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Writing Rubric

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Few Some Consistently
Spells familiar/unfamiliar words correctly / Uses punctuation Appropriate
appropriate appropriate uses
appropriately to communicate conventions
10% conventions conventions
meaning in writing forms / Uses parts of speech correctly to used used conventions
communicate meaning clearly.
The Writing Process (Editing & Revisions)
Revises improve the content, clarity, and interest of their Consistently
Struggles to Some
Components uses
written work, using a variety of strategies/ produce revised follow/did not components
of writing components
draft pieces of writing to meet identified criteria based on the 10% use writing of writing
process used of writing
process process used
expectations / proofread and correct their writing using process
guidelines developed with peers and the teacher
Organizing ideas / Structure Ideas Some ideas Ideas
Identifies and orders main ideas and supporting details and unorganized organized presented in
and loosely within some confines of
groups them into units / Uses appropriate power paragraph or 10% confines of
follow taught use of taught taught
essay structure in writing structure structure structure
Research / Evidence (P3 Proofs) Large variety
Few used to Some used to Variety used
Gathers information to support ideas for writing, using a present present to develop
used to
variety of strategies and a wide range of print and electronic 15% ideas/facts ideas/facts ideas
strong ideas
Developing Ideas / Point of View (P2 &
Opinions) Limited
Generates ideas about more challenging topics and identify understanding
Some Substantial Complete
those most appropriate to the purpose / Identifies their point of 45%
understanding understanding understanding
view and other possible points of view, evaluate other points of with
view, and find ways to respond to other points of view, if

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