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2.1 Understanding an IELTS essay question 15 min

Context Creation
Ask Students what environmental problems there are in the world today and make a list on the
board (e.g. water/air pollution, global warming, deforestation, etc.) Tell Students that this is one
possible topic in all four papers of the IELTS exam.

Can remember what they have to do in Part 2 of the IELTS Writing Paper,
They have to write an essay on a given topic. It may require dealing with problems/solutions or
presenting/analysing an argument.

How long do you have to write it?

40 minutes of a one-hour Writing Paper

How many words do you have to write, and how they are marked.
at least 250 words, and it is marked according to their ability to answer the question, develop
and justify their ideas in coherent ways, link ideas, and accurately use a range of vocabulary and

T hands out handout 2.1

Read essay question A and answer the questions in Exercise 1
Exercise 1:
1. Fishing that damages the environment because too many fish are caught.
2. From one hundred years ago until now. It is not a completed past time but past time
until now.
3. It refers to overfishing. 4. actions 5. The problem of overfishing 6. Two things—the
causes of overfishing and actions that can solve the problem.

This is an example of a problem/solution essay question and Students need to make sure they
understand the question before they write their essay.

look at the words in the box and find pairs of synonyms in Exercise 2. These words can often be
found in a problem/solution essay question.
Exercise 2: answer/solution cause/reason effect/result issue/problem prevent/stop
recommend/suggest tackle/solve

Read essay question B. Do you need to write about in this essay?.
 Try to guess unknown vocabulary from the context and to think about what the
pronouns refer to.
o You have to give the advantages and disadvantages of a solution to a given
problem, which is to tax companies and restaurants that waste food.

Exam Tip
To gain a good mark, candidates must answer the question they are asked so it is important they
spend time analysing the question carefully.
2.2 Brainstorming ideas 10 min

Group A is to identify as many reasons and possible solutions to the problem in essay question A
on Handout 2.1 as possible.
Group B to identify as many advantages and disadvantages of the solution to the problem in essay
question B on Handout 2.1 as possible.

Class feedback.


Question A:
Reasons for overfishing: increasing demand for fish/increase in population; the intensity of fishing has
increased; an increase in technology means better equipped boats; unwanted fish are caught and
returned to the sea when using nets.
Possible solutions: limit number of fish caught per boat; farm fish; stop fishing in areas with low stock to
allow stock to increase.

Question B:
Advantages: a tax will force companies to reduce food waste; resources can be used better; companies
will save money if they only produce or buy what they need; government can increase tax spending.

Disadvantages: companies will pass the cost to customers; companies might not be able to meet demand;
smaller companies might close down due to higher costs, food growers might go out of business;
companies might dump waste illegally.

Exam Tip
IELTS candidates are tested on their ability to present and justify a clear position, therefore it is important
they spend a few minutes brainstorming ideas before they start writing to ensure they answer the question
and present effective ideas.
Different ways of recording ideas to see which works best for you, e.g. a mind map, a list, a flow chart, a
decision tree (a decision tree has a problem on each branch. Branches from that lead to solutions and
branches from that lead to the effects of the solution).

2.3 Organizing your ideas 15 min

T hands out handout 2.3

Do you usually make a plan before they write something important?
What the benefits and disadvantages of this? (Benefit: ideas are organized better in the essay;
Disadvantage: it takes time).

Match the essay outlines with essay questions A and B on Handout 2.1.

Put Students into pairs to compare their answers and help each other if they have different answers.
Check the answer in open class.

Make sure Students

understand the difference between the two types of essay and how their organization ensures
that the question is answered successfully.
Answer Key
The first plan is for essay B and the second is for essay

A. Each pair/group will plan differently but possible plans are:

Essay B
Paragraph 1: Introduction—background info on food waste; introduce solution
Paragraph 2: Benefits of the solution—reduce waste; resources redirected, companies save
Paragraph 3: Problem of the solution—cost to customer; small companies close; illegal dumping
Paragraph 4: Conclusion and my view—problems outweigh benefits

Essay A
Paragraph 1: Introduction—background info on overfishing
Paragraph 2: Possible causes—increase in demand; higher intensity; advanced equipment
Paragraph 3: Problem solution 1 and ads/disads—Limit fish per boat. Overfishing decreases but
cost of fish goes up. Problem solution 2 and ads/disads—Stop fishing in some areas. Number of
fish increase but livelihoods lost.
Paragraph 4: Conclusion and my view—important to do something before too late.

Exam Tip
The two problem/solution essay questions looked at in this lesson do not cover all the possible types of
problem/solution questions that candidates might come across in the exam.

These essay question types usually involve thinking of possible solutions yourself, analyzing a given
solution, or choosing between two possible given solutions.

Candidates may also be asked to think of causes of the problem but not always. Candidates should answer
the question they are given and organize their ideas as clearly as possible to ensure they answer the
question well.

2.4 Formality in essay writing 15 min

T hands out handout 2.4a & 2.4b

Is an essay is written using formal, informal, or neutral language.

Tell them that in the IELTS Writing Paper they will need to write formally or with neutral

Read the two paragraphs in Exercise 4 and choose the one which is most formal.
Exercise 4: The second paragraph is the best as it uses more formal language and the
ideas are linked better.

Working in pairs complete Exercise 5.

Exercise 5: 1. I 2. F 3. I 4. F 5. I 6. F 7. I 8. I

Leave out exercise 6

Exam Tip
Suggest to Students that they find essay examples online and look at the grammar and vocabulary
that is used. Suggest they look for examples of the formal features in Exercise 5 to help them
recognize the style and tone of academic writing.


2.5 Coherence and cohesion 20 min

Remind Students that they will need to link their ideas in a text so that the reader can follow
them clearly to gain good marks in the IELTS Writing Paper.

Complete Exercise 7
Exercise 7: lead to, result in both introduce an effect. Due to introduces a cause.
1. F 2. D 3. E 4. A 5. G 6. B 7. C.

Underline the cause/effect phrases in the sentences in Exercise 7 and discuss in pairs whether each
one describes a cause or an effect.

Linking devices are not the only way to link ideas in a paragraph.

Write the following on the board:

Fishing nets create problems due to the unwanted fish that get caught in them.

Elicit what them refers to in the sentence (fishing nets).

Do the first task in Exercise 8.
This = limiting the number of fish caught; it = limiting the number of fish caught;
This increase = increasing the price of fish; such food = fish

Replace a word in each sentence in Exercise 8 with the word in parenthesis to link the ideas in the
sentence more effectively.
1. the issue it 2. the such measures 3. moving this 4. the this popularity / the these species
5. the such boats 6. the fish them

Exam Tip
One of the four main criteria in the Writing Paper is coherence and cohesion. Linking words/ phrases,
grammatical referencing with pronouns, and cause/effect phrases will help Students to create more
coherent and cohesive texts. They will also help Students in the Listening and Reading Papers as an
understanding of coherence and cohesion is tested there too.

2.6 Writing a paragraph 20 min

Which two different solutions you chose to add to your essay plan for essay question A in Activity

write a paragraph giving details of a third possible solution to the problem
of overfishing.
Checklist to follow
Topic sentence to introduce the solution
Formal style
Ideas linked
Grammar (range, accuracy)
Vocabulary (range, accuracy)

Do you have all of this in your paragraph?

 Paragraphs that are formal in style and link ideas where possible so that the text is
 The ideas should be clearly organized and make sense.
 There should be a range of accurate grammar and vocabulary to get a high mark.
 Paragraphs typically start with a topic sentence to introduce the main idea of the
paragraph, e.g. to introduce a solution to a problem.
 The following supporting sentences should include justification or analysis, e.g.
analysis of advantages/disadvantages.

Exam Tip
Students are marked on their ability to present a clear position and justify it coherently. It is therefore
important that they do not just focus on their accuracy of grammar and vocabulary but also the ideas that
they are presenting and the order in which they present them.

Essays which are not paragraphed will be marked at a grade lower than that accepted by most

Optional Activity: Editing your work 15 min

T hands out handout 2.7

How much time do you think you should leave for editing?
Around 5 minutes

It is a good idea to read a piece of writing twice when editing it.

The first read is for meaning, to check that the ideas are clear and clearly organized.
The second read is for accuracy, to check grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation errors.

Do exercise 9.
The answer is yes to all four questions. This is an example of a model essay.

Do Exercise 10, paying attention to grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation.

Yes, there is a good range of grammar and vocabulary. Corrections:
1. today’s 2. in 3. their 4. to 5. is 6. which 7. to 8. However/On the other
hand 9. reduction 10. lost 11. take 12. because (It links the previous and
subsequent clause. It does not start a new sentence.)

What type of mistake each one?

1, 12 (Punctuation); 2, 4, 8, 9, 11 (Vocabulary); 3, 6 (Spelling); 5, 7, 10 (Grammar).
Exam Tip
You should not try to rewrite an essay a second time, but instead cross out unwanted text and number
paragraphs/sentences if they decide to reorder them. As long as it is clear, the examiner will not mind.

3.1 Do’s and Don’ts of essay writing 5 min

Read out the following sentences one by one:
1. Spend five minutes planning what you’re going to write. (Do)
2. Spend the whole hour writing the essay. (Don’t)
3. Use contractions. (Don’t)
4. Copy words from the essay question. (Don’t)
5. Write at least 250 words. (Do)
6. Spend 15 minutes checking your work. (Don’t—about five minutes)
7. Read the question carefully. (Do)
8. Write in paragraphs. (Do)
Put Students into pairs or small groups. Read out each question below and give Students two
minutes to discuss each one.

1. What are some of the things that people do in your community to help protect the environment?
(What do you do? What does your family do? Is the environment in good condition where you
live? What environmental problems are there in your area?)

2. Whose responsibility do you think it is to do more to protect the environment? (What does
your government do? What do you think they should do? Who should pay? How much
responsibility do businesses have?)

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