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Villanova Basketball 1-2-2 3/4 Court Trap “1" Defense (1-2-2 3/4 Court Trap) Teaching Points Top man tries to force ball to a side Initially, top 3 defenders want to “fake small, retreat big” at the ball — make the offensive player with the ball think that you’re coming to trap, then retreat back to try and steal the pass We look to get a trap right over 1/ 2court; so, whatever side the ball is forced to, the top man and that side wing defender look to trap; other wing defender takes away middle — a pass to the middle cannot be allowed If the ball is reversed, wing defender that was taking away middle now must sprint ‘out and look to trap with top man; wing defender that was looking to trap must now sprint to the middle and not allow pass to come to the middle lo xe 9° LL *—~ Oth y Back men can cheat up and look to help on denying middle; they also must be ready to wack out if pass is made up the sideline \Ey) Kee ' a x | te * ' e x e

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