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Batflat is a Polish content management system that is simple, light and fast. It was first released in May
2016. The free version of the application is shared under a license ( that
requires leaving information about the authors and backlinks. Batflat works great when creating small
websites such as business identity, portfolios, blogs or home pages. With this documentation you will
learn how to install, configure and create your own modules and themes.

The documentation is divided into several sections. The first is for general instructions, the second is
for web designers, and the last two are for web developers.

System requirements for Batflat are modest, so every modern server should suffice.

Apache 2.2+ with mod_rewrite

PHP version 5.5+
Access to SQLite

PHP configuration must have the following extensions:


First download the latest version of Batflat (

Extract all files from the compressed package and then transfer them to the local directory or remote
server. In the case of a remote server, connect to it via a (S)FTP client, such as the free FileZilla
( program. Usually, files should be uploaded to www , htdocs or
public_html .

Warning! Make sure the .htaccess file is also on the server. Without it the CMS will not work.

Some servers may require additional permissions chmod 777 for the following directories and files:
Made with ♥ by Sruu. (

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Open your browser and navigate to the address where the Batflat’s files are located. You should see a
default template with sample content.

To go to the administration panel, add /admin/ at the end of the URL. The initial login and password
are “admin”. It should be changed right after login for security reasons. We also recommend rename
the directory with the administration panel. (you need to then change the constant value in the defines

CMS can be configured by editing the settings in the administration panel and through the definition
file. However, we do not recommend changing the configuration in the file if you are an inexperienced

Administration panel
To change the basic configuration in the admin panel, select the Settings tab. You can enter a page
name, description or keywords in the meta tags, as well as elsewhere in the default template, such as
in the header. You can also change the homepage, default language (separately for the website and the
panel), define the footer content, and choose the editor (HTML or WYSIWYG) that will be available when
editing subpages and blog posts.

You will change the configuration of the remaining modules in the tabs corresponding to their names.

Defines file
More advanced things you can change in the inc/core/defines.php file, which contains definitions of
constant variables.

ADMIN — the directory name that contains the administration panel

THEMES — path to the directory containing the themes
MODULES — path to the directory containing the modules
UPLOADS — path to the directory containing the uploaded files
FILE_LOCK — lock the ability to edit files through the administration panel
BASIC_MODULES — list of basic modules that can not be removed
HTML_BEAUTY — nice HTML formatting after parsing
DEV_MODE — developer mode, where PHP errors and notes are displayed

If you want to keep up to date with all the latest news, bug fixes and security issues, you should
regularly check for Batflat updates. You can do this in the Settings -> Updates tab. The system will
check for a new version of the script and automatically download a new package from our server and

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update the core files and modules.

In case of complications you can use manual mode. To do this, download the latest version of Batflat,
upload it to the main application directory, and then add the &manual parameter to the end of the
update’s bookmark URL. The CMS should detect a zipped package and when you click on the update
button, the process of extracting and overwriting the files will be performed.

Before each update, Batflat creates a backup. You will find it in the script directory, in the backup/
folder. If an update has failed, you can restore it at any time.

The structure of themes in Batflat is very simple. Just create a new folder in the themes/ directory and
the following files:

index.html — default template for subpages

manifest.json — theme informations
preview.png — screenshot showing the theme (optional)

Each subpage can use another template, so besides the mentioned file, you can also create another, eg
xyz.html . Template selection is available in the admin panel while creating a page. There are no rules
about CSS and JS files. There is full freedom.

In the theme folder you can also create your own module views. To do this, you need to create a
directory modules/module_name and *.html files with names corresponding to the names of the
original views. For example, the view of the contact form should be contained in the following path:
themes/theme_name/modules/contact/form.html . Batflat automatically detects a new view and uses it
instead of the module default view.

Template tags
CMS uses a simple template system that includes the following tags:

{$foo} // simple variable
{$foo|e} // HTML escape for variable
{$foo|cut:10} // content of the variable cut to 10 characters
{$} // array

Access to the elements of the array is done by a dot character.

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{if: $foo > 5}
{elseif: $foo == 5}

{loop: $foo}
<li>{$key}, {$value}, {$counter}</li>

{loop: $foo as $bar}

<li>{$key}, {$bar}, {$counter}</li>

{loop: $foo as $bar => $baz}

<li>{$bar}, {$baz}, {$counter}</li>

The loop tag has 3 stages of expansion. The first is an array variable that the template system will
break into three variables named $key , $value and $counter , which counts successive iterations
starting from zero. The second step allows you to specify the name of the variable that holds the value,
and the third is also the name of the index variable.

Include template files

{template: header.html}
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>
{template: footer.html}

PHP code
Today`s date: {?= date('Y-m-d') ?}

If you leave the character = , the code will just execute and nothing will display. This allows you, for

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example, to define new variables within a template:

{? $foo = 5 ?}

Disable parsing
{noparse}Use the {$ contact.form} tag to display contact form.{/noparse}

Any tags inside the noparse expression will remain unchanged.

{* this is a comment *}

Comments are not visible in the source file after compiling the template.

{lang: pl_polski}
Witaj świecie!
{lang: en_english}
Hello world!

If you want to customize the template elements for a particular language, use the tags above.

System variables
Batflat, like its modules, provides many variables (usually arrays) that serve to display each page
element. Here are the most important ones:

{$settings.pole} — an array element containing the value of the given Batflat settings field
{$settings.moduł.pole} — an array element containing the value of the module settings field
{$bat.path} — stores the path where the system resides
{$bat.lang} — displays currently used language
{$bat.notify} — the last notification
{$bat.notify.text} - notification text
{$bat.notify.type} - message type corresponding to the Bootstrap classes (danger, success)
{$bat.header} — additional meta tags, JS scripts and CSS style sheets loaded by modules
{$bat.footer} — additional JS scripts loaded by modules
{$bat.theme} — displays the path to the active theme with the host
{$bat.powered} — displays Powered by Batflat with a link to the official site
{$} — displays a list of <li> navigation elements
{$page.title} — displays the name of the subpage
{$page.content} — displays the contents of the subpage

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"name": "Example",
"version": "1.0",
"author": "Bruce Wayne",
"email": "",
"thumb": "preview.png"

<!doctype html>

<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>{$page.title} - {$settings.title}</title>
<meta name="description" content="{$settings.description}">
<meta name="keywords" content="{$settings.keywords}">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{$bat.theme}/styles.css">
{loop: $bat.header}{$value}{/loop}



{$settings.footer} {$bat.powered}

<script src="{$bat.theme}/scripts.js"></script>
{loop: $bat.footer}{$value}{/loop}

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Each module, like the themes, must be in a separate folder created in the inc/modules/ path. Please
note that the directory does not contain uppercase and special characters, such as spaces.

Podczas tworzenia modułu należy zastanowić się nad tym, jakiego typu ma być to moduł. Czy ma być
konfiguralny w panelu administracyjnym, czy może ma działać wyłącznie po stronie gości
odwiedzających stronę? Ze względu na taki podział, w Batflacie wyróżniamy trzy główne pliki modułu:

When creating a module, you need to think about what type of module you want to use. Is it supposed
to be configured in the admin panel or is it supposed to work only on the front-end? Due to this
division, in Batflat we distinguish three main module files:

Info.php — contains information about the module, such as name, description, author or icon
Admin.php — content of this file will be accessible through the admin panel
Site.php — content of this file will be available for visitors of this site

The fourth but optional file is which should contain additional information for the future
user in Markdown (, e.g. how to use the module.

If you are planning to write a module that will use HTML, it would be good to make sure the PHP code
is separate from the hypertext markup language. To do this, you need to create a directory views
inside the module folder. Include any view files in it.

The problem with multilingualism of the module is similar. Just create language files with the ini
extension inside the lang directory.

The structure of the module should look something like this:

|-- lang/
| |-- admin/
| | |-- en_english.ini
| | |-- pl_polski.ini
| |-- en_english.ini
| |-- pl_polski.ini
|-- views/
| |-- admin/
| | |-- bar.html
| |-- foo.html
|-- Admin.php
|-- Info.php
|-- Site.php

Creating a module
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Info file
The most important file for each module. It contains basic information and instructions during
installation and uninstallation.


return [
'name' => 'Example',
'description' => 'Lorem ipsum....',
'author' => 'Robin',
'version' => '1.0',
'compatibility' => '1.3.*', // Compatibility with Batflat vers
'icon' => 'bolt',

'pages' => ['Example' => 'example'], // Registration as a page (optiona


'install' => function() use($core) // Install commands

// lorem ipsum...
'uninstall' => function() use($core) // Uninstall commands
// lorem ipsum...

A list of icons that you can use in this file is available at (
Be sure not to enter the icon name with the fa- prefix.

Registering a module as a page allows you to freely use the routing and select it as a homepage.

Admin file
The contents of this file will be launched in the admin panel.

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namespace Inc\Modules\Example;

use Inc\Core\AdminModule;

class Admin extends AdminModule

public function init()
// Procedures invoked at module initialization

public function navigation()

return [
'Foo' => 'foo',
'Bar' => 'bar',

public function getFoo($parm)

return "Foo $parm!";

public function postBar()

return "Bar!";

In the navigation method, include array with the subpages of the module. Each page should be
assigned a method (without a prefix). Items of this array will be displayed in the administration panel

Methods can also accept arguments that are passed through the URL. For example, after entering the
/example/foo/abc address, the getFoo method will return “Foo abc!”.

As you can see in the above listing, each method representing the subpage of the module should have
a prefix specifying the type of the request. In most cases we will use the getFoo nomenclature, and the
postFoo form form submission. If the method supports all types, it should precede the any prefix (for
example, anyFoo ). This is important because pages without prefix will not be handled. Supported
methods are translated by dynamic routing as follows:

getFoo() — as /example/foo for a GET request

getFoo($parm) — as /example/foo/abc for a GET request
postBar() — as example/bar for POST requests (form submission)
anyFoo() — as /example/foo for each request type

Site file

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This file is responsible for the portion seen by visitors of the website. If the module is quite large, good
practice is to register it as a page and apply routing.


namespace Inc\Modules\Example;

use Inc\Core\SiteModule

class Site extends SiteModule

public function init()

public function routes()

$this->route('example', '_mySite');

private function _mySite()

$page = [
'title' => 'Sample title..',
'desc' => 'Site description',
'content' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor...'

$this->tpl->set('page', $page);

private function _foo()

$this->tpl->set('bar', 'Why So Serious?');

In the above example, a new bar template variable has been created which, by calling the _foo()
method in the module initializer, can be used in the theme files as {$bar} . In addition, the routes()
method has created a /example subroutine that points to the _mySite() method call. If you go to , you will call the _mySite() method.

Language files
The module can contain language variables that can be used in classes and views. Language files have
a .ini extension and are located in the lang directory of the module. For example, if you want to add
a language file containing English expressions for the administrative part of the Example module, you
should create a new file in the inc/modules/example/lang/admin /en_english.ini path. The content

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should resemble the following listing:

full_name = "Firstname and surname"

email = "E-mail"
subject = "Subject"
message = "Message"
send = "Send"
send_success = "Mail successfully sent. I will contact you soon."
send_failure = "Unable to send a message. Probably mail() function is disabled on t
he server."
wrong_email = "Submited e-mail address is incorrect."
empty_inputs = "Fill all required fields to send a message."
antiflood = "You have to wait a while before you will send another message."

Use the $this->lang('subject') construction in the module class and {$lang.example.subject} in

view. For a class, we can leave the second parameter of the lang method, which is the name of the

Routing is the process of processing a received request address and deciding what should be run or
displayed. It’s supposed to call the appropriate method/function based on the URL of the page. You
must use routing inside public routes() method.

void route(string $pattern, mixed $callback)

The first parameter of the route method is a regular expression. Some of the expressions have
already been defined:

:any — any string

:int — integers
:str — string that is a slug

The second parameter is a method name or an anonymous function that passes any number of
arguments defined in a regular expression.


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public function routes()

// URL:

// - by calling the method inside the module:

$this->route('blog', 'importAllPosts');

// - by calling an anonymous function:

$this->route('blog', function() {

// URL:
$this->route('blog/(:int)', function($page) {

// URL:
$this->route('blog/post/(:str)', function($slug) {

// URL:
$this->route('blog/post/(:str)/(:int)', function($slug, $page) {
$this->importPost($slug, $page);

Modules have special facades that facilitate access to the methods inside the core. This allows you to
shorten the calls of $this->core->foo->bar .

void db([string $table])

Allows you to operate on a database. Details are described in the core section.

table — Database table name (optional)


$this->db('table')->where('age', 20)->delete();


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string draw(string $file [, array $variables])

Returns a compiled view code that has previously used template system tags. It also allows you to
define variables by replacing the set() method.

file — filename with a view inside the module or path to a file outside of it
variables — an array of variable definitions that can be used as tags (optional)


// Compilation of the view inside the module

$this->draw('form.html', ['form' => $this->formFields]);

// Compilation of the view outside the module

$this->draw('../path/to/view.html', ['foo' => 'bar']);

string lang(string $key [, string $module])

Returns the contents of the language array key from the current module or indicated by the second

key — the name of the language array key
module — the name of the module from which you want to select the key (optional)


// Reference to local translation

$this->lang('foo'); // $this->core->lang['module-name']['foo'];

// Reference to general translation

$this->lang('cancel', 'general'); // $this->core->lang['general']['cancel'];

// Reference to the translation of "pages" module

$this->lang('slug', 'pages') // $this->core->lang['pages']['slug'];

void notify(string $type, string $text [, mixed $args [, mixed $... ]])

It allows you to call the notification to the user.

type — type of notification: success or failure
text — notyfication content

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args — additional arguments (optional)


$foo = 'Bar';
$this->notify('success', 'This is %s!', $foo); // $this->core->setNotify('success', 'This
is %s!', $foo);

mixed settings(string $module [, string $field [, string $value]])

Gets or sets the value of the module settings.

module — module name and optionally field separated by a period
field — module field name (optional)
value — the value to which module field will be changed (optional)


// Select the "desc" field from the "blog" module

$this->settings('blog.desc'); // $this->core->getSettings('blog', 'desc');

// Select the "desc" field from the "blog" module

$this->settings('blog', 'desc'); // $this->core->getSettings('blog', 'desc');

// Set the content of the "desc" field from the "blog" module
$this->settings('blog', 'desc', 'Lorem ipsum...');

void setTemplate(string $file)

Allows you to change the template file on the front. This method works only in the Site class.

file — The name of the template file


$this->setTemplate('index.html'); // $this->core->template = 'index.html';

This is the kernel/engine of Batflat, the most important part that is responsible for all its basic tasks.

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The core contains many definitions of constants, functions, and methods that you can use when
writing modules.

All definitions of constants are described in the first part of this documentation. To use them in a PHP
file just call their names. Constants are particularly useful when building URLs and file paths.


echo MODULES.'/contact/view/form.html';

Batflat has several built-in helper functions that facilitate the creation of modules.

string domain([bool $with_protocol = true])

Returns the domain name with http(s) or without.

with_protocol — it decides whether the address will be returned with or without protocol

Return value
String with the domain name.


echo domain(false);
// Result:

bool checkEmptyFields(array $keys, array $array)

Checks whether the array contains empty elements. It is useful while validating forms.

keys — list of array items that the function has to check
array — source array

Return value
Returns TRUE when at least one item is empty. FALSE when all elements are completed.


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if(checkEmptyFields(['name', 'phone', 'email'], $_POST) {

echo 'Fill in all fields!';

string currentURL()

Returns the current URL.


echo currentURL();
// Result:

string createSlug(string $text)

Translates text in non-lingual characters, dashes to spaces, and removes special characters. Used to
create slashes in URLs and variable names in the template system.

text — text to convert

Return value
Returns the text in slug form.


echo createSlug('To be, or not to be, that is the question!');

// Result: to-be-or-not-to-be-that-is-the-question

bool deleteDir(string $path)

Recursive function that removes the directory and all its contents.

path — directory path

Return value
Returns TRUE for success or FALSE for failure.


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mixed getRedirectData()

Returns the data passed to the session when using redirect() .

Return value
An array or null .


$postData = getRedirectData();

string htmlspecialchars_array(array $array)

Replaces special characters from array elements into HTML entities.

array — the array that will be converted

Return value
Returns the converted text.


$_POST = htmlspecialchars_array($_POST);

mixed isset_or(mixed $var [, mixed $alternate = null ])

Replaces an empty variable with an alternate value.

var — variable
alternate — replacement value of the variable (optional)

Return value
Returns an alternative value.


$foo = isset_or($_GET['bar'], 'baz');

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mixed parseURL([ int $key = null ])

Parses the current URL of the script.

key — URL parameter number (optional)

Return value
An array or its individual element.


// URL:

// Result:
// array(3) {
// [0] =>
// string(3) "foo"
// [1] =>
// string(3) "bar"
// [2] =>
// int(4)
// }

echo parseURL(2);
// Result: "bar"

void redirect(string $url [, array $data = [] ])

Redirect to the specified URL. It allows you to save data from the array to a session. It is useful to
memorize unsaved data from forms.

url — address to redirect
data — an array that will be passed to the session (optional)



// Save the array to session:

redirect('', $_POST);

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string url([ mixed $data = null ])

Creates an absolute URL. The admin panel automatically adds a token.

data — string or array

Return value
Absolute URL.


echo url();
// Result:

echo url('foo/bar')
// Result:

echo url('admin/foo/bar');
// Result:[token]

echo url(['admin', 'foo', 'bar']);

// Result:[token]

In addition to functions, there are several important methods that speed up the process of creating
new system functionality.

void addCSS(string $path)

Imports the CSS file in the theme header.

path — URL to file


// Result: <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

void addJS(string $path [, string $location = 'header'])

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Imports the JS file in the header or footer of the theme.

path — URL to file
location — header or footer (optional)


// Result: <script src=""></script>

void append(string $string, string $location)

Adds a string to the header or footer.

string — character string
location — header or footer


$this->core->append('<meta name="author" content="Bruce Wayne">', 'header');

array getModuleInfo(string $dir)

Returns module information. This method works only in the Admin class.

name — module directory name

Return value
Array with informations.


$foo = $this->core->getModuleInfo('contact');

mixed getSettings([string $module = 'settings', string $field = null])

Gets the value of the module settings. By default these are the main Batflat settings.


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module — module name (optional)

field — field with definition of setting (optional)

Return value
Array or string.


echo $this->core->getSettings('blog', 'title');

string getUserInfo(string $field [, int $id ])

Returns information about the logged in user or the user with the given ID. This method works only in
the Admin class.

field — field name in the database
id — ID number (opcjonalne)

Return value
The string of the selected field.


// The currently logged in user

$foo = $this->core->getUserInfo('username');

// User with given ID

$foo = $this->core->getUserInfo('username', 1);

void setNotify(string $type, string $text [, mixed $args [, mixed $... ]])

Generates notification.

type — type of notification: success or failure
text — notyfication content
args — additional arguments (optional)


$foo = 'Bar';
$this->core->setNotify('success', 'This is %s!', $foo);
// Result: "This is Bar!"

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The database used in Batflat is SQLite version 3. For its use CMS uses a simple class that makes it easy
to build queries. You do not need to know SQL to be able to operate it.

In addition, we recommend phpLiteAdmin ( tool for database

management. This is a one-file PHP script similar to phpMyAdmin, where you can administer Batflat
tables. This will allow you to familiarize yourself with the structure of existing tables. The database file
is located in inc/data/database.sdb .

Select multiple records:

$rows = $this->core->db('table')->toJson();

// Array
$rows = $this->core->db('table')->select('foo')->select('bar')->toArray();

// Object
$rows = $this->core->db('table')->select(['foo', 'b' => 'bar'])->toObject();

Select a single record:

$row = $this->core->db('table')->oneJson();

// Array
$row = $this->core->db('table')->select('foo')->select('bar')->oneArray();

// Object
$row = $this->core->db('table')->select(['foo', 'b' => 'bar'])->oneObject();

Select a record with the specified number in the id column:

$row = $this->core->db('table')->oneArray(1);
// or
$row = $this->core->db('table')->oneArray('id', 1);
// or
$row = $this->core->db('table')->where(1)->oneArray();
// or
$row = $this->core->db('table')->where('id', 1)->oneArray();

Complex conditions:

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// Fetch rows whose column value 'foo' is GREATER than 4

$rows = $this->core->db('table')->where('foo', '>', 4)->toArray();

// Fetch rows whose column value 'foo' is GREATER than 4 and LOWER than 8
$rows = $this->core->db('table')->where('foo', '>', 4)->where('foo', '<', 8)->toArray();


// Fetch rows whose column value 'foo' is EQUAL 4 or 8

$rows = $this->core->db('table')->where('foo', '=', 4)->orWhere('foo', '=', 8)->toArray();


// Fetch rows whose column 'foo' CONTAINS the string 'bar' OR 'bases'
$rows = $this->core->db('table')->like('foo', '%bar%')->orLike('foo', '%baz%')->toArray();


// Fetch rows whose column 'foo' DOES NOT CONTAIN the string 'bar' OR 'baz'
$rows = $this->core->db('table')->notLike('foo', '%bar%')->orNotLike('foo', '%baz%')->toAr


// Fetch rows whose column value 'foo' CONTAINS in array [1,2,3] OR [7,8,9]
$rows = $this->core->db('table')->in('foo', [1,2,3])->orIn('foo', [7,8,9])->toArray();


// Fetch rows whose column value 'foo' DOES NOT CONTAIN in array [1,2,3] OR [7,8,9]
$rows = $this->core->db('table')->notIn('foo', [1,2,3])->orNotIn('foo', [7,8,9])->toArray(

Grouping conditions:

// Fetch rows those column value 'foo' is 1 or 2 AND status is 1

$rows = $this->core->db('table')->where(function($st) {
$st->where('foo', 1)->orWhere('foo', 2);
})->where('status', 1)->toArray();

Allowed comparison operators: = , > , < , >= , <= , <> , != .


$rows = $this->core->db('table')->join('foo', 'foo.table_id =')->toJson();


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$rows = $this->core->db('table')->leftJoin('foo', 'foo.table_id =')->toJson();

$rows = $this->core->db('table')->having('COUNT(*)', '>', 5)->toArray();


$rows = $this->core->db('table')->orHaving('COUNT(*)', '>', 5)->toArray();

The save method can add a new record to the table or update an existing one when it has a condition.
When you add a new record, identification number will be returned.

// Add a new record

$id = $this->core->db('table')->save(['name' => 'James Gordon', 'city' => 'Gotham']);
// Return value: ID number of new record

// Update an existing record

$this->core->db('table')->where('age', 50)->save(['name' => 'James Gordon', 'city' => 'Got
// Return value: TRUE on success or FALSE on failure

Updating records in case of success will return TRUE . Otherwise it will be FALSE .

// Changing one column

$this->core->db('table')->where('city', 'Gotham')->update('name', 'Joker');

// Changing multiple columns

$this->core->db('table')->where('city', 'Gotham')->update(['name' => 'Joker', 'type' => 'V

$this->core->db('table')->where('age', 65)->set('age', 70)->set('name', 'Alfred Pennyworth

Successful deletion of records returns their number.

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// Delete record with `id` equal to 1


// Deletion of record with condition

$this->core->db('table')->where('age', 20)->delete();

Ascending order:


Descending order:


Combine order:



// Fetch 5 records starting at tenth

Not all queries can be created using the above methods (e.g. creating or deleting a table), so you can also
write queries using PDO (

$this->core->db()->pdo()->exec("DROP TABLE `example`");

Template system
Operating the template system is easy and is based primarily on two methods. One allows assigning
variables, while the other returns the compiled code. In exceptional situations, the other two methods
are useful.


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void set(string $name, mixed $value)

Assigns a value or function to a variable that can be used in views.

name — variable name
value — variable value or anonymous function


// Assignment of the array

$foo = ['bar', 'baz', 'qux'];
$this->tpl->set('foo', $foo);

// Assign an anonymous function

$this->tpl->set('bar', function() {
return ['baz' => 'qux'];

string draw(string $file)

Returns a compiled view code that has previously used template system tags.

file — file path

Return value
A string, i.e. a compiled view.



string noParse(string $text)

Protects against compiling template system tags.

text — string to be left unchanged


$this->tpl->noParse('Place this tag in website template: {$contact.form}');

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array noParse_array(array $array)

Protects against compiling template system tags inside the array.

array — array to be left unchanged


$this->tpl->noParse_array(['{$no}', '{$changes}']);

All language files are located in the lang directories inside the modules and under the inc/lang path.
In this last path there are folders corresponding to the language names in the following format:
en_english . The first part is the abbreviation of the language and the second is the full name. Within
the directory is the general.ini file, which contains general language variables for the system. After
creating a new language folder, Batflat automatically detects the added language and allows it to be
selected in the admin panel. Note that the procedure for creating a new language should be repeated
for each module.

27 of 27 2/25/2018, 10:52 PM

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