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VI DV C J ri

c r>
Goals Action
Delegating Priorities
Analyzing- Changes
Balancing Relaxing
Tips- Understanding
Aims- Helping

Learn all you need to know about
coping with stress in the workplace,

from identifying the causes and symptoms

of stress to monitoring your response to

pressure and implementing coping strategies.

Reducing Stress shows how to reorganize

your work practices and think positively, plus

it also provides practical techniques to use

when dealing with potential problem areas.

Power tips help you to handle real-life

situations and develop first-class stress-

management skills that will dramatically

improve your ability to deal with pressure.

TIM HINDLE is founder of Working

Words, a consulting firm specializing in

business communications. As consultant and

author, Tim Hindle has produced a number
of titles including Pocket Manager, Pocket MBA,
and Pocket Finance. He has been a contributor

to The Economist since 1 979 and was editor

of EuroRusiness from

1994 to 1996.

$7.00 USA $8.95 Canada



Tim Hindle

Project Editor Sasha Heseltine
Editors Marian Broderick,
4 Introduction
David Tombcsi-Walton
US Editor Ray Rogers
Designers Elaine Monaghan.
Austin Barlow
C Understanding
Assistant Editor Felicity i rowe
Assistant Designer Laura Waison Stress
DTP Designer Jason Little
Production Controller Alison Jones
W'iivi Is
Series Editor Jane Simmonds 6 Stress?
Scries Art Editor Jayne Jones

Managing Editor Stephanie Jackson Defining Stress

Managing Art Editor Nigel Duffield 10 at Work

American Ldition, 1998

First 12
8 10 9 Symptoms
Published in the United States by
DK Publishing. Int Measuring
375 Hudson Si 14 Stress
New York. New York 10014

Visit us on the World

http://wwwdk com
Wide Web at How Stressed
16 Are You?
Copynght © 1998
Dorling Kindcrslcy Limited, London
© 1998 Tim Handle
Text copyright

under International and Pan-

All rights reserved
Analyzing the
Amcncan Copyright Conventions No part oi this
publication may be reproduced, stored in a Causes of Stress
retrieval system, or transmuted in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying.
recording, or otherwise, without the prior
permission of the copyright owner Published in Changing
Britain by Dorling Kinderslcy Limited
20 Societies
I ibrary of C ongress (..ataloging-in-Publicaiion Daia
Reducing stress -- 1st American ed Changing
p cm - (Essential Managers) 22 Organizations
Includes index
• J 444-4
5 management Changing
} Job -

24 Practices
DC21 t IP

Reprod A\ \n/i\(,
Printed in China by Wing Kin.
26 Jobs
nr> Assessing Managing
10 Relationships 46 Time

nn Assessing Communicating
• >u the Workplace 48 Well

m Coping with
Daily Life 50
Inner Balance

Making Time
Dealing with to Relax
Stress at Work 54
Seeing Stress
in Others



a Strategy

Positive Action




Taking Action

^ H
m £J&J

Your Desk
at Home
a*) Sll DYING Taking
*L 62 Time Off
Work Patterns
f tmjm to Relax

s^ '•!!<* 66 Interests

68 Diet
9 H '

70 India

|| uLt -
72 Acknowledgments
Stress will probably affect all of us at some
time in our lives. Reducing Stress will help
you manage the stress in your life so that it

continues to stretch you toward your personal

goals without damaging your health. This book
concentrates on minimizing the stress factor in
your workplace, with 101 concise tips scattered
through the book to give further vital information.
Beginning with an analysis of the causes of
stress, the book deals with reducing stress in

your own life and ends by showing you

how to use your newfound knowledge
to help others deal with their stress. A self-

assessment exercise allows you to plot your

stress levels. This book provides invaluable
information that you will be able to utilize over
and over again as you learn to minimize stress.
Understanding Stri ss

Stress has been called "the invisible disease." It is a

disease that may affect you, your organization, and any

of the people in it, so you cannot afford to ignore it.

What Is Stress?
On occasion, all of us experience
stress. Beneficial stress can help drive 1 Learn how to spot

a few of us to become Olympic champions, your stress warning

but harmful stress can drive others to signals, and then
despair. A force as powerful as that should act on them.
always be handled with respect.

Analyzing the Effects of Stress The Definition

of Stress
Stress in individuals is defined
o\ Society
Pressure on public as any interference that disturbs
services a persons healthy mental and
physical well-being. It occurs
On Industry
Industrial accidents
when the body is required to
and inefficiency perform beyond its normal
range ol capabilities. The
on results of stress arc harmful to
India idi \i a
Illness and behavioral individuals, families, society, and
problems which can
organizations, suffer

from "organizational stress

What Is Stress?

Its Effect on Society

The societal costs of stress are already high -

2 Do not be afraid and are increasing steadily. Society bears the cost
of public services such as healthcare for those
to talk about
made ill by stress, pensions for early retirement
situations that
brought on by stress, and disability benefits for
you find stressful. accidents occurring because of stress. In addition
to this, stress often makes people irritable, and
this affects the overall quality of everyone's lives.

Its Effect on Companies

Stress costs industry over $150 billion a year in

the US alone through absenteeism and reduced

3 Take a walk when
levels of performance by those who are physically
you are stressed -
present but mentally absent. In the UK, as much
it can help restore
as 60 percent of all absenteeism is believed to
be caused by stress-related disorders. Anything your perspective.
that can reduce the damaging effects of stress
makes workers happier and companies richer.

ItsEffect Hypothalamus
on the Body activates adrenal
glands to release
Pupils dilate

When the human body is

adrenaline and
placed under physical or Cortisol into Rate of breathing
bloodstream increases in lungs
psychological stress, it increases and can lead to
the production of certain shortness oj breath

hormones such as adrenaline Blood supply

to muscles
and Cortisol. These hormones Heart rate
produce marked changes in
hean rate, blood-pressure levels,

metabolism, and physical

Sweat glands
activity. Although this physical Adrenal
glands sweat
reaction will help you function
produce more production
more effectively when you are adrenaline to >.ool bods
under pressure for short

periods of time, can be

extremely damaging to the The physical symptoms oj stress can affect the whole body,
body in the long run. particularly the cardial and respiratory systems.
UNDiiRsi.-wniM. Si Rl SS

Its Effect on Physical

Health and Well-being
4 Avoid the habit Long-term stress has been identified as one of
the most prevalent causes of numerous common
of taking work
conditions, including high blood pressure and
home with you
heart disease. It is now commonly thought that
every night. prolonged stress can also increase the risk of
psychological or psychiatric ailments. Behavioral
changes caused by stress, such as the increased
and excessive use of alcohol or drugs, are also
Stress and linked to a marked decline in physical health.
Mental Health When under an abnormal amount of stress,

The incidence of psychological the risk of dependency on alcohol is very high.

disorders, such as panic attacks Apart from major physical health problems
and obsessive behavior, caused by excessive dnnking, overconsumption of
increases with the buildup of alcohol can also result in highly strained and
long-term stress. Worries can therefore stressful personal relationships, both in
reach such a level that they the home and at work. Alcohol abuse resulting in

surface as a frightening, painful worker absenteeism is reckoned to cost the US

physical sensation, which can economy more than $100 billion annually.

be mistaken for a heart attack Prescribed drugs such as tranquilizers, while

People under prolonged stress sometimes useful in the short term to tackle the
are more prone to irrational symptoms of anxiety, can be addictive and have
fears, mood swings, and phobias side effects such as loss of concentration, poor
and may experience fits of coordination, and dizziness. Tranquilizers, by
depression, anger, and irritability their very nature, are not a cure for stress since
they do not deal with its fundamental causes.

Its Effect on Emotions

Those who suffer from stress are far more likely

to indulge in destructive behavior, which can have 5 Try to be aware

a high cost to themselves, to employers,
of any changes in
and to society Typical symptoms such as mood
your eating and
swings and erratic behavior may alienate
colleagues as well as friends and family. In some drinking patterns.

cases, this can start a vicious circle of decreasing

confidence, leading to more serious emotional

problems, such as depression.
What Is Stri ^?

Its Effect on Decisions Points to Remember

Suffering from any level of stress can rapidly cause Stress can be a killer. The
individuals to lose their ability to make sound Japanese have an officially

decisions, especially if their self-confidence fails. recognized condition called

karoshi - death from stress
This affects health, family, and career alike, since
caused by too much work.
stress in one area of life inevitably affects others.
Suffering from stress should not
Someone suffering from stress may not heed
be considered a sign of weakness.
physical signs of illness, attributing them to the
Stress is infectious. It is stressful
side effects of stress. Faulty decisions made in the
to live and work with people
workplace and at home may lead to accidents or
who are suffering from stress.
arguments, financial loss, or even the loss of a job.
Stress produced by high

demands in life combined with

high constraints and little support

6 "Talk truth to power" - do not
from colleagues or family.
be afraid to tell your supervisor There is no formula guaranteeing
what really goes on in the office. a stress-free life, but there are
techniques for minimizing stress.

Its Effect on Families

Stress can break up homes and families. The high
divorce rates in the West are due partly to the rapid
increase in stress in the workplace, especially where
both partners are working full time. It is difficult

to find the energy to be supportive to family and

friends if work is very difficult or you are afraid
that you may lose your job.
When children are involved, stress can cause a
conflict relating to child care and careers. Although

we do not yet fully understand the long-term impact

of separation or divorce on children, we know that

it is not the best way to create a generation of

stress-free individuals. This requires a very careful

balance of the demands of work and home.


Stress is caused by a failure to balance conflicting
demands. Juggling work commitments, mkiuI life,

and child care may mean that not enough tunc or

m /'c devoted to any one at tivity.
Understanding Si hi ss

Defining Stress at Work

Changes in working practices, such as
the introduction of new technology or Next time you feel

the alteration of targets, may cause stress, you have too much
or stress may be built into an organization's to do, delegate
structure. Organizational stress can be at least one task.

measured by absenteeism and quality of work.

Organizational Stress
Learn from those Stress affects organizations as well as the individuals
who do not suffer within them. An organization with a high level of

from stress. absenteeism, rapid staff turnover, deteriorating

industrial and customer relations, a worsening
safety record, or poor quality control is suffering
from organizational stress. The causes may range
from unclear or overlapping job descriptions to

lack of communication to poor working conditions,

Avoid routinely
including "sick building syndrome." This is when
working late and
a lack of ventilation, insufficient lighting, and
on weekends. inadequate insulation in a building contribute to
consistently high levels of illness and absenteeism.

Counting the Cost of Workplace Stress

Sircss causes problems, and these problems • Poor reputation A company with
cost organizations in different ways dissatisfied customers will need
• Low qualit) o\ service An increase in to pay for changes to restore confidence

complaints and lost customers costs time m its products and services
and money. Complaints take time to deal • Poor organizational image A company
with, and replacement products or ma) recruit only a low-quality - or

services cost mone) Loss of customers inexperienced - workforce, since high-

endangers a compam fliers arc unlikel) to be attracted to it

• High stafl turnover. Both time (for • Dissatisfied workers Valuable time is

retraining) and mone) (for recruitment) spent in disputes with management over
are spem on replacing unhappy workers. terms ami conditions of employment.

Di fining Stress at Work

Anxious about
annual results
//us chart shows one example oj the stria ture oj a department
in an organization, indicating typical causes oj stress thai max
affect staff at certain Inch in the structure and particular causes
that arc affecting individuals. Stress is contagious: anyone who
Senior m vnager is not performing well due to stress increases the amount oj
pressure on their colleagues, superiors, and subordinates.

Demands of
superior and
may conflict.

Involved in detailed
arrangements jor
business trip

Personality clashes
at the
same level
promotion. since

to retire

X Manacjkr

in the hierarchy.

Working hard New recruit,

tojinish project not yet familiar

before going with culture
on vacation of company


may cause staff
to make errors

Concerned that she

is not advancing as
Overeagei to

jast as colleagues progress, so may not

listen to superiors
Lacks confidence


in meetings


1 1
Understanding Stri s^

Recognizing Symptoms
r I
y here is no single symptom that
A can identify stress - stressed and 10 If you suffer from
unstressed people may equally well regular headaches

have heart disease or drink to excess. or insomnia, see

A common factor in stressed individuals a doctor.

is the presence of a number of symptoms.

Physical Signs
Some physical symptoms of stress can be life-

threatening, such as high blood pressure and I I Make a note of

heart disease. Less life-threatening physical signs
anything that you
include insomnia, a feeling of constant fatigue,
can find that helps
headaches, skin rashes, digestive disorders, ulcers
colitis, loss and cramps.
of appetite, overeating, you relax.

Many some point after a

of these occur at
stressful event. Other symptoms of stress

are more immediate - for example,

Eyes are bloodshot
feelings of nausea, breathlessness, and pujj\

or a dry mouth. All these

Clothing is

symptoms, of course, may be disheveled

caused by factors other than Posture is

stress. If you or a colleague are slouched

naturally prone to headaches, for

example, be wary of jumping
to inaccurate conclusions
about stress levels.

// is often quite easy to spot signs

o) s(/(ss in the people you work

with. Sonic <>/ the more common
symptoms Include a marked
decline in personal appearance, a

quick and fiery temper, changes in

eating /m/'i/s. and a general

withdrawal from social activities.

Recognizing Symptoms

Emotional Signs
The emotional symptoms of stress can include 12 Listen to what
general irritability, acute anxiety attacks, depression, your body tells
lack of libido, the loss of a sense of humor, and you as objectively
an inability to concentrate on the simplest of
as you can.
routine tasks. Understanding unusual emotional
responses and related changes in behavior is the
key to recognizing stress in yourself and others.

Some of the most common indications of stress are: Points to Rrmkmber

• Becoming unnecessarily overemotional or • Family, friends, and colleagues
aggressive in conflict situations; often spot signs of stress before
• Loss of interest in personal appearance, other the affected individual does.

people, social events, or previously enjoyed • Hobbies and interests are healthy
activities, such as a favorite sport; mood enhancers; their absence,
especially if sudden, may worsen
• Poor concentration, difficulty in remembering,
underlying stress.
and an inability to make decisions;
• Sadness, guilt, fatigue, apathy, and a pronounced
• Almost everyone has a certain
weakness that comes to the
feeling of helplessness or failure;
fore when they are stressed. For
• Loss of confidence in personal ability, often example, many resume smoking
coupled with a lack of self- worth. even though they "quit" before.

Behavioral Symptoms
As a temporary relief from stress, many people Alcohol consumption can
creep up imperceptibly
indulge to excess in eating, smoking, drinking,
or spending. Stress can turn an occasional Chocolate
provides a
smoker into a chain smoker and the social
drinker into an alcoholic. Individuals may sugar hig

not recognize they are overindulging; those

who do may go to some lengths to keep

their self-destructive behavior from

fnends, family, and colleagues.

Sugar, alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine can all
help overcome fatigue, anxiety, and tension Smoking may
rapidly - but all too briefly. Used to excess, Caffeine consumption ini reast with
they heighten the symptoms caused by stress. ma) nsc rapidly stress levels

Understanding Si ri ^^

Measuring Stress
There are a number oj elements
that can be quantified and used as 13 Ask yourself if

approximate measures oj stress levels. other people find

These elements vary according to whether you stressful to

stress is being measured in an individual, work with.

in an organization, or in society itself.

Looking at Statistics
One of the most useful sources of information
14 Keep a diary of
j- c on the level of stress in society
y is national
statistics - tor example, the annual rate ot heart
the days that you
attacks and suicides. Changes over a period of
feel highly stressed. time in these statistics are particularly significant

since they highlight trends. An increase in heart

attacks or suicides usually reflects a major social
cause of stress in a country, such as widespread
unemployment or economic catastrophe.

Measuring Stress
in Individuals Stress Statistics
Although stress in individuals can be measured The following statistics attest

to some extent by things like heart rate and the to some of the effects of stress:

level of adrenaline production, it has more to do • Stress-related problems are

with how far "out of sync" an individual is with thought to cause hall ol all

their usual physical condition. Since everyone has premature deaths in the US.
a different heart rate or blood pressure, there is • In the EC, some 10 million
no average statistic to indicate personal stress. Also, people suffer from work-

different people respond differently to stress. In related illness each year

some, stress can manifest itself in panic attacks, • In Norway, work-related

headaches, or stomach problems. Others may suffer sickness costs 10 percent ol

a lack of sleep or a loss of self-esteem. There are the Gross National Product

also thought to be different responses for men and • In the UK, 180 million work
women. Whereas women may become withdrawn days per year are lost through

or depressed, men are more likely to become stress in the workplace

aggressive, irritable, or develop addictions

Measuring Stress

Measuring Stress
in Organizations
Companies and other types of organization have
15 Treat yourself to
certain widely recognized quantitative measures of
something you
the level of stress, the most popular of which is
want but would
the absenteeism figure. This is the percentage of
staff work on any one day However,
absent from not normally buy.
you cannot deduce that the company with the
highest rate of absenteeism is necessarily the most
stressed; certain industries are more prone to
absenteeism, through injury for example. In fact,

many companies suffer from "presenteeism," the

16 Make sure your
presence of disaffected or exhausted workers of no
more benefit to the company than absentees.
desk is as near a

Increasingly, those suffering from stress choose window as possible.

to go to work rather than stay at home.

Measuring Stress Levels

Type of Stress Elements That Can Be Measi red
Societal Stress • Unexpected changes in crime figures.
This is visible in society as a • Unemployment figures, with special regard to inner-city
whole, manifesting itself with areas in which unemployment may be endemic.
a decline in general behavior. • Educational results, especiallyin schools in poor rural
and run-down inner-city areas.
• Levels of emigration and immigration.

Personal Stress • Persistent insomnia.

This causes individuals to suffer • Rashes, cramps, headaches, or other physical symptoms
a lack of both control and ability of unknown origin.
to function on a reasonable level. • Changes in eating patterns.
• Marked rise in a personal level of cigarette, alcohol, and
drug consumption.

Organizational Stress • Unexpected changes in levels of absenteeism

This affects the general morale of among employees.
an organization, resulting in both • Quality of production within the organization, with
financial and personnel problems. the emphasis on apparent decline.
• Number of work-related accidents.
• Number of work-related health complaints.

Understanding Si ri ss

How Stressed Are You?

The its

hurdle to beating stress
- acknowledging
is recognizing
that stress is a Options
problem is a vital step toward reducing it. Measure
1 Never
your level of stress regularly by responding to the

following statements, then mark the options closest 2 Sometimes

to your experience. Be as honest as you can: if your

answer is mark Option 1; if it is "always,"

"never," 3 Often
mark Option 4; and so on. Add your scores together,
4 Always
then refer to the Analysis to see how you scored. Use
your answers to identify the areas that need improving.

I blame myself when I bottle up my

things go wrong at work. problems, then feel

like I want to explode.

I concentrate on my I take out anger and

work about
to forget frustration on those
personal problems. nearest to me.

00S i a
I notice negative changes I focus on the negative
in my behavioral patterns rather than the positive
when am under my

I pressure. aspects of life.

. 2 3

How Si Rl SSED Aki Yoi ?

I feel uncomfortable 1 feel that the role I play

when experiencing within my organization
new situations. is worthless.


I arrive late for work 10 I respond negatively

or important meetings. to personal criticism.

I feel guilty if I sit
m~~~ I feel rushed, even
— if I

down and do nothing am not under pressure.

for an hour or so.

4 i

13 14
I have insufficient time I demand attention
to read newspapers as or service immediately.
often as I would like.


I avoid expressing my 16 I undertake more tasks
true emotions both at than can handle at once.

work and at home.


Understanding Stri ss

17 I resist taking advice

18 I ignore my own
from colleagues professional or
and superiors. physical limitations.

19 I neglect my hobbies and

20 I tackle situations

interests because my work before thinking them

lakes up all my time. through thoroughly

1 3
LlJ Hi il \li

21 I am too busy to have

22 I put off confronting
lunch with friends and and resolving difficult

colleagues during the week situations when they arise.

LU [i ^

23 People take advantage I am embarrassed

of me when do 1 not to say when I feel

act assertively. overloaded with work.

25 I avoid delegating tasks
u I deal with tasks before
to other people. prioritizing my workload

4 000
How Stressed Arf: You?

Af 28
I find it difficult to say I feel I need to finish all
no to requests and demands. outstanding work each day.

a a a aj

29 I

cope with
I will not be able
my workload
X 30 Fear of failure stops
me from taking action.

a 3 4 l 2 3 4

31 My work life tends to 32, become impatient

take priority over my if something does not
family and home life. happen at once.

a a
Now that you have completed the self- 32-64: You manage your stress level very

assessment, add up your total score and well. Too little stress can be unstimulating,
check your stress level by reading the so strive to achieve the optimum balance
corresponding evaluation. However low between positive and negative stress.

your stress level may be, there is always 65-95: You have a reasonably

room for improvement. Identify your safe level of stress, but certain

weakest areas, then refer to the relevant areas need improvement.

sections in this book. Here you will find 96-128: Your level of stress

practical advice and tips to reduce your own is too high. You need to

stress levels and minimize any stress- develop new strategies

inducing factors in your work environment. to help reduce it.

Analyzing i mi: Causes o\ Stress

Analyzing the
Causes of Stress
Society, the working world, and daily life have changed
almost beyond recognition in the past 50 years. These
changes have contributed to a major increase in stress.

Changing Societies
Demographic change has been dramatic
in recent years. Changes include rapid 17 Use travel time
population growth, migration from rural to plan your day
areas to cities, a rise in the number oj elderly or switch off - not
people, and the developing role oj women. All to do extra work.
these changes have increased stress levels.

The most stressful change in recent decades has
been rapid urbanization. some industnalized

countries, such as the Netherlands and Germany,

more than 80 percent of the population lives in
cities. Stress arises from cramped living conditions,
the proximity of millions of other people, and high
levels ol crime, noise, and air pollution


h took thousands qj years before out planet
boasted one billion people Sow (he population

m< reuses by ova one billion pei decade

Changing Soc ii riES

Aging Populations
Life expectancy is increasing - people live longer CHANGES IN
than ever before. This is due to better diet and WOULD POPULATION
The i harts below show how the av<
a rapid improvement in medical knowledge over
age of the world's population changed in
the past 200 years. The fall in the birth rate
a 50-year period. From 1950 to 2000,
(especially in urban areas) means that the worlds the population pyramid turns upside
industrial nations now have an aging population - down, ending up with the largest slu e o)

an increasing proportion of over-60s. On an the population aged between 50 and M

years instead of under the age of 30.
individual level, this may be stressful when there
is conflict between career plans and long-term care Key
for aging relatives. The cost to society is also
i JO million 10 million
increasing as healthcare costs continue to spiral. I men women

Age Population in 1950 Estimated population in 2000

» • •
• • • • • o o o o o
• • • • o o o o o o c

• • • • • o o o o o
fllll oooooioooo
• • • • •
miiiiii OOOOOiOOOO
• • • • • • • • •

••••••ooooo lllllllll
>•••••••• oooooooo


•••••••ooo o o o o t • • • • • • • o ooo ooo
100 m 50 m 50 m 100 m 100 m 50 m 50 m 100 m

Changing Gender Roles

The role of women has changed dramatically over

lo Spend an hour or the past 100 years, especially in urban societies. As

women make up a greater part of the total labor
two alone each
force, they are judged by the same critena and put
week, away from
under the same stresses as men. However, women
work and family. often suffer more stress than their male colleagues
because of conflict between work outside the
home and work within the home, where they may
continue to shoulder the main responsibility for

traditional female roles. These changing roles also

challenge male identity and work patterns as

women take on jobs traditionally held by men.

Analyzing rHE Causes 01 Stress

Changing Organizations
recent years, many companies have
launched new products or services while 19 Try to anticipate
also making cutbacks. Such changes can be corporate change
vital to a company's survival, but employees by constantly
may find themselves working harder than updating your skills.

ever and facing an uncertain future.

Responding to Pressure
The Language The upheaval triggered by the need for cost-cutting
of Change and increasing productivity has two main causes:
Acoi ISITION: the purchase by • Globalization has left local suppliers facing stiff

one company of the controlling competition and led to aggressive cost-cutting

interest in another. in the marketplace;
Alliance: a connection • Information technology, including fax machines,
between two organizations e-mail, and video conferencing, has accelerated
for their mutual benefit. the speed at which many business transactions
Flattening: widening the can be performed and put pressure on the
scope of jobs by compressing workforce to be ever more productive.
organizational hierarchy.

Globalizing: marketing Rethinking Companies

products or services worldwide. New competition and pressures on companies to

MERGER: the combining of two be more productive have led them to pursue certain
or more organizations into one. strategies that put their workers under stress.

I 'kin vnziNG: selling a state- Mergers and acquisitions between corporations

owned firm to the private sector. have been taking place at an increasing rate and,
(,)i U-m M W \<.l\(i: setting when these occur, they usually bring job losses.
up company systems to This is because they tend to create one large
monitor product quality. corporation in which key positions at many levels

Ki ENGINEERING: completely are duplicated, making job cuts inevitable

rethinking and redesigning
organizational processes.
20 Adopt new management ideas
Ki si ki cn Ki\<.: reorganizing
only if they are useful - never
the structure and processes ol

work within an organization. adopt what is merely fashionable.

Changing Organizations

Changing Operations
In the search for improvement, companies look
closely at how they operate - the way production 21 Protect your
processes work, for example, and ways of keeping
job by drawing
track of stock. Many companies have experimented
attention to the
with reengineering their structures and involving
employees in controlling product quality and value of your work.

ensuring continuous improvement.

The introduction of robots on to assembly lines
has eliminatedmany manual jobs once required for
mass production, so that manufacturing jobs are
often relatively isolated with little social contact.

Encountering New
Work Cultures
22 Take advantage of The changes occurring in the workplace in recent
years have radically altered the work culture of
training programs
many companies, large and small. For example,
to learn as much opportunistic takeovers have put old-fashioned

H as you can about

new or different
organizations into the hands of ambitious and
fast-moving entrepreneurs with very different

work cultures. values. Widespread privatization has turned

state-owned enterprises into private enterprises,
which tend to be more committed to maximizing
profit than to maintaining the workforce.

Reaching the Limits

All these changes in the workplace - technical,
strategic, operational, and cultural - have had
23 Identify like-minded
profound and far-reaching effects on the
colleagues, then
employees of the organizations that undergo
them. A number of studies have pointed out that,
work with them
although workers are adaptable, there are limits to adapt to change.
to the amount of change that human beings can
absorb. If organizations keep reaching and
exceeding these limits - moving the goalposts -
they may find that eventually their workers can
no longer tolerate the demands made of them.

Analyzing i mi Causes of Stress

Changing Practices
Change is less stressful when anticipated.

Keep abreast of recent developments 24 Be prepared to

within your industry, familiarize yourself change careers
with new technology, try to gain experience at least once in

of as many different skills as possible, and your working life.

maximize the options available to you.

Reassessing Markets
The ability to anticipate change depends on

25 When learning
recognizing shifts in supply and demand in the

labor market. This is not easy, if only because the

new technology,
advent of computers has meant that changes
start slowly and
occur much more rapidly than in the past. There
build confidence. are, however, a few key communication and
computer technologies, including the Internet
and multimedia, that are widely available and
drive many other developments. Keeping abreast
of changes within these technologies can maximize
job prospects and minimize by giving you

the ability to change with the employment market.

Understanding A Sl'RFI.NCi
New Technology The advent of e-mail

Computers are fundamental to and the World Wide

99 percent of the worlds businesses. Web on the Internet is

rapidly changjng the

But many senior managers who are
way we all work
responsible for purchasing hardware
and deciding how to use it have
scant knowledge of how much
it can do. Courses covering all

stages are available to help
improve your computer skills -
utilize them, since computer

literacy is essential for

employees at all levels.

Changing Practices

Relocating Offices
Information technology provides more flexibility in

the way we work today by enabling individuals to

26 Try to set up an
decide how and where they work. Those whose
office near other
jobs require little more than a computer and a
people: isolation
phone can work as easily in an airport lounge
or the back seat of a car as in a traditional office. can be stressful.
Many people now choose to work at home. In
this way they can work without
the usual interruptions while
avoiding the cumulative stress of
commuting and reducing travel

costs. Everyday chores such as

shopping and settling bills are

increasingly being carried out by

computer from home offices.


Try to locate your home office in a room
set aside for that purpose, as jar as possible
from living and sleeping areas, so you can
leave work behind at the end of the day.
Many people who work at home convert
a spare bedroom into an office.

Diversifying Careers
27 Make sure your One spin-off from the rapid changes occurring in
home office is the workplace is the opportunity to enjoy several

separate from different careers during a lifetime. Traditionally,

people learned a trade or profession that they then

your living space.
practiced throughout their working life. Today, the
demand for skills is changing so fast that this is

no longer very likely to happen.

Adaptability and flexibility are vital to minimize
the stress of job loss. Anticipate changes, and be
It is never too late
prepared for them wherever possible. Retrain if
to learn a new skill
necessary, and look on an unexpected job loss as
such as computing. an "opportunity," allowing you to pursue a new
career doing something that really interests you.

Analyzing mi Cu si s 01 Stri ss

Analyzing Jobs
Some jobs are intrinsically more stressful
than others. Jobs at different levels 29 Assess the stress
within the hierarchy of an organization each factors of any
have their own stress factors. Likely stress new job before
levels are an important consideration when you accept it.

deciding if a job is suitable for you.

Levels of Stress in Different Job Types


Incompanies where money is the major product, a high

Accountants, stock-market traders, is a permanent feature. The larger the
level of stress

mortgage consultants, bank tellers. amounts involved, the greater the stress on the staff.

Sales-Oriented These jobs pressurize workers by continually demanding

Sales and marketing managers and that they reach targets within certain budgets and
consultants, advertising executives. deadlines. Salespeople are constantly "on show."

Technologicaj Information-technology specialists need to keep abreast of

Computer programmers and the fastest-changing industry ever. Technicians need to fix

technicians, statisticians. hardware and explain complex problems to the uninitiated.

Ml Dl \ Periods of calm are interspersed with frantic bursts of

Newspaper, magazine, or television activity as media workers hunt for new subject material
journalists, producers, editors. and are then required to be creative under tight deadlines.

Medicaj When people's health and even lives are at stake, there
Nurses, doctors, anesthetists, can be enormous pressure to make the right decision
pharmacists, physical therapists. quickly. There is great stress in dealing with human distress.

Pi OH E-B tSI l) These jobs require skills such as tact and discretion that
Personnel managers, social workers, can make it difficult to socialize with colleagues. It may
counselors, any managers with a be necessary to implement job reductions, disciplinary
team of staff working under them. procedures, and other decisions that cause people distress.

Analyzing Jobs

Stress in staff

Frequently, managers find Meeting Staying

deadlines within budgets
themselves in isolated positions.
They are often caught between
trying to satisfy the needs of
their staff on the one hand and Reporting to ^—^_ 1 m ^K- J Adapting

fulfilling the wishes of their

superiors 1 "
1 to change

superiors on the other. They

also need to make difficult

decisions about the future of

their staff. Managers require DEMANDS ON A MANAGER
a number of people skills, Too many demands and too much responsibility placed on one
person can result in high stress levels. Many managers regard
which may be difficult to define.
stress as a normal part oj working life, but without adequate
A feeling that you lack these timejor relaxation, stress can lead to illness and even death.
skills is stressful, as is an
inability to delegate, an inability
to say "no," a sense of ambiguity
about your supposed role, and
30 Gradually increase the number
too much responsibility.
and complexity of tasks you
delegate successfully every day.
Finding little variety
in daily tasks

Being uncertain Having no

Stress at
about career
control over
Other Levels
Junior white-collar workers
may suffer from the stress of
Lacking in


Feeling the
lack of job
too little and not
enough control over a heavy
and tedious workload. An
employee on a production line
may become ill as a result of
unstimulating, repetitive work.
Many clerical jobs are so repetitive and undemanding thai
Stress among manual laborers

the worker receives very little job satisfaction. There is too can often be caused by the
little responsibility and therefore a lack of potential for physical demands of their jobs,
creativity The boredom and lethargy thus induced can such as dangerous or high-level
be highly stressful and difficult to shake off.
work on a building site.

Analyzing mi Causes of Stress

Assessing Relationships
Poor relationships with colleagues at
work can cause stress. Try to analyze 3 I Treat all staff with
relationships that could be improved and dignity and respect,
identify any problem areas. Is it difficult to regardless of their
control your subordinates, for example, or positions or titles.

are superiors distant and unappreciative?

Experiencing Change
New organizational structures lay great emphasis

32 Give coworkers on teamwork. The rapid growth of information

technology can make middle managers obsolete
a treat to show
by reducing their function as communicators of
your appreciation.
information through an organization. Letting go
of such managers and the consequent change in
corporate hierarchy are part of a process known
as "flattening." Stress in a flattened company can
arise because more people find themselves working
at a similar level of seniority, and this can lead to
33 Have lunch with
greater competition. Employees are working more
a new colleague to
closely with their colleagues than before, and their
establish a working roles in a team can often overlap. The success of
relationship. a smooth-running and happy team depends on
cooperation. If this is not present, conflict is likely.

Cultural Differences
The opportunities for misunderstanding irrelevant - in fact, youth is seen as being

thai arise when working with people from linked to energy. In East Asia, howtf

other countries can be intensely stressful. is respected because it is linked with

If you do business with a society that is experience and wisdom Senior managers
culturally different from yours, familiarize may not expect to have dealings on an

yourself with the values espoused by that equal basis with a younger person, and you

society For example, in Europe and the US, should always be sensitive to this when
the age of senior staff is regarded as largely negotiating with someone ol a different age

Assessing Relationships

Observing Relationships
Despite corporate restructuring, relationships at

work are still largely influenced by hierarchy and 34 Introduce yourself

by the level of cohesiveness in a group. Factors
to other people in
such as length of service and different skill areas
your company by
play a crucial role in such work relationships.

around your office: who goes to whom for help? visiting their offices.

Who socializes together? Is anybody isolated, and

do you know why? Are there any rivalries?

Dealing with Fellow Workers

--* Superior
Is your superior a reader (prefers written
reports) or a listener (prefers verbal
information)? Communicate in the way
they prefer to maintain good relations.

Team members may be competing with

i you for promotion. If you work together,
be aware of any conflict of interest,
not assume you share the same
and do

As a manager it is inevitable that

you will come into contact with Subordinate
people on all levels. Keep lines of Gain respect from subordinates by treating
communication open at all times them as equals. Encourage two-way
to avoid stressful misunderstandings dialogue so that they know what is going
and any resulting conflict. fj on and can make a positive contribution.

Analyzing Problems
Layers of formality at work may make it difficult to

confront a relationship problem, but failure to do so

35 Share the trip
means bottling it up, which can be very stressful.
to work with
First, you need to identify the basic cause of the

problem, then talk to someone who understands

a colleague who
the situation and can help. Common problems lives nearby.
between people include no feedback on decisions,
office politics, uncertainty about roles, unreasonable
deadlines, and personality clashes. Once you have
analyzed the problem, you can decide on a solution.

Analyzing ihi Cai si - 01 Si ri ss

Assessing the Workplace

The structure of an organization
day-to-day workplace conditions can
and its

36 Always be flexible

have a major effect on stress levels. Take in your attitudes -

a long, hard look at both areas to help you may not know
identify what is putting you or your colleagues the full story.

under stress, then work out the best solutions.

Knowing Your Company

Do you agree with the way your company does
37 Play an active part business? Do you feel comfortable with its policies,

structure, and hierarchy? If the answer to any of

in improving the
these questions is "no," you are in a stress-creating
quality of office life.
situation. It may seem that the easiest thing to do
is just to leave an organization if you dislike its

structure, but such a radical move is in itself very

stressful. It is better to familiarize yourself with all

the information you can about the areas you do

38 Do not make
not like and to learn the reasons behind the way
major decisions the company is organized and run. Having armed
too quickly. yourself with all the facts, you can then become
involved in suggesting improvements from within.

Sharon was apposed discussed the
Sharon's attempts to change the company's
new product P^ successes with the
company policy wen- vetoed by development sales
™nager at Tiny Tim ^cton then
ha boss, putting her in a Toys spoke to the
™kers of quality
stressful situation. Aftei learning
ch-Wrma-.e was
toys £ sales

representatives to
the company's
faced w*h products
more about the company, she arg ldmarket ng
realized that her original ideas decl n ng
( (
S a,e,

The doctors
She then
by toy stores.
produced a report
were too radical, she went on to constantly
rejected her lowing that T,ny
new T,m Toys
develop successful new products Product ideas, was respected
and after by reta.^
^veral months b "t was seen
building on the company's she became as unexc,t,ng.
very frustrated. The board
existing strengths gave Sharon
Ur »der pressure ^e go-ahead to
to come update ,ts
U P with ideas most
that the successful |,ne
board of toys,
-ould find
acceptable, she ^d sales figures slowly
°egan to improve.

Assessing the Workplace

Improving Conditions Points to REMEMBER

A poor working environment can be a major • Maintaining a pleasant working
cause of stress. Not only does it affect the way environment shows the company
you do your job, but it can also undermine your cares for its employees, giving a
health. Assess working conditions using the better image to visitors.

checklist below. If conditions need improving, • Good use of space allows each
person some privacy, even within
make the changes that you can implement, then
open-plan offices.
ask your organization to make it a priority to
• Natural light can lift moods
make further improvements if necessary:
and prevent eye strain.
• Are the desks arranged to maximize space?
• Investing in good storage systems
• Is there noise or other pollution?
cuts down on the time wasted
• Is there enough natural light? looking for lost papers or files.

• Is there enough storage and filing space? Do

• Potted plants improve humidity
colleagues put things back where they belong? in dry air-conditioned offices.
• Is the temperature consistently comfortable? Is
• Adjustable chairs help prevent
it controlled artificially? Does the air conditioning back pain, a major cause of
work well? Does it make noise? absenteeism among office staff.
• Is the office equipment sophisticated enough • Repairing or replacing faulty
to deal with the tasks being set? office equipment improves
• Is there a support network in place in case
efficiency and productivity.

computer, electrical, or other systems fail?

If necessary, rearrange
the layout of an office to

create a more relaxed

environment. Try to
strike a balance between
allowing easy contact
and providing privacy.

Set aside a table for

meetings in a quiet area
so that distractions are
kept to a minimum.

Analyzing rHE Causes 01 Stress

Coping with Daily Life

Many people believe that they have
no choice but to work all the hours 39 Attempt to have
available. This belief may be reinforced if lunch with your
work is used to escape from other problems. partner or a close
Be aware of your needs, and try to develop friend once a week.
a fulfilling private life as well as a career.

Dealing with Change

Life events can suddenly disrupt a happy balance
between work and home. A change of job is an
obvious example; events such as marriage or the
death of a parent may also undermine this balance.

When stressful changes occur, take time to

reassess your lifestyle. Draw up a list of your
priorities. You may know what is important in your
life, but you may have difficulty in accepting or

seeing the implications. "My children are the most

important thing in the world to me," says many a

manager who sees them on just one night a week.

Use change as a positive way to reorder your life.



Building a happy family life and
establishing a close iinle <>/ friends can

prove 10 be a sm essful i way to avoid stress. 6

^ 60
> w
M c 9)

<D 40 O
Research has revealed thai the death qj 1
a partner is at the top oj the list qj life's CO « "j5 ° 1

Q. >v
most stressful events Even positive events
V — a
such us marriage can cause tremendous 20 O ¥
u n
stress. Experiencing a number of major C §
O 9 E
life events in a short period oj time
* I
greatly iru reascs the risk qj stress
Life events

Coping with Daily Life

Coping with Life Events

Aside from death and divorce, there are a number 40 Listen carefully to

of other life experiences that can cause high stress what your children
levels. These include moving, having a baby (for say to you.
both mother and father), taking a job in a foreign
country, and retiring from work. Such events all

involve major change, a break in daily routine,

and often a series of goodbyes.
To minimize the stress caused by such an event,
do not pretend that it has not happened, but try to
41 If you live near
reduce the uncertainty involved. Visit the foreign
your work, walk
job site before you move. Take retirement gradually
or cycle to work a
by working two days a week initially Take at least

a week off work to move. Use up any paid or few times a week.
unpaid leave. Take time and care to say goodbye.

to Work
Our daily journeys to and
from work are among the most
stressful regular events in our
lives. Worries about punctuality,
traffic jams, and overcrowded
trains and buses are experienced
on a repeated basis, and over
weeks and months this can lead
to an accumulation of stress.

A COMMUTING BY CAR Think carefully about whether

If it is important that you arrive somewhere at a specific time, you can rearrange your travel so
do not travel by road. Today's traffic jams make the car the least
that it occurs outside the usual
reliable form of transportation - as well as the most antisocial.
rush hours. If possible, work at
Use an alternative method of transportation where possible.
home for an hour or two in the
morning. Arranging flexible

working hours allows you to

42 Learn to talk openly about your
avoid peak travel times by
emotions and feelings with close
arriving at work late or early,
friends and confidants. reducing the stress linked to
time pressure and punctuality.

Di \i ing wim Si R] ns at Work

Dealing with
Stress at Work
Everybody responds to stress in a different way It is only
by understanding the nature of individual responses that you
can start fighting stress in yourself and others.

Identifying Attitudes
Organizations, like individuals, differ

greatly in their attitudes to stress. 43 Set up a suggestion

Some take a hard-line approach, expecting box so employees

their employees to be tough enough to can leave ideas for
handle stress. Others are more caring and reducing stress.
helpful in their responses to such problems.

Knowing the Culture

44 Relieve pressure Take note of the predominant attitudes and
by discussing work behavior at work to assess your organizations
problems openly. approach to stress. If stress is an intrinsic part ot a

job, it is often easier to glamorize it than to change

working practices. In certain work cultures, some
stress is unavoidable: oil and mining companies
expect employees to spend time away from home,
and management consulting firms and investment
45 Go for a jog or
hanks expect their staff to work long hours. It is

swim at lunchtime
important to be able to identity unacceptable
to alleviate stress. levels of workplace stress; disguising stress can
make- it harder to deal with the long term effects


CASE STUDY suffered because

that t«c f
he knew
Hebegantoexpe This case reflects a common
problem. Many high-powered
^^r^ape^c^er. employees accept the heavy
workload imposed by their

companies and brag about

the efforts
of d-ffe^ent streSS
mL he took a long
d ° rt0rt
their responsibilities to disguise

fSs counsel stress and fears of failure. This

'^W*e company to company acted well by admitting

that it had contributed to an

unacceptably high stress level.

Assessing Commitment Attitudes
to Staff If your organization ignores
Some indication of a company's commitment to stress in the workplace, try
minimizing stress among its employees can be persuading its decision-makers
gleaned from its expenditure on the following: to take stress seriously by making
Training and Development them aware of the benefits of a
Companies sometimes give a figure for this in their new attitude. For example, point
annual accounts. If there is no figure, ask why. out how much money stress can
Rewards and Promotion cost in absenteeism, and explain
A company that appreciates good work may give how much other companies have
financial or other incentives, or reward by promotion. saved - several American
Recruitment and Selection companies claim to have reduced
The company that spends little time on recruitment absenteeism by up to 60 percent
does not mind if it loses its recruits. Candidates by introducing counseling for

applying for jobs may find that a slow selection staff. Remind employers that

procedure or careful checking of references means productivity usually increases

that the company cares about its staff. when employees are happy.

Pension Funds
A company with a generous staff pension plan
is probably serious about keeping its employees and
46 Challenge racism
or sexism within
looking after their general welfare (including their
working conditions) over a long period of time your company.

Di \i [NG with STRl SS a i Work

Devising a Strategy
\ny organization should view devising a
l\ strategy to reduce stress as a necessary 47 Think about
part oj the cost of maintaining its most introducing a pilot
valuable asset - its workforce. The ideal program before a

strategy will depend upon the size and full program.

resources oj the organization.

Considering Elements
48 Set up support The following elements can be included in an
systems to help organizations strategy for reducing stress:

stressed staff. • A program to increase the level of awareness

throughout the organization of the enormous
cost of stress within the workplace;
• A program to help employees identify
the symptoms of stress both in themselves
49 Increase investment
and in their colleagues;
in staff training
• A counseling program to help individuals;
where necessary. • A system for monitoring absenteeism (the
reasons for implementing such a system, and
how long it will take to implement, should be
explained to all staff);

• Regular feedback reports to staff concerning

THINGS TO DO the progress of the new strategy and any
improvements that it brings about;
1. Identify those employees
most at risk from stress. • A program of stress-preventive measures to

2. Offer incentives for low

improve the overall well-being of employee- in

absenteeism, being careful the long term, such as the provision of sports
not to increase stress. facilities, flextime, health insurance, and
3. Promote stress awareness regular medical cheeks
in in-house publications.

4. Do not allow anyone to

work in-house after 7 p.m. 50 Examine the resources of your
5. Introduce a no-smoking company before deciding which
policy in your office. strategy to use to deal with stress.

Devising a Strategy

Deciding on
Levels of Change
When you are devising your strategy, you need to
51 Encourage healthy
choose a level of intervention: primary, secondary,
eating by improving
or tertiary. Each level will bring changes to bear on
in-house cafeteria
a different aspect of the stress problem. Primary
intervention concerns fundamental change and is lunch menus.
rare; secondary intervention combats specific
causes of stress; and tertiary intervention is

concerned with individual treatment and long-

term recovery

Considering Levels of Intervention

Level Examples Implications

Primary Relocating from urban areas to I Companies must pay relocation

Involves radical more improve the
rural sites to expenses and set up support
change affecting working environment. systems to help staff adjust.

an entire
organization. « Redesigning premises, and # If staff are adversely affected
rebuilding if necessary, to while building work takes place,
upgrade and modernize facilities. organizations may be obliged
to offer compensation.

Secondare Improving access to sports * Companies may need to provide

Deals with the facilities to promote the health showers and changing rooms for
specific causes of and fitness of employees. those using sports facilities.

stress by tackling
problems directly. Providing an improved diet for 1 In-house cafeterias should be
staff where in-house cafeteria able to offer a wide choice of
facilities exist. meals and provide for those
with special dietary requirements.

Tertiary Initiating programs to help Ongoing support should be

Provides help on staff stop smoking or drinking; provided for staff who are trying
an individual basis offering free medical checks. to give up smoking or drinking.
for those who
suffer from stress. Providing free, confidential • Free counseling services should
counseling for employees be made available for as long as
with personal problems. individual staff members feel that

they require them.

Di ai [NG wi n Si RESS a
i i Work

Taking Positive Action

An organization that sets out to take
L positive action on stress at work must 52 Be aware of
commit itself to the costs involved to reap your company's
the full benefits. These benefits can be policy on stress

measured financially as well as in terms management.

of morale and increased productivity.

Starting Gradually
Taking steps to minimize stress involves change,
which itself is often stressful. Remember that
the costs of a stress-management program can
include poor morale the plan Introduce
if fails.
53 Monitor cases of
such programs gradually to ensure that each step
absenteeism: which
achieves its aim. For example, if employees are
given free membership at a local gym, monitoring
days of the week
the staff usage will provide a good indication of are the worst?
how popular it is. If the facilities are well used, it

might be worthwhile considering providing an

on-site company gym, secure in the knowledge
that it would not be a waste of money.

Analyzing the Costs of Inters entiois

Direct costs to
• Expenditure on staff allocated
to planning program
• Expenditure on implementation

Intervention Indirect costs

• Time spent monitoring program
program to organization
• Absence of workers while on course
• Poor morale if intervention fails

Costs to • Stress felt by employees upon

individuals entering program

• Buildup of workload

Taking Positive Action

Committing to Change
Stress management is not a quick-fix solution.
To be effective, intervention must extend indefinitely,
54 Seek out factual
and the emphasis should gradually shift from cure
evidence for the
of stress to prevention. Initially, the aim should be
effectiveness of
to reduce absenteeism by removing or changing
the factors that create stress. Once the drop in any intervention.
absenteeism levels off, the program should aim to

prevent it from rising again. So, in the early stages

the emphasis should be on change, while later it

should be on monitoring and maintaining the

well-being of staff.

was replaced wrth single-status

employment in which workers
were divided into grades. The

better the quality of work,

the higher the grade of pay.

MAKING CHANGES She also introduced a bonus

plan rewarding workers'
This chief executive focused
oustandmg achievement.
on shifting the emphasis from
Signatures of agreement
speed to quality of work, and were obtained from all the
building team spirit. These employees before the changes
measures increased both job were implemented. This made
satisfaction and efficiency the workers feel more like a

and thereby reduced stress

team and had a positive long-
effect on output
levels in the workforce.

consults then
CASE STUDY employees should
company that all
A large

Vufflned a sharp
drop m profit
on team-building
taking part .n
staff turnover. Here, company structure
due to a h,gh
of management resistance was found to be the cause
A team Desp-te initial

consultants was appointed managers, the of falling profits. Although

from certain
by the
directors to

the problem;

they reported
^ course went
members noted
an increase
aheadTeam the fundamental changes

introduced to solve the

too ngid a in
and understanding
trust problem met with resistance,
general lack Many
structure and a dunng the course.
between the improved relations
commumcation attended the
of managers who
reported improved
between and
and management
staff Tourse also
structure ot management benefited the
Changes to the workmg relations wrth
the company were colleagues and
)unior staft. whoh i ompany, lowering stress

and implemented.The and ultimately raising profits

Pi \i [ng wi 111 Stri ss ai Work

Reclaiming Your Desk

Start with your own desk to reduce stress
in the workplace. Mess just makes for 55 s
Start each day

stress. Do not fool yourself that a messy stress-free by

desk is acceptable because you know where straightening up

things are. Do not rely on new technology the night before.
and the "paperless office" to rescue you.

Points to Remember Clearing Out Debris

Some people have a fear of throwing things away
• Papers, files, and books are best
stored on shelves and not your and of discovering that they have just disposed
desk, leaving more work space. of the very thing they need. They therefore hoard

• Old newspapers should be thrown every useless or out-of-date note. In most jobs,
away - news becomes stale fast. however, you can safely follow the three-month
• Large pieces of paper are best rule. Anything that has remained unread on your
for writing notes. Scraps get lost. desk months is due for
for three a move on to

• Records of phone calls are useless another destination - either to a file for long-term
if you cannot remember when storage or into the wastepaper basket. If you
they occurred, so date notes.
have not organized your desk or done your filing

for a long time, you need to be ruthless. Son

papers and notes into three distinct piles:
56 Keep an executive
• Action now - work to be completed today;
toy to play with - put the paper
• Action later in your pending
during breaks. tray and complete the work within a week;
• No action - file it or throw it away.

Getting Organized
Equip your desk with an in-box, pending A DISCARDING
tray, filing tray, and out-box - use a
/( is less stressful to have
stacking system to save space. Make sure an empty desk and a lull

you sort through your pending tray and wash- papa basket than (he

empty it once a week. Arrange your desk reverse Putting unwanted

papei m the can brings
so that those things you use most often arc
a ual sense o) achievement
most accessible. Position your computer so Recycle papei possible

you do not need to twist around to use it

The monitor should be directly in front of you

Reclaiming Your Desk

Improving Surroundings
Stress is affected by other visual stimuli, such as
the color of our surroundings. Companies use
57 Try out different
color to create moods - in stores, reception areas,
room plans before
and so on. Do the same for the space around your
desk. The color you select will depend on whether you settle into

you prefer to be soothed or stimulated by your a new office.

surroundings. Choose whichever shade is easiest

for you to live and work with. Add color to your
desk with flowers, plants, and family photographs.

Computer monitor is angled

away jrom harsh light
Desk is brightened up
with bunch oj flowers Plant adds touch
oj greenery to desk

Family photo reminds

you of happy times

Filing cabinet
is close at hand

Chair swivels to face

computer or writing space

Make your workspace as aesthetically 58 When you move to a new work
pleasing as your home. After all, you space, spend time thinking how
probably spend more waking hours
there than you do in your home.
to make it more pleasant.

Di \i [NG Wl i ii STR1 SS ai Work

Studying Work Patterns

Stress can be insidious and cumulative.
The best way to avoid suffering from it 59 Ask a colleague
is to learn to anticipate it. By analyzing and to let you know
pinpointing events and times that regularly when you appear
cause stress, it is possible to set about to be stressed.
preventing further problems from occurring.

Stressful Times
In the aftermath of a stressful time at work,
60 Overestimate it is

easy to forget just how you managed to cope. In

when calculating
order to analyze stress effectively and make changes,
the time that a
you need to recognize your own patterns and cycles
project will take. of behavior. To do this, familiarize yourself with
those times of year, month, week, and day when
you find you are most busy, keep records of the
problems you experience, and obtain feedback from
colleagues on how you perform when stressed.


Work Patterns 1

Make up an annual or half-

yearly chart to help you analyze 2

annual work patterns. List all

the major projects or tasks you 3

need to complete, along with

their start and end dates. Draw 4

a line between these two dates

for each task, and you will be 5

able 10 see where the overlaps

Fairly / Very busy / Quietest I
occur. These mark your busiest quiet time/ time time/
times at work and will help you
plan ahead, avoiding any
//us half-yearly i hart shows the work pattern oj someone whose
bottlenecks and taking vacations busiest period is in March. During ihis time, five majoi tasks are
to coincide with quiet periods ending, just beginning, oi are in pro

Si i dying Work Patterns

Daily Work Patterns

Difficulties in time management and workload
prioritization are among the most common causes
61 Jot down problems
of stress. Once you have identified where such
on a day-to-day
problems exist, you will be better able to handle
basis, then see if
them. The best way to do this is to keep a detailed
daily stress diary. Prepare a "to do" list of all the a pattern emerges.

tasks you have to perform each day, then use this

to analyze how you are coping with your workload.

Tasks are ln< reases in
Note down any problems that interfered with or checked work being
prevented you from completing your tasks. This as they are carried over to
completed next day are
may take time to produce, but in the long term it
will prevent day-to-day stress.

Daily Planner Date: 6th July Daily Plainer Date:
Time Appointments ^LACE Time \ Appoin
Starting time of each
11.30 Sew Project - Susan h\,C 10.30 \ Project
meeting or appointment is
l.i a i Lunch mill Bob KnYu
recorded, along with its

location and purpose

To Do - Hoi tK TO Di) - tl oak
1. Read reports from last meeting • 1 . Review job applii
_'. Prepare agenda for Monday • _'. Schedule fob uit<

Tasks are prioritized in

3. Review presentation graphics • 3. >iilimii annual b
-f. Review job applications -f. luthorize hutch ,

order of urgency
To Do - Persois \i. To Do- Person \i

1. Pick up cloihcs from dry cleane s • 1. Send birthday cc

" _'. Buy red wine for dinner •
Essential personal tasks are
1. Too many phone interruptions - ask 1. Project meeting <
listed separately
Indy to handle calls or take message s. in insure agenda
_'. Too much paperwork - delegate more.

/']. 1 noble io review job application -

Problems are
ilo them tomorrow.
listed at the end
oj each day, along with
ideas for resolving them


The three main reasons foi using a stress
diary are to record and pinpoint stressful
62 Set realistic goals so that you areas, to highlight increases m workload or
do not feel stressed by too many other potentially stressful devebpments as
they arise, and to have a tool for assigning
failures to meet deadlines.
priorities. Set out youi stress diary as

shown here, or tailox it to you\ preferences

Dealing with Stress at Work

Getting Feedback
A crucial part of dealing with stress is being able
to communicate effectively with the people you
63 Never knowingly
spend so much time with - your colleagues. One
embarrass people
way of doing this is to ask colleagues for help and
advice in response to stressful situations.
by asking for help

If you find yourself under stress, try to make they cannot give.
contact with colleagues who are sympathetic
and attentive listeners - those who can resist the

temptation to interrupt. Even if they are not in

a position to offer advice, they can still help by
letting you talk through your problems and
giving you support and encouragement. Ask for

honest feedback about when you appear to be

64 Keep negative
most stressed - do you cope with meetings calmly
opinions about
but appear stressed before a presentation, for
your colleagues
example? In return, try to offer support when they
are under pressure. Be an attentive listener, and to yourself.
encourage them to talk openly about problems.

Sharing information bonds
people, both in and out of the

workplace. You may find that a

colleague has a solution to

a problem you have
been having.

Studying Work Patterns

Analyzing Planning sales Career Vacation

Stress Cycles strategy appraisal abroad

Once you have analyzed your Preparing Seasonal

busy times of the year and budgets Vacation holiday

recorded your daily workload for

a month or so, take an overview High

to determine your personal daily,

monthly, and yearly stress cycles.

Bear in mind that the effects of

cumulative pressure can increase Low

stress. What may be easy to cope
with during a quiet period will I < £ * O Z Q
feel less possible during a crisis. A Working Year
Consider which tasks you A YEARLY CYCLE
find particularly stressful - The effects of long-term stress can be serious. The person to
whom this chart belongs spends more than jive months oj the
doing a large number of routine
year trying to cope with high level oj stress. Periods ojlow stress
tasks may be less stressful than occur only when on vacation or spending time away jrom the ojjice.
completing an urgent, complex
one. Make yearly and daily charts

and use them

of stress cycles, to
Although every day is different, a typical pattern usually emerges
help you plan for a regulated jor most people. Consider whether you can alleviate stress, jor
stress pattern in the future. example, by delegating more or eliminating unncessary tasks.

Tactics Run-through Important Endoj

Commute Coffee meetingjor Lunch prior to presentation Routine working
time presentation break ,
meeting to clients filing day



10 a.m. 12 p.m. 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m.

A Working Day

Di \i [NG wi m STR1 ^ a i Work

Managing Time
One the
of the major
symptoms of stress
is the feeling that there

65 Ask a member of
are just not enough hours in the day to do your support staff

everything that needs doing. This feeling can to field calls if you
be reduced by organizing time better with have urgent work.
the implementation of a few simple systems.

Prioritizing Objectives
In order to manage your time better, you must
begin with an assessment of your overall objectives
66 Try to take a
in life. What do you want to achieve - a happy
five-minute break
balance of work and family life? Are you actively
from your work chasing promotion in your present job? Will you
every hour or so. settle for a position in middle management, or do
you want the chief executives office? Once you
have decided, work out your long-term priorities,

then plan your workload accordingly

Points to Remember Planning Tasks

Divide your workload into three main categories:
• Objectives and goals change over
time. When they do alter, the A, B, and C. Consider any tasks that are both urgent
priority you give to different and important as A-tasks, important but slightly
tasks must also change. less urgent projects as B-tasks, and routine, Low-
• A task list is not static. A sudden priority jobs as C-tasks. At the end of each
crisis at work or home can working day, plan out what you need to do the
change it and its priorities.
next day. Intersperse your important A- and B-
• Many meetings are unnecessary.
tasks with C-tasks, such as filing or background
• Indecision wastes time, but a reading, to bring variety into your day and provide
hasty wrong decision will cause
relief from the constant pressures of important tasks
more stress in the long run.

• Checking on subordinates in

minute detail takes time and 67 Cross each job off your "to do"
will probably demoralize them.
list when the job is done. It is
• Telephone interruptions waste
satisfying to see a list shrink.
time. Tell people to call back.

46 Time

Allocating Time
To make the best use of your time and minimize 24th
8 a.m. 1 p.m.
stress, you need to manage each day carefully.
Read mail <m<l message* I. urn li

Look at all the tasks you intend to do, and allocate I h, 20 muu (I hi)

a realistic amount of time to each. When possible, 9 a.m. 2 p.m.

('.nihil reports (bi II a.m. Vfeetin
schedule one or more important (category A) tasks meeting with l> II 40 muu
in the morning to avoid the pressure of having 10 a.m.
Travel to meeting 45 mini .

them in the back of your mind all day. Set out your reread background material

schedule using a system that works well for you - 11 a.m.

Meeting with HII
whether a diary, a computer, or a time planner. I In I.') mills

12 p.m.
Travel Imrk mint make
-t.~> .-

Urgent tasks
Tuesday. Things to Do notes for 2 p.m. meeting
(category A)
• Finish report for are placed

sales department (A) at top of list


• Prepare for meeting The time you allocate to a certain task
on Wednesday (A)
or meeting and the time you spend
• Process invoices (B) < KEEPING actually completing it are not always the

• / pdate computer
TASK LISTS same. Mark in your diary how long each

lists (B)
Make a list of all the tasks task takes and the duration of each meeting

that you have to do. Place (including time spent preparing and
• ( 'heck minutes of
them in order oj priority, traveling). Over a period oj time, note any
meeting for Friday (B)
deciding where they rank habitual discrepancies and build extra time
• Filing (C) according to their urgency into future schedules to avoid pushing
and their importance. tasks forward, causing them to build up.

Relieving Stress During Travel Time

Many of us spend a lot 4 STRENGTHENING
of time traveling between
i Grip a bar or the top of your
home and work and for
steeringwheel and slowly roll
meetings. Traveling can

be very stressful - frequent

flyers are three times more
wrists 1 your hands backward and
forward. Repeat 10 times.

likely to suffer psychological INCREASING

disorders than most people
Place your fingertips on a
- so learn a few simple fingers
bar. Push hard so thai the
exercises to help you reduce fingers bend back, then
stress while on the move. relax. Repeat 10 times.

Di \i inc. w 1 1 ii Si Rl ss \i Work

Communicating Well
On 1
average, managers send and receive
78 messages every day oj their 68 Do not overload
working lives, while their secretaries handle people with
even more. Ij this load increases without information that
proper management, it may eventually they do not need.
lead to a communications gridlock.

Managing Information
Knowing how to communicate effectively is

crucial to the success of organizations everywhere,

6/ Keep a log of
as well as to your own peace of mind. There is
messages that
a wide choice of communication tools available
require a reply.
for modern businesses, and information can be
Follow them up. transmitted efficiently using systems such as e-mail
or fax. To minimize stress when using electronic
systems, allocate sufficient time to send and reply
to letters and messages, or try to delegate these

tasks. Keeping on top of correspondence and

processing information improves your efficiency
at work and reduces stress. Good communication
will also encourage a fast response from others.

was the wrong way to

irtroe nta\
managef. communicate her final decision
^^• adeTcde between and would any
neededt° Sates ^ a
to Bill intensify
^ stress that he was feeling. She
>nternaUand^e oth Methods ('/ communication
explained the reasons behind
should be tailored to the audience
her decision, emphasizing that
be cav*-~ & iv
was a valued employee, that
and the situation In this i a

^dthe the decision had been difficult Man feli that writing a nu
and that Bill would be positively was an inappropriate way
.********[ .nary
considered for promotion in the informing Bill qj the situation.
future. Since appreciated
am Bill
Telling him in a one-to-one
^ounongl^ tMt Mary's honesty and accepted
meeting that he was valued, and
her explanation, he did not feel
giving him hope qj a promotion m
aPPO^terooore-^' bitter undervalued, or resentful
the future, helped minimize th*
toward Joe and Mary.
stress oj not being promoted.

Communicating Wi-.i i

Keeping Up to Date Cultural

Video Conferencing
People all over the world can participate in the To communicate effectively

same meeting by using a video link. This saves in business worldwide, it is

time and travel expenses. essential that you are aware of

E-Mail cultural differences. In Britain

Electronic mail allows you to correspond using and the US, for example, you
your computer. It is the fastest and most effective may be able to drop in to see
way to send messages and documents worldwide. someone "on spec." In Asia,

Internet however, where communication

An Internet link provides immediate access in business is less open and
to information on every imaginable subject more formal, it would be more
(a registration fee may be required). The data can appropriate to arrange your

be downloaded and saved onto your computer. meeting properly in advance.

Working Together
Communicating with colleagues within a work
hierarchy can be stressful. Minimize stress by:
• Communicating and discussing issues face
to face whenever possible to establish good
working relationships;
• Consulting frequently with colleagues and
other teams to get their input;
• Listening to what other people are saying,
even if you do not agree with what is said;

• Criticizing peoples ideas constructively.

Face-to-Jace meetings, such as impromptu
meetings between two colleagues, are often
more productive than written memoranda.

70 Write faxes and letters early in

the day - your communication
skills will deteriorate as you tire.
Di \i [NG wi m Si R] SS \i Work

Gaining Inner Balance

\lthough events cannot always be
l\ controlled, your reactions to them 71 Do not ignore
can be. Learning to respond in a balanced, your problems -
appropriate fashion to events at work is a acknowledge them
key skill infighting stress. A bad day at the as they arise.

office is just that; it is not life -threatening.

Modifying Behavior
Behavioral patterns deeply embedded in our
subconscious often surface in times of stress, even
72 Avoid people and
if they are not appropriate for work. For example,
situations that
if a situation at work makes you feel uncomfonable
tempt you to
and you do not take action it, you may
to change
behave in ways up and is reflected in
find that resentment builds
you are not your behavior - you may become angry and
happy with. intolerant of other people. Learn to find inner
balance and overcome inappropriate behavior by
analyzing any feelings of unfairness and trying to
discover and deal with the root of the problem.

Setting Your Standards

A common cause of stress is feeling guilty about
doing or not doing something at work. Remember,

no one is do not ask too much of

perfect, so Yoi n Rights
yourself. If you have very high standards and
. You Ik ire the right
expectations, it can be difficult to accept that you to make genuine
have made a mistake. Try to regard mistakes as a mistakes without
part of a learning curve - analyze what went wrong, feeling guilty.
correct the error, and avoid repeating it. Similarly,
. )<>u In ire the right
it can be difficult to refuse work, even when the
to refuse other
request is unreasonable. For this reason, it is

important to learn to say "no" graciously. To lead excessive
a balanced life at work, you need to establish your demands on
own priorities, standards, and rights and be willing YOUr time.
to take responsibility for your own actions.

Gaining Inner Balance

Handling Anger
Gaining inner balance has much to do with 73 Exercise can be

controlling anger. Anger is a disabling emotion a short-term

that produces measurable physical sensations, solution to anger.
such as an increase in pulse rate and a rise in
blood pressure. An explosion of anger may make
you feel better briefly, but it will disguise the real
problem by becoming an issue in itself. If you
explode unreasonably at a person or in a
situation, question the root of it. Make a list
74 Be honest about

of possible reasons: am angry because..."

your reasons for

To control your anger successfully in the long rejecting a task.

term, explore what appears after "because."

Thinking Positively
In order to obtain a calm, low-stress working
environment, train yourself to think positively.
75 Try not to be
A positive outlook and the ability to remain
pressurized into
calm under intense pressure are likely to produce
making important
positive responses in your colleagues, which in
decisions hastily. turn will reduce the presence of stress in your
team or workplace. In the same way that stress
can infect a whole team, it can be eliminated by
a conscious group effort to think positively.

Learning to Say No
Some people find it difficult to say no; they are afraid of causing offense or think it might
be career-threatening. Remember that accepting a task you cannot handle can be damaging.
Use the phrases below to say no assertively without being aggressive.

Let's arrange to meet I don't think I can give

soon and talk about this you the answer you're
in greater detail. hoping for.

1 am unable to take on
any more commitments
at the moment. ^^
Di \i ing with Si ki ss a i Work

Making Time to Relax

When you are under stress, your entire
body becomes tense and your posture 76 Practice yoga or

changes. Make a conscious effort to relax a similar exercise

your body while at work so that you can routine to help

reduce tension and alleviate the damaging you relax.

effects of your physical response to stress.

through nose
Relaxing at Work
Feel When you spend several hours sitting at a desk
Place hand or in long meetings, tension can accumulate in
expand as
on chest you breathe the upper body, particularly around the neck
and shoulders, which can cause muscular aches.
Follow a simple routine during the day to help
you relax, release tension, and renew energy:
• Start by loosening your collar, tie, or scarf, and
untying your shoelaces - or take off your shoes;
• Run through the exercises on these pages,
concentrating on those you find most helpful;
• Repeat the exercises every couple of hours,
A EXERCISE ONE rather than waiting until you feel stressed and
With hands on your chest and abdomen,
breathe in unci out through the nose, tense. Remember, it is much easier to work
letting your abdomen expand and sink. toward preventing stress than to try to cure it.

Let your Draw Squeeze Make slow.

head I
all fingers over circulo)
backward iollar bone movements


/ oosen your collar and plan- you) Place your left hand on your right Place the fingers of both hands

hands ova you) shoulders. Exhale, shoulda and squeeze gently. Hold at the base of you) skull ,\ppl\
let you) head jail bat kward, and fo) several seconds, then rel slow, cin ulai pressure, working
slowly draw you) fingers ova you) Repeat along the shoulda and arm gradually down you) neck and
colla) bone. Repeal several times /)(> the same on the opposite side then out at ross the shoulders

Makinc, Ti\ii ro Rl 1 AX

Taking a Break from Working on Screen

Many people spend large amounts of time in front of computer screens. This is especially

tiring for the eyes and the surrounding muscles. Take a short break from computer work
every hour or so, and move or turn away from the screen. Perform the exercises shown
here at regular intervals to reduce tension and prevent eye strain.

Move thumbs
Massage gently in circular

around eyes motion


Close your eyes, relax the Place your fingertips on your
muscles in your face, and forehead and gently massage
Cup hands
unclench your jaw. Keeping the temples with your thumbs.
over eyes
your fingers together, place

the fingertips against your EXERCISE THREE

forehead and gently move Release any tautness in your face by
them in circles around your cupping your hands over your eyes
eyes. Repeat several times in and relaxing. Hold this position

one direction, then repeat for several seconds. Do this

in the opposite direction. exercise in darkness, if possible. MB

Gently pull head

downward Roll shoulder
Rest elbow on
opposite hand


Support your left elbow on your Place your hands on the top cj lift your rigjkt shoulder and slowly
right hand and drum the fingers your head. Allow your hands to rotate it backward. Repeat the
of your left hand on your right pull your head gently down, then exercise withyow left shoulder,

shoulder blade. Repeat with yow hold the position. Feel the slight then rotate both shoulders together.
right elbow on your left hand. stretch in the back of the m\k Keep your aims loose and relaxed

Di .\i inc, w 1 111 Si ki SS a i Work

Seeing Stress in Others

Stress can be infectious, so you need to

recognize it in others before it affects the 77 Help stressed

people with whom they work (including you). colleagues manage
There are many ways of reacting to stress; their time better.

learn to notice common warning signs so

that you have time to decide how to react.

Looking for Signs

The best way to recognize stress in others is to
spot changes in behavior. The difference between
/O Ask friends of
a bad day and a sign of stress is when the abnormal
stressed colleagues
behavior continues or even deteriorates. For
to help resolve
example, the once-prompt man starts arriving
their problems. late; the woman who was a good listener avoids

eye contact; the soft-spoken accountant loses his

temper when asked about an unpaid invoice.

Noticing Changing Patterns of Behavior

Normal Stressed
Toward Collbagi es Toward Goi 1 1 \<-i es
• Greets colleagues on arrival. • Sits at work in silence.
• Has lunch with colleagues. • Ignores opinions.
• Has a friendly manner. • Becomes irritable.
• Asks for opinions. • Lunches alone.

Tow \kd the Organization Tow \RD the Organization

• Keeps work space clean and neat. • Works in a chaotic fashion.
• Files paperwork in an orderly fashion. • Scatters papers everywhere.
• Knows where to find things. • Takes 15 minutes to find anything.
• Deals with correspondence immediately. • Leaves in-box full of correspondence.

Tow \m> Own APPE \i< \\« i Tow \m> Own APPE \i< \n< i

• Is smartly dressed. • Wears clothes unsuited to the job.

• Wears clean and well-pressed clothes. • Wears dirty and wrinkled clothing.
• Looks well-groomed. • Looks unkempt.
• Maintains good personal hygiene. • Does not appear to care about appearance.

Seeing Stress in Ohm rs

Points to Remember EXPLORING REASONS

• Colleagues may be able to advise
Once you have noticed some signs of stress

on recognizing and dealing with in a colleague, you need to start thinking about
stress within a team; pool your the reasons for it. Consider as many options as
ideas to develop a plan of action. possible - from problems home to any difficult
• Other people's high stress levels relationships in the workplace. Remember that
can be infectious; try to maintain
the factors that put you under greatest stress may
a level-headed approach to help
calm your colleague.
not affect others to the same extent. Once you
have pinpointed likely causes, assess whether or
• The best way to help a stressed
coworker may be to suggest that
how you can help your colleague. Often, only that
they take a break from the person can help himself, and all you can do is

project or take a few days off. ensure he is not put under additional pressure.

Analyzing Team Stress

Staff who work in teams, brought together to do 77 Give colleagues
a particular task, can suffer from specific pressures under stress some
related to working in a group. For example, if an relaxation tips.
informal hierarchy develops, some may not approve
of the self-appointed leader, or team members may
find it stressful to work with people who have
different work patterns to their own. Take time to
meet teams and individuals so that you are aware
80 Offer help only if

of team dynamics and can anticipate problems.

you have time to
You may need to alter working methods and the follow it up.

division of tasks within a team if stress persists.

Questions to Ask Averting Pressures

Yourself You can try to minimize stresses and pressures
Will talking to team members among those you work with by using open, flexible
highlight any signs of stress? working practices. The better communication
Should staff workloads flows, the more likely it is that stress is recognized
be reassessed regularly? and defused. Try the following methods of
Can stressed colleagues be involving people and reducing levels of anxiety
encouraged to participate in • Keep staff and colleagues informed about all
teamwork by drawing on their decisions that may affect them;
specific area of expertise?
• Encourage participation in planning;
What is the most likely cause
• Set aside time each week to ask for comments
of stress within a team?
and suggestions and to give Feedback.

Di \i ing wim Stress at Work

The effects oj stress

individual personality. The

are closely linked to
same level 81 Suggest that your
oj stress affects different people in different colleagues try to
ways, and each person has different ways oj view problems as
coping. Recognizing these personality types opportunities.
means that more jocused help can he given.

Understanding Types
Research in the 1960s into the effects of stress on
tne nean f° un d that some patients with similarities
82 Respect Other
in P ersona ^ l y were more prone to heart disease.
n n'nns - c\n nnt
These people were described as Type A, while those
eei you a ays
^^ were jyp e g
ess at ne former are
c | assecj as
need to be right. competitive and hard-driving and are likely to seek
out positions of responsibility. Whether their health
is at risk because they are in high-stress jobs or
whether high-risk jobs encourage Type-A behavior
is unclear, but these people may need more support.

Identifying Personality Types A and B

Listed here are some of the classic traits • Type-A personalities may show the
and behavior patterns associated with following tendencies: competitiveness;

personality Types A and B. It is rare to find hastiness; aggressiveness; Impatience;

someone who is a perfect Type A or B - assertiveness; perfectionism; restlessness;

many people exhibit characteristics of both punctuality; seeking attention

- but those with mostly Type-A traits often • Type-B personalities may show the
cope badly under pressure II you detect following tendencies noncompetitiveness;

kpe-A tendencies in colleagues, the) ma) placidity; patience; being laid-back; being

be al risk from stress and should consider relaxed; contentment, enjoying routine,

strategies to deal with this. tardiness; being happ) to work unnoticed

Analyzing Personality

Recognizing Strategies
Strategies for coping with stress can be divided into
two main categories: adaptive and maladaptive.
83 Identify and enlist
If colleagues exhibit adaptive behavior, they are
the help of stress-
probably dealing positively with a problem, talking
free, supportive
about it, and actively seeking help. If they are
behaving maladaptively, they may be causing members of staff.

themselves greater stress by ignoring their problem

and trying to carry on as normal. This type of
behavior, known as being "in denial," is often
associated with competitive, Type-A personalities.

Adaptive Bkii AVIOR Maladaptive Bhiiayiok

Seeking support
from superiors

V ^r
Taking on more
L than can be handled

< Working long and
irregular hours

Talking to friends
and dose colleagues
t Avoiding discussing

) J
Adaptive and maladaptive behaviors are
When colleagues are adversely affected by stress, two ways of dealing with stress. The former
their behavior may change dramatically, and tends to lead to problems being resolved,
while the latter can reasc problems.
negative characteristics may be intensified. For iru

example, a person who normally tends to be

impatient - and may be known for "not suffering
fools gladly" - may find that this degenerates to
84 Advise colleagues
to concentrate on
a point where they cannot control their temper,
leading to explosive and destructive temper tantrums. one task at a time.

Watch for such warning signals in your colleagues.

Di ai ING wim Siki SS \i Work

Helping Others
Once you have recognized that someone
is under stress and have started to 85 K
k eep a note of

understand the reasons for it, the hardest situations that

putt begins: making that person aware oj trigger stress in

what you have observed and encouraging your colleagues.

them to take corrective action.

Understanding Preventing a Conflict of Roles

Tension Areas
Always be aware of the work Uphold consistent Prevents people


a daily
and annual
needs to cope with
weekly monthly
basis. You will then
corporate attitudes

* > from feeling


better understand the pressures

they may be under at any given Define the hierarchy Lets everyone know
within the department to whom to report
time. Tensions may arise as
a result of competition between
colleagues whose jobs are either

very similar or have several Avoids

Provide clear job
overlapping aspects. In most descriptions for staff
instances, you need not worry
about competitive tensions;
encourage those directly involved
to work things out between Regroup teams to avoid j damaging
personality clashes power strugg es
themselves. If you become aware i

that a situation may escalate into

a problem, prevent role conflict

by defining clearly what is
Stops minor
Discuss problems
expected of each party openly as they arise II problems becoming
major ones

86 Ensure that staff

working together Give staff regular, Encourages a

constructive feedback two-way flow of
are compatible.
) information


Assessing Relationships
In many ways, the personal relationships that
exist between colleagues are just as important as
87 List all the people
their professional relationships. As a manager, try
who may be able
to be aware of who gets along with whom. Once
to help a colleague
you have a clear understanding of the personal
relationships around you, you can start to build under stress.

up teams of people who work well together.

Helping Others Barrikrs to Admitting Stress

Admit to Stress
Sometimes a subtle, indirect • Managers may believe
that their authority
approach is needed to help
rests to some extent
others admit to stress. Social
on appearing infallible.
relationships can cut across the • Managers may not want
rolesand hierarchies found in the to admit that they are

workplace - in some cases it may under stress for fear

that it will undermine
be appropriate to involve a third
their leadership.
party. This is one point where For Managers
you will find it useful to know

who gets on well with whom. # Colleagues may not

A discreet word with the right want to expose
person can reap great rewards weaknesses to each
other case they are

and is a helpful and tactful way
exploited in the future.
- as a first attempt, at least - to
• Friendships may suffer
bring someone's attention to their between colleagues
own stress levels. This will avoid who become rivals for

the same promotion.

the persons stress becoming an For Colleagi ES
official issue and may enable
them to remedy the situation.
• Subordinates may feel
A more direct approach may be that their careers will

if this

does not work.

to be supportive
$ •
of stress to

have a degree of

control over their jobs.

Subordinates may not
want to show

signs of
of one another. weakness to senior staff.
For Si rordin vtes


Di \i ING wiiii Si ki ^ a i Work

Implementing Action
Once stress is recognized and acknowledged, 8/ Suggest that your
devise a strategy to help the sufferer deal with it. meetings should
Ask both subordinates and colleagues if they have last no longer
any suggestions on how to reduce their own
than half an hour.
workload, for example, by delegating some aspects
of their role to someone else. Discuss all possible
courses of action that can be taken. Always endorse
alternative arrangements so that the person under
stress does not feel they are letting others down.

Finding a Soli ion to a Problem i

List difficulties

Consider causes

Problem Solution
Discuss remedies

Agree on action

Sharing Knowledge and Experience

It is sometimes possible to indicate subtly techniques and encourage awareness of stress

certain courses of action that can be taken patterns. Make general statements such as

to reduce stress levels without suggesting "I couldn't survive without my wallchart.

that any one individual member of stall has or "1 always need at least 15 minutes before

a problem. For example, everyone knows 1 go into a meeting to prepare mysell Make
thai tunc management can cause problems, colleagues aware that all brilliant leaders

so it is a good idea to pool your knowledge need their crutches Mention areas that you
and ideas on how to streamline the i\.\\ Be personally lind stressful and share solutions

blatant about introducing tkne-saving that have been successful for you


Supporting Others
Occasionally you will need to support others 90 Ask colleagues
who are in the middle of a stressful situation. Take to prioritize tasks
a calm, logical approach and follow these steps: in their diaries.
• Discuss the problems that the individual is

experiencing, then determine the underlying

causes of their stress - find out whether their
problem is work-related or personal;
• Having analyzed the type of stress from which
the person is suffering, discuss what help they 91 When talking with

would find most useful - this might take the a colleague, banish
form of work-related help (such as training), all interruptions.
emotional help (such as counseling), or medical
help (such as treatment for a condition brought
on or aggravated by stress);

• Assist the individual in finding the help

they need. Be prepared to suggest alternative
solutions in case they are unhappy with your Any discussion with a stressed colleague

initial suggestions and recommendations. or subordinate should take place in

confidence in a meeting room. Make
as much time available as is necessary.
Sit at right angles

to the pa under
stress to make them
jeel at ease

Keep body language

open to encourage
^B Arms forming
barrier across chest

free discussion

Taking Ai i ion \i Homi

Taking Action
at Home
Stress felt at work is guaranteed to affect home life, which
will have a detrimental impact on family and friends. Learn
to take time off, relax, develop interests, and eat well.

Taking Time Off

Taking stress home from the office has a

destructive effect on home life, and vice 92 Plan activities for

versa. The two can combine to form a vicious each weekend .Try
circle with no escape. Remember: to make not to let the days
any stress-reducing action effective, it must just drift past.

be complemented by taking some time off.

Making Time for Others

The first step toward reducing stress at home is
to allow plenty of time for family matters. Make
your family aware that vacations with them are
sacred, and show friends that they are worth more
than just a quick drink on a Friday night every
other month. Make sure that people at work are
aware of your commitments to your family -
your child's sports day, for example, or a special
anniversary - and that they have priority over
work issues. Simple
r o count
things lor a lot: make ,, ,
. „ „ xoui
you do not enio\
„ , „„„„„
„ „ lOtnpatn.
own ,

an effort to have lunch regularly with your partner you are condemned to be dependent on

01 tune to throw a hall around With your children. others Ltarn to enjoy yoursel) h\ yourselj

Taking Timi Oi i

Planning an Antistress Day

The world is changing faster than ever, and the speed
of these changes is putting us all under unprecedented
pressure. It is important that we regularly visit the

stability zones - dependable activities such as walking

the dog, going for a bicycle ride, reading a book,

watering plants, washing the car, or watching a

television show full of familiar, predictable characters

- that make us feel comfortable with ourselves and
convince us that all is well with the world. There is

nothing belter for recharging flat batteries than a

well-planned antistress day. Organize your activities

well in advance, take a day off from work, and plan

out your time. If you have any children, arrange for
Exercise is a major stress reliever.
them to stay with some relatives or friends, or include
Take up a noncompetitive sport,
them in your plans for your relaxation day. and build your strength gradually.

Morning Earls Evening

Make sure that when you ^-^. Resist the temptation to read
wake, you wake naturally. Do the papers or watch the news
not leap out of bed, but savor the prospect on television. In the treatment of stress, no
of the day ahead. Once you do get up, take news is good news. A key feature of any
a few minutes to do some simple stretching antistress day is not knowing what is going
exercises. Drink a glass of water before on in the rest of the world - it will carry on
enjoying a light breakfast, which should without you. Read a book, curl up with a

include at least one special treat. video, listen to music, or go to the movies.

Afternoon Night

O For some, a noncompetitive

day on the golf course might
1 Have
a leisurely bath,

yourself with
be the most pleasurable thing to follow oils. Listen to music while dressing slowly
breakfast. Others may want to set out for for a relaxed dinner in a restaurant with
some retail therapy - a spot of shopping your partner or a friend. Take a taxi, and
and a leisurely lunch with a good friend. do not worry about time. When you gel

Try to leave the car at home and walk, ride home, have a cup o! soothing herbal lea
a bicycle, or use public transportation. before going to bed and drifting oil to sleep

Taking Ac i ion at Homi

Learning to Relax
Relaxing completely is not simply doing
. nothing: it is a technique that can soon 7j Listen to your
be learned. Take some time out for a jew favorite comedian.

lessons, and you will then find it easy - and Laughter will help
pleasurable - to enjoy a regular period oj you relax.

relaxation in your busy daily routine.

Beginning to Relax
It is not always easy to relax at home, since there
are so many demands on our time - telephones
94 Avoid eating or
ringing, meals to be cooked, clothes to be ironed,
drinking heavily
and so on. Find a tranquil place in the house, and
period of uninterrupted time to do the
just before you
set aside a

simple relaxation exercise shown below You may go to bed.

choose to try it out first thing in the morning,
perhaps before breakfast, or last thing at night,
just before you go to bed. Wear some loose, baggy
clothes thatdo not restrict your movement. Place
a rug or mat on the floor, along with a cushion,
then lie down and begin the exercise. TENSING YOl
1. R
Rest aims on Lyingjlal on the floor, stretch your arms
floor for support Tense bach must \es out by eithei side. I s« the muscles
youi shoulders, back, and buttocks to

raise youi torso slowly of) the ground.

led (/)(• tension in \om body, then hold

the position jot the

count oj five.

2. RELAXING reathe through nose Relax


Slowly lowei youi back

flooi and

Repeat as required
and deeply
to the


Learning to Relax

Learning to Meditate Repeat a word or

phrase ova and
Meditation has been used for centuries to ova in your mind

counteract the effects of stress. Sit on the floor

in an upright position with your legs crossed,

arms resting on your thighs and palms facing
upward. Close your eyes and breathe gently from
through your nostrils, focusing on the diaphragm
air coming in and out of your body.
Sit for a few minutes, quietly aware
of your body. After a while, you will

feel the tension start to ease away.

The goal of meditation is the attainment
of a state oj calm awareness. If you find it
difficult to concentrate at first, persevere,
and slowly your mind will clear.

Sleeping Better
Seeking Help Everybody needs a different amount of sleep. For
People who have trouble in adults, the average is seven to eight hours a night,
relaxing may find relaxation but many high-achieving people claim to survive
therapies helpful. The many on four or five. Stress can cause us to sleep less

systems available include: than we need over a prolonged period and to sleep
Alexander Technique: poorly. To improve the quality of your sleep, make
learning how to use the body sure you relax before you go to bed. Switch off
in everyday tasks to minimize from all stimulating activities - especially work -
pain, stress, and injury. at least two hours beforehand. Try meditating.
Aromatherapy: massaging Read some light fiction. Listen to some music, or
the body with essential oils. watch television. Have a warm, milky dnnk last
FLOTATION: floating in a water thing at night, or try an infusion of one of the
tank filled with a solution of many herbal plants that are thought to aid sleep,
mineral salts. such as chamomile, valerian, or passiflora.

Shiatsu: using
finger pressure on
certain areas of the
95 When lying down to relax your

to relieve

and tension, /

• body, start by relaxing your toes,

and work your way upward.

Taking Ac hon ai Hmn

Developing Interests
Finding a balanced lifestyle is essential to

our overall well-being. Physical activities 76 Join an evening

such as aerobics or tennis can concentrate class every year,

the mind and help reduce the outward and start to learn
symptoms of stress, while hobbies such as something new.
painting can provide emotional calm.

Taking Up New Hobbies

Choose an activity that you really enjoy doing to

7/ Ask your company beat stress. The right pastime can be so absorbing
that it helps you switch off from everything else
to take corporate
and so engrossing that it becomes as refreshing
membership in a
as sleep. A hobby also helps boost self-esteem.
nearby sports club. After a day at the office when nothing seemed
to go right, you can head for your hobby and lose
yourself in your Some peoples hobbies have

even become their livelihoods.

Accountants have become avid
beekeepers; lawyers have turned
to furniture restoration. Hobbies
can be portable - many people
are able to combine their hobbies
with vacations, such as a cycling
trip in the Andes, for example,
golfing in Portugal, or perhaps
a guided tour of the flora and
fauna of Australia.

\ \l\\ iiomn

Remtmbei thai a hobby is meanl to be a

pleasure, not a chore - go ouf and paint
only when you feel like \i \\ you cannot
find the time to finish thai

do not worry. Do the best you can, and

, njoyment out qj it


Getting More Exercise

Exercise is widely recognized as beneficial in /O Take a vacation
reducing anxiety and improving sleep. However, that allows you to
take care, since those who exercise vigorously while pursue a hobby.
highly stressed are prone to injury. Remember to

stan gradually and build up to a regular exercise

regime. When planning your sporting activities,

build in the time that it takes to travel, change,

and shower. Some sports, such as tennis and golf,

combine physical exercise with social activity -

which is in itself a stress minimizer. Brisk walking, 77 When taking up
swimming, and aerobics classes are all effective in a new form of
improving the cardiovascular system. The chart exercise, start with
below shows the
one or more sports

* • • •
• • *
effects of different sports

flexibility, and strength.

activities that

Excellent effect
Very good effect
* *
it to
suit you.

Beneficial effect
Minimal effect
Q lessons from a


Choosing the Right Sport

Activity Stamina Flexibility Strength
Basketball ••• *••• •••
Bowling • • • • •

Cycling •••• •• •••

Golf • • • • •
Ki NNING •••• •• ••
Soccer ••• ••• ••
Sqi ash •••• •••• •••
Swimming ••• ••• •••
Tennis ••• ••• ••
Walking • • • • •

Taking Action at Home

Improving Diet
We are what
we eat. When we are under
we tend to Jill ourselves with 100 Breakfast like

convenience food, which can be synonymous a king, lunch like a

with "junk. " Eating well must be part of any prince, and dine

serious program to reduce stress levels. like a pauper.

Make a start by minimizing bad habits.

Reducing Bad Habits

Monitoring what you consume and when may
reveal bad habits that have crept into your diet.

The one glass of wine with dinner easily becomes

most of a bottle, while the pizza once a week
becomes a daily meal. Try to adopt a well
thought-out and balanced diet, replacing

convenience foods with healther alternatives.

Certain foods have been linked with poor
overall health. Avoid foods high in saturated fats,
such as meat, cheese, butter, and eggs. Use olive

oil or sunflower oil for cooking, and steam, bake,

BALANCING YOUR DIET or broil food rather than fry it. Eat plenty of oily
Instead of reheating convenience foods
fish, such as salmon, and try a soy-based meal in
when you come, home from work, why not
place of meat. Reduce your daily intake of caffeine
prepart \ outsell a nutntious plate of pasta?

It is just as easy and quick to cook as fast by replacing coffee and tea with water or juice.
foods and is a miuh healthier alternative Drink at least eight glasses of water even,- day.


101 Eat a crisp, raw
j^ Do eat small meals £f Don't snack between
carrot if you feel
at regular intervals meals, especially on
rather than one sugary foods, which the urge to eat
enormous dinner. drain the body of
between meals.
valuable nutrients.
^ Do determine your
optimum weight, and 2C Don't keep sweets in

then aim to stick to it. the house.

jg/ Do aim for moderation pC Don't eat a lot of salt,

in all things. sugar,or white bread.

mproving Diet

Essential Components of a Healthy Diet

Components Good Soi rces

Vitamins knd Minerals Vitamins come from many sou rces: Vitamin C from
Vitamins help the body function citrus fruits, tomatoes, melons, strawberries;
properly. There is an official Vitamin D from green vegetables, oily

recommended daily intake for every fish, milk, eggs; Vitamin 8 1 from
vitamin. Minerals, as important to meat, yeast, legumes. Leafy
good health as vitamins, consist of vegetables and fish are
some 20 chemical elements. good sources of minerals.

Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are found in whole-grain bread,

This large group of foodstuffs candy, cookies, pasta, apples, corn, cereal, baked
includes sugars and starches. and red kidney beans, lentils, green
Nutritionists generally recommend peppers, dried apricots, bananas,
that carbohydrates should make baked or boiled potatoes,
up approximately 55 percent of unsalted nuts, dried fruit,

a typical healthy diet. brown rice.

Proteins from Plants Good sources of plant proteins are peas, beans,
The body needs proteins in the and potatoes. Some plant
grains, lentils, seeds,
form of amino acids for cell growth proteins do not contain all or
and repair and to make enzymes for enough essential amino acids, - - ~«-

antibodies and hormones. All fruits so vegetarians should try to

and vegetables contain a certain eat a mixture of nuts or
amount of these proteins. grains and peas or beans.

Proteins prom Animals Red meats are a source of animal proteins that
Proteins of animal origin provide are essential for a healthy functioning body. These
complete protein. In other words, proteins are also found in other
they contain the whole range of sources, including poultry, fish,

essential amino acids that the eggs, and dairy products

human body needs and in such as cheese, butter,

the appropriate proportions. milk, and yogurt

Fats Fish, chicken, vegetable oils, and avocados

Fats are a key source of energy - are good sources of light polyunsaturated
we need fat to function efficiently. and monosaturated fats. Butter, meats,
A healthy diet should consist of 30 eggs, cream, and whole milk are high
percent fat, but too much can cause in saturated fat, which is harder for the
serious health problems such as body to process and less healthy than
heart disease and obesity. polyunsaturated or monosaturated fat.

[ND1 X

colleagues e-mail. 4<J
communicating with, 4K-4 L >
absenteeism feedback from, 44 controlling anger. 51
alcohol abuse, 8 helping. 58-61 symptoms ol Stress
back pain. 31 seeing signs ol stress in, 54-55 environment, workplace. 31, 41
(.ausi-s of, 7. 10 working relationships with. 2^
counseling services for, 35 color, m umking hands. 47
measuring stress in environment. 41 for relaxation, 52-53. 63. 67
organizations, 15 communication, 48-49 eye strain, 53
monitoring, 38 feedback, 38, 44. 58
statistics, 14 commuting. 33 F
stress-management competition, between family life, 9, 62
programs, 36. 37 colleagues, 58 taxes 49
adaptive behavior, 57 computers: feedback
adrenaline, 7. 14 e-mail, 4°. helping colleagues, 58
aging populations, 21 eye strain, ^3 helping yourself, 44
air conditioning, 31 home offices stress-management
alcohol, 8, 1 3 learning to use, 24 progran
Alexander Technique, 65 support networks for, 31 financial jobs,26
analyzing jobs, 26-27 in working environment, 40, 41 flattening, 22,28
anger, controlling, 51 coping strategies, 57 flexibleworking hours, 3 3

aniisiress days, 63 Cortisol, 7 notation therapy, 6^

appearance, difference in, 54 cost -culling, 22 food, 68-69
aromatherapy, 65 counseling friendships, 32
assertiveness, saying no, il absenteeism, 35
attitudes to stress, 34-35 stress-management
programs, 38, 61 gender roles, 21
B cultural differences: globalization, 22
back muscles, relaxing. 04 communication, 4°- guilt, feeling, 50
balance, inner. 50-51 respect for age, 28 gyms, providing, 36
of, 50
57 D
daily life, 32-33
health, effects ol stress on. 8
seeing stress in Oth decision-making, 9 bean disease, 8, M
symptoms of stress, 13 delegation, 27 helping others
blue-collar workers, 27 demographic changes, 20-21 hierarch)
boredom, 27 denial, maladaptive behaviour, 57 role conflict in. 58
breathing, relaxation. 52, 65 depression, 8 in team
desks, organizing, 40-^41 working relationships, 29
diaries hobbii
carbohydrates, 69 planning da home lil

diversifying, 25 stress diaiu home offices, 25

ommuting by, 3 3 diet, 68 hormoro
10 33 divorce 9 human body, effects ol

( hange drug abuse S

(.hanging practices, 24-25
in organizations, 22-23 information, communication,
in society, 20-21 eating habits -

children. 9, 33, 62 electronic communication information technolog)

i lerical work* i systems, 49 inner balance, Si


insomnia, 12. 65 P subordinates (contini

Internet, the. 24. 49 panic attacks, 8 management
irritability. 57 pension plans. 35 prograi
isolation: people-based work, 26 supporting, 61
in home 25
offices, personality types, 56-57 working relationships with, 29
of managers, 27 persona] stress 1 symptoms ol stress, 7, 12-13
manufacturing jobs, 23 physical symptoms, 8, 12
annual work levels, 42 takeovers, 23
job loss: time management, 46-47 task lists. 4h-47
alter mergers, 22 pollution. 31 teams:
diversifying careers, 25 population: in flattened companies. 1H
jobs: aging, 2 personality clashes in, 58

analyzing. 26-27 growth in, 20 seeing stress in, 55

job descriptions, 58 positive thinking, 51 technology-based jobs. 2t>
"presenteeism," 15 temper tantrums, 57
L prioritizing objectives, 46 tension, relaxation, 52-53
leaders, of teams, 55 privacy, 31 thinking positively, 51
leisure activities, 66-67 privatization, 23 time management, 46-47, 60
life expectancy, 21 productivity. 35, 37 time off, 62-63
lighting, in workplace, 31 promotion, 35 training:
listening, to colleagues. 44. 61 psychiatric disorders, 8 commitment to staff, 35

maladaptive behavior, 57
psychological ailments, 8

new work cultures, 23

managers: recruitment, 35 commuting, 33

admitting stress, 59 relationships, 28-29, 59 relieving stress during, 47
isolation of, 27 relaxation, 52-53, 64-65
relationships with fellow
workers, 29
relocating offices, 25
rewards, 35, 37
urbanization, 20
markets, reassessing, 24 rights, knowing, 50
measuring stress, 14-19 role conflict, 58
media jobs, 26 rush hours, 33 vacations, 66, 67
medical work, 26 video conferencing, 49
meditation, 65
meetings, 60
mental health, 8
sales-oriented jobs, 26
Shiatsu, 65
white-collar workers, 27
mergers, 22 shoulders, relaxing, 52-53 women, changing roles of, 2
muscles, relaxing, 64 "sick building syndrome," 10 work culture, 23, 34-35
65 work hours, 38
neck, relaxing, 52-53
sleep, 12,
smoking, 13, 38
social relationships, 59
work levels, daily 43
work patterns, analyzing. 42-45
"no," learning to say. 50, 51 societal stress, 7, 15 workplace, assessing, 30-31
sports, 67
objectives, prioritizing, 46
stability zones,
statistics, 14

office conditions, 31 stimulants, 13

organizational stress, 6 stress cycles, 45
causes of, 10-1 stress, definition, 6
changing organizations, 22-23 stress diaries, 43
costs of, 10 stress-management programs,
measuring, 15 36-39, 60-61
symptoms, 15 structural changes, 28
admitting stress, 59
organizational stresv 1 I

At know I I DGM1 N is

At i hor's Acknowledgments
["he production oi this book has called on the skills ol man) people I would like particularly

to mention my editors at Dorling Kindersley, and my assistant Jane Williams

Publisher's Acknowledgments
Dorling Kindersley would like to thank Emma Lawson for her valuable part in the planning
and development of this series, everyone who generously lent props for the photoshoots,
and the following for their help and participation

Editorial Tracey Beresford, Anna

Downey, Jane Garton, Cheifetz, Michael
Adele llayward. Catherine Ruhinstein: Design Helen Bentield. Darren Hill. Ian Midson,
Simon J. M. Oon, Kate Poole, Nicola Webb, Ellen Woodward; DTP assistance Rachel s ymons;
Consultants Josephine Bryan. Jane Lyle. Indexer Hilar) Bird; Proofreader David Perry.
Photography Steve Gorton; Additional photography Andy Crawford, Tim Ridley
Photographers' assistants Sarah Ashun, Nick Goodall, Lee Walsh.
Illustrators Joanna Cameron. Yahya kl-Drouhie. Richard Tibbetts.

Models Carole Evans, Vosjava Fahkro, John Gillard, Ben Ghckman, Zahid Malik.
sot ins Melioumis, Mutsumi Niwa, Ted Nixon, Mar)- -Jane Robinson, Lois Sharland.
Daniel Stevens, Gilbert Wu; Make-up Elizabeth Burrage

Special thanks to the following for their help throughout the series:
Ron and Chris at Clark Davis <Sz Co. Ltd for stationery and Furniture supplies; I'.ini Bennett and th

at Jones Bootmakers, Covent Garden, for the loan of footwear; Alan Pfafl and the stall at Moss |

Covent Garden, for the loan of the men's suits; and Anna Youle for all her support and assistance

Suppliers Austin Reed, Church 6z Co., Compaq,

David C lulow Opticians, Elonex, Escada, Filofax, Mucci Bags.

Picture researcher Mariana Sonnenberg; Picture library assistant Sam Ward

Picture Credits
Key h bottom, c center. I lett. 1 right. I top
C olleetions 32tl; The Imagebank 25n, J3d; Powerstock Photo ibrar\ 63tr, I

Spiccrs Limited 2 I I he Stoekmarket |M Roberts 20W; Telegraph C olour ibrarv 66H; I

Tony Stone Images jacket from cover fJ, 4-5, ilbr, 62bi

Author's Biography
inn I i iridic is ondon based business language consulting firm, Working Words, which
founder oi the l

helps international companies to compose material in English and communicate their messages
dearl) to their intended audiences A regular Business writer, mi Kindle has been a contributor to I

The Economist since 1979 and was editor ol EuroBusiness from 1994 to l^>o As editorial consultant
and author, he has produced a number ol titles including Pocket Manager, l't\kct MBA,
and Pocket Finance, and a biograph) ol Asil Nadir, the Sultan oj Berkeley Square

Communicate Clearly How to Delegate

Interviewing Skills Making Decisions

Making Presentations Manage Your Time

Managing Change Managing Meetings

Managing Teams Motivating People

Negotiating Skills Reducing Stress

^^M I 1

i i ii i


<,OMM INK .v I I




375 Hudson Street
New York, NY 10014

ISBN 0-7894-2444-4
j I lit o j
Practical techniques show you how to analyze
and improve stressful work patterns, prioritize,
delegate, and make time to relax

Cjear text and cover every aspect

of stress-management at work

bimple you to be fully prepared when

checklists enable
devising a stress-management strategy

Accessible charts and flow diagrams explore different

options for action and provide useful examples
ISBN 0-7894-2444-4 Printed in China



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