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Gerund and infinitives

Infinitive with/without to
ตำแหน่งของ Infinitive with to ในประโยคต่ำงๆ

1. ใช้ ทำหน้ ำที่เป็ นคำนำมซึ่งเป็ นประธำนของประโยค โดยมีควำมหมำยว่ ำ “กำร” หรือ “ควำม”

To be a millionaire is my goal. (กำรได้ เป็ นเศรษฐี เป็ นเป้ำหมำยของฉัน)

2. ใช้ ตำมหลังคำนำม หรือ สรรพนำม โดยทำหน้ ำที่คล้ ำยกับ Adjective ขยำย คำนำม หรือ
สรรพนำมนัน้ ๆ

I told him about the plan to surprise her. (ฉันบอกเขำเกี่ยวกับแผนกำรที่จะทำให้ เธอประหลำดใจ)

I have something to tell you. (ฉันมีบำงอย่ำงจะบอกคุณ)

3. ใช้ ตำมหลัง Main verb (กริยำแท้ ) โดยทำหน้ ำที่คล้ ำยกรรมของประโยค

I want to see him. (ฉันต้ องกำรจะเจอเขำ

4. ใช้ ตำมหลัง Adjective บำงตัว โดยทำหน้ ำที่คล้ ำยกับ Adverb

I’m happy to meet you again. (ฉันรู้สก

ึ มีควำมสุขที่ได้ พบกับคุณอีกครัง้

5. ใช้ ตำมหลัง who, what, where, when, why, how และ whether

I wonder why we don’t have money. (ฉันสงสัยว่ำเงินเรำหมดได้ อย่ำงไร)

Please tell me where to go. (ช่วยบอกฉันทีวำ่ จะไปไหน)

รูปแบบต่ ำงๆของ Infinitive with to

Simple Infinitive (to + V.1) เช่น to go, to buy

Perfect Infinitive (to + have + V.3) เช่น to have seen, to have been

Passive Infinitive (to + be + V.3) เช่น to be written, to be taught

Perfect Passive Infinitive (to + have + been + V.3) เช่น to have been slept, to have been

Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential. The Buddy Kids Knowledge Development Co., Ltd
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Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential.
Gerund and infinitives
หลักกำรใช้ Infinitive with to

1. เรำมักใช้ Infinitive with to หลังกริ ยำเหล่ำนี ้

accept (ยอมรับ) hope (หวัง) decide (ตัดสินใจ) remind (เตือน)

allow (อนุญำต) intend (ตังใจ)

้ demand (ต้ องกำร) seem (ดูท่ำทำง)

afford (สำมำรถที่จะ) learn (เรี ยน) deserve (ควรค่ำ) swear (สำบำน)

agree (ตกลง, ยินยอม) lead (นำ,ชักจูง) encourage (ส่งเสริ ม) teach (สอน)

appear (ปรำกฏ) manage (จัดกำร) except (ยกเว้ น) tell (บอก)

arrange (เตรี ยมกำร) mean (ตังใจ)

้ hope (หวัง) tend (มีแนวโน้ ม)

ask (ถำม) offer (เสนอ,ให้ ) fail (ล้ มเหลว) threaten (คุกคำม)

attempt (พยำยำม) order (สัง่ ) force (บังคับ) urge (กระตุ้น)

care (เป็ นห่วง,ดูแล) plan (วำงแผน) learn (เรี ยน) vow (สำบำน,รับปำก)

choose (เลือก) persuade (ชักชวน) get (ได้ ) warn (เตือน)

claim (อ้ ำง) prepare (เตรี ยม) instruct (สัง่ สอน) want (ต้ องกำร)

cause (ทำให้ เกิด) pretend (เสแสร้ ง) invite (เชิญชวน) wish (ปรำรถนำ)

challenge (ท้ ำทำย) promise (สัญญำ) happen (เกิดขึ ้น) yearn (หวนหำ)

command (สัง่ กำร) refuse (ปฏิเสธ) hesitate (ลังเล)

Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential. The Buddy Kids Knowledge Development Co., Ltd
1/35 Jiranakorn Soi 1 Rd, Tambon Hat Yai, Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90110
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Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential.
Gerund and infinitives

2. รูป negative infinitive สร้ ำงขึ ้นโดยกำรเติม not ข้ ำงหน้ ำ to ซึ่งเป็ น not to + V1 เช่น

Try not to be late.

I decided not to become an electrician.

3. คำว่ำ ought และ used ต้ องตำมด้ วย Infinitive with to

You ought to do your homework by yourself.

I used to play cricket 5years ago.

4. ใช้ be to + V1 หรื อ have to + V1 เมื่อต้ องกำรเน้ น หรื อเป็ นกำรออกคำสัง่ คำขอร้ อง เช่น

I am to go now (be + to + V1 = ต้ อง)

You have to be in my office by ten thirty.

หลักกำรใช้ Infinitive without to

1. ใช้ ตำมหลัง Modal Auxiliary Verbs เช่น will, shall, would, should, can, could

may, might, must และอื่นๆ ซึ่งจะต้ องเป็ นกริ ยำช่องที่ 1 เท่ำนัน้

She must love him very much. (เธอต้ องรักเขำมำกๆแน่เลย)

I would buy it if I had money. (ฉันคงจะซื ้อมันไปแล้ ว ถ้ ำฉันมีเงิน)

2. ใช้ หลัง had better, would rather, would sooner, rather than, but, and, or, except

You’d better go to the hospital. (เธอควรจะไปโรงพยำบำลนะ)

I went to the school and talked to my teacher. (ฉันไปโรงเรี ยนและคุยดับคุณครู)

3. ใช้ หลัง please, help, let, make, see, hear, feel, watch, notice

I don’t feel confident when I speak English. (ฉันรู้สก

ึ ไม่มนั่ ใจเลยในเวลำที่ฉนั พูดภำษำอังกฤษ)

Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential. The Buddy Kids Knowledge Development Co., Ltd
1/35 Jiranakorn Soi 1 Rd, Tambon Hat Yai, Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90110
Call: 092-517- 5853 Line@: @thebuddyhatyai Facebook:/thebuddykids 3
Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential.
Gerund and infinitives

1. ตัวอย่ ำง Verb ที่ตำมด้ วย Gerund

admit (ยอมรับ) anticipate (มุง่ หวัง) appreciate (ซำบซึ ้ง)

avoid (หลีกเลี่ยง) compare (เปรี ยบเทียบ) complete (ทำเสร็จ)

confess (สำรภำพ) consider (พิจำรณำ) delay (ทำให้ ช้ำ)

deny (ปฏิเสธ) detest (รังเกียจ) discuss (สนทนำ)

dislike (ไม่ชอบ) enjoy (สนุกสนำน) escape (หลบหนี)

excuse (แก้ ตำ่ ง) fancy (นึกฝัน, จินตนำกำร) finish (เสร็จ, สำเร็จ)

forgive (ให้ อภัย, ยกโทษ) imagine (จินตนำกำร) involve (เกี่ยวข้ อง)

mention (กล่ำวถึง) mind (รังเกียจ) miss (พลำด)

practice (ฝึ กฝน) postpone (เลื่อน, ผลัด) recognize (จำได้ )

recollect (ย้ อนระลึก) report (รำยงำน) resent (ขุน

่ เคือง)

resist (ต้ ำนทำน) risk (เสี่ยง) suggest (แนะนำ)

stand (อดทน) stop (หยุด) tolerate (อดทน)

หมำยเหตุ Verb เหล่ำนี ้ สำมำรถนำไปใช้ กบั Noun (คำนำม) ได้ เช่นกัน

ตัวอย่ำง They admitted cheating on their test. (พวกเขำยอมรับว่ำโกงข้ อสอบ)

Do you mind picking up the phone? (คุณช่วยรับโทรศัพท์ให้ หน่อยได้ ไหม)

I completed filling out the form. (ฉันกรอกข้ อมูลเสร็จแล้ ว)

Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential. The Buddy Kids Knowledge Development Co., Ltd
1/35 Jiranakorn Soi 1 Rd, Tambon Hat Yai, Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90110
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Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential.
Gerund and infinitives
2. ตัวอย่ ำง Adjective (คุณศัพท์ ) ที่ตำมด้ วย Gerund

afraid of (กลัว) fond of (ชอบที่จะ) excited about (ตื่นเต้ นเกี่ยวกับ)

angry about / at (โกรธ) interested in (สนใจใน) famous for (มีชื่อเสียงใน)

bad at (ไม่ถนัด ,ไม่ดี) proud of (ภูมิใจกับ) worried about (กังวลเกี่ยวกับ)

busy (ยุ่ง) sick of (เบื่อที่จะ) worth (มีคุณค่ำ,สมควรแก่)

disappointed about (ผิดหวัง

clever at (ฉลำด,เก่ง) sorry about (เสียใจกับ)

crazy about (บ้ ำคลัง่ ) tired of (เหนื่อยใจกับ)

หมำยเหตุ Adjective เหล่ำนี ้ สำมำรถนำไปใช้ กบั Noun (คำนำม) ได้ เช่นกัน

ตัวอย่ำง I’m afraid of diving. (ฉันกลัวกำรดำน ้ำ)
He is busy doing his job. (เขำกำลังยุ่งอยู่กบ
ั งำนของเขำ)
I’m crazy about reading comic books (ฉันบ้ ำคลัง่ กับกำรอ่ำนหนังสือกำร์ ตน
3. ตัวอย่ ำง Preposition (บุพบท) ที่ตำมด้ วย Gerund

about (เกี่ยวกับ) by (โดย)

after (หลังจำก) in (ใน)

apart from (นอกเหนือจำก) instead of (แทนที่จะ)

at (ที่) on (บน)

because of (เนื่องจำก) without (ปรำศจำก)

before (ก่อนหน้ ำ)

หมำยเหตุ Preposition เหล่ำนี ้ สำมำรถนำไปใช้ กบั Noun (คำนำม) หรือ Verb ในรูปแบบอื่นๆได้ เช่นกัน
ตัวอย่ำง After fishing, we had a dinner together. (หลังจำกตกปลำเสร็จ เรำก็ได้ ทำนอำหำรเย็น
ด้ วยกัน)
I went to the shopping mall without telling mom. (ฉันไปเดินห้ ำงโดยไม่บอกให้ แม่ร้ )ู

Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential. The Buddy Kids Knowledge Development Co., Ltd
1/35 Jiranakorn Soi 1 Rd, Tambon Hat Yai, Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90110
Call: 092-517- 5853 Line@: @thebuddyhatyai Facebook:/thebuddykids 5
Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential.
Gerund and infinitives
4. ตัวอย่ ำงคำและประโยคอื่นๆ ที่ตำมด้ วย Gerund

accuse of forget about (ลืมเกี่ยวกับ) depend on (ขึ ้นอยู่กบ

ั )

agree with give up (ล้ มเลิก) dream about/of (ฝั นถึง)

have a ….
apologize for (good/bad/hard/difficult/etc.) feel like (รู้สกึ อยำกจะ)

approve of (เห็นด้ วยกับ) problem/trouble/difficulty (มี think of (คิดถึง)
ปั ญหำ,มีควำมลำบำก)

believe in insist on (ยืนกรำน) warn against (เตือน)

It’s no use / It’s no good (ไม่มี

blame for worry about (กังวลเกี่ยวกับ)

can’t bear / can’t stand (ทน

Keep / keep on (ทำต่อไป, คงไว้ ) decide against (ตัดสินใจ)
ไม่ได้ )

can’t help / can’t resist (อด

put off (เลือ่ น) talk about/of (พูดคุยเกี่ยวกับ)
ไม่ได้ )

carry on / go on (ทำต่อไป) prevent from (ป้องกัน) specialize in (เชี่ยวชำญใน)

complain about (บ่น) rely on (วำงใจ) stop from (หยุด)

concentrate on (จดจ่อ) succeed in (ประสบควำมสำเร็จใน) cope with (รับมือกับ)

congratulate on (ยินดีกบ
ั )

หมำยเหตุ คำหรือประโยคเหล่ำนี ้ เหล่ำนี ้ สำมำรถนำไปใช้ กบั Noun (คำนำม) ได้ เช่นกัน

สังเกตว่ำ gerund มักจะตำมหลัง preposition ทัง้ หลำย in on about of with against for from

Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential. The Buddy Kids Knowledge Development Co., Ltd
1/35 Jiranakorn Soi 1 Rd, Tambon Hat Yai, Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90110
Call: 092-517- 5853 Line@: @thebuddyhatyai Facebook:/thebuddykids 6
Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential.
Gerund and infinitives

5. เรำมักใช้ Gerund ตำมหลังคำหรื อประโยคเหล่ ำนี ้ แม้ ว่ำหลังคำหรื อประโยคเหล่ ำนีจ้ ะมี “to” ก็

be accustomed to (ชิน,คุ้นเคยกับ) object to (คัดค้ ำนต่อ)

confess to (สำรภำพ) be used to (ชิน,คุ้นเคยกับ)

look forward to (ตังหน้

้ ำตังตำรอคอย)
้ be opposed to (คัดค้ ำนต่อ)

ตัวอย่ำง I look forward to seeing you soon. (ฉันตังหน้

้ ำตังตำคอยวั
้ นที่จะได้ พบคุณในเร็ววัน)

Tips: โดยส่วนใหญ่แล้ ว เรำจะใช้ Gerund เมื่อเรำต้ องกำรพูดถึงกำรกระทำต่ำงๆ (actions)โดยอำศัย

หลักกำรนำ Verb มำเปลี่ยนให้ เป็ น Noun นัน่ เอง

คำกริยำต่ อไปนี ้ ตำมต่ อด้ วย Infinitives หรื อ Gerund ก็ได้

advise begin continue forget hate

like love prefer regret remember
start stop try mean need

โดยในบำงคำจะมีควำมหมำยที่เปลีย่ นไป เช่น

Try + to infinitive = พยำยำม try + gerund = ลอง

Mean + to infinitive = ตังใจ

้ mean + gerund = หมำยควำมว่ำ

Stop + to infinitive = หยุดเพื่อจะทำ... stop + gerund = หยุดทำ...

Love/hate/like + to infinitive = จะทำในอนำคต Love/hate/like + gerund = เป็ นนิสยั

Regret/forget/remember + to infinitive = จะทำในอนำคต

Regret/forget/remember + gerund = ทำไปแล้ ว

Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential. The Buddy Kids Knowledge Development Co., Ltd
1/35 Jiranakorn Soi 1 Rd, Tambon Hat Yai, Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90110
Call: 092-517- 5853 Line@: @thebuddyhatyai Facebook:/thebuddykids 7
Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential.
Gerund and infinitives
Gerund or Infinitive (with and without to) PART 1
1. We encouraged her __________________ (succeed in ) __________________ (become) a
top player.
2. It's no good __________________ (force) him to go with us.
3. I promised __________________ (care) for the cat but I'm not much good at
__________________ (babysit).
4. The people thanked me for __________________ (offer) __________________ (help)
5. I begged her __________________ (not accuse) me of __________________ (ruin) her
hairstyle by __________________ (try) __________________ (kiss) her.
6. It is not worth __________________ (help) him __________________ (do) the job.
7. I let him __________________ (choose) between __________________ (fly) and
__________________ (take) the train.
8. The film was really worth __________________ (see) so we made Mary
__________________ (go) to the movies with us.
9. Her forced us __________________ (accept) his offer by __________________ (raise) it
by 5 %.
10. Normally I enjoy __________________ (go) out but today I'd prefer
__________________ (stay)
11. She promised __________________ (not object) to his __________________ (smoke).
12. They continued __________________ (eat) after the interruption.
13. I am not in the habit of __________________ (smoke) in the car.
14. Ann reminded me __________________ (finish) my work on time.
15. He'd better __________________ (get) used to __________________ (work) harder.
16. I am capable of __________________ (stand) on my head and __________________
(play) the saxophone.
17. You'd better __________________ (start) __________________ (dig) the garden.
18. I expected someone __________________ (pick) up these papers.
19. The Romans were quite happy about Hannibal __________________ (not attack) Rome.
20. It was interesting __________________ (watch) our cat __________________ (play).
21. We have taught our children __________________ (wash) their hands before

Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential. The Buddy Kids Knowledge Development Co., Ltd
1/35 Jiranakorn Soi 1 Rd, Tambon Hat Yai, Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90110
Call: 092-517- 5853 Line@: @thebuddyhatyai Facebook:/thebuddykids 8
Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential.
Gerund and infinitives
__________________ (eat).
22. __________________ (write) letters is more boring than __________________ (phone).
23. Jack decided __________________ (have) a break from work.
24. I refused __________________ (speak) with them.
25. We agreed __________________ (meet) them at the airport.
26. There is no sense in __________________ (earn) more money than you can
__________________ (spend).
27. They made us __________________ (leave) the campsite after __________________
(make) such a mess.
28. "Do you mind __________________ (work) overtime ?, " asked the boss
29. She has never known how __________________ (fry) a steak.
30. The doctor made him __________________ (promise) __________________ (reduce)
his __________________ (smoke).

Gerund or Infinitive (with and without to) PART 2

1. Don't let them ___________________ (cross) that dangerous road on their own.
2. What about ___________________ (have) a last drink ?
3. They accused me of ___________________ (break) the window.
4. They'd rather ___________________ (go) to Tuscany than to Ireland.
5. There was a very good reason for ___________________ (not believe) in what he said.
6. I don't know what ___________________ (believe) anymore.
7. Remember ___________________ (phone) Tom tomorrow - OK I won't forget.
8. The teacher watched the pupil ___________________ (cheat).
9. Why not ___________________ (spend) our holiday in Florida this year ?
10. She is always the last ___________________ (arrive)
11. Most teachers insist on their pupils ___________________ (do) the homework.
12. She has often made me ___________________ (cry).
13. I expect ___________________ (hear) from you by Monday.
14. It's no use ___________________ (pretend) ___________________ (like) her food.
15. How old were you when you learnt ___________________ (drive) ?
16. I don't mind ___________________ (walk) home but I'd rather ___________________
(get) a taxi.

Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential. The Buddy Kids Knowledge Development Co., Ltd
1/35 Jiranakorn Soi 1 Rd, Tambon Hat Yai, Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90110
Call: 092-517- 5853 Line@: @thebuddyhatyai Facebook:/thebuddykids 9
Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential.
Gerund and infinitives
17. I can't make a decision. I keep ___________________ (change) my mind.
18. We had to keep him from ___________________ (fall) off the cliff.
19. He had made his decision and refused ___________________ (change) his mind.
20. It was a good holiday. I enjoyed ___________________ (be) by the sea.
21. Did I really tell you I was unhappy? I don't remember ___________________ (say) that.
22. The water here is not very good. I'd avoid ___________________ (drink) it if I were you.
23. I pretended ___________________ (be) interested in the conversation.
24. I got up and looked out of the window ___________________ (see) what the weather
was like.
25. I have a friend who claims ___________________ (be) able to speak 5 languages.
26. I like ___________________ (think) carefully about things before
___________________ (make) a decision.
27. Steve used ___________________ (be) a footballer. He had to stop
___________________ (play) because of an injury.
28. How do you ___________________ (make) this machine work ? - I'm not sure. Try
___________________ (press) the button and see what happens !
29. What do you advise me ___________________ ? (do)
30. They intend ___________________ a new house next year. (buy)

Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential. The Buddy Kids Knowledge Development Co., Ltd
1/35 Jiranakorn Soi 1 Rd, Tambon Hat Yai, Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90110
Call: 092-517- 5853 Line@: @thebuddyhatyai Facebook:/thebuddykids 10
Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential.
Gerund and infinitives
1. I felt someone _____ me on the shoulder 11. I daren’t _____ out after dark.
but when I turned round, there was no-one A) to go B) go
there. C) went D) going
A) tapping B) to tap
C) tapped D) tap 12. Passengers are forbidden _____ to the
2. Look at that old man _____ to cross the A) to talk B) talking
road. C) talk D) talked
A) trying B) tries
C) to try D) tried 13. A: Won’t you stay? There is a good
Japanese film on TV.
3. I can feel something _____ up my leg. B: No thanks, I hate _____ Japanese films.
A) crawling B) crawl A) to watching B) watch
C) to crawl D) crawls C) watching D) having watched

4. I won’t waste time _____ to his letter. 14. She is afraid of the dentist, so she always
A) reply B) to reply puts off _____ till the last
C) replying D) to have replied possible moment.
A) to go B) going
5. It’s high time we _____. C) go D) gone
A) go B) to go
C) went D) going 15. I simply couldn’t resist _____ you to tell
you the good news!
6. I’d rather _____ in tonight. A) phoning B) to phone
A) stayed B) stay C) phone D) phoned
C) to stay D) staying
16. They were expected _____ back by
7. There is no point in _____ with her. eleven.
A) to argue B) arguing A) being B) been C
C) argued D) to have argued ) have been D) to be

8. I think we’d better _____. 17. We’ll get Robert _____ it.
A) going B) to go A) delivers B) delivering
C) gone D) go C) to deliver D) deliver

9. Would you care _____ a look at my latest 18. Let’s not waste time _____ about this.
report? A) argue B) arguing
A) having B) to have C) having argued D) to have argued
C) have D) had
19. I went to the airport _____ to meet her,
10. She seems _____ better today. but she didn’t arrive.
A) to be feeling B) feeling A) to have expected B) expecting
C) feel D) felt C) to expect D) to be expected

Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential. The Buddy Kids Knowledge Development Co., Ltd
1/35 Jiranakorn Soi 1 Rd, Tambon Hat Yai, Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90110
Call: 092-517- 5853 Line@: @thebuddyhatyai Facebook:/thebuddykids 11
Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential.
Gerund and infinitives
20. _____ that I would be late for school,I 29. Will you come _____ with me?
took a taxi instead of a bus. A) to shopping B) to shop
A) Thinking B) Thought C) shopping D) shop
C) To think D) To be thinking
30. You must see their newly _____
21. A: Why does your sister bite her nails? supermarket.
B: She doesn’t enjoy _____ them; she just A) decorating B) be decorated
can’t help _____ it. C) decorated D) to be decorated
A) bite / do B) biting / to do
C) biting / doing D) to bite / doing 31. The boy _____ a blue jacket is an excellent
tennis player.
22. You seem to be _____ problems with your A) worn B) wearing
washing machine. C) to be worn D) wears
A) have B) to have
C) have had D) having 32. The freshly _____ store is clean.
23. Susan _____ the mechanic _____ her car A) has been painted B) painted
yesterday. C) painting D) to paint
A) had / repair B) has / to repair
C) had / to repair D) having / repair 33. She is the person whom you should see.
24. Richard is _____ the doctor _____ his She’s the person _____.
chest. A) seeing B) should be seen
A) to be having / examine C) ought to see D) to see
B) to have / to examine
C) having / examine 34. The person who was driving the blue truck
D) being had / to examine almost had an accident.
The person _____ the blue truck almost had
25. The police are looking for a man with dark an accident.
hair. A) to drive B) to have driven
A _____ man is being sought by the police. C) had been driving D) driving
A) dark hair B) dark-haired
C) to have dark hair D) having dark hair 35. Mr. Hopkins plans on ___ his students ___
the English test tomorrow.
26. Living in London is expensive. It is A) to have / take B) having / take
expensive _____ in London. C) having / to take D) to have / to take
A) to live B) living
C) to have lived D) lived 36. Galileo is supposed _____ the telescope.
A) having invented B) have invented
27. She left without _____ goodbye. C) to have invented D) to invent
A) to say B) said
C) having said D) saying 37. She went into the kitchen _____ dinner
28. I can’t forgive Tim’s _____ his promise. A) getting B) to get
A) to break B) breaking C) get D) to have got
C) break D) broken

Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential. The Buddy Kids Knowledge Development Co., Ltd
1/35 Jiranakorn Soi 1 Rd, Tambon Hat Yai, Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90110
Call: 092-517- 5853 Line@: @thebuddyhatyai Facebook:/thebuddykids 12
Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential.
Gerund and infinitives
38. Can you tell me how _____ to the library? 47. It was a tragedy that she was killed on her
A) getting B) to get wedding-day. To _____ was a tragedy.
C) got D) to have got A) killed on her wedding-day
B) have been killed on her wedding-day
39. Do you want _____ something _____ C) being killed on her wedding-day
now? D) have killed on her wedding day
A) having / drinking B) to have / drinking
C) have / for drink D) to have / to drink 48. They should have shown me more
consideration. I ought _____.
40. They were waiting _____ what the A) been shown more consideration
Premier had to say. B) be shown more consideration
A) to hear B) heard C) to have been shown more consideration
C) to have heard D) hear D) to have shown more consideration

41. A: Did someone really write those words 49. I remember _____ for the job, but t forgot
on the wall? the exact amount.
B: Yes, I actually saw them_____ on the wall. A) to be paid B) be paid
A) written B) to write C) being paid D) paid
C) to be written D) writing
50. I have to do a lot of work today. There is a
42. A: Did they play that song on the radio? lot of work _____.
B: Well, I heard it _____ on the radio this A) done today B) to be done today
morning. C) be done today D) being done today
A) play B) playing
C) played D) to be played 51. You should give your baby Vitamin C.
Vitamin C ought_____ to all babies.
43. I regret _____ you that you are to be A) to give B) given
dismissed next month. C) be given D) to be given
A) inform B) to inform
C) informing D) having informed 52. Dust the furniture thoroughly. The
furniture is _____ thoroughly.
44. I don’t regret _____ her what I thought, A) dusted B) to be dusted
even if it upsets her. C) be dusted D) being dusted
A) tell B) to tell
C) to have told D) telling 53. I insist on _____ this small present as a
token of my appreciation.
45. I tried _____ her flowers but it didn’t have A) your accepting B) you to accept
any effect. C) yours accepting D) you accept
A) to send B) sending
C) sent D) to be sent 54. I wonder if Mary posted that letter.
A) Yes, I remembered her post it.
46. I once tried _____ Spanish. B) Yes, I remember her posting it.
A) to learn B) learning C) Yes, I remember her to post it.
C) have learned D) learnt D) Yes, I remembered her to post it.

Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential. The Buddy Kids Knowledge Development Co., Ltd
1/35 Jiranakorn Soi 1 Rd, Tambon Hat Yai, Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90110
Call: 092-517- 5853 Line@: @thebuddyhatyai Facebook:/thebuddykids 13
Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential.
Gerund and infinitives
55. Did you notice the little boy _____ away? 63. _____ he ran out of the classroom.
A) take the candy and run A) Turning suddenly, with tears in his eyes
B) took the candy and ran B) Having tears in his eyes and turned
C) taking the candy and run suddenly
D) who is taking the candy and running C) With a sudden turn, tearful eyes
D) With tears in his eyes and a sudden turn
56. I bought a camera last year but I never use
it. I _____ a record player instead. 64. When the teacher fell off his chair, the
A) ought to buy students _____.
B) should buy A) weren’t able to stop laughter
C) must buy B) could not stop but laughing
D) ought to have bought C) couldn’t help laughing
D) could not avoid to laugh
57. _____ about his problem, Susan wrote
Tom a letter. 65. Have you met the secretary _____ last
A) Hearing B) Heard week?
C) To hear D) To be heard A) hired
B) was hired
58. _____, Mrs. Young returned to the house. C) she was hired
A) Waiting tiredly B) For waiting D) when she was hired
C) After tiring D) Tired of waiting
66. “War and Peace” is a long novel _____ by
59. It must have been an interesting Leo Tolstoy.
performance. I would like _____. A) was written
A) to go B) to be there B) it was written
C) to have gone D) having gone C) written
D) when it was written
60. Before taking a test, it is important _____.
A) to have studied B) studying 67. I would appreciate _____ it a secret.
C) that you will study D) you would study A) your keeping
B) you to keep
61. The roof _____ before winter comes. C) that you would give
A) requires to be repaired D) that you are keeping
B) must be repairing
C) has to repairing 68. Before the computer could be repaired, a
D) needs repairing special part had _____
from Germany.
62. _____ she washed the cup and put it A) to import
away. B) a very long delivery
A) Having the coffee C) to have been important
B) Drinking the coffee D) to be imported
C) Having drunk the coffee
D) Has drunk the coffee

Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential. The Buddy Kids Knowledge Development Co., Ltd
1/35 Jiranakorn Soi 1 Rd, Tambon Hat Yai, Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90110
Call: 092-517- 5853 Line@: @thebuddyhatyai Facebook:/thebuddykids 14
Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential.
Gerund and infinitives
69. Susan hoped _____ to Terry’s party. 77. _____ in every match this season, Borussia
A) for being invited B) to be invited Dortmund will go down
C) she will be invited D) being invited to the second division.
A) Having been beaten
70. If you need advice, Mr. Wisdom is the B) Beaten
person you should talk to. C) To be beaten
If you need advice, Mr. Wisdom is the person D) Having beaten
A) should talk to B) being talked to 78. They say he is terribly stingy. He is
C) talking to D) to talk to supposed _____ terribly stingy.
A) to be B) being
71. The easiest thing you can do is to start C) to have been D) been
The easiest thing _____ is to start again. 79. They say the universe is expanding all the
A) being done B) to do time.
C) done D) to have done The universe is supposed _____ all the time.
A) to expand
72. The hardest thing to do is to start again. B) expanding
The hardest thing you _____ is to start again. C) to have expanded
A) have to do B) having to do D) to be expanding
C) should have done D) to do
80. A: Do you think I should take an umbrella?
73. Where is the computer that was sent this B: Yes, you should. It is almost bound _____.
morning? A) raining B) to rain
Where is the computer _____ this morning? C) rained D) to have rained
A) to be sent B) being sent
C) sent D) to send

74. I told him _____ so bad-tempered.

A) not being B) not to be
C) not to have been D) not be

75. His eyes need _____.

A) to have been tested B) be tested
C) to test D) testing

76. A: Your hair needs _____, doesn’t it?

B: Yes, I’m getting it _____ this weekend.
A) to be cut / cut
B) cutting / to be cut
C) be cut / cutting
D) cutting / be cut

Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential. The Buddy Kids Knowledge Development Co., Ltd
1/35 Jiranakorn Soi 1 Rd, Tambon Hat Yai, Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90110
Call: 092-517- 5853 Line@: @thebuddyhatyai Facebook:/thebuddykids 15

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