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After Sex

Be Ye therefore thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you
who belong to Christ Jesus - I Thess. 5: 18

Chukwujindu K.E (PhD.)


Marital Advisory.

“Please” and “Thank you”

Are still the simplest words ever, but few are they

who use them.

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D



To all who earnestly desire a perfect Christian home.

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D


The power of sex has remained inexplicable for ages.

Men and women alike, are constantly confounded by its

multi-faced manifestations. Some have termed it the

spiritual rite of the gods, others regard it as merely

mortal gratification.

Whatever it means for you, this book will show you

how being grateful to your partner for sex, can open

doors to inexplicable joy and a life of bliss.

The next time you lay with your partner, consider:

this, is a person who hails from a completely different

household, ethnicity, upbringing, educational

background and so on. You are blessed to have crossed

each other’s paths in this lifetime. Whether you really

think it just a coincidence or you imagine yourself just

lucky to have the other person in your life.

There are a number of reasons why you should

practice this simple but very effective love principle.

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D


It could have been someone else


It took a lot for another human being to find it

necessary, and desirable to share such lovely time

with you at that particular instance, not earlier and

not later.


It shows honesty and integrity when you tell your

partner that you are grateful for the lovely moment

shared and that you appreciate their efforts toward



It sets the ball rolling for more lovely time ahead.

Your partner who you have just shown gratitude after

sex, feels loved and resolves to make it even sweeter

the next time around. This way your love life will

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

improve tremendously over time, until you reach a

point where you are eternally satisfied.


It is a Christian way of Life, to be grateful for

whatever we receive in life. I thess.5:18


It helps you appreciate the euphemism of life, how

fleeting but so enjoyable the moments in our lives can

be. One moment you are turned on beyond measure,

the next moment you are satisfied, tired and happy.

Life is like that, you have just as much control over it

until biology kicks in, and the party comes to a sharp

but climaxing end. You feel so good but yet you have

no control to make it last forever, it ends when it

would. Saying thank you to the person with whom you

experienced such intriguing moment, is the least you

should do.

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D



How do you deal with this fact as a couple?.. Do you

see it as a challenge or is it fine with you and your

significant other?

Some women feel really excited and loved when

their Adam requests or makes advances at her

frequently, To them, it is a sign that he loves her

a lot and can’t spare a waking moment without

‘having’ her.

Some other women feel otherwise! They think that

all their man wants from her could be sex and are

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

terrified that if they oblige him all too often, they

may lose their self worth and relevance in the


Still another category of married women are

indifferent about it. They assume that since they

are lawfully married to their husband (Adam) all

they have belong to him and he has the right to

‘use ‘ her anytime anywhere and anyhow he deems


Which category do you belong to? And how do you see

it affecting your marriage?

As pointed out in the foreword to this e-book, no

two marriages have exactly the same two people

with the same combination of character in the

same place, circumstance and time. For this reason

alone, it is dangerous to generalize the solution to

marital challenges and their respective solutions. It

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

is wiser to treat each case ‘as-is’ and avoid

completely, any form of therapy that claims to

solve the sexual riddle for every marriage with one

stroke. Be advised accordingly.

Moving on, firstly, as a Christian couple, man and

woman are bound by Christian principles of love,

patience, kindness, longsuffering and supplications.

These and other biblical prescriptions must guide all

your decisions and action.

The man has a significant role to play through the

way he governs his woman. When Jehovah created

man, he brought before him all the other animals

to see which would fit the man sexually, not just

as a physical companion. Unfortunately none of the

animals fit that niche. So the lord God went

further to take a rib from the sleeping man and

made a woman for him (Gen.2:22)

When Adam awoke and beheld the newly crafted

being, he exclaimed, “now this is flesh of my flesh

and bone of my bone”..” (Gen 2:23)

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

He was astonishingly satisfied and thrilled by the

artful dexterity with which her body was made.

The many interesting ways her body differed but

still complemented his was a source of joy and

satisfaction to the man. It quenched his

frustration at the other animals. So he kept her

close, exploring her body every day, he found

company in doing so, he found joy, warmth, fun and

satisfaction at doing this over and over and never

gets bored at doing the same thing to this day.

This was the design.

He was never meant to get bored of this one

woman in his life time. She was meant to be for

him a company, a friend, his desire solver etc as

well as only co-procreator.

For this reason shall a man leave his father’s house

and be joined onto a woman and they two shall

become one for ever and ever (Gen. 2:24)

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

However, the man is responsible for his actions,

and should learn to control his natural tendencies

to explore all too often. As a married Christian

man, you should be seen to be kind, patient, and

longsuffering toward your weaker friend- your

lady, who God created from a part of you. Try to

understand how she views the matter of sexual

intimacy and always talk things over with her in


Men’s sexual libido vary. Some find no need for sex

with their spouse too often, they are able to hold

off for longer, while others see it as a daily

requirement for the smooth operation of the union.

And probably when they don’t get this satisfaction

from the home, it is rather too often reported

that they seek this gratification elsewhere. This is

not to be practiced. We shall see (later in this

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

book) how this singular act opens up your home to

the devil’s attack.

Now, getting back to our discussion, also permit me

to observe at this point that irrespective of age

differences, man and woman must be on the same

page when it comes to how they conduct their

affairs while on the matrimonial bed. Most trivial

and non trivial issues that wreck marriages are

products or offshoots of challenges that are either

directly or indirectly linked to their sexual lives

and in most cases could have been easily resolved

by love and divine patience in bed.

Having pointed that out, lets quickly get back to

the matter this section is concerned about which is

the frequency of man’s desire, and the woman’s

reaction or inaction to that.

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

As we have seen, it is a common occurrence in most

marriages and it is more or less biological, we have

also pointed out how the man should train to gain

control over it and make his desires conform to

both Christian and moral principles of relationship.

We cannot however conclude this section without

mentioning the woman’s role in this. Of course by

default, except in rare cases, the woman is on the

receiving end of this phenomenon and how she

responds to this and other ‘excesses’ from her

Adam also matter to God and to your relationship.

If you’ve married a man who has already trained

himself to control his Adamic desires, and hence

troubles you only enough, then consider yourself

lucky, and that is assuming he is not simply getting

it off elsewhere or in some other ungodly way.

(this shall be discussed further in the coming

sections). In your case, you may not fully grasp

the depth of the matter.

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

However for those women who have married the

typical ‘learning’ Adam, who is still on his journey

toward self realization and thus self control, you

have a divine role to play.

Sometimes you allow him have his way at the

moment when you see that he is charged up and

subsequently bring your plea for redress when he is

in a better mood but other times you refuse him in

that charged state and live with the foul air,

difficulties, worry , anxiety and neglect that follow

through for hours, days or even months.

Whatever you do, you must understand that only

patience, kind words, love and the spirit of God

through prayer can help you help your Adam learn

to control his beastly desires.

Sometimes he gets tempted to look beyond your

shores for more liberal, less vindictive sources of

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

gratification, but only these things when applied in

the right combination can hold him back. When he

remembers how loving you’ve been in other ways,

how kindly you spoke to him about it the last time

and how at other times you had been ‘sweet’ in

bed, he would naturally have a rethink.

Lastly, for the women who assume that by

marriage they have become their man’s official

‘sex-machine’ which should be at his disposal

anytime, anywhere and anyhow, You are wrong in

such thinking.

You are not helping a man if you allow him view you

as a machine for sex because machines are

replaced when they become faulty, used or simply

old and men are notoriously great at identifying and

replacing machines.

You instead have to pray to God to restore your

self confidence and rekindle your spirit of self

worth. Try and go out to do something for

yourself, learn a new skill, start a decent trade,

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

become a real virtuous woman who has things of

her own going on. Whose husband takes pride in,

who brings him honour at the city gates and who is

a crown upon his head (Prov. 31)

No one replaces a functional crown, only used,

faulty or old machines are traded for newer ones.

Be a Crown! His crown.

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D


Men only need space to have sex, Women need

feelings and emotions

As a man in love, when you wake in the morning

beside your spouse, it feels so wonderful, the world

feels under your feet, your woman, your biggest

treasure, you can face the world, head long,

Your Usual morning erection...check!

Your usual bedspot .... check!

Your damsel by your side .. check!

And as always you want to get a lil something

something!.. From your spouse

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

Wonder if you ever stop to realize that your lady

is a creature of feelings and emotions. She

responds more to care, concern, fairness, etc than

your body does to sex as a man.

Even though, she may have no issues at all with the

act, she expects much more from you in terms of

feelings and emotions before and after it. Some

men who had sex with their wives 5-7 days in a

week said their wives didn’t seem bothered as long

as they treated them extra-nicely.

Alas, treating a woman ‘nicely’ is a function of who

you are as a man and how you manage your own

self. Studies show that men are naturally more

logical and straightforward in processing brain data

than women are. This means most of the time the

man is engrossed with the realities of life, the

piling bills, the faulty car, the land papers etc, so

much so that he forgets to care for his woman. If

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

you are not able to control this natural tendency,

It is quite difficult to manage a woman.

A woman’s desire is consistently toward her

governor, the man (Adam) she steadily looks up to

you for life-direction, security, peace, loyalty,

support, womanhood, etc. This could be quite a lot

of responsibility if the man has yet to figure out

his own purpose.

Myles Munroe in his teachings about marital bliss

once said that the key to being happy in marriage

is to apply the principle of singleness. In other

words, getting things right with you first before

attempting to get a partner – a life partner at


It is in such enlightened state of personality, that

a man could easily see what it is his wife needs and

provide the emotional satisfaction to her, which

would naturally earn himself sexual gratification.

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

Don’t get this wrong, it is not to say that the man

alone owns, desires or enjoys this gratification,

because women also do.

An incredible testimony was documented of a

woman whose husband always allowed to reach

orgasm first, before his and how this greatly

improved her marital, career, spiritual and

academic life. She confessed that she actually

looked forward to every sexual episode with her

man and was always thrilled by his creative ways of

delivering his manly duties to her each time. She

said she couldn’t imagine how she’ld cope if ever

her husband was to travel anywhere too far away

from their home for work, for too long.

It is good for young couples to figure out who they

are sexually in the earlier years of the union as

any unresolved issues or grey areas left un-

attended to or not so well understood by both

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

persons could cause severe mid-marriage crisis,

blames, fights and even separation.

A man once opened up to his friends that he was a

divorcee of four (4) years standing. He explained

how he had married a lesbian woman without

knowing it and how she was his ‘first’. At about 33

he had never had sex, until he married her. Issues

arose when he wasn’t getting as much ’action’ as he

hoped for in bed, and she always complained that

he was too aggressive and too randy for her.

She obviously was talking from the point of view of

a ‘gay’ lady who had gotten used to the gentle

feminine touches she received from her previous

female partners. She was alarmed at the new

(Adam) with his rather heavier arms, faster pace

and probably more frequent advances.

As complicated as things got, It is believed that

with sincerity of purpose and a divinely inspired

patience for one another, the couple could have

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

resolved the tie, but unfortunately they couldn’t

and they didn’t. It led to a painful separation and

loss of jointly held assets.

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D


What is the single approved sex position for Christian

couples ? Can I experiment other positions with my

spouse? How can I tell what is decent or not?

When God created Adam, and later Eve, in the

garden (Gen 2) there was no told record of an

endorsed sex position. Hence word of some

preaching by modern clergy stipulating the

‘missionary’ position as the biblical endorsed

position meets one with wonder.

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

The bible recorded that Adam and Eve ‘knew’

themselves and brought forth offspring: one of the

fundamental objectives of Christian matrimony.

Another passage tells of a man whose brother

passed on and was entitled by jewfish tradition, to

become the husband to the late brother’s wife and

to perform the reproductive responsibility to her

but for some reason he decided to spill his semen

each time he went in unto her. (Gen 38:6-10)

Again no direct mention of a sexual position is

mentioned or even implied.

Other known mentions of legitimate sexual

intercourse between man and woman in the bible

scarcely bother on sexual position, or method They

seem to have carefully left that decision and

authority to the couple, two grown adults, capable

of making their own moral decisions about such

‘trivial’ matter.

Consider that, there are a lot other things which

the bible categorically stipulated guidelines for such

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

as the bishops who were instructed to be the

‘husband of one wife’. (1 Tim 3:2) while other

mundane issues such as driving on the left or on

the right are left open as a function of man’s

consensus on the matter with respect to time,

geographical location, culture and civilization.

Take for instance, when Alexander Graham

Bell (March 3, 1847 – August 2, 1922) patented

the first practical telephone for communication

between two persons over a distance, a number of

design decisions including the use of telephone

booths, and today’s pocket-sized cell phones were

completely up-to-man to agree on based on what

resources and knowledge were available to him at

the time.

The underlying spiritual mandate given to man was

to ‘conquer’ ‘subdue’ and ‘dominate’ the Earth and

all its riches.

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

The issue of sexual position fit for married couple

is just very similar to that. We were blessed with

sex, a bond that keeps the family and by

extension, society in order and helps ensure that

our species continue to produce its kind.

Two forces are intrinsically at play when a man

‘Knows’ his woman. First is nature trying to follow a

fundamental routine to ensure the survival of

mankind as a species; second is matrimonial

conjugal bliss taking its beautiful course. These two

forces or gifts complement each other in a silent

and unique way so much that the question of

position becomes trivial to be a bother.

Not until the Devil; that great deceiver and his

cohorts sought to perverse the very foundations of

these two principles, did mankind experience

unprecedented emphasis on sex position with the

invention of unspeakable, perverse, beastly, ungodly

and debased forms of sexual gratification. The

dirtiest and most frowned at of such inventions was

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

read of in the biblical story of Sodom and Gomorra

(Gen 19) where idol worship and homo-sexuality ate

deep into the society.

This displeased Jehovah God so much so that he

took a seemingly drastic but well thought-out

measure to end the physical existence of the

depraved souls who had taken to such practices.

Since then, man has continued to enjoy his God-

given right as he deemed fit. Today the principle

of ‘grace’ and ‘liberty’ in the presence of God only

go to reinforce the freedom man has over the


When a man (Adam) ‘finds’ (proverbs 18:22) his

wife (Eve) and they both agree to become one, all

personal boundaries are dropped in preference for

a common good which extends to sexual preferences

like sexual position; the only other principles which

hold authority and must be considered in the

bedroom of this two are those of morality,

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

cleanliness, appropriate behaviour, self respect and


It is not the objective of this volume to identify or

expand more on any sexual position(s), rather,

couples are encouraged to seek the face of God

with their spouse in sincerity of purpose and

openness of heart and follow the leading of the

Holy Spirit in the bedroom.

It is quite useless to fight or quarrel over sexual


Remember again, that what position worked for

couple A may or may not work for couple B, so

don’t even try to get help by talking to your

friends, your pastor or your bishop. Chances are

that even they are still asking God for their own

direction on the matter. Hence couples having

prayed and opened their heart to the leading of

the Holy Spirit should allow themselves and their

cravings to take a natural course. There should be

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

no forceful persuasions of any kind, only

permissiveness and patience, with love and an open


Permit the reiteration of this established fact,

that gratitude for any sexual position you and your

partner have come to agree on, should be practiced

on a frequent basis. When you complement your

spouse for his/her loving co-operation in bed, they

know for sure that you are happy with their sexual

participation in the union and thus they become

more and more open to explore newer creative ways

of satisfying you.

However if you fail or neglect this simple words;

‘thank – you honey’

You make it seem to your ‘other-half’ as if it were

a duty, or responsibility for which they need not

be appreciated. This breeds contention, anger,

dissatisfaction and animosity which rather

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

depreciate the sexual bliss that accompanies a

Christian marriage.

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D


Did Jehova intend for man to have a meterage on

sexual bliss? How can we tell when we are going too

hard ? Is it right to draw up a time table for sex?

Jehova God is a master planner, The bible records

that he made all things ‘perfect’ and that

‘everything’ the lord made is ‘good’.(Eccl. 3:11) It

goes further to say that we were ‘fearfully’ and

‘wonderfully’ made. (Ps. 139:14) It also says that

the Earth is the lord’s and the fullness thereof (Ps

24: 1-3)

Our master is hardly a God of mistakes, or


Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

No wonder, He has not placed any limits on any of

the good things he gave us. Freely we received.

He, however expects a degree of caution on

everything. When we eat, we are to eat only our

full. When we play we are to play only enough.

When we make love, we are to do it with only our

spouse and as much as it works for you both.

The fact that there is no physical counter on our

foreheads that tells at a glance how many people

we have been with or how many times we have been

with them, either weekly, monthly or yearly does

not imply that we are to be reckless with sex. Sex

is meant to be enjoyed by the two people within

the confines of a legal marriage and for

replenishing of one’s spirit.

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

The issue of metering lies in our conscience and

should be organic. The fact is; you can’t have sex

with every single lady or man, even if it was right.

Your body is designed to take just the right dose

of everything and to react negatively if for any

reason the individual exceeds that limit. You can’t

eat all the food in the world, even if you had

them. You can’t play all the time, neither can you

work all the time. You can’t grow indefinitely;

neither can you remain a child indefinitely. Nature

has a smooth course it’s running and we all work in

line with it for maximum efficiency.

The degree of maturity of one’s mind and body,

influences their desire for sex. When you were a

teenager, you were so excited about intercourse,

you almost gave up everything for it. Now you are

grown and married, you know better. It is wiser to

have a simple honest discussion with your spouse,

letting each other understand how you both feel

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

about the frequency of sex and reaching a simple

verbal or non-verbal understanding that allows you

both to be yourself, under God’s love.

Married couples do not need to draw up a ‘time-

table’ for sex, and frequency of sex should not

cause issues between the married.

The benefits of mutual understanding on the

subject far out-weigh any temporary victory one

may gain from fights and quarrels.

No one should have to pretend to his/her spouse

about his/her true sexual feelings. If you feel like

going ten (10) times in a day, share this feeling

with your partner, If you have married the right

’other-half’ you two will find a way around it.

On the other hand, If you feel like having sex only

once a year, also share this feeling with your

partner, If you have married the right ’other-half’

you two will find a way around it.

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

Married couples do not need to draw up a ‘time-

table’ for sex. Somehow, in there, it takes a

natural course and aids nature (God) in actualizing

laid down goals.

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D


How can I stop cheating on my spouse? Is it possible

to have a fight-free home?

Men feel rejected, sad, disrespected, and all of

such sorts of feelings when their woman continually

turns down their sexual advances. As a Christian

married man when your woman shows signs of

restraints towards your sexual advances, the way

to go is not outside. Because outside there are

‘wolves’ waiting to devour you and your beautiful

marriage. You can never get a lasting sooth out


A man naturally wants to feel in control, He

continually needs to know that he can have his

woman’s body anytime he wishes. This caresses his

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

ego, makes him feel respected, and this is very

important to him.

Women on the other hand need to know that their

Man loves them beyond her adorable body. The

woman is willing to devote her entire personality

(including her body) to the progress of her family,

providing she is made aware continually of how

much this is appreciated by action and with words.

When this appreciation is not made clear, beyond

doubt, she may put up restraints on several fronts

(especially to sexual advances)

When she does so, she expects her Man to see

beyond that, and understand what she is really in

need of and to provide it.

Unfortunately many men misinterpret this sign, and

things go sour. Some take to seeking same

recognition outside the home, others try to force

or scold their lady into it, while a few just become

indolent and turn to other forms of vindictive

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

reaction to reinforce their authority and position as

the ‘Man-Of-the-House’

Worthy of note also are the small but important

percentage of women who also suffer some form of

sexual neglect or rejection from their spouse.

Sometimes a woman just needs her man to hold,

touch, kiss, cuddle and make her feel good down

there, but the man may be too busy with work to

be there or even see this.

Such women begin to feel sexual or romantic

dissatisfaction in their marriages and tend to turn

toward other inward but terribly destructive ways

of getting back at their partners. Some choose to

get this satisfaction from younger male friends

outside the home, others just become fixated on

their job or turn to vindictive religion.

Whatever the case, cheating on your spouse is not

the best solution.

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

The best way to have a rethink if you have fallen

into this temptation is to put yourself in the other

person’s position. Consider how you would feel if

you realised that your significant other had an

affair. Then imagine how terrible it would be if

your spouse were to be told or to see what you

were doing. Your own conscience through the spirit

of God will help you make wiser decisions in that


Furthermore, It is possible to always have a

peaceful home, by laying down biblical principles as

the governing principle for your home, early in the

marriage. Remember, problems come up

everywhere, even in the church, what matters is

how it is resolved and when.

No third party should have a final say in a matter

between a Man and his wife. No matter what has

happened, No matter how it happened, No matter

who is at fault, No matter what you stand to lose

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

if you concede defeat to the other party, No

matter who will think you weak or defeated, No

matter how long it has been, No matter how wrong

the other person was, No matter how wounded you

feel, No matter What!...Try to resolve it within

the bedroom and at the feet of Christ.

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D


“May the grace and mercy of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ,

continually be with you who have read this short e-book, May all

the joy and happiness, you have envisioned for your marriage, come

forth and may your homes become a positive reference point

everywhere you go”.

Shalom !

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

About The Author

Chukwujindu K.E, is a registered

member of the Nigerian Institute
Of Architects, a writer and a
Business minded professional. He
holds a Doctorate degree in
Sustainable Architecture and
has worked in several
capacities privately and in
collaboration with senior
Associates to deliver several
landmark projects within Nigeria and beyond.
He has been described by close allies as a serial
Entrepreneur, and a relentless optimist who believes that
everything and everyone has a positive use. His teachings
spread across many fields including marriage, business,
spirituality and work. He is currently a senior partner at
Geometrix Consultants where he is helping shape Nigeria’s
housing sector.
Email :
Tel : +234(0)81-416-811-89

About The Book

Say Thank-You After Sex is a short e-book that prescribes
biblical Christian principles for sexual conduct within holy
matrimony. It frantically debases popular opinion on sex
and sexual positions using simple every-day language to
demystify the phenomenon. Readers will learn to enjoy
conjugal bliss from an entirely new perspective.

Say Thank-you After Sex – Chukwujindu K.E Ph.D

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