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I have always attempted to use analytic tools of physics to do three things- understand problems
in elementary science, get a new perspective on problems in elementary science and solving the
problem encountered where required. I continued pursuance of this goal at the University of Lagos
where I balanced my research experience in elementary sciences with meticulous and numerical
approach to science through a degree in Applied Physics (Electronics). With research experience
in both theory and experiment, I now aspire to consolidate my foundation by analytically tackling
the challenge in renewable energy with research focus on science of materials for future clean
Applied physics with focus on material research became a choice of study at graduate level after
carrying out a research project with a colleague of mine at the University of Lagos on solar
collection plate. Upon presentation of the research paper at a seminar in school, it was
recommended by a visiting professor that exploring nanomaterials could serve as alternative
source to produce a cheaper and more effectively clean energy. This advice became more evident
when I undertook a term paper research on Solar Energy: Cost and Efficiency Challenges of Solar
PV Cells in Nigeria. The research made me understand the cost of producing clean electricity using
Solar PV cells at a cost per kWh is higher than electricity generated by convectional fossil fuels.
This hindered the progress made in renewable energy as policy makers still believe in electricity
generation through fossils fuels. I researched heavily on the solution to this problem and every
research kept pointing back on the advice of nanomaterials for Solar PV cells. This inspired my
resolve to study in future Applied Physics with focus on clean energy materials to solve this puzzle
at a graduate level.
My resolve to research on materials for clean energy at the graduate level aim at providing a
profitable solution to players in the energy industry and policy makers by proffering a solution of
using nanomaterials to generate not just clean electricity but cheapest and most efficient option for
electricity generation. Key players in the energy industry such as Total, Shell and BP are already
investing billions of dollars into renewable energy research. I believe so strongly that key players
in Nigeria energy industry can tap into this source of new income that can keep them alive if the
doom predictions of the nonrenewable fossil fuels come to past. Statistically, it has been predicted
with enough data that if current exploitation rate of fossil fuels is kept up, the three major fossils
fuels – crude oil, natural gases and coal will dry up in 42 years, 66 years and 150 years respectively.
With Nigeria resolve to remain Africa’s biggest economy and also move into the top 20 economies
in the world by 2025, it is imperative Nigeria invest heavily in renewable energy particularly
photovoltaic power generation to increase her electricity generation to a height that will sustain its
desired economic growth. My graduate level research is meant to supplement the country in this
Ultimately, I am eager to focus my research efforts on these outstanding problems and a graduate
program in Applied Physics or Energy science offers such opportunities.
Akeem, Ridwanulahi Abidemi

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