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Unit of work: Salvation topic: Human person Topic:
Prayer Guided through Prayer Human Consciousness

Year Level: 6 Students’ Prior Knowledge: (include faith

situations/previous lessons/Units)
Key Understanding:
 Students know as humans we need to make
Wondering at the Creator of the choice to do good. choices.
A1 Wondering at the ability to do what is good  Choices are made every day.
 Moral choices relate to human behaviour
Learning Point(s):  Students know some people make good
moral choices and some bad.
A1.1 Identifies right and wrong moral choices based on
 Reconciliation is a way we can say sorry for
the Ten Commandments and the Two Great
our bad moral choices and be forgiven by
Commandments of Jesus.
 Repentance is an important aspect of
understanding our bad moral choices, and
feeling sorry.
 Prayer can help us become closer to God
and strengthen our ability to do good.
 The Ten Commandments of God are our
guide to acting morally and Christian

Spiritual and Religious Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Faith Hope Charity
Right choices Right Inner strength Moderation Prayer Reconciliation eg Service
To search To search for To repent and
beyond and To regret and To yearn and God and become become
become wise become forgiving become good mystified by God redeemed by
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative behaviour Social understanding
thinking competence

Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Sustainability
histories and cultures Asia
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

 Identify the difference between choice and moral choice

 Identify a key difference between a good moral choice and a bad moral choice
 Actively contribute to group work task (oral presentation)
Provision for students at educational risk:
Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation:
(include Teacher Witness) Gifted – Student(s) will be asked to record all of the
presentations using the class iPad and create an
 A3 sheets of paper iMovie which can be added to Seesaw for parents to
 Textas view at the end of the week.
 Prayer table candle
 Whiteboard/markers Physical disability – Student with cerebral palsy in a
 Mat area tidy/welcoming wheel chair. Students working with that student will
 Video prepared be asked to work at their desks.

LESSON DELIVERY attach worksheets, examples, marking keys, etc. as relevant

Time Overview
Align these with the segment
This term students will be focusing on making choices and how God where they will be introduced.
helps us to make good choices.
Students will explore how choices individuals make can either be a good
moral choice or a bad moral choice.
To begin the unit of work, students will take part in a class discussion
about choices.
11.30 Motivation and Introduction:
Students are invited to find a comfortable space on the mat.
 Light prayer candle
Commence lesson with the Lord’s Prayer.

 Introduce topic of Making Choices to the class

 What is a choice?
 What is the difference between a choice and moral choice?

11.35 Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions)

 Encourage students to discuss choices collaboratively –

Think Pair Share

In pairs students discuss the word choice and think of an example, or

times when they have had to make a choice/s.

With the same person, students discuss moral choice and think of an
example when they have had to make a moral choice or have witnessed
a moral choice, either good or bad and discuss the difference between
a choice and a moral choice

 Encourage students to elaborate on what influenced them make

a good moral choice or bad moral choice
 Did faith contribute in the making a right moral choice?
 Did they turn to anyone for guidance? If so, who? Where they
following the example of someone they know?
 How did they feel when they made either a good or bad moral
 Is how we feel a good indicator as to whether or not we have
made a good or bad moral choice?

 Watch video

11.45  Students are asked to get into groups of four atch?v=IGX1XZb-lFY
Allocate Groups Roles
>Manager – collects and returns paper and textas
>Scribe – writes group ideas
>Presenter – shares group ideas with the class

Write wonder questions on the board/provide group with hard copy

of the wonder questions

 What makes a moral choice right or wrong?

 Why are some choices harder to make than others?
 I wonder if people feel like I feel when they make a good moral
choice? How do you feel? Where do you feel it?
 Why might some people make a bad moral choice?
 I wonder if people who make bad choices all of the time can
become good?

 In groups of 4 students discuss the different scenarios in the

 Students identify the good moral choices and bad moral choices
for each scenario and address the Wonder Questions in their
group presentation
 Students divide their page into 2 columns, Good/Bad Moral

 As a group, students think of a minimum of 2 examples when

they have made either a good moral or a bad moral choice

Students can work in a place of their choice within view of the class

12.05 Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)

 Students are asked to return to the mat.

 Each group has the opportunity to share their responses
 Students are asked to think of ways in which God can help them
make good choices

 Thank students for their thoughtful work.

12.15 Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

 One student collects the A3 sheets of paper

 One student collects the textas from each group
 Students return to their desks

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will they be


Students will be assessed using a marking key against a rubric

containing the lesson objectives.

Requires Work

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