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Inorganic Materials, Vol. 36, No. 7, 2000, pp. 641-652. Translated frora Neorganicheskie MateriaO; VoL 36, No.

7, 2000, pp. 775-78Z

Original Russian Text Copyright 9 2000 by Glazov, Pashinkin, Fedorov.

Phase Equilibria in the Cu-Se System

V. M. Glazov*, A. S. Pashinkin*, and V. A. Fedorov**
* Moscow State Institute of Electronic Engineering (Technical University),
Zelenograd, Moscow, 103498 Russia
** Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistt% Russian Academy of Sciences,
Leninskii pr. 31, Moscow, 117907 Russia
ReceivedApril28, 1999;in finalform,September3, 1999

Abstract--The available phase-diagram data for the Cu-Se system are critically evaluated, and the T-x and
p-T phase diagrams are optimized. The thermodynamic properties and polymorphism of copper selenides are

INTRODUCTION somewhat lower accuracy. The results reported in [3,

6-8] agree well and, hence, provide reliable informa-
In this paper, we present a critical evaluation of tion about the liquidus in the composition range
available T-x and p - T phase-diagram data for the 32.5-50 at. % Se (Fig. 1).
Cu-Se system and summarize the thermodynamic and The most detailed data on the miscibility gap
structural properties of the intermediate phases in this between Cu and Cu2Se (Fig. 1) was obtained in [9] by
system. Earlier, the phase equilibria in the Cu-Se sys-
tem were summarized by Chakrabarti and Laughlin in measuring the ultrasound velocity in the melt. Samples
1981 [ 1]. However, new data have since been published were prepared by heating Cu-Se melts at 1450 K for
which are of key importance for the characterization of 4 h with vigorous mechanical stirring. Phase separation
the Cu-Se system and intermediate phases and are in the melt manifested itself in a sharp change in ultra-
given a great deal of attention in this review. The Cu-Se sound velocity when one of the transducers was shifted
system is interesting in that copper(I) selenide, Cu2Se, vertically. Acoustic bonds between the transducer buff-
ers and the specimen were made with a thin layer of
retains its semiconducting properties in the molten state boric anhydride. The critical point of the L 1 + L2 misci-
[2]. Practical application of this compound, however,
still depends on the ability to prepare single-phase bility gap was found to lie at 28 at. % Se and 1699 K.
material [3]. Of key importance in this context are Burylev et al. [10] studied liquid immiscibility in
phase-diagram data for CuESe: location of the liquidus the Cu-Se system by examining quenched materials.
and composition stability limits. The Cu-Se system is According to their results, the miscibility gap is
also of considerable interest in the context of the char- bounded by essentially parallel lines. The most likely
acterization of cupriferous electrolyte slime and sele- reason for the discordance between the results in ques-
nium extraction [4]. tion is that, in the study by Burylev et al. [10], the melt
was equilibrated for an insufficient time; therefore,
their data should be left out of consideration in con-
T-x PHASE DIAGRAM OF THE Cu-Se SYSTEM structing the equilibrium phase diagram.
The liquid miscibility gap in the Se-rich region is
In most phase-diagram studies, Cu-Se alloys were characterized by a high Se vapor pressure. For this rea-
prepared from selenium of semiconductor purity and son, there is only one data point (98.2 at. % Se, 1236 K)
electrolytically refined copper and were characterized on the Se-rich side of the binodal [6]. The low-selenium
by thermal analysis, x-ray diffraction (XRD), and side of the L3 + L4 miscibility gap was tentatively
microstructural analysis. mapped out in [7, 8, 11]. The results reported in [7]
Liquidus and binodais. The liquidus in the compo- appear more reliable, since they fall between those
sition range between Cu and Cu2Se has not yet been obtained in [8] and [11].
studied in sufficient detail [5, 6]. Liquidus data for the Intermediate phases. The system contains four
range 32.5-50 at. % Se were reported in [3, 6-8]. The intermediate phases, of which only Cu2Se melts con-
highest temperature portion of the liquidus line, in the gruently. In early studies, the melting temperature of
vicinity of Cu2Se, was constructed in [3] (32.5-35.6 at. % Cu2Se was determined to be 1386 + 10, 1403, or 1423 +
Se, 19 data points) using precision differential thermal 5 K [5, 8, 12]. The melting points obtained in [5, 8]
analysis (DTA) with an accuracy of +1 K. The liquidus were considered the most reliable in many reviews and
between 38 and 50 at. % Se was located in [6-8] with a handbooks [1, 13-21].

0020-1685/00/3607-0641525.009 2000 MAIK"Nauka/lnterperiodica"

642 GLAZOV et al.

1699 .I
1700 x2
L 1 + L2 +6
1500 VIII

/ 7" 1380
*" L 1 + [~-Cu2Se
1300 1336 + 5 X
L3 + L4 I

900 I
Cu + I~-Cu2Se ~-Cu2_xSe I
I 7~ •

700 I~-Cu 2 _xSe + L 4

,/ /605
y-C.uSe CuSe2 + L4
500 T-CuSe + T-CuSe2
tl3Se 2 + ~ - C u S e '494 "1"1
396 + 15 410
13-CuSe + CuSe2 CuSe2 + Se
Cu + ~ i t(~lV ~l _V__[_vv VII i i
Cu 20 It Ill Cu3Se2 CuSe 60 CuSe2 80 Se
at. %
Fig. 1. T-x phase diagram of the Cu-Se system: (1) [3], (2) [6], (3) [7], (4) [8], (5) [9], (6) [11]; (i) Cu + LI, (li) ~t-Cu2_xSe,
(Ill) ot-Cu2_xSe + ~-Cu 2_xSe, (IV) ~-Cu 2_xSe + Cu3Se2, (V) I~-Cu2 _xSe + ~-CuSe, (VI) Cu3Se 2 + 0t-CuSe, (VII) ot-CuSe +
CuSe2, (VIII) L 2 + I~-Cu2Se.

Recently, precision measurements of the liquidus The degree of dissociation is related to Pmaxby [22]
temperature in the vicinity of Cu2Se [3] have shown
that the congruently melting composition of copper (_~)4 Vseabs RT 2
selenide is Cul.994Se, with a melting point of 1421 + 0~max = -- Vcu(aVc,se + bVc,) AmH Pmax, (3)
1 K. Stoichiometric Cu2Se melts at 1419 + 1 K. The
results obtained in [3] and [12] agree within the exper- where AmHis the heat of fusion; m and n are the stoichi-
imental error. Clearly, the melting temperature deter- ometric coefficients of the compound; s is the number
mined in [3] is more reliable. of moles of the decomposing compound; Vcuseand Vcu
are the stoichiometric coefficients of reaction (1), yield-
In the study by Glazov et al. [3], the liquidus line in ing an intermediate associate; and a and b are the num-
the composition range 32.5-36.6 at. % Se was fitted bers of associates evaluated with consideration for the
with cubic splines. The results were used to determine degree of dissociation of Cu2Se and CuSe associates.
the radius of curvature, p, of the liquidus at the congru- According to calculations, o~(1) = 0.0377 and 0~(2 ) ----
ent composition, which characterizes the degree of melt 0.00358 [3]. Therefore, the predominant associate
dissociation. The data thus obtained show that the dis- (molecular form) in the copper selenide melt is C u 2 S e .
sociation of liquid Cu2Se occurs in two steps: With increasing Se concentration, the relative content
of CuSe associates rises.
Cu2Se, 9 CuSe+Cu, (1) The heat of fusion of Cu2Se was reported to be 18.0
[23] or 9.06 kJ/mol [24]. Glazov and Mendelevich [23]
CuSe, - C u + S e . (2) determined the heat of fusion by quantitative thermal



analysis, using Cu2S as a high-precision reference sub- AmS, J/(mol K)

stance [14, 25]. According to their data, the heat of 20
fusion rises systematically in going from CUES to O~.,~Cu2Te
CuETe. The plot in Fig. 2 illustrates the correlation 15 Ag2Te~ A g 2 S e
between the fusion entropy and bond ionicity for cop-
per(I) chalcogenides [23]. These results provide further
evidence for the reliability of the heats of fusion 10 ~CUES
obtained in [23]. At the same time, the heats of fusion AgES "~
of CUES,Cu2Se, and CuETe determined by Biachnik and
Gunia [24] using drop calorimetry do not correlate with 5
bond ionicity. In addition, the data on the steplike dis-
sociation of CuESe at the melting point, obtained using I I I
the heat of fusion determined in [23], were utilized to 0 5 10 15
calculate the composition dependence of Se activity in ~,%
Cu-Se melts in the range 31-39 at. % Se at 1420 K [3].
The calculated activities were in reasonable agreement Fig. 2. Correlationbetweenthe fusion entropy and bond
with the data obtained by vapor pressure measurements ionicityof copperand silverchalcogenides.
[26]. Thus, the above observations confirm the reliabil-
ity of the heat of fusion of Cu2Se determined in [23].
single-phase, whereas the samples quenched from
The stoichiometry range of the high-temperature 50-70 K above the melting point were two-phase and
form ~-Cu2_xSe (antifluorite structure) is fairly wide. contained needlelike Cu precipitates.
Below the eutectic temperature, the copper-rich stabil-
The highest content of superstoichiometric Se is
ity limit of copper selenide is essentially temperature-
independent down to the tx 9 , 13 phase transition =3 at. %. The Se-rich phase boundary of CUE_xSe is
(Table 1) and is close to the CuESe stoichiometry [1]. shown in Fig. 1. Note that, according to phase-diagram
More detailed studies show however that, in the range studies [5, 7, 31 ], this boundary is essentially vertical in
873-573 K, the stability limit shifts to more Se-rich the range 410-796 K. Below the temperature of the
compositions. According to coulometric titration data, o~ 9 9 13transformation and the peritectoid decomposi-
the Cu-rich phase boundary of copper selenide lies at tion of Cu3Se 2, the composition stability limit of
Cul.9975Se [27] or CUl.9956Se [28]. Based on coulomet- 13-Cu2_xSe has not been determined with certainty
ric titration data and emf measurements, Konev et al. (Fig. 1). The reported composition stability limits of
[29] showed that, below 773 K, the stability limit shifts 13-CUE_xSeat room temperature are summarized in [1].
to more Se-rich compositions, so that the Se concentra- Analysis of those data indicates that the Cu-rich phase
tion on the phase boundary rises with decreasing tem- boundary of copper selenide is at 35.3 + 0.9 at. % Se
perature. Similar results were obtained in [30], where and the Se-rich boundary is at 36.4 + 1.7 at. % Se. The
stoichiometric Cu2Se samples prepared by melting and major reason for the large uncertainties in these values
quenched from 10-40 K below the melting point were is that low-temperature equilibration requires rather

Table 1. Crystal structures of intermediate phases in the Cu-Se system

Phase at. % Se ~K Structure Sp. gr. a, nm b, nm c, nm 13 Reference
~-CUE_xSe -~33.3-33.8 298.15 Monoclinic 1.4087 2.0481 0.4145 90023, [1, 21]
~-CuESe = 33.3-36.4 298.15 Antifluorite Fm3m 0.5860 - - [1,21]

Cu3SeE 40.0 298.15 Tetragonal P421 m 0.6385 0.4271 - [I, 21]

tx-CuSe 50.0 298.15 Hexagonal 1.4203 1.7255 - [34]
I]-CuSe 50.0 353 Orthorhombic Cmcm 0.3954 0.6856 1.7238 - [34]
y-CuSe 50.0 485 Hexagonal CuS P63/mmc 0.3983 1.7260 - [34, 36]
CuSeE-I* 66.7 298.15 Marcasite Pnnm 0.50046 0.61822 0.37397 - [1, 21]
CuSeE-II** 66.7 298.15 Pyrite Pa3 0.6616 - - [1,21]

Note: ot-CuSe(Z = 6) differsfromy-CuSe(covellitestructure,Z = 78) by an a-axis superstructurewitha' = a..~ [34, 36].

* Low-pressurephase.

** High-pressurephase stable at atmosphericpressure.


644 GLAZOV et al.

long times. In view of this, the low-temperature phase ond-order [34]. Both the tz, - 13and 13, " )'transfor-
boundaries of 13-Cu2_xSeare shown by dashed lines. mations are not kinetically hindered.
~-Cu2_xSe decomposes by the peritectoid reaction The heat of the tx 9 - [3 phase transition is 0.885 +
0.002 kJ/mol [34]. The heat of the peritectic CuSe
(~-Cu 2 _xSe) . 9 (o~-Cu2Se) + (Cu3Se2) (4) decomposition determined in [34] is 11.80 +
at a relatively low temperature, which is difficult to 0.03 kJ/mol, which agrees within the experimental
accurately determine. According to DTA data [31 ], the error with earlier data (14 + 3.5 kJ/mol I11]).
peritectoid temperature is =253 K. Based on conduc- CuSe 2. Copper diselenide forms by the pedtectic
tivity measurements, the eutectoid temperature was reaction between ~/-CuSe and an Se-rich melt at a very
determined to be 170 + 7 K [32]. The eutectoid was slow rate. The reverse reaction occurs at a somewhat
reported to occur at 35.7 [31] or 35.1 at. % Se [32]. faster rate and can be detected in heating curves. In
Cu3Se2. This compound forms by a peritectoid most studies, the incongruent melting temperature of
reaction at a relatively low temperature (Fig. 1) and, CuSe2 was found to lie in the range 605--620 K [6, 7,
accordingly, at a slow rate. The reaction rate can be 11]. A rough estimate of =673 K was reported in [35].
raised by applying high pressure. Full conversion can Murray and Heyding [11], using DSC, determined the
also be achieved by thoroughly grinding the reaction 9incongruent melting point of CuSe2 to be 605 K. This
mixture [1, 11]. The rate of Cu3Se2 decomposition is result appears to be the most accurate. Babitsyna et al. [8]
notably higher. The peritectoid temperature was failed to obtain CuSe2, probably because the annealing
reported to be 408--448 K [6, 8, 31, 33]; a somewhat time in their studies was too short.
lower temperature of 393 K was obtained in high-tem- The heat of the peritectic decomposition of CuSe2
perature XRD studies [33]. The most detailed studies of was determined in [6, 7] by quantitative DTA and in
Cu3Se2 decomposition were carried out by Murray and [11] by DSC. The results are in reasonable agreement:
Heyding [11 ], who recorded DTA curves using a differ- 10.9, 12.1 + 2.9, and 9.6 + 4.0 kJ/mol, respectively.
ential scanning calorimeter (DSC). They assessed the
effect of the heating rate on the decomposition temper- The crystallographic data for the copper selenides
are summarized in Table 1.
ature. At heating rates of 10 and 5 K/min, the transfor-
mation occurred at 404 and 398 K, respectively. When Cu- and Se.based sofid solutions. The available
the sample was heated at 8 K/h in a Guinier-Lennet data on the extent of the Cu-based solid solution were
high-temperature chamber, the decomposition temper- summarized in [1]. From these data, we derived the
ature was 386 K. This decomposition temperature was equation of the solvus line for the solubility of ~-Cu2Se
probably determined under more equilibrium condi- in Cu from 773 to 1336 K, the melting point of the
tions and appears to be the most accurate [1]. eutectic between Cu and ~-Cu2Se (Table 2). The solu-
CuSe. Copper monoselenide forms by the peritectic bility of ~-Cu2Se in Cu rises from 0.0004 mol % at
reaction between ~-Cu2Se and a Se-rich melt. Since the 773 K to 0.021 mol % at 1336 K. The equation of the
rate of CuSe formation is slower than the rate of solvus line has the form
decomposition, the incongruent melting temperatures logx (mol % Cu2Se )
determined from heating curves appear to be more (5)
accurate. The reported decomposition temperatures of = - (3184.5 + 24.8)T + 0.684 + 0.025.
CuSe fall in the range 657-673 K [6, 8, 31]. According From this equation, the heat of solution of ~-Cu2Se in
to the latest studies by precision step-heating adiabatic Cu is 61.0 + 0.5 kJ/mol in the range 773-1336 K.
calorimetry, CuSe decomposes at 652.7 K [34]. DTA
and DSC measurements yield 655 and 650 K, respec- The solid solubility of CuSe 2 in Se has not been
tively [7, 11]. The decomposition temperature reported determined experimentally. Since the temperature of
in [34] appears to be the most accurate. the invariant equilibrium
CuSe exists in three different polymorphs. Accord- L 4 9 " CuSe 2 + Se (6)
ing to the heat capacity measurements in [34], the tem-
coincides with the melting point of Se [6-8, 11, 31] to
perature of the t z , , [3 phase transition is 326.8 K, in within the error of determination (+1-5 K), the solid
agreement with earlier data [7, 11]. The 13 - " )' transi-
solubility of CuSe 2 in Se can be considered negligible.
tion cannot be detected by thermal analysis. According
to high-temperature XRD studies [ 11, 33], the temper- Invariant three-phase equilibria. The tempera-
ature of this transition is 393 K. Stolen et al. [34] deter- tures and compositions of the invariant equilibria in the
mined the transition temperature from XRD data Cu-Se systenv-incongruent melting of CuSe and
(=410 K) and heat capacity measurements (410 K). CuSe2, peritectoid decomposition of Cu3Se2, polymor-
Their data appear to be more reliable. The 13 . , ), phic transformations of CuSe, and eutectic reaction (6)--
phase transition is accompanied by an insignificant heat were mentioned above.
effect [11, 34, 35]: the Cp(T) curve shows a small, broad Note that the available data on the invariant equilib-
lambda-type anomaly and a well-defined step above ria involving tx-CuSe, [3-CuSe, and v-CuSe are insuffi-
410 K [34]. The 13.---'- ~/transition is assumed to be sec- cient to ascertain whether a eutectoid or peritectoid



Table 2. Three-phase equilibria in the Cu-Se system

Compositions Of the phases T,K Type Reference
involved (at. % Se)

L2 9 . L 1 + ~-Cu2Se 31.5 =4 33.3 1380 Monotectic [1,5,9,21]

L 1 9 . (Cu) + I~-Cu2Se =1.8 0.021 33.3 1336+5 Eutectic [1, 5, 6, 21, 31]
L 3 9 . (~-Cu2Se) +L 4 52.5 36.5 =99.6 796 + 1 i Monotectic [1,7, 11,21]
(~-CuESe) + L4 ~ )'-CuSe 36.5 =100 50.0 652.7 Peritectic [34]
~/-CuSe + L4 " , CuSe2 50.0 = 100 66.7 605 Peritectic [1, 11,21]
L4" , Cu2Se+Se =100 66.7 100 494 + 1 Eutectic [1,7, 11, 15]
(~-Cu2Se);)'-CuSe; ~-CuSe* 36.5 50.0 50.0 410 Peritectoid or eutectoid [34]
T-CuSe; I]-CuSe; CuSe 2 50.0 50.0 66.7 410 [34]

(Cu) + ~-Cu2Se " , o~-Cu2Se ---4 x 10-8 =33.3 =33.3 396 + 15 Pentectoid [1,11,21]
([~-Cu2Se) + ~-CuSe " 9 Cu3Se2 =36.3 50.0 40.0 386 [1,11,21]
Cu3Se2; ~-CuSe; ot-CuSe* 40.0 50.0 50.0 326.8 Peritectoid or eutectoid [341

l]-CuSe; ~-CuSe; CuSe~ 50.0 50.0 66.7 326.8 [341

(~-Cu2Se) - , (ot-Cu2Se) + Cu3Se2 =35.4 234 40.0 <253 Eutectoid [32, 33]
Note: Parentheseslabel solid solutions based on the indicated phases.
* Since the nature of the invariantequilibrium is not determined unambiguously,only the set of the phases involvedis indicated, as
in the handbook edited by Massalski [21].

reaction occurs [1, 21]. These equilibria are analyzed The polymorphic transformation of Cu2Se was stud-
below (Table 2). ied in most detail by Murray and Heyding [11] using
The temperature of the eutectic equilibrium involv- precision high-temperature XRD and DTA. According
ing the melt, Cu-based solid solution, and ~-Cu2Se was to their XRD data, the temperature of the t~, - l] trans-
formation in stoichiometric Cu2Se is 396 + 3 K. At the
reported to be 1336 + 5 K [5, 6, 31]. The eutectic tem-
perature of 1321 K reported by Babytsina et al. [8] is same time, they observed a shift of diffraction peaks in
clearly too low. The eutectic composition (-1.8 at. % the range 350-396 K, which could not be accounted for
Se) was determined only in [5] by thermal and micro- by thermal expansion only. The DTA curve of the same
structural analyses. sample showed a broad peak in the range 373-415 K,
centered at 409 K. According to enthalpy measure-
The temperature of the monotectic equilibrium in ments by drop calorimetry, the transition temperature is
the Cu-rich region was reported to be 1380 [5] or 395 K [24]. In heat capacity measurements in an adia-
1373 K [8]. The former temperature appears to be more batic calorimeter [37], the transition temperature was
accurate, since the melting point of Cu determined determined to be 395 K. However, Kubaschewski and
in [5] differs by as little as ---2 K from the reference Nolting [37] pointed out that the heat capacity varied
value given in [14] (1358 K). The melting point of Cu anomalously in the range 293-393 K, which was not
determined in [8] is somewhat lower (1346 K), suggest- detected by Blachnik and Gunia [24], probably because
ing that the monotectic temperature might also be of the relatively small number of data points in this
underestimated. The commonly accepted temperature temperature range. The observed anomaly in heat
of this equilibrium is 1380 K [1, 21]. The composition capacity was attributed to the formation of Frenkel
range of this monotectic equilibrium (Table 2) was defects on Cu sites [37]. In our opinion, this conclusion
determined in a recent study [9]. needs further verification.
The temperature of the monotectic equilibrium in The available data on the transition temperature of
the Se-rich region was determined to be 796 K [6, 7, 11, Cu2Se were analyzed in [1, 11]. Proper attention was
31] with an accuracy of +1-5 K. The temperature of given to the substantial scatter in the DTA and XRD
813 K reported in [8] appears to be too high. The mono- data, from 350 to 415 K, and the diffuse character of the
tectic extends to the ]]-Cu2_/Se phase field. The Se-rich transformation. According to Murray and Heyding
boundary of the monotectic was tentatively located at [ 11 ], both the shape of the DTA peak and the maximum
-~99.6 at. % Se [6]. Phase separation in this composi- peak temperature remained unchanged upon a tenfold
tion range was observed visually by Babitsyna et al. [8]. increase in the heating rate. In the cooling curves, the


646 GLAZOV et al.

T,K Earlier, the T-x phase diagram of the Cu-Se system

% was studied at 2 GPa in the composition range
"-% 818 25-70 at. % Se [11], using a DTA cell designed to
800 ~779 withstand high pressures at temperatures up to 850 K.
The tentative phase diagram mapped out in [11],
including some of the phase-equilibrium temperatures,
700i is displayed in Fig. 3. The salient feature of this phase
diagram is the absence of the intermediate phase CuSe,
o which decomposes even at room temperature and pres-
600 sures slightly below 1 GPa by the reaction
4CuSe - Cu3Se2 + CuSe 2. (7)
500 There is no liquid immiscibility in the Se-rich
region; copper diselenide, having the pyrite structure at
elevated pressures (Table 1), melts congruently. The
pyrite structure also persists at atmospheric pressure.
~l i'- 9On cooling, pyrite CuSe 2 undergoes a superconducting
transition at 2.30-2.45 K, preceded by a second-order
300 magnetic transition at 31 K [1, 41].
I I I I I I I The high-pressure transformations of Cu2Se were
30 Cu2Se Cu3Se2 50 60 CuSe:70 considered in [17, 41].
at. % Se
Fig. 3. Partial T-x phase diagram of the Cu-Se system at p-T PHASE DIAGRAM
Experimental data on the p-T phase diagram of the
peak was centered at 407 K. Bernardini et al. [6] Cu-Se system in wide ranges of compositions and tem-
reported that the transition temperature of a two-phase peratures were obtained by Ran and Rabenau [42]. The
sample containing Cu was slightly higher than that of SIS2V and SLV heterogeneous equilibria were studied
single-phase material: the temperature of the r - 13 by different techniques, depending on the nature of the
transformation was 403 K for stoichiometric Cu2Se and equilibrium and Se vapor pressure.
421 K for the sample containing 8.3 at. % Se. During The equilibrium
cooling, the transition temperature was 414-416 K, 2Cu2Se(s) = = 4Cu(s) +Se2(g ) (8)
independent of phase composition. The nature of this
effect is not yet fully understood. The recommended was studied in flowing hydrogen between 933 and
temperature of the polymorphic transformation in 1273 K. To calculate the dissociation pressure of Se2 in
question, inferred from XRD data [11], is 396 K [1]. equilibrium (8), use was made of earlier data on the
The uncertainty related to the effects of the measure- heat of formation of H2Se(g) [43].
ment procedure and phase composition of the sample The dissociation pressures of CuSe2 and ),-CuSe
was estimated at +15 K [1]. The results obtained in [6, were determined by the flow method. The associated
7, 31, 38] also fall within these accuracy limits. Thus, equilibria correspond to the sequence of transforma-
the recommended transition temperature is 396 + 15 K. tions
The heat of the polymorphic transformation in CuSe 2 ,, ~/-CuSe ,. Cu2_xSe. (9)
Cu2Se was determined by drop calorimetry [24], adia-
batic calorimetry [37], DTA [7], and DSC [11]. The The Se vapor pressure in the three-phase equilib-
respective values are 6.48 + 0.12, 6.83 + 0.2, 20.5 + 4.0, rium Cu2_xSe(s)-melt-vapor was determined with a
and 6.4 kJ/mol. Based on early work, Kelley [39] rec- membrane manometer.
ommended a value of 4.85 kJ/mol. Comparison of the Since the Se2 partial pressure is equal to the total Se
above results demonstrates that the most consistent pressure only above 1050 K, Ps~ was calculated with
data are those obtained in [11, 24, 37].
consideration for the constants of Se, dissociation into
Table 2 summarizes data on the invariant equilibria Se2 [44], which were evaluated under the assumption
in the Cu-Se system. that the composition of selenium vapor is governed by
T-x phase diagram of the Cu-Se system. Based the equilibrium between Ses, Se6, Se4, and Se2. Zlo-
on available phase-diagram data, including those pub- manov and Novoselova [45] carried our a detailed anal-
lished in 1996, we constructed the T-x phase diagram ysis of the results obtained in [42] from the viewpoint
of the Cu-Se system (Fig. 1). The melting points of Cu of the representation of three-phase equilibria in p-T
and Se were taken from [14, 40]. diagrams and proposed a more clear interpretation of



the three-phase equilibria studied in [42]: A B , B"C, CD, logp [kPa]

D F , FH, DE, and F I (Fig. 4). U
Pashinkin et al. [46] calculated the Se2 partial pres-
2 Ne c' [ R s r
sure at point C and four points of the three-phase equi-
librium B " C (Fig. 4). A procedure for calculating the
p i - T phase diagrams of systems containing a congru-
ently melting compound was proposed in [47]. The key
features of this procedure are the use of data on the dis- B" If
sociation constant derived from the curvature of the liq-
uidus at the melting point [22] and the ideal associated -2
solution model. The Se 2 partial pressure was calculated
using the equations considered below [46]. Use was
made of a simplified scheme of Cu2Se dissociation in -4
the melt: t

Cu2Se , '- 2Cu + Se. (10) -6

The dissociation constant of CuESe at the melting point
is given by [22, 47]
-8 ol
(n*eln*)(n~uln*) 2
K = (11)
,4 I I
(n~u2se/n* )
1.0 1.5 2.0
where n* is the number of moles of all species per mole 1031T, K -l
of the melt, and nc,2s~*, ns~*,and n*~ are the numbers of Fig. 4. p---Tphasediagramof the Cu-Se system; three-phase
moles of Cu2Se, monomeric Se, and Cu in the melts. equilibria:AB ScuS~.eu2S e V, BB' = L I S~.cu2s e V , B'B" =

The dissociation constant of Cu2Se was assumed to be

L2SI~_Cu2SeV, B"C = SI~.Cu2seL3V,CD = SI3.Cu2seL4V,
temperature-independent. This assumption is justified
since the dissociation constant determined as described CC = LaL4V, DF = &t.CuSeL4V, FH =Scuse 2L4V, HJ =
above is sufficiently small. The actual melt composition Souse2SseV (or the two-phase equilibrium SSeV), DE =
(x) for a particular initial composition was calculated
with the use of expressions describing the law of con- S~.Cu2SeSy_cuseV, FI = Sy.cuseScuse 2 V, BL = ScuLIE
servation of mass in the melt [22]: BQ= ScuLi Sf~.Cu2Se, B'N = LIL2SI3_Cu2Se, CU =
* e,
n~e = 1 - X - ncu2s (12) Sl~_Cu2_xsuL3L4, DR = Scu2_xseSY_CuseL4, SF =
Sr_CuSeScuse2L4, HT = Scuse2L4Sse (or the two-phase
n~u = X - 2 n c u*2 s e, (13) equilibrium SseL); two-phaseequilibria:LM = ScuV, KL =
Lcu V, LP = ScuL, B"O = Scu2seL; invariant four-phase
n* = 1 - 2ncu2s~. (14)
points: B = ScuLlSi~.Cu2SeV, B' = LIL2SI~.Cu2Se V, C =
Next, the Se 2 partial pressure was calculated using the
Si3_Cu2SeL3L4V, D = Sl~.Cu2SeSy.cuseL4V, F =
Sy_CuSeSCuSe2L4V, H =Scuse 2 L4VSse (or the three-phase
0 , ,.2 point SseLV); invariant three-phase points: L = ScuLcu V,
Pse~ = Pse2tXs~) , (15)
B"= SCu2SeL2V; (1) calculation results [46], (2) data
where Ps~ is the Se 2 partial pressure in Cu-Se vapor at from [55].
equilibrium, p~ is the Se 2 partial pressure over molten
lines of Cu sublimation and vaporization (Fig. 4, K L M ) .
Se at a given temperature, and x~'e =
~-; is the mole Point B corresponds to the eutectic temperature of
1336 K (Table 2). The vapor in the Sc.Scu2se V equilib-
fraction of monomeric Se in the Cu-Se melt at a given
temperature. The Se partial pressures thus calculated rium has a complex composition because of the rela-
agree reasonably well with earlier data [42]. tively high temperature (900 K and above). According
to the data obtained in [42], equilibrium (8) corre-
Using the results obtained in [42] and their interpre- sponds to a "nominal" Se 2 vapor pressure. It is neces-
tation in [45], we recalculated the p - T phase diagram of sary to take into account Se2 dissociation,
the Cu-Se system in three steps. First, we calculated
the ScuScu2se V equilibrium (Fig. 4, line A B ) and the Se2(g) ~ " 2Se(g) (16)


648 GLAZOV et al.

and the pressure of the Cu vapor resulting from the pressure. The same is evidenced by the calculations
thermal dissociation of Cu2Se. The vapor phase is also performed in [54].
known to contain CuSe [16]. The CuSe(g) partial pres- Esirkegenov and Valiev [55], using static weighing,
sure can be evaluated by considering the equilibrium determined the vapor pressure over the CuSe and
Cu2Se(s) = Cu(s) + CuSe(g). (17) CuSe2 melts in the range 667-973 K. To evaluate the
vapor pressure, they used mass spectrometric data on
To calculate equilibrium (16), we used the thermo- the composition of selenium vapor for all the species
dynamic data given in [ 16, 40, 48]. The partial pressure from Se2 to Ses [56]. The weighing method is com-
of monatomic Se was found to be low and to rise with monly used to study p--T-x phase diagrams [57]. By
temperature, attaining 3-10% of the total Se vapor analyzing the results obtained in [55], we assigned
pressure. some of them to the line of the three-phase equilibrium
In calculating the Cu vapor pressure, we used the CD and located the beginning of the line representing
results obtained in [49, 50], which correlate well. the three-phase equilibrium LaL4V (Fig. 4, line CC').
Slightly above 1200 K, the Cu partial pressure in equi-
Piacente and Scardala [58] determined the dissocia-
librium AB (Fig. 4) exceeds the Se2(g) + Se(g) pressure.
tion pressure of 7-CuSe by torsion Knudsen measure-
The vapor pressures over solid and liquid Cu are shown ments in the range 554-628.5 K. Their results agree
in Fig. 4 by lines LM and KL. well with those obtained in [42] and recalculated as
The CuSe partial pressure in the Sc"Sc,,2se Vequilib- described above, but the accuracy in their measure-
rium can be estimated only roughly because of the large ments was fairly low.
uncertainty in the heat of formation of CuSe vapor [14, In the third step, we constructed the lines of the two-
16, 51]. This pressure, however, amounts to no more and three-phase equilibria involving no vapor phase. It
than 2-3% of the total vapor pressure in the equilibrium is well known that the melting points of Cu, Se, and
in question. Since the Pso~/Pc. ratio varies significantly 13-Cu2Se rise with pressure; however, on the scale of
Fig. 4, the slope of these lines is negligible. Information
with temperature, line AB, representing the Sc"Sc"2s~ V about the pressure effects on the other monovariant
equilibrium in the plot of logp vs. liT(Fig. 4), upturns three-phase equilibria is missing, and the correspond-
slightly at high temperatures. ing temperatures were considered constant (Fig. 4).
The SC"LIV equilibrium (Fig. 4, line BL) was evalu- The p-T data obtained by interpolation or approxi-
ated graphically. mate extrapolation are shown in Fig. 4 by dashed lines.
The temperatures of all the invariant points in Fig. 4
In the second step, we calculated the total selenium correspond to those of the invariant three-phase equi-
pressure for the equilibria in which the Se vapor consists libria (Fig. 1, Table 2).
of species more complex than Se2 (Fig. 4, lines B"C, CH,
HJ, DE, FI). To this end, we again used the results The p-T diagram of the Cu-Se system constructed
reported in [42], the temperature-dependent equilib- by Levinskii [61] with the use of the data reported in
rium constants of the reactions [17, 42, 49, 50, 55] differs somewhat from ours. Exper-
imental T-x data for the Cu-Se system (Fig. 1) demon-
Se,. - Se2, n = 4, 6, 8, (18) strate that the eutectic between CuSe2 and Se is degen-
determined in [44], and the raw data obtained in [42]. erate and, therefore, point H in the p-T phase diagram
represents both the triple point of Se and the point
Since the vapor pressure in the temperature range
describing the Sc"s~2L4VSse equilibrium (Fig. 4). The
494-796 K (Fig. 4, line HC) is determined by that over
liquid Se, also measured in [44], we could compare our available experimental p-T [42] and T-x [6--8, 11, 31 ]
results with those obtained in [44] for the same temper- data give no grounds to draw these points apart, as was
done by Levinskii [61], whose phase diagram lacks
ature range. The largest discrepancy in p~t~ was found detail in this region. According to Levinskii [61], the
to be 6.6%, indicating a high accuracy in our p--T cal- line of the three-phase equilibrium L3L4Vterminates at
culations [52]. Similar calculations were performed the critical point of the immiscibility curve (-1073 K).
using the data reported in [46]. This point, however, was not located experimentally;
Note, however, that, throughout the temperature and its position was estimated roughly from the position of
pressure ranges of interest, the real vapor consists of the binodal bounding the L 3 + L4 liquid immiscibility
both even and odd species, from Se2 to Sea [52]. At the region in the T-x phase diagram [48]. In view of this,
same time, it was shown by Rusin et al. [52] that, only a portion of the line representing this three-phase
although the vapor composition and, hence, equilib- equilibrium (CC), constructed using the data obtained
rium constants determined in [44] were not quite exact, in [55], is shown in Fig. 4. The line of the three-phase
the results obtained in [44], as well as the closely simi- equilibrium LIL2V was tentatively constructed in [61].
lar data reported in [53], ensure the best agreement However, since there are no experimental data on the
between the Se2 partial pressure and the total selenium vapor pressure over the Ll +/-,2 immiscibility region, we



did not draw this line, which would begin at point B' at. % Se
(Fig. 4). 25 50 75 100

Table 3 summarizes the standard formation enthalp- ~t-CuSe
ies [14] and entropies of copper selenides.
For all the selenides, except tx-CuSe [34], the accu- -10
racy in the standard entropies is fairy low. The standard - 2Se
entropy of I~-CUl.sSe is unknown. Using the available
experimental data on the thermodynamic properties of -15
copper selenides, we determined the composition
dependence of the Gibbs energy of formation.
, /
In constructing a AfG-x diagram, a necessary condi- -20
tion is its consistency with the T-x diagram over a wide
temperature range [62]. Because of the limited infor- J
mation on the temperature dependences of the thermo- -25
dynamic functions of copper selenides, we restricted AfG, kJ/mol;
ourselves to constructing the AfG-x diagram at
298.15 K. The phase relations in the Cu-Se system at Fig. 5. AfG-x diagramof the Cu-Se systemat 298.15 K.
this temperature are known with a high degree of reli-
ability (Fig. 1). In view of this, using data on the num-
ber, stability, and thermodynamic properties of inter- The corrected values are believed to be more accurate
mediate phases at the standard temperature (Table 3) than those given in [16]. Since the standard entropy of
and introducing some corrections into the standard 13-Cul.sSe is unknown, this phase was left out of
entropies of t~-Cu2Se, Cu3Se 2, and CuSez, given in [16] account, which is expected to have little effect on the
with a low accuracy, we constructed the AfG-x diagram AfG-x diagram, because Cu2Se and ~-Cul.sSe are close
of the Cu-Se system at 298.15 K. in composition.
In constructing such a diagram, account should be The thermodynamic properties of copper selenides
taken not only of the possibility of formation of all the assessed in [64] from emf data cannot be used as the
intermediate phases from the corresponding compo- basis for reference data because of their insufficient
nents but also of their relative stability, which is quan- accuracy.
titatively measured by the relative values of AfG for two Heat capacity at constant pressure was measured
neighboring phases [63]. Thus, for all the intermediate only for Cu2Se and CuSe, each existing in a number of
phases in the Cu-Se system, AfG298is negative not only polymorphs (Table 1).
for the formation from Cu and Se but also for the for-
mation from the corresponding neighboring phases. Heat capacity data for tx- and 13-Cu2Se were
The 298.15-K AtG-x diagram (Fig. 5) consistent with reported in [24, 37]. Kubaschewski and Nolting [37]
the T-x diagram (Fig. 1) could be constructed by determined the heat capacity of tx-Cu2Se between 193
changing, within the accuracy limits, the standard and 325 K by adiabatic calorimetry. Their results were
entropies of o~-Cu2Se, Cu3Se 2, and CuSe2 (Table 3). used later to derive the equation of heat capacity as a

Table 3. Standard formation enthalpies and standard entropies of copper selenides

Compound -Afn~298,kJ/mol [ 13] 5298, J/(mol K)

~-Cu2Se 65.86 + 0.53* 129.7 +4.2 [14, 32]; 125.5"*

I~-CUl.sSe 55.35 + 0.33
Cu3Se2 98.91 + 0.54 207.11 + 21 [14]; 228.1'*
tx-CuSe 39.54 + 0.42 79.36 + 0.06 [28]
CuSe2 43.10 + 7.1 107.5 + 10.5 [14]; 118.0"*
* Calculatedfromthe standardheat of formationof 13-Cu2Se[13] and the heat of the ~ - ~ transformationin Cu2Se [11, 18, 31].
** Standardentropiesused in constructingthe ,~298-X diagrammatchedwiththe T-x diagramof the Cu-Se system.


650 GLAZOV et al.

Table 4. Coefficients in the least square equations for the heat capacities of tx-Cu2Se and CuSe polymorphs, Cp = a + b T -
cT -2 + dT, J/(mol K)

Polymorph AT, K a b x 103 c x 10-5 d x 105

~-Cu2Se 193-325 58.6 77.4

~-CuSe 200-327 72.384 -121.2 3.951 20.99
~-CuSe 327--410 51.396 -8.699 2.565 4.966
~CuSe 410--652.7 106.473 -249.0 28.72

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