Â.A. El-Aouar et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 75 (2006) 267–274

Table 3
Analysis of variance for weight reduction (WR), water loss (WL), solids gain (SG) and water activity (aw) in the osmotic dehydration of papaya in
sucrose solutions
Source SS DF MS Fc Ft
Weight reduction (WR)
Regression 536.2523 6 89.3754 162.02 6.16
Residual 2.2065 4 0.5516 – –
Lack of fit 1.6833 2 – – –
Pure error 0.5232 2 – – –
Total 538.4588 10 – – R2 = 0.9959
Water loss (WL)
Regression 439.2592 5 87.8518 175.60 5.05
Residual 2.5014 5 0.5003 – –
Lack of fit 2.2267 3 – – –
Pure error 0.2748 2 – – –
Total 441.7606 10 – – R2 = 0.9943
Solids gain (SG)
Regression 47.7299 5 9.5460 22.09 5.05
Residual 2.1607 5 0.4321 – –
Lack of fit 2.1192 3 – – –
Pure error 0.0414 2 – – –
Total 49.8905 10 – – R2 = 0.9567
Water activity (aw)
Regression 8.6E-04 4 2.2E-04 91.50 4.53
Residual 1.4E-05 6 2.4E-06 – –
Lack of fit 1.3E-05 4 – – –
Pure error 6.7E-07 2 – – –
Total 8.8E-04 10 – – R2 = 0.9839
SS: sum square; DF: degree of freedom; MS: mean square; Fc: calculated F distribution value (p 6 0.05); Ft: tabulated F distribution value (p 6 0.05).

the negative effect of temperature found on weight (<10%) can be obtained using temperature of the osmo-
reduction could be explained. The temperature did not tic solution and immersion time in their lowest levels,
significantly influence the water loss. Values of 40% with the concentration in its highest level.
for WR and of 52% for WL can be obtained when the Fig. 1(d) shows that the immersion time was the most
concentration and the immersion time are in their high- important effect on water activity, followed by concen-
est levels, considering the whole temperature range, tration and temperature. All the effects were negative
practically. on water activity for sucrose solutions. Values of aw
Observing Fig. 1(c), for sucrose, the temperature was inferior to 0.945 can be obtained using the independent
the most important effect affecting solids gain, followed variables in their highest levels.
by the immersion time. These effects positively influ- In agreement with Fig. 2(a) and (b), the osmotic solu-
enced the solids gain for the osmotic process of papaya tion concentration was the most important effect on
in sucrose solutions. It is important to emphasize the weight reduction and water loss, followed by the immer-
negative effect of the concentration in solids gain for su- sion time and temperature of osmotic solution, and they
crose. According to Heng, Guilbert, and Cuq (1990), it positively affected these responses for corn syrup. Values
should be mentioned that, in this case, the sugar gain of 27% for WR and of 35% for WL can be obtained
is less important. Generally speaking it appears that lit- when the independent variables are in their highest
tle sugar is obtained when the water outflow is fast and levels.
significant. This occurs with a higher temperature, high- Considering the corn syrup agent, the temperature
er concentration and some agitation. Acceleration of did not influence the solids gain but it was positively
water loss without modification of solids gain, when and strongly affected by the immersion time and with
temperature or dehydration solution concentration is in- less intensity by the solution concentration (Fig. 2(c)).
creased, is observed by many authors (Bongirwar & Fig. 2(d) shows that the immersion time and the tem-
Sreenivasan, 1977; Hawkes & Flink, 1978; Islam & perature of the osmotic solution were the most impor-
Flink, 1982). This effect is generally attributed to the tant effects on water activity. All the effects were
influence of natural tissue membranes as well as to the negative on water activity for corn syrup solutions. Val-
diffuse properties of water and solutes as a function of ues of aw, inferior to 0.978 can be obtained using the
their respective molar mass. Low values of solids gain independent variables in their highest levels.
Â.A. El-Aouar et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 75 (2006) 267–274 271

Table 4
Analysis of variance for weight reduction (WR), water loss (WL), solids gain (SG) and water activity (aw) in the osmotic dehydration of papaya in
corn syrup solutions
Source SS DF MS Fc Ft
Weight reduction (WR)
Regression 317.6855 6 52.9476 255.98 6.16
Residual 0.8274 4 0.2068 – –
Lack of fit 0.8250 2 – – –
Pure error 0.0024 2 – – –
Total 318.5129 10 – – R2 = 0.9974
Water loss (WL)
Regression 398.8631 6 66.4772 157.49 6.16
Residual 1.6884 4 0.4221 – –
Lack of fit 1.6833 2 – – –
Pure error 0.0051 2 – – –
Total 400.5515 10 – – R2 = 0.9958
Solids gain (SG)
Regression 8.8553 5 1.7711 5.15 5.05
Residual 1.7202 5 0.3440 – –
Lack of fit 1.7193 3 – – –
Pure error 0.0008 2 – – –
Total 10.5754 10 – – R2 = 0.8373
Water activity (aw)
Regression 9.3E-05 4 2.3E-05 64.42 4.53
Residual 2.2E-06 6 3.6E-07 – –
Lack of fit 1.9E-06 4 – – –
Pure error 2.2E-07 2 – – –
Total 9.5E-05 10 – – R2 = 0.9772
SS: sum square; DF: degree of freedom; MS: mean square; Fc: F distribution calculated (p 6 0.05); Ft: F distribution tabulated (p 6 0.05).

In agreement with Table 1, for the same solute con- C Sucrose ¼ 0.83C Corn syrup ð8Þ
centration, the osmotic potential of sucrose solutions
is larger than corn syrup solutions. To compare between where C corresponds to the real value of osmotic solu-
both osmotic agents it is necessary to use solutions with tion concentration. Obeying the established relationship
the same initial osmotic potential because water activity in Eq. (8), it is possible to obtain the pairs of solution
is the driving force of the osmotic process. concentrations for both osmotic agents corresponding
According to Lewicki and Lenart (1995), excess pres- to the same osmotic pressure.
sure needed to reach the state of equilibrium between a Taking into account Eq. (8) and according to Figs.
pure solvent and a solution is called osmotic pressure. In 1(a) and 2(a) for an osmotic solution temperature of
the equilibrium state, 34 C and an immersion time of 120 min, the difference
  between the weight reduction values of both osmotic
Chemical potentialsolvent solution
solvent P ¼ Chemical potentialsolvent P agents, for the same osmotic pressure, indicates that
1 2

ð6Þ samples dehydrated in corn syrup solutions had approx-

imately a weight reduction 30% less than samples pro-
Since in foods, water is the solvent, Eq. (7) can be cessed in sucrose solutions. Considering an osmotic
used: solution temperature of 46 C and an immersion time
P ¼ 4.6063  105 T lnðaw Þ ð7Þ of 210 min, samples dehydrated in sucrose solutions
had approximately a weight reduction 20% less than
where P is the osmotic pressure (Pa); aw is water activity samples processed in corn syrup solutions due to the
and T is the absolute temperature (K). small effect of temperature in this response variable
Fig. 3 illustrates the higher osmotic pressure of su- using sucrose solutions.
crose solutions compared to corn syrup ones, in terms Figs. 1(b) and 2(b) show that the differences between
of the concentration of osmotic solution, using the water the water loss value of both osmotic agents, for the same
activity data from Table 1. temperature, immersion time and osmotic pressure, indi-
Observing Fig. 3, it is possible to obtain a relation- cate that samples dehydrated in corn syrup solutions
ship between both curves considering the same osmotic had approximately a water loss of 7–40% less than sam-
potential. It results in the following equation: ples processed in sucrose solutions.
272 Â.A. El-Aouar et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 75 (2006) 267–274

Fig. 1. Influence of concentration and temperature of osmotic solution and immersion time on (a) WR, (b) WL, (c) SG and (d) aw for papaya
osmotic dehydration with sucrose solutions.

In agreement with Figs. 1(c) and 2(c), the differences According to Figs. 1(d) and 2(d), it was observed that
between the solids gain value of both osmotic agents, for samples dehydrated in sucrose solutions reached a water
the same temperature, immersion time and osmotic activity value of 1–3% less than samples processed in
pressure, indicate that samples dehydrated in corn syrup corn syrup solutions.
solutions had approximately a solids gain of 53–56% less On the whole, samples dehydrated in sucrose solu-
than samples processed in sucrose solutions. tions had values of WR, WL and SG higher than those
Â.A. El-Aouar et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 75 (2006) 267–274 273

Fig. 2. Influence of concentration and temperature of osmotic solution and immersion time on (a) WR, (b) WL, (c) SG and (d) aw for papaya
osmotic dehydration with corn syrup solutions.

obtained for samples processed in corn syrup solutions, The use of highly concentrated viscous sugar solu-
except for aw, even when considering the same osmotic tions creates major problems such as floating of food
pressure for both osmotic agents. The fact is that the pieces, hindering the contact between the food material
corn syrup solutions had visually a higher viscosity than and the osmotic solution, causing a reduction in the
the sucrose ones. mass transfer rates. Mavroudis, Gekas, and Sjöholm
274 Â.A. El-Aouar et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 75 (2006) 267–274

1.2x107 ever, the osmotic dehydration in corn syrup solutions

led to higher values of water activity.
1.1x107 Corn syrup
Osmotic pressure (Pa)


8.0x106 The authors acknowledge CAPES (Coordination of

Perfectioning Superior Level Staff) and Corn Products,
7.0x106 Brazil.

5.0x106 References
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